Department of Education

Department of Education

Office of Communications

Document Resource Center (DRC)

Cataloging, Inventory/Warehousing and

Dissemination of Department Publications


The Document Resource Center (DRC) offers cataloging, inventory/warehousing and dissemination services to all offices at the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). The work of the DRC allows ODE staff members to focus on the core work of their Centers, and also provides the cost benefits of centralized distribution and convenience for our external clients. All publication orders are placed through the DRC at (614) 728-3471 or toll free at 1-877-644-6338. The DRC is located in the basement of ODE at 25 South Front Street.

Index of Services

Dissemination of Department Publications

How to Order Publications

Shipment Processing

Complimentary Copies


Permission to Quote

Permission to Copy

Historical Data


Publication Storage

Publication Shelf-life/Reprint Advice

Inventory Analysis

Book Assessment




How to Use the ODE Educational Reference Library

How to Use the ODE Educational Audio/Visual and Check-out Libraries

How to Use the Periodical Section

ODE Document Resource Center (DRC) Web Site

Dissemination of Department Publications

How to Order Publications

Internal clients have two ways to place an order. Be sure to specify your delivery preference (interoffice or will call).

Go to our Web site and select “Publications from ODE” at the bottom left of your screen. Select the appropriate annotation for ordering publications from the results page. Select the publications you wish to request and follow the prompts. Your completed order will automatically be sent to the DRC manager.

Or, go to the Document Resource Center (basement level) and fill out the pink walk-in order form with your request. If the item is in stock, you will be asked to take the form to the shipping facility for immediate fulfillment.

Shipment Processing

NOTE: The Office of Facilities Management provides the shipping services for the DRC. Any questions or concerns regarding the shipping facility should be directed to that office.

Allow one to two days for shipping internal (ODE staff) publication orders. These orders will be sent interoffice unless other arrangements have been made. See “Complimentary Copies” for orders of one copy of any publication.

Complimentary copies requested by external clients are sent the most cost-effective way, on a per order basis, unless other arrangements have been made. Allow 10 to14 working days for shipping.

Paid orders for publications from external clients are sent DHL unless other arrangements have been made. Allow one to seven working days from DRC receipt of the order.

Complimentary Copies

One copy of any publication may be picked up from the DRC without prior notice and free of charge (see “How to Order Publications” and “Shipment Processing”). Please call or e-mail before arriving when placing large orders.


All books may be copied except for those having a copyright clearly stated within the document.

Permission to Quote

When a request for permission to quote any text within a publication (copyrighted or not) is received, a special letter containing the language referenced below must be sent to the person requesting permission. A copy of the letter also must be sent to Legal Counsel (7th Floor) and one to the DRC manager (basement). Use official letterhead when sending this letter.

Here is suggested language for the body of this letter:

Thank you for your recent request to reference data published by the Ohio Department of Education.

Provided you directly dictate word for word and make reference to the Ohio Department of Education, name of publication and the publication date, you may quote any part of the document.

The particular document you made reference to, the “TITLE OF DOCUMENT” happens to be a document developed for use by the general public.

Thanking you in advance for sending me a copy of your reference.

Permission to Copy

When request for permission to copy any text within a document (copyrighted or not) is received, ODE staff must verify that the publication is owned by ODE. Staff should also verify the author(s) and whether there is a copyright on the book. If there is no copyright, a special letter containing the language referenced below must be sent to the person requesting permission. A copy of the letter must be sent to Legal Counsel (7th Floor) and one to the DRC manager (basement). Use official letterhead when sending this letter.

Here is suggested language for the body of this letter:

We are granting you non-exclusive rights to the material in “TITLE OF DOCUMENT.” Granting this permission in no way restricts publication and distribution of this material by the Ohio Department of Education or by others authorized by the Ohio Department of Education. If this is being posted on a Web site, please include this acknowledgement line: “TITLE OF DOCUMENT” is published by the Ohio Department of Education. Used by permission.

Historical Data

All publications published by the Ohio Department of Education are kept in a Reference Library. One copy of the document is kept on the reference shelf for a period of 30 years, at which time confirmation of historical data is reviewed and confirmed. Once this is accomplished, the remaining hard copies are recycled and/or destroyed appropriately.


Publication Storage

All publications must be registered with the DRC and have proper ODE identification coding on the shipping instructions and the box label. THIS INFORMATION IS VITAL. To obtain this coding, contact the ODE Document Resource Center (DRC) manager at (614) 387-0146.

Preparations for storage must be implemented and dictated on the Printing Request Order (PRO) before it is submitted to State Printing (see the ODE State Printing liaison). The client and printing liaison will work together to decide how many publications will be needed in-house for immediate distribution and how many will be delivered to the warehouse. All warehousing of publications is handled through Cintas Corporation (), c/o Account #06231, 2612 Walcutt Road, Columbus, OH 43228.

Even if the DRC does not provide dissemination services for your publication, this ensures compliance with Ohio Revised Code 125.42 that mandates 75 copies must be furnished to appropriate libraries. If the publication WILL NOT be posted on the Web, this quantity must be taken into consideration when filling out the PRO.

NOTE: As electronic files are created both in addition to and instead of hard copies, it is becoming apparent that copies will not always be available in hard copy form. Since 2004, the State Library of Ohio has developed an online digital library where cumulative lists are being placed. Every document published by ODE and registered with the DRC is sent electronically to the State Library archives. The State Library archives Web site is .

Publication Shelf-life/Reprint Advice

When inventory of any publication serviced by the DRC reaches 500 copies or fewer, the appropriate office will be contacted to discuss reprinting the publication to restore inventory. The decision to reprint is made entirely by the office responsible for the publication.

Publications that remain on the shelf more than one year without visible movement will be placed under advisement for recycling. If a decision to recycle is made, the appropriate office is responsible for documenting this decision with the DRC manager. It must be confirmed that one copy has been processed for future historical data before recycling is completed.

Inventory Analysis

The DRC manager can complete an inventory analysis for individual publications as needed. Information reported includes where the publication is being stored and inventory quantities. Contact the DRC manager to request this service.

Book Assessment

The DRC manager can complete a book assessment for individual publications as needed. By providing a time frame, information such as where a publication is being sent, to whom, quantity per order, as well as the grand total of publications disseminated may be reported.



In October 1993, the Superintendent of Public instruction approved a proposal to centralize all publications. As a result, the Ohio Department of Education Document Resource Center (formerly ODE Bookstore) was established. Services added include the sale of the Ohio Educational Directory and the sale of used literature, with funds donated to the Combined Charitable Campaign. A Web site listing of publications has been developed and includes ongoing updates and improvements. (See the section titled ODE Document Resource Center Web Site for more information.)


Every publication created by ODE is given an identification number and placed in a computerized file. The database contains publications on record dating back to 1838.

How to Use the ODE Educational Reference Library

The Reference Library contains more than 1,000 archived educational materials dating back 30 years or longer in some cases. The library is used to compile and compare historical data for research. These publications are published specifically by the Department and are not available for checkout. However, upon request, the DRC will provide a black and white printed copy at no cost. Allow three to five working days for processing.

How to Use the ODE Audio/Visual and Check-out Libraries

The Audio/Visual Library was developed with donations made by Department employees. Videos in this collection include topics such as character education, working models of how education is progressing in Ohio, and motivational tales on issues such as self-improvement and stress. These may be checked out for 30 days.

The Check-out Library consists of more than 400 publications specific to the education arena. This collection was developed with donations made by Department employees and purchases made by the DRC manager. It contains books on topics such as adult learning, assessment and instruction, early childhood education, health and child development, professional and self-development, and general education. In 2007, the Department nurse added a new category, Wellness. This category was added for internal use only and has an array of materials featuring items on weight loss, healthy eating and exercise. Items in this collection may be checked out for 30 days.

How to Use the Periodical Section

This section contains copies of local and national newspapers and magazines, such as the Columbus Dispatch and Education Week, for ODE staff and library patrons to view while visiting the DRC. There also are several magazines and catalogs such as Ohio Schools and Grolier, containing information on education. Publications in this library are kept from one month to one year.

ODE Document Resource Center Web Site

Since the new ODE Web site was developed early in 2007, progress is being made to improve the publication Web page. Although this Web page is still under construction, it can be accessed while improvements are being made, but it may not contain all of the current documents.

To access publications online, go to our Web site at and select “Publications from ODE” on the bottom left of your screen. Select the appropriate annotation for ordering publications from the results page. Select the publication(s) you wish to request and follow the prompts. Your completed order will automatically be sent to the DRC Manager for processing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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