Drexel University

|Course Number: |INFO 366 |

|Course Title: |Database Administration II |

|Prerequisite: |Successful completion of course INFO 365 |

|Description: |This course will cover both traditional database systems and recent developments in database systems, emphasizing |

| |fundamental principles, structure and practical techniques. This course provides instruction in the operations of |

| |an Oracle database. The topics for traditional database systems will include physical databases & indexing. The |

| |topics for recent development will include Web and XML databases. |

|Course Time & Location: |Thursday 6:30-9:20pm , Room: RUSH 209 |

|Instructor: |Prof. Xiaohua Tony Hu |

|Contact: |Suite 300, Room 325, 3401 Market Street , |

| |Office: 215.895.0551, |

| |office hours :Thursday 5-6pm |

|email: |Xh29@drexel.edu |

|Required Textbook: |Oracle 10g Database Administrator: Implementation and Administration (2007), by Gavin Powell and Carol |

| |McCullough-Dieter (Publisher: Thomson Course Technology) |

|Recommended Textbooks: | |

| | |

| |Oracle Database 10g: The Complete Reference by Loney and Koch. (Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN:   |

| |9780072253511 |

| |Title: Oracle Data Dictionary Pocket Reference (First Edition) |

| |Author: David C. Kreines |

| |Publisher: O’Reilly & Associates |

| |ISBN: 0-596-00517-2 |

|Additional Readings: |Additional assigned readings will be distributed from time to time in class. Students are expected to be prepared |

| |to discuss the text and other assigned readings in class. Exams will cover assigned readings and additional |

| |material presented in class. |

|Grade Distribution: |The grade consists of four (4) parts: |

| |12% ~ Assignments |

| |33% ~ Project |

| |20% ~ Midterm |

| |35% ~ Final Exam |

|Grading: |Your course grade will be based on: a final exam, midterm, and homework assignments, and project. Dates for exams |

| |and midterm will be discussed in class. Additional information concerning exams, midterm, and assignments will be |

| |provided in class. |

|Exams: |There will be one Midterm and one final exam. It will consist of primarily program descriptions and examples of |

| |code. It will either test work discussed during the lectures or in the assigned readings. Before the tests, more |

| |details will be discussed. |

|Attendance: |This is a hybrid class. This course is designed as a lecture workshop / laboratory. The experience of the workshop |

| |/ laboratory is available only through class attendance either physically or virtually, participation, interaction, |

| |and application of principles. My policy is that you attend all classes for which you are scheduled (physically or |

| |virtually). The online students are strongly encouraged to watch the video lectures recorded alive at the |

| |face-to-face sessions and post questions to the discussion forum |

| |When you are absent or late, you are missing valuable classroom experiences, which cannot be made up. If you are |

| |not in class physically or virtually, you cannot experience the learning of the material. You will not have the |

| |same learning experience reading someone else’s notes or having someone simply mention to you what occurred. Your |

| |grade and understanding of the material will definitely be diminished. |

| |Students are responsible for all material and assignments covered in their absence. Absence does not release you |

| |from the work that is due. “I wasn’t here” or “I didn’t know” is never an appropriate excuse. You are responsible |

| |for the work that is due. You would need to be in contact with one or two classmates so you can check on what |

| |assignments you missed in class or online. |

|Assignments: |Assignment due dates are real. No assignments will be accepted late. For the face-to-face session, pls bring your |

| |assignment to the class on the due date. For the online session, please submit the assignment online by the |

| |deadline. The submission site will be set to close automatically after the deadline. |

| |Regarding homework assignments, handwritten work will not be accepted. The work needs to be done on a word |

| |processor and printed. Do not use report covers or binders. Do not concern yourself with graphics unless it is |

| |necessary to the content of the assignment. Your full name and Student ID number along with the course number and |

| |section needs to appear at the top of each page. |

|Classroom Civility: |For the face to face session, please observe the following classroom etiquette to demonstrate respect for your |

| |classmates and the instructor: |

| |Turn off cellular telephones before entering the class. Turning them off means just that. |

| |Do not talk when the instructor is lecturing or when other students are speaking to the class. |

| |No IRC permitted in class |

| |No phone use permitted in class or during class |

| |Arrive on time. If you consistently arrive late, you may not be permitted to enter after class has begun. |

|Disabilities: |Students with disabilities requesting accommodations and services at Drexel University need to present a current |

| |accommodation verification letter (“AVL”) to faculty before accommodations can be made. |

| |AVL’s are issued by the Office of Disability Services (“ODS”). For additional information, contact the ODS at |

| |drexel.edu/edt/disability, 3201 Arch St., Ste. 210, Philadelphia, PA 19104, V 215.895.1401, or TTY |

| |215.895.2299. |

|Strategies for Success: |• Attend class regularly either physically or virtually and complete all assignments on time. |

| |• Take good notes in class. The practice of writing while listening to lectures and discussion aids learning. In |

| |addition, there will be material presented in class that is not covered in the text. |

| |• Complete the assigned reading for each week before the class of that week. |

| | |

|Academic Honesty: |The Drexel University Academic Honesty Rules and Procedures (as stated in the student handbook) will be adhered to |

| |strictly. Students who commit plagiarism or cheat on assignments may receive an F grade for both the assignment and|

| |the course. |

| |In order to avoid plagiarizing material, observe the following: |

| |If you work on an assignment with another student or a group of students, be certain that your final, individual |

| |paper is your own work. While you might want to discuss the assignment with other students, you must, in your |

| |paper, express your own ideas in your own way. |

| |If you use printed or electronic resources in your papers, be sure to attribute the sources you have used. This can|

| |be done by quoting the material or by paraphrasing the material and, in either case, listing the source in an |

| |annotated bibliography. Use standard notation when citing references. |

|Week |Topics |

|1 |Introduction /Oracle Memory Internals/ Computer Organization / |

| |Disk Internal, Parameter Storage, Reviews / File Organization |

| | |

|2 |Installation / Indexing (I) / |

| |Homework 1 (posted at Drexel Learn) |

| | |

|3 |Indexing (II) / Tuning Table and Index, Tuning Table and Index |

| | |

|4 |Database Tuning –Process, Integrity Constraints / |

| | |

| | |

|5 |User Management and Security |

| |Review of Exam / Midterm Exam |

| | |

|6 |User and Resource Control, System and Object Privileges |

| | |

|7 |Oracle Architecture Overview |

| |Homework 2 (posted at Drexel Learn |

| | |

|8 |The Redo Log Files and Diagnostic Files |

| | |

|9 |Controlling transactions / Database Tuning |

| | |

|10 |Review of Exam |

| | |

|11 |Final Exam |


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