Minutes from the May 6, 2005 were approved




December 7, 2012

1:300 p.m., Distance Education Rooms

Members Present: Paul Basileo, Steve Clark, Pete DiGregorio, Davorin Dujmovic, Liz Foley, Joseph Gansrow, Ed Hassildine, Nina Leonhardt,

Susan Lieberthal, Faye Lourenso, Gary Ris, Marya Shepherd, Helen Wittmann

Members Absent: Christopher Conzen, Nick Hoffman, Allen Keener, Thomas Law, Nathaniel Pugh, David Quinn, Steve Rios, Jane Shearer


Present: Grzegorz Fabiszewski, Doug Kahn, Alicia O’Connor o/b/o Louis Petrizzo, Drew Rabinowitz

I. Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on October 5, 2012 were approved.

II. Campus Computing Council and Technology Deans Reports

a. Ammerman Campus – No Report

b. East Campus – No Report

c. Grant Campus – Joseph Gansrow

a) The Grant Campus Computing Council met and yielded requests for more email storage space for faculty.

1) SC suggested that faculty could web enhance their classes with D2L. Students could submit all of their work through D2L and there is a storage locker which allows professors to store large files.

2) JG inquired if training was needed for faculty members to web enable classes? DK responded that faculty members are greatly encouraged to attend training.

3) The discussion resulted in the decision to add a question to the Faculty Technology Survey regarding the need for more email storage for faculty.

b) Request for wireless mice for faculty

1) The College Computing Council determined that requests for wireless mice should be presented to the department heads and purchased by the departments. Much like USB’s, the wireless mice would be treated as outside devices.

d. Technology Dean’s Report - No Report

III. Subcommittee Reports

a. Academic Computing Subcommittee – Ed Hassildine

a) Print Management Solution

1) The collected college printer stats and results were distributed to the committee.

2) Member feedback on print solution packages, compatibility to work with the 80211X supplicant, and pricing is expected.

3) SC suggested that the information previously collected for the Print Solution presentation in 1999 should be revisited. SC and EH will meet at try to come up with an analysis regarding the need for a print solution and how it would be helpful using the data collected in 1999.

4) Due to the time constraint, the determination was made that the report would probably not be completed in time for the present budget request. A suggestion was made to reach out to other SUNY schools to see if they would be willing to share their analysis. SL will contact Nassau Community College. If Nassau Community College is willing to share their analysis and solution the attempt will be made to submit for the current budget request. Otherwise, if the proposal is not competed in time for the current budget request it will have to be delayed until the end of the spring semester if there is end of the year money, or postponed until next year at this time.

b. Standards Subcommittee – Pete DiGregorio

a) Expiration of NYS Contract for Print Printers

1) Prompted by notification that the NYS contract for print printers is due to expire we obtained price comparisons for print printers.

b) Fax Machine Standard

1) SC requested that the Standards Committee post a fax machine as a recommended model. Steve has done research and found a model that is compatible and will work best with our system. PD replied that the model standards are listed on the Desktop Support website. SC said he will keep the review.

2) PD inquired if the copy machines leased by the college had fax capabilities. SC responded that they do and modules and service must be purchased as well.

c. Student Technology Fee Subcommittee – Paul Basileo

a) The committee met and is collecting information for new projects for the budget proposal.

1) Some of the possible new projects may be a text messaging project, an Illuminate project, a project for additional networking capabilities, the EMS (Enterprise Management Software) project and a pilot for electronic classroom retro fitting in Student Technologies.

2) PB will forward the proposal to the committee for their comments by December 20th.

d. Training Subcommittee – Nina Leonhardt

a) The committee did not meet but NL emailed the lead people who would be trained to determine what the training will be in January in order to come forward for the proposal.

1) GR invited NL to take a look at the online Java training provided by Skillsoft that The Computer Center is looking into. He will provide more information as he receives it.

e. Networking Services/ Wireless Subcommittee –Steve Clark

a) Changes to the membership and Charge of the Networking Services/Wireless Subcommittee were submitted to the College Computing Council and accepted.

b) The committee is scheduled to meet in January 2013.

f. Policy Subcommittee – Alicia O’Connor

a) Reconstitution of the Policy Subcommittee

1) AO reported that General Counsel Petrizzo thinks it’s advisable to reconstitute the Policy Subcommittee and recommends that the members thereafter can make recommendations.

b) Membership

1) GR will send the list of members who were previously on the committee and then discuss with AO if they would like to continue with these individuals.

2) Once membership has been determined a meeting can be scheduled.

c) Content

1) AO inquired as to the content of the subcommittee. GR explained that it pertains to Technology Utilization. GR suggested the question regarding the college owned iPads and individuals wanting to purchase apps that will be based in the Cloud as a topic for discussion.

d) Use of GSA and other State’s contracts for purchases

1) In response to a question at the previous College Computing Council meeting, AO advised that the Federal GSA contracts and other states contracts may be used for purchases until the year 2017. However, there must be a provision in the contract that states that it’s available for use among other public entities. These contracts may be used for the purchase of apparatus, materials, equipment or supplies, and contracts or services related to the installation, maintenance or repair of such apparatus, materials, and equipment.

2) GR recommends checking with the vendor to see if they are on any other State, OGS or GSA contracts and asking the vendor to provide the contract number and where to obtain the information.

3) BOCES contracts may not be used as the college is not a political subdivision and therefore may not enter into an inter-municipal agreement.

g. Planning Subcommittee - Gary Ris

a) The Planning Subcommittee Meeting scheduled for November 2, 2012 was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. The next meeting will consist of discussions primarily on the development of the Technology Plan.

IV. Old Business

a. Student Computing Webpage –Doug Kahn

a) The Student Computing Webpage has been put to the side due to D2L’s upgrade to Version 10.1 in the test system. It was a disaster. Version 10.1 does not work in our construct so we had to step back, reload 10 from backup.

b. Faculty Technology Guide – GR

a) Editing of the Faculty Technology Guide is postponed until the results of the Faculty Survey have been received.

c. SAN – Doug Kahn

a) Installation Status and OS Support Responsibilities

1) DK requested extra manuals himself and Steve Clark in order to discuss the how the setup will work on backups on the Network. Installation is planned for January.

d. iPad Pilot Project – Steve Clark/Doug Kahn

a) Kindle Fire, Windows Tablet

1) SC is trying to get a demo on the Windows Tablet, Surface. The Surface offers Windows 8 OS or their snap-in technology which is their equivalent to an iPad. He is hoping to get one of each to evaluate.

b) Device Management

1) We requested another 30 day trial to start in January. Airwatch will be setting up a cloud management environment so we can connect the iPad to their cloud management and then we would be able to manage and manipulate the device. This will give us a baseline of what to look at with other software applications.

c) iTunes Account

1) DK reported that an iTunes account had not been established as of yet. A discussion ensued and the decision was made to wait and see what is requested in the next budget request.

e. Options for Storing and Distributing Videos SAN/iTunes– Doug Kahn

a) Contract/Agreement Status

1) DK reported that the SUNY contract along with the Apple representative has been provided to Legal Affairs for review.

2) AO reported that she had just received the SUNY contract prior to the meeting. Having briefly looked it over, she didn’t think it would be difficult. She will review the SUNY contract and will contact the Apple representative within the next few days.

f. NAC/ICE Status – Steve Clark

a) Due to a big delay resulting from hurricane Sandy we now hope to have the pilot up and running for the winter session and for a more full deployment sometime late spring, then to be fully deployed in the summer.

g. Print Management Software / NAC Authentication – ETU’s

a) The Academic Computing Subcommittee’s report on this topic is outlined in Section III. Subcommittee Reports, a.

h. Technology Survey - Campus Computing Councils

a) Final Draft

1) HW reported that the final draft that Marya created went to Governance for review. June Ohrnberger will send it to GR with their recommendations. Then GR will send it back to MS. HW or MS will make the edits and send it back to GR for distribution.

b) Google Docs/Survey Monkey

1) MS inquired if the final product should remain in Google Docs, the format in which the survey was created, or if it should be sent out through Survey Monkey? GR said that he would talk with Institutional Effectiveness since they do a lot of surveys.

c) Target Distribution

1) The committee agreed that the beginning of the spring semester would yield the greatest response from the faculty community.

i. Technology Assessment - GR

a) The Planning Committee did not meet so we did not have an opportunity to work on the technology assessment.

b) GR will invite Chris Shults from Planning and Institutional Effectiveness to the next Planning Subcommittee meeting to talk about developing operational plans and then to talk to the College Computing Council as a whole.

c) The college is getting close to completing its Strategic Plan which we will be able to reference and is very important in the development of an operational plan. Some progress is anticipated between now and the start of spring semester.

j. Student Email – GR/DK

a) Microsoft changing Windows Live to Office 365

1) Microsoft is changing our agreement from Windows Live to Office 365. SUNY is renegotiating the contract with them and we expect that to be happening pretty quickly and we have to change a bit of our setup in order to enable 365 to work. DK will forward a D2L guide that discusses technical touch points to GR

V. New Business

a. Use of GSA and other State’s contracts for purchases

a) The Policy Subcommittee’s report on this topic is outlined in Section III. Subcommittee Reports, f.

a. FY13-14 Computer budget request (replacement computers)

a) A discussion took place after the meeting regarding the logistics of the computer replacement budget request for the fiscal year 2013-2014.


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