Notice is hereby given that the City of South Bend, Indiana, will receive sealed bids at the Office of the Board of Public Works, Ste. 1316, County-City Building, 227 West Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, until the hour of 9:30 a.m. Local Time, on October 22, 2019, for the following:

Spec V – Two (2) More or Less 2019 or Newer Tandem Axle Stainless Steel Multi-Use Dump Trucks

Specifications are available for download by visiting the City of South Bend’s web page at :

* Click on “I’m Looking For”

* Click on “Doing Business in South Bend”

* Click on “City Contracts – Invitations to Bid”

Click on the “Required Link” to register your company. You must register to receive addenda and updates to the specific bid you are interested in. Failure to do so could render your bid non-responsive to the specifications.

There is no charge for the specifications. The specifications are also available for review only during regular working hours in the Department of Public Works, Ste. 1316, County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana 46601.

Bids received after 9:30 a.m., Local Time, on October 22, 2019, will be returned unopened.

Bids must be on the City of South Bend Bid/Proposal form provided, which includes a Non-Debarment Affidavit, Non-Discrimination Commitment form, and a Non-Collusion Affidavit Form. Certified Check or Bid Bond in the amount of not less than 10% must be submitted with the bid. A refund of the bid security will be issued upon satisfaction of Bid Award.

The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept a full or partial award of the bid or bids which, in its judgment, will be to the best interests of the City of South Bend. If the Board elects to award the base bid plus an alternate(s), the Board will look at the totality of the cost when determining the lowest, most responsible bid. 

 The Board may reject any bid that does not conform to these requirements as non-responsive.


Linda M. Martin, Clerk

Publish two times:

September 27, 2019

October 4, 2019

City of South Bend, Indiana

SELLER’s Bid for sale or lease of materials

and non-collusion and non debarment affidavit and

non-discrimination commitment for sellers

|BID NAME |Spec V – Two (2) More or Less 2019 or Newer Tandem Axle Stainless Steel Multi-Use Dump Trucks |

|FOR BIDS DUE |October 22, 2019; 9:30 a.m. |

|Date: |      |Bidder (Firm): |      |

|Address: |      |

|City/State/Zip: |      |Telephone Number: |(     )       |

|Agent of Bidder (if Applicable): |      |

When the prospective Contractor is unable to certify to any of the statements below, it shall attach an explanation to this Affidavit.


(Must be completed for all quotes and bids. Please type or print)

STATE OF ___________ )

) SS:


The undersigned Contractor, being duly sworn upon his/her/its oath, affirms under the penalties of perjury that:

1. Contractor has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to induce anyone to refrain from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement, understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding. Contractor further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive directly or indirectly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale; and

2. Contractor certifies by submission of this proposal that neither contractor nor any of its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency; and

3. Contractor has not, nor has any successor to, nor an affiliate of, Contractor, engaged in investment activities in Iran.

a. For purposes of this Certification, “Iran” means the government of Iran and any agency or instrumentality of Iran, or as otherwise defined at Ind. Code § 5-22-16.5-5, as amended from time-to-time.

b. As provided by Ind. Code § 5-22-16.5-8, as amended from time-to-time, a Contractor is engaged in investment activities in Iran if either:

i. Contractor, its successor or its affiliate, provides goods or services of twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) or more in value in the energy sector of Iran; or

ii. Contractor, its successor or its affiliate, is a financial institution that extends twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) or more in credit to another person for forty-five (45) days or more, if that person will (i) use the credit to provides goods and services in the energy sector in Iran; and (ii) at the time the financial institution extends credit, is a person identified on list published by the Indiana Department of Administration.

4. Contractor does not knowingly employ or contract with an unauthorized alien, nor retain any employee or contract with a person that the Contractor subsequently learns is an unauthorized alien. Contractor agrees that he/she/it shall enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all of Contractor’s newly hired employees through the E-Verify Program as defined by I.C. 22-5-1.7-3. Contractor’s documentation of enrollment and participation in the E-Verify Program is included and attached as part of this bid/quote; and

5. Contractor shall require his/her/its subcontractors performing work under this public contract to certify that the subcontractors do not knowingly employ or contract with an unauthorized alien, nor retain any employee or contract with a person that the subcontractor subsequently learns is an unauthorized alien, and that the subcontractor has enrolled in and is participating in the E-Verify Program. The Contractor agrees to maintain this certification throughout the term of the contract with the City of South Bend, and understands that the City may terminate the contract for default if the Contractor fails to cure a breach of this provision no later than thirty (30) days after being notified by the City.

6. Persons, partnerships, corporations, associations, or joint venturers awarded a contract by the City of South Bend through its agencies, boards, or commissions shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in the performance of a City contract with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability that does not affect that person's ability to perform the work.

In awarding contracts for the purchase of work, labor, services, supplies, equipment, materials, or any combination of the foregoing including, but not limited to, public works contracts awarded under public bidding laws or other contracts in which public bids are not required by law, the City, its agencies, boards, or commissions may consider the Contractor’s good faith efforts to obtain participation by those Contractors certified by the State of Indiana as a Minority Business (“MBE”) or as a Women’s Business Enterprise (“WBE”) as a factor in determining the lowest, responsible, responsive bidder.

In no event shall persons or entities seeking the award of a City contract be required to award a subcontract to an MBE/WBE; however, it may not unlawfully discriminate against said WBE/MBE. A finding of a discriminatory practice by the City’s MBE/WBE Utilization Board shall prohibit that person or entity from being awarded a City contract for a period of one (1) year from the date of such determination, and such determination may also be grounds for terminating the contact for which the discriminatory practice or noncompliance pertains.

7. The undersigned contractor agrees that the following nondiscrimination commitment shall be made a part of any contract which it may henceforth enter into with the City of South Bend, Indiana or any of its agencies, boards or commissions.

Contractor agrees not to discriminate against or intimidate any employee or applicant for employment in the performance of this contract with privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, religion, color, sex, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, handicap, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this provision may be regarded as material breach of contract.

I, the undersigned bidder or agent as contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory obligations to the use of steel products or foundry products made in the United States (I.C. 5-16-8-1). I hereby certify that I and all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use steel products or foundry products made in the United States on this project if awarded. I understand I have an affirmative duty to notify the City in my bid that my proposal does not include the use of steel products or foundry products made in the United States. I understand it is my sole obligation and responsibility to provide a justification to the City, subject to review and approval, why the cost of United States made steel or foundry products is unreasonable. Prior to award and upon submission of bid which does not use steel products or foundry products made in the United States, the City, through its director of public works, shall make a determination if the price of United States made steel or foundry is unreasonable. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments.


I hereby affirm under the penalties of perjury that the facts and information contained in the foregoing bid for public works are true and correct.

Dated this day of , 20__

Contractor/Bidder (Firm)

Signature of Contractor/Bidder or Its Agent

Printed Name and Title

Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20

My Commission Expires

Notary Public

County of Residence

(To be completed only by Contractors/Bidders claiming to be a “local Indiana business” pursuant to I.C. 36-1-12-22)


|A "local Indiana business" refers to any of the following: |

|(1) A business whose principal place of business is located in an affected county. |

|(2) A business that pays a majority of its payroll (in dollar volume) to residents of affected counties. |

|(3) A business that employs residents of affected counties as a majority of its employees. |

|(4) A business that makes significant capital investments in the affected counties as defined in rules adopted by the political subdivision. |

|(5) A business that has a substantial positive economic impact on the affected counties as defined by criteria in rules adopted by the political subdivision.|

|An “affected county” refers to St. Joseph County, Indiana, or the following counties located adjacent to St. Joseph County: Elkhart County, Marshall County, |

|Starke County and LaPorte County |

|There are the following price preferences for supplies purchased from a local Indiana business: |

|• 5% for a purchase expected by the purchasing agency to be less than $50,000 |

|• 3% for a purchase expected by the purchasing agency to be at least $50,000 but less than $100,000. |

|• 1% for a purchase expected by the purchasing agency to be at least $100,000. |

Date: ________________________

Pursuant to I.C. 5-22-15-20.9, ________________________________________ claims a local Indiana business preference for Project ____________________________________ (Project # __________) located within the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.

The location of the principal place of business is _________________________________________:


St. Joseph County, Indiana

The following county located adjacent to St. Joseph County, Indiana: _____________________.

The majority of the business’s payroll for the 12 months prior to the date of this Bid is to residents of St. Joseph County, Indiana or the adjacent county noted above.

The majority of the business’s employees for the 12 months prior to the date of this Bid are residents of St. Joseph County, Indiana, or the adjacent county noted above.

If the business is deemed to be the apparent lowest, responsible, responsive bidder, then it shall provide supporting documentation for the 12 month period prior to the date of the Bid of (i) the total payroll amount paid to all employees of the business, and (ii) the total payroll amount paid to employees who are residents of St. Joseph County and the adjacent county noted above.


Dated this __________ day of ______________, 20_____


Contractor/Bidder (Firm)


Signature of Contractor/Bidder or Its Agent


Printed Name and Title



|BID NAME |Spec V – Two (2) More or Less 2019 or Newer Tandem Axle Stainless Steel Multi-Use Dump Trucks |

|FOR BIDS DUE |October 22, 2019; 9:30 a.m. |

Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers bid(s) to the City of South Bend in accordance with the following attachment(s) which specify the class or item number or description, quantity, unit, unit price.


It is the intent of these specifications to describe a vehicle or piece of equipment for the City of South Bend. The unit shall be bid as a fully equipped complete unit as set out in the attached specifications. No partial or split bids will be accepted. Unit to be bid with and without trade-in if applicable. Vendor to complete bid proposal contained in this bid specification and attach to the submitted bid.

These are minimum specifications. Any variation from the specifications must be spelled out on a separate deviation list for the bid to be valid. Any items not listed on the deviation sheet will be assumed to be part of the unit.

Proprietary products or specific manufacturers may be referenced herein. Such references are only made to demonstrate minimum scope, quality, and style of the equipment desired. Equipment that is bid pursuant to these specifications shall be of equal quality and size, or greater, to those referenced, and are subject to approval by the South Bend Board of Public Works.

Vendor shall provide all information requested in specifications to qualify for bid. If information on brochure submitted does not completely cover specifications requested, it shall be typed and attached to brochure.

If an alternate is included within these specifications, please be advised that, alternate items placed in the specifications are to determine the best configuration of the item within a budgeted amount and may be included in the award criteria. If the Board elects to award one or more alternate(s), the base bid price and the alternate bid price(s) will be totaled and compared for all bidders offering the final configuration. Award will be made based on the lowest responsible/responsive bid prices submitted for the base bid with selected alternate(s), if applicable. Failure to submit a bid on an alternate may result in the entire bid being non-responsive, depending on the final configuration of the product.

Payment will be processed once the unit is inspected and accepted as to meeting the specifications by the Division of Central Services. This will include all manuals and warranty documentation.

Bidder must state as accurately as possible an intended delivery date from the date of the bid award. Due to the age of the City’s existing fleet, it is imperative that the unit’s be delivered as quickly as possible. Stated delivery lead time may be included as an integral part of our bid selection process. FOB Central Services. The unit and all related paperwork is to be delivered to:

Central Services Division

1045 West Sample Street

South Bend, Indiana 46619

All Certificates of Origin/Title Work shall list the owner as:

The City of South Bend

1045 West Sample Street

South Bend, Indiana 46619

The Board will award the bid to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. If the bid is not awarded to the lowest bidder, the factors used to justify the awards will be stated in writing at the request of any bidder.

The Board reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids or portions thereof and to waive any irregularities or informalities.


| | |((Circle One) |


|Chassis: |Conventional cab chassis with a cab to trunnion dimension of 120"to 140” compatible with engine and |YES / NO |

| |fuel system selected. Proper wheel base to allow for accurate CT measurement, ground clearance | |

| |minimum of 23" for underbody mounting. Cab BBC minimum of 113”. | |

|Front Axle: |20,000 lb. capacity |YES / NO |

|Rear Axle: |46,000 lb. capacity, Meritor RT-46-160P or equal, geared for 65 mph top speed. |YES / NO |

|Front | |YES / NO |

|Suspension: |20,000 lb. capacity, Heavy duty shock absorbers | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Rear |Hendrickson HN-462-52 or equal rubber suspension and |YES / NO |

|Suspension: |transverse torque rods. Severe service suspension equaling | |

| |46,000 lbs. | |

|Engine: |Turbo-charged, inline six cylinder electronic controlled |YES / NO |

| |diesel engine. Minimum horse power 300, at 800 ft. lbs. of | |

| |torque, air to air after cooler required, emergency shutdown | |

| |system for low oil, high coolant temperature. | |

| | | |

| |Provisions for front mounted crankshaft P.T.O. including flange for adapting to front mounted pump, | |

| |fuel/water separator. Air cleaner to be dry type, two stage with provision to pull intake air from | |

| |under hood. Air cleaner to include restriction indicator. All hoses to be silicone. Severe | |

| |service material and hose clamps to be constant tension type. 1000-watt engine block heater | |

| |included. Electronic Fan Clutch with manual over ride switch. Engine and engine electronics | |

| |warranty to be 5 year/150,000 miles. | |

|Transmission: |Allison 3000 RDS, five speed electronic automatic, furnished with transmission temperature gauge, |YES / NO |

| |auxiliary oil filter and oil cooler. Allison P-3 extended service coverage - 5-year unlimited miles| |

| |shall be included. TES-295 compliant synthetic transmission fluid included. | |

|Fuel Tank: |60-gallon minimum capacity, slim line tank mounted |YES / NO |

| |on left side with minimum ground clearance of 23". Tank to be marked "Diesel Fuel". | |

|Electrical: |270-amp alternator, 12-volt starter, three (3) high-temp AGM batteries with total 2775 CCA |YES / NO |

| |batteries. Lighting per D.O.T. | |

| |specifications. All lighting including headlights to be L.E.D. type lights. Cab to have wiring and | |

| |dash control for local installation of emergency lights and accessories. All electrical connections| |

| |to be water proof. 6 position switch panel with a dedicated power distribution center and circuit | |

| |breakers integral to trucks electrical system. Unit to have a 20-amp battery feed and ground wire | |

| |along with 15-amp ignition feed, all three shall run to center of dash with approximately 2’ of wire| |

| |coiled up. Jump start posts on frame rail near starter. | |

|Frame: |Heavy duty single C channel with PSI of 120,000 minimum and section modulus of 26.2 minimum with RBM|YES / NO |

| |of 3,200,000. | |

|Cooling: |Radiator to be severe duty largest capacity available. Radiator must be located to allow PTO shaft |YES / NO |

| |to pass under lower tank or through radiator per manufacturers need. Must include PTO shaft guard. | |

|Tires |Ten (10) hub piloted disc type wheels: 315/80R22.5. Front |YES / NO |

|& Wheels: |Tire 20 ply radials Good Year G286 or equal. Rear tires | |

| |11R22.5 16 ply Good Year G338 or equal, tubeless | |

| |radials. | |

|Wheel Seals: |Oil type; front and rear. |YES / NO |

|Steering: |Dual hydraulic power. |YES / NO |

|Heater & Air |Heavy duty factory installed air conditioning unit, heater and defroster, in accordance with |YES / NO |

|Conditioning: |manufacturer’s specifications. | |

|Cab: |Two-man severe-service cab if cab is steel it must be undercoated. Interior cab height measured |YES / NO |

| |from floor to headliner must be a minimum of 54” to allow our entire staff of drivers the proper | |

| |work area to perform their duties as expected. Bostrom air suspension high back driver’s seat with | |

| |arm rest, passenger seat to be fixed. Tilt hood. Cab entrance assist handles with rubber insert on| |

| |each side of cab, 16" x 7" west coast and convex mirrors heated and remotely operated with breakaway| |

| |mirror brackets, dual heated hood mounted convex mirrors on tripod brackets, tinted windshield, | |

| |intermittent windshield wipers and washer, dual sun visors, orange seat belts for both seats, tilt | |

| |and telescopic steering column, and heavy-duty door hinges. Electric locks and windows. AM/FM | |

| |Bluetooth radio, both USB and 12-volt power plugs and cruise control. Cab to include hour meter, | |

| |needle calibrated oil temperature gauge for transmission, water temperature, engine oil, volt meter,| |

| |air pressure, and fuel gauges included. In addition, dual air horns with snow shields mounted under| |

| |cab deck. | |

|Exhaust: |Vertical, must not interfere with CA dimension or |YES / NO |

| |mounting of underbody. Vertical tail pipe guard and elbow | |

| |included. | |

|Brakes: |Anti-lock brake system to include 18 cubic ft. compressor |YES / NO |

| |and Wabco style air dryer with spin on desiccant cartridge air | |

| |dryer or equal, with heater. Dryer to be mounted with | |

| |clearance for underbody equipment. Brake pedal to be mounted on firewall. Front brakes 16.5" x 6" | |

| |with type 20 brake chamber, rear brakes 16.5"x 7" with type 30 brake chamber. Automatic slack | |

| |adjusters, front and rear. Rear axle chambers to be mounted with clearance for paver to contact rear| |

| |wheels. Dust shields on front and rear. Trailer air brakes with glad hands plus 7 way round pin | |

| |plug at rear of truck. Truck shall also have electrical brake controller with Bargman 7-way flat pin| |

| |plug. | |

| |All items mounted on rear of truck shall not interfere use of paver | |

|Parts List: |Vendor shall supply a complete list of part numbers of all filters including hydraulic, belts, and |YES / NO |

| |hoses along with fluid types, quantities, and major component serial numbers. | |

| | | |

|Safety: |Truck and equipment to conform to all State and Federal |YES / NO |

| |Requirements, as well as O.S.H.A. and D.O.T. Back up | |

| |Alarm to be included. | |

|Colors: |White Cab, Stainless Steel Dump Bed |YES / NO |

|Manuals: |Complete set for chassis, engine, electrical, transmission, all add on equipment. Can also be CD or|YES / NO |

| |DVD. Must include access to factory website for trouble shooting and parts lookup. Must include | |

| |1-year subscription for factory cab/chassis troubleshooting software. | |

|Training: |Vendor to include up to eight hours of training for trouble shooting and parts software and website |YES / NO |

| |for Central Services employees. | |

|Specifications for 14' Stainless Steel Multi-Use Dump Body |

|The intent of these specifications is to obtain a dump body which meets the highest standards of the industry with respect to quality and strength of |

|materials, design and workmanship to the finished product. The successful bidder shall be responsible for all warranty repairs. |

|Multi-Use Heavy Duty Dump |The dump body should have a telescope hoist and an integral discharge system built into the floor |YES / NO |

|Body: |capable of conveying or spreading a variety of materials. The overall length shall be 14'. It | |

| |shall have a capacity of 12 to 14 cubic yards without side boards. Body construction shall be seven| |

| |gauge 201 #4 stainless steel construction, minimum throughout (no exceptions to grade and or type of| |

| |steel will be accepted). Body shall have boxed top rails, full depth rear corner posts and bolster.| |

| |Body shall have a maximum of a 2-inch side to floor radius (welded inserts are not acceptable). | |

| | | |

| |Remote grease extension manifold for all body grease points | |

| | | |

| |The bottom of the sides will have a 30-degree sloped rub rail that is 5" wide. Continuous weld | |

| |throughout. There shall be a 3" C channel welded to the bottom longitudinal to form a base that | |

| |will rest on truck chassis. | |

| | | |

| |Shovel Holders: Body shall include two spring mounted shovel holders located on the driver’s side | |

| |front body bulkhead. | |

| | | |

| |Vibrator: There shall be a vibrator mounted to the underside of the dump body. Vibrator should | |

| |include mounting plate and safety chain. | |

| | | |

| |Reflective Tape: There shall be a 2” reflective tape installed both bottom sides and at the rear of | |

| |the dump body. Tailgate shall have 2” reflective tape installed around the perimeter facing to the | |

| |rear. | |

| | | |

| |Spread Apron shall be three pieces with the center removable and shall bolt on. Apron shall be | |

| |hinged so that when pulling out of spreader it will slide upwards. Spreader apron shall extend 12" | |

| |and shall be constructed of 7 gauge 201 #4stainless steel. | |

|Tailgate: |The tailgate shall be constructed of 7 gauge 201 #4 stainless steel with a boxed perimeter. The |YES / NO |

| |tailgate shall be double acting and have two vertical and one horizontal brace to form a six-panel | |

| |design. The tailgate shall have 1-1/4” hardened pins. | |

| | | |

| |The tailgate latches shall be ½” thick, with each latch being adjustable. | |

| | | |

| |The tailgate shall be air release type. There shall be 2 air cylinders for the tailgate release, and| |

| |they shall be located one in each side of the body rear post with an access panel. | |

| | | |

|Floor: |The floor shall be made of 201 7-gauge stainless steel. |YES / NO |

| | | |

| |Note: In order to assure City’s leaf box will fit, there shall not be over a 2” radius between | |

| |sides and floor of dump body. It shall be bidder’s obligation to insure existing leaf boxes will | |

| |fit quoted body. | |

|Discharge System: |Twin augers shall convey material to rear of body. The unit shall have a ¼” 201 stainless steel |YES / NO |

| |replaceable trough with two V-shaped troughs for the two augers. | |

| |There shall be two step-flighted augers, one RH helical and one LH helical. Augers shall be 7” OD X | |

| |4” ID with ½” flighting on a Schedule 80 pipe. The flighting shall be ½” thick, hard surfaced to | |

| |minimum of 55 Rockwell hardness. Each auger shall be driven by a 24.9 CI motor with a 1-1/4” 14T | |

| |splined shaft and ORB ports. The motors shall direct couple to a 3.6:1 planetary gear box with a | |

| |2-1/2” output shaft. Gearbox “float” mount shall be designed to compensate for any misalignment. | |

| |The output shaft shall be coupled to the auger tube with a UHMW bushing and a 7/8” Grade 8 bolt. The| |

| |2” idler shaft shall couple to the auger tube with a UHMW bushing and 7/8” bolt. The idler bearings | |

| |shall be 2” ID, four bolt flange type and greasable. | |

| | | |

| |The auger system shall not extend past the tailgate of the body so as to allow for future additions | |

| |of rear spreader and/or body attachments. Integral rear body extensions or tail shelf is not | |

| |acceptable. | |

| | | |

| |Bottom Screens: There shall be Heavy Duty bottom grates constructed of 3/8” rod welded to form a | |

| |2.5” square mesh which is formed by a combination of ¼” x 1-1/2” flat steel and 2” angle iron with | |

| |edge supports reinforced with ¼” x 1” flat bar. Bottom grates shall incorporate a safety lock | |

| |system to prevent easy access to the inside of the body. Grates shall be installed over the dual | |

| |auger discharge system. The grates shall not interfere with the discharge of wet sand. | |

|Cover Plate: |There shall be a removable ¼” AR400 steel auger floor cover provided to install over the augers to |YES / NO |

| |allow rebar and other abrasive materials to be hauled without damaging the augers. Cover shall be | |

| |slide in type. | |

|Spinner: |The spinner assembly shall be manufactured from 201 stainless steel. |YES / NO |

| | | |

| |Spinner shall be chassis frame mounted. A vertical pipe shall be mounted to the chassis frame and | |

| |allows the spinner to swing under and out of the way when spinner is not in use. This arm shall have| |

| |two positions; one under the conveyor to receive material, the other position will be stowed under | |

| |the chassis. | |

| |The mount shall bolt onto the truck so it can be removed for the truck to back into the City’s | |

| |paver. | |

| | | |

| |Entire spinner assembly shall be removable without the use of tools. | |

| | | |

| |The spinner assembly shall have adjustable deflectors manufactured from 3/16” stainless steel. | |

| | | |

| |The spinner motor shall be high torque/low speed mounted directly to the spinner disc with a cast | |

| |hub. | |

| | | |

| |The spinner disc shall be 20” in diameter and manufactured of polyurethane. | |

| | | |

| |Spinner motor shall be installed with seal savers. | |

|Cab Shield: |Cab shield Shall be 7 Ga 201 #4 stainless high strength steel w/typical yield strength of 50,000 |YES / NO |

| |PSI. Cab shield shall extend 24" and be full width and shall be attached by welding. Cab shield | |

| |shall have six (6) laser cut oval holes pre punched at the factory for emergency oval strobes facing| |

| |forward. Cab shield shall have six (6) laser cut oval holes pre punched at the factory for emergency| |

| |oval strobes facing rearward. Cab shield shall also have two (one per side) laser cut oval holes | |

| |mounted on the side of the cab shield facing sideways. | |

|Telescopic Hoist: |The hoist shall be of telescopic design and have a Trunnion mounting. |YES / NO |

| | | |

| |The hoist shall have a lifting capacity of 35 tons and shall be equal to a Mailhot cs130-5.5 3 stage| |

| |double acting cylinder. | |

| | | |

| |The hoist shall be designed to operate up to 2,500 PSI and shall be self-bleeding. | |

| | | |

| |The hoist shall have a ¼” wall construction with bronze glands and pistons to assure a smooth and | |

| |durable bearing surface. | |

| | | |

| |The glands shall each be a continuous cast bearing, SAE-660 bronze with a tensile strength of 44,000| |

| |PSI. | |

| | | |

| |The cylinder head and piston shall be of a “ductile” continuously cast iron, with a tensile strength| |

| |of 60,000 PSI. | |

| | | |

| |Each cylinder shall be internally sealed. | |

| | | |

| |The inside seals shall be of a u-cup design made of nitrate packing. | |

| | | |

| |The cylinder shall have a Melonized/Q.P. Running surface. | |

| | | |

| |The Melonized surfaces shall have a predominance of single –phase epsilon nitride. The nitride | |

| |shall cover the entire cylinder surface. | |

| |This shall give the cylinder superior wear and corrosion resistance and also shall have superior | |

| |wear and fatigue properties. | |

| | | |

| |The cylinder rod shall be c1045/c1050 steel with a tensile strength of 80,000 to 1,000,000 pounds. | |

| | | |

| |The cylinder tubing shall be D.O.M. Tubing, drawn over a mandrel, and shall have tensile strength | |

| |of 70,000 pounds. The tube shall have a surface harness of 80 Rockwell “B”. | |

| | | |

| |The cylinder shall dismantle easily and overlap between stages for greater stability. | |

| | | |

| |The trunnion collar shall be oscillation | |

| | | |

| |Each rod or pin eye shall have a zerk. | |

|Ladder: |There shall be a fold up stainless ladder located at the driver side front corner of the body for |YES / NO |

| |easy entrance to the dump body. In addition, there shall also be a welded stainless step type | |

| |insert on the front driver’s side on the inside of the body. | |

|D-Rings: |Bed shall have 3 D-Rings on each side of bed to mount leaf box. |YES / NO |

| | | |

| |The D rings shall be mounted in approved location and place as what the City currently has on their | |

| |fleet trucks. | |

|Tarp Rods: |There shall be 2” wide stainless grip strut walk rails located on the sides of the body. Tarp rods |YES / NO |

| |shall be installed in approved location and placed as what the City currently has on their fleet | |

| |trucks. | |

|Tarp: |Tarp system should be of the same system that is presently used by the City now and shall be |YES / NO |

| |installed in a like manor. System shall be a Pull Tarp system with parts that interchange with | |

| |City’s existing traps. | |

|Mounting of Dump Body |

|Shall have a minimum of three (3) brackets (each side) - (“x 4" flat iron minimum, at least one at rear, one in center, one at front. Shall be welded |

|at rear and bolted with three (3) 5/8" bolts per bracket (minimum). Hoist cylinder shall be hooked to central hydraulics with 3/4" high pressure hose |

|(two wire minimum). Floor of body to be approximately 54" off ground +/- 2". All welding to be done at factory on box. Other welding to be certified.|

|Two rear hooks shall be supplied and bolted to rear of frame. |

| |

|Note that units are used in the City’s paving program and that the completed units must be able to fit with the City’s existing paver. It shall be the|

|equipment providers responsibility to insure the unit will work and dump into City’s paver. |

|Electrical: |All lighting shall be LED. |YES / NO |

| |All add on Body Company Wiring shall be run from a power distribution panel. The panel shall | |

| |consist of a powder coated steel panel that will serve as a mounting base and a clear cover retained| |

| |by thumb screws. Mounted to the base will be a minimum 12 position fuse block accepting ATO type | |

| |blade fuses, a 12-position ground buss, a continuous duty 100-amp solenoid to charge the fuse block | |

| |and a 24-position terminal strip to secure wiring with ring terminals. | |

| |The panel will feature raised construction to allow mounting of additional electronic equipment | |

| |under the clear cover. The cover will include a side and bottom cable pass through access port and | |

| |row of attachment points to secure wiring or strain reliefs for cables exiting the power | |

| |distribution panel. | |

| |The preferred mounting location will be on the back of cab wall in a location that offers ease of | |

| |access for maintenance. | |

| |Warning lights, strobes, and plow lights each to be run off OEM switches. | |

| |Lights to be installed in rear corner posts of body shall be four sets of 6” oval LED lights with | |

| |the following configuration per side. Top: 1st: LED Amber Strobe 2nd: & 3rd LED Stop/ tail turn 4th| |

| |shall be an LED reverse. | |

| |Minimum 12” excess wire on rear lights for ease of changing lights. | |

| |The body cab shield shall include Six (6) LED oval strobe lights mounted in the front of cab shield | |

| |facing forward and six (6) LED oval strobe lights facing rearward built into the cab shield. | |

| |Configuration of the forward-facing lights shall be 1st LED amber 2nd LED clear 3rd LED amber 4th | |

| |LED amber 5th LED clear 6th LED amber. | |

| | | |

| |Configuration of the rear facing lights shall be 1st LED amber 2nd LED clear 3rd LED amber 4th LED | |

| |amber 5th LED clear 6th LED amber. | |

| | | |

| |One pair of LED amber oval strobe lights mounted on each side of front corner of cab shield – lights| |

| |shall be built into the cab shield facing sideways. Cab shield light wires shall be run in solid | |

| |steel tube for protection on top of cab shield. | |

| | | |

| |One pair of LED amber oval strobe lights mounted on each side of body top rub rail. Lights shall be| |

| |built into the factory body rub rail. | |

| | | |

| |Also included will be a pair of Truck Lite LED Model #80880 or equal heated plow lights mounted to | |

| |stainless steel brackets on hood. Plow lights to LED and integral to OEM headlights. | |

| | | |

| |Spreader light: One LED flood light mounted on the rear of the dump body. Location to be approved by| |

| |Central Services. | |

| | | |

| |There shall be one LED mounted spot light for the underbody mounted on the passenger side. Location| |

| |to be approved by Central Services. | |

|Rear Pintle |There shall be a Pintle hitch installed on the rear of the unit at the time of delivery. |YES / NO |

|Hitch: | | |

| |Hitch shall incorporate a ¾” welded steel plate located between the chassis frame rails. | |

| | | |

| |There shall be a 25-ton rear pintle hitch Wallace Forge 2044101 installed at a height of 25 ½” from | |

| |ground and center of truck. | |

| | | |

| |Hitch shall have the following 6,000 lbs. maximum vertical load, 50,000 lbs. maximum gross trailer | |

| |load. Drawbar eye dimensions: 2" to 3" ID 1 1/4" to 1 5/8" diameter section. There shall also be a| |

| |2nd pintle hitch installed for off set of pulling leaf vac machines. This pintle shall be installed| |

| |in manor and measurements specified by South Bend Central Services. | |

| | | |

| |Body builder shall provide Trailer air brakes hooked to the chassis air tractor system with glad | |

| |hands plus 7 way round pin plug at rear of truck. Truck shall also have electrical brake controller | |

| |with Bargman 7-way flat pin plug. | |

|Note: |Vendor will check with Central Services on exact location of hitch and exact location of all rear |YES / NO |

| |mounted lights. All accessories shall be mounted in such a way that they do not interfere with using| |

| |the truck for paving. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to make sure truck will back| |

| |into the City’s paver. | |

|Minimum Specifications For A Close Center Load Sensing Hydraulic System |

|Hydraulic Pump: |Hydraulic Pump The hydraulic pump will be a cast iron, variable displacement piston pump with load |YES / NO |

| |sensing control. Pump to feature internal bleed down compensator and separate adjustments for stand | |

| |by and main pressure. Pump shall be Sauer Danfoss FRL series pump or prior approved equal. Pump | |

| |capacity 90CC. A 1" steel ball valve shall be at the outlet of the pump. | |

| | | |

| |Pump shall have a shutdown circuit. Circuit shall be energized by a tank mounted float to shut off | |

| |pump flow in the event of a low oil condition. | |

| |Shutdown system shall have a cab mounted system override switch. | |

|Mounting: |The hydraulic pump shall be mounted with shaft centerline parallel to the crankshaft centerline and |YES / NO |

| |at a level to create not more than a three-degree angle on the drive line. The pump mounting shall | |

| |be incorporated with a bracket fabricated to mount in the extended rails from the pump. | |

|Driveline: |The hydraulic pump shall be driven directly off the engine crankshaft via a splined driveline to |YES / NO |

| |allow for movement. The driveline shall include grease fittings on both u-joints. Spicer model | |

| |1350 series or equal. | |

|Reservoir: |The hydraulic reservoir will have a minimum capacity of 35 gallons and be mounted on the chassis |YES / NO |

| |frame between the body and the chassis. The hydraulic tank shall be a minimum of 7 gauge and be | |

| |powder coated. The reservoir will include a sight/temp gauge, a suction strainer and a magnetic | |

| |drain plug. The reservoir top will include a 90-gpm-cartridge style return filter with 10-micron | |

| |element and 25 psi bypass. One spare element to be furnished with the truck at the time of delivery.| |

| | | |

| |Reservoir shall have a float assembly wired to the console to notify the operator of a low oil | |

| |condition. | |

| | | |

| |Initial fill of AW-32 oil shall include antifoam and anti -wear package. | |

| | | |

| |The tank shall require no more than 13 inches in width and shall not prevent the body from sitting a| |

| |maximum of 16” from the back of the chassis cab. If truck has CNG engine package than tank will need| |

| |to be frame rail mounted. | |

| | | |

| |There shall be a clean out hole 7" x 6" located in bottom of hydraulic tank. Hydraulic tank shall | |

| |have shut off to allow service without draining hydraulic tank. | |

| | | |

| |Hydraulic Valve: The hydraulic valve will be a cast iron, sectional type spool valve. Valve will | |

| |feature individual section and flow compensation for each section. The valve will be rated for a | |

| |nominal flow of 30 gpm. The load sensing shuttle network will be accessible without valve | |

| |disassembly. | |

| | | |

| |Sections will be provided for following: | |

| |Dump hoist: double acting with down relief | |

| |Scraper: Dual Axis up- down right –left | |

| |Front plow double acting with reliefs | |

| |Front plow angle with reliefs. | |

| | | |

| |Valve Enclosure: The hydraulic valve will be mounted in a sealed enclosure. The enclosure will | |

| |feature an automotive type bulb seal and a bolt on lid. Enclosure will be constructed of 304 | |

| |stainless steel and be 7 gauge in thickness. The hydraulic valve will mount inside and be plumbed | |

| |to the enclosure with steel tubing. Connections on the front of the enclosure will be JIC bulkhead | |

| |type. A drain will be provided in the enclosure bottom and equipped with a 5/8 nylon extension. | |

|Hydraulic Lines & Plumbing:|Stainless Hydraulic lines: There shall be stainless steel tubing used to run the hydraulic lines |YES / NO |

| |from the rear of the bed to the front. Tubing shall be SAE stainless with flared ends and hydraulic| |

| |hose used for short jumpers. Stainless lines shall be both to the rear spreader and to the front for| |

| |the plow operation. | |

| | | |

| |The hydraulic system will be plumbed to SAE standards with no black or iron pipe connections or | |

| |components. National Pipe Thread connections are allowed at the reservoir provided they are dry seal| |

| |type and sealed with liquid sealant. Pressure lines to be SAE100-R16, return lines to be SAE100-R1,| |

| |Suction line to be SAE100-R4. Front plow angle, auger and spinner couplers to be stainless steel | |

| |with dust covers. Coupler halves to be reversed for ease of hook up. Installation will include a | |

| |full flow -32 ball valve in the suction line and a -16 high pressure steel ball valve in the | |

| |pressure line to shut off oil flow to the valves. | |

| | | |

| |Stainless Hydraulic Couplers: There shall be stainless hydraulic couplers used in regard to plow, | |

| |underbody, dump bed, etc. Couplers to be poppet style and all stainless. Couplers to be Safeway | |

| |model 10 and include dust caps and plugs | |

|Electronic Spreader |The spreader control will utilize PWM technology to control the variable feed and spread widths. |YES / NO |

|Control: |The feed rate knob will accommodate 9 different settings while the spread width knob will also | |

| |accommodate 9 settings. The control head will have a power switch with an indicator lamp to provide| |

| |status on the operation of the controller. Unit to be mounted for safe use by driver. | |

| | | |

| |Controller shall be Storm Guard Freedom 2 controller. | |

| | | |

| |Spreader control shall have ability to be touch screen with USB data download. | |

| | | |

| |Screw on cap and plug set for motor sensor connection. | |

| | | |

| |Shall include detailed operator’s manual, calibration manual, wiring diagrams. | |

| | | |

| |Spreader Control Harness System: | |

| | | |

| |Spreader control and the hydraulic valve shall be connected via TPE harness system. | |

| |System will include a diagnostic board with direct reading LED circuit indication. | |

| | | |

| |Wiring system will exclude any infusion of direct application of 1000 PSI pressure wash spray. | |

| | | |

| |Connectors shall withstand 500 hours of 35C salt spray. | |

| | | |

| |The controller will also offer a combination “blast”- “unload” switch. This switch will allow the | |

| |controller to produce a Blast function with programmable duration and a maintained unloads position | |

| |for unloading the spreader or offering continuous operation during cleaning. The controller will | |

| |allow the attachment of speed pickup to start and stop the material spreading with vehicle motion. | |

| | | |

| |Wiring harness for the spreader control shall be full factory assembled with waterproof ends and | |

| |covered in expanded nylon abrasion sleeve. A separate fuse shall be included into the controller to| |

| |protect it in the event of a short circuit deploying the inline fuse included in the installation. | |

| | | |

| |Controller shall be mounted in the cab with all hydraulic lines and valves outside of the operator’s| |

| |compartment. All wiring that leaves the cab, such as valve supply and speed pickup, shall be | |

| |secured with rubber covered steel clamps and include a watertight strain relief at the cab exit. | |

|Specifications for Mounting Underbody Blade Assemblies |

| |Scraper shall be extra heavy duty for year-round use. It must be capable of plowing snow at various|YES / NO |

| |speeds and withstand snow pack and ice in the winter season. It must be capable of performing | |

| |gravel road and shoulder maintenance throughout the year. The scraper shall be reversible to 45 | |

| |degrees left and right with infinite plowing positions available. | |

| | | |

| |Moldboard: 1” thick x 20” high x 10’ long moldboard. Integral pressed in lower offset where the | |

| |cutting-edge bolts to the moldboard. And shall include a 5/8” x 8” cutting edge with standard | |

| |highway punch. | |

| | | |

| |Underbody Circle: 1” solid one-piece circle with 45-degree rotation with infinite plowing positions;| |

| |no notches. | |

| |Reinforced with ¾” x 3”and 1” x 3” bar stock | |

| | | |

| |Circle shall not exceed 52” diameter | |

| | | |

| |Circle cut outs for angle cylinder pin bosses must be as small as possible | |

| | | |

| |5” ID x 6.5” OD x 1” hardened center bushing | |

| | | |

| |Center Pin: Heavy duty, 5” diameter, hardened center pin, zinc coated. | |

| | | |

| |Greaseable with 3 port grease journal and 5/16” wide x 3/16” deep grease groove around pin. | |

| | | |

| |Center pin is piloted into Hanger board | |

| | | |

| |Circle Clamps: 20.5” long x 7” deep x 1” thick | |

| | | |

| |Shaped to follow the contour of the circle | |

| | | |

| |3/8” UHMW wear pads | |

| | | |

| |Entire clamps must remain fully on the circle throughout the entire rotation of the scraper | |

| | | |

| |Reversing Cylinders and Hardware: Two (2) 4” x 12” double acting cylinders ½” #8 SAE ports | |

| | | |

| |2” diameter Socatri 1000-cylinder rods | |

| | | |

| |Poly-Pack seals and cast steel heads | |

| | | |

| |3” OD x 2” ID cylinder pivot mounts | |

| | | |

| |2” diameter hardened pivot pins, zinc coated with spiraled grease groove around full pin | |

| | | |

| |30 gpm pressure adjustable cross over relief valve | |

| | | |

| |Hangerboard shall be designed and engineered for optimum strength and durability | |

| | | |

| |½” formed plate upper with 5” diameter center pin pilot hole | |

| | | |

| |½” formed lower plate for 1” thickness full width of hanger-board | |

| | | |

| |3.25” x .344” mechanical tube outer hinge tubes | |

| | | |

| |¾” thick trunnion arms | |

| | | |

| |Outer trunnion arms are bolted to hanger-board | |

| | | |

| |Hinge: 2 ½” diameter x 96” long solid shaft | |

| | | |

| |Four (4) grease points | |

| | | |

| |Three (3) hinges that are bolted to the moldboard | |

| | | |

| |All hinges are 3 ¼” OD with .344” wall thickness mechanical tube | |

| | | |

| |Outer hinges are 6” long and have ½” wrap around gussets | |

| | | |

| |Center hinge is 10 ¾” with two ½” wrap around gussets | |

| | | |

| |Center hinge thrust plates to prevent side shifting of moldboard and hinge tube contact | |

| | | |

| |Actuating Cylinders: Two (2) 3-1/2” x 10” double acting cylinders with 2” Socatri 1000 piston rods | |

| |Poly Pack seals and cast heads | |

| | | |

| |½” hydraulic hoses and pipes with poly clamps externally mounted for easy access | |

| | | |

| |Shocks and Housings: Scraper is cushioned by two (2) heavy duty spring housings | |

| | | |

| |Two (2) ½” thick flange retaining plates held by four (4) 5/8” bolts with prevailing lock nuts | |

| | | |

| |Housings to be slotted to relieve contaminants | |

| | | |

| |Greaseable trunnion mount bushings are 2 ¾” OD x .344” wall mechanical tube | |

| | | |

| |Trunnion mount pins are 2” solid rod, bolt in removable design | |

| |Mounting Plates: ¾” thick plate steel construction | |

| | | |

| |Attached to truck using ¾” grade 8 bolts, SAE washers, and prevailing lock nuts | |

| | | |

| |All hardware and fasteners are electronically plated for corrosion resistance | |

| | | |

| |Paint: Shot-blasted, washed, and powder coat painted TGIC polyester black | |

| | | |

| |All parts are powder coated prior to assembly of scraper | |

| | | |

| |Grease line kit: A remote grease line manifold kit that allows grease to be applied at centralized | |

| |locations outside of the chassis frame. | |

| |Grease hoses shall be SAE107 Hytron hose rated at 3000 psi maximum work pressure. | |

| | | |

| |Grease line kit will incorporate all 19 grease points on the scraper. | |

| | | |

| |Drawings and pictures shall be included in the bid package showing the grease line kit (failure to | |

| |provide drawings and pictures will disqualify your bid). | |

| | | |

| |Moldboard shall have replaceable blade and end bits | |

| | | |

| |Mounting Brackets: The hanger brackets shall be 1” x 4” solid bar stock. | |

| | | |

| |Underbody shall be powder coated paint black and orange. | |

| | | |

| |All hardware and fasteners shall be electronically plated and corrosion resistant. | |

| | | |

| |Manufacturer shall provide caution labels, decals and any warnings deemed necessary. | |

|Specifications for Snow Plow Quick Hitch Large |

|General: |Snow plow quick hitch shall be heavy duty type to be used for street and/or highway snow plowing by |YES / NO |

| |heavy duty trucks. Hitch shall be designed to permit adequate lift and full radius swing of | |

| |hydraulic controlled power reversing snow plows. | |

|Construction: |Truck Half: Husting Type Snowplow hitch shall be an automatic snap coupling type. 34" wide |YES / NO |

| |equipped with 3" diameter by 10" nitrated double acting stroke hydraulic lift cylinder. Automatic | |

| |locking shall be accomplished by dual cam actuated spring-loaded tapered rollers. A lever shall be | |

| |provided for retraction of locking rollers. | |

| | | |

| |Hitch shall be tapered on the truck side as to allow better clearance for chassis hood clearance. | |

| |There shall also be a rubber stop installed on truck side of the hitch as to prevent the chassis | |

| |hood from contacting the plow hitch. | |

| | | |

| |Husting hitch shall be provided with a set of tapered rollers in lieu of the standard cams. | |

| | | |

|Specifications for Mounting of Quick Hitches |

|Mounting |Truck frame will be extended forward of grill. Bidder will furnish |YES/NO |

|Material: |minimum (“x 4" x 8" x 48" long angle across front bumper. | |

| | | |

| |Bottom braces shall be installed from hitch to frame with 3 ¾ bolts, | |

| |grade 8. Material 1" x 4" flat iron minimum. Top braces (“x 4" | |

| |flat iron minimum and run to frame. Hose to hook up hitch and | |

| |cylinder shall be 3/8" and furnished by bidder. Hooked to | |

| |hydraulics part, with 1,000 lbs. PSI port relief minimum. Bumper | |

| |angle is to be mounted to frame with four (4) pieces of 4" x 8" | |

| |minimum angle to frame. Hood to have cable stop before resting on plow hitch. Plow lights to be | |

| |included. | |

|Alternate #1: |Front Snow Plow |YES/NO |

| | | |

| |Plow shall be equal to Monroe MP-41R-ISCT | |

| | | |

| |Moldboard shall be constructed of 10-gauge A569 steel with a tensile strength of 55,000# -70,000#. | |

| | | |

| |Moldboard is to be rolled formed and 100% continuously welded. | |

| | | |

| |Overall length of plow moldboard shall be 11’. | |

| | | |

| |Height of moldboard is to be minimum of 41” with an 8” cutting edge. | |

| | | |

| |Moldboard shall have minimum six vertical support ribs which are to be flame cut, ½” A36 steel, with| |

| |a tensile strength of 58,000# - 80,000#, equally spaced across the width of the moldboard. | |

| | | |

| |The ribs are to taper from a minimum of 3.5” at the bottom moldboard angle to 2” at the top | |

| |moldboard angle | |

| | | |

| |A ½” x 4” x 6” plate is to be welded to the four ribs where the push frame attaches to the moldboard| |

| |to provide a 1” bearing surface for pins. | |

| | | |

| |The non-spring horizontal support angles are to be 3” x 3” x ¼” A36 steel angles. | |

| | | |

| |The two spring support angles are to be 3” x 3” x ½” A36 steel angles. | |

| | | |

| |Top moldboard angle is to be 2” x 3” x 3/8” A36 steel. | |

| | | |

| |Bottom moldboard angle is to be 4” x 4” x ¾” A36 steel. | |

| | | |

| |Bottom moldboard angle is to have 11/16” holes punched to match hole pattern of cutting edge. | |

| | | |

| |There shall be ½” thick gussets welded on each end of the inside of the angle and midway between all| |

| |punched holes. | |

| | | |

| |Spring support/attachment plates are ¾” A36 steel with 3 holes for attaching compression spring arms| |

| |at moldboard pitch settings of either 20, 10 or 5 degrees. | |

| | | |

| |Cutting edge shall be 5/8” x 8” blade made from 1080 steel with a Rockwell “B” hardness of 93-100. | |

| |The blade shall have standard AASHO hole spacing and is to be top punched 1-1/2” from the top edge | |

| |to the center of the bolt. | |

| | | |

| |Cutting edge is to be attached with 5/8” x 2-1/2” grade 8 plow bolts | |

| |Plow semi-circle is to be fabricated from 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” x ½” A36 hot rolled angle. | |

| | | |

| |Two 1” x 3” x 5” positive stops are to be welded to semi-circle and set to allow moldboard to swing | |

| |35 degrees in either direction. | |

| | | |

| |The push frame is to be 4” x 4” x 3/8” A36 wall square tubing 84” in length. This tubing is to have | |

| |eight 4” x 4-1/2” x ½” A36 attaching ears, which are to form a four-point pivot to affix the | |

| |moldboard onto the push frame attached with four 1-1/4” stress proof plated pins. | |

| | | |

| |There are to be two jack support channels 8” x 18” A36 steel which have six ¾” holes for mounting | |

| |various optional shoe assemblies. | |

| | | |

| |There shall be two compression trip assemblies consisting of three pieces: ½” x 3-1/2” A36 steel | |

| |mechanical slide, with a 5-5/16” O.D. x 23-1/4” free height x 21/32” bar diameter spring. | |

| | | |

| |The spring is to be made from AISI 5160H steel with a tensile strength of 112,000 - 140,000 PSI, | |

| |rated at 195#/inch of compression. | |

| | | |

| |The reversing cylinders shall have a 3” bore x 10” stroke, 2” diameter chrome plated rod. Nitrated | |

| |cylinders are also acceptable. | |

| | | |

| |The hydraulic hoses are to be abrasion resistant, extremely flexible and work in a temperature range| |

| |of -50 to 250 degrees F. The ½” I.D. hose is rated at 3,000 PSI working pressure and 12,000 PSI | |

| |burst pressure. | |

| | | |

| |Included with the hydraulic system is a DXV double relief cushion valve set at 1,800 PSI. | |

| | | |

| |The A-frame is to be constructed of 2-1/2” x 4” x 13.8# ship and car channel with a 1” x 5” | |

| |oscillating plate. | |

| | | |

| |The oscillating plate is to have a hole to accept a minimum 1-1/4” bolt. 1.5” Henderson | |

| | | |

| |All hardware and fasteners shall be electronically plated and corrosion resistant. | |

| | | |

| |All fasteners shall be grade 8, both cap-screw and nut. | |

| | | |

| |All nuts shall be locking hex nuts, grade 8. | |

| | | |

| |All hydraulic hoses shall meet the following requirements. The hoses shall have a .515" I.D. x .820"| |

| |O.D., shall have a maximum burst pressure of 3,000 PSI, a minimum burst pressure of 12,000 PSI. The| |

| |inner tube of the hose shall be seamless oil resistant copolyester and reinforced on the outside | |

| |with one braid of high tensile steel wire. The cover on the outside of the hoses shall be | |

| |weather/abrasion resistant black nylon braided with one blue plate of cover yarn for identification | |

| |12 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Hitch: plow half of hitch should be able to fit 34” husting type | |

| | | |

| |Shoes / wheels Plow shall be delivered with two snow wheels model dl 750 with adjustable jacks; | |

| | | |

| |Plow should have integral snow deflector built in | |

| | | |

| |Plow should have rubber snow deflector installed upon delivery. | |

| | | |

| |Plow should have left and right-hand replaceable curb guards | |

| | | |

| |Plow shall have left and right discharge ears (commonly called mouse ears with rubber deflectors). | |

| | | |

| |Painting process of unit: In view of environmental safety, environmental sensitivity and a corrosion| |

| |resistant finished product, the paint process for all steel components shall be powder coat paint, | |

| |incorporating the encasement type process. | |

|Alternate #2: |CNG Fuel System |YES/NO |

| |320 horsepower, with 1,000 ft. lbs. torque minimum Cummins L9N natural gas engine. Emergency | |

| |shutdown system for low oil pressure, high water temperature. Air filter shall be replaceable paper| |

| |type with a restriction gauge. Oil filter to be a combination full flow/bypass type. Fuel system | |

| |to include a low-pressure coalescing fuel filter. 1,000-watt block heater, with thermostat, to be | |

| |included. Engine warranty to be a minimum of 5 years/200,000 miles/10,000 hours. Engine | |

| |troubleshooting manuals/software to be included. Fuel tank capacity 75 DGE. | |

| |Methane detection system with one (1) sensor in cab, and one (1) sensor in engine compartment | |

| |detector to be wired to one battery and isolated from the other two batteries. | |

|Alternate #3: |Optional Electric Controls: There shall be an option shown on the bid for electric hydraulic |YES/NO |

| |controls in lieu of the cable mounted controls the optional item shall be in accordance with the | |

| |following specifications: | |

| | | |

| |Hoist, Scraper and Plow Controls: The hoist and scraper functions will be controlled from the cab | |

| |via four (2) separate proportional joystick assemblies. The hoist control will include a neutral | |

| |lock. Controls to be mounted in a floor mounted console that will include an arm rest and provision| |

| |for mounting the spreader control to. Control installation to include indicator lights for body up,| |

| |low oil. Control console to be a Storm Guard Freedom series. | |

| | | |

| |The following series shall be followed as to functions of the electric joystick controls: scraper | |

| |shall be dual axis with the exception of the dump body: | |

| | | |

| |1st stick: Body up down; | |

| |2nd stick: Scraper dual axis up down right left swing; | |

| |3rd stick shall be dual axis plow up down and right left swing | |

| | | |

| |The control console shall incorporate both the below spreader control and a light switch pack to | |

| |operate all emergency light functions, Switches shall be backlit: | |

| | | |

| |SPREADER CONTROL: The spreader control will be provided by programmable microprocessor. The | |

| |controller will include separate, rotary knobs for adjusting the spinner and feeder motors, on | |

| |screen indication of rate settings, open loop automatic or manual operation, separate push buttons | |

| |for pause and blast and open loop liquid capability. The spreader control will include a | |

| |self-diagnostic capability that will display on screen text messages if a fault or loss of accuracy | |

| |is detected. A USB 2.0 port will be included for data downloading and the installation of software | |

| |updates. Spreader Control to be a Storm Guard Freedom series model 2.1. | |


|BID NAME |Spec V – Two (2) More or Less 2019 or Newer Tandem Axle Stainless Steel Multi-Use Dump Trucks |

|FOR BIDS DUE |October 22, 2019; 9:30 a.m. |

|Description |Year/Make/Model |Unit Price |

| | |$ |

|Alternate# |Description |Cost |Total |

|1 |Front Snow Plow |$ |$ |

|2 |CNG Fuel System |$ |$ |

|3 |Electric Plow Controls |$ |$ |

|Estimated number of days for delivery from award date. | |

|Bidder (Firm): | |

|Address: | |

|City/State/Zip: | |

|Telephone Number: | |Fax Number: | |

|By | |

| |(Signature) |

| |(Printed Name) |

| |(Title) |

| | |

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| | | |

|Gary A. Gilot, President | |Elizabeth A. Maradik, Member |

|Suzanna M. Fritzberg, Member | |Therese J. Dorau, Member |

|James A. Mueller, Member | |Attest: Linda M. Martin, Clerk |




A. Bidders are expected to examine the Drawings, Specifications, Proposal and all Instructions. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder’s risk.

B. Each Bidder shall furnish all information required by the Notice, Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Bids must be made on the form provided. The Bidder shall sign the Proposal and Non-Collusion Affidavit, which is a part of the provided form, where indicated, provide a notary signature and provide all other information required.

C. The Bidder shall sign the Proposal in the following manner: If the Proposal is made by an individual, his/her name and post office address must be shown. If made by a partnership or joint venture, the name and post office address of each member of the partnership or joint venture must be shown. If made by a corporation, the Proposal must be signed by an officer of the corporation or by a representative duly authorized by the corporation to execute the Proposal in its behalf.


A. Bids, Proposals, Guaranty, and other required documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked on the outside with the general classification of material bids, i.e. “Bid for Computer Equipment,” “Bid for Front End Loader,” or “Bid for Office Supplies.”

B. When samples are required, such samples shall be delivered or shipped at the bidder’s expense to the address specified in the Invitation to Bid. Samples must be shipped separately from bid documents and labeled clearly with the Bidder’s name, address and the commodity or equipment classifications and documents, the item (and item number, if any), and Material Safety Data Sheets (if applicable). All samples must be representative of the commodities or equipment which will be supplied by the successful Bidder. All samples will become the property of the City of South Bend and none will be returned, unless otherwise stated in the Specifications.

C. In the event of an inconsistency between provisions of the contract documents, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order:


A. Bid Form attached Proposal

B. Amendments to Specifications

C. Specifications

D. Special Provision

E. Instructions to Bidders

F. Notice to Bidders


A. Bids must be delivered to the Office of the Board of Public Works, 13th Floor, County-City Building, Room 1316, 227 West Jefferson Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana 46601 (574) 235-9251, by the time specified (local time) in the Notice to Bidders. If not delivered personally, the sealed envelope containing the Bid must be mailed to the following address:

City of South Bend

Clerk of the Board of Public Works

1316 County-City Building

227 West Jefferson Boulevard

South Bend, Indiana 46601

B. The Post Office Department will be considered agent of the Bidder in delivering the bid. The City will not be responsible for deliveries. Any Bids received after the time specified will be returned unopened.

C. Bids will be opened and read publicly at the time and place designated in the Notice to Bidders. Bidders, their authorized agents, and the public are invited to be present.

D. Bidders may bid on one (1) or more item, provided however, that the bid submitted for each is delivered in a separate, sealed envelope, with the envelope clearly labeled on the outside as to the specific item for which the bid is being submitted. Bidders may submit separate bid bonds for each item being bid upon OR may submit one (1) bid bond equal to 10% of the combined total of all bids submitted.

E.  The Board may reject any bid that does not conform to these requirements as non-responsive.


A. No inquiries by Bidders relative to interpretation of Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, or other Bidding Documents will be answered verbally. If any prospective Bidder is unable or unwilling to comply with one or more requirements of the bidding document, such Bidder should so inform the Board of Public Works in writing. Upon receipt of such information, consideration will be given to the advisability of issuing an Addendum which would thereupon become applicable to all Bidders. Any such inquiry must be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to the bid opening date in order to give the Board sufficient time to consider any necessary Addendum. All answers to such inquiries, in the form of Addenda, will be furnished to all prospective Bidders who have registered with the City. All Bidders are required to acknowledge receipt of any Addenda by inserting the Addendum number and the issuing date on executed Proposals.


A. Proposals shall be rejected if they show any alteration of form, additions not called for, conditional or alternate bids (except when and insofar as are invited), incomplete bids, erasures or irregularities of any kinds.

B. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink, with the unit price and total price for each item (This does not apply to divisible bids). In case of incorrect totaling of amounts and where the unit price and the extension thereof do not agree, the unit price for each item shall govern, and the City is authorized to correct all erroneous extension and totals for the purpose of comparing bids.


A. Trade discounts shall not be shown separately, but shall be incorporated in the Bidder’s unit price, unless otherwise specified.


A. Bidders may bid on one (1) or more vehicles, provided however, that the bid submitted for each vehicle is delivered in a separate, sealed envelope, by vehicle, with the envelope clearly labeled on Bidders may bid on one (1) or more vehicles, provided however, that the bid submitted for each vehicle is delivered in a separate, sealed envelope, by vehicle, with the envelope clearly labeled on the outside as to the specific vehicle for which the bid is being submitted. Bidders may submit separate bid bonds for each vehicle being bid upon OR may submit one (1) bid bond equal to 10% of the combined total of all vehicle bids submitted.

B. The Board may reject any bid that does not conform to these requirements as non-responsive.


A. The City of South Bend is exempt from the payment of federal excise and transportation taxes levied under the provision of the Internal Revenue Code. It is also exempt from the Indiana State Gross Retail Tax (sales tax). The City will furnish the successful Bidder with any certificate of exemption required.


A. Withdrawal of bids will be allowed only in those cases in which a written request to withdraw a bid is received by the Board of Public Works prior to the date and hour for receiving and opening bids. In such cases, the same will be returned to Bidder unopened.


A. The use of escalator clauses or other contingent clauses by the Bidder is prohibited, unless requested or permitted by the Invitation to Bid. No Proposal shall contain nor be accompanied by any writing purporting to limit or qualify the City’s right to accept such Proposal or purporting to alter such Proposal or any Contract which may be executed pursuant thereto.


A. The bid price shall be a delivered price. All materials shall be shipped F.O.B. destination as specified in the Invitation to Bid. No fuel surcharges accepted.


A. The Award of Bid, if any award be made, will be made within sixty (60) calendar days after the opening of Proposals to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder who’s Proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed, exclusive of technicalities waived. Until the final award of the Bid, however, the right is reserved by the City to reject any and all Proposals and to waive technical errors.


A. Bids will be awarded on the basis of the total dollar amount for all items in the Proposal unless the bid is described by the City as a Divisible Bid. The City may award a Divisible Bid to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder for each item or class of items as indicated in the bid documents.


A. The City may require any Bidder to submit evidence of qualifications, and may consider any evidence of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of the Bidder. The City will not award a Contract to a Bidder who, in its opinion, is not fully qualified on the basis of financial resources and responsibility, possession of adequate equipment, personnel, experience, and past record of performance to perform the obligations to be undertaken competently and without delay.


A. A Purchase Order will be issued to the successful Bidder after formal acceptance of the bid is made by the City.


A. Unless otherwise specified in the Invitation to Bid, the items offered shall all be new and the latest model of manufacture.


A. If the Bidder is not a manufacturer, the source of supply must be shown and all sub-contractors must be identified.


A. All items shall be delivered strongly packed and marked according to accepted commercial practice unless otherwise directed in the Specifications. No charge shall be made for containers and the City shall have no obligation to return containers unless otherwise provided by the Specifications or Special Provisions. Any items not received in good condition will be rejected.


A. The City of South Bend reserves the right to inspect and have any goods tested after delivery for compliance with the specifications. Notice of latent defects, which would make the item unfit for the purposes for which they are required, may be given at any time within one year after discovery of the defects.

B. All items rejected must be removed immediately by the Contractor at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor fails or refuses to remove the rejected items, they may be sold by the City of South Bend.

C. In some cases, at the discretion of the City, inspection of the commodities or equipment will be made at the factory, plant, or other establishment where they are produced before shipment.

D. The above provision shall not be construed in limitations of any rights the City may have under any laws including the Uniform Commercial Code.


A. No person to whom a Contract has been awarded may assign his interest in the Contract without the consent, in writing, of the City.


A. The City of South Bend reserves the right to cancel any Contract for failure or refusal of performance, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, collusion, conspiracy, or any other misconduct on the part of the Contractor.


A. If the City cancels the contract for any cause, it shall deduct from whatever is owed the Contractor on the Contract or any other Contract, any amount sufficient to compensate the City for any damages suffered by it because of the Contractor’s wrongdoing.


A. Contractor shall bill the City of South Bend

1. On regular invoice form giving a complete and detailed description of the goods delivered, including purchase order number.

2. If the Contractor allows a discount, the period of time in which the City must make payment to qualify for the discounts shall be computed from the date the City received the invoice (completely filled out), or the date the goods are delivered and accepted, whichever may be later, and shall not be less than twenty (20) days.

3. If more than one shipment is made under the Contract and on the same purchase order, the City will make partial payments on a basis that is agreeable to both parties.


A. The goods which are the subject of the Contract shall remain property of the Contractor until delivered to and accepted by the City of South Bend.


A. If the quantity set forth in the Notice to Bidders and Proposal is approximate and represents the estimated requirements of the City for a specified period of time, the unit price and the extended total price thereof shall be used only as a basis for the evaluation of bids. The actual quantities necessary may be more or less than the estimate, but the City shall neither be obligated nor limited to any specific amount. The City will, if at all possible, restrict increases to twenty percent (20%) of the estimated quantity and will, if at all possible, restrict decreases to twenty percent (20%) of the estimated quantity.


A. Where the term “OR EQUAL” is used in these Specifications, the Bidder deviating from specified item shall file with his/her bid a letter fully explaining and justifying his/her proposed article or equal. The City of South Bend shall be the sole judge in determining if the “OR EQUAL” offered meets the Specifications.


A. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of South Bend, its agents, officers, and employees from all costs, losses, claims and suits, including court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses, arising from or out of the negligent performance of this Contract by the Bidder or because or arising out of any defect in the goods, materials or equipment supplied by the Bidder.

|NOTE: Incoming mail does not reach the Board of Public Works until after 9:30 a.m. If you are sending your bid via Federal Express or |

|another overnight source, please confirm that your package will arrive before the bid opening time and date. |






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