Henderson Middle School

SS6G11 a. Explain the diversity of European languages as seen in a comparison of German, English, Russian, French, and Italian.EQs:1.Why is it important for countries within Europe to have the same languages?2.How does the diversity of languages in Europe reflect its unique cultural characteristics?Vocabulary to Know:?Diversity-?Comparison-?Dialects-German?German is the official language of _________________ and ____________________.?It is also spoken in Switzerland, eastern part of France, Luxembourg, Italy, and parts of Eastern Europe.?Many _______________________are spoken in Germany and other nations of Europe.English?English is the official language of ______________________.?It is spoken differently from region to region.?English lends itself to having different _____________________.People in the _____________________________ speak English but it sounds different than that spoke in Britain.Russian?Russian is the official language of _____________________.?It is the largest native language in ________________________.?Russian is also spoken widespread outside of Russia.French?Known as a ‘___________________ language.’?French is the official language of _______________________.?It is also spoken widely in Belgium and Switzerland.Italian?Known as a ‘_____________________ language.’?Italian is the official of ________________________.?It is spoken in Switzerland, also. Questions To Answer:?What is difficult about different countries having different languages??Why is it important for countries within Europe to have the same languages??How does the diversity of languages in Europe reflect its unique cultural characteristics? ................

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