Available in both the Ready-to-Use RFP (Word) or eRFP Master (Excel) versions, this comprehensive and detailed RFP for Accounts Payable business process outsourcing (BPO) queries vendors about both normal and "exception case" business situations.

In addition, the eRFP Master (Excel) version offers automated weighted grade point scoring and side-by-side comparison of vendor RFP responses, making it much more than a basic RFP. Quickly & accurately select the best payables transaction outsourcing service provider for your needs using an integrated software selection toolset!

Samples of the eRFP Master weighted score and feature comparisons are shown first. This is followed by actual RFP sample questions and a detailed list of RFP question topics found in both the Ready-to-Use and eRFP Master versions. If you decide to purchase this RFP you can purchase here using our fully secured order page.


These functions are available in the eRFP Master (Excel) version only. Use eRFP Master to distribute RFPs and receive vendor RFP responses electronically, then almost instantly compare vendor responses (proposals) side-by-side in detail or 3-D bar chart form. Compare Weighted Grade Point Scores or Response Features (please wait for graphic to display below).


(See next page for Features Comparison sample)

The eRFP Master Response Evaluation spreadsheet Compare vendor RFP responses side-by-side at the detail feature level! (please wait for graphic to display below)


Only the eRFP Master (Excel) version offers the Feature Support Matrix function, built-in Weighted Grade Point Scoring and Side-by-Side vendor response comparisons such as the sample shown. For more detailed information about the Excel version please visit this link:


Beware! An RFP for Accounts Payable (AP) business process outsourcing (BPO) is much different when compared to a traditional AP software RFP. At the high level, an RFP for Accounts Payable software

focuses on software features, while an RFP for Accounts Payable Business Process Outsourcing focuses on the outsource service provider’s skills and expertise for providing the Accounts Payable services you need in a reliable manner.

In addition, a good service provider does not just duplicate what you are doing internally, but should go one step further and provide a level of service and productivity you are not able to obtain with your current system. If you are not getting this, you are not getting what you are paying for.

The Table of Contents (TOC) is shown below. Each TOC link leads to sample questions typical of that section in both the Ready-to-Use RFP (Word) and eRFP Master (Excel) versions of the Accounts Payable business processing outsourcing RFP. All sample questions are in red. Please remember only the eRFP Master questions use the Feature Support Matrix (FSM) response question format, while the basic Word version uses the Yes/No format.

RFP Table of Contents


External Service Provider (ESP) Background


Global Data Network

Business Process Analysis

Current State Assessment

Reengineered Outsourced Business Processes

Transition Planning

Client Web Interface

Special Catalog Prices

Requisition Processing

Purchase Order Processing

Service Level Requirements

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Overall Security

Business Continuity Plan

User Training

Pricing Structures

INTRODUCTION (click Introduction to return to the Top)

(Customer Firm Name here)____ (a.k.a. "the Customer") is seeking proposals for _________(BPO service desc)____________. Your firm, among others, is invited to

submit a proposal on a competitive basis in the format described in this Request for Proposal (RFP). This RFP establishes requirements and defines responsibilities of the proposing vendor to identify potential BPO opportunities, reengineer those deemed viable, and outsource those _________(enhanced business processes)__________ to the Customer. These outsourced business processes are referred to herein as the "SYSTEM".

The terms External Service Provider (ESP), "OFFEROR", "PROPOSING VENDOR", and "CONTRACTOR" refer to any vendor responding to this RFP and also the vendor selected for the project described herein.


Several samples from the External Service Provider (ESP) Background section are:

The Client requires that all ESPs responding to this RFP must demonstrate the financial solidarity needed to maintainand consistently provide high quality services over the long term. The Client shall have absolute control over determining what it feels to be adequate financial resources.

Can the external provider’s system automatically assign responsibility for an event to a

specific person or entity based on rules pre-defined by an authorized user?

Can a user set-up a cross-reference link to a Web Mapping site to help find

the location of a given Account/Contact location?


A few samples from this section are:

The Client requires all ESPs responding to this RFP to provide demonstrable proof they strive to remain current in the use of industry standard business process reengineering, documentation, software applications, and quality control.

Will at least one member of the proposing service provider’s team managing the proposed BPO project be a Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM)?


Samples from the GLOBAL DATA NETWORK section:

Does your firm's IT infrastructure, data network, and Web interface functionality fully support a two-way, web-based flow of information that is customizable to meet the needs of the client?

Does your Internet connection employ redundant fiber optic cables traveling via alternate routes?


A few samples from the Business Process Analysis section are:

Does the ESP utilize an industry standard methodology to document a client's current

"AS-IS" business procedures?

Please indicate which of the following standard methodologies will be used:



Six SigmaSix Sigma:


If Other, please describe:

The client requires a comprehensive collection of benchmarks and/or metrics to be

established for determining the feasibility of outsourcing specific business processes,

the optimum configuratioin of those processes that are targeted for outsourcing, and

later, measuring the performance of the outsourced outsourced processes. These metrics and benchmarks must be derived from both the client's current operations and recognized, industry specific "best practice" measures.


A few Samples from the CURRENT STATE ASSESSMENT section are:

Does the ESP utilize an industry standard methodology to document a client's current "AS-IS" business procedures?

Please indicate which of the following standard methodologies will be used:



(…plus many other criteria not shown here)


Samples from the REENGINEERED BUSINESS PROCESSES section are:

Will a report that details the reengineered, outsourced business procedure be provided to the client for validation?

Will this report provide new, improved performance measures that can be used by the external service provider and client to establish comprehensive Service Level Agreements (SLAs)?

(…plus many other criteria not shown here)


Transition is defined as those tasks required to move the Client's operations, as defined elsewhere in this document, to the ESP's environment. A discovery or due diligence period may be required to review the Client's existing environment and procedures key information.

Samples from the TRANSITION PLANNING section are below:

The Transition will be conducted both at the Client and ESP sites. The process involves surveying Client end users, operations personnel, and management. During

the due diligence period the ESP must collect all of the information required to construct a transition plan in collaboration with the Client for moving the designated operations to the ESP Service center. Change management must be an integral part of the Transition Plan in order to accommodate due diligence oversights, new requirements and evolving expectations during the transition period.

The ESP agrees to work with the Client to develop a dispute resolution plan for resolving disputes that may arise over the terms of any contract that may exist between the two parties. The ESP further agrees that withholding services to settle a dispute is not an option. Withholding of services can only be done if both parties agree.


Since the vast majority of all Client contact with the outsourced system will be over the web, it is critical the Web interface provided by the ESP be especially robust and

dynamic. The ability of Client users to easily obtain information from, and provide information to, the outsourced system is of vital importance.

A few samples from the CLIENT WEB INTERFACE section are:

Is a full Web interface available 24/7?

Is a dynamic Web interface offered where the functions made available to each user are determined via a User Profile containing the security and permission attributes of that user?

(…plus many other criteria not shown here)


The Client desires the ability to enjoy consistently discounted, and in many cases substantially lower prices, on a wide variety of office supplies and other goods obtained through the ESP's network of pre-screened preferred vendors.

Some samples from the SPECIAL CATALOG PRICES section are:

Does the ESP have an established program of recruiting manufacturers and suppliers of quality products into a Preferred/Qualified Supplier Network or catalog program that is available to your BPO clients?


Samples from the SERVICE LEVEL REQUIREMENT section:

The Client requires a parameter driven, user-defined array of pre-defined requisition approval routes to be possible using any outsourced process.

Can all codes currently being used to identify the SOURCE of requisition be kept intact?

(…plus many other purchase requisition processing criteria not shown here)


Please indicate which of the following purchase order preparation and processing

functions can be configured to meet Client requirements via setup parameter

configuration only, and do not require custom application programming:

Automatic conversion of approved requisitions to active purchase orders.

Can all P.O. Header data elements be tailored to Client requirements?

Can all P.O. Line Item data elements be tailored to Client requirements?

(…plus many other criteria not shown here)


Samples from the SERVICE LEVEL REQUIREMENT section:

In addition to the business processes mentioned elsewhere in this RFP, there are several special service functions that must be addressed on their own. These are Disputes Resolution, Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), HelpDesk, Security, and Confidentiality. Each is described below:

The HelpDesk must be provided via a toll free telephone number for service calls.

The phone number must be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with response

consistent with the service level selected by the client.

(…plus many other service level requirement criteria not shown here)


Some Samples from the SERVICE LEVEL REQUIREMENT section are:

The Client requires a comprehensive set of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to monitor the execution of the outsourced business processes. At minimum, a detailed SLA for each business process and its applicable performance evaluation parameters, as mentioned in the Business Process Analysis section above, must be prepared by the ESP. Each SLA must adress the following topics at minimum:

Each SLA must describe its overal purpose and goal.

Deliverables - explain what will be delivered to the Client.

(plus other criteria not shown in this example)


Some Samples from the OVERALL SECURITY section are:

The Client requires a potential ESP to provide a comprehensive set of security measures designed to preserve and protect the integrity and confidentiality of the Client's data. These measures are to address physical security, network security, data security, and document security as described below.

PHYSICAL SECURITY has been determined by the client as a mandatory requirement. Please indicate with a YES which of the following are currently being provided by your firm:

Is a physical search of all staff required to enter and leave your firm's facilities?

Does the physical search include inspecting any packages such as brief cases,

purses, backpacks, and other containers?

(plus other criteria not shown in this example)

DOCUMENT SECURITY has been determined by the client as a mandatory requirement. Please indicate with a YES which of the following are currently being provided by your firm:

Are all client documents stored in a secure area when not in use?

(plus other criteria not shown in this example)


Some Samples from the BUISINESS CONTINUITY PLAN section are:

The Client requires all ESPs responding to this RFP to have established, well defined Business Continuity Plans that address all forms of natural and man-made catastrophes.

Does your firm have an established Crisis Action Plan dedicated to the transfer

of data, documents, systems, and client projects from a facility impacted by a crisis to another, unaffected facility?

(plus other criteria not shown in this example)


A typical SAMPLE from the TRAINING section is:

The Client requires that plans be made to give all existing users thorough initial training prior to actual cut-over, and that 24/7 access to user training materials be

made available on an on-going basis.




RETURN to TOP of Page

Call 865-484-1233 or email info@ if you do not see what you need! There are many detailed questions and statements investigating this BPO topic not shown in this sample set.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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