
Tuesday, April 21, 2020Dear 3N Students and Families,Welcome to your shortened Week 6 of Remote Learning! Keep sending along your life updates, photos, and work samples…I so enjoy receiving anything you send along! We will plan on another Zoom call this Thursday 4/23 at 11 am. Parents, be on the lookout for a new invitation to this next Zoom meeting later in the week. Students, stay tuned to Class Dojo to vote on our activity for this week!Below, please find a schedule of daily learning activities for this week. Since school closures have been extended until May, the 3rd grade team is working to provide grade-wide consistent plans and resources. Every week students will now be given five virtual teacher-created lessons that students can go through at their own place.?Completing the Nearpods should be the main priority for work for the week, as these are where teachers are embedding any new content. The links for these lessons will be embedded within the posted weekly schedule. It will also be posted under an additional left-hand side tab on the grade level website titled “Virtual Lessons.” Students will need to enter their first name and last initial?before beginning their lesson on Nearpod, as well as their class (ex: 3N).? Your child will be provided with other learning opportunities in each subject area, on days that an interactive lesson is not assigned.?Please look to the grade level website for?additional?resources and print outs, under the Remote Learning tab here: learning activities are now recommended?for all students, as new topics will be introduced during the month of April. Feel free to keep trying activities from the previous weeks that you did not complete, or any of the additional learning activities your teachers have suggested. Finally, please remember that if any resources are giving you technical difficulties, or you are becoming overly frustrated, simply let your teacher know and move on to another learning activity. We want remote learning to remain as stress-free for all as it possibly can be!?Parents, I hope you can help your child with our Grade 3 kindness project this week, which was shared via email and ClassDojo this past Friday.?We’re hoping to spread joy to some lonely senior citizens this week. Let me know if you have questions.?In addition to the more specific learning activities for the week, I have also included a list of some additional resources as well. If you do nothing else each day, find time to lose yourself in a great book, get some physical activity (outdoors if it’s a nice day), and take some mindfulness breaks if you feel overwhelmed. Parents, you know I’m always here if you need help or have questions. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/9k=" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/2Q==" \* MERGEFORMATINET Thank you and continue to stay well, INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/e4b9f5134373a5c23ff04ce071f25c74.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/c9e94e3fdfa461ac67af7b5637e9b630.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/815ea279d968d8e550b3aa839e8fee71.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Caitlin Nunez HYPERLINK "mailto:cnunez@plainville.k12.ma.us" cnunez@plainville.k12.ma.us INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/510Yc-NE6-L__88691.1573972373.jpg?c=2&imbypass=on" \* MERGEFORMATINET Grade 3 At-Home Learning Plan: Week of 4/20 – 4/23 Time?Monday 4/20?Tuesday 4/21?Wednesday 4/22?Thursday 4/23?Friday 4/24?9:00 – 9:45?Math????????No School?????????No School???????????No School??XtraMath?Warm-UpReview:2nd?Grade Math?IXL:M.9 & M.14XtraMath?Warm-UpLesson: sure to enter your first name, last initial, and class upon entering the lesson.XtraMath?Warm-UpPractice: School????????????????No School???????????????????No School??9:45 – 10:30?ELA?Reading:? Please complete the Nearpod:? Context CluesTo access the lesson, you can click on this link directly:? you can access the lesson at using the code:??FREPNBe sure to enter you first name, last initial and class upon entering the lesson.Please complete the Nearpod: Earth Day WritingTo access the?lesson?you can click this link directly: you can access the lesson at using the code: KYPFIBe sure to enter your first name, last initial, and class upon entering the lesson.Reading:? Please log in to?There is?an ocean-themed passage assigned to you?this week.? Answer the Vocabulary in Context?Questions.?10:30 – 11:00?Snack/Brain BreakSnack/Brain BreakSnack/Brain Break11:00 – 11:30?Science?If you are able, please print from the Handouts section in Week?6?of the Grade 3 website the?Design a Windproof House handout,?the?Windmaker?handout,?and the?Paper House Model?handout.?If you’re able to, you?will need?scissors and tape to build the paper house model. If you have toothpicks and paperclips at home, those will also come?in handy. If you don’t have these materials, just follow along with the building of the model in the video.?You can pause the video after working on your house for 30 minutes and finish your house and investigation tomorrow.Watch and investigate the Mystery Science?engineering?lesson “How?Can You Keep a House from Blowing Away in a Windstorm?”? the Mystery Science?mini-lesson?“What’s worse: A hurricane or a tornado?”? you need to, finish your paper house model and investigation questions from the?Mytsery?Science investigation yesterday.BONUS:?Watch the Mystery Science Earth Day?mini-lesson?“How Old Is Earth?” Prepare to be fascinated!? the Nearpod on?Engineering Solutions to Weather-Related HazardsClick on the following link to access the Nearpod lesson for today:? you can access the lesson at using the code:?TXNCVRemember to put in your first name, last initial and class upon entering the lesson.BONUS:?IXL Science V3 (Identify best design solution to prevent hurricane damage)11:30 – 12:30?Lunch/BreakLunch/BreakLunch/Break12:30 – 1:00?Social Studies???????????Please complete the?Nearpod, A Change in MA Economy: Inventors and Inventions (1800s).Be sure to enter your first name, last initial, and class upon entering the lesson.To access the?lesson?you can click this link directly: you can access the lesson at:?using the code:?LRYSOBonus/Fun Activity:Create your own?invention?(Printable?is in?resources.)Please watch this?video about?resources?in an economy:, complete?H.2?(Natural Resources)?in the Social Studies?ixl.Please watch this?video?about?goods and services?in an economy:, complete?H.3?(Goods and Services)?in the Social Studies?ixl.?Additional Resources and Activities:Students, you are living in a historical time right now! Why not create a time capsule about this time period, to reread one day or to pass on to future generations! Check out this time capsule/journal that you and your parents can complete together: Sense Media has developed a curated list for schools and families of educational and stay-at-home resources that are worthwhile. Check out their site here: are always welcome to log into and play Prodigy or Happy Numbers for even more at-home math learning.TypingPal Online is always a great resource for students to practice typing skills. The link can be found on my website and students have their own log-ins.Mashup Math Puzzles. If you have access to a printer or a screen, these are the extension puzzles I provide weekly for students…they really enjoy the picture equation puzzles and the multiplication table puzzles the most! Finally, there are bound to be a host of emotions and stress levels while at home all together, without our routines to ground us. The following social-emotional and mindfulness websites are our ‘go-tos’ in 3N: - Cosmic Kids Yoga has some excellent yoga and mindfulness practice. In our classroom, we especially like the “Guided Relaxation” series of videos. - Go Noodle! has a variety of free brain break (and indoor friendly!) guided physical activities and dances that let kids move around in a structured way. They also have some mindfulness trainings as well. – Mrs. Skeffington came into our class recently and shared the book “A Little Peaceful Spot,” all about recognizing various emotions and using breathing and mindfulness techniques to bring ourselves back to a peaceful “green” spot. ................

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