Loudoun County Public Schools

Cloudy with a Chance of MeatballsYour meteorologist team will write a script for the evening news. Using maps, graphics, sounds, and animations you and your partner will present a 3-5 minute weather report and an extreme weather condition. You will prepare a powerpoint, flipchart or other media format to present your forecast. Your presentation should include the following components: 1) The introduction should get the viewers attention. You can use a joke, anecdote, or obscure weather term. In the introduction, you may want to report on what's happening with the weather at that time. You need to include a trivia question or report on a weather record from the past.2) A review of current weather conditions in the country, using a national weather map. This includes highs/low pressure systems, fronts, precipitation, temps, etc. Describe how and what is causing these factors. 3) A detailed 5-day forecast for the rest of the week in your local area. This includes high and low temperatures and chances of precipitation in a visual chart or table.4) The upcoming weather may affect many local activities in your city. You will need to report on the local activity and mention how it may affect the event. Be creative!5) Include a section that examines and explains an extreme weather phenomenon (tornadoes, t-storms, lightning, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, blizzards, etc). Use technical and accurate language to describe -Why, What, Cause, How to Prepare. Animations and short video clips are encouraged.Watch the local weather on any television station to see how it’s done. Be patient and have fun!Your team will be presenting your broadcast to the class. Each team member is required to participate and be actively involved in the presentation and research. Your team will turn in your typed TV script. The script should be at least 5 detailed paragraphs describing the 5 components above.The RubricTeam Members:Points Possible Score Introduction to weather:-Introduction including joke, anecdote, or obscure weather term2Trivia question or weather record3Current weather conditions: Accurate cause of current temp. and precipitation5Discuss highs and lows across the country 5Discuss fronts affecting weather 5 Forecast for the rest of week: Expected precipitation - why are you making this prediction? 3 Highs and lows - expected weeks temperature - why and what will cause this? 2 Presentation Local activities - how weather will affect this activities. 5Use of weather symbols. Maps neatly prepared. 10 Extreme Weather Phenomenon or Storm Details tell audience about extreme weather condition. Technical and accurate language used. Why, What, Cause, Preventions. 10Total Points 50 ................

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