MT Judicial Branch

____________________________________Name_____________________________________Mailing Address_____________________________________City, State Zip Code_____________________________________Phone Number___________________________________E-mail Address (optional)?Petitioner ?Respondent ?Co PetitionerAppearing without a lawyerMONTANA _______________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT_____________________ COUNTYIn re the Marriage of:_________________________________, ?Petitioner ?Co Petitioner,and_________________________________,?Respondent ?Co Petitioner.Case No: _________________________ Notice of Entry of DecreeNotice is hereby given that on the ______ day of ______________________, 20___, the Court entered a Final Decree of Dissolution in the above-entitled action. A true and correct conformed copy of the Final Decree of Dissolution is attached to this Notice and served upon you.DATED this ______ day of _______________ , 20___. ____________________________________?Petitioner ?Respondent ?Co Petitioner____________________________________Print NameProof of ServiceI, _____________________________, attest that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Entry of Decree was served the ____ day of _______________, 20___, by mailing said copy, postage paid, to:______________________Name_______________________Street Address_______________________CityState Zip CodeI declare under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the state of Montana that the information in this document is true and correct.?I understand that it is a crime to give false information in this document. Dated this __________day of ___________________, 20__.Signature: ______________________________ ?Petitioner ?Respondent ?Co PetitionerPrint Name: ______________________________ ................

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