Teaching staff - Middlesex University

[Insert name/ logo of partner institution]3724275-214630[Insert name of FRANCHISED programme]Programme Handbook2014-15Franchised by Middlesex University, London UKStudent Name: Programme Leader: NameInstitutional Link Tutor: NameMiddlesex Link Tutor: NameIMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE PROGRAMME HANDBOOK:All violet text is for author guidance only and must be replaced or deleted before distribution to rmation in alternative formatsThis handbook can be found online at: [insert link]If you have a disability whichmakes navigating our websitedifficult and you would like to receive information in an alternative format, please contact [name and contact details].We can supply sections from thispublication as:a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stickprinted copy with enlarged typeprinted copy on non-white paperOther formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability.Purpose and status of your student programme handbookThe purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information about your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying with Middlesex University some of which is available on UniHub. The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production however you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner.Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing (an email will suffice) with the name of the handbook to Jenny O’Reily (j.o’reilly@mdx.ac.uk) or Ali Bin Mazhar (m.mazhar@mdx.ac.uk).The University Regulations As a student of Middlesex University you agree to abide by the University Regulations when you enrol and therefore you should read this handbook in conjunction with the Regulations which are available online at; mdx.ac.uk/regulations. Some of the key regulations have been repeated on the Your Study pages on UniHub TOC \h \z \t "RC heading 2,1,Heading 1 PH,1,Heading 2 PH,2" INTRODUCTION TO [INSTITUTION NAME] PAGEREF _Toc382906370 \h 1INTRODUCTION TO MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY PAGEREF _Toc382906371 \h 2WELCOME TO [SCHOOL NAME] PAGEREF _Toc382906372 \h 3Welcome from the Dean PAGEREF _Toc382906373 \h 3Welcome from the Link Tutors PAGEREF _Toc382906374 \h 3Programme Leader’s Welcome PAGEREF _Toc382906375 \h 3CONTACTS AND COMMUNICATION PAGEREF _Toc382906376 \h 4Communicating with you PAGEREF _Toc382906377 \h 4Programme staff list and contact details PAGEREF _Toc382906378 \h 4Student website – UniHub PAGEREF _Toc382906379 \h 4Email PAGEREF _Toc382906380 \h 5Your contact and personal details PAGEREF _Toc382906381 \h 5YOUR PROGRAMME PAGEREF _Toc382906382 \h 7Programme Structure Diagram PAGEREF _Toc382906383 \h 7Your first year modules PAGEREF _Toc382906384 \h 7Your timetable PAGEREF _Toc382906385 \h 7Your first year assessment PAGEREF _Toc382906386 \h 7Your learning resources PAGEREF _Toc382906387 \h 8Attendance PAGEREF _Toc382906388 \h 8Programme planning PAGEREF _Toc382906389 \h 9Professional, statutory and/or regulatory body requirements PAGEREF _Toc382906390 \h 9Fitness for practice/ Professional capabilities PAGEREF _Toc382906391 \h 9Health and Safety requirements PAGEREF _Toc382906392 \h 10How to help enhance your programme PAGEREF _Toc382906393 \h 10Employability PAGEREF _Toc382906394 \h 11Transferring to study at Middlesex University PAGEREF _Toc382906395 \h 12LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT PAGEREF _Toc382906396 \h 13Learning and teaching methods PAGEREF _Toc382906397 \h 13Assessment methods PAGEREF _Toc382906398 \h 13Submission, receipt, marking and return of assessment PAGEREF _Toc382906399 \h 14Assessment Feedback PAGEREF _Toc382906400 \h 15Progressing on your programme PAGEREF _Toc382906401 \h 16Academic misconduct PAGEREF _Toc382906402 \h 18Appeals PAGEREF _Toc382906403 \h 19SUPPORT PAGEREF _Toc382906404 \h 20Academic support PAGEREF _Toc382906405 \h 20Support services at [institution name] PAGEREF _Toc382906406 \h 20Student office PAGEREF _Toc382906407 \h 20Students’ Union Membership PAGEREF _Toc382906408 \h 20Middlesex University and [institution name] Academic Calendar PAGEREF _Toc382906409 \h 21Programme Specification and Curriculum Map for [Programme NAME] PAGEREF _Toc382906410 \h 22Module Narratives PAGEREF _Toc382906411 \h 26Remember to update this contents table when you have completed the handbook (right click on the table, click ‘Update Field’ then ‘Update entire table’INTRODUCTION TO [INSTITUTION NAME]If students are already given a handbook about the institution where this information can be found then this section may be omitted.This will be individual to each institution, but suggested points to include are:Background information about the institution – for example: history, culture/ethosrecent developmentsfuture plans mission statementThe institution’s key policies and procedures – the importance of these and where to find them Importance of students feeding back about the institution and their programme and the institution’s commitment to responding to such feedback. General statement on who to go to for advice or help.INTRODUCTION TO MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITYAlthough you will enrol at and attend [institution name] the [programme name] is a Middlesex University programme and therefore you are a student of both. Within Middlesex University the programme is part of the [school name]. Being a Middlesex student means, in brief, the following: If you successfully complete the programme you will receive the Middlesex qualification of [qualification title]You may attend the appropriate Middlesex graduation ceremony. [programme name] abides by Middlesex University Regulations which are available online at; assessment is set by Middlesex; all exams are marked by staff at the University but the coursework is marked by staff at [institution name]You have access to the student portal 'myUniHub'.You do not receive a Middlesex ID card [if applicable this should be amended to indicate that students get an ID card which mentions Middlesex] You are not a member of the Middlesex University Students’ Union (please see page [insert page number] for more information about student union membership)You may use the Middlesex Library [UK ONLY – DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE] This list is not exhaustive and therefore please contact [appropriate contact] if you have any questions about your entitlements as a Middlesex student.The following are also important documents which relate to the academic relationship between [institution name] and Middlesex University: The Memorandum of Co-operation. This is the formal agreement between Middlesex University and [institution name] on the delivery of the Programme. The Memorandum, among other things, sets out the responsibilities of both [institution name] and Middlesex University. In brief these include: Insert an outline of the responsibilities of each partner as per the MoC. This does not need to be a full list, just points of relevance to students (e.g. access to facilities at Middlesex, link tutor attendance at Boards of study, arrangements for appeals and complaints etc). If you wish to view this document then please contact [name and contact details]Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) UK Quality Code.The QAA is an independent agency appointed by the UK Government to be responsible for upholding the academic quality and standards of all universities and colleges in the UK. The QAA produce the UK Quality Code which outlines the key expectations placed on all UK Higher Education providers. In particular there is a specific chapter on how institutions should manage partnership arrangements, such as the programme you are now enrolled on. This section is chapter B10 ‘Managing higher education provision with others’.The QAA also review higher education providers (including Middlesex) to ensure that it is operating in line with the Quality Code and providing the best academic experience for its students.You can also learn more about Quality Assurance from watching two short videos designed specifically for students in Higher Education, which are available on line at: WELCOME TO [SCHOOL NAME]Welcome from the Dean Main points in text below but which may be personalised by Deans as they see fit within their Schools.Welcome to Middlesex University and to the [name of School]. This programme handbook contains an overview of your programme and its modules – keep it safe so that you may refer to it throughout your time on the programme.Main text hereHere at Middlesex we are very proud of our academic programmes and students and we look forward to meeting you.Insert Dean’s name and photoWelcome from the Link TutorsAmend title if applicableBoth the Institution and Middlesex link tutors can add a brief welcome if desired, however either both link tutors provide a welcome or neither. Programme Leader’s WelcomeSuggest that where applicable reference is made to:Any programme or subject specific facilities,Any health & safety considerations (e.g. working with machinery),Any PSRB accreditation including a brief mention of whether there are any requirements or opportunities for students to achieve any status as a result.CONTACTS AND COMMUNICATION The paragraphs in this section should be read and adapted to suit the individual institution running the franchise programme. However as these students will have full access to the Middlesex student website and a university email address, please do not delete this information.Programme staff list and contact detailsThe following members of staff are those who have a major input into your programme. Please include key staff who have a major input to the programme under the headings given below, including key part-time tutors, technicians and relevant professional services staff. Please give the name, role, email and telephone contact details. Please include office hours and the appropriate means of communication between staff and students (including technicians and administrative staff. If office hours aren’t known at the time of publication then a link to where this can be found.Some handbooks include photos of staff members – you may want to consider adding these too.Please ensure staff listed here are relevant to students; ie those the students may need to contact during their programme.Teaching staff If including research interests of staff please keep these brief if there are a lot of staff listed and give a link to further information.NEW! Please include a statement about when students can expect to hear back from teaching staff via email, for example ‘if you email a member of staff you should expect to hear back from them within 3 working days’.TechniciansAdministration staffStudent website – UniHubOne of your primary sources of information is the student website UniHub; which can be accessed on and off campus .The site has the latest news and events from around the University along with important regulations and policies that you should be aware of. This website is your first port of call for all general Middlesex information although some of the most important items are included in this handbook.The site also has a password protected section myUniHub (accessed from the UniHub home page). Here you can view personalised information on your studies such as your grades, programme information and coursework as well as undertake most administrative tasks such as enrolling and updating personal details. Login details for myUniHubIMPORTANT: As students on franchise programmes are no longer issued a student card by Middlesex then this section must include details of HOW students will be informed of their IT user ID and their Middlesex student ID. It is likely that these will be included in any offer letter in order that the student can access UniHub before they start the programme, however this should be confirmed and included here. Your login details to access the personalised areas of UniHub are:Username: Your IT User ID – this is the 5 or 6 digit code found on the reverse of your student ID card in the format aannn (where ‘aa’ are your initials and ‘nnn’ is a system generated number).Initial password: Your 9 digit student number (including the ‘M’) and the first three characters of your birth month, e.g. M12345678nov. When you first log in you will be prompted to change your password to something more memorable (you should have already done this).You can find both your IT User ID and your student number [insert relevant details here]If you have any problems accessing myUniHub please contact UniHelp: Email IF APPLICABLE also insert details of the students’ institution email, including details of who to contact if they are experiencing problems. As it is likely that this is going to be more frequently used than the Middlesex address it should probably feature first, however please do not delete details of the Middlesex email address. You also have your own Middlesex email address which is how members of staff from the University will contact you so it is important that you check your account regularly (at least twice a week). Your Middlesex email address is your IT User ID and is in the form aannn@live.mdx.ac.uk where (‘aa’ are your initials and ‘nnn’ is a system generated number). Your IT user ID is found [insert relevant details here – see note regarding myUniHub login details]. You can access your email by logging into UniHub and going to the My Middlesex page; guides on using your Middlesex email account (including how to set up auto-forwarding) are available on UniHub; case of any problems with your Middlesex email please contact UniHelp: Your contact and personal details It is very important that you keep us informed of any changes to your personal contact details and of your emergency contact at all times. You can view and change what we currently have recorded for you on the Admin and Finances page of myUniHub; note that you cannot change your name online. This has to be done in person at [insert details] with official supporting documentation (marriage certificate, passport etc).YOUR PROGRAMMEProgramme Structure Diagram/ListInsert a programme diagram or list detailing which modules will be taken during each stage of the programme. Please include: Key points from the programme specification - for example the aims of the programme and how it develops and builds over the different levels or stages. An overview of the balance between scheduled teaching and learning activities, independent study and any placement activity for each year/stage of the programme.OPTIONAL MODULES: If there are options to be selected during the programme then please ensure options for specialisation or options to fulfil the requirements of a PSRB are clearly indicated. WORD TIP: If you need to inset a landscape page then use a section break rather than a page break.Your first year modules List here the first year modules that will be studiedYou can find a list of the modules you are currently registered for within the My Learning area on the My Study page of myUniHub; . When you click on any of the modules you will be able to access associated learning materials (e.g. lecture notes), reading lists, information on the learning aims and outcomes and assessment methods as well the schedule for assessment which will include deadlines for the submission of your assessment.Announcements for any of your modules will also appear in My Learning on myUniHub so you should log in and check each module regularly.Your timetable You are allocated to timetabled lectures, labs, seminars, and workshops based upon your module registrations. Insert details of how students get hold of their timetable.If your timetable is incomplete or if you have any queries about your timetable then please contact [name and contact details].Any changes to your timetable will be notified to you by [complete with relevant details]Your first year assessment Please include the assessment schedule (or a link to it if it is likely to change or too impractical to include here) showing the deadlines for both formative and summative assessment and when feedback is due and the method it will take.IMPORTANT: Assessment deadlines do occasionally change and while every effort has been made to ensure dates are correct at the time of publishing you should check your email and ‘My Learning’ on myUniHub so you are aware of any changes.For more information about assessment, including how to submit please refer to page [page number for the Assessment Methods section]Your learning resources The Library Please include details of how students on this particular programme should be utilising their library. This could be about using group study areas and key items of IT as well as specific referencing to key journals, programmes, resources and the appropriate MU library guide. The following information regarding Middlesex resources should be included.Even though you do not attend a Middlesex University campus you still have access to resources and services provided by the University. A specific Library Subject Guide on [insert name of subject area/s] is available to assist you and includes links to useful resources such as key websites and blogs as well as general help with studying and researching topics for assessment: libguides.mdx.ac.ukPlease refer to UniHub for full information about the library and learning resources available to you: facilities NEW – Please include here any programme relevant information regarding IT facilities for students, for example specialist labs and software. This should be a brief introduction, especially if there is more detail in the module handbooks. Any information regarding access to Middlesex University resources should only be inserted if agreed as part of the Memorandum of Co-operation.Specialist facilities NEW – rename if desired/delete if not applicable)Please include here any information about any specific resources available to students either physical or virtual for example workshops, machinery, labs etc. Any information regarding access to Middlesex University resources should only be inserted if agreed as part of the Memorandum of Co-operation.Learner Development Amend title if required. If applicable please also add details of how any learner development activity is embedded into the programme for example assistance with academic writing (essay writing, presentations, referencing etc) on a one to one or group basis, numeracy skills, dyslexia support. Any information regarding access to Middlesex University resources should only be inserted if agreed as part of the Memorandum of Co-operation.Attendance Please use this section to describe the attendance expectations of students for your particular School/ department/programme, in reference to PSRB requirements where applicable. If there are no specific requirements then this section can be used to write more generally about attendance and its relationship with learning, achievement, professionalism and employability etc.Late arrivalDELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. Please insert your late arrivals policy here if you have one including any reference to requirements set out by a regulatory/professional body. Programme planning DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. This is mainly for programmes with optional modules to use to tell students when and how they will select these. HOWEVER if your programme does not have options it is likely that at some point you will reiterate to students what they will be studying in their following years and how this links to their current modules. You may already cover this in the preceding section on progress review, in which case this can be deleted however you may find it useful to include this information here.During [relevant period, e.g. semester 2] in your first and second year you undergo programme planning and select and register for the optional modules you wish to take the following year. Professional, statutory and/or regulatory body requirements DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. For programmes with professional, statutory and/or regulatory body links include guidance on their criteria, award structure and what a student must do to achieve the award/membership of accreditation. Include a link to the PSRB website for more information. Please reference any learning resources which the PSRB might provide – for example online journals or access to a library. Include a link to the PSRB website for more information on available resources. Fitness for practice/ Professional capabilitiesNEW – DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. Please put a statement here referring to the importance of FTP/professional capabilities and what this means in terms of their degree (for example academic misconduct will be seen as a FTP issue). Please also inform where students can find a copy of the relevant policy.Health and Safety requirementsDELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. Insert here any important health and safety requirements that students need to be aware of and details of who to contact if they have any particular questions, especially if they have any specific medical conditions including pregnancy.How to help enhance your programmeHow you can feed back to us As well as talking to your module leaders or programme leaders about any issues, there are also other ways you can feed back and help enhance the quality your programme.Board of Study This is a forum where student representatives and staff meet to discuss the [programme name] programme. This includes any issues but also talking about future developments and things that are going well. The Board also looks at student survey results and the reports from External Examiners. Minutes are made of the discussions and decisions and you can read these online at: [link for BoS minutes - should be saved to the VLE]The membership for all Boards of Study includes:Student representatives (for more information about being a student rep see below) Institutional Link Tutor (Chair)Programme co-ordinator and other academic staff involved in the delivery of the programme and/or modules [Institution to amend role titles if applicable]Support services representativesMiddlesex University link tutorThe student representatives are elected by the end of week 2 to ensure that the interests of students on the programme are represented. They are also responsible for feeding back the outcomes of any meetings or events they attend. Insert here a short sentence how students can find out who their representatives are and where they can get further information about becoming a rep. IMPORTANT: if the institution does not currently offer student representative training then please contact the Academic Representation Co-ordinator at Middlesex University Student Union (MDXSU) who will be able to provide advice and training materials. datesInsert dates of Boards of Study or a link to where they can be found, or if included in the academic calendar at the start of the handbook then please state this. Student surveys NEW - Franchise programmes are asked to participate in the same survey methodology as is used for in house programmes so that the programme team can look at comparability of experience. The results must also be considered in the annual monitoring report and at Boards of Study as well as any relevant institution committees. Information about any surveys taking place at the institution can also be included here.During your time at [insert institution name] you will be asked at to give your feedback on your module, programme or [insert institution name] by completing a survey. These are important as they help your programme team and [insert institution name] to determine what could be improved (as well as what is going well) and therefore please take the time to complete these. You can find out more about these surveys online at: [insert details]Complaints NEW - Students on franchised programmes of study will have access to complaints and grievance procedures established by their home institution which MUST be detailed in brief here and a signpost given to where the full policy can be found. The guiding principles are that complaints should be: treated seriously and with fairnessdealt with without undue delay, and in as straightforward a manner as possibletreated consistently across the University or institutiondealt with and resolved, wherever possible in an informal wayprogressed through stages leading, if necessary, to a formal stage.The following is a suggested paragraph which can be used if desired:If you have a suggestion or a complaint about any aspect please raise it with the person concerned in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can progress the matter through informal and formal procedures step by step up the management structure of [name of institution]. The following statement MUST be included:The complaints and grievance procedures of [institution name] must be followed and have been fully exhausted before you can follow the Middlesex University “Complaints in relation to collaborative partner institutions” which can be found in the Middlesex University regulations: mdx.ac.uk/regulations How we consider your feedbackNEW – The feedback you give through your student reps, through surveys and at Boards of Study meetings plays an important part in reviewing the [programme name] programme during and at the end of the academic year. Some of the changes we have made to the programme have been a result of student feedback. For example [please complete with at least one recent example of a change to the programme which has been as a result of (in part or full) or endorsed by student feedback]Employability Employability and your programmeThe development of employability skills – for example, team work, self-management, business and customer awareness, communication, literacy and numeracy – are all integral parts of [programme name]. Please continue this paragraph by explaining in a more detail and giving examples how students gain core employability skills from the programme. One way of doing this could be to identify skills by module. This does not have to be exhaustive.The University can support the development of your employability skills in a variety of ways both within your curriculum, outside of your curriculum and outside of the University, by helping you to make sense of your experiences and understand how to articulate your learning and development. Personal Development Planning (PDP)IMPORTANT – if this is a one year programme PDP should still be included but the text below amended to reflect the year of entry and the exact arrangements for the programme. PDP will provide you with an opportunity to assess the value of the skills and knowledge you are developing and identify your future learning and development needs. It offers a structured way to reflect on what you are good at and what you need to develop further. You will learn to review your own skill levels and what you have learned from different situations and environments, including your studies, part time work, voluntary work and other activities. You will record your reflections and use them to help you think about and plan your future development.This is an important part of your personal development and reflects the working environment where employers encourage new graduates to assess their own continuous professional development (CPD) using a portfolio. You can also use your record of PDP as a valuable aid for marketing your skills to employers in recruitment and selection processes. Please add a description of the specific structures, advice and support which students will engage in to undertake and record PDP in this Programme (School to include).Internships and placementsDELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE – i.e. if there is no integrated placement as part of the programme or where an optional placement is not possible. IMPORTANT: Remember to draw a distinction between compulsory and optional placements. If the programme has compulsory placements (e.g. nursing) then do not include information about any optional placements.For programmes WHICH HAVE AN INTEGRATED PLACEMENT then a brief introduction should be given including details of the following:When and how long placement(s) will last Whether the placement is just a module or year longWhether the placement is assessedWhen students will receive more detailed information Where they can go for more information now (webpage and individual if applicable) Career adviceRename to an equivalent title if applicable and to insert details as appropriate. Any information regarding access to Middlesex University resources should only be inserted if agreed as part of the Memorandum of Co-operation. An example paragraph is given below:Transferring to study at Middlesex University DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. School to insert relevant information on transferring during the programme and processing to a different programme at Middlesex and where to get additional information about this, delete if not applicable.LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENTThe learning, teaching and assessment approaches used throughout your programme will encourage you to be actively involved in your learning and to co-operate with other students. We aim to give you prompt feedback on your learning as well as opportunities to reflect upon and learn from that feedback. Learning and teaching methods NEW! Please use this section to describe the learning and teaching methods specific to your programme detailing the different types of learning activities the students will encounter which will help them understand what is expected of them. As all programmes should have an element of e-learning please ensure that this is included as well. The following paragraphs are starting points which should be modified and extended as desired. If this is a DISTANCE EDUCATION programme then special attention should be paid to this section in explaining about the delivery methods involved in the programme.The following paragraphs are designed to be a starting point for your text which should be extended and modified as desired: You will be actively involved in a range of learning, teaching and assessment approaches as part of [programme name]. Such active approaches aim to put you at the centre of your learning so you are involved and engaged in all aspects of your assessment and learning. Your programme will require your active participation in learning activities and engagement with your fellow students both individually and collaboratively, working and learning with other students as part of a small group. Learning activities may also occur both within and outside the classroom. Your learning will also be supported by technology. Increasingly your tutors will be using existing and emerging learning technologies to engage you in e-learning activities. Your programme will be facilitated using a variety of media and online tools (My Learning on UniHub, podcasts, wikis, etc) which will allow you flexible access to a diverse range of online resources, quizzes and learning materials as well as collaborative tools with which you can engage and learn with your peers. Not confined by the time and space associated with traditional teaching methods you may take part in online discussions and learning activities from wherever you are studying. Your tutors and UniHelp advisors will provide any support you may need whilst learning online.By engaging with e- learning you will also be developing skills which are essential for your learning and are also highly valued by employers. These include but are not limited to: working flexibly, communication, understanding of IT, team working and creating shared understandings based on quality resources and access to global expertise. Assessment methods NEW! The following paragraphs are suggested text which you are expected to extend but can also amend if it will better suit your assessment for the programme. As a minimum you should explain the difference between formative and summative assessment and explain the assessment strategy for your programme. Assessment is an integral part of learning and you may hear it referred to as formative or summative. Formative assessment is designed to give you feedback on your performance and how it can be improved. As a result you will get detailed feedback on formative assessment but not a grade. Formative assessment is an important part of the learning process and has been shown to help students improve both their grades and their learning style. Please include additional information on the formative assessment students are likely to encounter on the programme including any specific terminology especially if it is not referred to as ‘formative assessment’.Summative assessment is designed to measure the extent to which you have achieved the learning outcomes of a module and therefore the grade you will be awarded. Learning outcomes are the specific skills and knowledge that you are expected to demonstrate as a result of taking a module. Summative assessment should assess achievement of all learning outcomes in a secure, fair and accurate manner and on [programme name] this will mainly comprise of [insert details e.g. exams, portfolio, crits, essays etc]. Assessment may also involve self, peer or group approaches. For example, you may be asked to self-assess your own work, indicating where you feel you have clearly demonstrated your understanding and also identifying areas where can see you have room to improve. Assessment may also be a peer process where students, individually or as groups, offer feedback on one another’s work. Group assessment may also be part of your programme where part of the assessment requires you to demonstrate your ability to work as part of a group and possibly receive a group mark.Please see the module narratives at the end of this handbook or your module handbooks for more information about the specific learning arrangements for your modules. Submission, receipt, marking and return of assessmentSubmission and receipt of courseworkIn addition to the assessment schedule, module handbooks will have full details of when and how to submit your coursework and how you will get a receipt confirming you have submitted it. Please include here the relevant policy for the receipt of coursework, including details of e-assessment.Exams Delete if students on this programme NEVER take written exams. Information about exams, including the timetable and advice on preparing and revising is available on UniHub; unihub.mdx.ac.uk/study/exams Past exam papers, if available, can be accessed via the My Study area of UniHub: If relevant please include information about where students can find past examples of other forms of assessment.Marking, second marking and moderationPlease state here how second marking and moderation takes place bearing in mind the requirements set out in the Middlesex Regulations and described below:'In line with the university regulations section M Code of Assessment Practice minimum requirements all Programmes shall, at the very least, operate a system of moderation for assessed work. The precise forms of moderation, e.g. sampling, double-marking, vivas, etc. shall be stated in the Programme handbook. This may vary from programme to programme. All modules for that Programme shall adopt and implement the same policy. Policy may vary at different levels within a Programme. A minimum of 10% of all coursework and examinations should be moderated. All coursework and examinations which are failed work will be second marked.For modules in which the assessment grade is derived from a combination of coursework and examination, specific moderation arrangements to consider all borderline and fail candidates shall be determined by the Programme team and included in the Programme handbook’Return of courseworkThis section can be amended as required when coursework will comprise of artefacts. You are expected to keep a copy of all your coursework and it should be kept somewhere safe (for example on a memory stick). As the marked copy of your work is not normally returned to you it is important you keep a copy so you can understand the feedback you get properly. Where work is returned to a student this should be clearly stated here along with deadlines after which it is disposed of if not collected (normally six months).Exam scripts are not returned to any student however you can obtain feedback on exam performance by contacting [name and contact details].External ExaminersNEW External Examiners are one way we assure the academic quality of your programme. They are subject experts who help assure that your Middlesex award is comparable to that at other UK universities by reviewing the programme curriculum, the assessment and the learning resources. Among other things they approve all exam papers before they are taken, attend the assessment board and write a report at the end of the year. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting [insert relevant contact- probably the programme leader] NEW The External Examiner(s) for the [name] programme are: Insert name and current position of the relevant external examiners, e.g. Dr Ralph Montgomery, Head of History, Poppelton University. IMPORTANT: It is inappropriate for you or any other student to make direct contact with an External Examiner. The appeal and complaints systems exist to allow you to express any concerns you have, including the marks you have been given for your performance.You can read more about the role of External Examiners on UniHub: unihub.mdx.ac.uk/study/academicquality/externalexaminersAssessment FeedbackFeedback on your assessment (both formative and summative) provides the opportunity for you to reflect and to use the feedback as the basis for learning and to improve your work. Feedback can take many forms and may be informal. For example it may be given and discussed orally in the classroom, or it may be more formal and delivered in written or audio form from academic staff or fellow students. Understanding your feedback is very important and to achieve this you are encouraged to discuss feedback with your peers and academic staff. Receiving feedback on your work is an essential and important part of learning and so we provide regular opportunities for formative assessment, the purpose of which is to get detailed feedback on your performance so you get a regular update on how you are developing and to prepare you for any summative assessment.Feedback on summative assessment will be offered in a variety of forms and all your work will be marked and moderated in line with the Code of Assessment Practice which can be found in section M of the University Regulations: mdx.ac.uk/regulationsYou will normally be provided with feedback within 15 working days of the published submission date.Please indicate here your feedback strategy; the nature of feedback the students can expect including any online feedback. The nature of feedback shall be determined at programme level but may include: written comments; pro-forma comments; individual and group tutorial feedback; or other forms of effective and efficient feedback. Arrangements for the provision of feedback should include the minimum provision detailed in section M of the University Regulations AND be included in detail in the relevant Module Handbook.Programme regulations for progression and award NEW – DELETE IF NOT APPROPRIATE – any programme specific regulations relating to progression and achievement must be given here. Your results At the end of each academic year your module grades will be considered and confirmed by an Assessment Board. Once the Assessment Board has met you will be able to view your results and progression status in the My Study area on myUniHub; . If any results are still provisional then they will be clearly labelled as such.The date for the release of results and progression decisions is on the Academic Calendar which can be found at the start of this handbook or at: more information about results and assessment, for example what you need to do to progress, what happens if you fail a module or what happens if you cannot submit a piece of assessment please refer to [complete with relevant information].Certificates When you graduate your final qualification certificate will be issued by Middlesex University and will have details of your qualification and include “in collaboration with [institution name]” [amend if the institution name does not appear on the certificate]. Your certificate will be sent to [institution name] by Middlesex within 4 months of the date your qualification is awarded (usually the Assessment Board date). Once it has arrived it will then be forwarded to you at the address we hold for you. It is therefore very important that you keep us informed of your address details if they change at any point.Full details of the information which will appear on your certificate are set out in the Middlesex Regulations, section E13.5: Supplement All students are issued with a diploma supplement verified by Middlesex University which will state [institution name] as the institution where you studied. Your diploma supplement will include the modules you have taken, grades achieved and state your qualification with the classification and title but additionally it will also contain information on the nature, level, context, content and status of your studies undertaken and successfully completed. Diploma supplements are intended to help external parties such as employers or other higher education providers understand more about your programme in addition to your grades.If at any time you need to request a copy of your diploma supplement then you can do so via the Admin and Finances section of myUniHub: Although no one anticipates failing a module, it is important that you are aware of what happens if you do. Normally you would be entitled to one re-assessment opportunity if you don’t pass and there is no financial cost associated with this second attempt. You should however consult the Your Study area on UniHub for more information or contact [name and contact details] if you have any questions.Deferral of assessmentIf there are exceptional circumstances which through no fault of your own are preventing you from completing all or some of your assessment (e.g. submitting coursework or taking an exam) you may seek permission to defer the relevant assessment to the next available opportunity. If you think this applies to you then you should first read the full Deferral Policy which is available in the Assessment and Regulations section of the Your Study area on UniHub: requests should be submitted to [insert details] by completing the relevant form and attaching supporting documentation, e.g. medical certificates. The final deadline for deferral applications is 2 weeks after the end of the exam period (the dates of which are in the academic calendar at the start of this handbook). The deferral form is available from the Admin and Finances section of myUniHub: . If you have any questions about deferrals please contact [name and contact details].If you have difficulties accessing UniHub after a deferral, contact UniHelp: deferral DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE. If applicable please ensure that the relevant module handbook contains information about automatic deferral. In a few specified modules within this programme automatic deferral is permitted, the module narratives at the end of this handbook will tell you which modules this applies to. This means that for these modules you are not required to apply for deferral of the first assessment attempt and will automatically be given an ‘I’ grade if the assessment is not submitted.Extenuating CircumstancesIf you do not wish to defer your assessment, but are concerned that exceptional personal circumstances (e.g. ill health) might affect your performance in assessment, you can submit a claim for extenuating circumstances. Your circumstances will be kept confidential but will be summarised by the School’s Assessment Officer and brought to the attention of the appropriate Assessment Board. If you think this applies to you then you should read first read the information in the Assessment and Regulations section of the Your Study area on UniHub: is important to note that extenuating circumstances are only considered when determining the progression or final classification of borderline students. They cannot be used to change the grade of a module.Claims for extenuating circumstances should be submitted to [insert details] by completing the relevant form and attaching supporting documentation, e.g. medical certificates. The final deadline for submission of extenuating circumstances forms with supporting documentation is the last date of the examination period. The extenuating circumstances form is available from the Admin and Finances section of myUniHub: you have any questions about extenuating circumstances please contact [name and contact details].Academic misconductIt is important that you are aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and section F of the University Regulations gives this in full: mdx.ac.uk/regulations Plagiarism is taking someone else‘s work or ideas and passing them off as your own. Remember plagiarism isn’t just restricted to essays or reports it can also happen with visual work as well. It includes:copying – submission of someone else’s entire work as your own. The original work could be from the internet, a classmate, or a student in a previous year.failing to indicate a direct quote (quotation marks should be used) in the text.paraphrasing or synthesising material from a book, journal article or internet site without acknowledging the source in the posing a paragraph by joining together sentences from a number of sources and not acknowledging them in the text.using your own previous work in another assignment without acknowledging it. Please extend or amend this list to include relevant subject specific examples of plagiarism. This is important especially for certain areas where it is useful to point out perhaps obvious issues of plagiarism, e.g. computer programming and visual plagiarism.NEW The University takes plagiarism very seriously and you will face a penalty if found guilty of plagiarism regardless of whether it was unintentional or a first offence. You should therefore make sure that you understand how to reference properly so that you can use another author’s work without plagiarising. The library has produced a useful guide on referencing which you can access online at; libguides.mdx.ac.uk/plagiarismreferencing Again this paragraph can be extended to include subject specific referencing techniques or advice on avoiding plagiarism.Academic misconduct also covers examinations. You should ensure that you read the exam regulations before attending your exams to ensure you know what is expected of you and what is permitted. These can be found in the Your Study section of UniHub: mdx.ac.uk/study/exams/regs If you have any questions regarding plagiarism or academic misconduct then please contact [insert appropriate member of staff].AppealsAll students are able to appeal against Assessment Board decisions and the outcome of academic misconduct cases. The regulations for appeals are set out in Section G of the University Regulations: . If you are considering submitting an appeal against an Assessment Board decision then please consult the guidance on UniHub . SUPPORTAlthough you are expected to be independent and to take responsibility for your own academic and personal life, there is still a lot of help available to support you throughout your programme.Academic supportAcademic staffYour tutors will direct your studies and ensure that you know what work you need to cover in any given module. Seek advice from academic staff either during their office hours or by email or telephone please see ‘Contacts and Communication’ section for details. This section can be amended/ expanded by the partner institution to include any further academic support, including details of personal tutoring.Link tutorsAs stated on the front of this handbook the link tutor at [institution name] for this programme is [name and email address] and the link tutor at Middlesex is [name and email address]. Both tutors are jointly responsible for ensuring the programme is delivered according to the arrangements agreed when it was approved. Both link tutors attend the Board of Study meetings [amend if alternative arrangements have been agreed] where they hear the views of students on the programme, however you can contact either if you have a query or suggestion. Institution to insert other relevant information here including links where the information is available online. Please include, if relevant, details of staff dedicated to help students with academic achievement issues such as time management, planning for assessment, revision tips etc. This is in addition to any Student office staff.Support services at [institution name]This section should be completed by the partner institution to include the support they make available to students. Suggested headings are given below which can be complete with relevant details or deleted if not applicable. NOTE: any information regarding access to Middlesex University resources should only be inserted if agreed as part of the Memorandum of Co-operation.Student officeCounsellingDisability Support ServiceFinancial issuesInternational Student SupportStudents’ Union Membership Adapt title if necessary e.g. Student Associate MembershipImportant information for authors:Students on franchised programmes are NOT eligible to be members of MdxSU UNLESS the students attend a Middlesex University London Campus. For international franchises the only time this becomes applicable is when students come to London for the final year.NON UK BASED students can still be members of the NUS if they have their own Students’ Union or similar representative body which is affiliated to the NUS. However they cannot get an NUS Extra card, which only has discounts for the UK anyway.The NUS extra card is available to all UK BASED students (not just as a result of MdxSU membership) and an application is normally made directly to the NUS, however students may make their application on-line via MdxSU administration. MdxSU are required to confirm to NUS that the student is enrolled as a student with MUStudents at London based institutions CAN get a TFL discount card if the institution registers with TFL.Most students at all institutions can apply for an ISIC travel card.As you are not attending a Middlesex University campus you are, unfortunately, not a member of Middlesex University Students’ Union (MdxSU). [UK partnerships only] You are however still entitled to the NUS Extra and ISIC cards.NUS Extra Card Delete if programme is based overseasThis is a student discount card which can be used at a very large number of retailers, please see the NUS website for further details: . To apply for an NUS Extra Card you will need to contact MdxSU who will confirm that you are a student member of Middlesex University. Please email info@mdx.ac.uk in the first instance. ISIC cards – full time students onlyUK only text:As a full time student you can apply for an International Student Identification Card which will give you discounts on travel, shopping and experiences world-wide. You can apply for an ISIC card with your NUS Extra Card for an additional ?2.99 (price as of March 2013): text:As a full time student you can apply for an International Student Identification Card which will give you discounts on travel, shopping and experiences world-wide. University and [institution name] Academic CalendarThis is your calendar for the 2014/15 academic year. [Insert details of how students should get a revised calendar for subsequent years].School to download the appropriate 2014/15 calendar which can be found at: can then amend the calendar and add any additional holidays or other important dates.3876675-19050Programme Specification and Curriculum Map for [Programme NAME]1. Programme title2. Awarding institution 3. Teaching institution 4. Programme accredited by 5. Final qualification 6. Academic year7. Language of study8. Mode of study9. Criteria for admission to the programme10. Aims of the programmeThe programme aims to:11. Programme outcomesA. Knowledge and understandingOn completion of this programme the successful student will have knowledge and understanding of :Teaching/learning methodsStudents gain knowledge and understanding throughAssessment MethodStudents’ knowledge and understanding is assessed byB. Cognitive (thinking) skillsOn completion of this programme the successful student will be able to:Teaching/learning methodsStudents learn cognitive skills throughAssessment MethodStudents’ cognitive skills are assessed byC. Practical skillsOn completion of the programme the successful student will be able to:Teaching/learning methodsStudents learn practical skills throughAssessment MethodStudents’ practical skills are assessed byD. Graduate SkillsOn completion of this programme the successful student will be able to:Teaching/learning methodsStudents acquire graduate skills throughAssessment methodStudents’ graduate skills are assessed by12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements)12. 1 Overall structure of the programmeSee page [page number]12.2 Levels and modules Starting in academic year 2010/11 the University is changing the way it references modules to state the level of study in which these are delivered. This is to comply with the national Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. This implementation will be a gradual process whilst records are updated. Therefore the old coding is bracketed below.Level 4 (1)COMPULSORYOPTIONAL PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must take all of the following:Students must also choose at least XX from the following:Level 5 (2)COMPULSORYOPTIONAL PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must take all of the following:Students must also choose at least XX from the following:Level 6 (3)COMPULSORYOPTIONAL PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must take all of the following:Students must also choose at least XX from the following:12.3 Non-compensatable modules (note statement in 12.2 regarding FHEQ levels)Module levelModule code13. A curriculum map relating learning outcomes to modulesSee Curriculum Map attached14. Information about assessment regulations15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support (if applicable)16. Future careers (if applicable)17. Particular support for learning (if applicable)18. JACS code (or other relevant coding system)19. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s)20. Reference points21. Other informationPlease note programme specifications provide a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve if s/he takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information about the programme can be found in the student programme handbook and the University Regulations.Curriculum map for [Programme title]This section shows the highest level at which programme outcomes are to be achieved by all graduates, and maps programme learning outcomes against the modules in which they are assessed.Programme learning outcomesKnowledge and understandingPractical skillsA1C1A2C2A3C3A4C4A5C5A6C6A7C7Cognitive skillsGraduate SkillsB1D1B2D2B3D3B4D4B5D5B6D6B7D7Programme outcomes A1A2A3A4A5A6A7B1B2B3B4B5B6C1C2C3C4C5C6D1D2D3D4D5D6D7Highest level achieved by all graduatesModule Title Module Codeby LevelProgramme outcomesA1A2A3A4A5A6A7B1B2B3B4B5B6C1C2C3C4C5C6D1D2D3D4D5D6D7Module Narratives In this section you will find details of all the modules associated with your programme so that you can see what is involved in your programme and make any choices over option modules (if applicable).The narratives are correct at the time of this handbook went to print, but details change over time (especially reading lists) and therefore you should always refer to the latest version available on the My Study area of myUniHub: Please insert module narratives downloaded from PIP. Throughout the handbook reading lists should be referenced in a consistent style and to the standards required from the student. ................

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