Minnesota Department of Education – Adult Basic Education ...

Minnesota Department of Education

Adult Basic Education Office


ABE Post-Secondary Transitions Initiative Overview

FY 2010 is the third year of a three-year initiative dedicated to expanding and enhancing the capacity of Minnesota’s ABE system to provide programming that prepares adults for success in post-secondary education and training. ABE consortia may continue to use year three funds to support staff learning and networking activities, but must also include in the year three plan at least one activity specifically designed as expanded/enhanced programming. Examples of such activities include: curriculum alignment, co-location of services, coordinated referral, articulated certificate programming (e.g. pre-CNA), etc.

Requirements to Receive Post-Secondary Transitions Aid

FY 2010 award letters for each ABE consortium include a line item aid category denoted as Federal Transition Aid. In order to receive that aid, programs must do the following:

• Complete and submit this proposal by September 30, 2009. (Please e-mail the proposal to Cherie Eichinger at cherie.eichinger@state.mn.us.);

• Receive proposal approval from MDE-ABE;

• Conduct the activities described in the proposal over the course of the FY 2009 program year;

• Submit a final report (format to be specified by MDE-ABE) by July 31, 2010.

Activities proposed for year three in this proposal must be clearly related to expanding the consortium’s capacity to one or more of the following:

• Extend traditional credential programming (e.g., GED, HS diploma);

• Articulate instruction with existing higher ed and training pathways (including for students who may not have completed a diploma or passed the GED);

• Focus on building/supporting “schoolability” and employability skills in all ABE participants; and

• Conduct the above activities in coordination with local higher education and training providers including MnSCU institutions and Workforce Centers.

Allowable year three expenditures/activities may include costs associated with:

• attending/hosting meetings with local higher education, training and workforce providers;

• attending trainings or conferences;

• providing staff time for collaboration planning and curriculum development/articulation; and

• implementation of expanded/enhanced services (note that some Year 3 funds must devoted to such activities).

Please describe the goals/objectives and activities related to transitions programming that your consortium will conduct during FY 2009 along with general cost estimates in the following form. You may add additional rows as necessary.

FY 2010 ABE Consortium Post-Secondary Transitions Proposal

Consortium Name:

Name of the Transitions Facilitator/Contact Person for FY 2009:

Phone: E-mail:

|Goal/Objective |Activity |Estimated Cost* |

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* Estimated Cost should not include estimates of administrator or staff time for this activity unless additional funds were paid directly to staff to cover their additional time commitment for this transition to post-secondary activity.


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