ODOT/AGC Leadership Group

ODOT Industry Leadership Group Minutes

Friday, November 22, 2013


|ODOT: Dan Anderson, Steve Cooley, Wynnette Gentemann, Jeff Gower, Tiffany Hamilton, Tom Lauer, Brenda Marcus, Bob Pappe, and Will Woods |

|Industry: Larry Gescher, Brian Gray, Tim Hendrix, Kerry Kuenzi, Mark Matthews, Ric Miller, Dave Mingo and Brad Sullivan |

Tom Lauer, Technical Services Manager and Chief Engineer

Jeff Gower introduced Tom Lauer who will be filling Cathy Nelson’s position as of December 1, 2013. Tom communicated he has been the Major Projects Branch Manager for the past seven years. While in his new role as Technical Services Manager, Tom will continue to manage the Major Projects branch through its conclusion of June 2015. In the coming months Tom will visit all the regions to help get up to speed. He will also invite a group of stakeholders to participate in the recruitment process for the State Construction and Materials Engineer.

RAP, Jeff Gower

Jeff Gower communicated DEQ has raised an issue of using grindings for gravel surface roads in region 3. While this issue has been raised in region 3, there is a potential for it to be elevated on a statewide basis. A meeting is being arranged with DEQ to discuss the issue and hopefully resolve locally. Meeting participants will include: Jeff Gower, Ted Paselk, Cole Mullis, Jenny Armstrong and APAO representative. DEQs concern is in regards to dust created from the grindings and the potential of leaching materials into the environment. It was recommended to contact Jim Huddleston for recent research that confirms no risk in using RAP on projects.

Action: Jeff to contact Jim Huddleston of APAO to request research and invite to participate in DEQ meeting as an Industry Representative.

3D Roadway Design, Della Mosier

Della Mosier joined via conference call to review the latest updates for the use of 3D Roadway designs for bidding. The 3D Roadway Earthwork design plans will be provided on a voluntary basis for some projects in January 2014-2015. Starting in January 2015, the requirement for digital design data applies to roadway projects located on the state system with significant amounts of earthwork. Although it will be a requirement in January 2015, a liberal exception process will remain in place for designers as the engineering design community adjusts to these new requirements. Contractors will be notified that a roadway digital design package is available at the time of Project Advertising. The process will entail an inclusion of a “Notice of eBIDS Roadway Digital Design Data” Letter with the Bid Documents on the eBIDS website. This Notice will include an eBIDS check list and computer file index in pdf format.

Industry requested when the system will include 3D Designs for Temporary Surfacing and Models. Della communicated she has presented to ACEC and is trying to work out with their stakeholders, but has no timeline. Della also confirmed that existing mapping information, including property lines, will be provided with the eBIDS packages. For more information you may contact Della Mosier della.d.mosier@odot.state.or.us or odot/hwy/3drdm.

Steve Cooley also added there will be some webinars available in the near future through FHWA on 3D Modeling Technology that will promote the use of 3D modeling methods on a national level.

Contract Administration Updates, Steve Cooley

Nesting Avoidance Permits – Steve communicated ODOT will continue to use the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for nesting inspection and permits, however the agency will be certifying some ODOT employees as an additional resource for projects.

Subcontracts for Testing – Concern was raised by Industry regarding the inconsistency of PM offices in requiring a subcontract for materials testing. Industry questioned why the specifications require a subcontract for material testing when there is no prevailing wage involved. Many material testing offices are not set up for pay roll. Steve communicated the specification has been in effect since 1998. He will work on a concept to change specification language to “Professional Services Agreements” for survey and testing and bring an update at the next meeting. He will then update the Construction Manual and meet with Project Managers to review the new language to help with consistency.

Coatings System Warranty – Industry requested ODOT reach out to the painting subcontractor community to help them understand ODOT Standard Specifications 00594 Preparing and Coating Metal Structures as well as the Bonding warranty. Industry also wanted clarification on who collects the Bond if Warranty is provided by the Subcontractor. It was recommended to form a work group consisting of Steve Cooley, Ivan Silbernagel, Brad Sullivan, Tim Hendrix and painting subcontractors to try and improve the specification language to resolve the issue.

Action: Steve Cooley to schedule a meeting with the above recommended group in the near future.

Office of Project Letting, Brenda Marcus

Brenda reviewed the Bidding Volume Trends Report. Brenda communicated the 12 month report will be posted on the second Friday of the month. Brenda also reported she will share the top 10 list of future enhancements for the eBIDS site at the January meeting. The list of enhancements will be completed when we have received the necessary funding.

Class of Work Committee - Dan Anderson will form a group to discuss the “Class of Work” language revisions. Those recommended to participate as Industry Representatives are Red Gilliland and Josh Smith.

00256 and 00510 specifications - Dan Anderson to also form a group to discuss revised specification language. Those recommended by Industry to participate in the group are: Dennis McGee, Bridger Johnson, Don Hamann, BJ Morgan, Vello Koiv and Red Gilliland.

Action: Dan to schedule meetings and invite the above representatives.

TCS Measurement and Payment, Dan Anderson

Dan is working to set up a committee to improve the TCS measurement and payment specification language. The work group from ODOT will include Dan Anderson, Scott McCanna and Gene Wilborn.

Action: Dan to email a summary of the issue to Brian Gray so he may forward to highway council to solicit volunteers. Brian will then forward Industry Representative names to Dan for scheduling a meeting.

2015 Specification Book - Dan also communicated he will be sending out a final red line version of the 2015 Specification Book to Industry Representatives for final comment. The red line version will also capture additional Boiler Plate Specials from December. Tiffany recommended Dan include a Small Business Representative on his email group as well.

Office of Civil Rights, Tiffany Hamilton

DBE Form Updates – Tiffany noted that no comments had been received by the November 15th deadline and inquired whether industry had any further comments on proposed changes to either the DBE Work Plan – Form 3A or the Paid Summary Report. Industry indicated one comment was forthcoming, but as of December 5th, no comments have been received.

EcoLogistics – Tiffany requested feedback on whether industry felt the contractor connection pilot with Ecologistics was of value. Industry suggested Tiffany contact bidders’ estimating staff directly to collect feedback. Tiffany commented that she thought EcoLogistics would be sending around a survey to collect additional feedback on the pilot.

Certified Weighted Average, Jeff Gower

As a follow-up to the use of a certified weighted average for pay rates, Jeff clarified with BOLI that if a worker has a union contract, the Contractor does not have to use a weighted average for overtime. The Contractor would need to follow the union contract. BOLI, will not investigate if a complaint is filed, but will turn the complaint over to the union. All overtime pay rates must be in alignment with the union contract which supersedes BOLI.


EPA Clean Diesel Construction Rebates – Jeff communicated the EPA announced a rebate program for diesel powered non road construction equipment to pay for installation of diesel particulate filters or engine repowers. Applications must be submitted by January 15, 2014. Staff at Oregon DEQ will assist any Oregon operator in applying for the rebate program. A webinar viewing will be held at the Portland DEQ office at 2020 SW 4th Avenue, 4th Floor, Portland on December 9th from 10am to 11am with Q&A to follow. Contact Kevin Downing to reserve a space at the webinar viewing, or for any assistance in applying. 503-229-6549, downing.kevin@deq.state.or.us. Additional details can be found on the EPA web page .

eBids Recommendations – Industry inquired on whether there was a way to improve the quality of plans listed on the eBids system. Following is a list of items Industry recommends needing attention:

• Improve quality of scanned documents

• Correct the accuracy of scales in drawings, no document is within the correct scale.

• Speed up the scroll feature for security protected plans - can only scroll one page at a time rather than advance to additional pages.

AGC-ODOT Annual Meeting Agenda Topics, All

Registration is now open for the AGC-ODOT Annual meeting, please see the AGC website:

The group reviewed the draft agenda and made the following recommendations.

• Replace the OCR / FHWA National Trends guest speaker with Mentor Protégé topic led by John Downing. Include Larry Gescher, Mark Matthews and Regina Gilbert.

• Add RAP Grinding Topic if ready in time for Annual Meeting. Cole Mullis and Jenny Armstrong.

• Set up eBids tutorial table in the lobby.

• Make sure Matt or Paul covers ODOT Retirements and the plan for transitioning the work force.

• Jeff to finalize speakers the first week of December

• Barbara to finalize agenda and send ODOT invite out the 2nd week of December.

The Next Meeting will take place Friday, January 24, 2014 from 10-11:30am.

AGC-ODOT Annual Meeting is Friday, February 7, 2014 from 8:00am – 3:00pm at the Salem Conference Center. Register at:

2014 ODOT Industry Leadership Meeting Schedule

All meetings will take place on the fourth Friday of the month. Meetings conflicting with a holiday or special event are rescheduled through the below proposed dates noted with an *.

|January 24 |

|February 07 * (Annual Meeting) |

|March 14 * |

|April 25 |

|May 30 * |

|June 27 |

|September 26 |

|October 24 |

|December 5* |

All meetings take place from 10:00am to noon in the ODOT Materials Lab Large Conference Room, 800 Airport Rd SE, Salem, 503-986-3000.

(No meeting scheduled in the months of July, August or November.)




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