Object Dictionary: Pager


Object Dictionary 1


The Pager object provides alarm notifications via pager to personnel at a remote location who would otherwise not be aware of the alarm coming into a workstation or terminal. The Pager object integrates the alarm message into the correct protocol message format and sends the dial-up message via outgoing modem. This object is designed for a supervisory controller such as the N30.


The Pager object supports only a basic notification function using an alphanumeric pager company that supports the Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP). The object does not support Acknowledgement, Systems Management Server (SMS) and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) solutions, or other similar advanced functions.

For standard alarming, the Pager object routes alarms based on filtering criteria defined in the Pager object attributes. However, for BACnetTM alarming, set the Pager object as a destination of the BACnet Notification Class object in order to route alarms.

? May 1, 2002 Johnson Controls, Inc. Code No. LIT-1201116

Software Release 5.1

2 Pager

Key Concepts

Paging Overview

The Message Router object sends a Status Notification Report (SNR) containing status change information to the Pager object. The Pager object decodes the message and formats it into Pager message format. The Pager object dials the pager service using the proper protocol.


Pager devices are connected via modem through a Dial-out N30 port. More than one Pager object can be related to a Dial-out port by setting the Port Number attribute. However, only one Pager object at a time can use the port.

The Pager object can share a Dial-out port only with other Pager objects (not with other devices).

If another Pager object is already using the Dial-out N30 port, the Pager object stores the message in a queue and attempts to dial again at one-minute intervals.

Once the pager service receives the message, the pager service routes the SNR message to the pager (see Figure 1).


If a port is busy when the Pager object tries to dial the pager service, the Pager object buffers the message and attempts to dial out again at a later time.

SNR Message

Pager Message

Alarm Message


Fault 04 Jun 2001 11:05:47


Figure 1: Sample Pager Message


Object Dictionary 3


Specific Attributes

Table 1 lists the attributes specific to the Pager object. The Pager object also has the attributes of the Metasys Common object. Refer to Table 1 in the Metasys Common Object chapter (LIT-694020) for details.

Table 1: Attribute Properties

Attribute Name

Data Type N30 Flags*

N30 Default Options/Range Value

Metasys Common Attributes

See Table 1 in the Metasys Common Object chapter (LIT-694020).

Active Filter Enumeration CW

Pass All

Enumeration set:

0 = Pass None 1 = Pass All 2 = Filter A 3 = Filter B

4 = Filter A and B

Category Filter A

Bit String


All bits set

Select True/False for the following values:

? HVAC ? Fire ? Security ? Services ? Administrative

Category Filter B

Bit String


All bits set

See Category Filter A.




Config Object Reference


Msg Type Filter A

Bit String


All bits set

Select True/False for the following values:

? System Alert ? Operator Transaction ? Alarm

Msg Type Filter B

Bit String


All bits set

See Msg Type Filter A.

Pager Number




Pager Service String



Port Number Enumeration C

PORT2 (2)

Enumeration set:

1 = PORT1 2 = PORT2 3 = PORT3

Continued on next page . . .

* C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable

4 Pager

Attribute Name (Cont.)

Priority Filter A

Data Type N30 Flags*

Bit String


Priority Filter B

Bit String


Process Identifier






* C - Configurable, W - Writable

N30 Default Options/Range Value

All bits set All bits set

Select True/False for the following values:

? Critical ? Serious ? Important ? Status

See Priority Filter A.



Attribute Definitions

Table 2 lists the definitions of the attributes specific to the Pager object.

Table 2: Attribute Definitions

Attribute Name


Metasys Common Attributes

See Table 2 in the Metasys Common Object chapter (LIT-694020).

Active Filter

The type of filtering in effect for the pager message. Options include:

? Pass None: No SNR messages sent. ? Pass All: Send all SNR messages. ? Filter A: Send SNR messages based on the settings of Filter A. ? Filter B: Send SNR messages based on the settings of Filter B. ? Filter A and B: Send SNR messages based on the settings of Filter A and

Filter B.

Category Filter A

This element of Filter A defines which categories of messages the Pager object sends when Filter A is in effect. This filter has no effect for SNRs that do not define a category. A value of True for a particular position (HVAC, Fire, Security,

Services, or Administrative) means that the Pager object sends messages of that defined category.

Category Filter B

See description for Category Filter A.

Modem Config Object

Holds the modem information used by the Serial Datalink Object. Set this attribute to a Modem Configuration object. When the Modem Configuration Object attribute

is set to None, the Pager object uses the default modem initialization string and parameters from the Serial Datalink object. See the Modem Configuration (LIT-694490) and Serial Datalink (LIT-694810) chapters in the Object Dictionary.

Msg Type Filter A

This element of Filter A defines which message types the Pager object sends when Filter A is in effect. A value of True for a particular position (System Alert, Operator Transaction, or Alarm) means that the Pager object sends a message of that

defined type.

Msg Type Filter B

See description for Msg Type Filter A.

Continued on next page . . .

Attribute Name (Cont.) Pager Number Pager Service

Port Number Priority Filter A

Priority Filter B Process Identifier Retries

Object Dictionary 5


Dial-out phone number of the pager to receive the Alphanumeric message. Both the Pager Number and Pager Service are required for the Pager object to function. Dial-out phone number of the pager service providing Alphanumeric messaging service. Both the Pager Number and Pager Service are required for the Pager object to function. Specifies the port to which the Pager object sends data. This element of Filter A defines which priorities the Pager object sends when Filter A is in effect. A value of True for a particular position (Critical, Serious, Important, or Status) means that the Pager object sends messages of that defined priority. See description for Priority Filter A. Used to route messages to the Pager object. Must be a unique number for each device. If not specified, a value is automatically assigned on download. Number of times that the Pager object resends any transmissions to the pager service if an error occurs


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