October 10, 2006 - MTSD

September 25, 2020

Dear Belle Valley Families:

Our annual Halloween costume party will take place on Thursday, October 29th (Blue day) and Friday, October 30th (White day). Due to COVID restrictions there will not be any parade this school year. We want the day to be safe and enjoyable for our students so we ask that you read and follow the guidelines listed below.

← In compliance with the MTSD Nutrition and Wellness Policy, only one snack and one drink (100% fruit juice, water or milk) will be permitted. Our PTA will provide this for all students. Please do not send in additional snacks or goodie bags with your child- we cannot distribute them.

← PTA will provide an activity/craft for the students to complete in their classroom with their teacher.

← Students are to wear their costumes to school this year.

← All students and staff will wear their regular mask to school and during school for our party days. A costume mask will not replace the masks that are required to prevent the spread of COVID.

← If you do not wish for your child to take place in the festivities please send in a note by Wednesday, October 28th so that we can plan an alternative for your child.

Have a safe and happy celebration,

Dr. J.P. Smith


Please review these costume guidelines.

← We ask that parents guide their children to use good taste and judgment when planning a costume.

← Anything suggesting violence or that is gory is not acceptable (fake blood, knives…). No replicas or toy weapons (guns, swords, daggers, hooks, etc.) are permitted in the school or on school property.

← No roller blades or ice skates are permitted.

← If you are unsure about your child’s costume please contact the school.

Thank you for your assistance in making this a fun event for all!


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