Ry Redd's Cayce Past Life Report for

Ry Redd's Cayce Past Life Report for

Mohandas Gandhi

October 2, 1869

7:11 AM

Porbandar, India

Crystal Inphinity

8677 Villa La Jolla Drive, #1202

La Jolla, California 92037



In the pages which follow, you will see descriptions of your character traits, relationship potentials and challenges, as well as career potentials, and even more.

All or most of these sometimes intimate descriptions will be linked in some way with your past lives and your experiences in the planetary realms between lifetimes (the interlife).

Yet, you may ask, how can this information best be used?

First, HELP YOURSELF. The enclosed uplifting commentary can only be truly beneficial if you see it as a means of self-help and self-transformation. So to get the maximum practical benefit out of each page of this report, focus on connecting what you read with what is going on in your life now.

Next, LOOK FOR PATTERNS. When you see repeated references -- for instance to similar careers, pursuits or vocations -- you should consider these references seriously. They demonstrate a positive karmic connection which you now have with these same career-related potentials from past life endeavors. So, because of prior life success, these areas of expression should be easier for you to find rewarding or to succeed in, as compared with in other areas.

Also, pay close attention to REMEDIAL MEASURES. For instance, you may be given an affirmation to use in meditation (or a prayer). Or you may be given a crystal/gemstone to wear. These means of balancing out challenging vibrations can indeed be very helpful, especially if used in a hopeful manner.

Finally, this report is a synthesis of past life and planetary interlife interpretations originally given clairvoyantly by Edgar Cayce, for individuals with your same planetary patterns at birth. So in applying this report to your personal life, you should RESPECT INNER GUIDANCE -- through dreams, meditation and past life regression for example -- as primary resources for this kind of information; and most important, RESPECT YOUR FREE WILL! You alone must choose and know what is really best for you.

Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth.

Astrologer Ry Redd calculated on computer the astrology charts for hundreds of people who received readings by Edgar Cayce which contained astrologically based information. By studying these astrology charts, Ry Redd determined what planetary influences were most likely responsible for the readings by Edgar Cayce. In many cases the astrological basis of the Cayce readings appears to be very straightforward. From this information Ry Redd was able to develop, in conjunction with the computer programmers at Cosmic Patterns Software, an analysis of your birth chart as Ry Redd believes that Edgar Cayce's psychic readings would have interpreted it. Ry Redd's research effort was exhaustive and was conducted over many years, some of which was spent at the Edgar Cayce library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Sun position is 8 deg. 56 min. of Libra

Moon position is 19 deg. 58 min. of Leo

Mercury position is 3 deg. 46 min. of Scorpio

Venus position is 16 deg. 26 min. of Scorpio

Mars position is 18 deg. 24 min. of Scorpio

Jupiter position is 20 deg. 10 min. of Taurus

Saturn position is 12 deg. 22 min. of Sagittarius

Uranus position is 21 deg. 41 min. of Cancer

Neptune position is 18 deg. 25 min. of Aries

Pluto position is 17 deg. 39 min. of Taurus

Asc. position is 26 deg. 26 min. of Libra

MC position is 26 deg. 35 min. of Cancer

Tropical Zodiac Local Mean Time observed.

GMT: 02:32:36 Time Zone: 0 hours West.

Lat. and Long. of birth: 21 N 38 69 E 36

Sidereal Sun position is 16 deg. 53 min. of Virgo

Sidereal Moon position is 27 deg. 55 min. of Cancer

Aspects and orbs:

Conjunction: 8 Deg. Applying and 7 Deg. Separating

Opposition : 7 Deg. Applying and 6 Deg. Separating

Square : 6 Deg. Applying and 5 Deg. Separating

Trine : 7 Deg. Applying and 6 Deg. Separating

Sextile : 5 Deg. Applying and 4 Deg. Separating

Harmonious aspects are: Trine or Sextile

Inharmonious aspects are: Square or Opposition

Your Past Life Report begins on the following page . . .

Your Sun harmoniously aspects Saturn.

From several past lives you have developed a powerful drive to succeed through trying fresh angles, making new beginnings. Your endurance and persistence come in part from your resourceful capacity to rub out the past and begin over again. In other words, you have considerable capacity for endurance of changes in this life experience. Your personal relationships often serve as a means for getting you into situations you ultimately need for your development.

For example, you have the uncanny yet practical know-how for developing relationships in which you can better serve the needs of a specific environment, institution, or organization. Further, you are able to change your associations and surroundings toward more efficient activity without running away from your home and family responsibilities. With your close friends, you are very direct and are known for your honesty and integrity. You have the innate ability to be of service to a great many people, by helping them make connections in a wide variety of endeavors.

Know that the most important experience you can have is to know what IS your ideal spiritually. Once the ideal is set, if you then entrust your purposes to such an ideal, you will find guidance and support when doubts and conflicts arise. With an ideal that can relate to all aspects of your life -- physically and mentally, as well as spiritually -- you can surely become a leader in your chosen vocation. Indeed, your past lives karmically exert a benevolent influence in your natural inclinations for success in your career, especially through travel and the people you contact through travel.

Regarding your career, you have special talent in management, sales and handling large sums of money as, say, treasurer, financial secretary, budget officer, or accountant for a large organization. You have probably experienced past life patterns of involvement with trading or banking families like the Astors in early New York, or as a lender-treasurer in ancient Persia, or as the quartermaster during even earlier rebellions in prehistoric Egypt.

In addition, you are one who enables others to see themselves in a light that they have not yet seen. But your abilities run more to that of a career as a leader or manager, or as one who will be a force behind leaders and executives. In this way may you excel or exceed the most in the present, both for your own soul development and for the service or aid which you may provide for others. [1916-5, 1213-1]

Your Moon is in an inharmonious pattern with Jupiter.

Upon reentering the earth plane to begin your present life, you chose a time when Jupiter was in a challenging pattern with respect to the Moon's orbit around the earth. This symbolized and helped bring into your awareness the need to overcome the more difficult side of your soul experience in the interlife dimension of Jupiter and in past lives when you were involved with "Jupiterian" individuals.

For instance, you may attract to you souls who treat you like you treated them in previous lifetimes. These people (who are likely to be in prominent positions today, just as they were in the deep past) mirror your personal yet cosmic history by presenting to you opportunities to meet yourself as you were then. The influences of Jupiter open up opportunities for you to choose to pursue activities dealing with groups and the public.

Yet using YOUR thoughts and actions as examples for others, you may be guided in the way and manner as to sway the emotions and thoughts of the many. Especially will this be so if presented as an expression of Christ's love, of His activity. For the time is fulfilled when many must and will become as channels, as emissaries, for the teachings which are the foundation of Him who gave those promises to all people, "Love me; keep my commandments."

As an example of a more challenging karmic pattern, overborrowing and extravagance concerning otherwise ample financial resources could bring you losses, as could placing your faith in the wrong people or wrong causes. Here, setting the highest ideals you know can be invaluable. All you need do is use your free will to apply these ideals with modesty and humility.

While likely to be friendly and indulgent rather than antagonistic toward others, you may still have tendencies toward procrastination -- and even laziness at times -- which may well be valuable balances against stress and tension.

Also, be cautious about self-indulgence in eating and drinking, as this may bring you difficulties with your liver. [1156-1]

Your Moon is in an inharmonious pattern with Mars.

You are strongly inclined to seek an independent career, to strike your own course in life. Your father is likely to be Martian in character or occupation, and to have an unfortunate history, which makes your family background less than ideal. Also, your health may not be as robust as it should be. Outdoor exercise, attention to nutrition, especially your iron and fiber intake, and stress management would do much to strengthen your physical constitution.

Having experienced the wrathful Mars dimension between earth lives, antagonism is likely between your passionate, animal side and your emotional-feeling life. Your emotions at times may get out of control, causing a number of challenges. For instance, you may manifest at times an obstinate, intolerant, "me first" attitude. If you are unwilling to be dominated, you are likely to attract from past lives karma to meet through an aggressive mate.

In your previous life, you may have been an early American settler. During that incarnation, you may well have had some frightening and painful experiences which are brought back to you in this life in the form of the emotional challenges just described. Moreover, you may often be presented with opportunities to deal constructively with separations and quarrels involving souls linked to you from previous incarnations where conflicts were frequent but unresolved.

These challenges will be intensified if your manner is too Martian and dominating. If these argumentative, wrathful energies you experienced during your previous incarnation and afterlife soul journey in the Mars dimension are not moderated by application of your will, you will probably face many challenges with your friendships, family and personal relationships. Your great need here is to set before your inner self such ideals as self-restraint, patience and love.

Do bear in mind that these influences are the RESULT of what you have done ABOUT your past. They are NEVER beyond the reach of your free will choice. For instance, you can choose to avoid acting in your own self-interest. Instead, put your attention toward the purpose of bringing good into the lives of others. Otherwise, you will bring suffering to yourself through an inner war between self-centered fears and passions on one hand and your spiritual development on the other.

That is, trials and temptations resulting from indulging your desires may often conflict with and block progress toward developing your innate spirituality.

As an aid in working with these challenges, here is an affirmation which you might repeat in meditation (though perhaps phrased in your own words): "I will be shown how to come to grips with my strong feelings and emotional strain. I will learn to be more tactful so that I do not initiate a confrontation or take offense too easily when faced with a trying situation. I will instead develop a constructive, selfless attitude toward others, so that I can be of greater service to God." [4286-3, 137-4,12]

Your Moon is in an inharmonious pattern with Venus.

You may experience particularly painful emotions at times of feeling unloved and unappreciated. The Moon is reflecting those emotions back to you from your past relationships and experiences, both in the Venus dimension of love and in previous incarnations in the earth. Your vulnerability and hypersensitivity involving affection is probably linked with one who in your previous life was, or in this life is, your mother. Also in a past life you may have been unloving and uncooperative. This may be blocking you from experiencing more love and cooperation from others in the present.

You can balance this part of your akashic account by continually giving a great deal more than you seem to receive and by bending over backwards to compromise in your relationships. Then you will see more and more love coming back into your life. To have friends one must be friendly and to receive love one must give love. Thus your subconscious tendency to feel unloved, neglected or rejected will be overcome by actively, willfully CHOOSING to be more loving and cooperative.

Financially you may have a tendency toward carelessness, and therefore need greater wisdom in handling your money, especially in setting spending priorities. You are more likely than most to experience both very lucky periods as well as periods when everything you deal with may seem to "go to pot."

These ups and downs relate especially to your investments and expenses stemming from tendencies such as overindulgence in evening pleasures like partying. Disappointments come from this inclination toward self-aggrandizement. This can be balanced by learning to apply your all-powerful will to control and develop yourself, as if you were pushing yourself to exercise harder.

Remember that the Creative Forces have given each of us both the power to be over all that has been created in the material realm, and the opportunity to work with the constructive forces in the spiritual realm. If these become clouded by self-aggrandizement, by self-indulgence, by the desire for fame and fortune, then we become confused and erratic. But if we continuously look to the spiritual value in our relationships with the mental and material, there is harmony, peace, understanding and wisdom in the knowledge of the divinity within.

You may face other challenges in your social interactions. Here is a prayer aid for this which you could phrase in your own words: "Sometimes I feel uneasy or inept in a social atmosphere, Lord, yet I realize that I may serve your purpose to have me interact with people. Therefore I pray You will teach me how to handle myself better when I am among strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings. Prevent me from feeling nervous, self-conscious, or intimidated by others, lest I allow these fears to stop me from seeking growth through personal relationships. By extending my hand in friendship to those that I meet, I ask that all my apprehensions will cease." [2855-1, 257-5, 2459-1]

Your Moon harmoniously aspects Neptune.

You have such a highly developed imagination over many lifetimes to where you could easily be successful as an author/creator of mystical symbolism or as a writer of inspirational literature and song. In addition to your special emotional sensitivity, you also have a sharp psychic feeling-awareness. Yet, being highly emotional, you may often allow your emotions or sentiments to run away with your better judgment, unless it is thoroughly grounded in ideals (and not ideas but ideals).

However, you will find that activities in any phase of endeavor require not only judgment but sacrifice; not sacrifice of principle, but a sacrifice of service so that there may be a more perfect understanding of your soul purpose this lifetime.

With your Moon in a resourceful, flowing pattern with watery Neptune, you will often have beneficial experiences involving spirituality, mysticism and creative inspiration. "Good karma" is then your lot this lifetime, opening up to you contacts with souls from past lives through whom you accomplished a great deal inwardly, say through spiritual channeling and healing as well as more outwardly in a lifetime as a mystical artist or temple musician.

Expect a lot of your resourcefulness in these areas to come through travel -- either by you are by others in your life -- near or over large bodies of water. Proximity to water, particularly the ocean and large lakes or rivers, is likely to enhance your spiritual attunement and personal centering.

Relative wealth and ease may also be part of your experience -- rather than poverty and hardship --but this moderate level of affluence and comfort in your lifestyle may well be from karmic earnings in past lives rather than through actual earnings in this life. That is, you may more than once find material benefits coming into your life through inheritances or through the labor and mental efforts of others (who may wish to sponsor or support you, for example).

The main drawback to this trait is an above average vulnerability to your emotional environment. Your health, even if only expressed in a tendency to put on weight or to have minor digestive problems, is then likely to require extra attention because of your susceptibility to conflict and pressure in your home or work environment.

One way you may control your sensitivity and make good use of your creativity at the same time is through bringing into the experiences of others, especially in so-called "little" ways, that which is distinctly creative and constructive. You may also encourage those who have lost hope in spiritual ways of living. You would do this well in giving advice and counsel from the mental level (through the means suggested above, for instance)) which brings hope, help and love into the experiences of others. In addition to the good it will do others, you will through such efforts be creating for yourself positive karmic advantages for your next life. [1885-2]

Your Venus is conjoined with Mars.

As the love in Venus and the rashness in Mars are quite different, there is likely to be a conflict in your experience concerning your inner temperance and your outer boldness. That is, your individualism and self-assertion as manifested at times in daring activities in association with others, especially the opposite sex, clash with and hide your sympathetic, loving nature. As a result, patience and moderation would be helpful ideals for you to embrace in this experience.

You are very positive and enthusiastic in your actions as well as in your likes and dislikes, which are decidedly strong. This may make for apparently undue or excessive attractions and disaffections in your friendships. Your powerful sensuality, animal magnetism and sex appeal are likely to be the roots of these at times intense associations with others.

While you have a great love of the beautiful, have desires for a home and are quiet in your manner, you are easily aroused to passion and anger. Moodiness, jealousy and possessiveness are likely, then, to parallel your expressions of love and affection. A major rechanneling of these often conflicting urges lies in music, art, dance, physical education and physiotherapy, especially massage.

Again, self-control and tolerance need more developing. It is far easier to refrain from error, say in the form of excessive criticism during ego-power conflicts with your close relations, than to seek forgiveness for the harsh word quickly spoken.

It is therefore well that you study to show yourself approved in all good conscience to a spiritual ideal that may be lived with no need of boasting it. [324-5, 1939-1, 1669-1, 3424-1]

Your Venus is opposite Jupiter.

Your experiences between earth lives in the Venus and Jupiter dimensions of awareness generally make for benevolent, positive influences in your life. Nonetheless there are some inclinations toward wastefulness and vanity which need curbing. Unless this is done and there is a gradual comprehension of your true spiritual purposes, these influences toward excesses may become drawbacks in your overall soul development.

Part of your extravagance, especially concerning money matters, comes from a moody, "I don't care" attitude at times which borders on self-destructiveness. This tendency may not be an obvious threat to your well being until your later years, when you may well wish you had spent your resources more wisely. One way to deal with this challenge is mentally to begin replacing such urges with more practical choices in favor of self-preservation through creating attitudes of helpfulness and hopefulness instead.

Careerwise, or as an avocation outside homebuilding, social service would be a good outlet for you, even if only on a volunteer, part time basis. Do follow in such pursuits and positive dealings with others, holding before your inner Self the principle that what you sow is what you reap.

Also, try not to let a single day go by without interesting yourself in others and doing something specifically for someone else that has been a helpful influence in their life.

The following prayer/affirmation may be valuable as a resource in your spiritual life to work with these challenges: "Although I have climbed the social ladder, I found that what I desired was beyond any enticement that society had to offer. Lord, it is Your love for which my inner self yearns, keeping me unsatisfied with material rewards. Show me how to put extravagances behind me and prevent me from squandering the resources with which I have been blessed. Teach me to lead a simpler life devoid of excess luxury and superficial attachments. In doing these things, Lord, I pray that I may prepare a place for You in my heart." [1701-1, 1637-1]

Your Venus is trine Uranus.

Your experiences in Uranus and Venus between lifetimes bring you unusual talents along with renewed contacts with unusually talented souls you knew in your cosmic past. Knowledge about your interplanetary afterlife associations -- such as souls you knew during a Venus sojourn -- is revealed to you through your dreams. They come as INNATE influences; that is, mental experiences, day dreaming, visions or dreams -- as you are given to having. And too often, you may tend to disregard them, or too seldom pay attention to them. As said in the Scriptures, not of yourself alone may you do it, but in love, in truth, in honor you may. For these are your helpmeets, if you hold fast to them. They arise from the influence of your afterlife associations in the Venus sphere.

In other words, accurate premonitions of future events are frequently symbolized in your dreams. How often have you envisioned through symbols or dreams those very things that happened to you later! For from the Uranian influence you are naturally inclined to these things that are mystical in nature, and you love to delve into these things.

In fact, your intuitive faculties make it easy for you to express through color, music and lyrics, harmonies which are certainly beyond this three dimensional world. Your creative talent is a resource which only awaits your willful development. This is very much like having a mother lode of gold running beneath your house. It only needs to be dug up to be of considerable, immediate value.

Uranus is the EXTREME influence, making for tendencies to be an extremist. Yet much of this is tempered by the Venus influence. Hence music, social activities and a temperament that may be brought out by gentleness, kindness, patience, or similar virtues attributed to love in its pure form, all make for benevolent, positive influences in your life. Uranus especially brings a love of mystery as well as a love of spirituality, while Venus makes for a love of children and the home. Creative, inspirational writing for children would be an excellent outlet, then, for these gifts of yours.

For instance, in helping children and adults with emotional problems art or music therapy is an area in which you might excel. Therefore your abilities in creating or writing stories related to activities in these directions might be developed successfully, from your Venus and Uranus afterlife experiences.

Yes, your ideas are as original, and deep, as your creative outlets are varied. Yet do look within yourself regularly. There will be tendencies for you to have great imaginative powers pertaining to things in the spiritual world which are unseen by others, especially concerning your abilities to gain from unseen sources those lessons, those visions, those pictures for others that may bring understanding to many people. In manifesting this will you gain the most in soul growth this lifetime.

Also, know that this inner study and directed contemplation will bring you understanding and helpful influences which in turn will bring you the harmony and peace as promised in the Christ. This is not the peace which the world recognizes under that name, but a deeper peace which gives without asking, loves without hating, is patient and never jealous.

Happiness, honor and a genuine joy in life can stay with you through seeking this peace within. At the same time be mindful of those who have lost hope in the material things of the world which so easily fade away. Do share your spiritual upliftment as well as your own material and financial resources with others more needy, as you are likely to attract them all throughout your unusual life. [444-1, 2450-1, 1923-1, 2530-1, 2175-1]

Your Mars is in an inharmonious pattern with Jupiter.

In addition, Jupiter inclines you to have a broad vision concerning your moral, mental and spiritual associations and relationships in the material world. Your soul experience in the Jupiter dimension between earth incarnations accentuates this vision. However, with such a special Jupiterian experience comes special responsibilities. In making your soul flight from Jupiter, where your consciousness was expanded to great heights, you made an extended stopover in the Mars dimension. Much, then, of the wisdom you acquired was lost, with the result that in this lifetime there is the need for you to overcome certain tendencies. These urges especially include self-indulgence --including not only food and drink but also preoccupation with your own beliefs -- and blaming both yourself and others when things do not work out in your own interests.

Very much wanting to be successful in all that you do, at times you are temperamental, self-willed, over-confident and even brash. From your experience in the Mars dimension after Jupiter and before your earthly reincarnation, you are often so active in pursuing your goals that you occasionally overshoot them. While Mars usually makes for tendencies toward anger and resentment, for you most often the anger you feel is directed at yourself. Nonetheless you are likely to be biased at times by your strong beliefs and opinions, and as a result you may appear to others to be intolerant, even prejudiced.

Also from your interlife experience in the giant Jupiterian dimension comes your inclination for having great thoughts and big plans dealing with large numbers of people and large amounts of money. In addition to being intemperate and lacking in moderation, at times you are easily led, to the point of being taken advantage of by others. Defeats, especially financial ones, may indeed come through the selfishness of others (in part due to your lack of good judgment in business: avoid speculative investments).

However, earnest analysis of your ideals -- especially those related to your material goals -- may well reveal that it is yourself rather than others which brings about these failures to follow through or succeed. For instance, while there are indicators that you tend to be gullible upon occasion, more often it is your own tendency to overextend yourself that gets you into difficulty. Constructive, creative outlets for to rechannel you emotionalism and excitability include music, writing, religion and active, practical approaches to spirituality.

So in carrying out an objective self-analysis, you might try honestly to determine exactly why a given project went wrong, what role your own urge toward excess played in the activity, how much was due to your actions rather than those of others and how it might be avoided in the future. In this same self-healing process, an affirmation you might use either as a prayer, as an aid in your meditations or as a suggestion to your subconscious (ala self-hypnosis) could run something like: "When I catch myself taking on too much, I will slow down and see if the project is really too big for me to handle. By watching myself in this way and moderating my actions I will achieve balance and be in a better position to be of service to others this lifetime." [1235-1, 1143-2, 953-4, 953-13, 1757-2]

Your Mars harmoniously aspects Uranus.

Returning to the earth from an experience between lives in Uranus, you made a well timed choice en route to make an extended visit in the Mars dimension. Your resourceful soul flight plan is reflected in an harmonious geometric aspect pattern between these planets at your birth. This flowing aspect is therefore prominent in your birth chart and bestows upon you an energetic, courageous, highly individualistic and pioneering personality.

With your great strength and endurance you are able to bear much in the way of heavy physical energy demands upon your body.

Moreover, you are highly developed intuitively or clairvoyantly and mentally -- bordering on genius -- and have marked mechanical and scientific ability.

You also have considerable capacity for inventiveness in electronic technologies such as computers, in design, especially architecture, and use of electro-mechanical methods in the healing arts (hydrotherapy and electrical medicine are examples).

Your extraordinary diversity of talents include athletics, law and counseling as well.

Together with a love of adventure, excitement and exploration, these abilities and interests probably originated in past lives ranging from Atlantis (perhaps as a conqueror of new worlds in the Americas or early Egypt), to ancient Persia and colonial America. [234-1]

Your Jupiter harmoniously aspects Uranus.

Making your soul flight to begin another earth incarnation from the benevolent consciousness dimension of Jupiter, you chose to deepen your metaphysical, religio-philosophical identity by making an extended, well-timed stopover in the realm of Uranus. This decision increased your opportunities to attract money and be successful, especially as you near forty years of age.

Indeed, this is one of the most fortunate aspects for anyone to have at the time of their birth. The choice of such a favorable flight plan from these two high realms is frequently made by powerfully magnetic, unusually gifted personalities.

In previous lives many individuals with this pattern either had been closely involved with spiritual leaders of Atlantis or ancient Israel or had been European royalty. While others were Hindu yogis and spiritual teachers in this lifetime, some had a far greater than average opportunity for liberation from the rebirth cycle (that is, depending on choices they freely made, they might not need to reincarnate again).

Now Uranus and Jupiter make for a rather unique, somewhat extremist urge in your experience: you are likely to feel quite strongly yet differently at different times over the very same subject. While being entirely sincere and honest with yourself at the moment, your answer to a question is often totally different at one time than at another!

This Uranian tendency ties in with inclinations from your Atlantean incarnation. That is, you have special interests in unusual, esoteric, metaphysical, scientific and semi-scientific subjects as well as in having unusual, unexpected, and at times rather extraordinary, emotionally intense life experiences.

In Atlantis you probably had many of these same interests and types of experiences yet were faced with some very violent choices which contribute in the present to your radical nature. You are highly likely to be very good or very bad this go 'round, either extremely successful or (at least to yourself) a complete failure.

Inclined toward benevolence in thought and deed, you tend to forgive easily but find it hard to forget. You may frequently make a commitment to yourself yet are not quite able to fulfill the obligation or decision you made because of other people's attitudes (which are often as full of surprises as your own). Despite this, you have a gifted adaptability to every knowledge and work-related situation you encounter. You also are an excellent technician and a natural leader, with the ability to direct and keep a group in line very easily.

And you are a good politician and diplomat, with one exception. Having the best of intentions -- from your own viewpoint at least -- you may be a bit indiscreet in your personal interactions (especially in what you say and do as viewed by those considered to be your friends).

Moreover, depending on how your guiding ideal, practical motives and psychological/emotional attitude toward money work together (or against each other), your financial good fortune could easily turn into the opposite extreme of a pauper's poverty.

You are exceptionally intuitive and well-informed, have keen judgment with considerable material opportunities to give much to the world by leading an ennobling, inspiring life as a model for many. Therefore, consistently holding to the highest possible ideal could not be more critical for you at the present stage in your soul development.

In fact, you are likely to have developed, grown or built yourself to the point when, starting about the middle of your life, you will be in the position to accomplish a far-reaching work. For this to succeed, it will have to turn into direct, practical channels to reach not only the mental but the spiritual mind of others.

Specifically recommended is a clear correlation and practical application of Eastern and Western philosophies of life to be followed by those who have set their ideal in the Christ.

And do bear in mind always to apply your will to temper and moderate with mercy, justice and right your visions of power and success this lifetime. Remember that your free will is what makes for growth in the soul's sleep in its earthly body (as the soul slumbers upon taking on physical form at birth). Your ideals and dreams, then, are the deeds by which as a soul you are judged in your relationships with others. [195-14, 914-1, 259-8, 143-1, 4840-1, 132-1, 3298-1, 358-3, 4219-3]

Your Saturn harmoniously aspects Neptune.

You were born at a time when Saturn (practical planet of changes) and Neptune (spiritual plane of ideals, dreams, and visions) were in a resourceful, flowing pattern. This is one of the most fortunate ones to have at birth, for Neptune elevates Saturn to its highest, most ideal level.

Therefore, from your karmic past this brings you spirituality and philosophical depth with the ability to rely on and apply your dream and meditation guidance in practical ways. Rather than seeking counsel around you, meet your Maker within yourself, and let the guidance come there as to what you shall do.

Another fortunate feature of this pattern is the opportunity for you to explore inner spiritual planes successfully and without misfortune. You can then express your experiences in useful, concrete ways valuable to others on the spiritual path.

In other words, you can be of unique service as the practical spiritual pioneer who dreams. These experiences in the earth are not so that you can achieve either fame or fortune or even the recognition of a wonderful accomplishment, but that you can always be a channel through which blessings and help may come to others.

In addition, you are inclined to be very conscientious and hard working, with very good business skills, especially in management and organizational work, and in design or planning.

Be sure to balance the responsible, business side of your life with opportunities for rest and recreation. You will be even more effective when you labor if you take time to love nature -- to smell its flowers, listen to its birds, watch its sunsets.

Your Uranus is in an inharmonious pattern with Neptune.

Because Uranus and Neptune are farthest from the Sun, they move very slowly. As a result the aspect patterns formed between them operate for a longer time than aspects between other planets. Therefore many souls made their flight from these realms to begin a new earth life when this challenging aspect pattern between these two planets was in effect. In entering the earth plane, then, you along with many others came when these planetary influences were adverse.

While having gained in soul development in past lives, the outcome in your present life depends entirely upon the application of your will. Your independent, at times extremist urges from Uranus and mystical intuition from Neptune give you psychic-intuitive powers which can either be destructive if used selfishly or constructive if your powers are used to serve others.

It is absolutely necessary then that you set and apply the highest possible motives and ideals of service this lifetime. If you control your inclination to go to extremes, you can go very far in soul development. When your mental forces are constructively balanced with the spiritual, growth MUST come. However, when your mind is attuned to selfish motives irrespective of others, the result MUST be destructive in the final analysis.

Moderation and balance is also needed between your emotions and your will, between feeling and logic, for the extreme tendencies from your experience in Uranus set them at cross purposes. A form of spiritual fanaticism can be one result of this lack of equilibrium, while another can be an edgy, touchy temper, with considerable nervous tension at times. This tendency to be high strung in turn may have adverse effects on your health.

Of equal importance is the need to be guided by the Christ Light in your seeking for spiritual truths. Otherwise, deceptive, perhaps disturbing, mystical or astral experiences may be the result. It is far better to rely upon the guidance of your own heart attuned to the Christ or God-consciousness within than to rely upon any spirit entities or self-proclaimed spirit guides. In these special pursuits always be sure to emphasize spirituality rather than spiritualism, service rather than self. [2799-1, 1735-2, 4415-1, 543-11]

NOTE: The Zodiac signs of the Sun and Moon are analyzed below. First they will be analyzed in the Tropical zodiac. If the positions are different in the Sidereal zodiac, then they will also be analyzed in the Sidereal zodiac. Also, if the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign, then only the Sun position is interpreted; the Moon position, being the same as the Sun position, does not need to be interpreted in this case.

Your Sun is in Libra (Tropical zodiac).

You may remember, in your deeper meditations and dreams, experiences from long ago when you were among great artists, sculptors, poets, and craftsmen of ancient India as well as the more recent leaders of prosperous, classical Greece. Even later day Venice, Florence and other Italian cities developed some of this love of culture, beauty and appreciation of art which you were closely involved with then and which you find rewarding still.

Venus is the planet of love, beauty and art, so it is very appropriate to convey the symbolic essence of the sign Libra, which it rules. Venus' influence through Libra also makes that which is crass and primitive quite unnatural for you to accept gracefully, or to participate in willingly.

You may also have been among many who reincarnated in the American South just before the Civil War. In the present you may have to learn the lesson of providing for your own needs, luxury and comfort rather than having others do provide these things for you. In fact, one of the challenges of Libra lies in being too liberal or indulgent with oneself. With prayerful application of your will, this too can be overcome. [303-31]

Your Moon is in Leo (Tropical zodiac).

Leo symbolizes the consciousness wherein there is strength, creativity and virility, as well as a certain headstrong or willful nature in how you apply yourself in relationship with others.

For instance, reading biographical or historical novels about European royalty, daydreaming about the courts of Kings and Queens of modern Europe or ancient times and other grandeurs of the past may bring to your conscious mind memories of previous incarnations when you were at the forefront of things. Hence to this very day there probably remains within you considerable inner strength along with a strong feeling for behind-the-scenes intrigues as well as a powerful sense of individualism. These qualities are probably connected with your past life experiences involved -- directly and indirectly -- with leaders of society and government.

You are also likely to have an above-average interest in the great artistic and spiritual accomplishments of the grand cathedrals and great churches of Britain and Europe, as well as the ancient temples of the Mediterranean world.

In addition, you may have been one of the higher-ranking Vikings who, like other royalty, also had an exciting lifestyle. And in far earlier times, during and after the last days of Lemuria and Atlantis, you may have been among the Incan pyramid builders in the mountains of South America, the Mayan plains of Central America, and of course, Egypt, the land which is virtually synonymous with great pyramids.

The Sun is the ruler or symbol of Leo, and represents strength and soul force. So, from the Sun's influence and the past life experiences summarized here, you are inclined to have a special sense of pride and dignity which, depending on how you apply your will and the ideals you have set for yourself, can either enhance or hinder your relationships with others (and hence either advance or retard your soul growth this lifetime). [533-20, 2905-3]

Your Sun is in Virgo (Sidereal zodiac).

As to the activities which are innate or outwardly manifested in your life, coming in the astronomical constellation of Virgo, at times you may have the appearance of being too self-sufficient in your relationships with others. Hence you may be considered somewhat eccentric, especially in your choice of associates and friendships.

There is also a likely tendency for you to approach life in a very rational way, resulting in your being considered by others as having a rather materialistic turn of mind. At the same time this also gives you the ability to train or direct the training of the minds of young people.

Long ago, one of your likely past lives was in an ideal nature setting, where you were known for your courage and for your ability to heal. From this distant lifetime you are less likely than most people to be dominated by others and you are usually inclined to carry your share of responsibilities. This experience may have been in South or Central America as a member of one of the native cultures in the Amazon forest of Brazil or the Aztec Indians of Mexico.

Mercury is the planet which rules or symbolizes the essence of the sign Virgo. Higher levels of learning and teaching, then, have been yours in these lifetimes, from successful interaction with nature to more religious pursuits like participating in the Holy Crusades to Palestine and neighboring lands. You may also have followed Alexander the Great on his history-making and Greek culture-expanding military excursions into Arabia and India. [365-3]

Your Moon is in Cancer (Sidereal zodiac).

With the zodiacal sign and influences of Cancer, you are one who would do well in any vocation or career where the classes and masses of people are the ruling factor rather than through endeavors based on mere individual effort alone. Also, working with nature in producing or growing things involved with fields, streams or woods, on one hand, or, on the other, helping to bring fruit from the mental forces of groups (classes and masses) of people could bring you -- and them -- many manifold increases.

As background for these urges and abilities, you may have lived in the Pacific Islands in relatively recent times, or in the much more remote past in the legendary South Pacific sea culture of Lemuria. However, whether you lived in relatively recent historical times or in the distant past, you are very likely to feel a strong affinity with and an innate awe of water. Therefore, you are probably happiest living near great bodies of water, like the ocean or large lakes or rivers.

With a rather special sensitivity to changing weather conditions, you have an intuitive understanding of the power of nature. You may also tend to feel somewhat helpless about events in your life, as if they were somehow predestined or meant to be.

At least one of your past lives was an intensely emotional one, probably lived during matriarchal, close-knit cultures where the lineage was female and children were much more dependent upon their mother or their maternal relatives. In the present, during particularly stressful periods, you may have a tendency to return to this early past life pattern and feel you should not be held totally responsible for your actions or shortcomings. Of course, with prayerful application of your will, this tendency can be overcome. [304-5]

Your Past Life Decanates

According to an ancient Vedic astrology method still practiced in India, Past Life Planets are realms in which you sojourned between earth lifetimes. They are identified through the position of your sidereal Sun and Moon in the decanates (a decanate is a one-third division of a zodiac sign; each is ruled by a planet). Any patterns involving these Past Life Planets are therefore of special importance. Pay extra attention, then, to any sections of your Report which interpret these planets.

NOTE: If your Sun and Moon are both located in a decanate which is ruled by the same planet, then only the Sun position is interpreted; the Moon's decanate position, being the same as the Sun's, therefore does not need to be interpreted.

Your Sun is in Capricorn Decanate

Your sidereal Sun is in the decanate of Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the all-important realm to which the soul casts itself for purging and cleansing. Your likely sojourn between earth lives in Saturn's realm points to a major experience of soul reprogramming and self-purification. This brings into your present the essential of a "fresh start" lifetime.

Therefore, armed with self-discipline and excellent organizational and management skills, you will have special opportunities for spiritual progress through the mature way in which you face heavy changes and responsibilities. Also, an early death in one or more prior lives, especially in childhood (or perhaps even through suicide), is indicated.

Your Moon is in Pisces Decanate

Your sidereal Moon is in the decanate of Pisces, which is co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. This points to prominent soul journeys in the interlife realms of Jupiter and Neptune, and to one or more parallel lifetimes in which you were dedicated to spirituality, humanitarian, healing-oriented and spiritual, mystical endeavors. Your experiences then may have brought you prominence or notoriety in spiritual causes ranging from the Essenes and Gnostics around the time of Christ to Eastern temples and ashrams and later, medieval or modern monastic life.

Of likely special interest to you in your present life are mysticism, spirituality and most movements toward Oneness and the mysteries of Life and Nature, including dreams and mystical kinds of music and art. These interests and urges are intensified from lifetimes where the sea or large bodies of water played a large role, as well as from your soul experiences between earth incarnations in the realms of Neptune and Jupiter.


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