Seacoast NH USBC

Seacoast NH USBC

2020 - 2021 Yearbook

Serving: Dover Bowl (Non sanctioned lanes)

Strikers East

Association Website:

President's Report- 2020-2021

I would like to thank all the officers and directors of the Board of Directors for carrying out the tasks for this year. They worked hard and contributed many ideas and suggestions for trying to promote bowling. We experienced an exceedingly difficult year due to the affects of the Covid-19 pandemic. We had to cancel last years' annual meeting because the Governor had lock down measures in place for our health safety. When possible, the board continued to meet through Zoom Meetings. We kept the same Board members and cancelled the local association tournaments. The directors' dedication and ability to work well together as a team has aided tremendously in the completion of another successful 2020/2021 bowling season. The meetings were run well and timely.

I would also like to thank Biggi Damm for doing an outstanding job as the Association Manager. She did a great job of processing and distributing the awards and processing member applications. She communicated well with the secretaries to insure that everything was processed. Biggi did a great job of building a rapport with the secretaries.

We also suffered a blow to our membership due to the permanent closing of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard bowling center and Dover Bowl's conversion to string bowling. This style of bowling is currently not sanctioned by USBC. As a result of these developments, our membership was reduced by almost half. We're hoping that the string bowling centers will be sanctioned in the near future.

Lastly, I would like to thank the bowlers and centers for supporting our organization.

We are always looking for individuals who are willing to join the board and dedicate their time to keeping the association moving in the right direction. We are trying to find new ways to attract participation. Going forward, there will be a couple of key initiatives which affect the Board of Directors: The Registered Volunteer requirement and the importance of attending the few meetings that we have each year (4 to 6).

The association still has a few outstanding matters to address such as getting the league secretaries and presidents to become more involved with the Association and fine tuning the communication with leagues. We also need to strengthen the youth bowling activities. The responsibility and duties of the board are currently managed by a few individuals, but we need involvement from the whole bowling community; from the youth or adult bowler who is just starting out, to the experienced bowler with a high average if we are going to keep bowling alive and fun! Helpers don't have to be actual Board members!

It is imperative to remember that we need the support and participation from the bowling community to make 2021/2022 bowling season another successful year! New ideas and suggestions are always welcome!

Thank you, Pam Cook President, Seacoast NH USBC Association




SeParceosaidsteNntH USBC Association OfficiaPlsa2m0e2l0a-2K0.2C1ook lpncook@

Vice President Sergeant at Arms Association Manager Director Director

Keith Smith

Phil Dickens

Biggi Damm Miriam Thompson Biggi Damm

30smith@ phyergaud85@ parafine@ munchkin8586@ parafine@


Carol Gammon grammyc06@


Rich Dickens



Cindy Smith


Youth Director

Brian Dickens


Youth Director

Geoffrey Dickens

Term Exp 2022 2021 2022

2022 2022 2021 2022 2021 2021 2021

Center Manager Center Manager

Mark Bowen


Tammy Beyloune -Strikers East







SeParceosaidsteNntH USBC Association OfficiaPlsa2m0e2l0a-2K0.2C1ook lpncook@

Vice President

Keith Smith


Sergeant at Arms

Phil Dickens


Association Manager Director Director

Biggi Damm

Miriam Thompson

Biggi Damm





Carol Gammon grammyc06@


Rich Dickens



Cindy Smith


Director (Youth)

Janet Boyden


Director (Youth)

Madilyn Yockel madilynyockel@

Term Exp 2022 2023 2022

2022 2022 2023 2022 2023 2023 2022

Center Manager Center Manager

Mark Bowen


Tammy Beyloune -Strikers East



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