Timeline Grading Rubric


Timeline chapters 2-6 Project

Grading Rubric

Directions: You will create a timeline using Google documents. You will have to select at least 6 significant events from each chapter. You must represent your timeline in chronological order. Each event must be represented accurately. You must include at least one graphic for each event that you list. I am grading for spelling and punctuation. Everything must be written in your own words.

| |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |

| |6 |5 |3 |1 |

| |The timeline contains all 6 |The timeline contains at |The timeline contains at |The timeline contains less than |

|Documentation of Events |significant events for each |least 5 significant events |least 3-4 significant events |3 significant events from each |

| |chapter. This includes date |for each chapter. This |for each chapter. This |chapter. This includes date and|

|30 PTS |and description. |includes date and |includes date and |description. |

| | |description. |description. | |

|Content/Facts |Facts were accurate for all |Facts were accurate for |Facts were accurate for most |Facts were often inaccurate for |

|30 PTS |events reported on the |almost all events reported on|(~75%) of the events reported|the events that were reported on|

| |timeline. |the timeline. |on the timeline. |the timeline. |

|POINTS | | | | |

| |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |

| |5 |4 |3 |1 |

|Accuracy |All dates indicated on |At least 9-12 of the dates |At least 5-8 of the dates are|Less than 5 of the dates are |

| |timeline are correct and are |are accurate or sequences are|accurate or sequences are in |accurate or sequences are in the|

|25 PTS |sequenced in the proper |in the proper order. |the proper order. |proper order. |

| |order. | | | |

|Graphics |All graphics are effective |All graphics are effective, |Some graphics are effective |Several graphics are not |

|25 PTS |and balanced with text use. |but there appear to be too |and their use is balanced |effective. |

| | |few or too many. |with text use. | |

|Mechanics |Punctuation, spelling, and |Punctuation, spelling, and |Punctuation, spelling, and |There are many punctuation, |

|25 PTS |capitalization were checked |capitalization were checked |capitalization are somewhat |spelling, and capitalization |

| |and are correct throughout. |and are mostly correct. |correct and may or may not |errors. |

| | | |have been checked. | |

|POINTS | | | | |

|TOTAL POINTS 135 | | | | |


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