Organic Chemistry | Topic Notes

Organic Chemistry | Topic Notes

? Organic chemistry is the study of compounds of carbon. ? A functional group is an atom or group of atoms which is responsible for the

characteristic properties of a series of organic compounds.

Organic Chemistry Table

Homologous Series Functional Group

Structure of Group

Name Example


Single bond



Alkene Alkyne

Double bond Triple bond

!Unexpected End of Formula

Propene Propyne


H's replaced by Cl's

- Cl


Alcohol Aldehyde

Ketone Carboxylic Acid


Hydroxyl Carbonyl (end) Carbonyl (middle)

Carboxyl Bridging oxygen

- OH - C=O(H)

- C=O - C=OOH


Propanol Propanal Propanone Propanoic Acid Methyl ethanoate

Organic Chemistry | Topic Notes


Hydrocarbons: Compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen only.

Saturated: Contain only single bonds.

Homologous Series: A series of compounds of uniform chemical type, showing graduation in physical properties with a general formula for it's members. They have a similar method of preparation.

Prefix Meth Eth Prop But Pent Hex Hept Oct Non Dec -

No. of Carbons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mike Eats Pringles But Prefers Hula Hoops On Nasty Days.


Tetrahedral Carbon Compounds

Alkanes are tetrahedral carbon compounds. These are a homologous series, most of these alkanes are fairly un reactive and are found naturally occuring. For example Methane can be made in a biomass degenerator, i.e. letting manure decay under anaerobic conditions. Methane however forms an explosive mixture with air.

A hydrocarbon is a compound that contains hydrogen and carbon only. Many hydrocarbons again, are naturally occuring and have been formed in the earth over millions of years, e.g. crude oil, coal etc...

A homologous series is a series of compounds of uniform chemical type. ? Showing gradations in physical properties ? Having a general formula for all of its members ? Each member differs from the previous member by a CH2 unit.

Tetrahedral bond angles = 109 degrees

There are 3 types of tetrahedral carbon compounds on our course: ? Alkanes ? Alcohols

Organic Chemistry | Topic Notes


? Chloroalkanes 4


- Shape: tetrahedral - never planar. - Bonds: All single bonds - saturated. - General Formula: CNH2N+2 - Ending: -ane (eg: propane)

CH4 - Methane

C2H6 - Ethane

H | H -- C -- H | H

H H | | H -- C -- C -- H | | H H

C3H8 - Propane

H H H | | | H -- C -- C -- C -- H | | | H H H

? Carbon Carbon single bonds. C---C functional group

? They are saturated. This means that they undergo substitution reactions. This will be

described later (free radical substitution and saponification).

? Meth - ane

? Eth - ane

? Prop - ane

? But - ane

? Pentane - ane

? Hex - ane

? Hept - ane

Organic Chemistry | Topic Notes



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