Of Great Importance

[Pages:1], Secretary of Stale A, N. Yoder

h as gone to W ashington to attend

the national convention of sealers

o f'w eig h ts a n d ' m easures. Mr.

Matters Worth Reading Which Y oder'is accom panied by h is w ife

* Have Happened Throughout Montana Recently.

and .they will visit other eastern cities before returning to M ontana.

A cting under the law which re

cently w e st in to effect creating, .a

police commission for the city of

The Robert Em m ett group of Butte, Mayor Corby has appointed

five claim s, s itu a te d d e a r A m azon H a rry B lu m k in and T h o m as DriB

e n tra n c e to th e W ickes tu n n e l, h a s coll, re p u b lic a n s an d G eorge C.

been sold to a New York syndicate Fitchen, dem ocrat.

for $75,000.

Policeman John Walsh of Butte

The Butte Blacksm ith's union has been arrested on the charge of

has agreed to a five-year contract burglary by Wab Chang Lung,

for a scale of wages as proposed merchant in th at city. It is

by the Amalgamated company. Charged that Walsh visited the

It iB to be $4.50 a day.

chinamanB' place three Jimees,

Governor Toole has pardoned stealing $250 the last time.

Seth Dix, who was sent up from On June 1 Miespula county will

Yellowstone county in 1901 for hold a special election for,the p u r shooting and killing Ben Davies pose of deciding whether the coun

at a road house near Billings.

ty shall erect and equip at Mis

Frank Martz, of Livingston, a soula a high school building at locomotive engineer, has filed a cost of $75,000 and a court house petition in bankruptcy with the ata cost of $175,000.

federal court in Helena His Miss Ruth Anita Wade, daugh

liabilities are $722 and assets $70. ter of State Engineer Wade, has

MisB Rose Coghlau,, who owns been awarded the highest prize at

one of the finest cattle ranches in the leading women's educational

the state, situated between Cascade institution, Bryn Mawr, near P h il

and Helena, appeared in " Mrs. adelphia, the James FL Rhoades

Warren's C ohtession" at Great scholarship,valued at $250. Miss


Wade was chosen from 13 contest


It is announced- from Bozeman

that the Amalgamated coal mine Paul Goulet, of Fergus county,

and coke ovens at Storrs will re who is serving a 10-year sentence

sum e operations about July 1. The for m anslaughter in the state pen

camp has been closed down three itentiary, and has served five years


of the term, has aBhed the board

of prison commissioners to parole

Attorney General Galen has ad him for the unexpired time of his

vised 'the county commissioners sentence, which is fifteen months.

of Silver Bow county that they

cannot allow the deputy assessors Grant McLeod,a Gallatin county

more compensation than is fixed cattle thief, has been sent to the

by law.

penitentiary. His second trial

ended last week, with a verdict of

The Silver Bow Trades and guilty. H is first trial occurfed a

Labor assem bly has indorsed the year ago and he was sent up for 14

demand made lor higher wages by months. The supreme court grant

the lum ber workers of Western ed him a new trial but that d id u 't

Montana. The strike effects help him a bit.

3,000 men.

The circuit court of appeals of

Charles O'Donnell of Billings San Francisco has affirmed the de

has bought the Welcome herd of cision of the federal court of Mon

700 head of blooded cattle near tana, in the case of the United

Whitehall and they will ne shipped States against J. T. Varoll of

to the O'Donnell ranch, just west Butte, convicted of illegally fenc

of Billings.

ing about 2.000 acres of land near

John K. Wells, a Montana pio Woodville.and sentenced by, Judge neer and brother-in-law of Col. Wolverton to serve 42 bouis in the Thomas McTague, one of the Lewis and Clark county jail and to sta te 's prison contractors, died of pay a fine of $750.

paralysis in the Sister's hospital A butter scoring contest will be

at Deer Lodge.

held at the agricultural college at

Richard H. Eddy, janitor of the Bozeman on May 22. The contest

Lewistown schools, has been noti is open to every butter m aker in

fied that through the death of a the state and will last six montliB,

brother in South Atrica he has to end with a final scoring contest

fallen heir to an estate worth $10,- at the Montana state fair. For the

000 or $50,000.

butter maker scoring the highest

George Melville stabbed and killed W. D. Guthrie at Bald Butte last Sunday. The cause of the trouble was a family row. Both men were employed at the

for the six^months the State Fair association will give a handsome $50 silver cup. W. J. Elliott, sec retary of the State Dairymen's association.has charge of the contest.

Bald Butte mine.

In a signed interview given out

Butte has a population of 86, 229, according to the estimate of R. L. Polk & Co., publishers of the city directory. The actual in crease of the population since May, 1906,- is 9,009.

to the Havre Plaindealer, M. E. Milner states that after a complete examination of the range of the northern tier of counties along the Canadian line in Montana he is convinced that the total loss of steer cattle during the winter of

Lewistown will send a large del- 1906 and 1907 will not fall short

gation to Bozeman on Ju n e 13, to of 50 per cent. He also says that

the Epworth League convention for cattle on the open range in Valley

the purpose of securing the con county, itself as large as Rhode

vention to meet next year in the Island, were " exterminated."

metropolis of Fergus county.

Governor Toole, in response to New Quartz L o c a t i o n the request of the .state live stock Blanks, complying with the sanitary board, has issued a q u a r new law, at Examiner of antine proclamation for bidding fice.

the importation into the state of

cattle affected with tuberculosis.

Henry Mitchell, foreman ob one of Neil B annatyne's sheep ranches in Chouteau county, was arrested in Gieat Falls on reguest of Sher iff McDonald of Fort Benton, charged with malicious mischief.

Samuel H. Hill, son of the presii dent of the Great Northern, was in Billings last Saturday in biB private car. He stopped over a few hours for a visit with his old college chum, Mayor F. H. Foster.


President Earling of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. P aul and E. D. Sewall, president of the road in Montana, are expected to arrive in Miles City about May 2C. In ey will make a tour ot inspection in an automobile.


the sh o rt line to



As the result of the arrest of 10year-old James-Barclay of Billings the entire family is now resting in the city jail. ? Young Barclay robbed the safe of the Golden Rule

Between O m aha and Chicago the

Mad* By

line runs th ro u g h the best districts

Becker, Mayer < Co,, Chicago,

in Iowa and Illinois, passing thro' F ort Dodge, W aterloo and D ubu

If your boy is from





que, Iowa, and Rockfdrd port, Illinois.



?tore three months ago of about of age you cannot clothe him more F o r fu ll in fo rm a tio n a n d lite ra $175, and divided his loot with the becomingly than in a " V i k i n g tu re call on o r w rite to


System" Juvenile suit.

R. E. C utler, th e P a rk county Every line is perfect and every

ra n c h e r, who a fte r b e in g sh o t at new style kink is embodied here b y Axel H ill,a n e ig h b o r retu rn ed and there. th e fire w ith a W inchester rifle a n d killed h is a ssa la in t,w a s tu rn e d Our aim is three-fold, via;--Best

d. A. FOLEY, Com m ercial A gent, 5 W est 2nd South, Salt Lake City, U tah

For Sale.

loose a t th e p re lim in a ry ex am in a Styles, Best Materials and B est N early n ew ru b b e r tired b u g g y ,

tion in L iv ingston. T he evidence Values.

____ new ly p a in te d . Can be seen a t th e

of two eye-witnesses showed th at

RFor Safe in Dillon at ? D illon Im p lem en t co m p an y 's.

the killing fense

w as done in self-de J. Robert


P ric e 33tf.



Of Great


to every merchant, businessman, professional man, tradesman 1or rancher

Is the Neatness of His


He is more often judged by this, as to his business ability and . standing, than by any other means.

It is of more importance than his business rating in Dunn's or Bradstreet's.

He should always insist on hav ing the neatest and best.

The Examiner

Is the best equipped for turning out Tasty, Up-to-Date, Neat and Attractive Job Work of Every Kind. --Letterheads, Noteheads, Statements, Billheads, Envelopes, Fancy Stationery, Invitations, Wedding Announcements, Busi ness or Visiting Cards, Posters, Dodgers, Placards, Book, Maga zine or Catalogue work.

to Chicago and the East over the only double>track railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. Ex cellent service In every particular.

One of these trains, the Overland Limited, Is the most luxurious train In the world. Electric - lighted throughout

Direct connections at Omaha via The North-Western Uoe to St. Paul and Minneapolis.

Tickets, reservations, and full Information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent,

Chicago & North-Western Ry.

138 W est Second Sooth St-.A tlea Bldg., [ n u t % M l Lake CKy, Utah.

S. S. Patterson, Wholesale Dealer, Dillon, Montana. ' Bannack Street. Tel, 7a.


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