Directions: Gather information for the bill topic you chose in class. Take notes on the title article (background), a pro article, and a con article by making a key point sheet for each on a separate piece of paper which you will later turn in. Later, you will take note on how the state that you represent stands on the issues. We will send 7 bills to committees for sure but there are two other bill topics people may wish to tackle (at the bottom) if you feel passionate on those topics:

1.) Immigration Reform: Should Congress reject Obama’s sweeping Immigration reform executive order? If so what would it look like? With over 11 million immigrants in the United States illegally, the issue of illegal immigration continues to divide Americans. Some people say that illegal immigration benefits the US economy through additional tax revenue, expansion of the low-cost labor pool, and increased money in circulation. Opponents of illegal immigration say that people who break the law by crossing the US border without proper documentation or by overstaying their visas should be deported and not rewarded with a path to citizenship and access to social services. Here are some notes on a recent bill passed by the senate and the president’s proclamation. How each state stands on immigration.

2.) Mandating Vaccinations

Should the Government Mandate Vaccinations for Children for Curable Diseases? With the growing cases of measles in the U.S. and California, there is growing support to mandate vaccinations for curable diseases such as the measles. There are a number of parents who choose not to immunize their children and this has raised concerns from public officials in schools and the parents of children who share classrooms with those who are not immunized. Measles and other such diseases have been considered almost eradicated in modern times through vaccination. If these diseases could be eradicated or controlled should the government take steps to do so for the sake of public health considerations?

Pro Video Pro II Pro III Pro IV Autism-Vaccination Link Pro/Con Site Con Con II Con III Con IV As a Parental Choice

Site showing how states stand on mandatory vaccinations.

3.) Authorization For Use of Force Against ISIS

During the January 2015 State of the Union Address, President Obama requested Congress pass an Authorization For Use of Force against ISIL (ISIS). This was not a surprise as Obama and the Republican leadership had met before to come to a consensus regarding the matter. The President said this would enable the U.S. more flexibility to meet the possible long-term effort of dealing with ISIS. ISIS has taken over large swaths of Syria and Iraq and has been threatening the bordering countries administering harsh rule over the people living in areas they control. Atrocities and human rights abuses have been common under their rule. In addition, foreign fighters joining ISIS have been a concern for countries as the fighters return to their country of origin. Terrorist acts such as the attack in France on Charlie Hebdo have further raised concern about this.

Pro Pro II As Related to Fighting Al Qaeda Con What is ISIS? Use this site to find which states are in favor/oppose declaring war on ISIS (similar to authorization for use of force) on ISIS.

4.) Gun Control: Should congress pass gun control and safety measures presented by President Obama? After the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, many Americans have focused on current gun laws and whether they provide adequate protection against gun violence.  President Obama appointed a task force headed by Vice President Joe Biden to come up with recommendations.  Considering the task force's recommendations, President Obama proposed new actions by Congress and through executive order.  Other Americans, supported by the NRA, are opposed to new gun control/safety legislation, emphasizing mental health issues and violent entertainment as the key areas for focus to reduce gun violence. How each state stands on Gun Control. Here is a funny yet poignant comment on the topic from an Australian comedian.

5.) Keystone XL Pipeline Act: Background Background II

With the world’s thirst for fossil fuels, the Keystone XL Pipeline has become a possible cog in America’s the quest for energy independence. The Keystone pipeline would 830,000 barrels of crude from Canada’s oil sands through a highway of pipes stretching over 1,200 miles. Opponents say that the U.S. should not be looking for furthering the consumption of fossil fuels which can lead to pollution, possible environmental disaster, and global warming. Proponents, in addition to advocating energy independence, claim that the pipeline could add many jobs.

Pro Pro II Pro III Pro and Con Con Con II Con III Use this site to find out which states are in favor/oppose fracking (related to Keystone Pipeline)

6.) Citizen’s United Constitutional Amendment (actually a pro but has decent background):

Following the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case, the growth of Super PACS, and the influx of negative ads this campaign season, many Americans are concerned about the influence of money on our electoral system and our democracy itself.  Others point out that wealthy individuals, corporations, and labor unions have always influenced politics and point to the loopholes of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act as the origin of unlimited contributions.  Does money = speech, and do any restrictions on campaign contributions violate the First Amendment?  Does money buy too much influence in our political system? For Amendment: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4, and Article 5, and Article 5, and Against Amendment Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4 and Article 5. Use this site to find out which states are in favor/Oppose an Amendment

7.) Minimum Wage Fairness Act: Minimum Wage Increase (from $7.25 to ??) Should the Federal Minimum wage be increased?

The gap between the rich and poor in the Unites States is at it’s greatest in over a century. Although the economy is no longer in a recession, people are still not feeling that they are out of it. Wages have been mostly stagnant for the past decade and more people feel that they are worse off than a decade ago. In the Silicon Valley, working for minimum wage full time would the worker below the poverty line. ON the flip side, many businesses claim that a minimum wage that is raised would force them to lay off some of their employees, raise the cost of their products, or go out of business. Here is a good initial article on my canvas page on the controversy with opinions on both sides.

Pro I II III IV Case Study San Jose CON I II III IV Case Study San Jose

Site Showing How Each State Views Raising the Minimum Wage


8.) Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act

Should the US Impose Sanctions on Iran if It Doesn’t Agree to Cut Its Nuclear Program?

“The bill would restore sanctions that were lifted during the talks, as well impose new tighter restrictions on Iran's petroleum industry, financial transactions and on a host of other economic sectors.It would also impose new sanctions on senior Iranian officials, their family members and other individuals accused of proliferating weapons of mass destruction, sponsoring terrorism or other illicit activities.”

List of Some Sanctions Lifting of Some Sanctions in 2014 YES YES II YES III NO NO II with Bill sections Dems Oppose NO III Use this site to determine if states favor/oppose sanctions on Iran.

9.) Repeal Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act, the sweeping legislation with the initial goal of insuring millions who can’t afford healthcare insurance has opening with a fizzle. The website rollout crucial in signing up enough people so that it essentially lower the costs of others has been costly ($600 million) and is still up to par. Also, the promise to allow individuals to keep their current health insurance plan is not holding up for many as health care insurers are dropping many people’s plans because the plan doesn’t meet up to Obamacare’s standards. Finally, the promise to reduce health care costs has not come to fruition as reported by 60 Minutes. With the majority of the public now against Obamacare with all of the major problems, is it time to delay it or repeal it outright? Pro  ProII Pro III   Con I  Con II  ConIII

Pro Pro and Cons Pros and Cons II Clearing Myths Con Site Showing How Each State Views Obamacare Pro  Pro II Pro III   Con I  Con II  ConIII

9.) Child Care/Family Leave : The United States and Papua New Guinea are the only countries in the world that do not provide any paid time off for new mothers. Only California, New Jersey and Rhode Island offer paid family and medical leave. Federal law allows workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off without losing their job to care for a new child, recover from illness or care for a sick family member, but the time off is unpaid. Should the US provide 6 weeks of paid leave to workers?

Yes 1: Yes 2: Yes 3: No 1: No 2


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