Brian Walsworth

Budget Issues 2

Business and Consumer Issues 3

Campaign and Campaign Finance Issues 4

Crime & Public Safety Issues 5

Debt Ceiling 6

Education Issues 6

Energy Issues 6

Environmental Issues 6

Ethics Issues 6

Finance & Economic Issues 7

Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea 8

Health Care Issues 8

Immigration and Border Issues 8

Israel 9

Labor and Working Family Issues 9

LGBT Issues 9

Other Issues 9

Second Amendment Rights 10

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Entitlement Programs 10

Tax Issues 10

Tea Party 11

Transportation Issues 12

Women’s Issues 12

Budget Issues

Impact of the Republican Budget on Medicare

According to the Energy and Commerce Committee, Ryan’s budget affected Congressman

Renacci’s district in the following ways:

• Increase prescription drug costs for 9,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the district who enter the Part D donut hole, forcing them to pay an extra $88 million for drugs over the next decade.

• Eliminate new preventive care benefits for 111,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the district.

• Deny 470,000 individuals age 54 and younger in the district access to Medicare’s guaranteed benefits.

• Increase the out-of-pocket costs of health coverage by over $6,000 per year in 2022 and by almost $12,000 per year in 2032 for the 110,000 individuals in the district who are between the ages of 44 and 54.

• Require the 110,000 individuals in the district between the ages of 44 and 54 to save an additional $25.7 billion for their retirement – an average of $182,000 to $287,000 per individual – to pay for the increased cost of health coverage over their lifetimes. Younger residents of the district will have to save even higher amounts to cover their additional medical costs.

• Raise the Medicare eligibility age by at least one year to age 66 or more for 59,000 individuals in the district who are age 44 to 49 and by two years to age 67 for 363,000 individuals in the district who are age 43 or younger. [Committee on Energy and Commerce, June 2011]

Toured Hospital to See What Earmark Had Procured for the Area

In January 2011, Renacci met with executives at Mercy Medical Center to tour the hospital and view the cardiac catheter lab that had been the direct result of an earmark secured by retired Congressman Ralph Regula. [Canton Rep, 2/01/11]

Health Care Industry Is Largest Employer in Renacci’s District

The officials at Mercy Medical Center, the institution Renacci had toured to see what earmarks had been able to fund, made sure to point out to Renacci that the health care industry is the largest employer in Renacci’s district. [Canton Rep, 2/01/11]

Supported Doing Week-Long Budget Stop Gap Measures

In February 2011, Renacci emphasized the need for a continuing resolution and budget, and said he would support nothing less than a bill to drastically cut the budget down to 2008 levels. He said, “We will probably have a problem with the Senate and president and trying to bring continuing resolution down to 2008 levels. We might have to do it a week or two at a time." [Daily Record, 2/07/11]

Supported Cutting Defense Budget

In February 2011, Renacci said he would support cutting the defense budget. He said, "Those in military have to be accountable like every other department.” [Daily Record, 2/07/11]

Voted for Cuts to Local Child Support Enforcement Agency

In 2011, Wayne Country Child Support Enforcement Agency was forced to find alternative to federal funding that ran out. Local Prosecutor Dan Lutz took part in a teleconference with Renacci to address the loss of funds.

"I knew going in we would probably not succeed in convincing him or having the money restored," Lutz said. "But, we wanted him to be aware of the local situation and the impact it was having."

A spokeswoman for Renacci said that while he appreciates the program and the support it provides, he support must support legislation that provides an offset to guarantee the bill will not spend more taxpayer money. The spokeswoman said Renacci will keep an eye on the bill and “will act accordingly.” [The Daily Record, 03/05/11]

Frustrated with Slow Pace of Washington and Slow Progress of Federal Budget

In April 2011, gridlock over the budget left Renacci frustrated. He said he came to Washington in January to change the status quo, not to put it on standby.

He added, "We've got to be able to do more than stop. We've got to be able to turn things around." [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 4/01/11]

Called Obama’s Budget “Political”

In February 2012, during a meeting with the editorial board of the Canton Repository, Renacci called President Obama’s proposed federal budget “political.” Renacci said that the budget fails to address federal spending, including entitlement programs. [Canton Repository, 2/13/12]

Supported Extending the Pay-Roll Tax

Renacci said he supported extending the 2% cut in the Social Security payroll tax for the rest of 2012, but says it must be paid for without any tax increases, even on the wealthy. “I can show you a lot of government waste,” he said. “We should never ask the American people to give any more money until we eliminate the waste that’s down there.” [Canton Repository, 2/13/12]

Supported Ryan Budget

In March 2012 Renacci authored an op-ed in which he expressed support for the Ryan budget and called it “the best solution for how we can begin the hard task of righting our fiscal ship.” [The Daily Record, 3/30/12]

Business and Consumer Issues

Promised to Use Business Acumen in New Role as Congressman


In February 2011, Renacci said that while he continued to learn how Congress works, he is using his business experience to guide some of his decisions, especially as they relate to spending and deficits. [Daily Record, 2/07/11]


            Said He Had Not Hired Anyone in a Year and a Half


Renacci said when he had his business, he did not hire anyone for the last year-and-a-half. [Daily Record, 2/07/11]

Promised to Help Community Banks by Repealing Dodd-Frank

In February 2012, Renacci promised to repeal Dodd-Frank if Republicans held onto the House and gained the Senate. According to The-Daily-Record, “[helping community banks] might be achieved without passage of the bill, Renacci said. That is, if Republicans take control of the Senate and the White House, Renacci said he is confident Dodd-Frank will be repealed. [The-Daily-Record, 2/25/12]

…But Refused to Support Communities First Act as Is

According to The-Daily-Record, when pressed “to support the Communities First Act, legislation advocated for by the Independent Communities Bankers of America… Renacci said he supports helping community banks, but there were a lot of additional items added to the [Communities First Act] that need to be pulled out.” [The-Daily-Record, 2/25/12]

Received “Spirit of Enterprise Award from Chamber of Commerce

In March 2012, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce presented Renacci “with the annual Spirit of Enterprise Award for his support of pro-jobs, pro-growth policies today during the first session of the 112th Congress.” [WMFD, 3/29/12]

Campaign and Campaign Finance Issues

Canton Repository: Renacci town hall meeting turns combative

In June 2011, Renacci ran into a raucous town hall meeting at Malone University during which interruptions from those opposed to Renacci’s claims were frequent. One man “stormed out, denouncing Renacci’s support of a Republican fiscal measure.” [Canton Repository, 6/30/11]

Held a Rowdy Town Hall

In May 2011, Renacci held a particularly rowdy town hall meeting where one man had to be escorted out by officers. The man was approaching the front of the room during Renacci’s response to a question about cuts to Medicaid reimbursements.

Several other members of the audience were vocal in their dissent on issues like health care, special program spending and tax issues. [The Daily Record, 5/18/11]

One of the Richest Members of Congress

In March 2011, the Center for Responsive Politics completed a study of the finances of congressional freshman and found that Renacci was the sixth richest freshman member with $28.4 million in possible net worth. [Washington Post, 3/09/11]

Said He Is Constantly in Campaign Mode

In March 2011, at his second “Visions of the Future” event at a local high school, Renacci told students that one thing he had learned was that he must constantly be in campaign mode. He said, “Guess what happens after you get elected? You’ve got to start running again.” [Canton Republic, 3/26/11]

September 2011: Still One of the Richest Members of Congress

In September 2011, The Hill newspaper named Renacci one of the richest members of Congress and the richest freshman member. Renacci had a net worth of $35.9 million landing him in 11th place among the 535 members of Congress. [The Hill, 9/05/11]

Member of the NRCC Patriot Program

Renacci was named to the NRCC Patriot Program in September 2011, the Republican campaign committee’s list of vulnerable members who need additional financial assistance.

Spent Weekend at South Florida Resort with Lobbyists

In 2012, Renacci and several other Republican freshmen spent a weekend at a South Florida resort where according to CBS News, “They invited big campaign donors and lobbyists to join them - for a price.” [CBS News, 3/16/12]

Raised Majority of Money from PACs

Renacci’s 2012 first quarter fundraising report showed that “$184,652 of the $293,399 that Renacci raised between Feb. 16 and March 31 - or 63 percent of his money - came from political committees.” Of the $1,617,594 that Renacci has raised during the two-year election cycle - slightly over half has come from political committees.

During the 2012 election Renacci repeatedly criticized his opponent for accepting more campaign money from political action committees than individuals. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 4/13/12]

Targeted by Mystery Robocalls

In March 2012, voters in Renacci’s district received robocalls from a mysterious group not registered with the FEC. The call urges voters to contact Renacci’s office to ask “why he remains silent while Republican Rush Limbaugh insults, degrades, and verbally abuses women.”

In response, Shawn Ryan, Renacci’s spokesman, said that “Rush Limbaugh doesn’t represent Jim Renacci, and Jim Rencacci doesn’t answer to Rush Limbaugh. Jim doesn’t condone what Rush Limbaugh said and he never has. It is not acceptable when groups like this go outside the boundaries of what is legal and reasonable.” [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 3/18/12]

Crime & Public Safety Issues

Renacci Held Town Hall Meetings After Arizona Shootings

In a January 2011 radio interview, Renacci said, “I did have a town hall meeting last Monday. There were approximately 200 people there, it was a great event and I heard from everyone. I already plan on having another one in 30 days and probably another one 30 days after.” He believes the shooting was an “isolated incident with a disturbed individual.” [WVIZ WCRN, 1/17/11]

Debt Ceiling

Education Issues

Wanted the Federal Government Out of Education

In March 2011, Renacci told students at his second “Visions of the Future” event at a local high school that he believed education reform should entail a restructuring so that the local and state officials and not the federal government make education decisions. He said that each area of the US is different and thus there should not be one mold. [Canton Republic, 3/26/11]

Energy Issues

Blamed Obama Regulations for Higher Energy Costs

In February 2012, Renacci blamed Obama for higher energy costs. According to the Canton Repository, Renacci “said Obama wants the U.S. to be more like Europe — with a huge debt and burdensome environmental regulations that he said have resulted in higher energy costs.” [Canton Repository 2/23/12]

Environmental Issues

Ethics Issues

Opposed Government Setting Fees, Visa/Mastercard PAC Held Golf Fundraisers for Him

In July 2011, Visa and Mastercard held a golf fundraiser at the Washington Golf and Country Club in Arlington, VA for Renacci. He has sided with the card companies’ attempts to block a federal rule that would limit the fees they can charge merchants for debt card transactions, and said that the government should stay out of the fee-fixing business.

A spokeswoman for Renacci’s said that legislative and political activities are driven by private market values and not attempts to get campaign cash. She said, “Whether from individual donors or political action committees, the decision making process behind political donations is a topic that can only be addressed by those making the donations. As for Congressman Renacci's position on interchange fees, he has always been a supporter of the free market and an opponent of government price fixing on any item, whether on the price of milk, a loaf of bread or the cost of swipe fees.” [, 7/17/11]

Received 36% of Campaign Cash from Industries He Regulates

In April 2011, the Sunlight Foundation reported Renacci received 36% of his political donations from the banking, insurance, and real estate industries. He regulates those industries as a member of the House Financial Services Committee. [, 7/17/11]

Member at an All-Male Golf Club

In June 2011, it was reported that Renacci was a member of the all-male Sharon Golf Club. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6/21/11]

Named Amongst the Richest Members of Congress

In March 2011, The Center for Responsive Politics released a study highlighting Renacci, who is among a new group of incoming House Freshman who are multi-millionaires.

''With over 30 years of experience as a small-business owner and having employed over 3,000 Ohioans throughout my career, I am well aware of the impact that the disastrous economic policies of the past two years have had on both workers and employers in Northeast Ohio,'' he said.

Renacci, repeating a refrain from his campaign, also pointed to his humble roots, ''growing up in a blue-collar family that struggled every day'' and being the first in his family to graduate from college.

''My understanding of the financial challenges that millions of Americans face extends far beyond my business career — I've lived through them myself,'' he said. [Beacon Journal, 3/10/11]

Believed in the “20/20 Rule”

In May 2011, Renacci said he believed in the 20/20 rule which means twenty percent of his audience disagreed with him, twenty percent agreed with him and the final sixty percent “just wouldn’t get it.” [The Suburbanite, 5/04/11]

Said the Government Is Not Run Like a Business

In May 2011 at a Stark County Chamber of Commerce Association event, Renacci said that in his first 100 days in Congress, he learned that government is not run like a business. [The Suburbanite, 5/04/11]

Videos Were Banned from His Town Hall Style Meeting

In September 2011, an American Bridge cameramen was told that a meeting Renacci was speaking at at Wadworth Church of the Nazarene was not actually a "town hall" meeting, but a was a 9/12 meeting which does not allow videotaping "because things can get put on YouTube and taken out of context." [Cleveland, 9/02/11]

Finance & Economic Issues

Voted Against Forcing Big Banks to Pay For Their Own Bailouts

On April 18, 2012, Republicans on the Financial Service Committee voted against an amendment that would have forced banks with over $50 billion in assets to pay for any future bank bailouts by the government. [Amendment #2, Record Vote No. FC-70; Reuters, 4/18/12]

Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Health Care Issues

Confronted by Citizen Angry Renacci Had Voted to Repeal HCR without Replacement

In January 2011, at his first town hall meeting in North Canton, Renacci was confronted by a man who was angry Renacci had voted to repeal health care reform without a replacement plan for people to consider. [Examiner, 1/15/11]

Renacci Claimed HCR Cut a Half Trillion from Medicare

At his first town hall meeting, Renacci claimed that there are going to be half a trillion dollars in cuts made to Medicare as a result of the health care law. [Plain Dealer, PolitiFact, 1/20/11]

PolitiFact Called Renacci’s Claim “Barely True”

PolitiFact called Renacci’s claim that the health care reform bill cut Medicare by $500 billion “barely true” because the plan actually slows the growth of Medicare spending by $500 billion over 10 years. [Plain Dealer, PolitiFact, 1/20/11]

Sent Fundraising Letter on Anniversary of Health Care Reform

In March 2011, Renacci sent a fundraising letter asking for contributions on the one year anniversary of the passage of health care reform. He said, “In recent months, Republicans in the House have been working tirelessly to advance policies that will reduce the size and scope of government, slash the deficit and instill the certainty and predictability needed to foster private sector job growth.  However, after the few months I have spent in Congress, it’s clear that the liberal leaders in Washington, who still control 2/3 of our government, believe that those who demanded change last year will quietly disappear if the fight to repeal ObamaCare continues to drag out.”  [Renacci for Congress, 3/24/11]

Op-Ed: Health Care and Budget, Need Work

In March 2012, Renacci authored an Op-Ed criticizing the Affordable Care Act. Renacci said “the bill’s proponents said you would be able to keep your health care plan if you liked it and Washington would not ration care for our seniors on Medicare. It turns out neither of those statements were true.” [The Daily Record, 3/23/12]

Claimed to have Always Supported Preserving Medicare

In March 2012, Renacci authored an Op-Ed in which he wrote “I have always said we need to preserve Medicare for current seniors and protect it for future generations of Americans.” [The Daily Record, 3/23/12]

Immigration and Border Issues


Labor and Working Family Issues

Placed Blame on Homeowners for Faulting on Mortgages

In March 2011, Renacci said that the housing crisis was the result of the belief "everybody should own a home" and that some people were given easy financing, but many could not keep up their mortgage payments when the adjustable rate increased.

Renacci stressed that each American should have the ability to work hard to achieve the dream of owning a home and added, "Nobody gave me special financing.” [Wooster Daily Record, 3/08/11]

LGBT Issues

Stressed Conservative Family Values

Renacci said he believes marriage is between a man and a woman and said that he is “very much pro-life." [Wooster Daily Record, 3/08/11]

Other Issues

Accused Media of Bias

In February 2012, Renacci said“[The media believe[s] what (Obama) believes,” he said. “They want him to succeed. So they highlight anything they believe is positive, and they bury all the negatives. As conservatives and Republicans, we have to work harder and smarter to get around this liberal bias.” [Canton Repository 2/23/12]

Cited Arena Football Team Ownership as Proof of Business Acumen

In 2012, Renacci cited his ownership of an Arena Football Team as one example among many of his business skills. Other businesses cited by Renacci included long term care facilities, nursing homes, a minor league baseball team and an amphitheatre. [Yahoo, accessed 03/05/12]

Used Lines from Opponent in Stump Speech

In 2012 Roll Call reported that Renacci used phrases coined by Betty Sutton, his opponent, in his stump speeches. The phrase comes from an October 2011 video of Sutton: “While Americans don't want government on their backs, they do want government on their side.” [Roll Call, 3/05/12]

Didn’t Come to Washington to Play Politics

In March 2012, Renacci authored an Op-Ed in which he wrote “I didn’t come to Washington to play politics; I came to fix what is wrong with our nation’s capital. Sometimes that means making the difficult decisions needed to get America back on a fiscally sustainable path.” [The Daily Record, 3/23/12]

Criticized Washington for Never Starting On-Time

In March 2012, Renacci visitied The Noon Lions emphasizing his bipartisanship and businessman approach to politics. Renacci said there are three things everyone should know about Washington.

“Nothing ever starts on time…no matter what the numbers you see are, it’s actually much worse…and it’s very political,” Renacci said. “You can’t get things done right away…you yhave to get people to know and trust you.” [The Daily Record. 3/17/12]

Touted Record of Reaching Across the Aisle “Get Things Done” in Washington

In March 2012, Renacci said “he has attempted to reach across the aisle to Democrats to try to ‘get things done’ and rise above politics, something he blamed both parties of doing.”

According to The Daily Record, “Renacci touted the group’s major achievement, which added to the payroll tax cut extension a bill to help Americans on unemployment to get jobs and training.” [The Daily Record, 3/17/12]

Urged Supreme Court Justices to “Consider Limitations to Government Power”

In March 2012 Renacci authored an op-ed in which he “urge[d] the justices to consider the limitations to government power envisioned by the Founding Fathers when they crafted our Constitution.” [The Daily Record, 3/30/12]

Second Amendment Rights

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Entitlement Programs

Supported Republican Budget to Deny Nearly 160,000 Ohio Seniors Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

After voting for the 2012 Republican budget, Renacci said, “The budget plan secures Medicare without making any changes to those currently 55 and older.”

Yet, under the Republican budget, 159,403 Ohio seniors will pay $89 million more for prescription drugs next year alone. [Rep. Jim Renacci Press Release, 4/15/11; Senate Democrats on the Donut Hole Provision, 4/14/11]

Tax Issues

Wanted Tax Reform that Included Simplification of the Tax Code and No Raises in Taxes

In May 2011, Renacci said he wanted to review and simplify tax codes.

He said, “I am not in favor of raising taxes. We need to get our spending in line first and don’t look at revenue. We need to be fiscally responsible.” [, 5/4/11]

Said We Don’t Need New Taxes to Fix the Debt Crisis

“Hi, I’m Congressman Jim Renacci. As many of you may know, Congress has been working this week toward a solution to our current debt crisis. From the beginning of this debate, I have advocated for passing legislation to prevent default while making serious cuts to federal spending. These cuts are needed to put us back on a fiscally sustainable path. The major credit ratings agencies have told us we will risk loosing our triple-A credit rating if we do not get our spending under control. We are running massive deficits because Washington spends too much, not because Americans are taxed too little. We don’t need a ‘balanced approach,’ to solve our debt problem. That’s just Washington talk for new taxes. What we need is a balanced budget. [RepJimRenacci’s YouTube Account, uploaded 7/29/11]

Supported Making the Bush Tax Cuts Permanent

“In Congress, I will fight for across the board tax relief to ease the current financial strains on hardworking Americans and to help foster economic growth by keeping hard earned dollars at home and in the market place, rather than in the hands of Washington bureaucrats. 2001 & 2003 Tax Cuts In Washington, I will fight to keep the 2001 & 2003 tax cuts permanent. Allowing these tax cuts to expire would amount to a significant tax increase on the middle class, with the average Ohio family of four seeing their tax bill increase by $2,156 annually.” [Renacci for Congress’ Website, accessed  8/11/11]

DCCC Fact-Checked on Claim Regarding Payroll Tax Cut Extension Vote

In December 2011, The Plain Dealer Politifact called the DCCC’s claim that Renacci was trying to avoid voting on a payroll tax cut extension “False.” Politifact said, “Renacci indicated he was open to extending the payroll tax cut and did vote for a bill that contained the extension. And the DCCC asserted no grounds of support for the claim that that Renacci wanted to leave Washington without voting.”  [The Plain Dealer, 01/05/12]

Supported Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate to 25 Percent

In March 2012 Renacci authored an op-ed in which he advocated lowering the corporate tax rate to 25 percent. Renacci said that such a move is needed to “lower our corporate tax rate to put us more in line with the rest of the world and to make us more competitive again.” [The Daily Record, 4/6/12]

…and Touted Repatriation Bill

Renacci touted bipartisan legislation that “would allow American businesses to return overseas profits at a significantly reduced rate.” Companies would only be eligible for the reduced rate “if the business could prove it used them to invest in the company or hire new workers.” [The Daily Record, 4/6/12]

Tea Party

Stressed Conservative Family Values

Renacci said he believes marriage is between a man and a woman and said that he is “very much pro-life." [Wooster Daily Record, 3/08/11]

Said Bureaucrats 1,000 Miles away Should Not Tell You What to Do

At an appearance at a local high school, Renacci told the students, "No bureaucrat 1,000 miles away should have the right to tell you how to live your life." [Wooster Daily Record, 3/08/11]

Said the EPA, OSHA and NLRB Had Over-Extended Their Reach

At a May 2011 Stark County Chamber of Commerce Association event, Renacci said he believed the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration and the National Labor Relations Board had over-extended their reach.

He said, “EPA has started going far and above where they should” and said congressional oversight committees are asking : “Why?” [The Suburbanite, 5/04/11]

Voted with GOP Leadership and Boehner 97 Percent of the Time – More than Boccieri’s 94 Party Line Vote

In May 2011, Congressional Quarterly magazine analyzed the voting record of Renacci and found he voted with the Republican majority 97 percent of the time despite having criticized former Rep. John Boccieri's 94 percent ratio of voting with Pelosi. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 5/09/11]

Transportation Issues

Veterans’ Issues

Claimed to Support Military and Troops

On March 10, 2012 while speaking at the Medina County Family and Neighbors Breakfast Conference Renacci said “I am a big strong supporter of the military and I am strong supporter of all our troops and will do whatever I can to make sure that those programs are intact and maintained.” [YouTube, 3/10/12]

Criticized Opponent for Speaking in Front of VA Facility

On March 10, 2012 while speaking at the Medina County Family and Neighbors Breakfast Conference Renacci criticized Betty Sutton for speaking in front of a VA facility.  Renacci said “My opponent today is speaking in front of a VA.  Of course, you know, that’s already government run organization supported by the Obama administration, today. So she’s able to speak before that. I didn’t get invited to that.  I get invited to the people.  And that’s the key.” [YouTube, 3/10/12]

Women’s Issues

Said Contraception Mandate Violates the First Amendment

In February 2012, during a meeting with the editorial board of the Canton Repository, Renacci said that President Obama’s requirement that employers or insurers must provide contraception coverage violates the First Amendment. “Anytime you try to tell a Catholic organization that they’re required to do certain things that’s against what they believe in, it’s a First Amendment issue,” said Renacci. [The Canton Repository, 2/13/12]


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