Your Personal Astrology New Year ReadingTable of Contents: A Brief IntroductionPage 3Astrological Solar Return Chart for Katy PerryPage 4Hidden Aspects Within Katy’s Astrological ‘Solar Return’ Chart: The Hidden Sign OverlayThe MethodPage 5Katy’s Hidden Astrological ‘Solar Return’ Elements/QualitiesPage 6Katy’s Hidden Astrological ‘Solar Return’ SignsPage 9Visible Aspects within Katy’s Solar Return Chart:The Three Main Indicators – The Sun, Moon & Rising SignsPage 13Other ‘Solar Return’ Planets in SignsPage 16The ‘Solar Return’ Planets in HousesPage 19? 2015 Robert Reis. All rights reserved.Personal Astrology ‘New Year’ ReadingFor Katy PerryA Brief Introduction:The main focus of this annual astrological reading is to provide for you first, a basic analysis and interpretation of your astrological solar return chart from a more general viewpoint; using a special astrological method called the Hidden Sign Overlay. This will then be followed by a more specific and detailed analysis of your solar return chart; starting with an astrological interpretation for what I like to call the ‘Three Main Indicators’ of astrology: the Sun, Moon and Rising Signs, and how you’re likely to be influenced throughout the year by these three main astrological factors when relating to the astrological interaction between you and your solar environment. In addition, I’ll also analyze and interpret the other planets found within your solar return chart based on their annual sign placement and how they’re likely to influence your overall personality and character expression from the perspective of your solar environment. Last, I’ll end this reading with a look at the planets when located within the different areas that comprise your astrological solar return chart known as ‘Houses’, and what these ‘Houses’ may have to say about how you’re likely to respond to the various areas of your solar environment, which is based on the Sun’s annual return to the original degree and minutes of your Natal Sun Sign found within your original astrological birth chart. Important note: when reading the interpretations that pertain to your basic personality and character expression, please bear in mind that the reading may interpret you to express yourself in one way, while interpreting your behavior to be contradictory in other instances as these interpretations represent our complex human nature. Above all, when looking over this reading that’s all about you and where you are right now in your growth and progress as a human being, please be sure to approach the following information and interpretations with both an open mind and heart. Enjoy. Disclaimer: This reading is for ideological purposes only. Therefore, this is not to be used in the diagnosis or treatment of any physical, psychological or emotional illness.Your Personal AstrologyNew Year Reading For Katy PerryReturn Date: October 25, 2015Time: 7:04 PMBirthplace: Santa Barbara, CAHidden Aspects Within Katy’s Solar Return ChartThe Hidden Sign OverlayThe Method:For this particular section, I’ll first go within your ‘Solar Return’ chart in order to uncover hidden influences and behavioral tendencies that you may influence your overall personality and character traits throughout the upcoming astrological ‘New Year.’Theoretically, there are two astrological wheels present within the your ‘Solar Return’ chart: The visible wheel displays where all of the planets are in the various signs and houses based on the degrees and minutes of the individual’s ‘Solar Return’ date, time and original birthplace while another astrological wheel is also present, but hidden from view. This is what’s called the Hidden Sign Overlay, in that each of the original Signs are still present within their original houses even while different Signs are likely to appear on the visible parts of the astrology chart wheel. For example, if a person has let’s say Scorpio at the beginning of the First House or 9 o’clock position of the astrology chart wheel the sign of Aries will still be present and hidden beneath the First House no matter what sign is shown to be visible on the astrology chart wheel.Based on a points system, we count the number of planets that are found within each House, as well as counting the number of planets that are located in each Sign. When adding the House and Sign points together; it produces a grand total for each Zodiac Sign that’s hidden within the person’s astrological ‘Solar Return’ chart. Using this particular method will not only determine how the environment may influence your specific character strengths, and weaknesses as represented by the hidden astrological signs within your ‘Solar Return’ chart, but also indicate other sign aspects of your environment that in a way are also likely to influence you to express your basic character tendencies from a balanced or neutral perspective during the upcoming ‘New Year.’The Method Reference Table:Below is a list of the planets with their respective points. Notice that the Sun and Moon, for instance are weighed heavily with more points, whereas the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are assigned the least amount of points due to the indication that they influence a generation of people rather than just on a personal level. Reference Table 1.Planet/Sensitive PointAssigned PointsThe Sun4The Ascendant (Rising Sign)4The Moon3The North Node (Lunar Point)3The South Node (Lunar Point)3Mercury2Venus2Mars2Jupiter2Saturn2Uranus1Neptune1Pluto1Katy’s Hidden ‘Solar Return’ Elements/Qualities: Before exploring the hidden astrological signs found within your solar return chart, let’s first examine the four Elements (17-24 points = strong; 9-16 points = neutral; 0-8 points = weak) and three Qualities (21-30 points = strong; 10-20 points = neutral; 0-9 points = weak) that help to make up the overall energies found within your particular chart. This is done for the purpose of determining which Elements and Qualities that are likely shown to be strong, neutral and/or weak within your environment, and this may also influence overall character expression. Your Hidden ‘Solar Return’ Elements:ElementPointsFire(Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)19Earth(Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)17Air(Gemini, Libra & Aquarius)11Water(Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)9Your Strongest Elements (17 – 24 Points):Fire (19 Points): You seem likely to be fiery and action-oriented, while showing much interest in participating in various physical activities as you may easily express yourself through initiative action and other forms of risk. Your intuitive faculties seem to allow you to be highly spontaneous and enthusiastic as you may also come across as being highly-esteemed and confident in your own actions and assertiveness; even expressing a sense of fondness for activities that may involve mental/physical expansion and exploration. On the flip-side, this may also point to your tendencies for being overly-aggressive, demanding and pushy with emphasis on too much assertiveness, self-confidence and over-blown optimism. Since the Fire Element is shown to be quite strong in both your character and personality it’s likely suggested that looking to others who seem to express a more moderate approach to this particular element may prove most beneficial as this might teach you, in terms of toning down your overly-aggressive tendencies without resorting to self-defeat, meekness and other inactive tendencies.Earth (17 Points): You seem to show a strong tendency for being practical, grounded, and organized as you’re likely to easily express much caution when making use of your basic common sense, analytical mind and self-commitment. Your mental faculties seem to allow you to be very methodical and disciplined in your approach to managing and maintaining your material resources and overall health; even showing interest in improving your worth and status through certain material acquisition and attainment. On the other hand, though, this may also represent your tendencies for being overly-materialistic, perfectionistic and an over-achiever. Since the Earth Element displays much strength in both your character and personality perhaps looking to others who are able to moderately express this particular element may teach you in balancing your own sense of self-worth, improvement and maturity gained by experience without resorting to depriving yourself of material wealth or expressing other impractical tendencies.Your Neutral Elements (9 – 16 Points):Air (11 Points): You’re likely to be balanced in both your intelligence and social formality when relating and sharing certain ideas with others. When neutral, the Air element type is often described as being moderately gifted in the areas of oral and written communication, visionary ideas, as well as expressing a certain degree of love for social and cultural interests. Furthermore, the neutral Air element type is neither overly-excessive nor lacking in expressing their rational thinking, social sensibility and mental ingenuity. Water (9 Points): You seem to be emotionally balanced and moderately sensitive when expressing your feeling of tenacity, personal power and intuitive hunches. When neutral, the Water element type is likely to carefully rely on their retentive memory, instincts, controlled emotions, observations, and psychic-intuitive awareness. As a result, the neutral Water element type is neither overly-excessive nor lacking in feeling and sensitivity when expressing a particular level of emotional empathy, passion and clarity. Your Weakest Elements (0 – 8 Points):There are no Weak Elements to report here.Your Hidden ‘Solar Return’ Qualities:QualityPointsCardinal(Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn)15Fixed(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius)21Mutable(Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces)20Your Strongest Qualities (20 – 30 Points):Fixed (21 Points): You’re likely to show much strength in your ability to stabilize your environment through means of maintenance and organization. On one hand, you seem to display much fortitude and staying power when conveying command and respect, while on the other, you may also be slow to change making you quite stubborn and inflexible in the long term. With the Fixed Quality seemingly strong in your overall character and personality it may prove beneficial to surround yourself with others who seem able to balance their will-to-power and determined strength, while also teaching you how to lessen the tendency for being unmoving, self-centered, controlling and set in your ways.Mutable (20 Points): You’re likely to show a strong tendency for adapting to your external environment in that you seem able to express much flexibility and fluidity when completing one goal or project and moving onto the next task at hand. While you may show much versatility and eagerness when easily bending to circumstance, you’re also likely to come across as being nervous, overly-anxious and panicky when wanting to immediately bring a particular goal, task or project to an immediate close. With the Mutable Quality very strong within your overall character and personality, it’s probably best to surround yourself with others who are able to express this particular quality attribute more moderately in that they may also teach you to maintain your ability to go with the flow without resorting to expressing restless behavior and other scattered tendencies.Your Neutral Qualities (10 – 20 Points):Cardinal (15 Points): You seem to be a casual self-starter who’s likely modest in expressing their own talent for taking the initiative, and getting things in motion. As a neutral Cardinal type, you’re also likely to initiate with a certain degree of force, action, tenacity, decisiveness, and drive; a cautious risk-taker. Furthermore, the neutral Cardinal quality type is likely to take their time in following through and finishing a goal or project without expressing over-assertiveness, or sudden burn out.Your Weak Qualities (0 – 9 Points):There are no Weak Qualities to report here.Katy’s Hidden ‘Solar Return’ Signs:Below is a table containing each Hidden Astrological Solar Return Sign and their respective points. This is then followed by a listing for each Hidden Astrological Sign accompanied by interpretation and analysis based on that particular Solar Return Sign’s level of expression (Weak = 0 – 5 points; Neutral = 6 – 11 points; Strong = 12 – 18 points) and how this will likely represent the interaction between you and your environment through the course of your personal astrological ‘New Year.’ Your Hidden ‘Solar Return’ Signs:SignPointsAries7Taurus4Gemini0Cancer0Leo9Virgo12Libra7Scorpio4Sagittarius3Capricorn1Aquarius4Pisces5Your Strongest Signs (12 – 18 Points):Virgo (12 Points): When strong you’re often characterized as being health-conscious, conservative, and detail-oriented. You’re often modest and shy when downplaying your powers for analytical control that endow you with the capability to be organized, neat and orderly. You may often find yourself in the supporting role when being of service to others. As for negative tendencies, you’re at times likely to be critical, skeptical, overly-anxious, and extremely nit-picky when it comes to being obsessed over certain ideas that may lean towards perfectionism. An important lesson for the strong Virgo type is to learn to tone down the need to nit-pick and criticize others to a fault, and instead temper this by working on self-mastery and being of service to others.Your Neutral Signs (6 – 11 Points):Leo (9 Points): You seem moderate in expressing your leadership potentials and creative tendencies. As a result, you’re neither overly-confident nor meek when expressing the right amount of self-respect and humility even when receiving praise and recognition from others. In conclusion, with the sign of Leo interpreted to be neutral you’re less likely to be demanding, self-centered and authoritative as you’re able to maintain your sense of integrity and dignity, especially, when willing to share the credit or spotlight with others.Aries (7 Points): You seem balanced in your character tendencies for being bold, daring, head-strong, and adventurous in that you’re neither too overly-aggressive nor overly-passive. Consequently, you’re more likely to take a moderate approach to risk-taking, along with expressing a healthy ‘me-first’ attitude without being too blunt or combative. Furthermore, with the sign of Aries neutralized you’re seemingly moderate when acting on your assertiveness and initiatives.Libra (7 Points): You seem likely to seek balance (no pun intended) and a certain degree of harmony within your immediate environment as this moderate sense for cooperation may even extend to your relationships. You’re neither overly-judgmental nor too impartial when expressing the right amount of fairness and diplomacy in relation to settling an argument or dispute whether involving yourself or others. As a result, with the sign of Libra placed in neutrality you’re less likely to be indecisive and changeable as you’re also able to sustain mental control when deciding on a particular course of action.Your Weakest Signs (0 – 5 Points):Pisces (5 Points): When expressed as a weak influence, you’re less likely to display emotional sensitivity and empathy due to being uncertain on how to feel others’ pain as your own. Thus, you may show little to no interest in sacrificing your time and energy for others as you seem to feel that you don’t possess enough compassion and care to give to others. Consequently, you may also be closed off from your own psychic intuitive capabilities as you may have a tendency to doubt your own potential for spiritual development and artistic capabilities. In the end, the main lesson for the weak Pisces type to learn is to develop emotional sensitivity and empathy towards others through learned compassion and care, in terms of really feeling others’ pain as if it were your own. By doing so will allow you to grow in strength when developing your own spiritual and psychic/healing abilities for the sake of creating clarity and resolution for not only other people, but also for yourself.Taurus (4 Points): With a weak Taurus attribute, you may find it difficult to relax and express a sense of calm, as you may also lack the interest or patience in slowing down and taking your time to complete certain tasks, goals and activities. Thus, you may also run into problems building and investing in your own monetary/material wealth and personal worth, in that you may also experience problems sticking with your long-term goals due to not expressing enough patience, dedication and perseverance. The main lesson for the weak Taurus type to learn is to build up confidence in your own self-worth by practicing basic common sense when investing in certain material possessions, as well as developing patience and determination when completing a long-term objective.Scorpio (4 Points): With a weak Scorpio trait, you’re less likely to be focused and intense with an inability to fully concentrate your energy due to a lack of staying power and emotional control. You may possibly give the impression of someone who has a tendency to judge on sight alone, with little to no interest in investigating the depths of a person or situation as you may also lack careful observation. Consequently, you’re more likely to feel powerless when facing uncontrollable forces within your environment that also might drain you both psychologically and emotionally. The main lesson for the weak Scorpio type to learn is to work on strengthening your focus and concentration, as well as cultivating your powers of observation for the purpose of mastering your investigative and psycho-analytical skills.By doing so will only serve to help you in harnessing your regenerative energy in order to counterattack any psychological stress within your environment by learning how to keep your personal power without allowing the environment to weaken your energy source.Aquarius (4 Points): As a weak expression you’re less likely to be open to new innovative ideas and progress as you may lack the tendency for being future-oriented. Furthermore, you may show little to no interest in aligning yourself to humanitarian causes or other world-related projects. Consequently, your visual insights and other ingenious ideas may not make much sense to you, and as a result may cause you to be reluctant in sharing these types of thoughts with others. The main lesson for the weak Aquarius type to learn is to take the time to understand your vision and innovative insight through daring yourself to share your progressive ideas within a group setting as you may learn to express yourself from a constructive detached and independent frame of mind. By doing so will also help you to develop and strengthen your capacity for aligning yourself to group-related projects that might bring out your humanitarian side. Sagittarius (3 Points): With a weak Sagittarius expression, you seem to project a personality that’s less likely eager to explore new ideas and concepts, while possibly showing little to no interest in broadening your views on certain fields of study ranging from religious/ideological belief systems to basic philosophy. Consequently, you may have great difficulty in expressing belief in your own aspirations and talents in relation to a lack of optimism, belief and faith. The main lesson for the weak Sagittarius type to learn is to develop some form of belief system that’s likely to ignite your aspirations and thirst for knowledge, which will be most beneficial to you over time. By doing so will strengthen your expression, in terms of being more willing to explore certain topics of interest from a broader scope as this is likely to help you in cultivating your own basic philosophy and particular fields of expertise. Capricorn (1 Point): A weak Capricorn influence seems to indicate a lack of planning goals and objectives as you might appear to be disinterested in raising your standards of living in relation to attainment and status. As a result, you may find it hard to commit yourself to certain goals, tasks and other projects due to a lack of ambition, competitive drive, and uncertainty in how to make use of your time and energy. The ultimate lesson for the weak Capricorn type to learn is how to prioritize your time by making practical use of your energy when developing and strengthening your strategic and organizational skills, as well as learning how to maintain commitment to your long-term goals that’s likely to bring a sense of structure to your life.Gemini (0 Points): This particular sign trait when weak within your personality is likely to cause you to experience difficulty when expressing your thought process and communication, in that you may appear more quiet and soft spoken when conversing with others. Consequently, you’re more likely to keep such thoughts bottled up due to a lack of confidence in your own ability to articulate both your mind and intellect. The main lesson for the weak Gemini type to learn is to develop the confidence in expressing your thought process by working on your basic communication whether through the written or spoken word. By doing so will only serve in helping you to develop and strengthen your own mental capacity for confidently articulating and connecting your thoughts to others. Cancer (0 Points): As a ‘weak’ sign or character trait, you’re less likely to be self-protective, feeling-oriented and security-conscious. Consequently, you’re more likely to experience problems with trusting your emotional instincts and retentive memory along with a lack of interest for one’s own past and family history. The main lesson for the weak Cancer type to learn is to be a bit more open with your feelings, as well as learning to trust your instincts and relying on your retentive memory, more so. By doing so will also serve in helping you to develop and strengthen your own sense of security and protection both emotionally and financially. Not to mention, learning to incorporate certain memories from your past and family history is also likely to create a better understanding of who you are today.Visible Aspects Within Katy’s Solar Return ChartThe Three Main Indicators – The Sun, Moon & Rising SignsA Brief Overview:For this section, I’ll begin my detailed interpretative analysis of your solar return chart with a brief discussion of the ‘Three Main Indicators’ within your astrological solar return chart: the Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant or Rising Sign. Think of these main indicators as likened to painting large broad strokes on a canvas, in which the broad strokes symbolize the main features of your overall personality and character traits as influenced by your external environment. For instance, the Sun is your basic core identity, theme and overriding main purpose in life. While the Sign that the Sun was placed in at the moment of your ‘solar return’ for example, characterizes how you’re likely to identify with who you are during the annual solar year, as well as how you may express both your creative energy and purpose when interacting with the solar environment. The Moon represents your basic emotional personality and needs; in addition to symbolizing your childhood past, learned instinctual behavior, and emotional conditioning, the Moon also represents your mother and the maternal figures in your life. The Sign that the Moon passes through at the time and place of your ‘solar return’ will likely characterize how you’re likely to respond and react emotionally to the emotional conditions reflected in your annual solar environment. Last, in discussing the Ascendant or Rising Sign which is located at the nine o’clock or horizontal position of the astrological solar return chart likely represents your basic physical environment based on the Sun returning to its original degree and minutes derived from your original astrological birth chart. The Rising Sign is the type of personal face or mask that you as an individual may find yourself wearing when interacting with your personal solar environment, to which your true identity (the Sun Sign) is likely to be often hidden by your solar environment; unless the Rising Sign and Sun Sign are the same, otherwise when the two placements are different there’s likely to be a tendency for either you or certain environmental aspect that might conceal your identity from others or could cause others within the solar environment to perceive you differently from who you really are. Next, I’ll focus on the following analysis and interpretations for each of the ‘Three Main Indicators’ found within your astrological solar return chart as this pertains to how the solar environment will likely influence your basic outer personality (The Rising Sign), core identity and purpose (The Sun Sign) and emotional conditioning and needs (The Moon Sign) throughout your ‘Personal New Year.’Taurus Rising: Your main lesson is to blend your basic active self with calm and placid characteristics. This often gives your personality the appearance of being someone who’s practical in basic common sense as you may also give the impression of someone who builds upon their self-worth through slow and steady dedication, patience and determination. Because of your tendency for taking your time, you may often appear stubborn, and if pushed is likely to arouse enough anger in you to become as enraged as a bull in a stampede. In addition to appearing stubborn, you may also be perceived as possessive when it comes to accumulating certain material objects (or even certain people for that matter) as you’re likely to come across as someone who enjoys having things in order to satisfy their sense for comfort and pleasure. On the other hand, this particular stubbornness could come in handy as you potentially approach your environment, in terms of building monetary investment and ownership by realizing self-worth. Other character traits that are often associated with the Taurus Rising type include being slow to anger, good-natured, practical, grounded, persevering, patient, loyal, hard-working, artistic, speculative, an eye for beauty, a love for food, and other creature comforts.Sun in Scorpio: You’re likely learning to cultivate your core identity and purpose, while integrating your conscious-expression with your powers of observation, regenerative energy and emotional self-control. You’re best characterized for your emotional strength, focus, and penetrating capabilities as you’re also likely to apply your intuitive nature to some form of investigative research, psycho-analytical work, and emotional healing. In fact, for this lifetime, your main purpose is to not only deepen your own self-understanding and personal empowerment, but to also help others in realizing the same as well through the use of certain healing and psycho-analytical modalities for the sake of allowing transformative healing to take place. From a negative perspective, this same behavior is also likely expressed in the opposite extreme such as, in the form of deep-seated suspicion, emotional control, and secretive investigation for the purpose of uncovering any hidden motives that others might have. An important lifelong lesson for the Sun in Scorpio type to understand and master is to find ways to curb your suspicious and emotionally extreme nature, while also concentrating more on developing self-understanding and emotional mastery. Learning to constructively detach yourself in this way will not only help you to rise above your own emotional and psychological limitations, but is also likely to allow for yourself to transform into a source of inspiration for others to identify with and follow.Moon in Aries: Feeling the need to integrate your emotional security with spontaneity and impulse. You’re likely learning to act on your emotional instincts and retentive memory by initiating some form of action as you may also strive to balance between emotional caution and active risk-taking. On a deep emotional level, you really need to feel free in your immediate environment as you seem to want a lot of physical space for the purpose of experiencing some ‘me’-time. Therefore, you may want to live in the moment without concern for the past or even future. Among your best emotional attributes are your tendencies for being honest, spontaneous, energetic, and fun. In terms of your negative emotional tendencies they seem to include a certain level of arrogance and rudeness as you’re likely to be combative when expressing your opinion on a particular topic or subject; feeling that your point of view is the only view that matters even when hearing the other side of the argument. On the other hand, you may also seem uncertain in how to take the initiative to which you may lack esteem in taking chances from an emotional perspective. To temper either type of negative reaction, your lifelong lesson is to remember and realize that, while other people’s opinions do matter learning to assert yourself and take the emotional initiative in other instances are also equally important.Other ‘Solar Return’ Planets in SignsA Brief Overview:This next part of the reading will shift our attention to the other planets that may impact the different aspects of your overall personality and character traits based on your solar return chart. These particular planets, in a way help to fill out the rest of the ‘new year’s’ environmental portrait by adding more décor and substance to the big broad strokes provided earlier by the ‘Three Main Indicators,’ which again are the Sun, Moon and Rising Signs. While serving a secondary role to the ‘Three Main Indicators,’ nonetheless, they’re still important within the scheme of things as each planet represents a particular role or function: for example, the planet Mercury stands for our basic communicative skills and ability to rationalize, while Mars represents our basic core drive and motivation. In other instances, Venus symbolizes our values, tastes and preferences, whereas Jupiter is representative of our faith and belief, as well as our aspirations for higher learning and understanding the meaning of life. The following interpretations reflect the other planet aspects of your annual solar return environment that are likely to influence your personality and character traits based on the sign(s) that each planet’s located in within your astrological solar return chart.Mercury in Libra: You’re likely learning to connect with others by combining your thought process and basic intellect with presentation and decisiveness. You seem to express your mind in a way that shows off your diplomacy, charm and social skills. At your absolute best, you seem able to be decisive, friendly and cooperative when presenting the facts, as well as possibly being an excellent debater with an ability to see both sides of an argument. On the negative side, you may also have a tendency for being indecisive and wishy-washy as you may also have a habit of flip-flopping the information during an argument; even being a bit snobbish when not able to relate to certain personal connections who may not meet your social standards. If this is the case, then your main lesson is to offset the tendency for mental laziness by maintaining balance when being active in presenting the facts, as well as keeping in mind that you might be able to find common ground with those whom may not share your social views by mentally seeing yourself in their ‘shoes’.Venus in Virgo: You’re likely learning to combine your values with self-mastery and practical success. Your most positive character traits include your modesty, sense of duty and no-nonsense approach to order and details, while you most negative attributes include being nit-picky, overly-critical and perfectionistic. You seem to prefer being very practical in your acquirement of material worth and comfort as you’re also likely to earn your material possessions in exchange for hard-work, dedication and service. Therefore, what you like the most is budgeting your time and energy through conservation, playing the role of ‘care-taker’ for others, as well as enjoying order and neatness. As for your dislikes, they may include sloppiness, not being given enough details, and seeing things wasted. Your main lesson is to maintain your overall well-being by emphasizing value on self-improvement rather than perfectionism.Mars in Virgo: You’re likely learning to cultivate your will-power through realizing your wish for self-mastery and practical success. You seem motivated by the desire for working on yourself by striving to be active in the areas of health and service. Your best active qualities may include your modesty, attention to details, practicality and conservational tendencies. Your worst attributes likely include being nit-picky, overly-critical, skeptical and obsessing over perfectionism. Your main lesson is to try and off-set your penchant for being perfect by motivating yourself through realizing self-improvement.Jupiter in Virgo: You’re likely learning to integrate growth and expansion with self-mastery and practical success. You seem interested in broadening your horizons by seeking to expand your knowledge and expertise in certain fields of interest that pertain to health and service. Therefore, you’re likely interested in cultivating a particular philosophy or set of guidelines that you can use for the purpose of living life based on practical faith and self-improvement. Also, you may only take a chance on something if it only makes practical sense in doing so. At your best, you may have a tendency to be detail-oriented, modest, practical and conservative when sharing your knowledge and expertise with others. At your most negative, you may also tend to be very critical, nit-picky and obsessive compulsive over your need to explain your knowledge and philosophy in order to get it right every single time. The important lesson to keep in mind is that there really isn’t anything to get right! Curtailing your perfectionistic tendencies by realizing that perfectionism can only exist through self-improvement is the best philosophy to live by.Saturn in Sagittarius: You’re likely learning to make practical use of your time and energy for the purpose of growth and expansion to occur. You seem committed to exploring and acquiring knowledge for the purpose of attaining a particular goal, status or level of authority. Possible fears may include: not allowed to have physical/mental space; unable to speak the truth in fear it might hurt others and having limited life experiences. The main lesson is to maintain your commitment to developing your own personal philosophy as this may aid you in your quest for expanding your limitations in order to acquire more knowledge and expertise, as well as potentially creating more physical/mental space. Showing more displays of enthusiasm on your part may help to lessen your apprehension to share your truth with others as this may also broaden your position as an authority figure on certain fields of study.Uranus in Aries: You’re likely learning to implement change and progress based on spontaneity and impulse. You and the generation you were born in are likely to have visionary tendencies that are possibly energizing, original, inventive, and new as you seem willing to take a chance on sharing your innovative notions with others in the hopes of updating certain parts of society. On the other hand, you and others of your generation may also seem a bit impatient, overly-assertive and forceful when wanting to push your visionary ideas forward without concern for potential consequences later. The main lesson for this particular generation to learn and master is to stay true to the original idea behind your visionary thoughts without seeming impatient and forceful about it.Neptune in Pisces: You’re likely learning to realize your own ideals through self-acceptance and forgiveness. You and those of your generation seem drawn to bring clarity and resolution to your dreams and wishes by fulfilling them in ways that may one day also inspire others to realize their own true spiritual/artistic awareness. On the positive side, you’re likely to be a superb problem-solver in that you seem to express much compassion, care and sensitivity, especially for those who are in dire need of relief or assistance, in terms of resolving their pain and suffering through the use of pain management and other sources of healing. On the negative side, you’re likely to be ineffective as a problem-solver due to your own inability to resolve certain stressful situations as this may bring out tendencies for emotional confusion, clouded judgment and other paranoid behavior that often accompanies the need for escapism and self-denial. The main lesson for this particular generation to learn and master is to come to terms with your own personal issues by embracing them through self-acceptance and forgiveness. Learning to let go and to accept what has passed as past is likely to not only bring you closer in realizing your true self, but may also help you in realizing your true potentials as a problem-solver and healer for others to lean on and confide in.Pluto in Capricorn: You’re likely learning to support your personal power through commitment and attainment. You and those of your generation seem to be forced to address underlying issues that concern empowerment through careful planning, structure and establishing long-term objectives. Those of your generation may be called to apply your wisdom and experience to certain aspects of society that need to be transformed and healed in ways that are based on practicality, organization and authority. When constructive, you’re also likely to delegate your power that could be best described as honorable, responsible and wise. When expressed in a destructive manner, you and/or those among your generation may look to exhibit tendencies that seem to lean towards obsession and fanaticism when attaining too much power and control that could instead be used to empower others. The main lesson for this particular generation to learn and master is to honor your own personal power through maintaining self-responsibility and commitment. Learning your true power is done so by understanding how to deal with every obstacle and limitation that life throws your way.The ‘Solar Return’ Planets in HousesA Brief Overview:In this last section, I’ll end this reading with first, a brief discussion followed by an interpretative analysis of the different segments or ‘Houses’ that help to make up the wheel of your astrological solar return chart. Based on your solar return date, time and original birthplace, these astrological ‘Houses’ correspond to different areas or activities of your life.In other words, these ‘Houses’ symbolize the various stages that you as an individual’s likely to go through from the beginning of life (as symbolized by the First House) until the very end of life (as represented by the Twelfth House). When placing the planets within these ‘Houses,’ it theoretically energizes or emphasizes that particular area of the astrological solar return chart, bringing focus and attention to certain activities that the individual must learn to develop and grow while working within that specific house environment for the upcoming year. For example, if a person has Venus in the Seventh House then the emphasis is placed on learning how to relate and cooperate with others through various social activities, as well as representing the area of marriage and partnerships.The following interpretations reflect the various areas of your life based on the placement of the planets (including the Sun and Moon) found within your astrological solar return chart. Again, the planets located in the different ‘Houses’ of your solar return chart are likely to emphasize which areas of your life that you may need to work on when going through the upcoming year. Jupiter in the Fifth House: You seem interested in learning to grow and expand within the area of performance and recognition. You’re likely to explore activities that seem to broaden your charismatic talents and creative expertise as you’re also learning to believe in your own potentials for leadership and popularity, while developing self-confidence, integrity and command for respect. In addition, you may even look to expand your interests in relation to entertainment, recreational sports, and leisure. Venus in the Fifth House: You’re potentially learning to express your values within the area of performance and recognition. Your preferences are likely to involve a certain level of confidence, charisma and creative expression as you may be learning to develop an appreciation for certain pleasures and activities that seem to include being recognized and praised for a particular performance or spectacle, shown affection and generosity in return, as well as finding pure enjoyment for the finer things in life.Mars in the Fifth House: You’re potentially learning to be active within the area of performance and recognition. You’re likely to participate in activities that may involve your creative energy and conscious-expression as you may seem motivated by your passions for potential popularity and praise. You best respond to this particular environment when being active in self-confidence, leadership potential, and command for respect as you may also approach this area of your life from the viewpoint of the creator or performer.Mercury in the Sixth House: You’re potentially learning to express your thought process within the area of health and services. Your communication style is likely to be modest, detail-oriented and particular as you may be learning to express your mind through a combination of rationale and practicality, which is in connection with making improvements to the data and information based on mental discipline, analysis, order and neatness. Sun in the Sixth House: Potentially learning to identify with the area of health and services. You’re likely to express yourself in ways that are modest, practical, and particular as your main purpose is to perfect yourself and your skills in order to provide maintenance and service for others. Furthermore, you may really want recognition to be given to your hard-work and effort rather than just taking credit for its own sake as you seem to be learning to improve yourself through self-mastery and practical success.Saturn in the Seventh House: You’re likely learning to make practical use of your time and energy, while within the area of relationships and decisiveness. You may experience limitations within your relationships and other partnerships, as well as other types of restrictions that seem to constrain your decisiveness and social standards. The lifelong lesson to remember is to commit to maintaining your own diplomacy and social skills, while also learning to resolve an argument or decision that relates to your ability to be impartial, fair and balanced.Pluto in the Ninth House: You’re likely learning to develop emotional mastery and personal power within the area of expansion and expertise. You may seek to empower yourself during moments that call on your level of knowledge and expertise to be utilized when handling a particular emergency or crisis. From a group perspective, it’s yours and in the best interests of your generation to impart your basic philosophy and knowledge in order to help those in regaining their own sense of faith and optimism again when receiving regenerative healing and renewal from certain psychological restrictions that had possibly hindered their potentials for growth and expansion.Neptune in the Eleventh House: You’re likely learning to realize your ideals within the area of independence and change. Your dreams and wishes are seemingly exciting, insightful and innovative as you may look to upcoming trends and changes within society as your source for inspiration and self-realization, while also envisioning your ideals that pertain to independent thinking and progress. When seeking to implement ideal changes from a societal viewpoint, it’s yours and the wish of your generation to utilize certain modes of healing and other problem-solving methods in order to bring clarity and resolution to those in need of relief/release from social alienation and other violations against humanity.Moon in the Twelfth House: Possibly learning to feel secured within the area of dreams and self-realization. Emotionally, you’re likely to feel compassionate, sensitive and empathetic towards others as you may also be learning to channel your problem-solving skills through the use of your basic instincts and retentive memory. You may feel that you need plenty of emotional space within your home life for the purpose of feeling safe, while also exploring your spiritual/imaginative tendencies. In addition, your childhood may also include, for instance, memories of having to take care of a friend and/or relative who was sick, being read bedtime stories, having an active imagination, as well as possibly showing interest in art, music or poetry at a very early age.Uranus the Twelfth House: You’re possibly learning to implement change within the area of dreams and self-realization. Your visionary thoughts and ideas when relating to the future seem passive, intuitive and impressionable as you’re likely to add excitement and change in your pursuit of spiritual-awareness and artistic direction. From the viewpoint of society, it’s yours and the hopes of your generation to apply your problem-solving capabilities in ways that contribute to the clarity and resolution of certain parts of society and the world, for that matter. ................

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