LCME Medical Students Committee - New York University

LCME Medical Students Committee

March 9, 2006


Presiding: J. Jones, M. Rey

Present: J. Beitler, H. Campbell, V. Catanese, L. Capan, M. Doran, V. Keane, N. Genieser, C. Hirsch, D. Keegan, M. Kursmark, A. Lee, E. Martinez, J. McGrath, M. Rosenfeld, G. Rosner, R. Ulane

Absent: K. Campbell, J. Fahimi, F. Folgar, M. Gemeda, L. Goldfrank, M. Ho, H. Koplewicz, J. Oppedisano, A. Spektor

Charge 1A:

▪ G. Rosner reported that the NYUSoM admission processes seem to run very smoothly and are handled very well.

▪ The switch to AMCAS appears to be successful even with the huge increase in applications. One out of every five applicants to medical school applied to NYUSoM. The Committee asked that a brief analysis of AMCAS and pre-AMCAS practices is added to the Standard Bearer Report.

▪ The extremely low dismissal/withdrawal rate is an indication that the selection process is working and the applicants who are the best qualified/able are those who are admitted.

▪ J. Jones reported that several students are concerned that if there is a cutoff for GPA/MCAT scores that some students who are outstanding but have very different backgrounds will be excluded; N. Genieser explained that there is no official cutoff and the use of AMCAS has not changed the selection criteria. They do begin interviewing the students the top scores first, but will, and do, interview others with lower scores.

▪ N. Genieser announced that students are welcome to join the Admissions Committee. If they are interested they should contact N. Genieser or J. McGrath.


▪ V. Catanese explained that it is not the role of the Medical Students Committee to determine the list of specific courses that are required to gain entrance to NYUSoM. New York state specifies which courses are required for medical school admission.

▪ The Committee agreed that the Final Committee Report will include a recommendation that the School will work with the State to review and revise course requirements if needed. Any changes to this information will be published for prospective students to see.


▪ NYU Washington Square has the standards regarding handicapped applicants, but this information is not published anywhere that is readily available to prospective and current medical students. In addition, the AAMC has published recommendations on this topic.

▪ A recommendation that information pertaining to handicapped students is published in medical school materials will be added to final Committee Report.


▪ The Committee recommends that information on the selection process be added to the NYUSoM catalogue.

Charge B5:

▪ Analysis of the data gathered regarding MCATS, undergraduate schools or degrees indicates that there is no clear pattern of who is experiencing academic difficulty.

Student Questionnaire:

▪ There was a 95% response from NYUSoM medical students. There were some technological problems, but most surveys were completed.

▪ 45 students will be working in pairs to analyze the data. The initial statistical data should be completed within a week.

▪ 650 pages of single-spaced comments were received which will take longer to categorize and compile.

▪ A major concern is to ensure that all data remains anonymous; where appropriate, comments will be sent to departments.

Next Steps:

• Charge C11 and Standard Bearer Report updates will be presented at next meeting.

Minutes prepared by V. Keane and H. Campbell, March 13, 2006


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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