Computational Physics Object Oriented Programming in Python

Computational Physics Object Oriented Programming in Python


What is Object Oriented Programming? Why design programs to be Object Oriented? Features of Object Oriented Programs Implementation in Python

Procedural Programming

Design emphasis is on setting up the logic of the program and its supporting functions.

? We can improve things if we structure the program to make use of functions to do things we do a lot.

Define or input the data you want to operate on.

? Write read and write functions ? Set up structures for the data

Generally, you need to know a lot about the procedures and the data structures to make use of the program or modify it.

Ultimately provide some output....

imimppoorrttnnuummppyyaassnnpp imimppoorrttmmaattpplolottlilbib.p.pyypplolottaassppll ddeeffffaalllilningg__bbaalll(lx(x00,v,v00,g,g,t,t):):

rreettuurrnnxx00++vv00**tt++00.5.5**gg**tt****22 ddeeffmmaainin()(:):

##sseettvvaarriaiabbleless xx00==110000.. vv00==00.. gg==99.8.8 tt==nnpp.a.arraannggee(1(10011.).) ##ddeeffnneeoouuttppuuttaarrrraayy xx==nnpp.z.zeerrooss(1(10011)) ##ccoommppuuttee ffoorri,it,tttinineennuummeerraattee(t(t):):

xx[i[]i]==ffaalllilningg__bbaalll(lx(x00,v,v00,g,g,t,ttt)) ##nnoowwddoossoommeetthhiningg,, ppl.lp.plolott(t(t,x,x)) mmaainin()()

Procedural Example

Define a function we'll call a lot.

Initialize variables (data) we need to do the calculation.

Set up a structure to hold the result. Note that we have to be careful about Making x the correct size.

Now do the calculation. Again we have to be careful to write our program so that things come out even.

Finally we want to do something with the result

Object Oriented Programming

Emphasis is on writing "objects" Objects contain data; data is maintained in a

structure Objects contain "methods" which operate on the

data. Objects have well defined ways to interface to

other objects and programmers. Individual Objects can belong to the same

"class" of objects. The same thing ... just different data and properties.


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