Digitální Učební Materiály | Projekt Gymtri

Číslo šablony: III/2


Tematická oblast: Exercises for Maturita Solutions


Cultures and Customs

Typ: DUM – pracovní list

Předmět: Anglický jazyk

Ročník: 4., 5. a 6. r. (6leté), 2, 3. a 4. r. (4leté)


Zpracováno v rámci projektu

EU peníze školám



Mgr. Lenka Rašková

Gymnázium, Třinec, příspěvková organizace

Datum vytvoření: květen 2014

Metodický list

Pracovní list může být použit celý nebo jen jeho části. S pracovním listem je možno pracovat jak formou samostatné práce žáků, tak formou práce skupinové.

Cílem DUMu je procvičit a rozšířit slovní zásobu 7. lekce učebnice Maturita Solutions

Pre-Intermediate tematicky zaměřenou na nonverbální komunikaci, gesta a zvyky různých kultur.

První cvičení s použitím emotikonů opakuje základní slovesa týkající se gest a další

nonverbální komunikace. Studenti přiřazují k jednotlivým emotikonům vhodná slovesa

a zamýšlejí se nad různými významy daných gest a pohybů těla. Další gesta a formy nonverbální komunikace uvedené prostřednictvím situačních fotografií studenti určují

ve 2. cvičení. Součástí tohoto cvičení jsou i otázky na významy a specifikaci situací

na obrázcích a příprava různých scének, kde studenti zkusí použít různá gesta a formy nonverbální komunikace.

Ve cvičení 3 studenti přiřazují k daným slovesům odpovídající části těla a definice sloves. Tato slovesa jsou následně doplňována do kontextu. Cvičení 4 a 5 jsou komunikační aktivity, které lze použít ve skupinách, dvojicích nebo frontálně. Témata otázek k diskuzi jsou vhodná a nevhodná gesta a formy nonverbální komunikace během pracovního pohovoru a gesta

a jejich významy v různých kulturách, kulturní šok.

DUM obsahuje klíč se správným řešením nebo příklady řešení.

Inovace spočívá ve využití interaktivního prostředí.

1/ Which body movements or gestures do these emoticons represent? What is

their meaning? Which feelings might they refer to?

A/ B/ C/ D/ E/

F/ G/ H/ I/

2/ Look at the following photos.










A/ Answer the questions.

• Which body movements are the people in the photos using? Why?

• What might these people be saying? Write one or more sentences for each situation in the photos above.

B/ Act out similar situations using various body movements and gestures. The other students

write down the list of the body movements and gestures used in the situations and discuss their


3/ A/ Match the following body movements to the appropriate part of the body and their descriptions.

B/ Use the expressions in the following sentences.

a/ He __________at the painting on the wall for over ten minutes.

b/ The audience ___________enthusiastically at the end of the concert.

c/ He __________his favourite tune as he drove to work.

d/ He gave me a _____________to signal that he understood.

e/ He ____________when I asked him to explain why he had arrived late.

f/ I can´t stop ____________, I must be very tired.

g/ Look at that! she said, _____________ at the hole in the door.

h/ She leaned over and _____________ something in his ear.

4/ Imagine you´re having a job interview. Look at the following body language and distribute it

into the positive and negative body movements.

5/ Discussion

• Are gestures and body movements the same in all the countries?

• Explain the proverb.

• Do you agree with it?

• Do you behave in the same way as stated in the proverb when you are on holiday in a foreign country?

• Is it important to learn about the culture, customs and traditions of the foreign country you are going to?

• What is a culture shock in your opinion? Have you ever experienced it?


1/ A/ whistle: make a sound by blowing air, feelings of relaxation, contentment

B/ thumb down: a common gesture of disapproval made by extending the thumb downward

C/ thumb up: a common gesture of approval made by extending the thumb upward

D/ frown: bring your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead, usually a serious,

worried or angry expression

E/ clap hands: applaud, hit your open arms together several times, a gesture of approval or enjoyment

F/ wink: close eye rapidly with a conscious effort, a private signal to somebody (secret), to show that

something is a joke

G/ yawn: open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply, feelings of tiredness, boredom

H/ scratching the chin: deep thinking, contemplating, a gesture of disbelief

I/ shrug: lift both shoulders up, a gesture of either not knowing an answer to a question, or not caring

about a result

The meanings of the gestures may differ from culture to culture.

2/ A/ shaking hands, two people grasp each other's hands and may move their grasped hands up and

down, when people meet each other, greet each other, they might be saying: Nice to see

you/ How do you do? (students´own answers)

B/ shrugging: lifting both shoulders up, a representation of an individual either not knowing an

answer to a question, or not caring about a result. It can also be used when someone is simply

ignoring the person's question. It may be emphasized with raised eyebrows, a turned-down mouth

and an exaggerated frown, and can be accompanied by raised palms. It is very common in Western

culture, rather than saying I don't know, they would simply perform a shrug. The gesture

may be accompanied by a three syllable grunt or hummed mumble mimicking the

intonation of I dunno

C/ Okay gesture is made by connecting the thumb and forefinger in a circle and holding the other

fingers straight. Be careful, it is considered obscene in Latin America.

D/ various hand gestures, a raised hand, a raised index finger. People often use gestures during heated or

tense arguments. the people might be saying: Look. / Listen to me. (students´own answers)

E/ hitchhiking gestures include sticking one thumb upward to request a ride in a car, Stop, please

(students´own answers)

F/ facepalm is an expression of frustration or embarrassment made by raising the palm of the hand to

the face, Oh, no./ Not again. (students´own answers)

G/ wave is a gesture in which the hand is raised and moved left and right, it is a greeting sign or sign

of departure, Good-bye/See you (students´own answers)

H/scratching the chin or stroking of the beard or chin., a sign of communicating deep thought

I/ the high five is a hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand each,

about head-high, and push, slide, or slap the flat of their palm against the flat palm of the other

person. It´s a gesture of celebration. The person using it might be saying: Give me five or High five.

(students´own answers).

3/ A/stare (eyes): a long penetrating look at something or someone

wink (eyes): close the eye rapidly with a conscious effort

clap (hands): applaud

whistle (lips, mouth): make a sound by blowing air through the lips

shrug (shoulders): raise the shoulders, usually to show indifference to something

point (finger): spot or show something with the finger

whisper (lips, mouth): speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying

yawn (lips, mouth): open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply, usually when you are tired or bored

B/ a/ stared, b/ clapped, c/ whistled, d/ wave, e/ shrugged, f/ yawning, g/ pointing, h/ whispered

4/ Positive body movements: shaking hands firmly, nodding in agreement, making eye contact, sitting up straight, smiling, looking at the interviewer, let your hands lie loosely on your lap

Negative body movements: staring blanky on the floor , crossing your arms and legs, yawning, dead-fish handshake, fidgeting, rubbing your nose, slouching in your seat, avoiding the interviewer's gaze, standing with hands in your pockets

5/ Students´own answers


1/ The Interview: Body Language Do's and Don'ts. Job Search, Employment and Careers at [online]. 2014 [cit. 2014-05-23]. Dostupné z:

2/ Is Your Body Betraying You In Job Interviews? - Forbes. Information for the World's Business Leaders - [online]. 2014 [cit. 2014-05-23]. Dostupné z:

3/ HORNBY, A. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, 1539 s. ISBN 01-943-1585-1.


A/ File:AlvaroGordoaTec04.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

B/ File:Shrug.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

C/ File:OK Sign.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z: ¨

D/ File:Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia 6 by David Shankbone.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

E/ File:Elsa amylin kiwi experience-2006-11-28.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

F/ File:Wikip-facepalm.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

G/ File:Provincia de Buenos Aires - Del Viso - Ruper saludando.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

H/ File:Bruzvdk.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

I/ File:9TH Drew Storen and Wilson Ramos.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-05-18]. Dostupné z:

Galerie Microsoft Word[pic]
















• applaud

• a long penetrating look at something or someone

• raise the shoulders, usually to show indifference to something

• spot or show something with the finger

• make a sound by blowing air through the lips

• close eye rapidly with a conscious effort

• open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply, usually when you are tired or bored

• speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying

shaking hands firmly – staring blankly on the floor - crossing your arms and legs - nodding in agreement - yawning - fidgeting - making eye contact - rubbing your nose - sitting up straight - dead-fish handshake - slouching in your seat - avoiding the interviewer's gaze - smiling - looking at the interviewer – letting your hands lie loosely on your lap – standing with hands in your pockets

„When in Rome,

do as the Romans do“.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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