EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education

EDUC 2301 Introduction to Education1 Credit HourFall 2016Friday 8:00 – 4:00 PMSeptember 9, 16, 23Instructor InformationProfessor: Dr. Courtney MundayOffice & Phone: Roberson 106, 405-789-7661Office Hours: Email Address: Courtney.munday@swcu.eduCourse DescriptionThis course is designed to assist a student who is considering education as a profession. Emphasis will be placed on an overview of what it means to be in a teacher education program. Current issues will be considered. Also, the student will become acquainted with the policies and procedures in becoming a teacher-candidate. Finally, preparation for taking the OGET will be covered and discussed. K-12 classroom clinical practice is required.Required Texts, Materials, and ResourcesOklahoma State Department of Education: Office of Educational Quality and Accountability: Certification Examinations for Oklahoma Educators: SCU Teacher Education Handbook – available on the portalInstructional Strategies and Teaching PhilosophiesInstructional strategies include directed readings, critical analysis of issues, real-life scenarios, classroom observations/clinical practice, interactive activities, reflective discussions, problem-solving activities, and assessment activities. Students should expect to be called on regularly in class.My teaching philosophy centers on an authentic, active, and engaged learning style. I appreciate student/teacher interactions and consider myself to be a life-long learner. Knowledge must be contextual for it to be meaningful and I strive to create an atmosphere conducive to a shared learning experience. Student Learning OutcomesEDUC 2301 Course Objectives and Alignment to StandardsUpon completion of EDUC 2301, Introduction to Education, the student will have a good working knowledge of the process of becoming a teacher in the state of Oklahoma and the expectations associated with the profession.The student shall demonstrate contextual knowledge, understanding and utilization of:I. Understand the Teacher Education Program at SCU. The requirements, process, and timeline.(SCU Conceptual Framework – Scholarship), (OK Competencies 10, 12), and (SCU Motto - Scholarship)II. Understand the state requirements including certification tests and the licensure process.(SCU Conceptual Framework ___ ), (OK Competencies 9, 13, 14 and (SCU Motto—Scholarship)III. Discuss current trends and issues facing public education in Oklahoma and in the US.(SCU Conceptual Framework -Scholarship), (OK Competencies 13, 14 and (SCU Motto—Scholarship)IV. Demonstrate knowledge of professional characteristics and expectations of teachers.(SCU Conceptual Framework - Service), (OK Competencies 9, 12, 13 and (SCU Motto - Scholarship, Service)COURSE KNOWLEDGE and STANDARDS BASED SOURCES:1. Southwestern Christian University - Scholarship, Spirit, Service = SCU Motto2. Department of Education Conceptual Framework = SCU Conceptual Framework – Caring, Reflection, Service, Scholarship3. Oklahoma State Department of Education General Competencies for Teacher Licensure & Certification = OK Competencies4. Oklahoma State Curriculum Standards: Common Core State Standards and PASSEDUC 2301 Student Learning Outcomes / AssessmentsKNOW: SCU Program – The timeline, process, and procedures associated with the SCU Teacher Education program.DO: Develop your personal SCU Educational Plan including courses, degree plans, and future career options connected with plan. ASSESSMENT: Personal SCU Educational Plan KNOW: State Requirements - The the requirements for becoming a teacher credentialed through the OSDE and the Commission on Teacher Preparation. Know all requirements, certification tests, and alternative certification options. DO: Create a chart comparing and contrasting all paths to teacher certification in Oklahoma in your the content area. Create a Personal State Testing Plan including a timeline and outcomes.ASSESSMENT: Personal State Testing PlanKNOW: Trends & Issues – The current trends and issues associated with the professional of teaching at both a state and national level.DO: Identify 10 trends and/or issues, include an overview and the opposing views associated with each. Include your personal views in the summary statements.ASSESSMENT: Trends & Issues Summary ReportLearning ActivitiesTeacher-Directed Activities: Group discussions, lecture, field experience visits, review, provide online, digital, and hard copy resourcesStudent-Directed Activities: Read assigned chapters, complete on-line support activities, complete field experience activities, assessment projects Student ResponsibilitiesSuccessful students will actively participate in all assignments, acquiring knowledge to be applied while completing activities designed to connect theory and practice. Ultimately, the quality of the experience will be determined by the student: the road has been paved; a map with clear directions has been given; there are many Points of Interest along the way, but the student is still in the driver's seat and will determine the quality of the experience. Attendance: It is to the student’s personal advantage to be involved in every class session associated with the course. Participation: The interaction of the instructor and student is of vital importance in the learning process. This is a collaborative educational adventure and input from the student and teacher are required for learning to occur.Homework: All assignments and activities should be completed as directed. Many assignments are web-based activities and are the basis of class discussions. It is important to complete all involvements, even if they are not a graded assignment.Attendance PolicyEach student is expected to attend all classes regularly and to be punctual. Since there are no official “cuts” from classes, any absence may adversely impact the student’s grade. For this class a student may not have more than four (4) hours of unexcused absences from a class/activity/practicum. If a student exceeds the four hours s/he will automatically receive a failing grade in this course. The clinical practice associated with this course involves spending time in a PK-12 school. Blocks of time (morning or afternoon) are scheduled for on-site classroom activities. In the event you need to miss due to an emergency or sickness, contact Dr. Bowen. Assignment and Grading Policies and Evaluation CriteriaASSIGNMENTS:All work assigned will be assessed and assigned points in accordance with the quality and adequacy of the content. Each assignment has its own set of directions and evaluation rubric. Mastery in professional teacher education courses is a must as all students will soon be in professional positions. Attendance and personal dispositions may be factored into the final grade. An earned grade of C or better is required in this course in order to advance in teacher education. See individual assignments for directions/criteria and evaluation/grading rubrics.PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS:Regular participation will directly effective the quality of the learning experience and is expected to be maintained unless unavoidable circumstances occur. All assignments must be completed in the prescribed time frame, unless arrangements are made with the instructor prior to due date. EDUCATIONAL COMMITMENT:Outside class readings, assignments, and activities will involve a time commitment in order to excel. A minimum of four to six hours each class period should be expected to complete course requirements.PROFESSIONAL WRITING:All assignments are expected to be completed in a professional writing style. This includes correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Points will be deducted from all individual assignments not complying with these standards. Visit the following web site for a guide to grammar and writing - REQUIREMENTS:All candidates are required to maintain an accurate and up-to-date Teacher Education Portfolio. According to Oklahoma accreditation standards, “institutions shall require all initial and advanced certification program(s)’ candidates to develop a portfolio which documents a candidate’s accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to the competencies, standards, and outcomes established by the Commission, State Regents, SDE and institution (OCTP, Standard 1, 1997).” In addition to serving as a certification requirement, the portfolio is an important component of the educational administration assessment system which monitors candidate performance, program quality and unit operations. Information about how to set up the portfolio and its contents can be found in the SCU Teacher Education Handbook.LATE ASSIGNMENTS:All outside assignments are due at the specified time on the date listed. Late assignments will be accepted at 50% of the original point value if received within 7 days of original due date; however, after 7 days a ZERO will be given for the late assignment. Assignments should be submitted directly to Dr. Bowen (acceptable methods include email attachments, fax, or hand delivered to office). Direct contact with Dr. Bowen is required for any variances due to emergency situations. PLEASE, remember to submit assignments on time.EXTRA CREDIT POLICYThere may be optional assignments available throughout the semester for extra credit; however, all regular assignments must be completed before any extra credit assignments will be considered.Grading PolicyGradingPoints Possible1-Attendance / Class Participation – Group Activities 5, 10 Questions 5302-Assignments – Plans 5153-Final Exam 100104-Clinical Practice – 3 School Visits – 10 pts. each305- Clinical Practice – 3 Reflections 5 pts. each15Total 100A90-100C70-79F0-59B80-89D60-69Academic Integrity, Honesty, and Responsibility The student is expected to commit herself/himself to the highest level of academic integrity when involved in and fulfilling requirements for this course. Academic dishonesty on any level and of any form will not be tolerated. This applies not only to active involvement but also to passive knowledge. Any student involved in academic dishonesty will be dropped from the course and assigned a grade of “F” for the course. Furthermore, academic dishonesty may result in the dismissal or expulsion of the student from the program and/or the universityIntegration of Faith and Learning"The logic and knowledge from every discipline is built upon a set of presuppositions. All such presuppositions must be examined and informed by the truth derived from the revealed Word of God and Christian thinking founded on a Christocentric epistemology, so as to create a coherent body of knowledge, i.e., faith informs all of learning's presuppositional thinking." (RW, 2009) Key Biblical Texts: Romans 12:1-2 and Colossians 1:17 ADA ComplianceStudents who claim learning or physical disability must self-identify and provide documentation of their disability. Notify the instructor of your special needs so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. Documentation provided to the University of any disability must be less than three years old and must contain specific recommendations for accommodation appropriate to the diagnosed disability. Documentation must be provided by a licensed professional in the area of the claimed disability. Based on such documentation the student will be advised of any program modifications and accommodations.Inclement Weather PolicyThe Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs [PVPAA] and the President make the decision to cancel classes in the event of inclement weather. The PVPAA will contact the three (3) major local news stations and will also post the information on the university’s website. In case of a tornado warning (the Bethany siren is audible on campus) all classrooms are to be evacuated and students moved to the Library. Classes may resume following the ‘all clear’ siren.Protocol for Student ComplaintSouthwestern Christian University’s policy is that if a student has an issue or complaint concerning any instructor or course, the student should first speak with the instructor. If after speaking with the professor, the issue is unresolved; the student may then carry the complaint further or formalize the complaint by writing to their department chair, dean or the Provost. Formal complaints must be done in writing.Right of RevisionSouthwestern Christian University and the instructor reserve the right to change the syllabus. In the event of any necessary revision of this syllabus, the student will be informed both verbally in class, and in writing well in advance and in class in writing.End of Instruction Course EvaluationsAt the end every course, all students are expected to participate in the course evaluation survey. This gives each student an opportunity to provide feedback regarding both positive and negative aspects of the course. Specific, authentic, and constructive feedback is encouraged in order to enhance our ability to provide classes and programs that are academically strong and relevant.COURSE CALENDAR OVERVIEWWeek/DatesTimesLocationAssignmentsWk 1/September 98:00 – 12:00ClassSCU Teacher Education Program1:00 – 5:00ClinicalPartner School – Overholser ElementaryWk 2/September 168:00 – 12:00ClassOK State Requirements1:00 – 5:00ClinicalPartner School – Bethany Middle SchoolWk 3/ September 238:00 – 12:00ClinicalPartner School – Yukon High School1:00 – 5:00ClassTrends/Issues / Final ExamDAILY icAssignmentsDue DatePts.Week 1SCU Teacher Education Program8 - 12CLASSIntroductionPurposeGovernanceConceptual FrameworkRequirements10 Questions September 95Path OptionsPersonal SCU Educational PlanSeptember 95Group ActivitiesGroup ActivitySeptember 951 – 5 Partner School VisitSchool VisitSeptember 910Clinical Practice FeedbackCP ReflectionSeptember 95Week 2OK State Requirements8 – 12 CLASSAdmission RequirementsTransition Points10 Questions September 165AssessmentsPersonal State Testing PlanSeptember 165Group ActivitiesGroup ActivitySeptember 1651 – 5 PARTNER SCHOOL VISITSchool VisitSeptember 1610Clinical Practice FeedbackCP ReflectionSeptember 165Week 3Trends, Issues, Final Exam8 - 12PARTNER SCHOOL VISITSchool VisitSeptember 2310Clinical Practice FeedbackCP ReflectionSeptember 2351 – 5 CLASSSeptember 23TestingSeptember 23Teacher EvaluationGroup Activity September 235Teacher Pay10 QuestionsSeptember 235Trends & Issues Summary ReportSeptember 235Final ExamFinal ExamSeptember 2310TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE100This section must be filled in, acknowledged, signed by the student, and returned to the professor on the first day of class for this course.EDUC 2301 Introduction to Education / Section 1 Fall 2016SYLLABUS AGREEMENT FORMI have read and understand the format of this course, the policies, and expectations described in the syllabus. I acknowledge that failure to comply with the terms of the syllabus may affect my success in this course. By signing this form I agree to comply with the policies listed and accept the outline for this course.PRINT NAME: __________________________________SIGNATURE: ___________________________________DATE: ___________________________________PLAGIARISM POLICYIt is against university policy to plagiarize.According to Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thought of another author and the representation of him or her as one’s own original work (1479).Therefore by signing this form, I, ______________________________________ (print name), understand that plagiarism is wrong and may result in grade reduction, automatic failure or even further disciplinary action outline in Southwestern Christian university’s student handbook.SIGNED: ___________________________________ DATE: ___________________________________ ................

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