Rules and Conditions for Game Moderators

ADDENDUM ? Game Moderators Moderation Actions Table

All Game Moderators should follow the below table when assessing punishments for players in-game, on the website / forums, or in the Discord chat.

Tier 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X XX

Punishment Verbal Warning Kick from server 12 hour ban 24 hour / 1 day ban 48 hour / 2 day ban 72 hour / 3 day ban 1 week ban 2 week ban 3 week ban 1 month ban Permanent Ban Permanent Ban, Non-Negotiable

Repeat Offenders

When punishing a player who has already received punishment for a committed infraction, the punishment given shall be one tier higher than the offense's listed punishment. Each subsequent offense will move to the next tier, until one of the following conditions are met, at which point the player should be banned permanently:

1. The number of infractions committed by the player (including the one that would be assessed) is equal to 5 or more, or; 2. The length of the ban would exceed one month

Note: When assessing violations, if the infraction is relatively minor, lower tier punishments such as verbal warnings can be repeated so long as actions committed are not causing other infractions.

Note: All Discord bans are permanent unless appealed. All Discord mutes should be under 24 hours - anything over this should be considered for a ban.

Tier One - Minor Infractions

Players committing infractions that fall under these categories should be given a verbal warning either once or twice, depending on the situation, and if they are still not listening, more severe penalties should follow.


Recommended Punishment

Use of profanity

Verbal warning*


Verbal warning*


Disrespecting Verbal warning* other players

Combat logging

No action until two instances of obvious evidence recorded, or if given approval by Administration or Moderation Management

Spawn camping (as cops)

Verbal warning*

Illicit content1 Verbal warning*




1 Defined as alcohol, drugs, other illegal items (assume federal laws, not state laws) * Verbal warnings shall utilize the warning system on the OBC (when it's finished) when attempting to contact players after an infraction has occurred

Tier Two ? Medium Infractions

Players committing infractions that fall under these categories should either be kicked from the game or banned for between one hour and three days, depending on severity.


Repeated disrespect*

Frequent profanity*

Combat logging


Repeated spawn camping (as cops)

Disruptive audio1

Recommended Punishment Kick,or ban up to 24 hours Kick, or ban up to 24 hours 1 day ban, removal of bounty Kick, or ban up to 24 hours 1 day ban

1 day ban




1 Disruptive audio which falls under loud sirens, screeching, etc. * For chat-based infractions, mutes should be favored over bans for the first couple infractions, discretion is left up to the punishing staff member

Tier Three ? Major Infractions

Players committing infractions that fall under these categories should be banned for a

minimum of 24 hours, and repeat offenders may be banned for no longer than 1 week.


Recommended Punishment




Purposefully glitching1

2 day ban

Racism / Sexism / 3 day ban Homophobia*

Suicide / Self Harm / Depression Jokes or Comments directed at other players / roleplayed*

3 day ban


2 day ban

disruptive audio

Hacking /

If threat is credible


report to admin,


otherwise 1 week


Harassment of / Disobeying staff

3 day ban

Light adult content*2

3 day ban

Logging (after

2 day ban

first infraction)

Roleplaying /

1 week ban

joking about



Bypassed / NSFW 1 week ban



1 week ban

impersonation 3

Bounty farming 4 1 week ban

Scamming other players

3 day ban


3 day ban,

license plates

depending on


* For chat-based infractions, mutes should be favored over bans for the first couple infractions, discretion is left up to the punishing staff member 1 This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, as many relatively harmless or easy to find and perform glitches that should not garner punishments will be revealed as time wears on. Example: The clutch glitch does not fall under purposefully glitching 2 Defined as general sexual comments 3 Defined under impersonating a staff member in order to warn / threaten a player with punishments. 4 Bounty should be reset. If a player is using an alternative account to farm from, permanently ban that account.

Tier Four ? Severe Infractions

Players committing first-time infractions that fall under these categories should receive a 1 week ban initially, with a subsequent offense constituting a 1 month ban or permanent ban depending on the severity.


Recommended Punishment

Repeated adult 1 week ban / illicit content


1 week ban,


escalate if

vulgar content needed

Exploiting 1

Sexual harassment

2 week ban 1 week ban

Cyber bullying 2 week ban

Extreme instance of racism

3 week ban

Strong sexual 2 week ban content 2

Circumvention 1 week ban of bans

Terroristic roleplay or jokes

3 week ban

Jokes about tragic events

3 week ban

Blowing bubbles

Beaten senseless by every ablebodied patron in the server




1 Exploiting should become a permanent ban if the player is using an obvious alt or account with under 100 miles, their second exploiting offence, or exploiting to unfairly gain stats (request a stat reset for this).

2 Defined as sexual roleplay (including performing "motions" with avatars) or disturbing sexual comments

Tier Five ? Permanent Ban


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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