Phonics planning Phase 1 – Voice sounds

1955803689985This is a detailed weekly breakdown for phase 1 phonics- voice sounds. This unit consists of 5 weeks which can be taught as a whole class or small group. 020000This is a detailed weekly breakdown for phase 1 phonics- voice sounds. This unit consists of 5 weeks which can be taught as a whole class or small group. 4025903363595Phonics planning Phase 1 – Voice sounds790000Phonics planning Phase 1 – Voice sounds Phase 1- Voice soundsRevise and revisitTeachPractise ApplyMondayHave a collection of objects. Reveal them and say the name. Is it a long or short word?Explain that we are going to move our mouth in different ways. E.g. blowing, sucking, opening, pouting, and stretching. Choose a way and get the children to copy your movement.Now get the children to look in the mirror at each action. What can they see? What does it feel like?Can we mirror each other? Choose a child to make a movement with their mouth. Can we copy their movement?TuesdayHave a collection of objects. Reveal them and say the name. Is it a long or short word?Explain that we are going to make our voice sound like different objects. Look at some objects cards and demonstrate how to make that sound e.g. slide- wheeee, ball- boing!Invite the children to sit in a circle. Reveal a picture at a time. What sound do you think it will make? Can you make that sound? What does your mouth look like?Invite the children to sit in a circle. Reveal a picture at a time. What sound do you think it will make? Can you make that sound? What does your mouth look like?WednesdayHave a collection of objects. Reveal them and say the name. Is it a long or short word?Repeat the activity from yesterday with a different set of picture cards e.g. car, animal, train, clockRepeat the activity from yesterday with a different set of picture cards e.g. car, animal, train, clockRepeat the activity from yesterday with a different set of picture cards e.g. car, animal, train, clockThursdayHave a collection of objects. Reveal them and say the name. Is it a long or short word?Demonstrate pulling an object or picture card out of the bag. Now say the sound and pass it around the circle, each child must then repeat the sound.Take turns to start off the activity. Can they remember the sound without prompting?Take turns to start off the activity. Can they remember the sound without prompting?FridayHave a collection of objects. Reveal them and say the name. Is it a long or short word?Revisit the picture cards this week. What sound does it make? Explain that they must make the correct sound to the correct picture card. Place the cards face down in the circle. Take turns to pick a card and say the sound. Are they correct? Place the cards face down in the circle. Take turns to pick a card and say the sound. Are they correct?Phase 1- Voice soundsRevise and revisitTeachPractise ApplyMondayRhyming words- can they match the objects which rhyme? E.g. cat and ratHave a variety of picture cards. Can we make that sound e.g. bird- tweet tweet. Can the others imitate that sound?Explain that some sounds are similar. Can we sort the picture cards into different groups e.g. animals, transport, indoor, outdoor.Look at each group and make all the noises using their mouth.TuesdayRhyming words- can they match the objects which rhyme? E.g. cat and ratRepeat activity from yesterdayRepeat activity from yesterdayRepeat activity from yesterdayWednesdayRhyming words- can they match the objects which rhyme? E.g. cat and ratHave a variety of picture cards or objects. Can we make that sound e.g. train- choo choo. Can the others imitate that sound?Explain that some sounds and quiet and some sounds are loud. Can we make quiet and loud noises?Sort the pictures or objects into groups- loud and quiet.ThursdayRhyming words- can they match the objects which rhyme? E.g. cat and ratRepeat activity from yesterdayRepeat activity from yesterdayRepeat activity from yesterdayFridayRhyming words- can they match the objects which rhyme? E.g. cat and ratHave a variety of picture cards or objects; Sort the pictures or objects into groups- loud and quiet. Some the children the trumpets made out of paper. Can we make loud noises through the trumpet and quiet noises without? What is your favourite sound? Why? Can you imitate that sound?Phase 1- Voice soundsRevise and revisitTeachPractise ApplyMondayCopy repeated body percussion sequences.Have a collection of objects (3 phoneme e.g. cat, dog, rat, cap) in a bag. Pull out an object and say the name. Now feed the object to the puppet, demonstrate the puppet segmenting the phonemes e.g. c-a-tTake turns to pick an object and feed the puppet. Can they copy the segmentation of the phonemes? E.g. c-a-tTake turns to pick an object and feed the puppet. Can they copy the segmentation of the phonemes? E.g. c-a-tTuesdayCopy repeated body percussion sequences.Repeat the activity from last sessionRepeat the activity from last sessionRepeat the activity from last sessionWednesdayCopy repeated body percussion sequences.Have a collection of objects (3 phoneme e.g. cat, dog, rat, cap) in a bag. Pull out an object and say the name. Explain that we are going to sound it out, demonstrate c-a-tTake turns to choose an object from the bag. Can we say the word and then sound out the phonemes?Take turns to choose an object from the bag. Can we say the word and then sound out the phonemes?ThursdayCopy repeated body percussion sequences.Repeat the activity from last sessionRepeat the activity from last sessionRepeat the activity from last sessionFridayCopy repeated body percussion sequences.Have a collection of objects (3 phoneme e.g. cat, dog, rat, cap) in a bag. Pull out an object and say the name. Now feed the object to the puppet, demonstrate the puppet segmenting the phonemes e.g. c-a-t Take turns to pick an object and feed the puppet. Can they copy the segmentation of the phonemes? E.g. c-a-t Make sure the puppet says words with the wrong phoneme or sounds out a different word e.g. object cat- but sounds d-o-g.Can the children recognise ifit is correct/incorrect?Phase 1- Voice soundsRevise and revisitTeachPractise ApplyMondayCopy different body percussion sequences.Explain that the teacher is going to make a sound. We must pass the sound around the circle and copy that sound.Pass the long sound e.g. eeeeeee, wheeeee, oooohhhh, eeekkkk. The children must take turns to pass the sound around the circle making sure that it is a long sound.Can the children think of their own long sound to pass around the circle?TuesdayCopy different body percussion sequences.Repeat the activity with short sounds.- bing, bop, ding, beepRepeat the activity with short sounds.- bing, bop, ding, beepRepeat the activity with short sounds.- bing, bop, ding, beepWednesdayCopy different body percussion sequences.Repeat the activity with loud sounds- crash, bang, wham, powRepeat the activity with loud sounds- crash, bang, wham, powRepeat the activity with loud sounds- crash, bang, wham, powThursdayCopy different body percussion sequences.Repeat the activity with quiet sounds- shhh, squeak squeak, hmmmmmRepeat the activity with quiet sounds- shhh, squeak squeak, hmmmmmRepeat the activity with quiet sounds- shhh, squeak squeak, hmmmmmFridayCopy different body percussion sequences.Repeat the activity with all of the above sounds. Repeat the activity with all of the above sounds. Repeat the activity with all of the above sounds.Phase 1- Voice soundsRevise and revisitTeachPractise ApplyMondayPlay an instrument with a simple beat. Can they have a go at copying the simple beat using their hands, then instrument?Explain that a sound has been made and recorded. Play the sound and talk about what it sounds like? Do we know the objects?Listen to recordings. Can we find the correct sound? Reveal the correct objects to check if they are correct.Listen to recordings. Can we find the correct sound? Reveal the correct objects to check if they are correct.TuesdayPlay an instrument with a simple beat. Can they have a go at copying the simple beat using their hands, then instrument?Explain that some children have been recorded saying hello. Play the sounds and see if we can guess who it is.Children to guess who is speaking on the recordings. Model how to describe the sound e.g. high, low, soft, loudChildren to guess who is speaking on the recordings. Model how to describe the sound e.g. high, low, soft, loudWednesdayPlay an instrument with a simple beat. Can they have a go at copying the simple beat using their hands, then instrument?Explain that we are going to change the sound of our voice. Look at special action cards and talk about their representation e.g. fast, slow, loud, quiet, whisper.Can we make a noise with our mouth e.g. aahhhhh, now show some of the different symbols. Can we change the ahhhh appropriately?Can we make a noise with our mouth e.g. aahhhhh, now show some of the different symbols. Can we change the ahhhh appropriately?ThursdayPlay an instrument with a simple beat. Can they have a go at copying the simple beat using their hands, then instrument?Repeat the activity from last sessionRepeat the activity from last sessionRepeat the activity from last sessionFridayPlay an instrument with a simple beat. Can they have a go at copying the simple beat using their hands, then instrument?Look at the symbol pictures. Can the children make the correct sound? Explain that we are going to place the cards together to make a sequence. Demonstrate how to change our voice to the symbol cards. Place the pictures in an order and make the noise with our mouth. Now change the order of the cards, can we copy that pattern? Place the pictures in an order and make the noise with our mouth. Now change the order of the cards, can we copy that pattern? ................

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