Common Object Codes - Harvard University

Commonly Used Object Codes

A more detailed listing may be downloaded at:

Please use the object code that actually applies to the expenditure and not the one

that fits better in your budget and/or description.

Travel – Domestic & Foreign - 7650 to 7676

Travelers Must Travel Coach & Meet Per Diem Rates Set By Harvard, School, or Department.

7651 Domestic Airfare

7652 Domestic Lodging

7653 Domestic Ground Transportation

7654 Domestic Meals & Incidentals

7655 Domestic Business Meals

7671 Foreign Airfare

7672 Foreign Lodging

7673 Foreign Ground Transportation

7674 Foreign Meals & Incidentals

7675 Foreign Business Meals

Equipment, Supplies & Materials – 6540 to 6770

6540 Classroom Supplies and Materials

6630 Non-library Books/Reprints/Subscriptions

6640 Office Supplies/Materials

6650 Photography, Printing/Reprographics Supplies/Materials

6660 Computer Supplies and Materials, General

6710. Computer Software under $5,000

6750 Computer Equip under $5,000

6760 Non-computer Equip, Furniture/Fixtures under $5,000

6770. Rentals of Equipment, Furniture/Fixtures

Mgt. Consulting/Professional Services Payments to Individuals - 7940 to 8692

7940 Mgt Consulting Professional Services Advisory svcs from non-university individuals or organizations

7970 Publication-Related Professional Services Includes editorial services, graphical design

7980 Other Professional Services Professional services not listed above; NOT Harvard employees.

8220. Temporary Agency Personnel Services

8690 Lecture Fees, Honoraria, Prizes/Awards Invited guests who give lectures, participate in panels; NOT

Harvard employees or Harvard students

Food/Catering/Meals - 7650 to 7676, 8060 to 8064,

See “Travel” above to reimburse individuals

6570 Food/Nonalcoholic Beverages Including bottled water for office use

7655 Business Meals/Meetings If alcohol is included, charge that amount to 8450.

8060 Catering Services If alcohol is included, charge that amount to 8450.

8450 Expenses Ineligible for Fed Reimbursement Includes alcoholic beverages, gifts, flowers

Postage - 8700 to 8718

8700 Postage, Express Mail Includes express mail services & fees paid to Univ. Mail

Telephone - 851 0- to 8517

8510 Telephone/Telecommunications


7230. Rentals/Leases of Space

8267 Parking

8540 Photocopying/Duplicating

8550 Printing/Publishing

8620 Training

8630 Professional Development-Courses, conferences

attended by employees

8631 Conference Fees

8680 Dues/Membership


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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