Sometimes we can relate to the temple's condition in 2 Chronicles 29:5 when we let our rooms get messy. We can learn a valuable lesson from Hezekiah to dedicate time to get rid of the mess in our lives, clean our homes, and get organized spiritually, as well as realistically.


? Fabric in matching colors ? Empty Cans of varying sizes ? Hot Glue Gun

? Jute Twine ? Cardboard ? Pliers


1. Take a number of empty cans of different sizes and diameters as you may need. Tear off the paper labels and rinse the cans under hot water. Let them dry.

2. Use pliers to fold over any sharp edges that could cut you.

3. Measure the height and circumference of each can. Add 2" to the height measurement and 1" to the circumference measurement and cut fabric to this size. Hot glue the fabric to the can, wrapping the fabric around the can and folding some of the fabric underneath.

4. Hot glue the end when you are done wrapping it around.

? Ruler ? Ribbon ? Felt

? Pencil

5. Fold and hot glue the loose ends. Fold the fabric edge over the top of the can and hot glue.

9. Cut out the cardboard outline you made.

6. Use different colors and patterns for each can. Decorate with jute and add bows and ribbon as you like. On the shorter cans, you do not have to fold the fabric inside the can.

7. Cut a circle out of felt the diameter of each can. Glue this inside the bottom of the cans.

10. Hot glue the cans to the cardboard and to each other.

11. Weave a braid from jute and glue it to the side of the cardboard all the way around.

8. Place all the finished cans together on the cardboard in the order you want. Draw around the outside edge with a pencil.

12. Your organizer is ready! Now your desktop can be in perfect order and all the accessories you need can be handy.

Adult assistance is suggested.


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