Opening Remarks by

38354004762500center5080 Welcome Remarks byMs.Vilaivan Tanjoy Secretary General, Office of Atoms for Peaceto the IAEA-RCARO-ASEANTOM Regional Training Course on Rapid Radiation Measurement and Individual Dose Assessment following Nuclear & Radiological EmergencyOffice of Atoms for Peace, Bangkok, THAILAND7 – 11 October 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------Ms. Mai Fukahori (???? ????????), the IAEA representative, Ms. Hyun kyoung Jeon (??? ???? ?????), the RCARO representative, Dr.Wi-Ho Ha (?? ?? ??) , Dr.Seok Won Yoon (???? ??? ???), the experts from KoreaDr. Osamu Kurihara (?????? ????????), the expert from Japan,Distinguished participants,Ladies and gentlemen,I am extremely delighted to express our warmest welcome to you all to the IAEA-RCARO-ASEANTOM Regional Training Course on Rapid Radiation Measurement and Individual Dose Assessment following Nuclear & Radiological EmergencyRecently, radioactive and nuclear material has been used for addressing and resolving issues in a number of areas including industry, agriculture, medicine, and environment. This has improved a quality of life and boosted economy in ASEAN countries. Although having no nuclear power plants in the region, there are few research reactors with varying degrees of power are being operated and new research reactors with advanced design and technology have been planned to be built in the region in coming years. In addition, a number of nuclear power plants are already in operation or under construction in the ASEAN neighborhood and nuclear-powered vessels also operate in the region and occasionally make use of berthing facilities in ASEAN. These radiological and nuclear facilities could be classified as new or emerging threats or hazards in the region. ASEAN countries could, in case of an incident/accident at a radiological and nuclear facility in other countries, be impacted by radioactive releases, Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident in 2011 for example. This raises the need for, and the importance of, effective radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) arrangement for ASEAN countries to protect the environment and the general public from feasible radiation effects. This regional training course which is the 1st regional event conducted under the technical cooperation between RCARO and ASEANTOM would provide you all a great opportunity to advance our knowledge and expertise according to the best practices. This would enable us to be able to achieve the priority need of the region in EP&R arrangement at both the national and the regional levels. Whenever any nuclear or radiological emergencies occur, ASEAN MS would be ready and capable of dealing with those emergencies. Furthermore, I personally believe that the technical cooperation among ASEAN MSs would be strengthened and between ASEANTOM and RCARO, as one of the external partners, would be established with a potential to extent to cover any other areas of cooperation. On behalf of the Office of Atoms for Peace, I would like to extend our appreciation to all experts for your kind contribution for supporting us to this training.Finally, I wish all of you a very success in your undertakings and have a pleasant and enjoyable stay in Bangkok, Thailand. Thank you ................

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