School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Requirements
2018-2019 Yonkers Public Schools
School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Requirements
For the 2018-19 school year the SCEP must:
• include goals which need to be carried over from your 2017-18 school year SCEP which were incomplete.
• explicitly delineate the school’s plan for annually increasing student performance through comprehensive instructional programs and services as well as the plan for enhancement of teacher and leader effectiveness.
• focus on any accountability subgroup(s) that did not make progress per the most recent NYSED school report card.
• Be completed by September 22, 2018 and implementation must begin by October 1, 2018.
• be developed in consultation with parents, school staff and others in accordance with the requirements of Shared-Decision Making (CR 100.11) to provide a meaningful opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the development of the plan and comment on the SCEP before it is approved. The plan must be approved by the Superintendent and the respective District Assistant Superintendent.
A. Identify the Statement of Practice
B. Goals must be written as specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. Each goal should be numbered 1,2,3…
C. List the detailed activities that will be implemented to achieve each goal. Activities should be numbered to match the number
of the goal to which they correspond
D. List the projected timeline for completion of each activity, including the start and end date of each activity.
E. Complete the 2018-19 SCEP activities sheet.
School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP)
|SCHOOL NAME |Lincoln High School |PRINCIPAL’s NAME |Ian M. Sherman |
|PHONE |(914) 376-8400 |E-MAIL |ISHERMAN1@ |
Implementation is required no later than the first day of regular student attendance.
|Deputy/Assistant SUPERINTENDENT or District | | | |
|Administrator | | |___/___/___ |
By signing below stakeholders acknowledge that they have actively participated in the development and revision of the SCEP. Signature of this acknowledgment does not constitute endorsement of the plan or each of its components.
Instructions: List of stakeholders who participated in developing the SCEP as required by Commissioner’s Regulations §100.18. Provide dates, locations, agendas and supporting documentation of Local Stakeholder meetings. Add lines if needed.
|Name |Title |Signature |
|Ian M. Sherman |Principal | |
|Sandy Hattar |Assistant Principal | |
|Teresa Smith |SLC Coordinator | |
|Lori Blaney |Title 1 | |
|Carma Cacase |PTSA Rep | |
|Noreen Pereira |CSEA Rep | |
|Megan Huron |YFT Rep | |
|Meeting Date(s) |Location(s) |Agenda attached? |Supporting documents included? |
|Once per marking period: Sept |Lincoln HS Conference room | | |
|17, | |Yes No |Yes No |
|Nov. 19, Feb. 4, | | | |
|Apr. 8 | | | |
| | | | |
| | |Yes No |Yes No |
SCEP Overview
In this section, the school must describe the development of the plan, the degree to which the 2017-18 school year SCEP was successfully implemented, overall improvement mission or guiding principles at the core of the SCEP, strategy for executing the mission/guiding principles, the key design elements of the SCEP, and other unique characteristics of the plan (if any), and provide evidence of the school’s capacity to effectively oversee and manage the improvement plan.
The Overview will serve as the at-a-glance summary of how the school will use various resources to improve student achievement.
A complete overview will address the following:
Reflecting upon the 2017-18 plan:
• What were the strengths of the plan? What were the weaknesses?
• Were you able to accomplish all of the goals detailed in the plan? If not, what were some of the barriers?
• Did the identified activities receive the funding necessary to achieve the corresponding goals?
In developing the 2018-19 plan:
• How was the plan developed?
• How will the plan be made widely available to the public?
• What are the identified needs of the school?
• What are the guiding principles that are connected to the identified needs of the school?
• What is the strategy and overall timeline for accomplishing the guiding principles? Are there any anticipated barriers?
• What are the 18-19 student academic achievement targets for the identified sub-groups?
• How will professional development for school staff be selected and delivered? What data will be used to determine professional development?
• How will the school leaders communicate with school staff and the community?
Tenet 1 – (LEAVE BLANK)
to be completed by district in district comprehensive improvement plan
|A. |1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Tenet 1 as a whole NA |
| |
|B. Goal(s): They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation. |
| |
|C. Activity (ies): Must detail the actions that will take place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). |D. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each activity which is to include a |
|Number the activities to match the number of the goal to which they correspond. |start and end date. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Tenet 2
School leader practices and decisions
|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Tenet 2 as a whole Self-Assessment HEDI rating: _____ |
|B. Goal(s): They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant. |
| |
|Sustain and maintain the Professional Learning Community (PLC) wherein active professional development, collaborative teaming, and sustainable leadership are evident |
| |
|2. Maintain rigorous, relevant Professional Development to sustain instruction which is differentiated and data-driven |
| |
|3. Continue to create systems of ownership of school for students and faculty |
| | |
|C. Activity (ies): Must detail the actions that will take place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). |D. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each activity which is to include a|
|Number the activities to match the number of the goal to which they correspond. |start and end date. |
|1. a. Maintain common planning time for all academic departments | |
|b. Enhance the opportunities for professional development | |
|c. Retain the support for developing goals and expectations for each | |
|academic team | |
|d. Preserve protocol implemented for effective use of common planning |Implemented in Sept., 2014/ Revised Jan., 2016 |
|time |Continued for Academic year 2018-19 |
|2. a. Differentiated learning |On-going |
|b. Self-directed learning | |
|c. Continue to utilize data team to analyze all student data | |
|d. Conduct targeted Professional Development focused on best practices | |
|(workshops, discussions, dissemination of best practices) | |
| a. Maintain the school calendar of events |On-going |
|b. Preserve directed common planning time | |
|c. Continue to align course descriptions with CCLS | |
|d. Continue to create flow chart of activities, expectations, and | |
|assessments for all departments | |
|e. Effectively utilize the Shared Decision Making team | |
|f. Effectively utilize the Professional Development team | |
Tenet 3curriculum development and support
|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Tenet 3 as a whole Self-assessment HEDI rating: ____ |
|B. Goal(s): They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation. |
| |
|1. Sustain collaborative teaming activities to develop and discuss course descriptions |
| |
|2. Implement interdisciplinary strategies aligned to CCLS |
|3.Develop data-driven initiatives to include language acquisition, self-directed learning, differentiated instruction |
|C. Activity (ies): Must detail the actions that will take place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). |D. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each activity which is to include a|
|Number the activities to match the number of the goal to which they correspond. |start and end date. |
|a. To continue to align curriculum with the CCLS |Monthly department meetings |
|b. Continue implementing strategies learned through the |Weekly common planning time |
|Replication Grant (LHSRG) | |
|c. Continue to share the SLC model initiatives in collaborative | |
|teaming | |
|d. Utilize department created workbooks in order to help in achieving academic success on state assessments | |
|e. Continue to implement the GEAR Up grant that began in September of 2016 with the 2016 cohort. | |
|e. Implement the Perkins grant through the Academy of Finance. | |
|a. Utilize common planning time to continue to develop and share interdisciplinary lessons which reflect |Lessons – Each marking period ending in (October, January, March) |
|higher expectations, challenge, and rigor for all students |21st century skills – on going |
|b. Continue to use and expand technology use to implement and embed 21st century skills. | |
|a. Continue to implement Reading and Writing across the content |On-going – September, October, November, January, March, April |
|areas (text structure, graphic literacy, SIOP, the writing process, | |
|CCLS text comprehension, independent learning, research | |
|process) | |
|b. Continue to develop Personal Learning Plans (PLP) to foster | |
|student participation in their own learning | |
|c. Continue to incorporate the academies through Common Core, | |
|CTE, and Regents-based curriculum alignment | |
Tenet 4
teacher practices and decisions
|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Tenet 4 as a whole Self-assessment HEDI rating: ___ |
|B. Goal(s): They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation. |
| |
|1. Continue to create data-driven initiatives to improve instruction |
| |
|2. Continue to align and implement course syllabi with CCLS |
|3.Share best practices through collaborative teaming conversations |
|C. Activity (ies): Must detail the actions that will take place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). |D. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each activity which is to include |
|Number the activities to match the number of the goal to which they correspond. |a start and end date. |
|a. Reinforce and improve data-driven initiatives based on literacy |On-going (September – June) |
|needs of all students (various assessments including MAPS, | |
|Quarterly exams) | |
|b. Continue sharing best practices among the staff through Professional | |
|Development opportunities | |
|c. Use common planning time outcomes to improve classroom | |
|instruction | |
| a. Use departmental data to discuss CCLS best practices |On-going (September – June) |
|b. Develop and use CCLS curriculum maps in daily lessons | |
| a. Continue to develop and improve interdisciplinary lessons |On-going |
|b. Implementing and sharing practices to ensure student-centered | |
|environment practices in all classrooms | |
|c. Continue to use data to initiate curricular decisions to foster | |
|differentiated learning. | |
Tenet 5
student social emotional development
|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Tenet 5 as a whole Self-assessment HEDI rating: __ |
|B. Goal(s): They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation. |
| |
|Continuous analysis of data to determine needs of all students (attendance, grades, credit accumulation) |
| |
|Maintain and continue to improve the SLC design to address the social emotional needs of students (IEP requirements, grade report, attendance) |
| |
|Continue to develop meaningful (data-driven) student groups (clubs) |
| |
|Revisit and improve current protocol for crisis intervention |
|C. Activity (ies): Must detail the actions that will take place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). |D. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each activity which is to |
|Number the activities to match the number of the goal to which they correspond. |include a start and end date. |
|a. Implement SIOP model initiatives |On-going |
|b. implement data-driven collaborative activities (assemblies, | |
|exam prep, grade-level assemblies, interest groups | |
|[bereavement, gender-equity, family support]) | |
|c. develop and implement study skills and test taking strategies | |
|d. increase building-wide use of data centers in all classrooms | |
|a. offer on-going grade-level assemblies to address student |On-going |
|behavior, graduation expectations, achievement and | |
|accomplishments, the college process | |
|a. develop clear (systems) outlines for crisis intervention |September, November, February, April |
|b. meet once a semester to reflect on school tone and discuss on- | |
|going intervention strategies | |
Tenet 6
family and community Involvement and engagement
|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Tenet 6 as a whole Self-assessment HEDI rating: ____ |
|B. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to |
|the recommendation. |
| |
|1. Promote parent involvement to ensure student success |
| |
|Promote community based organization (CBO) involvement |
| |
|Develop systems of engagement of parents and CBO’s in the academic progress and social-emotional growth of all students |
|C. Activity (ies): Must detail the actions that will take place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). |D. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each activity which is to |
|Number the activities to match the number of the goal to which they correspond. |include a start and end date. |
|a. parent workshops at PTSA and Parent Night; including |On-going |
|curriculum night | |
|b. continue family activities such as: | |
|[congratulatory phone calls, coffee with principal, student-led | |
|conferences, tassel ceremony, international night, individual | |
|meeting with SLC, LHS $ bonus, family day, meeting with | |
|Assistant Principals] | |
|c. Parent group meetings by grade levels | |
|d. Engage parents in school activities (trips, fund-raisers, fairs) | |
|e. Continue to participate in city-wide initiatives (clean-up day, | |
|parades, college fairs) | |
|f. Develop a parent center as stipulated in the Gear Up grant | |
|g. Incorporate the parent advocate to the development of systems | |
|for parent engagement | |
|a. Targeted career day |November, April |
|b. career workshops for academy members | |
|c. academies celebrations and activities | |
|a. Engage CBO’s in activities involving (fundraisers, honor |On-going |
|assemblies, career day, workshops for parents and students) | |
|b. Create collaborative opportunities among LHS and CBO’s | |
|(internships, shadowing, fundraisers, visitations) | |
In this section, all schools must provide evidence of the implementation of an Expanded Learning Time (ELT) program.
Program Narrative
Address the following:
• How is your school meeting the requirement that the ELT integrate enrichment opportunities, academics, and skill development, including hands-on learning activities and activities directed at improving students' social and emotional growth? What is the range of activities that capture student interest and strengthen student engagement in learning?
• How are the unique learning needs and interests of all types of students addressed?
• Briefly describe the components of the program that are designed to improve student academic, social, and emotional outcomes, including opportunities for enrichment programs.
• What is the target population to be served by the program?
• Are you providing the additional hours solely with school district employees or are you partnering with one or more community-based organizations?
ELT Work Plan
Complete the chart below for each Extended Learning Time Program.
A. Program Name
B. Program goals must be set to be results-based and time-bound.
C. Activities must be clearly written and should convey the actions that will be taken for successful implementation of the ELT program.
D. Identify the cost associated with each ELT program.
E. Identify the high-quality community partners and their scope of involvement in the ELT program.
F. Identify subgroups targeted for the program.
G. Identify data used to design program and to identify targeted student subgroups.
H. Identify school lead for the program.
|Program Name |Program Goals |Activities |Cost (Estimated) |
|Lincoln Academy |1. To provide students with opportunity to |Courses in Science, Math, English, Social Studies | |
| |recover credits | | |
| |2. To prepare students who failed state exams to | | |
| |achieve at higher levels. | | |
|Saturday School |1. To prepare students to take state assessments |Classes prepare students in: test-taking skills, item | |
| |2. To provide students with skills to prepare for|analysis, the writing process, DBQ, reading and | |
| |state assessments. |analyzing graphs | |
|Dual Literacy Program |1. To provide ELL students with the language |Classes focus on language acquisition strategies which| |
| |skills necessary to perform well in all academic |focus on: cross-curricular approach, language | |
| |classes |objectives, studying skills, note-taking, vocabulary | |
| |2. To provide ELL students with skills to achieve|enrichment, collaborative teaming strategies. | |
| |at state assessments | | |
| |3. To strengthen the native language in order to | | |
| |improve second language acquisition. | | |
|Targeted Instruction |1. To prepare students for state assessments |Sessions focus on reviewing and learning new skills. | |
| |2. To provide students with study skills | | |
| |3. To provide students with extended practices | | |
| |that will lead them to achieve at state | | |
| |assessments. | | |
|Community Partnerships |Target Populations |Data Source |School Contact Person |
|All Family Chiropractic | | | |
|Key Private Bank |Academy of Finance students |Student enrollment in Academy of Finance |Joan Martselos, Academy Director |
|Marra Law | | | |
|Microsoft | |Student participation in programs sponsored by | |
|NFTE | |Community Partners which include: internships, job | |
|State Farm | |shadowing, mentoring, seminars, workshops, lectures, | |
|Trustco Bank | |courses, products development, showcase. | |
|Yonkers Chamber of Commerce | | | |
|Westchester Community College | | | |
|Mercy College School of Business | | | |
| | |Student enrollment in Arts Industry Academy | |
|Sound Associates |Arts Industry Academy students | |TBD, Academy Director |
|Costume Place | |Student participation in productions which include, | |
| | |shows, stage-crafting, displays | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Pace University | | | |
|Lehman College |Academy of Scientific Inquiry students |Student enrollment in Academy of Scientific Inquiry |Dr. Dean Saghafi, Academy Director |
|Sophie Davis | | | |
|Albert Einstein Medical School | |Student participation in programs sponsored by | |
|Harlem Children's Society | |Community Partners which include: internships, job | |
|Rockefeller University | |shadowing, lab assistantships, mentoring, seminars, | |
|MIRTHE Program | |workshops, lectures, courses, and research projects. | |
|Young Women in Science Program | | | |
|Hunter College | | | |
|City College | | | |
|Sarah Lawrence College | | | |
|Yeshiva University | | | |
|Bronx Community College | | | |
|Regeneron Corporation | | | |
|Young Science Achievers Program | | | |
|Princeton University | | | |
|YPIE | |All students receive services offered by the guidance | |
|Association of Hispanic |Guidance (all students) |department for academic, personal, and social issues |Guidance Department |
|Professionals | | |(J. Barrientos, Z. Charitos, D. Santana, J. |
|The Guidance Center of | | |Rodriguez-DiFucci) |
|Westchester | | | |
|WestHab | | | |
|Planned Parenthood | | | |
|Summer Collegiate Academy | | | |
|Westchester Community College | | | |
|The Renfrew Center | | | |
|My Sister’s Place | | | |
|Monroe College | | | |
|College of Westchester | | | |
|Hip Hop 4 Life | | | |
|Hip Hop 4 Life will conduct activities focused on |Gear Up cohort – 11th grade |Students participation in programs sponsored by Gear |Gear Up liaison: |
|the non-cognitive skills that will build student’s| |Up partner with focus on developing social and |Helena Osinloye |
|capacity to combat the challenges associated with | |personal skills | |
|student achievement, cultivate postsecondary | | | |
|aspirations, and provide them with life skills | | | |
|that will prepare them for their transition into | | | |
|adulthood (group mentoring). | | | |
|Manhattan College | |Students participation in programs sponsored by Gear | |
|Manhattan College will provide counseling services|Gear Up cohort – 11th grade |Up partner with focus on developing social and |Gear Up liaison: |
|via eligible undergraduate teacher education | |personal skills |Helena Osinloye |
|students and graduate counseling students to work | | | |
|with certified guidance counselor/YPIE staff to | | | |
|support in providing mental health, academic, | | | |
|financial aid, career counseling, tutoring and | | | |
|homework assistance. | | | |
|Education Consortium | | | |
|Education Consortium will provide professional |Gear Up cohort – 11th grade |Students participation in programs sponsored by Gear |Gear Up liaison: |
|development for language development. | |Up partner with focus on developing social and |Helena Osinloye |
| | |personal skills | |
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