169757-187960003677285762000 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIONFEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICEAUTHORIZED FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE PRICE LIST ?On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage!, a menu-driven database system. The Internet address for GSA Advantage! is: Title: Multiple Award Schedule (Formerly known as GSA IT Schedule 70)?CONTRACT NUMBER:GS-35F-0027MPeriod Covered by Contract:October 15, 2016 – October 14, 2021??GEOCENT, L.L.C.111 Veterans Memorial Blvd.Suite 1600Metairie, LA 70005Tel: 504-831-1900FAX: 504-831-1901 General Services AdministrationMod PS-A812, dated 02/05/2020CONTRACTOR’S ADMINISTRATION SOURCE :Amy M. TrosclairContracts ManagerContracts@?Business Size: LargeDUNS: 02-238-4115For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules, click on the Federal Agency Customers button at GSA AWARDED TERMS AND CONDITIONSGEOCENT, L.L.C.?1a. Table of awarded special item number(s) with appropriate cross-reference to item descriptions and awarded price(s).SINSIN Description54151SInformation Technology (IT) Professional Services (formerly known as SIN 132-51)54151HEALHealth Information Technology Services (formerly know as SIN 132-56)1b. Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the contract. See attached GSA Awarded Pricelist1c. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates, a description of all corresponding commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services shall be provided. If hourly rates are not applicable, indicate not applicable for this item.See attached GSA Awarded Pricelist2. Maximum order*: SINMaximum Order54151S $500,000 54151HEAL$500,000* If the best value selection places your order over the Maximum Order identified in this catalog/pricelist, you have an opportunity to obtain a better schedule contract price. Before placing your order, contact the aforementioned contactor for a better price. The contractor may (1) offer a new price for this requirement (2) offer the lowest price available under this contract or (3) decline the order. A delivery order that exceeds the maximum order may be placed under the schedule contract in accordance with FAR 8.404.3. Minimum order: $1004. Geographic Coverage (delivery area): 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and all U.S. Government installations and/or agencies abroad.5. Point(s) of production (city, county, and State or foreign country): USGEOCENT, L.L.C.111 Veterans Memorial Blvd.Suite 1600Metairie, LA 700056. Discount from list prices or statement of net price: See attached GSA Awarded Pricelist7. Quantity discounts: None8. Prompt payment terms: NET 30 days from receipt of invoice or date of acceptance, whichever is later9a. Government purchase cards are accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold. 9b. Government purchase cards are accepted above the micro-purchase threshold. Foreign items (list items by country of origin): N/A11a. Time of delivery: 30 Days or as negotiated on the task order level. 11b. Expedited Delivery: To be negotiated at the task order level11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery: To be negotiated at the task order level11d. Urgent Requirements: To be negotiated at the task order level12. F.O.B. point(s): Destination13a. Ordering address:GEOCENT, L.L.C.111 Veterans Memorial Blvd.Suite 1600Metairie, LA 70005Phone: 504-831-1900Fax: 504-831-1901?13b. Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) are found in FAR 8.405-3.14. Payment address: Same as address above15. Warranty provision: N/A16. Export packing charges, if applicable: N/A 17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold18. Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable): N/A19. Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable): N/A20. Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable): N/A20a. Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable): N/A21. List of service and distribution points (if applicable): N/A22. List of participating dealers (if applicable): N/A23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable): N/A24a. Special attributes such as environmental attributes (e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants): N/A24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found at the following: The EIT standards can be found at: . 25. Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number: 02-238-411526. Notification regarding registration in System for Award Management (SAM) database:Contractor has an Active Registration in the SAM database.TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 54151S)?1.SCOPEa.The prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 54151S Information Technology Professional Services apply exclusively to IT Professional Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule.b.The Contractor shall provide services at the Contractor’s facility and/or at the ordering activity location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.2.PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES I-FSS-60 Performance Incentives (April 2000)a.Performance incentives may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the ordering activity on individual fixed price orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements under this contract.b.The ordering activity must establish a maximum performance incentive price for these services and/or total solutions on individual orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements.c.Incentives should be designed to relate results achieved by the contractor to specified targets. To the maximum extent practicable, ordering activities shall consider establishing incentives where performance is critical to the ordering activity’s mission and incentives are likely to motivate the contractor. Incentives shall be based on objectively measurable tasks.3.ORDERa. Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, blanket purchase agreements, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Agreements shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period; all services and delivery shall be made and the contract terms and conditions shall continue in effect until the completion of the order. Orders for tasks which extend beyond the fiscal year for which funds are available shall include FAR 52.232-19 (Deviation – May 2003) Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year. The purchase order shall specify the availability of funds and the period for which funds are available.b. All task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event of conflict between a task order and the contract, the contract will take precedence.4.PERFORMANCE OF SERVICESa.The Contractor shall commence performance of services on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.b.The Contractor agrees to render services only during normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.c.The ordering activity should include the criteria for satisfactory completion for each task in the Statement of Work or Delivery Order. Services shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner.d.Any Contractor travel required in the performance of IT Services must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Established Federal Government per diem rates will apply to all Contractor travel. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts.5.STOP-WORK ORDER (FAR 52.242-15) (AUG 1989)(a)The Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the Contractor, require the Contractor to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this contract for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order issued under this clause. Upon receipt of the order, the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work is delivered to the Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either-(1)Cancel the stop-work order; or(2)Terminate the work covered by the order as provided in the Default, or the Termination for Convenience of the Government, clause of this contract.(b)If a stop-work order issued under this clause is canceled or the period of the order or any extension thereof expires, the Contractor shall resume work. The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price, or both, and the contract shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if-(1)The stop-work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this contract; and(2)The Contractor asserts its right to the adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of work stoppage; provided, that, if the Contracting Officer decides the facts justify the action, the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon the claim submitted at any time before final payment under this contract.(c)If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for the convenience of the Government, the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order in arriving at the termination settlement.(d) If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for default, the Contracting Officer shall allow, by equitable adjustment or otherwise, reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order.INSPECTION OF SERVICESIn accordance with FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS--COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) for Firm-Fixed Price orders and FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ?COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I ? OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts orders placed under this contract.RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTORThe Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City, or otherwise) covering work of this character. If the end product of a task order is software, then FAR 52.227-14 (Dec 2007) Rights in Data – General, may apply.RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ORDERING ACTIVITYSubject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit Contractor access to all facilities necessary to perform the requisite IT Professional Services.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORAll IT Professional Services performed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract shall be as an independent Contractor, and not as an agent or employee of the ordering ANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTERESTDefinitions.“Contractor” means the person, firm, unincorporated association, joint venture, partnership, or corporation that is a party to this contract.“Contractor and its affiliates” and “Contractor or its affiliates” refers to the Contractor, its chief executives, directors, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors at any tier, and consultants and any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which the Contractor subsequently merges or affiliates, or any other successor or assignee of the Contractor.An “Organizational conflict of interest” exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a proposed ordering activity contract, without some restriction on ordering activities by the Contractor and its affiliates, may either (i) result in an unfair competitive advantage to the Contractor or its affiliates or (ii) impair the Contractor’s or its affiliates’ objectivity in performing contract work.b. To avoid an organizational or financial conflict of interest and to avoid prejudicing the best interests of the ordering activity, ordering activities may place restrictions on the Contractors, its affiliates, chief executives, directors, subsidiaries and subcontractors at any tier when placing orders against schedule contracts. Such restrictions shall be consistent with FAR 9.505 and shall be designed to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate organizational conflicts of interest that might otherwise exist in situations related to individual orders placed against the schedule contract. Examples of situations, which may require restrictions, are provided at FAR 9.508.INVOICESThe Contractor, upon completion of the work ordered, shall submit invoices for IT Professional services. Progress payments may be authorized by the ordering activity on individual orders if appropriate. Progress payments shall be based upon completion of defined milestones or interim products.Invoices shall be submitted monthly for recurring services performed during the preceding month.PAYMENTSFor firm-fixed price orders the ordering activity shall pay the Contractor, upon submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated in this contract for service rendered and accepted. Progress payments shall be made only when authorized by the order. For time-and-materials orders, the Payments under Time -and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.212-4 (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I – OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to time-and-materials orders placed under this contract. For labor-hour orders, the Payment under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.212-4 (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I – OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to labor-hour orders placed under this contract. 52.216-31(Feb 2007) Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Commercial Item Acquisition As prescribed in 16.601(e)(3), insert the following provision:The Government contemplates award of a Time-and-Materials or Labor-Hour type of contract resulting from this solicitation.The offeror must specify fixed hourly rates in its offer that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit. The offeror must specify whether the fixed hourly rate for each labor category applies to labor performed by—The offeror;Subcontractors; and/orDivisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control.RESUMESResumes shall be provided to the GSA Contracting Officer or the user ordering activity upon request.INCIDENTAL SUPPORT COSTSIncidental support costs are available outside the scope of this contract. The costs will be negotiated separately with the ordering activity in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the FAR.APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTSThe ordering activity may require that the Contractor receive, from the ordering activity's Contracting Officer, written consent before placing any subcontract for furnishing any of the work called for in a task order.DESCRIPTION OF IT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND PRICINGThe Contractor shall provide a description of each type of IT Service offered under Special Item Numbers 54151S IT Professional Services should be presented in the same manner as the Contractor sells to its commercial and other ordering activity customers. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates, a description of all corresponding commercial job titles (labor categories) for those individuals who will perform the service should be provided.Pricing for all IT Professional Services shall be in accordance with the Contractor’s customary commercial practices; e.g., hourly rates, monthly rates, term rates, and/or fixed prices, minimum general experience and minimum education.TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 54151HEAL)Vendor suitability for offering services through the new Health IT SIN must be in accordance with the following laws and standards when applicable to the specific task orders, including but not limited to:Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH)The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and Special PublicationsFederal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002?1.SCOPEa.The labor categories, prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 54151HEAL Health Information Technology Services apply exclusively to Health IT Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule.b.This SIN is limited to Health IT Services only. Software and hardware products are out of scope. Hardware and software can be acquired through different Special Item Numbers on IT Schedule 70 (e.g. 54151S).c.This SIN provides ordering activities with access to Health IT services.d.Health IT Services provided under this SIN shall comply with all Healthcare certifications and industry standards as applicable at the task order level.e.The Contractor shall provide services at the Contractor’s facility and/or at the ordering activity location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.2.ORDERa. Agencies may use written orders, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) orders, Blanket Purchase Agreements, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Agreements shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period; all services and delivery shall be made and the contract terms and conditions shall continue in effect until the completion of the order. Orders for tasks which extend beyond the fiscal year for which funds are available shall include FAR 52.232-19 (Deviation – May 2003) Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year. The purchase order shall specify the availability of funds and the period for which funds are available.b. All task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event of conflict between a task order and the contract, the contract will take precedence.PERFORMANCE OF SERVICESThe Contractor shall commence performance of services on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. All Contracts will be fully funded.The Contractor agrees to render services only during normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.The ordering activity should include the criteria for satisfactory completion for each task in the Statement of Work or Delivery Order. Services shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner.Any Contractor travel required in the performance of Health IT Services must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Established Federal Government per diem rates will apply to all Contractor travel. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts. All travel will be agreed upon with the client prior to the Contractor’s travel.INSPECTION OF SERVICESIn accordance with FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS-- COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) for Firm-Fixed Price orders and FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ?COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I ? OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts orders placed under this contract.RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTORThe Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City, or otherwise) covering work of this character. If the end product of a task order is software, then FAR 52.227-14 (Dec 2007) Rights in Data – General, may apply.RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ORDERING ACTIVITYSubject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit Contractor access to all facilities necessary to perform the requisite Health IT Services.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORAll Health IT Services performed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract shall be as an independent Contractor, and not as an agent or employee of the ordering ANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTERESTa. Definitions.“Contractor” means the person, firm, unincorporated association, joint venture, partnership, or corporation that is a party to this contract.“Contractor and its affiliates” and “Contractor or its affiliates” refers to the Contractor, its chief executives, directors, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors at any tier, and consultants and any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which the Contractor subsequently merges or affiliates, or any other successor or assignee of the Contractor.An “Organizational conflict of interest” exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a proposed ordering activity contract, without some restriction on ordering activities by the Contractor and its affiliates, may either (i) result in an unfair competitive advantage to the Contractor or its affiliates or (ii) impair the Contractor’s or its affiliates’ objectivity in performing contract work.b. To avoid an organizational or financial conflict of interest and to avoid prejudicing the best interests of the ordering activity, ordering activities may place restrictions on the Contractors, its affiliates, chief executives, directors, subsidiaries and subcontractors at any tier when placing orders against schedule contracts. Such restrictions shall be consistent with FAR 9.505 and shall be designed to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate organizational conflicts of interest that might otherwise exist in situations related to individual orders placed against the schedule contract. Examples of situations, which may require restrictions, are provided at FAR 9.508.INVOICESThe Contractor, upon completion of the work ordered, shall submit invoices for Health IT Professional services. Progress payments may be authorized by the ordering activity on individual orders if appropriate. Progress payments shall be based upon completion of defined milestones or interim products. Invoices shall be submitted monthly for recurring services performed during the preceding month.RESUMESResumes shall be provided to the GSA Contracting Officer or the user ordering activity upon request.INCIDENTAL SUPPORT COSTSIncidental support costs are not considered part of the scope of this contract. The costs will be negotiated separately with the ordering activity in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the FAR.APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTSThe ordering activity may require that the Contractor receive, from the ordering activity's Contracting Officer, written consent before placing any subcontract for furnishing any of the work called for in a task order.DESCRIPTION OF HEALTH IT SERVICES AND PRICINGThe Contractor shall provide a description of each type of Health IT Service offered under Special Item Numbers 54151HEAL Health IT Services and it should be presented in the same manner as the Contractor sells to its commercial and other ordering activity customers. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates, a description of all corresponding commercial job titles (labor categories) for those individuals who will perform the service should be provided.Pricing for all Health IT Services shall be in accordance with the Contractor’s customary commercial practices; e.g., hourly rates, monthly rates, term rates, and/or fixed prices, minimum general experience and minimum education.The following is an example of the manner in which the description of a commercial job title should be presented:EXAMPLE: Commercial Job Title: Health IT Subject Matter ExpertMinimum Experience: Ten (10) years.Functional Responsibilities: Significant information technology consulting and clinical information system strategy and implementation experience. Experienced in client engagements representing a wide array of activities, related to professional information technology projects, in a healthcare/clinical environment, including strategic planning related to information technology systems and/or software, governance, process design/ redesign, clinical content development, and communications and training strategies for information technology solutions.Minimum Education: Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.GSA Approved Labor Category DescriptionsLABOR CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS AND QUALIFICATIONSGeocent, L.L.C. provides professional services to satisfy client requirements in the Information Technology business environment. Geocent, L.L.C.’s personnel who are assigned to perform work under this contract will possess the identified levels of education, experience and expertise by position as described in this section.Education substituted for general experience: Formal education resulting in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree may be substituted as the equivalent of four (4) years of experience for each degree earned.Experience substituted for formal education: Four (4) years of experience in a related field or discipline may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree. Eight (8) years of experience in a related field or discipline may be substituted for a Master’s degree.Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions of this contract, ultimate determination and acceptance of a proposed individual for performance under a specific effort rests with the client.PRINCIPAL SYSTEMS ANALYSTMinimum/General Experience: 8 years’ experience which includes analysis, acquisition and design of cross functional business applications, using relational database management systems, and programming languages and development tools. Demonstrated ability to formulate specifications for software engineers to use in coding, testing, and debugging computer programs. Ability to work complex application problems involving all phases of the systems development life cycle.Functional Responsibility: Perform as primary point of contact between the user community and the software engineering community in formulating specifics for automated information systems development or acquisition. Provide technical direction for performing software development tasks, including the review of work products for correctness, adherence to the design concept and to ensure problem solution and user standards. Make recommendations, if needed, for approval of major system installations. Prepare milestone status reports and deliverables/presentations on the system concept to colleagues, subordinates, and end user representatives as required. Provides project management and project support in the form of technical writing, configuration management, quality assurance, technical training, data architecture and DBA support. Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or other related discipline. SENIOR SYSTEMS ANALYSTMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE: 5 years’ experience which includes analysis, acquisition and design of software applications for large-scale computers, database management and use of modern programming languages. Demonstrated ability to formulate specifications for software engineers to use in coding, testing, and debugging computer programs. Ability to work complex application problems involving all phases of the systems development life cycle.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYProvide technical direction for performing software development tasks, and the review of work products for correctness, adherence to the design concept and to ensure problem solution and user standards. Make recommendations, if needed, for approval of major system installations. Prepare milestone status reports and deliverables/presentations on the system concept to colleagues, subordinates, and end user representatives as required. Provides project management and project support in the form of technical writing, configuration management, quality assurance, technical training, data architecture and DBA support. MINIMUM EDUCATIONBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or other related discipline. SYSTEMS ANALYSTMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE: 3 years’ experience which includes analysis and design of software applications. Experience in data base management concepts, and use of modern programming languages, designing technical applications on computer systems and demonstrated ability to formulate specifications for software engineers to use in coding, testing, and debugging computer programs. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYAnalyze and develop computer software. Develop plans for automated information systems from concept to deployment. Analyze user interfaces, analyze workload and computer usage, maintain interfaces with outside systems, analyze downtimes, analyze proposed system modifications, upgrades and COTS applications. Develop system requirements and program specifications. Coordinate closely with programmers to ensure proper implementation of program and system specifications. Provides project management and project support in the form of technical writing, configuration management, quality assurance, technical training, data architecture and DBA support. MINIMUM EDUCATIONBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or other related disciplineSUBJECT MATTER EXPERT CMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE: 7 years of progressively increasing responsible subject matter experience, in similar work environments. Concentrated hands-on experience in the specific functional discipline of the subject matter field required by a customer task order.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Perform as a consultant in highly specialized subject areas. Provide highly technical and/or specialized guidance concerning automation solutions to complex information processing problems related to the subject matter field. Perform analyses and studies; prepare reports and give presentations as necessary. Work independently or as a member of a team. MINIMUM EDUCATIONBachelor’s Degree in appropriate subject matter fields or related disciplines. TEST SUPPORTMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE3 years of general experience, good communication skills, familiarity with test methodologies, test scenario design, requirements-based testing, test planning and reporting, detail oriented. Familiarity with automated scripting utilities, SQL script testing, dataset generation and manipulation and software tools used for configuration management and bug tracking helpful. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYWorks with Test Engineer to develop test cases and formal test plans to implement large information system. Provides testing input for program engineering and acquisition documents and products. Test software system and reports defects clearly and concisely. Tracks all system bugs/discrepancies, and ensures software engineers resolve and incorporate necessary fixes. Performs complex and repetitive testing to ensure computer system conforms to specifications. MINIMUM EDUCATIONAssociate’s degree in information management, computer science or related field.SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE5 years’ experience managing or performing software engineering activities, demonstrated experience working with programming languages in the design and implementation of automated information systems using modern technology.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYAnalyze and study complex system requirements. Manage software development, and support using formal specifications, data flow diagrams, other accepted design techniques, and Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools. Estimate software development costs and schedules. Review existing programs, and assist in making refinements, reducing operating time and improving current development methods. Establish and manage software configuration management. Translate detailed design requirements into computer software. Test, debug, and refine the computer software to produce the required product. Ensure the preparation of the required documentation including both program level and user-level documentation. Facilitate the enhancement of software to reduce operating time and/or to improve efficiency.MINIMUM EDUCATIONBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or other related discipline.SOFTWARE ENGINEERMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE2 years’ experience working with modern software languages in the design and implementation of automated information systems. Experience working with modern technology.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYDevelop software tools and subsystems to support software implementation. Interpret software requirements, and design specifications to code, integrate and test software components. Translate detailed design requirements into computer software. Test, debug and refine the computer software to produce the required product. Ensure the preparation of the required documentation, including both program level and user-level documentation. Facilitate the enhancement of software to reduce operation time and/or to improve efficiency.MINIMUM EDUCATIONBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or other related discipline.SENIOR TECHNICIANMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE4 years’ experience which includes: comprehensive knowledge of computer operating systems, networking, e-mail systems and standards.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYResponsible for providing telecommunications and direct support to users in the areas of e-mail, directories, standard Windows desktop applications, Web services for distributed computing applications developed or deployed. Serve as the primary point of contact for troubleshooting client related hardware/software problems. Provide account administrative services and track outstanding hardware/software problems until successful resolution. Manage small teams of technicians if required.MINIMUM EDUCATIONAssociate’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or other related discipline; or documented evidence of other civilian and/or military equivalent training and experience.SENIOR NETWORK ENGINEERMINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE6 years’ experience in networking of computers and knowledge of OSI protocols. Also includes, supervising the operation and maintenance of communication network systems.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITYEvaluate communication hardware and software, troubleshoot LAN/MAN/WAN and other network related problems, provide technical expertise for performance and configuration of networks. Perform general LAN/MAN/WAN administration, provide technical leadership in the integration and test of computer integrated networks. Prepare and present systems level reports as required.MINIMUM EDUCATIONBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering or other related discipline, or technical certification equivalent to MCSE in required technical competency. CLOUD TRANSITION PLANNING CONSULTANT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 Years of experience in high level consulting, planning, and developing recommendations for technology improvements. A minimum of 1 year of experience in providing recommendations on Cloud transitions. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Provide high level consulting and planning for transitioning from an on-premise technology architecture to a cloud based architecture. Perform discovery and requirements gathering meetings with key stakeholders to identify the high-level business and technology goals, and the drivers for considering a transition to the Cloud. Develop a recommendation for transitioning along with a high-level roadmap with major milestones. Identify high level cost estimates to provide order of magnitude comparisons between transition options, and to approximate return on investment timeframes. MINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Business Administration, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.CLOUD SOLUTION ARCHITECT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:2 Years of experience in networking and server virtualization, or Cloud transitions.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Gathers requirements and designs Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud based system deployments and system transitions. Architecting and planning migrations to commercial cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Office 365, Google Cloud Platform, or similar cloud platforms. A Cloud Solution Architect 2 generally does not perform the actual implementation of the solution. The following types of tasks may be performed by the Cloud Solution Architect 1.Work with end users and application experts to elicit requirements for designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems in cloud based environmentsLift and shift planning for an existing on-premises application to cloud based systemsIngress and egress planning for data migration to and from cloud based systemsSelecting the appropriate cloud service based on data, compute, database, or security requirementsIntegration with on-premises enterprise networks and systemsIdentifying appropriate use of cloud architectural best practicesEstimating cloud costs and identifying cost control mechanismsProviding technical clarity and direction to Cloud IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Consultants as neededMINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.CLOUD SOLUTION ARCHITECT 2MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 Years of experience in networking, server virtualization, or Cloud transitions.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Gathers requirements and designs Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud based system deployments and system transitions. Architecting and planning migrations to commercial cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Office 365, Google Cloud Platform, or similar cloud platforms. May perform in a supervisory or technical lead role on a team of Architects leading the design and recommendations. A Cloud Solution Architect 2 generally does not perform the actual implementation of the solution. The following types of tasks may be performed by the Cloud Solution Architect 2.Work with end users and application experts to elicit requirements for designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems in cloud based systemsLift and shift planning for an existing on-premises application to cloud based systemsIngress and egress planning for data migration to and from cloud based systemsSelecting the appropriate cloud service based on data, compute, database, or security requirementsIntegration with on-premises enterprise networks and systemsIdentifying appropriate use of cloud architectural best practicesEstimating cloud costs and identifying cost control mechanismsProviding tasking and oversight over other technical members of the team performing the design and architectureProviding technical clarity and direction to Cloud IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Consultants as neededReviews final work products for correctness and adherence to design conceptsMINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE AS A SERVICE (IaaS) CONSULTANT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 Years of experience in networking, server virtualization, or Cloud transitions.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Work with Cloud Architects and other technical personnel to implement cloud based infrastructure services such as VMware VCloud, OpenStack, HP CloudSystem, Microsoft Hyper-V or similar cloud platforms based on Architectural designs and network virtualization technologies. This applies to Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud based IT system deployments. Deploying and configuring cloud platforms to provide virtualized computing infrastructure resources over the Internet for the transition of an infrastructure to Public, Private, or Hybrid Clouds. The following types of tasks may be performed by the Cloud IaaS Consultant:Configuring highly scalable resources that can be adjusted on-demandAutomation of administrative tasks Deploying and configuring dynamic scalingDeploying and configuring server and desktop virtualization Deploying and configuring policy-based servicesDevOps activitiesMINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.CLOUD PLATFORM AS A SERVICE (PaaS) CONSULTANT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 Years of experience in object oriented programming practices, software development, software configuration, software installation, or Cloud transitions.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Work with Cloud Architects and other technical personnel to implement cloud based platform services such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure App Services or Web Apps, Heroku, , Google App Engine, Apache Stratos, Sharepoint On-line or similar cloud based PaaS services. This applies to Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud based IT system deployments. The following types of tasks may be performed by the Cloud PaaS Consultant:Software code modifications with .NET, particularly Microsoft Azure and/or Java: Java and J2EE, Spring;Modifications to Python and/or Perl and PHP;Modifying and configuration of Web services and APIs as in RESTful and SOAP;Work using Agile practicesCreation of Design patterns, UML, and similar Experience with Object-oriented programmingConfiguration of Cloud based applications such as CRM Online, Sharepoint Online, or SQL OnlineUtilizing and configuring DevOps technologies (Cfengine, Zookeeper, Capistrano or Chef, etc.)DevOps activitiesMINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.CLOUD SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE (SaaS) CONSULTANT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 Years of experience in object oriented programming practices, software development, software configuration, software installation, or Cloud transitions.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Work with Cloud Architects and other technical personnel to implement cloud based software as services offerings such as Amazon, Google Apps, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365 and similar enterprise SaaS offerings. Designing, developing and deploying cloud based SaaS solutions. This applies to Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud based IT system deployments. The following types of tasks may be performed by the Cloud SaaS Consultant:Object oriented programming, unit testing, debugging and code organization skillsImplementation of Spring, Hibernate, JMS, Test NG, relational databases and SQLMigration and configuration of mail systems, messaging systems, or communications systems such as Microsoft Office 365Implementing high performance Web services using SOAP/RESTQuickly learn and develop expertise in highly complex existing applications and architecturesWork with high volume distributed application development in a SaaS environmentUtilize configuration management tools (i.e. Chef, Puppet).Perform monitoring with Nagios or similar tool(s).Using JSON, NGINX (or similar), Python, shell scriptsDevOps activitiesMINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.CLOUD FULL STACK CONSULTANT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 Years of experience in networking, server virtualization, object-oriented programming, software development, software configuration, software installation, or Cloud transition.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Design and implement full stack cloud solutions to include IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Design and deploy computing infrastructure, physical or virtual machines and other resources like virtual-machine disk image library, block and file-based storage, firewalls, load balancers, IP addresses, virtual local area networks. Implement cloud based platform services such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure Cloud Services, Heroku, , Google App Engine, Apache Stratos, Puppet, Chef or similar cloud based PaaS services. Implement cloud based software as services offerings such as Amazon, Google Apps, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Office 365 and similar enterprise SaaS offerings. Perform DevOps functions. May serve in a project oversight role as the technical or project lead due to the broad technical knowledge of Cloud solutions. This applies to Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud based IT system deployments. MINIMUM EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, or related discipline or substitute 4 years’ experience involving cloud based architecture or implementation. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable Cloud Computing vendor certification can be substituted for a BS Degree.HEALTH IT SOLUTIONS CONSULTANT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:2 years of experience in participating in the delivery of technology solutions. Experience can be from any role in the life-cycle for delivering technology solutions, whether functional or technical. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Participate in the life cycle of delivering and supporting innovative Health IT solutions, including implementation of new solutions or Operations and Maintenance functions for existing solutions. These life cycles would include Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, and other delivery and operational methodologies. Health IT Solutions Consultants assist clients in the areas of Connected Health, Health Information Exchanges, Health Analytics, Health Informatics and Other Health IT services. The following types of technology solutions may be included:Software HardwareNetworking and InfrastructureData IntegrationCloudThe Health IT Solutions Consultant 1 will generally perform in a junior to mid-level role. The roles and responsibilities of the development and operational life cycle of the technology solutions supported may include the following:Project ManagementBusiness analystRequirements elicitation and documentationSystem architecture and designUser interface designSoftware developmentNetwork and telecommunications engineeringCommercial Off the Shelf (COTS) ImplementationDevOps engineeringContinuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/DeploymentSecurity and Information AssuranceSystems AdministrationDatabase AdministrationTesting and Quality AssuranceConfiguration ManagementTraining Development and DeliveryTechnical WritingHelp DeskMINIMUM EDUCATION:Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Business Administration, or related discipline. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable certification in the specific role performed can be substituted for a BS Degree.HEALTH IT SOLUTIONS CONSULTANT 2MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 years of experience in participating in the delivery of technology solutions. Experience can be from any role in the life-cycle for delivering technology solutions, whether functional or technical. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Participate in the life cycle of delivering and supporting innovative Health IT solutions, including implementation of new solutions or Operations and Maintenance functions for existing solutions. These life cycles would include Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, and other delivery and operational methodologies. Health IT Solutions Consultants assist clients in the areas of Connected Health, Health Information Exchanges, Health Analytics, Health Informatics and Other Health IT services The following types of technology solutions may be included:Software HardwareNetworking and InfrastructureData IntegrationCloudThe Health IT Solutions Consultant 2 will generally perform in a mid-level mentoring role. Mid-level role requires exercising independent judgement and technical discretion in various areas including system architecture, system design, integration, and other technical aspects of a Health IT implementation. The roles and responsibilities of the development and operational life cycle of the technology solutions supported may include the following:Program or Project ManagementBusiness analystRequirements elicitation and documentationSystem architecture and designUser interface designSoftware developmentNetwork and telecommunications engineeringCommercial Off the Shelf (COTS) ImplementationDevOps engineeringContinuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/DeploymentSecurity and Information AssuranceSystems AdministrationDatabase AdministrationTesting and Quality AssuranceConfiguration ManagementTraining Development and DeliveryTechnical WritingHelp DeskMINIMUM EDUCATION:Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Business Administration, or related discipline. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable certification in the specific role performed can be substituted for a BS Degree.HEALTH IT SOLUTIONS CONSULTANT 3MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:6 years of experience in participating in the delivery of technology solutions. Experience can be from any role in the life-cycle for delivering technology solutions, whether functional or technical. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Participate in the life cycle of delivering and supporting innovative Health IT solutions, including implementation of new solutions or Operations and Maintenance functions for existing solutions. These life cycles would include Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, and other delivery and operational methodologies. Health IT Solutions Consultants assist clients in the areas of Connected Health, Health Information Exchanges, Health Analytics, Health Informatics and Other Health IT services. The following types of technology solutions may be included:Software HardwareNetworking and InfrastructureData IntegrationCloudThe Health IT Solutions Consultant 3 will generally perform in a senior role that leads complex technology deployments applying experience in system development and integration activities. This role is typically responsible for complex tasks associated with system architecture, system design, integration, and other technical aspects of a Health IT implementation. The roles and responsibilities of the development and operational life cycle of the technology solutions supported may include the following:Program or Project ManagementBusiness analystRequirements elicitation and documentationSystem architecture and designUser interface designSoftware developmentNetwork and telecommunications engineeringCommercial Off the Shelf (COTS) ImplementationDevOps engineeringContinuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/DeploymentSecurity and Information AssuranceSystems AdministrationDatabase AdministrationTesting and Quality AssuranceConfiguration ManagementTraining Development and DeliveryTechnical WritingHelp DeskMINIMUM EDUCATION:Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Business Administration, or related discipline. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable certification in the specific role performed can be substituted for a BS Degree.HEALTH IT SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT 1MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:4 years of experience providing advanced technical or functional knowledge of specialized applications or operational environments in similar subject matters required by a customer requirement.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Provide high-level subject matter expertise in technical or functional areas, or possess unique industry knowledge through direct experience. Provide technical or specialized guidance concerning solutions to complex problems or challenges that can be applied to Health IT. Participate as needed in all phases of solutions development with emphasis on serving as the expert interface between the customer and implementation team.MINIMUM EDUCATION:Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Business Administration, or related discipline in subject matter field. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable certification in the subject matter field can be substituted for a BS Degree.HEALTH IT SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT 2MINIMUM/GENERAL EXPERIENCE:7 years of experience providing advanced technical or functional knowledge of specialized applications or operational environments in similar subject matters required by a customer requirement.FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY:Provide high-level subject matter expertise in technical or functional areas, or possess unique industry knowledge through direct experience. Provide technical or specialized guidance concerning solutions to complex problems or challenges that can be applied to Health IT. Participate as needed in all phases of solutions development with emphasis on serving as the expert interface between the customer and implementation team. Serves as a subject matter technical expert often interfacing with senior level client stakeholders to achieve strategic enterprise technology goals. Produces and reviews complex technical documents within the individual’s subject matter area. May support lower level personnel to solve complex strategic challenges.MINIMUM EDUCATION:Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Business Administration, or related discipline in subject matter field. Obtaining and maintaining an industry recognized applicable certification in the subject matter field can be substituted for a BS Degree.GSA Approved Pricelist #LABOR CATEGORYGSA HOURLY RATE(including IFF)1Principal Systems Analyst$115.002Senior Systems Analyst$102.103Systems Analyst$81.644Subject Matter Expert C$118.425Test Support$55.006Senior Software Engineer$110.007Software Engineer$85.008Senior Technician$65.009Senior Network Engineer$110.0010Cloud Transition Planning Consultant 1$124.6911Cloud Solution Architect 1$142.0712Cloud Solution Architect 2$149.6213Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) Consultant 1$145.0914Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) Consultant 1$136.8315Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) Consultant 1$124.6916Cloud Full Stack Consultant 1$138.2417Health IT Solutions Consultant 1$90.6818Health IT Solutions Consultant 2$110.8319Health IT Solutions Consultant 3$125.9420Health IT Subject Matter Expert 1$130.9821Health IT Subject Matter Expert 2$151.13 ................

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