Rotunda Construction Logistics Meeting

Rotunda Construction Logistics Meeting

January 15, 2008, 7pm

In Attendance:

1. Chris Bell, Hekemian

2. Jim Deitrick, Bovis Lend Lease

3. Fred Nolting, Bovis Lend Lease

4. Scott Chenoweth, Bovis Lend Lease

5. Al Barry, AB Associates

6. Alex Hoffman, AB Associates

7. Bill Miller, Roland Park Place

8. Frank Gray, Roland Park Place

9. Terry Snyder, Roland Park Place

10. Richard Kaminski, Medfield

11. Dan Szymczar, Medfield

12. Anthony Logan, Hoe’s Heights

13. Deborah Rose, Tuscany-Canterbury

14. Lisa Boyce, Roland Park


1. Rotunda Task Force Construction Logistics Subcommittee

a. The purpose of this meeting is to form a group that represents the constituent neighborhoods and will meet throughout the Rotunda’s 3-year construction period to discuss neighborhood issues pertaining to construction logistics and to create a network of neighborhood representatives who can effectively disseminate information regarding the construction process.

i. Provide neighborhoods with an effective means of communicating issues to Hekemian and Bovis Lend Lease as they arise during the construction process so they can be resolved efficiently

ii. Create a group of designated individuals from each neighborhood that will disseminate information regarding construction to their respective neighborhood groups

2. Bovis Lend Lease

a. Bovis Lend Lease has been selected as the general contractor for the Rotunda redevelopment project.

i. Bovis Lend Lease has significant experience in the area, including work at Maryland General Hospital, the expansion of Social Security, and the current construction of the Ritz-Carlton condominiums on Key Highway among other projects.

1. Although Bovis Lend Lease does contracting work around the world, they have an office in Bethesda as well as a satellite office on South Charles Street to serve their local construction projects.

ii. Bovis Lend Lease is one of the largest contracting companies in the country

1. They have a wealth of experience in working on mixed-use residential projects of this scale.

2. They are accustomed to working on construction jobs in residential areas, and will be respectful of the surrounding neighborhoods throughout the construction process.

b. Scott Chenoweth of Bovis Lend Lease will be working on the process of bidding out and selecting the subcontractors.

i. His family is from Hampden and his grandparents owned a funeral home in the area.

ii. He is familiar with the subcontractors based in the Hampden area, including a drywall subcontractor on Elm Avenue and Potts and Callahan, and looks forward to considering bids from these and other area subcontractors.

c. Fred Nolting of Bovis Lend Lease will be serving as the project manager for the Rotunda project and will have a staff of approximately 15-17 Bovis Lend Lease full-time employees on site. The project manager currently working on the Ritz-Carlton condominiums on Key Highway will likely join Fred on the Rotunda project once construction is complete on that project.

3. Construction Logistics

a. Timeline:

January 2008: Submit drawings for building permits

March-April 2008: Bid out subcontracting

July-December 2008: Excavation

January-December 2009: Construction of plaza level

January-July 2010: Construction of structural portion of tower

August-September 2010: Finishing of tower

i. The loading dock for the Giant grocery store will be reconfigured ahead of excavation such that Giant has the option of remaining open throughout the construction period.

ii. The entire portion of the Rotunda site in front of the existing Rotunda structure will be paved as an interim measure to maximize parking on site during the early stages of construction.

b. Number of Employees during Construction Period:

July-December 2008: 50-75 employees

January-December 2009: 50-75 employees

January-July 2010: 250-400 employees

August-September 2010: 250-400 employees

i. Parking Logistics:

1. To accommodate the number of employees required during particularly the final stages of construction, construction workers will utilize metered parking spots and will carpool. Bovis Lend Lease discourages workers from parking in adjacent residential neighborhoods.

2. The entire portion of the Rotunda site in front of the existing Rotunda structure will be paved as an interim measure to maximize parking on site during the early stages of construction.

ii. Maintaining a Clean Construction Site:

1. Bovis Lend Lease encourages all employees to eat lunch on the construction site rather than returning to their cars.

2. Bovis Lend Lease routinely cleans their construction sites and immediate streets to ensure that litter does not become a problem

c. Hours of Construction

i. Because the construction site is directly adjacent to residential properties, a Baltimore City ordinance requires that construction work only be done between 7am and 7pm daily.

ii. Bovis Lend Lease anticipates construction work being completed 7am to 3pm Monday through Friday, with Saturday being used as an alternate in the case of a weather day and the site being closed on Sundays.

d. Truck Traffic

i. Truck traffic will be most significant during the excavation period, during which there will be approximately 200-250 trucks per day hauling off a total of 200,000 square yards of dirt over the course of a six-month period.

ii. Regular twin axel dump trucks will be utilized during excavation, with various truck sizes utilized later in construction for deliveries.

iii. Truck traffic will abide by all traffic laws, only utilizing legal truck traffic routes and abiding by all traffic laws. Each subcontractor must have an individual on staff that is approved by the local jurisdiction to flag truck traffic in and out of the site as needed. Proposed truck routes have not been finalized at this time and will depend on which excavation subcontractor is selected. Potential truck traffic routes from the site include:

1. W. 40th Street to Falls Road to Coldspring Lane

2. W. 40th Street to Keswick to 28th Street

iv. Heavy truck traffic on Elm Avenue will require that Hekemian replace the affected roadway after construction is complete. Otherwise, both of the proposed truck traffic routes utilize roads equipped to handle this sort of traffic, such that Hekemian does not anticipate any significant negative impact along these route that would require road replacement after construction is complete.

e. Crane Locations

i. Two to four tower cranes will be required during construction. Although the exact number and location of cranes will be determined by the subcontractor, it is likely that cranes will be located on/near Elm Avenue, 38th Street, and the Zurich parking garage.

ii. The model of crane utilized has a “jib” that extends to the rear of the crane, which may extend over residential properties. No loads will ever extend outside of the construction site.

1. When not in use, the cranes point themselves into the wind for stability, which may cause them to extend over residential properties depending on the direction of the wind.

4. Community Concerns/Comments

a. Rats

i. Rats are an existing problem in this community, and members of the community are concerned that the excavation could release a large rat population into the surrounding neighborhood and that the site could become a haven for rats during construction.

ii. Bovis Lend Lease strictly manages the trash on site during construction and pursues rat abatement as necessary on their construction sites. Bovis Len Lease and Hekemian and committed to acting aggressively on this issue.

b. Staging

i. A community member wondered whether the Poly parking lot be used for staging or parking for construction workers.

ii. It is an interesting idea and can be pursued if the need arises.

c. Newsletter

i. Community members suggested that a community letter, available both hardcopy and electronically, would be helpful in disseminating information regarding construction.

ii. This is a great idea, and we will pursue it.

d. Water Quality

i. Community members stated that during construction that has occurred in the Hampden area in the past, the vibrations from construction loosened debris in the water pipes, causing discoloration of drinking water and damaging water heaters and washing machines.

ii. We have been unaware of this issue, but if there is a risk we will communicate it to property owners closely situated to the construction site. We will also meet with representatives from the Department of Public Works on this issue.

e. Future Questions

i. Future questions should continue to be directed to Chris Bell of Hekemian or Al Barry of AB Associated, and will be forwarded to Bovis Lend Lease for comment as needed.

Next Meeting (tentative): Tuesday March 15th, 7pm


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