Commission/Board Application - City of Thorne Bay

HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" NOTICE OF COMMISSION/BOARD VACANCIESOne of the duties of the Thorne Bay City Council is to appoint members of municipal boards, commissions, and advisory committees. The nominated appointees must have their nominations approved by majority vote of the Thorne Bay City Council.?In keeping with this mandate to open up the procedures of local government to all residents, please view the?directory of municipal appointive boards and commissions?below. ?All residents are urged to volunteer their services to one of these Board or Commissions whose effective operations depend so heavily upon enlightened citizen participation.The City's Boards and Commission are charged with important work that can heavily impact residents. It is important that nominations are made based on a genuine desire to serve the residents and help make it a better place to live. Some boards and commissions are very technical and require members to be able to read and/or interpret regulations or laws. In every case, candidates must be able to function as a group in an open meeting forum while demonstrating respect for the citizens who attend meetings.To be qualified to apply for a Board or Commission, you must be a registered voter who has been a City resident for at least one year.?Commission/Board Application?Planning & Zoning Commission?– (7 vacancies) Performs the city-wide functions of planning, platting and zoning for the city, and to advise the chief executive officer and city council of them.??Shall consider and advise the city council concerning the removal, location, widening, narrowing, vacating, abandonment, change of use, or extension of streets, alleys, grounds, open spaces, building, public utilities and terminals. Consists of not more than 11, but not less than 5 commission members. Meets 1st Monday of every Month. Economic Development Commission?-?(9 vacancies)?a nine-member panel ?- encourages economic development and revitalization. Meets quarterly and one annual meeting at 6:30 p.m.Parks and Recreation Commission?- Two?(2) vacancies?at this time of 11-member commission, two-year terms expire July 31. Recommends programs for implementation. Meets 1st Wed. monthly 7 PM.Streets & Roads Commission?- Seven?(7) vacancies?at this time of 7-member commission - develops and prepares a priority program for the maintenance, repair, construction and funding of roadways within the City of Thorne Bay. The priority program shall address but not be limited to vehicle and pedestrian safety, present and future uses, road classification, right of way and roadway ownership, parking and economic impacts to the local business, residents and city in general. Recommendations should be based on sound engineering practices using local, state and federal guidelines for streets and roads. (Meeting dates have not been established)The streets and roads commission shall consist of members from the community and the number of commission members shall be:two (2) from the South Thorne Bay Subdivision, two (2) from North Thorne Bay, one (1) from the Goose Creek Subdivision, one (1) from Greentree Heights Subdivision, and one (1) at large, all of who shall be property owners within their respective areas. Members shall be appointed by the chief administrative officer and confirmed by the council. Commission members shall elect a chairperson from members, subject to confirmation by the council, to conduct the affairs of the commission. CHAPTER 2.42 COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS SECTIONS:2.42.010 COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS-REGULATIONS. Unless a specific provision provides otherwise in the ordinances of the city, a committee, board or commission of the city shall be governed by each of the following provisions set forth in this chapter. A committee, board or commission shall be established in the manner provided in this chapter. Committees, boards and commissions shall, unless otherwise provided, act in an advisory capacity to the mayor and council. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.020 MEMBERS-TERMS-OFFICERS. The term for each member of a committee, board or commission shall be as set by the mayor or council in the committee’s, board’s, or commission’s formation or as otherwise specified by ordinance. A member of a committee, board or commission shall be a resident of the city and a qualified city voter as defined in Section 2.28.020 of this code. A member of a committee, board or commission must keep current any accounts held with the City (i.e., utilities, lease payments, rents, sales tax, etc). Any member whose accounts fall into delinquency for more than sixty (60) days may be removed from office by a majority vote of the council. City Council will consider financial or other hardships. Any person declaring candidacy for a committee, board or commission shall not be considered until the persons accounts are made current. City Council will consider financial or other hardships. A committee, board or commission shall appoint one of its member’s chairs, for a term to be fixed by the committee, board or commission. The committee, board or commission shall also appoint a vice chair to act in the absence of the chair, or if the chair is unable to act. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998) (Ordinance 06-02-21-01)2.42.030 APPOINTMENT. Each member of a committee, board or commission shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval of the council. The term of appointment to an ad hoc committee, board or commission shall be set by the mayor subject to approval of the council. The terms of initial appointment to a standing committee, board or commission shall be staggered so that, as nearly as possible, a pro rata number of members shall be appointed for each year during the regular term of office established for the members of the committee, board or commission. A member shall serve until the expiration of the member’s term. The regular term of a member of a committee, board or commission shall commence on November 15th of the year of appointment and shall expire on November 14th of the year the member’s term expires or until filled by the members successor. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.040 COMPENSATION. Compensation and expenses of committees, boards or commissions are paid as directed by the city council. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.050 VACANCY. The office of a member of a committee, board or commission shall become vacant on the failure of a member: To attend three consecutive regular and special meetings without excuse; or To attend a majority of regular and special meetings during any calendar year without excuse. A member intending to be absent at a regular or special meeting shall request to be excused in advance of the meeting from which the member will be absent. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.060 EX OFFICIO MEMBERS. The mayor shall be an ex officio member of any committee, board or commission. The mayor may appoint an employee of the city who shall be an ex officio member of a committee, board or commission for the purpose of acting as a secretary to the committee, board or commission or to furnish the committee, board or commission with technical advice and information. An ex officio member shall not be entitled to vote on any question to be determined by the committee, board or commission, nor shall such ex officio member be considered a member for the purpose of establishing a quorum of any committee, board or commission. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.070 MEETINGS. A committee, board or commission shall hold regular meetings at such time and place as may from time to time be designated by the committee, board or commission, but meetings need not be held if no business is pending. The chair of a committee, board or commission, or the city employee, who is an ex officio member of the committee, board or commission, may call a special meeting of the committee, board or commission. A notice showing the time, date and place of the committee, board or commission meeting shall be posted in City Hall and five other public places within the city at least twenty-four hours before the meeting.2.42.080 PROCEDURE. A committee, board or commission shall establish its own rules and order of business. An appeal or quasi-judicial committee, board or commission shall establish reasonable rules and regulations governing proceedings before the committee, board or commission. In all matters of procedure not covered by rules adopted by the committee, board or commission, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be applicable and govern. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.090 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. No member of a committee, board or commission may vote on any question upon which he has a substantial direct or indirect financial interest. No member shall represent any person before the committee, board or commission of which he/she is a member. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.100 QUORUM. A majority of the voting members of a committee, board or commission shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum for the transaction of business, any number less than a quorum may recess a meeting to a later time or date. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.110 EXECUTIVE SESSION. A committee, board, or commission may meet in executive session in the manner provided and for the reasons set forth in Alaska Statute 44.62.310. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.120 REPORTS AND MINUTES.The committee, board or commission shall keep minutes of the committee, board or commission proceedings and such minutes shall record the vote of each member upon every question. The minutes shall immediately be filed in the office of the city clerk and shall be a public record open to inspection by any person. Each committee, board and commission shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the mayor and council prior to July 31st summarizing the activities and business of the committee, board or commission during the preceding twelve-month period ending June 30th. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)2.42.130 APPEAL. An action or decision of a committee, board or commission may be appealed to the council within ten days by filing with the mayor a written notice of appeal expressly setting forth the grounds of the appeal unless otherwise provided for by ordinance. The mayor shall place the appeal on the next council meeting agenda and the council may continue on the appeal hearing up to thirty days. After a hearing on the record, the council may, in whole or part, affirm, modify or deny any appeal. (Ord. 98-05 § 3(part), 1998)CHAPTER 2.48 PLANNING COMMISSION2.48.010 ESTABLISHED-PURPOSE. There is established the planning commission for the city to constitute a department of the city and to perform the city-wide functions of planning, platting and zoning for the city, and to advise the chief executive officer and city council of them. The City Council may perform any one or all of the city-wide functions of planning, platting and/or zoning. The Chief executive officer or his delegate shall serve as the city planning official until such time as he appoints, and the City Council confirms another to perform that function. (Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 85-02-14-01 § 10, 1985)(Ord. 12-04-03-01)2.48.020 COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP. The planning commission shall consist no more than 11 and no less than five qualified city voters from the community. Members of the commission must keep current any accounts held with the City (i.e., utilities, lease payments, rents, sales tax, etc.) any member whose accounts fall into delinquency may be removed from the commission by the chief executive officer. City Council will consider financial or other hardship. Any person declaring candidacy for the planning commission shall not be considered until the persons accounts are made current. City Council will consider financial or other hardships. Members shall be appointed by the chief executive officer, subject to confirmation by the city council, for a term of three years. Appointments to fill vacancies are for the unexpired term. The compensation and expenses of the planning commission and its staff are paid as directed by the chief executive officer. (Ord. 02-06-06-02 § 4 (part), 2002: Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 88-33 § 4, 1988; Ord. 85-02-14-01 (part), 1986: Ord. 85-02-14-01 § 20, 1985) (Ord. 12-04-03-01)2.48.025 COMPENSATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION OFFICIALS. Each member of the planning commission shall receive a compensation at the rate of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each regular meeting attended to consider applications per the City Municipal Code. No compensation shall be paid for attending special meetings unless prior approval by City Council.2.48.030 COMMISSION OFFICIALS. The commission shall elect a chairperson to conduct the affairs of the commission, a vice chairperson to serve as chairperson in his absence, a clerk to cause the preparation of the journal of the commission’s proceedings, and an assistant clerk to serve as clerk in his absence. (Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 85-02-14-01 § 30, 1985)2.48.040 VACANCIES. A vacancy shall be declared, and filled as provided in this chapter, under the following conditions:If a person nominated and confirmed to membership fails to qualify and take office within thirty days following confirmation; If a member is absent from the city for a period of ninety or more days, unless excused by the commission, or moves his residence from the city's voting precinct for a period of ninety or more days; If a member's resignation is submitted and accepted by the commission; If a member misses three or more consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by the commission; If, after written notice to the commission, the city council, by motion and vote, determines that a member's removal and replacement is necessary for the efficient or effective functioning of the commission.The clerk shall keep attendance records and notify the chairperson when vacancies occur. (Ord. 92-18 §4(part), 1992: Ord. 90-19 §5(part), 1990; Ord. 85-02-14-01 §40, 1985)2.48.050 MEETINGS. A regular meeting shall be held to consider applications and scheduled per City Municipal Code. Special meetings and workshops may be called by the commission chairperson or at the request of two commission members, the chief executive officer or two city councilmembers’.The clerk shall keep the journal of commission proceedings, which shall be public record. Minutes, resolutions, written recommendations and other written records shall be filed with the city clerk. Meetings shall be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, or such modified or amended rules as may be adopted by the commission. A proposed agenda of all regular meetings shall be posted at City Hall, in a place that is available for reading by the general public, at least forty-eight hours before the regular meeting. Printed notices that announce workshops of the commission shall be posted at City Hall and in no less than five other prominent places within the city no less than twenty-four hours before the workshop is held. Proposed subjects to be discussed at the workshop shall be set forth in the notice. Other subjects not listed in the notice may be discussed at workshops. (Ord. 04-08-03-01 §4, 2004; Ord. 99-23 §6, 1999: Ord. 92-18 §4(part), 1992: Ord. 90-19 §§4(part), 5(part), 1990)2.48.055 VOTING--QUORUM. A majority of commission members constitutes a quorum. A majority of affirmative votes are required for passage of a resolution or motion. No official action may be taken by the commission unless a quorum is present in a legally convened meeting of the commission. (Ord. 02-06-06-02 §4(part), 2002: Ord. 92-18 §4(part), 1992: Ord. 90-19 §5(part), 1990)2.48.060 ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of business at regular meetings shall be as prescribed by the commission clerk and approved by the commission. The order of business at special meetings shall be prescribed by the chairperson. (Ord. 92-18 §4(part), 1992: Ord. 85-02-14-01 §60, 1985)2.48.070 OFFICE AND STAFF. The commission shall be provided office space by the city council which is adequate for its needs and adequate to file its correspondence and materials, all of which shall constitute public records of the city. The commission shall be furnished secretarial assistance at each meeting to assist in preparing its journals and resolutions, and as required to prepare its correspondence under the direction of the commission chairman and clerk. (Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 85-02-14-01 § 70, 1985)2.48.080 FORMAL COMMISSION ACTS. All formal actions of the commission shall be by duly approved motion or resolution. Resolutions shall be in the following format:The heading "City of Thorne Bay, Planning Commission";The space for the serial number to be assigned shall be headed by "Resolution No. ";A short and concise title descriptive of its subject and purposes;Short premises, or whereas clauses, descriptive of the reasons for the resolution, if necessary;The resolving clause "BE IT RESOLVED"; andProvision for signatures after the text, "ADOPTED (date)," and designated lines for the signatures of the commission chairperson and the commission clerk.All resolutions adopted by the commission, whether at the instance of and presented by third parties, or on the motion of an instance of the commission, shall conform to that set forth in subsection A of this section. (Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 85-02-14-01 § 80, 1985)2.48.090 FUNDS. All funds the commission receives as fees and charges or otherwise shall be deposited in the general fund of the city as receipts of the activities of the commission. All costs of the commission shall be paid by the city and shall be an operating cost of the city and shall be included in each annual budget ordinance. (Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 85-02-14-01 § 90, 1985)2.48.100 PLANNING COMMISSION DUTIES. The planning commission shall:Subject to Title 17 of this code, prepare and submit to the city council a proposed comprehensive plan in accordance with AS 29.40.030 for the systematic and organized development of the city. Annually the commission shall review the comprehensive plan and shall recommend appropriate amendments, if any, to the city council.Subject to the Alaska Coastal Management Act (AS 46.40) and Alaska Administrative Code; 6AAC50, 6AAC80, and 6AAC85, prepare and submit to the city council a proposed coastal management plan. Annually, the commission shall review the coastal management plan and shall recommend appropriate amendments, if any, to the city council.Prepare, review, recommend and administer measures necessary to implement the coastal management plan and comprehensive plan, including measures provided under AS 29.40.040 and such other land use control measures as the planning commission deems necessary to supplement zoning regulations, land use permit requirements and measures to further the goals and objectives of the coastal management and comprehensive plans.Prepare and recommend to the city council a subdivision ordinance and the official map of the city and any recommended modifications to these documents.Publish notice of and hold at least one public hearing before submitting the commission’s recommendations under subsections A, B and C of this section to the city council.Upon adequate notice which shall be provided by the chief executive officer, review annually the capital improvements program of the city and submit the commission’s recommendations thereon to the chief executive officer on or before the due date specified in the notice.Investigate and prepare, upon city council or chief executive officer request, reports and recommendations on city land acquisitions, disposals and development. The report and recommendation shall be based upon the provisions of this chapter, the coastal management plan, the comprehensive plan and the capital improvements program.Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Titles 15, 16 and 17 of this code, act as the platting board, act upon requests for variances and act upon requests for conditional uses. No platting request, variance or conditional use may be granted which violates the provisions of AS Section 29.40.040 or Sections 16.36.010 and 16.36.020 of this code.Act as an advisory commission to the chief executive officer and city council regarding planning, platting and zoning. (Ord. 92-18 § 4(part), 1992: Ord. 90-19 §§ 4(part), 5(part), 1990) ................

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