Ecclesiastes 3:14: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens”.

Everything that Yahuweh does is according to His appointed timing. If we learn to flow in that timing, we will flow with His will, and be found in His favor. To be out of timing could cost you everything that He has for you. That should cause you to fear, and drive you to prayer.

In Numbers 13-14, He told them to go against the Anakim, but they were scared, and only Joshua and Caleb were prepared in faith to obey. After Yahuweh pronounced judgment on the people’s disobedience, they got scared of the punishment and tried to go against the Anakim in their own timing--they failed miserably, many died. They wandered forty years in the wilderness until all that generation died who had disobeyed. To be out of His timing brings great judgment! If the universe got out of His timing for a split second, we would all quickly die. Almost all of His people are out of His timing, doing their own will, so you can imagine how He dotes on those who stay with Him in His timing!

There are seasons for everything. Some things are happening in the earth right now that are very exciting because the time has come. Other things are about to happen that will eliminate all but a few people on the entire earth. We are in the season of great apostasy, the coming of the Beast to power, and the beginnings of the return of a small remnant of the whole House of Ya’cob to Yahuweh and His land, and of great judgment on the world before the return of Messiah.

Daniel was told to seal up his book, for the time of fulfillment was not yet. But, now, the seals are off of Daniel, and much has already happened. Revelation was always considered a “cryptic book”, for the time of understanding it was not until recently. But, now, it is very easy to understand for it is happening alongside Daniel.

Yochanan saw Yahushua take the sealed book from the hands of His Abba (Revelation 5), but it was not until September 29, 2000, that He broke the seals (Revelation 6:1) and opened the scroll as we entered the 7th millennium that Yom Teruah. Now we are in the season of the trumpet judgments, and the wrath of Satan and of man.

Jeremiah went to all inhabited nations on earth (Jeremiah 25:15-33) to bring to the rulers the message of the end-time judgment of

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Yahuweh. That was 2,500 years ago, but very soon the judgment will be poured out. Enoch brought Yahuweh’s message to Lucifer’s fallen angels regarding their judgment, before the Flood. Soon that judgment will be executed against them.

Yahuweh sets appointments way ahead of time, and when the nano-second comes to arrive at that appointment, His will is done swiftly, and done forever.

Ecclesiastes 3:14: “I know that whatever Elohim does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it. And Elohim does it that men should fear before Him”.

Acts 17:31“…Elohim now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness…” This is “the Day of Yahuweh”. His wrath is poured out as Yahushua Yahuweh descends to earth: Examples Revelation 11:15-18; Isaiah 34:2-8; 63:10-6; Revelation19:11-21)

Everything Yahuweh does is timed according to the seasons in His land. The Word clearly tells us when to look for certain things that align to certain harvest seasons and festivals. The seven festivals are a outline of the plan of salvation, which would be brought to His people through His Son Yahushua Yahuweh. They begin with Yahushua’s blood sacrifice as the Lamb of Elohim, His burial, His resurrection, then the outpouring of the Spirit upon His people to put His Torah in their heart, then His second coming, His forgiveness of the whole nation of Israel and judgment on the nations that harmed His people, and the setting up of His Kingdom. Festivals are according to certain harvest seasons. Messiah Yahushua’s second coming is according to the new moon sighting of Tishre 1, at the festival of Yom Teruah. The cycles of harvest seasons build to a crescendo to the year of Jubilee.

The great end-time harvest of souls – reaping His people into the Kingdom for salvation – comes during particular seasons. The great revivals of centuries past all aligned with His harvests. Each wave of revival was in a different country where His people had migrated, and all sovereignty brought about by His Spirit. A new wave has begun in Israel, which will lead to the greatest of all revivals of all--Zechariah 12:10-13:1.

When Messiah comes He will reap the wheat harvest, and gather the threshed and winnowed wheat into His barns. (Matthew 13:24-43) Abba Yahuweh waits patiently for the precious fruit of the earth--the first resurrection of the justified. (Ya’cob (James) 5:7-8)

Abba Yahuweh has set times and seasons--“mo’edim”--appointed

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times for everything to do with His plan for mankind. In each case the Word is clear. All timing for His final mo’edim slots from the end of summer, the grape harvest, to the end of the olive harvest--from Elul to Heshvan, from August to early December.

From The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) (early 1960s) regarding harvest cycles in Israel: “The summer months are particularly rainless, from May 1 to the middle of October…The rainy season, from October to May can be divided into three parts 1) the former, 2) the winter, and 3) the latter rains. The former rains are the showers of October and early November…The main bulk of the rain falls in the months of December, January and February…The `latter rains’ of April are the most highly appreciated because they ripen the harvest…The most severe punishment of Yah was to withhold the rain…”

The harvest cycle in Israel is from October to May, beginning after Sukkot and ending after Sha’vu’ot. Even with the changing weather patterns of our polar shifting earth, still the harvest cycles are almost the same in Israel. Yet, many in Israel know that judgment is coming, for the rains are often held back as they were in 2011, putting the barley harvest off a month. Moshe warned the people, in the book of Deuteronomy, that it would be their sins that would keep the rains from them and ruin their harvests. That is showing now…

The promises of the Kingdom include the return of the former and latter rains as were under His blessings. (Joel 2:23; Hosea 6:1-3)

Creation was accomplished within a certain time period, which set the timing for our weekly Shabbats and our Festivals. Genesis 1:14: “And Elohim said, `Let lights be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times (mo’edim) and for days and years’ ”. It is by the first sighting of the new moon over Jerusalem that the festival days are set. It is by the harvest stage of the barley that the first month of the festivals is established. (Leviticus 23) Each festival is a “mo’ed” of Yahuweh.

Just as the principle of the seed is at the core of the universe, so His timing directs the course of the seed.

Excerpts from I Thessalonians 5:1-3: “Now brothers, as to the times and the seasons, you do not need to be written to…you, brothers, are not in darkness so that the Day should overtake you as a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day…” To those who walk in the light of His Word--who are taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh, and shown things to come (John 16:13)--there is no confusion, but everything is very clear.

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By knowing His times and seasons, we can know within two days when Messiah will come, for “no man knows the day or the hour”, simply means that His coming is on the one festival that is on a new moon—thus the sighting of it could be on day one or day two.

The festival begins the month of Tishre--September/October. Daniel’s 70th week, the week ending with Messiah’s coming, is clearly seen now, as we progress towards the mid-way point this coming Yom Teruah. [Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy”, “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”, “Pole Shift”, and “What Are the Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark?”]

We are in the season of all the final things being rapidly fulfilled.

There was a day for Messiah to be born into the earth – Yom Teruah September 11, 3 BCE. And there will be a time for His return – a Yom Teruah according to the sighting of the new moon.

There is a mo’ed for every one of His children – a time to born and a time to be re-born, as the transforming power of Yahuweh’s Spirit moves on a person bringing repentance and faith. If we miss that appointment there might not be another one. The spirit of repentance is a gift. Without repentance there is no salvation!

And there is a time for each person to die, but each person makes his own appointment. For those who “dwell in the secret place of the Most High” He says: “with long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation”. In Psalm 90:12, Moshe says: ”Teach us to number our days and let us bring our heart to wisdom.” Wisdom, and obedience to Yahuweh, prolongs life (Proverbs 3) and there is an end-time remnant that will not see death before the Master returns. Many times His timing of things for us depends on us.

Yochanan (John) 4:35-36, Yahushua speaking to His taught ones

just after Sha’vu’ot: “Don’t you say `There are still four months and the harvest comes?’ … I say to you, lift up your eyes and see the fields, for they are white for harvest already. He who reaps receives a reward and gathers fruit for everlasting life so that both he who is sowing and he who is reaping, rejoice together”.

Matthew 9:37-38: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. Pray that the Master of the harvest would send out laborers to His harvest.”

Between Sha’vu’ot and Yom Teruah there are four months of summer. During these very hot months, people rest. Messiah is telling His taught ones that it is during the season of summer – the time between His death and resurrection and His second coming – that they must give the Good News of His salvation, for when summer is over and Tishre 1 comes (Yom Teruah), then there is no more chance to preach

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salvation, for the judgment on the unsaved wicked will go forth.

Jeremiah 8:20: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved”. This will be the tragic eternal cry of regret for those who have not responded to the Master’s offer of “so great a salvation”. But, what about those who say they are born of the Spirit, yet have not shared this “great salvation” with the lost?

The promise of reward for faithful sowing is also found in Psalm 126-- one of the Psalms of Assent, sung as pilgrims went to Jerusalem for Sukkot, 15 days after Yom Teruah--“Those that sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy. He who goes forth weeping, bearing precious seed (the Word of Elohim), shall indeed return with rejoicing, carrying his sheaves with him”. Mark 4:1-20 gives the parable of the sower,

showing that only ¼ of those presented with His Word will respond and bear fruit to eternal life, but the command for each of us is to sow, to water with the Word, and to harvest. Everyone is called to do these things!

II Corinthians 5:14-15: “For the love of Messiah compels us, having judged this: that if One died for all, then all are dead (in sin), and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them, and was raised”.

Proverbs 10:4: “He who gathers in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame”.

Ecclesiastes 11:4, 6: “He that observes the wind shall not sow, and he that regards the clouds shall not reap…In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know what will prosper, this or that, or whether they all shall be good.”

Today most of the western world is a shame and disgrace to the Master. They live for themselves. They do not sow His Word, nor water it with prayer, nor reap the harvest of precious lives into the Kingdom. They are apathetic and lazy. I think of the great missionary movement of the 1700s-1800s, and even early 1900s, with men like Hudson Taylor pioneering in China, William Carey, a pioneer in India, Jonathan Goforth in China, and so many others who went to Africa, and other nations, with the Good News of salvation. Their children died, their spouses died, they buried them and kept on and opened up whole countries to the Good News. Where is that spirit today? Today “the love of many has grown cold”, and people are so self-centered and prideful, lovers of pleasure and comfort, and what appeases the flesh, that most do not even care about their own neighbors’ salvation.

Matthew 22:9-10 (read in context): “Therefore go into the street

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corners, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding feast. And those servants went out into the street corners (the highways and byways) and gathered all whom they found, both wicked and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.”

This is the season for evangelism when the Word of salvation is preached to the lost worldwide. But, in countries filled with the sons of

Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cob, few are listening anymore. Yet His servants in Third World are going to the nations to compel them to be saved by faith in Yahushua, so that at the wedding feast, He might have many guests (those with eternal life).

In Third World countries, especially in countries of persecution, the “highway and byway” people are coming to salvation by the hundreds of thousands, while so many of the bloodline of Ya’cob are rejecting the Messiah’s blood for their eternal life.

While thousands a day are being born again in Third World nations, many under great persecution, in the affluent world of the west, we are in a time of great apostasy, mostly because of intellectual manipulation by liars and deceivers in nice garments with smooth, but twisted, arguments, and this is the season for going into the Third World, even nations who greatly persecute believers, to bring them to salvation, even amidst dangers.

In the past, there have been great revivals among the Ephraimites – lost sheep of the House of Israel. The revivals have caused many to be born into the Kingdom. I have studied the great revivals. They came by the sovereign power of the Spirit in response to genuine sacrificial prayer. The word “revival” indicates something is dead or barely alive and needs to be brought back to full health. The greatest revival of all times is found in Ezekiel 37--the dry bones coming to life again and the restoration of the whole House of Ya’cob back to being one nation.

There is a revival now among Ephraimites as many are returning to guard the Torah of Yahuweh. But, in each revival there comes a restoration of new life in some way, affecting those not yet born

again--sweeping thousands of “guests” into the Kingdom. In the great revivals of the early 1900s, the baptism into the Ruach Yahuweh was restored. In the late 1800s, early 1900s, there were great revivals of evangelism, as the spirit of repentance and faith was poured out on His people, like the time of the “Great Awakening” in America. The Protestant Reformation restored the Scriptures to the people, and the understanding that salvation is by faith, not by church baptism or membership. Each great sovereign wave of Yahuweh’s Spirit has restored to His people some important aspect that they must have in order to be ready for the Kingdom. Today, we see the beginnings of

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The great restoration of the House of Judah to their Messiah of Isaiah 53—the Suffering Servant who died for them. This great revival will continue to the second coming of Yahushua, when many more of the House of Judah will receive their Savior and Redeemer.

The plea of Habakkuk 3:2: “O Yahuweh, I have heard Your report, and I was afraid. O Yahuweh, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In wrath remember mercy”.

Habakkuk heard of the pending judgment of Yahuweh, and He asks for a revival of His good will for His people, in mercy. Are you praying for the lost? Are you praying for those who have never heard of the way of salvation? Are you sharing your testimony with them? Judgment is coming, and many who think they are good and right with “God” will find that they are just religious, and do not know Him.

Revival of the whole House of Ya’cob back to Yahuweh through the blood of Messiah Yahushua to the Torah and right standing with Yahuweh is the greatest revival now sweeping the earth. This is the season of the Spirit for revival of the whole House of Ya’cob! Be a part of it!

Jeremiah 29:13: “And you shall seek Me and shall find Me, WHEN you search for Me with all your heart”.

Revival is born out of much fasting and passionate earnest prayer, and seeking Him with all the heart and soul. It is born when humble,

repentant, and contrite people, submit themselves to His will. Then, He moves in sovereign ways by His Spirit to manifest Himself. Revival comes through intercession also, calling His people back to Yahuweh in places where they left Him.

This is how the great Welsh revival of 1904-1906 was birthed. It spread to America in 1906, and is best known to have headquartered at Azusa Street in Los Angeles, which birthed the Pentecostal movement. Just after this time, Germany passed laws against this movement, and birthed the reign of Hitler rather than precious eternal souls. Without the outpouring of the Spirit there can be no revival! Revival comes from the Spirit to the spirit of man.

But, like all great movement of the Spirit, the carnal minds of men

gravitate to a “king”, a hero, to lead them, so denominations and organizations of man’s reasoning were formed around the revivals and man was exalted over Elohim. Then the revival deteriorates and dies, and religion replaces it. This is the pattern! To revive the deteriorated thing, many organize revivals, or conventions, or special meetings, in

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which they invite special big-name speakers, and people flock to them. But, for the most part, they are empty and void of Yahuweh’s Spirit.

No human can create a revival--not a true revival. A true revival affects whole communities and cities, even whole countries. The great revival under Charles Finney has always amazed me. One day he

walked into a factory to talk to the owner, and the Presence of the Spirit was so strong that the employees stopped their work, got down on their knees, repented in tears for their sins, and were born again. True salvation always begins with repentance. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”]

Then there was the “Great Awakening” in America under men like George Whitfield. Revivals in the UK, in Europe, and in other First World nations have had their seasons. Revivals continue to break out in many third world nations. Yahuweh’s revivals are not contained within one church or congregation, or within one small area--but they reach out to nations, because those revived take the Good News to the nations. No one who has been truly born of the Spirit can keep His message to themselves--they have to share it!

Before I went to Wales in June, Abba gave me an assignment to repent for the sins of Ephraim and Jeroboam, and to call Ephraim home from one of the outermost islands that the House of Israel went to before crossing the Atlantic – in the Outer Hebrides. I did not give details of my assignment to my friend I stayed with in Wales. Yet, she laid a book by my bed and said she thought I should read it. It was called When God Came Down, edited by John Ferguson, c. 2000, who was born again in the revival, and continued on to minister in the Outer Hebrides.

The book tells the story of revival in North Uist (you-east). I had never heard of North Uist. I got just a few pages into reading the book, and saw a map of the Outer Hebrides (Hehb-rih-dees)--the Isles of the Hebrews. What a shock! North Uist is in the island chain of the Outer Hebrides. Revival broke out during the years of 1949-1958, in North Uist in 1957-1958. It spread to the other islands, even to Lewis, where I went, and the Isle of Skye. Four young girls with a passion to share the Good News of salvation, were used mightily by the Spirit in the North Uist revival.

When I was on the Isle of Lewis, I saw that the results of the revival were still there in the nature of the people. They were so gentle and kind, compassionate and helpful. There was sweetness in their nature that is very uncommon in this world. The family I was with was camping, and they found the same thing--gentle, kind people. A genuine revival closes bars, adult sex stores, brothels, movie theaters

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and other establishments that promote sin. It has nothing to do with a church having an organized meeting. A genuine move of the Spirit often affects whole countries, as the people’s nature changes drastically, and their desires and agendas match those of their new Master.

Let me share with you some gems from When God Came Down. Page 92, Ferguson speaking: “God is sovereign in His own universe. He does not jump once we have completed a strictly followed procedure or after we have offered an adequate amount of sincere praying. That is not the way revival happens. There is a real since in which we are confronted with mystery when we begin to study the phenomenon that we call revival. Are we not obliged to say that revival is God working in His own time, in His own way, in the place of his own choosing and bringing about results to His own glory?…On the other hand…We must never use the sovereignty of God as an excuse for our own lack of action….It seems that He wants His people to share with Him in His great work of redeeming humanity…So prior to the great revivals of the past there have always been the few or the many who have agonized before the Lord for a lost world.”

From page 93: Isaiah 64:1: “Oh that You would rend the heavens, that You would come down, that the mountains might flow down at Your Presence”!

“G.D. Morgan, in his excellent book What Is Revival? writes: `All the worlds around us are floating in the ocean of His love. Eternity swings in all it activities on the hinges of His will. The creating, providing, redeeming, burning Presence of His love causes the hosts above to fall and worship. Revival is stepping in line with the spiritual law of God--for God is an eternal revival in Himself.’ ”

Ferguson: “God Himself is the source of revival, but it is equally true that His people are the channel through which revival comes”.

“The word `revival’ itself suggests the quickening of that which has some measure of life in it already.”

“Matthew Henry said, `When God intends great blessing for His people, He first of all sets them a-praying’ ”.

Ferguson concludes: “God cannot be bound by human methodologies, however sincere. His ways and thoughts are above ours because He, as the only wise God, has perfect plans and, as the Eternal One, knows the end from the beginning…The vision must be from Heaven, not conjured up by our minds, and the time-scale is for God to set, not for us to demand… But, He has promised to pour out His Spirit `in the last days’…”

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From the Forward by Dr. Peckham: “God uses those who are available and usable. He uses those who are cleansed and filled with the Holy Spirit. He uses those who are prepared to pray the price of soul-travail. Burdened, broken, bold praying is the nerve center of revival. There is a price to be paid, a price of curbed freedom, of resolute concentration, of agonizing supplication. The real work is done where only the eye of God can see. Intercession costs! There is a cross at the heart of true intercessory prayer. There is a burden, a passion, an agony, and yes—glory! True intercession is sacrifice. Because of the demands and price of intercessory prayer many do not enter its portals, and consequently do not gain its benefits. When was the last time you felt the fellowship of the pain-filled pierced hand? The Gospel of the broken heart demands the ministry of bleeding hearts. When we cease to bleed, we cease to bless”.

I know that without the infilling of the Spirit, people can do little to nothing for they do what they do in their own power, nor can they endure suffering with peace. It is Messiah Himself who baptizes those in the Spirit of Yahuweh who are repentant, humble, and faith-filled-- (Luke 3:16) [Refer to: “The Ruach and Sha’vu’ot”, “The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit” and “Preparing for the Inevitable”]

Then they are empowered with His power and authority, the “anointing” – His Presence – flowing through them to do the miraculous, to walk on the high roads of faith, and overcome all obstacles in His peace. Without the infilling of the Spirit, contact with the eternal realm is limited. The Spirit cannot guide those who are into their head reasoning--only those whom He fills, who are submitted to His teaching and leading. After the new birth, the Word makes it mandatory that we be filled with the Spirit, and maintain that filling by our being led and taught by the Spirit! Was King David born of the Spirit? Oh yes! He said in Psalm 51, as he repented for serious sin, “take not Your Set-Apart Spirit from me”. Ezekiel was filled with the Spirit. No one can be filled with the Spirit if they are not born from above by the Spirit! None of the Prophets could have prophesied in His Name without being filled with the Spirit.

I asked my Welsh friend if she thought the season of revival among western Ephraimites was over, and she said “yes”. I agree. Yahuweh is still calling to individuals, but for the most part, the western world is so engrossed in appeasing their flesh, so caught up in what the world has to offer, being a slave to the cultural demands, that most are spiritually dead. They take in intellectual knowledge, but it does not transform their life, for they live out of their head, not their spirit.

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Most are turning more and more cold and apathetic to anyone’s needs but their own. And, some are scared to share their faith with others.

But, the season for revival among the House of Judah has just begun!

In May, English evangelist David Hathaway conducted meetings in Tel Aviv for holocaust survivors and other elderly people in general, and the first night 500 came forward to the front of the auditorium weeping and repenting of sin to receive Yeshua as their savior. He presented the Jewish Messiah with such love that they wept.

In Nazareth there is an upsurge of love and compassion among the Arab believers for the Jews. I heard that some Messianic Jews went to a meeting with Arab believers, and were so shocked because the Arab young people said they wanted to repent for the evil their people have done to the Jews and to wash their feet. The Jews submitted to the foot washing with astonishment and tears. These Arab believers had been repenting and seeking Abba with all their heart.

In Poriyya, a village outside of Tiberias, Jewish young people are fasting and praying to know the Messiah. In Jerusalem, Orthodox Jews, rabbis too, are seeking the Messiah. Some are studying Daniel and finding out He already came, so some are receiving Him as Savior. Revival is coming to Judah by the Spirit of Yahuweh. This is a precursor to Zechariah 12:10-13:1, when at His coming, “they look on Him whom they pierced” and mourn. Observe who mourns: 1)

the house of David, 2) the house of Nathan (Messiah’s lineage), 3) the house of Levi, 4) the house of Sh’mi (representing the House of Joseph) – II Samuel 19:15-23. (Read in context--II Samuel 15-19), and 5) all the clans of Israel (all the tribes).

The time for Judah to find their Messiah-Savior/Redeemer, Messiah ben Yosef, has begun! It is their appointed time. The Spirit is directing, for there will be a remnant out of Judah that is mighty, even during the tribulation.

Hosea 6:1-3: “Come, and let us turn back to Yahuweh. For He has torn, but He heals us, He has stricken but He binds us up. After two

days He shall revive us, on the third day He will raise us up, so that we live in His sight. So let us know, let us pursue to know Yahuweh. His going forth is as certain as the morning. And He comes to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the earth”.

Messiah came at the time of the latter rain, at Passover, to die for us as our Lamb, and rise again for our eternal life. He is our first Passover Lamb. He is the “First Fruits” of those who will be resurrected unto eternal life. (I Corinthians 5:7-8; 15:20, 23) We are now in the “Third Day” since His coming, and soon He will raise us up to live in His sight.

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The season of the outpouring of His wrath and judgment has always been between Elul 1 through Heshvan, beginning with the Flood in

Genesis 7:11, Noah and family being sealed into the ark the 10th of

Heshvan, and the deep breaking up the 17th of Heshvan. The judgment was officially over on the 17th of Aviv---the day of the resurrection of Messiah, the day the enemy was conquered and His people set free, the day of salvation for His people guaranteed, just as the crossing of the Red Sea profoundly symbolized.

From the article “Fall 2010”, Scriptural judgments that fall within the time period of late August through the end of November, early December, and the end of the olive harvest. Look these up and read in context. If you will look up all Scriptures not written out, the Spirit can teach you more. I’m sure you’ll find more Scriptures of the time of judgment after reading these.

Numbers 13:20, 23-24; 14:29-30: The spying in the Promised Land, during the time of the grape harvest--the time when the remnant of His people will enter the Kingdom in the Promised Land soon.

Isaiah 16:9-10: The destruction of Moab at the time of the grape harvest.

Isaiah 17:1-6: The destruction of Damascus, part of Ephraim, and

over to south of Amman, Jordan at the time just after the olive harvest.

Isaiah 18: Destruction of America: mid-late summer/early Fall.

Isaiah 24:13: Wrath of Yahuweh poured out at the return of Messiah—Tishre 1 (September/October) – time of the pressing of the grapes for new wine.

Isaiah 32:9-12: The grape harvest fails, in context of Messiah’s return.

Isaiah 63:1-6: Yahushua treads the winepresses in His wrath.

Jeremiah 8:13, 20: Time of judgment—the grape harvest and after.

Jeremiah 50:15, 51:33: “Destruction of America at the Fall harvest

Ezekiel 38:22: The attack of Gog on Israel – winter weather coming.

Ezekiel 3912-14: “It takes seven months to bury the dead—the time between the festivals – from the end of Sukkot to Passover, so that the festivals are not defiled

Joel 1: Destruction of the figs, pomegranates, olives, wheat and barley, and apples.

Joel 3:13: Time of Messiah’s return, and “Armageddon”.

Ya’cob 5:7: “precious fruit of the earth”: the fruit harvest is between Elul and Heshvan for the most part.

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Revelation 11:4 with Zechariah 4: The time of the appearing of the two witnesses near mid-way point of the last seven-year cycle. They

are described as being channels for oil. This would indicate timing between Heshvan and early December--perhaps December 21, 2012.

Revelation 11:15-18: The seventh trumpet in the seventh month (Tishre 1)

Do your own research throughout the Word, from Genesis to Revelation, and let Him teach you more. Revelation knowledge comes to those who are filled with the Spirit, and learning from Him!

The Fall (Autumn) of 2011 will bring us much closer to the pouring out of the wrath of Satan/Lucifer/Dragon/Devil against the set-apart ones, and the wrath of man against His people.

Ezekiel 14:12-22 tells us that if Daniel, Job, and Noah were in this time, they would only be able to save themselves, not even their family. I asked Abba why these three only are mentioned. He immediately answered: “Daniel was saved from the wrath of man. Job was saved from the wrath of Satan. Noah was saved from the wrath of Yahuweh.

The Word promises that we will be saved from the wrath of Yahuweh, from eternal damnation if we belong to Him. But, as Daniel went into the lion’s den, and Job experienced terrible affliction on himself and the loss of his property and his children, so we will go through the wrath of man and Satan. Let us prepare for going through, enduring and overcoming.



July 3, 2011

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