Saint David’s digital strategyContent:Digital availability within the schoolHow digital provisions are used and stored How it is supported in school Staff training opportunities Provisions for home use Teams and blended learning How we support in class How we share information with home and families How we support ASNMost common used apps Links to important documents Digital leaders within the school Nikki Wright Eva Pexara 1. Digital availability within the school To support digital learning within the school we currently have: 1:1 iPads from P4 up 1:4 iPads P1 – P3 17 laptops 6 beebots and resources, an extra one is in the nursey. A class set of BBC Microbits Active Inspire interactive boards in each classroom Desktop computers linked to interactive boards 2 green screens Portable charging trolleys 2. How digital provisions are used and stored.The above resources are used to support digital and technology learning throughout the school. Resources are used in class, with special provisions for home if needed, to close the gap and promote equity, giving the children of Saint David’s the same digital experiences as others. iPadsAll school staff receive an iPad to help support learners, record learning, ensure digital communication and allow them access to council training. From P1 – P3 the teacher is responsible for the class iPads. iPads can be assigned to groups of children or shared across a year group. Storage – iPads must be stored in the lockable charging docks, not in the classroom. From P4 to P7 children are assigned an iPad which will follow them throughout the years till they leave. They are responsible for their iPad and must follow school rules in looking after them. Storage – iPads must be stored overnight in lockable charging docks. iPads are not to be left out in class overnight where they can be seen, they must be put away in a secure place. Laptops Laptops are stored in a locked cupboard in the ICT room (main learning corridor). To gain access please ask a teaching digital leader. Laptops can be used for teaching purposes as well as a teacher requiring to borrow for personal use. Laptops can only be assigned long term to management for personal use. Other resourcesOther resources to assist in digital learning are kept in the unlocked cupboard in the ICT cupboard. These can be borrowed when needed and returned when finished. 3. How digital learning is supported in school Within school, teacher digital leaders are responsible for the following thingsDistributing iPads in classes Monitoring iPads Trying to repair iPads if need sent away Monitoring Meraki to ensure correct names are with iPads, monitor content and distribute apps Stay up to date with most current health and safety surrounding iPads and trained in best uses of them. Follow up any issues in class with interactive boards, desktops etcShare up to date ideas for digital learning with teaching staff Admin portal – putting children onto teams, removing children who have left or adding children who have started, changing staff passwords. Children digital leaders are responsible for the following things Assisting teachers (Checking devices, downloading an app onto all devices)Maintaining the school digital rules. Creating instructions on how to access/do something digitally Helping in assembly alongside the teacher running it.4. How digital learning is supported for teachers In house CATPT to give all log in information, how to access website and relevant information at start of academic year. Follow up information given at CATs or staff training CAT session given to explain up to date digital methods to assist in blended learning (November)CEC CPD sessions Updates sent to all by PTClickview sessions available Digital leader Sharepoint has all up to date training and videosDigital teach meets hosted by Tynecastle PrimaryCEC professional learning 5. Provisions for home use Contracts School has contracts to be signed prior to iPads going home. These are in English and Polish. They outline how the iPad should be used when at home. Monitoring Digital leaders can monitor iPads from Meraki (an online web page). From Meraki we can:See the location of the iPad.Push apps to the iPad as there is no app store. Monitor anything downloaded.Monitor the time the iPad is used.If inappropriate content is seen on the iPad a member of staff will phone straight away and arrange for collection. Supporting families If an iPad is needed to support home learning for any reason provisions can be made for an iPad to go home weekly. This will be agreed with the teacher, digital leader and parent and a contract signed. Activity will be monitored weekly. The school office supports and helps with digital needs in the school community to support with ParentPay and help with online forms. 6. Teams and blended learning Every child from P1 up has a Team account linked through their Scottish Candidate Number to their school. Instructions on how to link are given by the office with their details. P4 – P7 are expected to sign into their Teams accounts on their school ipad. In the case of a class having to go home to self isolate – iPads will be supplied to that class if school finds out in time. If not and children are already home phone calls will be made to see who requires a device and these will be delivered, contracts will be sent to parents emails with guidelines on proper use. In the case of school closing and we move to blended learning – P4 – P7 will take their iPads home. iPads will be distributed to the children in P1 – P3 that are needed. Contracts will be emailed to all parents with guidelines on proper use. Blended learning If we move to blended learning the following is in place to assist learning: All learning contact between school and home will happen via teams. Work will be posted on Teams on a Monday to complete that week. This will also be available via the website. The teacher will monitor their class Teams page and give feedback on the work submitted. Work may be assigned on assignments on Teams – this allows for anonymity and stops other children seeing work. Teachers may record themselves teaching and post it – this is not a necessity. Teachers may use other platforms to help in teaching – Youtube, websites.Teachers can assign work on apps and monitor its completion – sumdog, education city and oxford owl. We encourage, where possible, to balance using pencil and paper alongside digital use. Teachers will be available and respond during the length of a normal working school day – 8:30 – 17:00 Camera function on teams can be on for both sides so the teacher can see their class to teach. This is not obligatory and is the teachers choice. Microsoft office 365Office 365 is the City of Edinburgh Council’s online communication, storage and collaboration tool for pupils and staff. It can be accessed from any computer, whether at home, school or elsewhere. (It is also accessible from tablets and mobile devices, via a free downloadable app).Office 365 allows pupils to:Use email to communicate with other pupils and their teacher.Save files in their own secure online storage space (OneDrive), and access these files from any computer (at home or school).Share files they have created with other pupils and their teacher.The main advantages of using Office 365 are:Pupils can access schoolwork at home, and homework at school – this should make it easier for pupils to share their learning with parents.Pupils are able to communicate and share files directly with their class teacher – an easy and effective way to submit homework tasks.It allows pupils to gain experience of using an online working environment – helping to prepare them for high school, college or work.All pupils who use Office 365 are also eligible to download Microsoft Office completely free, for use on up to five household computers (and also download the mobile/iPad version for up to five devices). Details on this download are found at:?365-office-download-for-pupils-flyer7. How we support in class iPads should be used to assist in learning, however should not be used for the majority of the school day. Teaching should not be dependant on the use of an iPad for the large part of a school day. iPads may:Support learning for example sumdog for maths, spelling games. Help research for example looking up historical dates, facts or figures. Present learning for example powerpoint and explain everything. All of the above skills need to be taught how to do efficiently, giving great opportunities for children to share knowledge with each other. 8. How we share information with home and families - Class website will be updated every 2 weeks - Class room activity shared via Twitter - Updates will automatically stream to the ‘live updates’ section of the website - Learning leaflets for the term will be uploaded to the website. 9. How we support ASN Support for learning has their own set of iPads set up with apps required. Apps on these iPads range from calming methods to assisting in learning for inclusion in a classroom. To help support ASN you could use:Google translate to assist between home languages and English Clicker – to promote inclusion in writing in a classroom setting. Training is available for this.Games to build fine motor skillsNumber and sound games. Immersive reader built into Microsoft 365. Apps which record their voice instead of writing. 10. Most common used apps Maths Sumdog Big Maths Mod Maths English Oxford Owl Crazy cursiveTeach my monster how to readICT and programming I can AnimateTynker Swift Playground iMovie Presenting work Microsoft programmes Explain everything Green screen Book Creator ASNClicker Connect Clicker Docs Clicker sentences Google Translate Microsoft translate Immersive reader Seeing AI Ivona Others Kahoot – quizzes 10. Link to important documents Digital Learning LinksDPIA - ................

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