Outline Template for speech presentation

Name __Joshua Meyerdirk_______________________ Topic______How to splint a leg_________

Specific Purpose: (example may be to demonstrate how to, or to inform, to persuade…..write in what type of speech you are delivering

Demonstrate how to splint a leg if there are no immediate medical services available.

Central Idea (Thesis):

A fractured leg while away from civilization can be a potentially dangerous situation, but learning how to splint a leg can help you deal with it.

Introduction-(Internal Preview)

Leg fractures can be a potentially fatal injury, but with a little bit of training and a few common items, you can save a life.


Topic sentence I: ___When you’re in the wilderness, sometimes you are not prepared to deal with an injury. With a little bit of know how and improvisation, you can potentially save a life.

A. Before any medical attention can be given, it is important to ensure the safety of yourself as well as the injured party.

1. You will not be able to help anyone if you can not first secure yourself.

2. It may be necessary to move the person to a more level or safer ground before you begin the splint.

B. Before leaving for any trip, make sure that you have taken the proper precautions in order to ensure that you are prepared for a medical emergency.

1. A basic first aid kit can mean the difference between life and death.

2. Make sure that you are prepared for your trip by taking the nescessary precautions.

C. It is simple to improvise a splint if you know what you are looking for.

1. Even if you don’t have a first aid kit, you can still make a splint.

2. Use items that you have in your gear or utilize your surroundings.

Topic Sentence:


_Once you and the injured party are in a safe enviornment, the next step is to assess the injury and determine the best course of action.

A. Before you treat the injured person, you must first determine the extent of his injuries.

1. In order to assess the wound, you must first expose it.

2. Make sure that there is no major blood loss and the injured party is breathing. The injury to the leg may not be the most serious problem.

B. There are two major types of fractures that you should be familiar with.

1. A fracture is open or compound when the bone is protruding from the skin.

2. A fracture is closed or simple when the bone has not broken the skin.

C. Because most of the danger involved with a fracture occur when the leg is moved, it is important to stabilize the injury.

1. Do not try and reset the fracture. The internal damage done to nerves and arteries can be fatal to the patient. .

2.If the fracture has resulted in the leg being at an angle that will not support a splint, it may be nescessary to straighten the leg. .

Topic Sentence III:

___After the fracture has been stabilzed, it is time to select splinting materials and apply the splint to the limb. __________________________________________________________

A. Gather any materials you have that may be used as a splintering material.

1. Use the materials you have to make the most stable splint that will provide the most support to the fracture

2. The three essential items that you will need to make a splint are two rigid objects, padding for the inside of the leg, and material such as a cravat or shirt to secure the rigid objects.

B. Gather the best material that you have available to act as rigid objects to keep the fractured leg in place.

1. The items available to you in your enviornment will determine the type of splint you will be able to apply.

2.Get everything in place before you begin. The less you have to move the fractured leg, the less damage you may do.

C. Apply the splint using the material you have gathered.

1. Begin by moving the securing objects under the leg. Do not place securing objects under the fracture site.

2.Secure the rigid objects to the leg. Ensure that the splint is tight enough to be secure, but not so tight as to cut off circulation.

Topic Sentence IV:

__________________Asses the fractured leg again and treat any other injuries


A. Make sure the splint has been applied correctly

1. If the cravats have been applied too tightly, a loss of circulation followed by numbness will result.

2. Check the patients pulse, motor control, and sensory feeling.

B. Reassess the patient for any other injuries.

1.This is the time to use your first aid kit or a clean shirt to cover any exposed wounds.

2.In the event of a severe fracture, there is a real possibility that the patient will be in shock.

C. Be prepared to move your patient if it is nescessary.

1. It is very important that the patient receive medical attention as soon as possible.

2. If you are in a remote location and can not dial 911, then you can not wait for help to come to you.

Conclusion: (internal summary)

______In conclusion, we have seen that the improvised first aid treatment of a fractured leg is one of the most basic and most important lessons that you can learn .


Miller, John. ‘’Splint a Suspected Fracture. ’’ Army Study Guide. QuinStreet, Inc. Web. n.d.

West, Bruce. ‘’How to Splint a Lower-Leg Fracture. ‘’ Art of Manliness. n.p, Web. 29 Nov. 2012.


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