IRIS GUI Installation Guide (6.12)


IRIS 10.16-PTF-001 Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI)

Copyright notice

(c) Copyright Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of XGIS.


Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of XGIS. XGIS provides no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. XGIS shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material

Author : Neil Winter

Last Updated : 13th November 2007.

Amendment History

|Reason |Date |New Reference |

|Version 1 |20/10/2006 |Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 9.15 ENH000\IRIS 9.15-ENH-000 |

| | |Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc |

|Version 2 |18/01/2007 |Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 9.15 ENH001\IRIS 9.15-ENH-001 |

| | |Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc |

|Version 3 |05/03/2007 |Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 9.15 ENH002\IRIS 9.15-ENH-002 |

| | |Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc |

|Version 4 |08/05/2007 |Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 9.15 ENH003\IRIS 9.15-ENH-003 |

| | |Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc |

|Version 5 |05/10/2007 |Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 10.16 PTF000\IRIS 10.16-PTF-000 |

| | |Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc |

|Version 6 |13/11/2007 |Q:\IRIS GUI Installations\Installation 10.16 PTF001\IRIS 10.16-PTF-000 |

| | |Installation Instructions Part 2 (GUI).01.doc |


1. Amendment History 4

List of figures 7

2. Installation Issues 8

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Contacts 9

2.3 PC Specification 10

2.4 iSeries Requirements 11

2.5 Data Sources 12

2.6 Installed Components 13

2.6.1 Data Access Components 13

2.6.2 Location of Applications 13

2.6.3 Help 13

2.6.4 EXE and DLL Registration 13

2.6.5 Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine. 13

3. Installation Checklist 14

Server Checklist 14

Pre-Installation 14

Installation 14

Post-Installation 14

Client Checklist 15

Post Installation 15

Scheduler Checklist 15

Post Installation 15

Admin Checklist 15

4. Installation Procedure 17

4.1 Set-up Process 17

4.2 Server Set-up 17

4.2.1 Overview of Server Set-up 17

4.2.2 Running the Server Set-up 18

4.3 Client Set-up 29

4.3.1 Overview of Client Set-up 29

4.3.2 Running the Client Set-up 29

4.4 Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine. 31

4.4.1 Installing MSDE files. 31

4.4.2 Run the Setup. 31

4.4.3 Update IRIS Settings. 32

4.5 Scheduler Set-up 33

4.5.1 Overview of Scheduler Set-up 33

4.5.2 Running the Scheduler Set-up 33

4.6 Administration Tools Upgrade 35

4.6.1 Overview of the Administration Set-up 35

4.6.2 Running the Administration Set-up 35

5. Post Installation 36

5.1 Component Update 36

5.2 Review Security Settings (Server Upgrade) 37

5.3 System Administration (Server Not an Upgrade) 37

5.3.1 To Add Users: 38

5.3.2 To Add Roles: 40

5.3.3 To Add Environments: 42

5.4 System Product Codes (Server Upgrade) 50

5.5 LBRCUpdate (Server Upgrade) 51

5.6 Customer Configuration (Server Not an Upgrade) 51

5.7 Codes Transfer (Server Upgrade and New Installation) 52

5.8 Business Items (Server Upgrade) 53

5.8.1 Preview Each Business Item ( If Server Upgrade) 53

5.9 Product Codes (Server Not An Upgrade) 53

5.9.1 Policy Product Codes 53

5.9.2 Quotes/Promises/Memos/Declinatures Product Codes 55

5.9.3 Bureau Product Codes 56

5.10 Product Codes (Server Upgrade from 7.13 or earlier) 56

5.11 Closings Input (Server Not an Upgrade) 57

5.12 Setting Up DecisionBase (Server or Client with no previous DecisionBase) 57

5.13 Setting up Scheduler and Bureau Message Receipt 59

5.14 IRIS Reporting. 60

6. Appendix 1: IBM Client Access ODBC Drivers 61

6.1.1 Setting up an ODBC Data Source to an AS/400 Database 61

Testing an ODBC Connection 65

Appendix 2: IRIS GUI 10.16 67

IRIS Components 67

Shared Components 72

Appendix 3: IRIS GUI Release Notes 76

Appendix 4 : NTFS 77

Appendix 5 : Client Access Issues 78

Client Access Express v4r4m0 78

Client Access Express v4r5m0 78

iSeries Access Express v5r1m0 79

iSeries Access Express v5r2m0 79

iSeries Access Express v5r3m0 79

Appendix 6 : OS/400 Issues 80

OS/400 V4R2M0 80

OS/400 V4R3M0 80

OS/400 V4R4M0 80

OS/400 V5R1M0 80

OS/400 V5R2M0 80

OS/400 V5R3M0 80

OS/400 V5R4M0 80

Appendix 7 : General Installation Issues 81

ODBC Library Locked 81

List of figures

Figure 1: Set-up Screen 19

Figure 2: License agreement 20

Figure 3: User Information 21

Figure 4: Enter Information 22

Figure 5: Server Location 23

Figure 6: Start copying files 24

Figure 7: Begin Install 25

Figure 8: Environment Upgrade 27

Figure 9: Installation Complete 28

Figure 10: Welcome Dialog (Upgrade only) 30

Figure 11: Installation Aborted 30

Figure 12: Application components 31

Figure 13: Run the command prompt 31

Figure 14: Install MSDE 32

Figure 15: Installation Aborted 34

Installation Issues

1 Introduction

This section of the document highlights the issues that are to be considered for an installation of IRIS GUI.

In order to be able to run the IRIS GUI, the following conditions must be satisfied (N.B. these are given in the order that they should generally be performed):

1. Check for known issues with the version of Client Access Express being run (see page 74) and also for known issues on the version of OS/400 being run (see page 76)

2. The IRIS AS/400 software should be installed (see the “IRIS 9.15 PTF Installation Instructions Part 1 (AS400).01.doc” also included on the CD for instructions for doing this).The AS/400 must be configured correctly. See iSeries Requirements on page 11.

3. PCs should meet the minimum recommended specifications. See PC Specification on page 10.

4. The Administrator must run the ‘Server’ installation from the CD (from a client PC), installing to a shared network drive. See Server Set-up on page 16.

5. Having installed the GUI onto the server, the next step that must be performed is to ensure the security, product codes etc are all set up as required. See Post Installation on page 35

6. For each new PC, the Set up program (Setup.exe) from the ‘Client’ folder contained within the location on the server to which the GUI was installed must be run. See Client Set-up on page 28

This document covers each step of the installation process in detail.

For a summarised list of all the steps in the process, there is an ‘Installation Checklist’ in section 3 on page 14. It is highly recommended that the person performing the installation uses this to ensure that they don’t miss any steps.

If performing an upgrade from a previous version of the IRIS GUI it is also highly recommended that you review the Release notes in Appendix 3: IRIS GUI on page 72.

The appendices contained within this document are as follows:

|Information |Page |

|IBM Client Access ODBC Drivers |59 |

|Installed Components |65 |

|Release Notes |72 |

|NTFS Issues |73 |

|Client Access Issues |74 |

|OS/400 Issues |76 |

2 Contacts

If you require any help during the Installation process, please contact the IRIS Helpdesk on either:

• Telephone 020 7780 5373

• Email helpdesk.iris@

3 PC Specification

The minimum recommended specification for PC’s on which the GUI is to be installed is as follows:

• Pentium 4

• 1gb RAM

• 100MB of free hard drive space plus approximately an additional 30 MB per environment

• Windows 2000/WindowsXP

• 16 bit colour

• Minimum resolution 1024 x 768

• 32 bit ODBC connection to AS/400 (Client Access) *

• Internet Explorer 6 SP1

• Microsoft Installer 3.0

N.B. The IRIS GUI will run on lower specified PCs than indicated above but there will be a noticeable drop in performance.

It is recommended that there is approximately 300MB plus an additional 30 MB per environment of free space on the server.

to Data Library must be executed over all required environments.

* For information on known issues in specific versions of Client Access see the appendix on page74.

Similarly information on known issues in specific versions of OS/400 can be found in the appendix on page 76

4 iSeries Requirements

The following are requirements need to be met to ensure that IRIS GUI is installed and operated effectively:

1. Ensure that the iSeries is running OS/400 v5r2m0 or above

2. The Data Library and System Library for all environments need to be established. For example, for a LIVE environment of IRIS these may be XUNMDTA and XUNMSYS respectively.

3. All commands in this document that refer

4. Ensure that the database parameter for each GUI Environment is configured to the correct AS/400 IRIS data library and system library.

5. Ensure that the SQL packages in the library QGPL and the IRIS data libraries are deleted. Ensure everyone is logged off every environment when the following command is run: DLTSQLPKG QGPL/IRIS*. It is also worth checking for IRIS SQL packages in all other libraries to ensure that all have been deleted.

6. The IRIS GUI requires a Relational Database entry to exist on the AS/400 from which it will be accessing data. To check whether this needs to be done or not, run the following command on the AS/400:


If the list displayed by this command contains an entry for a ‘remote location’ of *LOCAL then nothing further needs to be done in relation to this.

If there is not an entry for a ‘remote location’ of *LOCAL then one will need to be added by running the following command on the AS/400:


The ‘system name’ should be replaced with the system name of the AS/400 (this is usually displayed in the top right corner of the AS/400 logon screen).

7. Ensure that the library XUNMTOOLS is in the library list. This can be checked using the following command


If the library XUNMTOOLS is not in the library list then add it with the following command


CRTSTP needs to be run for each IRIS environment over which the GUI is to be run. The example of this command that follows uses the typical names of the data library and system library of an IRIS environment. These may be different on some environments and replaced with the appropriate system and data library names for the environment over which the GUI will be run:


5 Data Sources

The IRIS GUI no longer requires ODBC data sources, but now has a connection that can be defined centrally in the System Administration function. However, this does require that the AS/400 is defined with a common name within Client Access across all PCs.

If DecisionBase is installed for the first time, as part of IRIS GUI then an ODBC data source needs to be set up on each PC. See appendix 1 (page59)

For more information on how the connection is now defined from within the System Administration function then see the section titled Review Security Settings (Server Upgrade)

On each new release of IRIS there will be new security options made available.

It will be necessary for the System Administrator to visit the IRIS System Administration function and review the security settings. The default setting for any new security options will be to make all existing users ‘unauthorised’ to the new option.

In the IRIS GUI upgrade it is highly recommended that all the security settings are reviewed to make sure that all the original security settings have been imported correctly.

New security options that did not exist in the original security set-up will definitely need to be visited.

These include the following:

1. Bureau Closings

2. Policy Reinsurance Screen



5. System Setting and Reference Files

6. Environment library names(in case system library was renamed during AS400 upgrade)

7. Bureau Message Receipt


9. N.B. It is important that for each Role within ‘System Settings and Reference Files’ that the ‘Configure’ button is pressed and at least one code is something other than ‘No Access’. Failure to do this could stop superqueries working.

System Administration (Server Not an Upgrade) on page 36

6 Installed Components

For a comprehensive list of the components installed by the installation routine please see Appendix 2 on page 65. What follows is a brief overview of what is installed.

1 Data Access Components

During the IRIS set up process all relevant components of Microsoft’s Data Access Components (MDAC) are installed.

Note: MDAC actually consists of many data access components (e.g. ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and DAO), of which IRIS only requires ODBC, DAO, JET and RDO. However, the latest version of MDAC (version 2.1) installs Jet 4.0 and IRIS will only run with Jet 3.5 (the Codes and User Enquiries databases are in “Access 97” format). Therefore, installing the latest version of MDAC will not result in a successful IRIS installation. For information purposes, the IRIS set up routine installs the following components:

• DAO 3.6

• ODBC 3.51

• RDO 2.0

• JET 3.5 (but not the ODBC driver)

2 Location of Applications

Due to the nature of DCOM, all application files are now installed on a local basis only. This will minimise any issues for future patches and/or upgrades.

3 Help

Help documentation is installed as part of the set up procedure. A shortcut to both the AS/400 IRIS documentation (which is installed onto a server) and the IRIS GUI help documentation (installed locally) will appear in the IRIS menu.

4 EXE and DLL Registration

The registration of all the DLL's are handled by InstallShield and IRIS Server.exe is registered within the set up routine.

5 Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine.

From version 8.14 of IRIS onwards, the IRIS Report Designer component of IRIS will require the Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine to be installed as part of the client setup. If installing on Windows Vista, be aware that MSDE is not supported by Microsoft and SQL Server Express is the recommended replacement.

Installation Checklist

Server Checklist


PC (page 10)

1. Decide where to install the IRIS Server components, and ensure all users have full update access to it.

2. Decide whether the server path will be specified using a UNC path (e.g. \\Server01\IRIS) or a mapped drive letter path (e.g. R:\IRIS\); see the section Server Location on page 16.

3. Check disk space is adequate.

4. PC Specification must meet requirements.

5. Prerequisite software: Client Access, ODBC and Internet Explorer, Microsoft Installer 3.0. Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework. The correct versions must be installed. If installing on Windows 2000, the PC should have all the latest Microsoft service packs and updates installed.

6. If installing on an NTFS formatted drive then please review the section on NTFS issues on page 73.

7. If this installation is an upgrade of an existing IRIS installation, it is recommended that a backup copy is made of the folder containing the IRIS server components.

AS/400 (page 11)

8. Determine the names of the IRIS data and system libraries.

9. Delete SQL Packages in QGPL.

10. Check Relational Database entry.

11. Library list.


12. Run Server set-up from the CD. (page 16); N.B. the server install is designed to be run from any PC or from the server itself.


12. If the PC is Windows2000 then the Scripten utility needs to be run (if it has not been installed before). (page35 )

13. If this Installation is not an upgrade and this PC/Server will be used to access/configure IRIS then run the Client setup from the Client folder in the IRIS Server location. Then run the Administration Tools setup from the Administration Tools folder in the IRIS Server location.

N.B If it has been decided to use UNC paths for the configuration of IRIS, then you should browse to the Client and Administration Tools folders using UNC paths NOT mapped network drive letters.

14. If this Installation is not an upgrade then set up System Administration: set up Users, Roles and Environments. (page 36)

15. If this Installation is an upgrade then Review security settings (page 39)

16. If this Installation is an upgrade then check that the required system product codes are present (page 49)

17. If this Installation is an upgrade from IRIS 7.13 or earlier then check the upgraded rules (page 55)

18. Run Codes Transfer for each environment. (page 51)

19. If this Installation is an upgrade then preview Business Items (page 52)

20. If this Installation is not an upgrade then set up the Product Codes for each environment. (page 52)

21. If this Installation is not an upgrade then run the Quote/Promise/Memo/Declinatures conversion program for each environment. (page 54)

22. If this Installation is not an upgrade then assign Workstation IDs for Closings Input for each environment. (page 56)

23. If DecisionBase was installed for the first time then set up DecisionBase. (page 56)

Client Checklist

1. Ensure a Server Installation has been performed as above.

2. Check disk space is adequate. (page 10)

3. PC Specification must meet requirements. (page 10)

4. Prerequisite software: Client Access, ODBC and Internet Explorer. The correct versions must be installed. (page 10)

5. If installing on an NTFS formatted drive then please review the section on NTFS issues on page 73

6. Run Client set-up from the Client folder of the Server. (page 28)

N.B. Remember to run the setup via a UNC path if it has been decided to use UNC paths in IRIS.

7. Run the MSDE set-up from the MSDE folder of the Server. (page 35)

Post Installation

1. If the PC is Windows2000 and this installation is not upgrading from 5.11 PTF003 or later then the Scripten utility needs to be run. (page35 )

2. If DecisionBase was installed for the first time then set up DecisionBase. (page56)

Scheduler Checklist

1. Run Scheduler set-up from the IRIS Scheduler folder of the Server (page32)

N.B. Remember to run the setup via a UNC path if it has been decided to use UNC paths in IRIS.

Post Installation

1. Once the scheduler has been installed, the administrator needs to configure IRIS to

use the scheduler and if required, Bureau Message Receipt (page58)

Admin Checklist

1. Ensure a Client Installation has been performed on the PC on which the Administration Tools are to be installed.

2. Check disk space is adequate.

3. Run setup.exe from the Administration Tools folder in the IRIS Server location.

(page 34)

Installation Procedure

This document describes the procedure for installing the IRIS GUI product.

1 Set-up Process

The Set-up process is divided into two parts, these being ‘Server’ and ‘Client’. In order for a successful installation to take place, these set-ups must both be completed. The ‘Server’ set up is run only once and the ‘Client’ set-up is run for each required PC. A further installation, Administration Tools Upgrade, will also need to be run on any PC where the user requires access to the Administration Functions within IRIS. (page 35)

Note: It is important to note that a ‘Server’ install must be performed before any ‘Client’ set-ups are run.

2 Server Set-up

The set-up files that are distributed contain the 'Server' set-up process.

1 Overview of Server Set-up

The Server set-up installs all the IRIS Server components, it requires the installer to specify the IRIS server location.

The Server Location

This will typically be on a shared network drive accessible to all Users, and the following items will be installed to it.

• The Master Codes database.

• The IRIS Configuration file.

• The IRIS System Administration file and Template.

• Installation utilities (named 'InstallMultiEnv.exe', ‘dbupdate.exe’, ‘Customerconfig.exe’) required for the set up of multiple environment functionality. These utilities are run during the Server set-up. It should never be run at any other time.

• Client set-up files.

• Scheduler set-up files.

• Administration Tools upgrade set-up files.

• AS/400 Help files.

• Windows2000 folder, which contains the Microsoft Scripten utility.

When deciding on the server location the following issues should be considered.

1. If the server location is going to be specified as a mapped drive letter (e.g. R:\IRIS Server\) then all users of IRIS will need to have the server mapped to the same mapped drive letter. This being the case the client installation (which is placed on the server by the server installation) should be run from the server via the mapped drive letter.

2. If the server is going to be specified using its UNC path (e.g. \\server01\IRIS Server) then the only issue is to ensure that the client installation (which is placed on the server by the server installation) is run using the UNC path. The easiest way of achieving this is to find the server in the ‘Network Neighbourhood’ and from there create a shortcut to the client installation routine. Then any user who runs the installation via this shortcut will be installing it via the UNC path irrespective of whether they also have the server mapped to a drive letter as well.

Option 2 above is applicable in all cases whilst Option 1 should only be adopted if all IRIS users will have the IRIS server mapped to the same drive letter.

2 Running the Server Set-up

N.B. Before running the Server set up routine on a PC with IRIS already installed it is important that all IRIS applications are closed. This includes logging off and closing the IRIS Server.

1 Backing Up Data

Before running the set-ups, any existing data should be backed up. This includes the MasterCodes database and the security file. Also any scheduled message loading jobs should be stopped. They should not be restarted until the success of the upgrade process has been verified. Xchanging recommend running any message loading jobs manually for the first few days after an IRIS upgrade.

2 Server

It is important to note that the server install is designed to be run from any PC or the Server itself.

Start the “Server” set-up either from the 'Start/Run' menu option and browsing to the 'Setup.exe file' located in the IRIS directory on the CD or from Explorer by double clicking on the 'Setup.exe' file.

The installation process will now commence. The user will be presented with the following dialog boxes:

Figure 1: Set-up Screen


The main screen title (Figure 1) indicates the type of set-up being run (Client/Server).

• Click Next

Figure 2: License agreement


• Accept the License Agreement, then click Next to continue.

Figure 3: User Information


• Enter the user name and company name

• Click Next

Figure 4: Enter Information


• Enter your password to proceed with the installation. Password entry is not case sensitive and you have up to three attempts to enter the valid password.

• Click Next

Figure 5: Server Location


The Administrator must:

Enter the path where the server components are to be installed. These include the MasterCodes Database and ‘Client’ set-up files. This must be an area that all IRIS users can access.

If IRIS is already installed, this will default to the location of the existing MasterCodes database.

Note: If upgrading IRIS, the new installation must be installed to the same location as the old. Failing to do so could result in unpredictable results.

• Click Next

Figure 6: Start copying files


• Click Next

This screen confirms the Administrators choices and provides any other information gathered by the installation process. The installation should have detected if this is a new installation or an upgrade. If this is not correct the installation should be cancelled and path selections and settings reviewed.

Figure 7: Begin Install


After this step, there are no further opportunities to abort the installation process.

When the Administrator clicks ‘Next’ the file copying process commences, followed by the registering of all the appropriate DLL's and the execution of the configuration utility programs.

N.B. The following warning messages may be displayed during an installation or upgrade (applicable to both server and client installs).

1. Read Only File Detected. This is generally only displayed when upgrading an existing installation. In the event of receiving this message check the box that says ‘Don’t display this message again’ and click on ‘Yes’ to overwrite the existing file.

2. Warning Files failed to self register. This message occurs on systems that are not running Internet Explorer 5. If this message is displayed then the user will need to install Internet Explorer 5 (or above) on the target PC. However, it is possible for IRIS to function correctly with Internet Explorer 4.01 if an additional component is installed (see the PC Specification section of this document).

During a ‘Server’ set-up,

- the ‘Client’ installation files are copied to a sub-directory of the folder chosen for the Server location database and is called ‘Client’.

- the ‘Scheduler’ installation files are copied to a sub-directory of the folder chosen

for the Server location database and is called ‘IRIS Scheduler’.

- The ‘Administration Tools’ installation files are copied to a sub-directory of the folder chosen for the Server location database and is called ‘Administration Tools’

- A utility is run that updates the database with the users company name.

- Any existing IRIS databases are backed up and upgraded automatically, and any saved data will not be overwritten.

- A utility to set-up the Multiple Environment functionality is also run. This involves the configuration of the IRIS System Administration database. If the installation is an upgrade the utility will automatically import the existing IRIS environments into the System Administration database.

Figure 8: Environment Upgrade

If the installation is an upgrade the Administrator will be given the opportunity to run DbUpdate for each existing environment. This, in effect, updates the old database with the ‘new’ entries from the new database.

• Select environments for upgrade

• Click OK

Note: Environments must be upgraded before they can be used in IRIS. It is strongly recommended that all environments are upgraded at this stage. If an environment is not upgraded DbUpdate and CustomerConfig must be run before using the environment.

Figure 9: Installation Complete


Due to the nature of the installation process, a message may appear advising that it is necessary to restart the machine after installation. If so, follow the instructions to restart and the installation will automatically complete.

3 Client Set-up

N.B. it is vital that the client install be run from the same path as specified when installing the server. For example if during the server install the server location was specified as R:\IRIS Server (i.e. a mapped drive letter) then the client install should be run from R:\IRIS Server\Client\Setup.exe. Whereas if during the server install the server location was specified as \\Server01\IRIS Server (i.e. a UNC path) then the client install should be run from \\Server01\IRIS Server\Client\Setup.exe.

After the Administrator has run the ‘Server’ set-up, all PC's must have the IRIS Client installed by running (double clicking) the 'Client' set-up file. This file is named 'Setup.exe' and is located in the 'Client' folder on the server. This folder resides in the server location previously specified by the user during the ‘Server’ set-up (refer to Figure 5).

1 Overview of Client Set-up

The Client set-up installs the IRIS Client programs only.

2 Running the Client Set-up

N.B. Before running the Client set up routine on a PC with IRIS already installed it is important that all IRIS applications are closed. This includes logging off and closing the IRIS Server.

The ‘Client’ set-up presents many of the same dialog boxes to the user as the ‘Server’ set-up.

The User is presented with the Welcome, Licence Agreement, User Information, Setup Type and Destination Location dialog boxes. If the user is performing an upgrade of IRIS the Welcome screen will appear as in Figure 10. The user should select the “Modify” option, then ensure all program features are selected.

During Installation the user should verify that the selected IRIS Server location is correct. Using an incorrect IRIS Server location may cause unpredictable behaviour. When doing a clean install of the IRIS client, when prompted for the Setup Type the user should select ‘Complete’. The client installation location is typically on the C drive of the PC. The following items will be installed to it:

• IRIS Client programs


Figure 10: Welcome Dialog (Upgrade only)


If the installation process is unable to determine the IRIS Server location (unable to find the ‘IRISSysAdmin.idb’ file) the following message will displayed.

Figure 11: Installation Aborted


The installation will then abort.

4 Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine.

From version 8.14 of IRIS, the IRIS Report Designer component will require the Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine to be installed. This can be found in the MSDE folder in the IRIS Server folder. The folder also contains and html document which is the full installation instructions from Microsoft. Microsoft do not support MSDE on Windows Vista, and SQL Server Express is the recommended replacement.

1 Installing MSDE files.

Double-click on the MSDE2000A.exe file. This will uncompress the MSDE files to the a local drive. Once it has uncompressed the setup files successfully you will see the following message;

Figure 12: Application components


2 Run the Setup.

The folder that the files were uncompressed to will contain a setup.exe file. This file needs to be run but can only be run from a command prompt. Click Start/Run and enter “cmd” in the text box as below;

Figure 13: Run the command prompt


• Click OK

• At the command prompt, navigate to the folder that the MSDE files were uncompressed to.

• Type the following command, and then press Enter

Setup.exe sapwd=”SA” securitymode=SQL

• The Windows installer will then install and configure MSDE

Figure 14: Install MSDE


• Type ‘exit’ at the command prompt to exit the command window.

• Once it is complete, you can either reboot the PC to start the services or use the Windows Control Panel / Services utility to start the services.

• If MSDE is running successfully the icon below can be seen in the Windows system tray.


3 Update IRIS Settings.

Before the report designer can be used a location needs to be specified for temporary files that are created by MSDE. This is specified in the IRIS Settings application in the Temporary File Path text box.

5 Scheduler Set-up

The IRIS Scheduler needs to be installed if a user wishes to be able to submit jobs (ie Codes Transfer and Bureau Message Receipt) to run in batch. The Scheduler cannot be run if the pc is logged onto IRIS, so XGIS recommends that the Scheduler is installed onto a PC, that will not often use IRIS, or even a PC without IRIS installed. After the Administrator has run the ‘Server’ set-up, the IRIS Scheduler can be installed by running (double clicking) the ‘Scheduler' set-up file. This file is named 'Setup.exe' and is located in the 'IRIS Scheduler' folder on the server. This folder resides in the server location previously specified by the user during the ‘Server’ set-up (refer to Figure 5).

1 Overview of Scheduler Set-up

The Scheduler set-up installs the Scheduler programs only.

2 Running the Scheduler Set-up

N.B. Before running the Scheduler set up routine on a PC with IRIS already installed it is important that all IRIS applications are closed. This includes logging off and closing the IRIS Server.

The ‘Scheduler’ set-up presents many of the same dialog boxes to the user as the ‘Client’ set-up.

The User is presented with the Welcome, Licence Agreement, User Information and Destination Location dialog boxes.

During Installation the user should verify that the selected IRIS Server location is correct. Using an incorrect IRIS Server location may cause unpredictable behaviour. When prompted for the Setup Type the user should select ‘Complete’. The Scheduler installation location is typically on the C drive of the PC.

If the installation process is unable to determine the IRIS Server location (unable to find the ‘IRISSysAdmin.idb’ file) the following message will displayed.

Figure 15: Installation Aborted


The installation will then abort.

6 Administration Tools Upgrade

The set-up routine for this is in the Administration Tools folder in the IRIS Server location. It is run by double clicking setup.exe in the Administration Tools subfolder of the IRIS server location.

1 Overview of the Administration Set-up

The ‘Administration Tools’ upgrade will install the Administration Functions only. It should be used to upgrade a user, who already has the IRIS Client on their PC, to an Administrator. It requires a previous Client install, and will install the Administration Functions into the same location as the Client Programs. If the Client has not previously been installed on the PC, Administration Tools installation will not proceed. This installation will prompt for your IRIS password.

2 Running the Administration Set-up

N.B. Before running the Administration set up routine on a PC with the client installed it is important that all IRIS applications are closed. This includes logging off and closing the IRIS Server. Failure to do so may require the client to be reinstalled.

Post Installation

1 Component Update

N.B. this step should only be performed on PCs running Windows 2000.

If the PC is being upgraded from IRIS 5.11 PTF003 or above, then this step should have already been performed as part of that upgrade and so it would not need to be performed again.

Located in the server folder is a folder called Windows2000. This contains an executable called ‘scripten.exe’. Run this executable and follow the instructions to install the Microsoft scripting engine version 5.6 for Windows 2000.

If scripten has not been run/installed on a PC then the system will error when attempting to open a link to a document attached to a policy or claim. The error displayed is “Automation error – Classfactory cannot supply requested class”. If this error is observed after installing IRIS on a Windows 2000 PC then scripten.exe will need to be run on that PC.

2 Review Security Settings (Server Upgrade)

On each new release of IRIS there will be new security options made available.

It will be necessary for the System Administrator to visit the IRIS System Administration function and review the security settings. The default setting for any new security options will be to make all existing users ‘unauthorised’ to the new option.

In the IRIS GUI upgrade it is highly recommended that all the security settings are reviewed to make sure that all the original security settings have been imported correctly.

New security options that did not exist in the original security set-up will definitely need to be visited.

These include the following:

1. Bureau Closings

2. Policy Reinsurance Screen



5. System Setting and Reference Files

6. Environment library names(in case system library was renamed during AS400 upgrade)

7. Bureau Message Receipt

N.B. It is important that for each Role within ‘System Settings and Reference Files’ that the ‘Configure’ button is pressed and at least one code is something other than ‘No Access’. Failure to do this could stop superqueries working.

3 System Administration (Server Not an Upgrade)

A feature of the IRIS GUI is that it maintains its own security. As such users must be defined and allocated to a role within each environment that is relevant to their level of authority. To establish the security:

Note: When logging on for the very first time, only the following user profile will have authority to the system: 'Admin' (password 'Admin'). This user profile should only be used to access the System Administration function. Attempting to run any other IRIS applications whilst logged on as Admin will result in an error because it does not attempt to establish any kind of connection to the IRIS database. It is provided so that an Administrator can still access the System Administration function when no environments are defined or if unable to gain access to the IRIS database (e.g. AS/400 is not functioning or the connections have been incorrectly defined)

• Proceed to ‘System Administration’ program (run the 'Start/Programs/IRIS/Administrator/System Administration' menu option) and log on.

• The following screen is displayed:


1 To Add Users:

• Select the 'Users' folder and click on the Add button. The following screen is displayed:


Enter the User Name and click OK. The following screen is displayed:


• Enter a User ID and an optional IRIS password.

• Check the Allow access to the System Administration box, if you want the user to have access to this function.

• Check the Enabled box if you want the user to access the functionalities within IRIS.

• Click Update to save the user.

Note: All entered User ID’s must be a valid user profile on the AS/400 and have authorisation to all of the data files required for the functions that they will be using in the GUI. This does NOT relate to APD authority settings, but only to the actual object authority. In general the IRIS sign-on for the AS/400 version of the product should normally be used since this will already have the appropriate object authorities.

2 To Add Roles:

• Click on the ‘Roles’ folder and click on the Add button to display the following screen:


• Enter Role name and click OK. The following screen will be visible:


• Allow authority to specific applications and set authority levels where appropriate.

N.B. It is important that for each Role within ‘System Settings and Reference Files’ that the ‘Configure’ button is pressed and at least one code is something other than ‘No Access’. Failure to do this could stop superqueries working.

• To save the role settings, click Update.

3 To Add Environments:

• Click on the 'Environments' folder and click 'Add'.

• The following screen is displayed:


• Enter an Environment name.

• Click OK. The following screen is displayed:


• Ensure that the ‘Look in’ is pointing towards the folder where the server is installed to.

• Select MasterNew.mdb.

Click Open. The following screen is displayed


Select the Folder you wish to contain the Codes Database for the new environment.

The Server folder is recommended, but it can be any folder on the shared drive.

Click OK. The following screen is displayed

• Ensure that the ‘Look in’ is pointing towards the folder where the server is installed to.

• Select UserEnquiriesTemplate.mdb.

Click Open. The following screen is displayed


Select the Folder you wish to contain the User Enquiries Database for the new environment.

The Server folder is recommended, but it can be any folder on the shared drive.

Click OK. The following screen is displayed.

Note If you select the server location, you will receive a warning message, that you are using an existing User Enquiries Database.

• Ensure that the ‘Look in’ is pointing towards the folder where the server is installed to.

• Select IMEXTemplate.mdb.

Click Open. The following screen is displayed


Select the Folder you wish to contain the IMEX Database for the new environment.

The Server folder is recommended, but it can be any folder on the shared drive.

Click OK. The following screen is displayed.

Note If you select the server location, you will receive a warning message, that you are using an existing IMEX.


• Ensure that the ‘Look in’ is pointing towards the folder where the server is installed to.

• Select BureauMsgCtrl.mdb.

Click Open. The following screen is displayed,


Select the Folder you wish to contain the Bureau Database for the new environment.

The Server folder is recommended, but it can be any folder on the shared drive.

Click OK. The following screen is displayed.

Note If you select the server location, you will receive a warning message, that you are using an existing Bureau Database.


• Within the Connection tab, leave the connection via the 'User's User Name' checked for normal database access.

• Select the Driver relevant to your system.

• Add a System parameter (this will be an AS/400 system name as defined within iSeries Access on all of the client PCs; this might either be a meaningful name or an IP address depending on how the client PCs have been configured).

• Add a Database parameter. This refers to the AS/400 Data library and System library for the environment. The two libraries should be separated by a space only. For example for a 'Live' environment you would usually enter 'XUNMDTA XUNMSYS'.

• Click on the Update button to save the environment.

Note: The Connection String Template should be left to its default value.


If the preferred option is to no longer use the ODBC connections then the connection string template that was defaulted in during the upgrade should be the following:


If the preferred option is to use the ODBC connections then the connection string template should be changed to the following: (e.g. DSN=IRIS_GUI;UID=[UID];PWD=[PWD])

In addition, the 'System' and 'Database' parameters within the 'Connection' tab will also need to be entered (System being the name of the AS/400 and Database being the library list as previously used in the ODBC connection)

Once an environment is established, all roles and all users within the roles are added, they may now be defined within the environment. To do this, select a role within an environment. The following screen will be displayed:

• The users can be moved between the 'Users assigned to other roles' and 'Users assigned to role' columns using the arrow buttons. The single arrow moves a single user, while the double arrow moves the entire group.

• Once the environment is configured, save the changes by clicking on the Update button.

• Exit the System Administration function, log off from the IRIS Server and close the IRIS Server.

Having set up the environments and given at least one user access to the System Administration function and the environments, log off of the IRIS server and close it (the Admin user profile should no longer be required for access to this function).

For further information on the System Administration function, please refer to the Help documentation within the function.

4 System Product Codes (Server Upgrade)

IRIS includes a number of standard product codes that need to be present on the system for it to function correctly.

Theses product codes are

INCAS_Csh – required for INCAS Cash Input

INCAS_Jnl – required for INCAS Journal Input

INCAS_Trf – required for INCAS Transfer Journals

INCAS_Alc – required for INCAS Allocations

BX CLO – required for Bureau Closings

ELASS DFT – required for Bureau Claims (CLASS message processing)

SCM DFT – required for Bureau Claims (SCM message processing)

After applying an upgrade the presence of these System Product codes (at least for those functions that will be used) needs to be confirmed by running IRIS Business Customisation



If the required system product codes are not present then they can be applied to the system as follows:

1. Using Windows Explorer, locate the local Iris folder and find BusCustUpdate.exe

2. Start the BusCustUpdate.exe. Log on to the IRIS Server as an authorised user ('Admin' cannot do this).

3. Set ‘From’ to point to MasterNew.mdb in the server folder. The ‘To’ should be pointing to the codes database for the environment that you have logged onto. If you require updating a different codes database then you will need to set it here.

4. When both a ‘From’ and ‘To’ are selected a list of Product Codes is displayed. Select the System Product Codes that are required and then press ‘Update Products’

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all environments and then press “Close”

5 LBRCUpdate (Server Upgrade)

If the upgrade is from 6.12, or later then LBRCUpdate will already have been run, so there is no need to run it again.

To update the codes databases so that Field Names, Tooltips and Product Rules will apply to Long Broker Codes.

Note: This must be run for each database environment that has been updated (as recommended in the installation procedure or manually. See page 26)

1. Using Windows Explorer, locate the server folder and find LBRCupdate.exe

2. Start the LBRCupdate.exe application

3. Set the ‘Environment Database’ option to point to an environment database.

This will also be located on the server. Select “Update”

4. Repeat step 3 for all updated environments and then press “Close”

6 Customer Configuration (Server Not an Upgrade)

If the client has any customer specific database settings, then CustomerConfig.exe will need to be run to transfer these settings to the codes database.

1. Using Windows Explorer, locate the local Iris folder and find CustomerConfig.exe

2. Start the CustomerConfig.exe application

3. Set the ‘Customer Config Database’ to point to CustomerConfig.mdb in the server folder and select “Update”.

4. Repeat step 3 for all environments and then press “Close”

7 Codes Transfer (Server Upgrade and New Installation)

If this is a new installation ensure that you are not logged on as ‘Admin’.

1. Run the Codes Transfer application. Log on to the IRIS Server as a user authorised to perform the Codes Transfer ('Admin' cannot do this).

2. Run Codes Transfer for the all codes.

3. Once complete, shut down the codes transfer routine.

4. Log off of the IRIS server.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each environment defined to IRIS.

8 Business Items (Server Upgrade)

IRIS comes with two business types predefined (in order to maintain backwards compatibility with the AS/400 IRIS software). These two business items are for marine business and are defined as ‘Hull’ and ‘Yacht’. It is important to note that these two business items are defined such that with each new upgrade of IRIS they will be overwritten with the latest version of these business items (thus any user changes made to them will be lost on each upgrade). Therefore it is recommended that if a user wishes to modify these business types in any way then they should create copies of them and use the copies.

1 Preview Each Business Item ( If Server Upgrade)

Each Business Item will need to be previewed:

• Proceed to ‘Business Customisation’ program (run the 'Start/Programs/IRIS/Administrator/Business Customisation' menu option) and log on.

1. Open Business Items (File/Open/Business Items)

2. From the Business Extensions Screen (Display Formats Tab) select a Business Item and press OK.

3. From the Display Format Details Screen click Preview

4. From the Preview Screen click Close

5. Click OK from the Display Format Details Screen

6. Repeat steps 1 – 6 for each Business Item

7. Exit Business Customisation

9 Product Codes (Server Not An Upgrade)

1 Policy Product Codes

Product codes must be established to access the GUI functionality. The installation provides twelve standard product codes for policy input, covering each of the basic policy types as listed below.

Inwards Fac Product (I/W FAC)

Inwards L/S Product (I/W L/S)

Inwards PPN Product (I/W PPN)

Inwards XSL Product (I/W XSL)

Outwards FAC Product (O/W FAC)

Outwards PPN Product (O/W PPN)

Outwards XSL Product (O/W XSL)

Facultative Skeleton Product (FAC SKEL)

Lineslip Skeleton Product (L/S SKEL)

Proportional Treaty Skeleton Product (PPN SKEL)

Non-Proportional Treaty Skeleton Product (XSL SKEL)

• These can be used as the basis for new product codes and modified to suit specific requirements or used in their current form. To add or modify Product Codes, navigate to the IRIS Business Customisation option on the IRIS Menu.

• After the Product Codes are established, XGIS must be contacted in order to arrange for the database to be updated with the appropriate product codes, if this is the first time that GUI product codes have been used.

• For reasons of consistency, product codes must have the same name in the GUI and the AS/400, using the standard AS/400 product code functionality. It is also recommended that the product codes entered onto the AS/400 should mimic as closely as possible the GUI product code definitions. This is to minimise the chances of a user entering unwanted data against a GUI created policy via the AS/400 functionality.

Note: A fix program exists in library XUNMTOOLS that updates all policies with no product code with a standard product code. To run the program in report only mode, enter the following AS/400 command: " CALL FUPP#C00 'N' ". To run the program in update mode, enter: " CALL FUPP#C00 'Y' ".

WARNING: Because product codes define the validation on a particular policy it is highly recommended that when users switch to GUI for policy input that they cease to use the AS/400 policy input functions. Otherwise this may result in users creating or updating policies that break the product code rules defined in the GUI. Where users are still using the AS/400 policy input functions (e.g. where there is a phased release of the GUI amongst the user base), system administrators must remember this when defining product codes. If the AS/400 policy input functionality is used after the GUI has been introduced it is vital that product codes of the same name are created on the AS/400.

2 Quotes/Promises/Memos/Declinatures Product Codes

The IRIS GUI includes a significant change to the way that quotes/promises/memos and declinatures are processed in comparison to the AS/400.

The major part of the change has been to record this information on the policy file rather than on separate files. This allows the user to have much more flexibility over what information they want to record.

N.B. The GUI quotes/promises/memos and declinatures functionality is not compatible with the equivalent AS/400 functionality. This means that once the new functionality has been adopted users will not be able to return to using the AS/400 functions to modify the new data.

As part of the upgrade there is a conversion program included on the tape holding the AS/400 software changes that will allow any existing quotes/promises/memos and declinatures data to be transferred to the new format for use in the GUI. This program should only be run once (or duplicate data will be produced) and can be run from the AS/400 with the command


The IRIS data library that contains the data to be converted must be in the library list when this command is run.

N.B. Prior to running this program it is highly recommended that the data on the AS/400 is backed up

Included in the IRIS GUI is a set of standard quotes/promises/memos and declinatures product codes that replicate the old AS/400 data:

|Data Type |Product Code |

|PPN treaty Quotes |Quote PPN |

|XSL treaty Quotes |Quote XSL |

|Fac Quotes |Quote FAC |

|Lineslip Quotes |Quote L/S |

| | |

|PPN treaty Promises |Prmse PPN |

|XSL treaty Promises |Prmse XSL |

|Fac Promises |Prmse FAC |

|Lineslip Promises |Prmse L/S |

| | |

|XSL treaty Memos |Memo XSL |

| | |

|PPN treaty Declinatures |Prmse PPN |

|XSL treaty Declinatures |Prmse XSL |

|Fac Declinatures |Prmse FAC |

|Lineslip Declinatures |Prmse L/S |

3 Bureau Product Codes

The installation provides five standard product codes for Bureau on-line edit functions, as listed below.

|Bureau Closings |BX CLO |

|CLASS Product for Fac U/W Type |F |

|CLASS Product for PPN U/W Type |P |

|CLASS Product for XSL U/W Type |X |

|Default SCM Product Code |SCM DFT |

10 Product Codes (Server Upgrade from 7.13 or earlier)

In IRIS 7.13 and earlier some aspects of the rules were inconsistent as to the conditions under which they were applied (particularly in those scenarios where an item with one product code is used to create an item with a different product code – e.g. renewing a policy to a quote).

In 8.14 and above the rule functionality was tidied up to ensure that it was consistent everywhere. The general requirement for rules is as follows

a) Copy Rules should ALWAYS be taken from the ‘source’ product code (e.g. in the case of renew to quote this would mean that the copy on renewal rules applied would be those defined on the product code of the policy being renewed)

b) ALL other rules should ALWAYS be taken from the ‘destination’ product code (e.g. in the case of renew to quote this would mean that all rules except the copy rules would be those defined on the quote itself)

The only areas that this clarification of the rules system has affected in the move from 7.13 (or earlier) to any later version is where users have defined default on renewal and default on take-up where in 7.13 and earlier these rules would have been applied from the ‘source’ product code but in 8.14 and above they will always be applied from the ‘destination’ product code.

Since during the upgrade the process needs to allow for this it is strongly recommended that following the upgrade the rules being applied be reviewed and retested (particularly default on renewal and default on take-up rules).

11 Closings Input (Server Not an Upgrade)

The IRIS GUI version of closings input retrieves audit numbers for closings in a different manner to the AS/400. For the IRIS GUI Closings Input to be able to retrieve audit numbers a workstation ID must be attached to each operator ID. This can be achieved by signing on to the AS400 and entering the ‘Maintain System Environment’ function in IRIS, and choosing the option to maintain operator IDs. For each operator that will need to be able to create and/or edit closings, a workstation ID will need to be assigned from within this function.(N.B. for that user to now be able to enter closings that workstation ID will also need to have an audit number range defined for it – ‘Maintain Workstation Audit’ function). An example of the screen where the workstation ID is assigned is shown below:

N.B. In order for the workstation ID to be available as an input field on this screen the data area UXOXRZA0 needs to be set to ‘Y’.

12 Setting Up DecisionBase (Server or Client with no previous DecisionBase)

You will need to set up an ODBC data source to an AS/400. See Appendix 1 (page59)

Configure DecisionBase

Now that an AS/400 ODBC Data Source has been set up, DecisionBase itself needs to be configured to make use of it.

1. Go to the DecisionBase folder or group and start the DecisionBase Setup program.

2. Switch to the Data Sources tab. If this is the first time that you have set up a Data Source in DecisionBase, you are ready to enter the details. However, if other Data Sources are already listed on the tab, then click Add.

3. In the Data Source box, type in the Data Source Name you used when you created the new Data Source a moment ago. If you can’t remember it, just run the ODBC Administrator again, and it will be listed on the main screen.

4. In the Alias box, type in a shorthand name for this Data Source for use within DecisionBase. The Alias will be used when available DecisionBase data sources of any kind are referred to in DecisionBase.

5. You can optionally enter your AS/400 user ID and password. If you choose not to enter them in the relevant boxes, you will be prompted for them when the system starts.

6. Switch to the Defaults tab and select your new Data Source from the pull down list of Alias names at the top of the page.

7. Click OK to save the DecisionBase settings.

13 Setting up Scheduler and Bureau Message Receipt

Currently the IRIS Scheduler is used for Bureau Message Receipt, or Codes Transfer. To configure IRIS to use the Scheduler and Bureau Message Receipt refer to “Bureau Message Receipt User Guide.01.doc” which is also included on the cd

14 IRIS Reporting.

Before IRIS reporting is used the default report headers and footers should be imported into IRIS. This is done by running the IRIS Report Designer, opening each of the following IRIS report files one at a time and then saving them to the UserEnquiries database. This allows any reports users may wish to run to display the default headers and footer records.

The files to be imported can be found in the Report Definitions sub folder in the IRIS Server location, or on the IRIS CD. The files are,








Appendix 1: IBM Client Access ODBC Drivers

1 Setting up an ODBC Data Source to an AS/400 Database

This section assumes that you have a suitable AS/400 ODBC driver, and that the connection that it uses to connect to the AS/400 already exists

1. Start the ODBC Administrator program from the Windows Control Panel.

[pic]The ODBC Administrator icon

2. Click Add… to add a new Data Source:

3. Click Finish to start the setup procedure for the specified driver.

4. The Client Access ODBC driver setup dialog should now be displayed:

5. The settings which need to be entered for a new Client Access data source are :

General tab

Data Source Name:

This is your description of the Data Source. You may want to enter the name of your AS/400, or some other common phrase that is relevant to your data. You will need the Data Source Name when you set up DecisionBase to use this Data Source.


This is the name of your AS/400 system as it is known by Client Access; you may have more than one AS/400 available to Client Access, so select the one that is going to contain your DecisionBase data.

User ID:

You can optionally enter your AS/400 user ID in this field. It will then appear as the default value when you log on.

Server tab

Default Libraries:

In here enter the name of the library that contains your DecisionBase data. The specific location will depend on which back-end database DecisionBase builds its download database from. If you are not sure about this, contact your Account Manager at XGIS.

Performance tab

There is one other setting that it is recommended that you change for optimal performance - change the Blocking size setting to 512 from the choices on the pull-down list.

Click OK to save the new Data Source Name.

Click Close to close the ODBC Administrator.

Testing an ODBC Connection

If DecisionBase is not working test the ODBC connection as follows:

Run Excel, and choose Data/Get External Data/Create New Query, as follows:

The following screen should appear. Choose IRIS_GUI, the IRIS data source, and click OK.

10. If your ODBC data source is working correctly you will see the following screen:

If it is not, an error message will appear.

Appendix 2: IRIS GUI 10.16

IRIS Components

|Component |Date/Time |Version |

|Bureau Closings.exe |07/11/2007 16:51:44 | |

|BureauMsgWFM.exe |07/11/2007 16:53:14 | |

|BusCustUpdate.exe |07/11/2007 16:43:35 | |

|Closings Input.exe |07/11/2007 16:52:30 | |

|CodesTransfer.exe |07/11/2007 16:55:20 | |

|CustomerConfig.exe |07/11/2007 16:43:36 | |

|DatabaseRegistration.exe |07/11/2007 16:37:03 | |

|DbUpdate.exe |07/11/2007 16:52:36 | |

|DBUpdatePostFixes.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:58 | |

|DUIPreview.exe |04/04/2005 08:48:27 | |

|EnquiryTransfer.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:33 | |

|EnvUpdate.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:33 | |

|FrontEnd.exe |07/11/2007 16:57:15 | |

|GldiLcks.exe |07/11/2007 16:43:33 | |

|InstallMultiEnv.exe |07/11/2007 16:37:00 | |

|IRIS Business Customisation.exe |07/11/2007 16:59:51 | |

|IRIS Data Archive Utility.exe |07/11/2007 16:52:34 | |

|IRIS Mapping.exe |25/05/2005 09:13:47 | |

|IRIS Report Designer.exe |07/11/2007 17:01:18 | |

|IRIS SQL.exe |07/11/2007 16:43:39 | |

|IRIS Sys Ref File DUI Generator.exe |07/11/2007 16:43:41 | |

|IRIS System Administration.exe |07/11/2007 16:52:44 | |

|IRIS.DUIEditor.exe |07/11/2007 16:41:09 | |

|IRIS.exe |07/11/2007 17:01:24 | |

|FrontEnd.exe |07/11/2007 16:59:39 | |

|IRIS_BusExtEnq.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:26 | |

|IRIS_CList.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:28 | |

|IRIS_CLSList.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:30 | |

|IRIS_CLSReversals.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:33 | |

|IRIS_History.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:35 | |

|IRIS_ManClaims.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:37 | |

|IRIS_PerilList.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:40 | |

|IRIS_PList.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:42 | |

|IRIS_PolInput.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:44 | |

|IRIS_Print.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:47 | |

|IRIS_TranEnqy.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:49 | |

|IRIS_VList.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:51 | |

|IRISAutoInstall.exe |07/11/2007 16:36:18 |1.0.2867.29889 |

|IRISAutoInstallMonProcess.exe |07/11/2007 16:33:26 |1.0.2867.29803 |

|IRISAutoInstallMonRestart.exe |07/11/2007 16:33:29 |1.0.2867.29804 |

|IRISAutoInstallProfileLib.exe |07/11/2007 16:33:29 |1.0.2867.29804 |

|IRISAutoInstallVersionCheck.exe |07/11/2007 16:33:30 |1.0.2867.29805 |

|IRISCalculatePremium.exe |07/11/2007 16:55:12 | |

|IRISCheckForAdmin.exe |07/11/2007 16:33:31 |1.0.2867.29805 |

|IRISDUIEditor.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:46 | |

|IRISExtractFE.exe |07/11/2007 16:57:22 | |

|IRISForceServer.exe |07/11/2007 16:35:13 | |

|IRISGreatPlainsInterface.exe |07/11/2007 16:57:20 | |

|IrisGuiTest.exe |07/11/2007 17:00:00 |1.0.2867.30599 |

|IRISMapping.exe |07/11/2007 16:34:01 | |

|IRISQueue.exe |07/11/2007 16:57:18 | |

|IRISScheduleServer.exe |07/11/2007 16:59:30 | |

|IRISServerMT.exe |07/11/2007 16:40:50 | |

|IRISServerStatus.exe |07/11/2007 16:41:48 | |

|IRISServerThreads.exe |07/11/2007 16:40:59 | |

|IRISServiceClipboard.exe |07/11/2007 16:33:32 |1.0.2867.29806 |

|IRISSettings.exe |07/11/2007 16:39:01 | |

|IRISShellOpen.exe |07/11/2007 16:52:37 | |

|IRISSQLServerTools.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:54 | |

|LBRCupdate.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:56 | |

|MAPITest.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:56 | |

|Mapping.exe |14/06/2005 21:22:53 | |

|MIDInterface.exe |03/01/2006 01:40:32 | |

|MIDInterfaceFE.exe |07/11/2007 16:57:23 | |

|QuickInstall.exe |14/03/2005 17:30:09 | |

|RegAsm.exe |23/09/2005 07:28:56 |2.0.50727.42 |

|RegUpdate.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:59 | |

|RulesConverter.exe |04/04/2005 08:48:40 | |

|SetMasterPath.exe |31/03/2005 04:37:59 | |

|ShortcutRouter.exe |07/11/2007 16:41:50 | |

|SQLTestHarness.exe |31/03/2005 04:38:00 | |

|SysAdminUpdate.exe |07/11/2007 16:37:02 | |

|TestScriptPlayback.exe |04/04/2005 08:48:40 | |

|augXSearch.dll |31/03/2003 15:31:39 | |

|AxInterop.MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.dll |21/12/2006 13:44:17 | |

|AxInterop.MSMAPI.dll |20/07/2007 22:55:20 | |

|ClaimsInputObjs.dll |07/11/2007 17:03:36 | |

|ClassEditObjs.dll |07/11/2007 17:03:28 | |

|ClosingsReversal.dll |07/11/2007 16:44:17 | |

|DBUpdateAuxiliaryRoutines.dll |07/11/2007 16:36:56 | |

|EnquiryDetails.dll |07/11/2007 16:44:23 | |

|FileBrowserObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:22 | |

|GridData.dll |07/11/2007 16:46:41 | |

|HistoryEnq.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:10 | |

|IMEXDataConBusObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:57:57 | |

|IMEXDataConLibs.dll |07/11/2007 16:55:51 | |

|IMEXElgar.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:28 | |

|IMEXExcel.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:05 | |

|IMEXMapperObjs.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:39 | |

|IMEXODBC.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:13 | |

|IMEXTextFile.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:21 | |

|IMEXxml.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:33 | |

|Input Framework.dll |07/11/2007 16:43:25 | |

|Interop.IRISInstanceCreator.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:34 | |

|Interop.IRISInterfaces.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:34 | |

|Interop.IRISNetAdapter.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:34 | |

|Interop.MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:39 | |

|Interop.MSMAPI.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:34 | |

|Interop.MSScriptControl.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:52 | |

|Interop.MSXML2.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:33 | |

|Interop.Scripting.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:32 | |

|Interop.SHDocVw.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:57 | |

|Interop.TestNETProxy.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:53 | |

|Interop.VBA.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:33 | |

|IRIS BxClosing.dll |07/11/2007 16:51:24 | |

|IRIS Closings Log.dll |07/11/2007 16:51:52 | |

|IRIS P DM AugAniser.dll |07/11/2007 16:46:59 | |

|IRIS P DM WorldView.dll |07/11/2007 16:47:08 | |

|IRIS Server.dll |07/11/2007 16:42:40 | |

|IRIS SQL Parser.dll |07/11/2007 16:38:36 | |

|IRIS.Framework.Controls.dll |07/11/2007 16:36:20 | |

|IRIS.Framework.Core.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:36 | |

|IRIS.Framework.dll |07/11/2007 16:38:39 | |

|IRIS.Framework.Interop.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:55 | |

|IRIS.Functions.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:25 |1.0.2867.29802 |

|ComAppStart.dll |07/11/2007 17:01:34 | |

|IRIS.Presentation.dll |07/11/2007 16:36:23 | |

|IRIS.SendMail.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:35 |1.0.2867.29807 |

|IRIS.Utilities.AutoInstall.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:31 |1.0.2867.29805 |

|IRIS.WinForms.dll |07/11/2007 16:38:49 | |

|IRIS_P_DM_DocRep.dll |07/11/2007 16:47:03 | |

|IRIS_P_DM_EDMS.dll |07/11/2007 16:42:49 | |

|IRIS_P_DM_EDMS_ILL.dll |07/11/2007 16:42:55 | |

|IRIS_Print.dll |09/03/2005 12:09:28 | |

|IRISAdminObjects.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:43 | |

|IRISAmtLevCalcs.dll |07/11/2007 16:55:05 | |

|IRISAutomation.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:54 |1.0.2867.30596 |

|IRISBMSbmt.dll |07/11/2007 16:57:32 | |

|IRISBudgetDetails.dll |07/11/2007 16:52:55 | |

|IRISBusObjLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:48:10 | |

|IRISCalcPremSubmit.dll |07/11/2007 16:55:09 | |

|IRISClaim.dll |07/11/2007 16:57:41 | |

|IRISClosing.dll |07/11/2007 17:00:29 | |

|IRISClosingsEdit.dll |07/11/2007 17:03:51 | |

|IRISCtrlExt.dll |07/11/2007 16:35:19 | |

|IRISCTSubmit.dll |07/11/2007 16:55:25 | |

|IrisDAL.dll |07/11/2007 16:37:08 | |

|IRISDataExtenders.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:46 | |

|IRISDataLayer.dll |07/11/2007 16:46:22 | |

|IRISDataSetLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:37:27 | |

|IRISEditServices.dll |07/11/2007 16:48:57 | |

|IRISEnqDetailsObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:18 | |

|IRISEnqLib.dll |07/11/2007 17:00:59 | |

|IRISEnquiryObjs.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:01 | |

|IRISEnvServer.dll |07/11/2007 16:42:11 | |

|IRISExtract.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:39 | |

|IRISFELogonDLL.dll |07/11/2007 16:48:33 | |

|IRISFileTransfer.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:05 | |

|IRISFunctions.dll |07/11/2007 16:42:22 | |

|IRISGreatPlainsExtract.dll |07/11/2007 16:55:17 | |

|IRISHistory.dll |07/11/2007 16:57:48 | |

|IRISINCASObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:32 | |

|IRISInstanceCreator.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:39 | |

|IRISInterfaces.dll |07/11/2007 16:32:44 | |

|IRISJobSubmit.dll |07/11/2007 16:48:38 | |

|IRISLloydsExtensions.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:51 | |

|IRISMIDInterface.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:57 | |

|IRISNetAdapter.dll |07/11/2007 16:56:12 | |

|IRISNetServices.dll |07/11/2007 16:49:14 | |

|IRISOutstandingsObj.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:47 | |

|IRISPerformanceLog.dll |07/11/2007 16:32:52 | |

|IRISPrintLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:49:30 | |

|IRISProgTriangleEnq.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:14 | |

|IRISReportDataSets.dll |07/11/2007 16:56:54 | |

|IRISReportLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:58:57 | |

|IRISReportViewer.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:03 | |

|IRISReviewDiary.dll |07/11/2007 17:00:42 | |

|IRISRisk.dll |07/11/2007 16:54:25 | |

|IRISRPN.dll |07/11/2007 16:37:53 | |

|IRISRptSbmt.dll |07/11/2007 17:01:22 | |

|IRISRptWizObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:59:24 | |

|IRISRuleLibrary.dll |07/11/2007 16:44:04 | |

|IRISScheduler.dll |07/11/2007 16:49:37 | |

|IRISScheduleWizard.dll |07/11/2007 16:56:07 | |

|IRISScriptUtility.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:08 | |

|IRISSecurity.dll |07/11/2007 16:46:52 | |

|IRISSecurityMTBridge.dll |07/11/2007 16:49:41 | |

|IRISServerMT.dll |07/11/2007 16:41:37 | |

|IRISStartUpObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:54:42 | |

|IRISSubClasser.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:15 | |

|IRISSummaryEnq.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:17 | |

|IRISSysRef.dll |07/11/2007 16:54:57 | |

|IRISSystem.dll |07/11/2007 16:36:00 | |

|IRISTextSearchEnq.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:21 | |

|IRISTransactionEnq.dll |07/11/2007 17:02:23 | |

|IRISVBTestTests.dll |09/08/2006 16:08:03 | |

|IRISVBUnitEnvServer.dll |07/11/2007 16:52:49 | |

|IRISWizardLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:50:14 | |

|IRISWordBusObjLib.dll |07/11/2007 16:50:30 | |

|LinksObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:53:47 | |

|MumEng.dll |10/09/2004 11:57:35 | |

|NavBetweenObjects.dll |07/11/2007 16:54:03 | |

|OldArchLinks.dll |07/11/2007 16:54:07 | |

|PlugInManager.dll |07/11/2007 16:36:15 | |

|Policy Interfaces.dll |07/11/2007 16:49:23 | |

|PolicyInputObjects.dll |07/11/2007 17:03:20 | |

|RegLoc.dll |17/03/2005 14:03:51 | |

|ScrollableContainer.dll |07/11/2007 16:37:04 |1.0.2867.29912 |

|SendMail.dll |25/01/2006 12:27:45 |1.0.2216.22432 |

|ShortcutObjs.dll |07/11/2007 16:54:38 | |

|SnapshotItem.dll |07/11/2007 16:35:11 |1.0.2867.29855 |

|TemplateBusObjLib.dll |04/04/2005 08:48:40 | |

|TestNETProxy.dll |07/11/2007 16:57:26 | |

|VBPrnDlg.dll |21/08/2002 16:26:02 | |

|WVScanSupport.dll |09/09/2004 17:48:49 | |

|XTimers.dll |07/11/2007 16:33:20 | |

|ZipUtils.dll |10/07/2007 14:35:03 |1.0.2747.26251 |

|AxInterop.MSHierarchicalflexgridlib.tlb |08/11/2007 12:09:22 | |

|AxInterop.MSmapi.tlb |08/11/2007 12:09:32 | |

|IRIS.framework.controls.tlb |08/11/2007 12:11:05 | |

|IRIS.framework.core.tlb |08/11/2007 12:11:10 | |

|IRIS.framework.interop.tlb |08/11/2007 12:11:25 | |

|IRIS.framework.tlb |08/11/2007 12:11:37 | |

|IRIS.functions.tlb |08/11/2007 12:11:45 | |

|comappstart.tlb |08/11/2007 12:12:07 | |

|IRIS.Presentation.tlb |08/11/2007 12:09:48 | |

|IRIS.Sendmail.tlb |08/11/2007 12:09:57 | |

|IRIS.Utilities.AutoInstall.tlb |08/11/2007 12:10:17 | |

|IRIS.winforms.tlb |08/11/2007 12:12:14 | |

|IRISAutomation.tlb |08/11/2007 12:08:48 | |

|ScrollableContainer.tlb |08/11/2007 12:10:30 | |

|SnapshotItem.tlb |08/11/2007 12:10:39 | |

|ZipUtils.tlb |08/11/2007 12:10:49 | |

|IRISCombo.ocx |07/11/2007 17:07:18 | |

|IRISControlsLibrary.ocx |07/11/2007 17:07:23 | |

|IRISControlsLibraryOA.ocx |01/11/2005 10:22:29 | |

| | | |

Shared Components

|Component |Date/Time |Version |

|rdocurs.dll |14/03/2000 00:00 |6.0.8804 |

|msrdo20.dll |11/05/2000 00:00 |6.0.8862 |

|msjtes40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.8 |

|msjint40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msjter35.dll |23/06/1997 08:06 |3.51.623.0 |

|msjter40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msjint35.dll |23/06/1997 08:06 |3.51.623.0 |

|mswdat10.dll |21/04/2000 20:54 |4.00.3829.2 |

|msrecr40.dll |06/03/1999 00:00 |4.00.2521.8 |

|msrepl35.dll |13/04/1999 00:00 |3.51.2404.0 |

|msrepl40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|expsrv.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |6.0.8540 |

|mswstr10.dll |21/04/2000 20:54 |4.00.3829.2 |

|vb5db.dll |18/06/1998 00:00 |6.00.8169 |

|vbajet32.dll |22/01/1999 00:00 |6.1.8268 |

|vbar332.dll |13/06/1997 02:34 |3.0.6908 |

|msrd2x35.dll |23/06/1997 08:06 |3.51.623.0 |

|msexcl40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.9 |

|msjet35.dll |13/04/1999 00:00 |3.51.2723.0 |

|msjet40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.4 |

|msltus40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.9 |

|msexch40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msrd2x40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msrd3x40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.4 |

|mstext40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.11 |

|msxbde40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|dao2535.tlb |30/06/1998 15:12 | |

|dao360.dll |15/03/1999 00:00 |3.60.2521.8 |

|dao350.dll |30/06/1998 15:12 |3.50.3602.0 |

|asycfilt.dll |26/07/2002 10:29 |2.40.4518 |

|stdole2.tlb |26/07/2002 14:33 |2.40.4518 |

|olepro32.dll |26/07/2002 10:29 |5.0.4518 |

|oleaut32.dll |26/07/2002 10:29 |2.40.4518 |

|msvcrt.dll |07/03/2000 00:00 |6.00.8797.0 |

|Msvcrt40.dll |14/10/1996 01:38 |4.2 |

|msxml3a.dll |30/07/2001 18:40 |8.20.8730.1 |

|msxml3r.dll |30/07/2001 18:40 |8.20.8730.1 |

|tabctl32.ocx |22/05/2000 00:00 |6.0.8804 |

|mscomct2.ocx |22/05/2000 00:00 |6.00.8804 |

|mscomctl.ocx |22/05/2000 00:00 |6.00.8862 |

|msflxgrd.ocx |07/05/1999 00:00 |6.00.8418 |

|mshflxgd.ocx |22/05/2000 00:00 |6.00.8804 |

|msscript.ocx |31/05/2000 14:05 |1.00.3715 |

|comdlg32.ocx |22/05/2000 00:00 |6.00.8418 |

|regtool5.dll |18/06/1998 11:28 | |

|msvbvm60.dll |27/05/2000 00:00 | |

|regobj.dll |25/06/1997 15:24 | |

|comcat.dll |31/05/1998 00:00 |4.71 |

|scrrun.dll |12/11/2001 15:05 | |

|msxml3.dll |30/07/2001 18:42 |8.10.8308.0 |

|msxml.dll |06/06/2000 00:00 |8.0.5226.0 |

|regsvr32.exe |23/04/1998 23:00 |5.0.1641.1 |

|odbctl32.dll |31/05/1998 00:00 |3.51.1713.0 |

|odbcji32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|odbcjt32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|msvcrt.dll |07/03/2000 00:00 |6.00.8797.0 |

|odbctrac.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.510.3711.0 |

|ds32gt.dll |13/07/2001 10:30 |3.520.7713.0 |

|mtxdm.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |1999.6.902.0 |

|odbc16gt.dll |12/01/1999 00:00 |3.510.3711.0 |

|odbc32.dll |13/07/2001 10:30 |3.520.7713.0 |

|odbc32gt.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.520.7713.0 |

|odbcad32.exe |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.520.7713.0 |

|odbccp32.cpl |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.520.7713.0 |

|odbccp32.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.520.7713.0 |

|odbccr32.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.520.7713.0 |

|odbccu32.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |3.520.7713.0 |

|t |29/04/1999 12:04 | |

|odbcinst.hlp |29/04/1999 12:04 | |

|odbcint.dll |13/07/2001 10:30 |3.520.7713.0 |

|ds16gt.dll |12/01/1999 00:00 |3.510.3711.0 |

|_unodbc.log |27/05/1998 15:13 | |

|_unodbc.dll |27/05/1998 15:13 | |

|msjtes40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.8 |

|msjint40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msjter40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|expsrv.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |6.0.8540 |

|msrepl40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msvcrt.dll |07/03/2000 00:00 |6.00.8797.0 |

|odbccp32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |3.520.4403.2 |

|t |24/09/1998 00:00 | |

|odbcjet.hlp |24/09/1998 00:00 | |

|odbcji32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|odbcjt32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|odbctl32.dll |31/05/1998 00:00 |3.51.1713.0 |

|vb5db.dll |18/06/1998 00:00 |6.00.8169 |

|vbajet32.dll |22/01/1999 00:00 |6.1.8268 |

|vbar332.dll |13/06/1997 02:34 |3.0.6908 |

|msrd3x40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.4 |

|msltus40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.9 |

|msrclr40.dll |06/03/1999 00:00 |4.00.2521.8 |

|msrd2x40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.2 |

|msjet40.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.00.2927.4 |

|msdasqlreadme.txt |25/09/1998 00:00 | |

|msdasc.hlp |21/09/1998 00:00 | |

|msdasc.txt |25/09/1998 00:00 | |

|t |14/09/1998 00:00 | |

|msdatt.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdaenum.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdaer.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdaps.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdasc.dll |12/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdasql.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdadc.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdatl2.dll |28/03/2000 15:50 |2.50.4403.6 |

|msdart32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |2.50.4403.0 |

|msdasqlr.dll |13/07/2001 10:30 |2.70.7713.0 |

|msdaerr.dll |10/06/1998 00:00 |2.0.3002.4 |

|oddbse32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|msxbse35.dll |28/03/1998 12:00 |3.51.0623.0 |

|msexcl35.dll |31/03/1999 13:06 |3.51.2723.2 |

|odfox32.dll |28/03/1998 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|12520437.cpx |27/06/2001 14:47 | |

|12520850.cpx |27/06/2001 14:47 | |

|Mscpxl32.dll |13/07/2001 09:39 |3.520.7713.0 |

|msoracle32readme.txt |25/09/1998 00:00 | |

|t |14/09/1998 00:00 | |

|msorcl32.hlp |24/09/1998 00:00 | |

|msorcl32.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2.573.7713.0 |

|mtxoci.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |1999.6.854.0 |

|mspdox35.dll |30/06/1998 15:13 |3.51.0623.0 |

|odpdx.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|sqlsodbc.hlp |05/12/2000 03:00 | |

|sqlsrdme.txt |22/01/1999 00:00 | |

|windbver.exe |11/08/1997 06:34 |1997.08.11 |

|dbmssocn.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |1999.10.20 |

|dbnmpntw.dll |13/07/2001 10:30 |2000.081.7713 |

|odbcbcp.dll |13/07/2001 10:31 |2000.081.7713.00 |

|sqlsrv32.dll |13/07/2001 10:30 |2000.081.7713.00 |

|mstext35.dll |01/06/1998 01:00 |3.51.0623.0 |

|odtext32.dll |28/03/2000 15:49 |4.0.4403.2 |

|Unodbc.cpp |27/05/1998 15:08 | |

|Unodbc.def |27/05/1998 15:08 | |

|msltus35.dll |30/06/1998 15:13 |3.51.0623.0 |

|msrepl35 |04/12/1998 09:13 |3.51.2404.0 |

|msvcrt20 |30/06/1998 15:14 |2.11.000 |

|t |30/06/1998 15:14 | |

|Odbcjtnw.hlp |30/06/1998 15:14 | |

|Odex132 |05/12/2000 15:00 |4.0.4403.2 |

|msorcl10 |12/09/2007 00:00 |2.0.6325 |

|drvssrvr.hlp |30/06/1998 15:17 | |

|msvbvm50 |18/11/1999 11:04 |05.02.8244 |

|stdole32.tlb |14/10/1996 01:38 |2.1 |

|wshom.ocx |12/11/2001 15:05 |5.60.6626 |

|comct332.ocx |06/12/2000 00:00 |6.07.8988 |

|gauge.ocx |26/06/1998 20:32 |1.00.0024 |

|threed32.ocx |26/06/1998 20:22 |1.0.0041 |

|vcf15.ocx |29/07/1999 16:34 |5.04 |

|vcfi5.ocx |29/07/1999 16:34 | |

|scripten.exe |25/01/2002 15:08 |5.50.4134.600 |

Appendix 3: IRIS GUI Release Notes

Separate files have been included on the CD which list the IR’s that have been included in the different versions of IRIS.

They are :-

IRIS 10.16 Release Notes.01.doc

Appendix 4 : NTFS

It is possible using later versions of the Microsoft operating system family (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP) to set the File System type for a PC hard disk to be NTFS. This setting allows much greater access and security rights to be applied to a PC at folder, sub-folder and registry levels.

IRIS and Decision Base have traditionally been installed in the accepted default location of the Program Files folder and within IRIS Registry Settings the Local Codes database, Error Log and User Enquiries database have all been located within this folder. With the NTFS setting, administrators can now assign individual users a level of security access to each PC on a network. The default Standard or Restricted User has a level of security that removes a users right to write to the Program Files folder. IRIS needs to write to the Error Log, which is located within the IRIS sub-folder, within the Program Files folder.

The advised method for circumventing this change is make an amendment to the IRIS Settings to locate the Local Codes database, Error Log and User Enquiries database in a folder on the local PC or on the network where the user has got write permission. A differing method of accounting for this change is to amend the Standard or Restricted User group to allow each user to write to the Program Files folder or a suitable sub-folder of this.

A further change made by the operating system security setting is that a user with only Standard or Restricted User Rights will be unable to add or make changes to certain places within a PC registry. For this reason this type of user will be unable to install IRIS or apply PTFs to their PC and therefore an Administrator level of user will be required to perform these operations. For a new installation of IRIS the Server install procedure will need to be performed by a user with Domain Administrator rights or Local Administrator rights but logged into the server with Administrator rights to that server. The client installation of IRIS will also need to be performed by a user with the rights detailed above. A user with Standard or Restricted User rights should run IRIS on a day-to-day basis though it is possible to run IRIS with Administrator rights.

It should be noted that it is possible to change individual settings within a Users security profile and for this reason a Standard User on one domain may have different rights and permissions to a Standard User on a different domain.

Appendix 5 : Client Access Issues

Client Access Express v4r4m0

There are known issues with the original release of Client Access Express v4r4m0. However these have been addressed in the latest service pack, so if Client Access Express v4r4m0 is to be used then the latest service pack for it should also be installed.

Client Access Express v4r5m0

Symptom : When logging onto the IRIS server the message "A problem occurred getting the operator ID" is displayed even when the IRIS Server still appears to have connected. (occurs in Windows 2000 and later).

Solution : This is caused by a corrupt registry setting generated by Client Access. Try running any other IRIS application and seeing if data can be retrieved from the server. If there are problems retrieving data, try the following solution:

To correct this registry setting, do the following:

1. Ensure that all PC's with V4R5M0 have at least Service Pack 'Sf64217' installed or the problem will just occur again.

2. Run the registry editor (click "Start" and "Run", type "regedit" and click "OK"). Browse to the following branch: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI". You will see a key named "PackageIRIS Serve". Right click on the key and select "Delete". Close the registry editor, rename the IRIS Server back to "IRIS Server.exe" and run it.

Symptom : When running the Risk Field History Enquiry no records are returned.

Cause : With service pack ‘Sf64217’ there is an issue, which prevents the ‘Risk Field History Enquiry’ working. If this enquiry is not required, then ‘SF64217’ will work in all other respects.

Solution : Use a later version of Client Access (e.g. v5r3m0)

Symptom : When attempting to open a policy (which is already locked by another user) the message

“23000: [IBM][Client Access Express ODBC Driver (32-bit)][DB2/400 SQL]SQL0803 - Duplicate key value specified.”

is displayed.

Cause : With serice pack ‘Sf64217’ ISeries access is raising the message with an inconsistent message ID to other versions which results in IRIS not catching the error correctly.

Solution : Use a later version of Client Access (e.g. v5r3m0)

iSeries Access Express v5r1m0

There are known problems with v5r1m0 of iSeries Access and the service pack SI05361 or later needs to be applied..

For Service Pack SI05361, or later there are no known problems.

iSeries Access Express v5r2m0

There are known problems with v5r2m0 of iSeries Access and the service pack SI08894 or later need to be applied.

For Service Pack SI08894, or later there are no known problems.

iSeries Access Express v5r3m0

There are no known problems with v5r3m0 running at the following service levels







Appendix 6 : OS/400 Issues

OS/400 V4R2M0

Not supported for the running of IRIS 8.14 or above

OS/400 V4R3M0

Not supported for the running of IRIS 8.14 or above

OS/400 V4R4M0

Not supported for the running of IRIS 8.14 or above

OS/400 V5R1M0

Not supported for the running of IRIS 8.14 or above

OS/400 V5R2M0

There are issues with the initial release of OS/400 V5R2M0 which prevent IRIS from running over it. However these have been addressed in a subsequent IBM PTF. If running OS/400 V5R2M0 then it should be running (as a minimum) with the following PTFs applied:

Group level PTF SF99501

Cumulative PTF TL03077

OS/400 V5R3M0

There are currently no known issues with V5R3M0.

OS/400 V5R4M0

There are currently no known issues with V5R4M0.

The earliest version that IRIS has been tested on is


Cumulative PTF TL04209

Group Level PTF SF99171; SF99501

Appendix 7 : General Installation Issues

Please see the readme.txt file on the IRIS CD for any late-breaking information to

supplement this documentation.

ODBC Library Locked

This message when it occurs usually occurs when doing an installation on a Windows Server (e.g. on a Citrix Server). It occurs as a result of a Service job running on the PC/Server. Service jobs that have been found to date that lock the ODBC Library and so prevent the installation are:

Independent Management Architecture


Evteng.exe (usually laptops only)

Please ensure that these services have been ended prior to installing IRIS.


Codes Maintenance Operator IDs #CMIZTR0

Type Sign On ID, press Enter

Sign On ID . . . . . . UNMADC

Operator ID . . . . . . EADC

Workstation ID . . . . 01

F3=Exit F6=Add/Update F12=Previous F23=Delete


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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