Lesson Plan

Primary Learning Plan

| Date & Time | Subject / NC links |Curriculum level |Length of lesson |Venue |Total No. of Pupils |

|Prior learning / Assessment to inform planning (Please also refer to class list and seating plan) |

|The previous lesson was spent introducing transcripts and the story of Romeo and Juliet. |

|The children are in the higher level of the year group so they have more of an understanding on grammar but still need to go over clauses to refresh their memory before the next lesson. Some groups in the class|

|are less confident so will need more work and attention to get them up to date with the others in the class. |

|Learning Objective for the lesson … |

| To understand the differences between subordinate and embedded clauses |

|Differentiated Learning Outcomes: |

|Should be able to give an example of an embedded clause and a subordinate clause in a sentence. |

|Should be able show the differences between the clauses. |

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|Key Vocabulary |

|Subordinate clause |

|Embedded clause |

|Connectives |

|Maths / Numeracy Focus |English / Literacy Focus |Role of other adult |

| | |TA will support the children who are more advanced. |

| |Grammar recap on clauses. | |

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|Wider Skills (including PHSE, Citizenship, PLTS, Enterprise, Innovative ideas & Creative pupil opportunities) |

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|The children will be creative and use their own ideas when creating and structuring their own sentences. |

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|Time |Link to |Teacher Activity |Pupil Activity |Assessment Strategies Used to Ensure |Resources |

| |Learning |Objective & Outcomes, |Identify the techniques used to |Progress of All Learners |e.g. TEL, Other Adults, |

| |Outcome number |Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & Consolidation |differentiate for ALL Learners | |Materials and Equipment |

| | | |e.g. SEND, EAL, VAK, UC, G & T | | |

|5 minutes | |Introduce embedded clauses, asking “what is an embedded | |Ask children to give examples and |SMART board. |

| | |clause?” | |become involved with class discussion.| |

| | |“why is it used?” | | | |

| | |Then show examples on the board highlighting where the | | | |

| | |embedded clause is. | | | |

|10 minutes | |Handout the embedded clause worksheet for the children. | |Using the worksheet will help asses |Worksheets |

| | |The children have to add commas and underline where the | |each pupils progress. | |

| | |embedded clauses are used in the sentences. | | | |

| | |The higher level pupils will be given a sample paragraph | | | |

| | |from Romeo and Juliet and have to add their own | | | |

| | |subordinate and embedded clauses. | | | |

| 5 minutes | |Go through the first 3 questions on the worksheet with the| |If the children are still struggling |SMART board. |

| | |class and get them to come up to the board and add the | |then go through the next 3 questions | |

| | |commas. | |with the class. But maybe get the some| |

| | | | |pupils to explain to the children how | |

| | | | |they do it. | |

|10 minutes | |Let the children create their own embedded clause | |Rotate around the tables. Then | |

| | |sentences. For the higher level group they can create a | |afterwards get the pupils to share | |

| | |sentence using one or more embedded clauses in one | |their sentences. | |

| | |sentence. After let the children share their sentences to | | | |

| | |the class. | | | |

| 5 | |Introduce subordinate clauses, asking “what is a | |Ask children to give their own |SMART board. |

|minutes | |subordinate clause?” | |examples and become involved in class | |

| | |“where is it used?” | |discussion. | |

| | |Then show examples on the board highlighting where the | | | |

| | |clauses are used in a sentence | | | |

|15 minutes | |Handout the subordinate clause worksheet for the pupils. | |Using the worksheet will help asses |Worksheets |

| | |They have to underline the clause and add the punctuation.| |each pupils progress. |Glue sticks |

| | |Then they have to rearrange the sentence, so the clause is| | | |

| | |either at the end or beginning. | | | |

|5 minutes | |Let the children create up to 3 of their own subordinate | |Rotate around the tables and letting |SMART board. |

| | |clause sentences to share with the class. | |the pupils share their best sentences.| |

|15 minutes | |Using the random generator, previously created with | |Getting the children to engage with |SMART board. |

| | |different sentences and questions about clauses, get the | |questions and others on their tables, | |

| | |children to create their own groups. As the questions | |will help those who aren’t as | |

| | |shows on the screen the teams have to write the answers on| |confident. | |

| | |their boards. Those with the highest score get 10 house | | | |

| | |points each.. | | | |

|Home Learning (to enhance prior, existing or potential knowledge and skills) |

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Lesson Evaluation

What was successful / not so successful? What was the impact of this on pupils progress?

|Evaluation |

|Pupil Learning & Progression |

|Did all the pupils achieve the attended learning outcome? (How do you know?) |

|Yes, the children achieved the WALT - understand the differences between subordinate and embedded clauses. |

|Whilst I was marking the pupils books it was clear to see that they had correctly applied all the clauses and added punctuation to their work. Also, those in the higher group added their own subordinate and |

|embedded clauses to a sample paragraph. At the end of the lesson I went over the questions “what is an embedded clause and where is it used?” and “what is a subordinate clause and where is it used?” The children |

|answered the questions on their whiteboards, so it was clear who understood. |

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|How do you and your pupils know they have ALL made rapid progress? |

|At the start of the lesson the children were unsure of the differences between the clauses and so I had to explain and give examples. But by the end of the lesson the children self assessed their work and RAG |

|their WALT. This made it clear to the children and I that they had made progress. |

|Teaching & Classroom Management |

|How has your planning and teaching ensured positive behaviours, highly conducive to learning? |

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|My planning and teaching ensured positive beahviour because, I made sure that there was plenty of time for different activities so children weren’t becmoing stressed about not being able to finish in time. Also, |

|the children were placed in the correct seating plan, depending on different levels, that has been created so highly conductive learning can take place. |

|Planning & Subject Knowledge |

|How could you further develop pedagogy to address errors and misconceptions in your planning? |

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|How could you develop imaginative and creative approaches to further match individual needs and interests? |

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|In my planning next time, I need to address different questions the children might ask and how I would answer those correctly. Also, I could apply different methods for those children who learn differently so |

|they can get involved more in the lessons. For example, creating games and visual activities. |

|Next Steps in Learning ….. |

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|My next steps are: |

|Develop pupil answers and address misconceptions |

|Identify a group to work with |

|Develop strategies to manage classroom behaviour |

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