Alamance-Burlington School System

Wildlife381952556705500Research your favorite animal of group of animals.? Create a Power Point presentation of at least 20 slides showing the different stages of life and the habitat for your animal of choice.? You may choose from local animal life, ocean wildlife, jungle animals, or others.? Topics to include could be diet of the animal(s), natural predators, habitat, length of life, location in the world, and any other topics you think would be of interest. Try to stick with one animal or one closely related group of animals so that you may include a good deal of information about it.? Be sure to find pictures of high resolution for use in your Power Point so that they will be of high quality on your presentation.? Try not to have blurry or distorted pictures in you Power Point, because this will detract from your score. Try to initiate interest in your presentation by including unknown facts and spectacular pictures.? Grab the attention of your audience and hold on to it.? You will continue to format this PowerPoint as we progress through the unit so you only need to worry about getting your information (text and pictures) in for this portion. The slides should not contain a great deal of information, so put main ideas on the slides and supporting details in the notes.One final slide named Bibliography should be included which lists any web site from which you obtain pictures or information.? Each URL listed in your bibliography should also include the slide number it was used on - look at the bibliography directions for an example. ? ................

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