Getting Out of Babylon Means

First Getting Babylon Out of You

WE ARE IN FINAL EXAM WEEK! Whether one passes to the next test, advances to the next grade level, can be trusted with the next authority level, and the next assignment by the Master, is determined by passing the first test. Either one passes the first test or they flunk the entire course.

Father led the Hebrews, children of Israel (Ya’cob) into the wilderness to test them. Deuteronomy 8:1-3: “Guard to do every command which I command you today…and you shall remember that Yahuweh your Elohim led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness to humble you and prove you, to know what is in your heart, whether you guard His commands or not. And He humbled you, and let you suffer hunger, and fed you with manna…to let you know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of Yahuweh”.

He put the whole family of Ya’cob (Jacob) through the test at one time, and only two passed it totally. The test for those coming out of end-time Babylon—America--is individual, as it was an individual choice for His people after seventy years of captivity.

Being freed from slavery and learning to trust a new Master in a whole new Kingdom is a picture of the new birth. Then it is a daily processing to get “Egypt” out of the mind and emotions, so that a whole new lifestyle can be walked out in humility and contriteness and obedience to the rules of the new Master and His Kingdom. There are tests of poverty, struggling--learning dependency on Someone not known before. The children of Israel failed over and over because they depended on human leadership and failed to switch over to dependency on Yahuweh. They said slavery was better than freedom. They longed for the security of slavery under a taskmaster—slavery to materialism, humanism, and other religious systems that depend on human teachers is the same.

At the new birth, we are given the privilege of contacting the Eternal realm, to interact with Yahuweh and be taught by His Spirit, yet most chose to follow human teachers, who may or may not know Elohim, and thus shut out the glorious privilege for the baser life.

The test for those leaving Babylon Is far greater: it is a test for those who have been born of the Spirit from above. It requires leaving a soft bed of security and comfort to go out into the unknown without human help—only the arm of Yahuweh for support. Leaving Babylon requires following a Leader that is invisible--depending on Someone very little known. Messiah came in the likeness of the invisible Elohim, “who alone is wise”. (Colossians 1:15; I Timothy 1:17) We’re cursed if we lean on man for support (Jeremiah 17:5-9)

Unfortunately, most “believers”, especially of the western world, have not even officially registered for the first test, let alone flunked one of Yahuweh’s tests.

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To register for the test one has to be born from above by the working of the Set-Apart Spirit of Yahuweh. This begins with total repentance of sin – turning from the past life totally, in order to come out of all that is not of Him—out of all defilement and the kingdom of darkness—and embrace the Covenant of Yahuweh through the shed blood of Messiah and His resurrection from the dead. (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1) When one is born of the Spirit, there are forty separate things that He does to make a person an entirely new creation—a new type of person--so that they can contact the Eternal realm of Yahuweh, and live in His realm. (Refer to “The True New Birth”) He raises us up into His Presence, where we “abide” in Him. In this realm, we live with His Presence always with us. We might not tangibly “feel” Him, but we are aware of His Presence, as we abide in the “secret place” of His Presence. We grow accustomed to hearing His voice. There are at least forty ways that He speaks to us through our re-born spirit. (Refer to the article “The Forty Ways…”)

In the new birth a person’s thinking is changed, their nature becomes like His, pride and self are replaced by humility and death to self-centered desires and goals--everything is different! One comes under the authority of a new Master! Being re-born involves humility and contriteness and submission, commitment, and yielding to a whole new lifestyle! It requires “forsaking all” to follow Him!

II Corinthians 5:17: “If any man be in Messiah, he is a new creation—old things are passed away, behold ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW”.

Yet, most, because of human logic/intellect accept a good-sounding belief system they hear from some human, that offers them a ticket out of hell, and then go on to add to their belief box that which sounds good and what conforms to their lifestyle, without causing them undue responsibility or commitment. Many are very arrogant as to their “self-righteousness” and spirituality, but in truth they have never been transformed by His Spirit, and so cannot enter the realm of the eternal. Thus, they stay in the natural realm of the soul (the mind/intellect, emotions, feelings, will, flesh/sin nature, which contacts the natural world through the five senses and works through the brain)

They are not new creations. Their spirit has not been transformed/perfected, so they cannot contact the Eternal realm. They have not been declared “forgiven” by the Judge of the world, but they think they’re all right because they’ve accepted a religious concept of “God” or “the Lord”.

One billion plus Roman Catholics are taught they are all right with God if they are baptized in the Catholic Church and have “confirmation”. This is the same for many “high-church” denominations. So, some think baptism saves them, some think church attendance saves them, and some think their beliefs save them. But, unless transformed, they are still under the influences of self, of this world, of demonic spirits, and human logic. They are religious prisoners who think they are OK because they are now in a religious social club that believes like they do. But, to give one’s life (dying to self) for what they believe is almost unheard of in the free world. Most remain earth-bound. I deal with many who talk the right religious jargon but who have no concept of

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hearing from Him as their daily companion and Friend. They do not know Him. In the Prophets, Yahuweh is brokenhearted because even the priests do not know Him. They use the Torah to practice their religious duties, but have no concept of a personal relationship with Him.

It is the same today! Very few know His nature or His ways, His thinking, His modus operandi – and therefore they smugly go their way with their own opinions, and the opinions of those they’ve heard teach, and have no concept of life in His world.

Therefore, the first test begins AFTER we “register”. John 6:44: Messiah says: “No man can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…” The Book of Life was written before the foundation of the world, by His foreknowledge. (I Peter 1:2-3; Ephesians 1:4; Revelation 13:8) So really, in “registering”, we simply are checking in, as He draws us!

In the evangelical/charismatic Christian world, you first accept Jesus as Savior, and then later on during a tearjerker communion service, or if your emotions are stirred by songs or the sermon, you might make Him “Lord of your life”—whatever that means in our denomination. In my Baptist church that meant being a missionary, or Sunday school teacher, or a choir director. I did it all.

Great missionary to China Hudson Taylor said: “If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all”. I put it like this: You can’t take your free ticket out of hell without repentance and commitment to following the Lamb wherever He goes! Zeus was the savior god of the Greeks. All the sun gods died and rose again (each year). Accepting a savior is nothing new—it has been a pagan concept, since Nimrod! But, committing to the Master Yahushua, Messiah/Elohim of Israel, is something entirely different!

The first test, therefore, begins as you give your life to Yahushua as your redeemer/savior. It is the test of Discipleship. A disciple is a “taught one”. This is the test of forsaking all to submit to training by a new Master. That will mean radical lifestyle change for most. Salvation is about commitment to a Master as a bond slave in training for reigning in a Kingdom that is soon coming. It is about having His nature, and conforming to His thinking. Being a bond slave, one forfeits their right to their own decisions. (Romans 6; I Corinthians 6:19-20, etc.) He commands us to stop obeying our own fleshly desires, and also the desires of family and friends and culture, and only obey Him. Read: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts. His call to His followers required a lying down of everything to obey Yahushua. But, it is the same throughout the Tenach. His call to salvation is no different now! (Matthew 10:34-39; Luke 14:25-33; Mark 8:34-37) Discipleship does NOT mean submitting to a human teacher. It means that you submit to the Spirit of Yahuweh as your Instructor!

Each day you are given a “pop quiz” to determine your obedience level to the written Word and to His instructions to you personally via your re-born spirit. As you pass these “pop quizzes”, the major tests become easier. If you keep failing pop quizzes, you won’t advance to the major test.

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Matthew 12:46-50: “And while He was talking to the crowds, see, His mother and his brothers stood outside, seeking to speak to Him. And one said to Him, `See your mother and your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak to you.’ But answering. He said to the one who spoke to Him, `Who is My mother,

and who are My brothers’? And having stretched out His hand towards His disciples (taught ones), He said, `See My mother and my brothers’? For whosoever does the will of My Father who is in the heavens is My brother and sister and mother’ ”.

All excuses given to Yahushua for waiting to follow Him later, were around family and money. This is the western world in a nutshell! Family and money are excuses—for they have become gods and idols. This is why in Luke 14:25 and Matthew 10:37-38, He says that unless we come out from under the control of family, bosses, friends, and “self”, we CAN NOT be His disciples”.

Break soul ties with family, friends, religious leaders, job, security in this world, and material things! False responsibility, false mercy, false loyalty: All are ropes of bondage that He does not want wrapped around you!

The soul can only contact this world via the five senses and intellect. It is transformed as we feed it His Word and discipline it to conform to His Word. The war is always in the undisciplined mind that wars with the spirit that contacts Yahuweh’s realm. The mind, which reasons on a natural plain, unless forced to die to “self will”, can be deceived, manipulated, hypnotized, desensitized, and demonized, and war against the will of Yahuweh.

The Master gives personal instructions to the re-born spirit daily. The good servant obeys, and therefore rises in authority and mutual trust with the Master. This test is ongoing. The more tests you pass, the greater trust He has in you. The greater the mutual trust, the deeper the relationship, and the more responsibility in His Kingdom He will give to you. If the servant proves to be headstrong, rebellious, self-willed and disobedient, that test is over and the servant’s punishment will ensue. (Luke 12:43-48) If the servant continues to rebel, the punishment can be severe, or even eternal.

We all should work for the goal of hearing the Master say: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master”. (Matthew 25:21)

The morning of August 17th, as I awoke, I had a vision: I was at water level out in the Gulf, and I saw the land of America. I saw a few people packing their suitcases. I heard Him say to me: “THE REMNANT IS NOW LEAVING”. Later in the morning, in talking to a brother about it, I said, “THE RESTRAINERS ARE NOW LEAVING”.

Let me share with you what this means: II Thessalonians 2:7-8a: “The mystery of lawlessness is already at work – only until he who now restrains comes out of the way. Then the lawless one will be revealed”…

Yesterday, a friend told me that in 2006, as soon as she went to Israel to work with a ministry there, her whole family began falling apart—one sad thing after

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another. Whenever I leave the family I stay with when in America, for any extended period of time to go forth to do Father’s will, they and other families of my family have set-backs and sometimes real tragedies--things that grieve me terribly. Some depend on me as a “covering” instead of making Yahuweh

their covering. His talit is what we want over us! Anyway, the things that happen usually have to do with spiritual setbacks, and mental and emotional set backs—some very serious. Some are physical set backs, some are attacks on their marriages and children (my grandchildren). Sometimes the enemy tries to kill them. Most are rooted in demonic attacks that knock them backwards.

If I had stayed during those times, being human, and a mother, I probably would have been sucked in, giving the enemy the right to come in and destroy me, too. I would also forfeit my eternal reward, for it would not set well with the Master who has assignments for us as we go FORWARD. We must close all doors to the enemy’s ability to come in and destroy us. It might be sin. It might be relationships that are not of Him. It might be our laying Him aside for advancement in a job, or social position. It can be many things. It might be compromise with things He calls abomination – you know, like the Christmas tree in a corner of your living room, just so the kids don’t feel left out. In the two incidences mentioned above, my friend and I were restrainers of evil while we were at home. As soon as we left, the enemy manifested, and all hell broke loose.

I’ve had the flip side happen too. One of my children was involved in sin because of a tragic situation. I was mad. I wanted to tell her what was what—but Father said “NO”—GO on to Africa. So I did, for two months. But, I was determined to return from Africa to fast and pray until she got delivered. Upon returning, my son picked me up at the airport with the news that she had turned her life around and was back in the Word. My going to do Father’s will, freed Father of my trying to play “Holy Spirit”, so that He could do what only He could do! In our restraining, we must not stick our nose in Father’s business uninvited! Sometimes, we only get in His way, and He removes us. This is the case with the coming takeover by Lucifer and His bands for 3 ½ years. There is nothing we can do except stay out of the path of His wrath, do as we’re told, fear Him above all, and with patience, overcome.

Being a restrainer is what we are—it is a position in Him! It is not our being big mouthed and bold in our flesh. It is about humility and submission to Him, but standing strong in the “power of His might”. We are to be “the salt of the earth”—the preservers. It is a position, not necessarily an action. Salt is—it doesn’t jump and jive and wow everyone with preaching. Mika’el is the great restrainer over Israel – He’s not over Israel doing some charismatic ritual.

But, like Mika’el, once we are out of the midst, the lawlessness can go forward without hindrance, but we are free. False mercy and false responsibility and cultural pressure as well as religious pressure, causes many to stay, when Father wants us out of there so that He can deal with our family. Thinking we’re doing the right thing, it is natural for us to try to “fix” things, to make

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things good again. It’s our Walt Disney programming, but it is a form of witchcraft—to control someone else’s life!

We try to usurp the authority of the Spirit—to take His place—because we think we have the answers to all their problems by our human logic. He may want us

out of the way because we are restraining what He is trying to judge and correct!

So, at His leading, we must remove ourselves so that what is held down by our presence will rise to the top. Only then can Father scoop off the dross and purify the gold. If we are there, the dross cannot rise except as it escapes in small things…but once we are removed, it can come up fast, and then Father can take over. I do not want to stand in His way – He has to let the dross rise with those we love, so that He can deal with them. He has to let people get to the point sometimes, where they either are desperate to seek Him, or turn away totally.

The restrainer over Israel is Mika’el: Daniel 12:1: “Now at that time, Mika’el shall stand up, the great head who is standing over the sons of your people. And there shall be a time of distress such as never was since there was a nation until that time…”

If He is standing, why would he “stand up”? Because, the meaning of “stand up” – means to stand aloof, stand aside--step aside”… meaning that Mika’el will step aside and allow the distress to go forth. His protection will be removed so that judgment can come. This is very close now.

Matthew 10:34-38: “Do not think I have come to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to bring division—a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies are those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And He who does not take up his execution stake and follow after Me is not worthy of Me”. Now what part of that passage is not clear?

He is pulling His remnant out now so that He can go ahead and judge the nation, the lazy fools, the fence straddlers, the lollygaggers, the play actors, the wicked, the unsaved, and the rebellious? Father will judge end-time Babylon as He did Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore, there will be some like Lot, and some like Lot’s wife (Luke 17:28-33,) who will either flee or die. It is best to be led by the Spirit of your own free will, because this time, no angel will drag out the comfort-loving lollygagger “believers” like with Lot. But, pursuit by murderous foreign troop military and sophisticated technology out to kill, will drive people in terrifying panic out of America!

Restrainers are an agitation to the forces of darkness. Restrainers know the enemy is around—they know by discernment of spirits, but also by actual outward events. The forces of evil know the restrainers – and so they attack in myriads of ways—all cruel.

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So my friends, because Father is getting ready to judge America, He is pulling out the restraining force for their protection, and to release judgment. Recently He told me: “Escape! You who dwell with the daughter of Babel” (Zechariah 2:7)

We have to let of all security in the natural to follow Him! Restrainers are now being called out so that the punishment of Yahuweh, using the wrath of Lucifer and his agents, can go forward! In June of 2007, Father gave me a powerful dream that had to do with Obama’s election and the speeding up of time to the end. Then He concluded it: “I am removing all security from you”. That upset me – I thought I had no security … I have sold and/or given away almost everything, have no home, no land, no insurance, no car, no income, and on and on. But, now I understand what He was saying. It hurts… but I am now totally dependent on Him without hope of anything I can make happen.

But, what about those untested ones, who are leaving America because they’re scared?

Obedience to the Master is first of all obedience, without excuses, without human reasoning, without compromise, without balking and hedging and whining, complaining, and upset, to the written Word. He makes Himself very clear—He does the interpreting to those who know Him. Others have to make up their own illusions to justify their belief system, but for those who know Him and are taught by Him, He is very clear. If you have read my comparison with the coming Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, and Jeremiah 50 and 51 (America), then you know the timeframe (between Sukkot and Hanukkah). He has warned His people in America for about 150 years as to what is right in our face now.

If one has not listened to all the warnings by watchmen and prophets, and the simple admonition of the Word to stay out of debt, and have submitted to the wicked Luciferic-based Greco/Roman cultural standards, then their reward for going with the flow will be paralyzing terror—and death is for sure. But, those who daily flow in His perfect will and obey the simple dictates for peace, health, and freedom in Him, have already taken action and are being led to various places of safety. Because of their obedience, they will be used in the days to come to do “exploits” (Daniel 11:32) because they “know their Elohim”. Those that “know their Elohim” and who “act” are the restrainers of evil in America. Once this company of set-apart ones leaves, then Yahuweh will bring down the judgment hard.

Deadly foreign forces have infiltrated America at the invitation of our government. America is now surrounded on all its borders by nuclear powered weapons, as well as in striking range of others—from Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran.

Yahuweh’s Word says that in our day, He has two areas of safety for a remnant that He will preserve during the last 3 ½ years of this final seven-year cycle 1) Edom, being the main one, which is east of the Israeli border on the King’s Highway, and 2) the tunnel system under, and south of, the Old City of Jerusalem.

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Between now and then, He has work for His servants to do. He only deals with servants, He only protects servants, He only rewards servants. The Word is full of promises for those who fear Him (enough to obey Him), love Him (enough to obey His commandments) and servants … same group of people.

Many have noble ideas, based on a sanctimonious view of their own spirituality, of what they will do WHEN the trouble starts, but it is nothing more than illusion, fantasy, and childishness. If you are not serving daily now so that you have built a relationship with Him and abide in His Presence, He does not know you well enough for you to be His concern. Many pride themselves in Psalm 91 yet do not fulfill the requirements of “abiding”. We must humble ourselves before Him to get our “credit report”—the evaluation of our obedience and faithfulness to repay Him for all He has done for us.

The Jews and Israelites were happy in Babylon. They were free to prosper under the Medes and Persians. After seventy years in captivity, only 10% wanted to return to Jerusalem. They were not slaves to anything but their own lust for a good lifestyle. They had individual choice as to whether they wanted to return or not. This is quite different than the exodus from Egypt, where they were slaves crying for freedom and left Egypt as one whole unit. Today, those in end-time Babylon—America--and in much of the western world, too, are living a good life for the most part, and few want to leave. Irresponsibility, laziness to discipline oneself, rebellion against living the plumb line life required to be a good citizen of the Kingdom of heaven, and rejection of warnings, has led most to the place now where they are so covered over with

debt and the results of their wrong choices, that they are really stuck in the mud at the worst time in human history to be in such a state.

After twenty-three years of Jeremiah prophesying and warning in Jerusalem, Father told him, “no one’s listening”. It is the same today. Soon, all the security blankets people have held onto will be destroyed by His judgment.

Go through the entire Word on discipleship, faithfulness to the Master, the life of the bond slave, and personal intimate relationship with Yahuweh, and show me American thinking anywhere! Show me Greco/Roman cultural thinking of the West and I’ll show you Lucifer and his anti-messiah!

Habakkuk 2:4b: “The just shall live by his faith”. Scriptural faith is humble submission and obedience to the Master. It is trust that He will supply all needs. Please read the article: “Walk the Hard Road”.

When Father said for me to move to Aqaba, Jordan, ½ mile from Eilat, Israel, on the Red Sea, at the end of 1998, He said, in the same sentence, “give away all that you have and move…” Except for 3 suitcases of necessities, I did. He allowed me that. I lived for eight years in an adequate apartment, but had much given to me, plastic furniture, beds that had to be constantly nailed down so they didn’t collapse with my visitors. I had no money for an air conditioner, so when the heat got over 100F, I used a spray bottle of water and slept under my ceiling fans someone gave me, and kept cool. I got down to one serving of rice, but Father had someone slip money under my door so I could

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get food. I learned how to be content in all things. I saw so many miracles. But, I was aware of His Presence with me. He began me writing, and He expanded this ministry. I had to lay down my ordination, my corporation, my income—everything. “Living by faith” is living trusting Someone you know, not the poverty routine of begging!

We have to weight the cost. Luke 14:25-33 tells us to evaluate whether we have it in us to finish the course or not. He doesn’t want people who start out with noble zeal based on false illusion of their own spirituality, and then fall on their face at the first hardship. That is happening so much!

People have this false view of how strong they are spiritually, and when they face reality, most are fearful, panicky, and run home with their tail between their legs. Undisciplined weak people won’t be able to endure anything of what is coming. If you are waiting for Him to knock you in the head and yell at you to do something, forget it—He won’t.

Many have such noble illusions of themselves, yet they are not doing anything to prepare for what they think they are going to do. They are totally untested and untrained. Such is the toddler minded lollypop generation of “free world” “believers”. As long as someone holds their hand they are very brave. But, once on their own – they are scared children who whine and complain and can’t handle emotionally what is before them. Tragic, tragic, tragic—but reality!

An old expression in reference to those facing death is: “You can’t take it with you”. Whether you realize it or not, you are facing death. Messiah warns us in Matthew 24:21-23. There are Scriptures throughout the Word about our time period--the earth will be “emptied” of its inhabitants. (Please refer to the 2-page studies “All Flesh” and “No Flesh Saved But A Remnant”)

The Illuminati are working on that to reduce the human population down to a few slaves, but the outbreak of nuclear war, pestilence, and famine will do its job. In my last update “Health Care or Eugenics Depopulation Agenda?” I show the man-created set-up for forcing death on mankind globally, starting with Obama’s deadly new laws.

Many are now panicking and trying to get their mess swept under a rug so they can get out of the burning building that is collapsing. But, they are going by human logic. It won’t work! Many want their ducks in a row. Shoot the blasted ducks! They want to come to some nice third world (developing) nation, and

buy land, buy a house, get a car, start a business, or get a good job, security, for seniors, the government sending their checks regularly, their health and retirement insurance intact, and basically, their lifestyle stuff securely going on without a hitch. Loonyness! Fantasyland! Go back and read His requirements for Discipleship…how many of these things does He include?

How many of these things did the Apostles drag around with them? I am constantly overwhelmed at the mentality of the intellectual American!

Factory workers to PhDs, most all are toddlers in mind and emotions…expecting life to give them goodies on a silver platter.

They took gold and jewels from their terrified neighbors in the Egypt exodus.

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What did they do with it? What happened to it? They drank part of it—after Moses ground it up. Ezekiel 7 is our time period.

Many are going to other countries taking their materialistic idols with them—those things held tight by the soul (mind and emotions) spending thousands of dollars to ship their “stuff” in a container, so that when they get out of Babylon they can set up Babylon as if they were in Babylon! Then they continue to act like those still in Babylon—selfish, self-centered, spoiled, and religious. Worse, the masks come off, and the real ugliness underneath surfaces. I’ve seen this up close many times!

But, setting up “idols of their heart” is far worse. Read Ezekiel 14: It talks about idols of the heart, and then it talks about who will be saved from war, famine, pestilence, and the beasts of the earth. It may surprise you.

In speaking clearly to “the hammer of the whole earth”—“the world’s policeman”—He tells His people to “flee” to “escape” – Jeremiah 50 and 51, Revelation 18, Isaiah 47, Isaiah 13 and 18, Zechariah 7:2 and other places.

I’ve written so much about this, but specifically in the study “End Time Babylon”, which you should go over with Him to instruct you. If His people are so in love with their fleshly life, in this world, and do not know how to be “led by the Spirit”, so as to “walk in the Spirit”, then He is out of reach to them for practical purposes. He does not know them. So, many who do not know Him, are looking at the reality caving in and are getting worried that their lifestyle might be interrupted, so they are bringing their lifestyle to Aqaba, Jordan, and other third world nations that may have opportunities for the continuance of their ease an comfort. There is no concept of daily being about the Father’s business! There is no concept of working with Him to change other’s lives. It is a self-centered deal. So, naturally to set their idols in another place, like Rebecca, they put their eye-pleasing stuff in a container and ship it on. It is all about the “lust of the eyes”, the “lust of the flesh” and the “pride of life”--

I John 2:15-17—the same trap Eve and Adam fell into. She “saw” the fruit was good, and she bypassed all warnings by Yahuweh, and ate, and then had the audacity to give it to Adam. What you see and “love” that keeps you from laying down all to follow the Lamb, is an idol – an idol of the heart. Things or people: What you fear losing is your god.

Like I said, I lived eight years in Aqaba, Jordan. I saw people spend $15,000 on

their containers, move there, set up housekeeping just like in the U.S. – big house-sized apartment for two or three people – then become discouraged because it wasn’t America and they missed Walmart, so they got mad and had it all shipped back to the U.S., where they set up life as usual again. I saw this over and over. They brought their ugly American attitudes—exclusivist, me-first, selfish, religious attitudes.

In February of 2004, Father gave me a powerful warning to Americans to come out of end-time Babylon. Then in January of 2005, I was working on an article, and Father’s Presence came into the room so strong, I froze. I waited, and His Presence grew stronger. My whole mouth went fuzzy, as when He is speaking a

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prophecy through me. He began giving me what He thought. I typed on the computer what He said as He said it. First, He gave me a prophecy to one particular family. Then it was specific for the whole community there—the Christian/Messianic mix. He was very angry. I’ve known Him like that before, and when He speaks, as with the Prophets of old, He spares no ones delicate sensitivities. I printed it out and gave a copy to every family there. It was 100% rejected. The reason was that they had violated it thoroughly, that’s why he was so angry. And they were not about to repent, to humble themselves, or even seek His face about it. They were content with their own self-justified spirituality, and nothing He said made any difference. It is the same across board (except for a tiny few) with most Americans. They were all Americans.

One lady had brought her antiques, her gold-trimmed china, her silverware, and all her other expensive dainties—for Shabbat dinners of course.

His basic message is that He is about to judge end-time Babylon – the laboratory for eugenics on mankind, for the spread of the religions of Lucifer, and the setting up of the global world government.

I suppose this would be fine if someone just wanted to move to another country for the fun of it or for his or her job. But, everyone will lose everything in the days ahead – read Zephaniah – wow, these prophets tell us the truth. Why keep before your eyes what you will watch destroyed before your eyes!

Most people get upset if they misplace something, or lose something. What will it be like when they see everything, and maybe those they love, too, totally destroyed before their eyes?

Some are bringing their containers and stuff because they say it would cost too much to replace it in another country. That sounds smart…until you see the hidden excuse to maintain what psychologically attaches one to “home”. Why not use your move as a great opportunity to live on only necessities! Well-to-do Americans in Aqaba told me upon my arrival that it would cost me about $17,000.00 to buy furniture, including at least $4,000 for appliances. I bought all the appliances I needed for $400.00—new. I used a 3-burner hot plate for eight years to cook my food. They mocked me, literally. I bought all the furniture I needed for under $1,000. Some gave me what they were going to throw out--I thought it was great. I didn’t suffer for lack of anything. I lived well on between $350 and $400.00 a month—for everything, and I hosted quite a few people. Now prices have gone up—all the more reason to downsize. But, what about the joy of seeing Father provide?

No—He won’t provide like most provide for themselves in the West. He will bring what is adequate. He promises to provide “needs”. But, living by dependency on Him is awesome! In the midst of much suffering throughout my

life, I have lived a life of miracles. Most don’t want to have to trust Him. They want to control their lives. But, oh the joy they forsake!

As you can read in many of my articles about judgment, America, from before its inception, has contained the seeds of the most demonic takeover ever

known to mankind. It is the world’s leader in the spread of pornography of all

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types, violent and sexual movies, violent and sexual music, drugs of all types, homosexuality, eugenics practices, spiritually deadly materialism, humanism, and the enslavement of men, women and children to work their factories and fields for as little as 30 cents for a 12-hour day. So, in Revelation 18, when it lists the 26 commodities of end-time Babylon’s heart (New York City), traded daily in one place only as a whole—Wall Street--#26 takes on new meaning. And you want to bring that hideous culture in your heart and in your suitcase. Forget it… This is not Father’s remnant!

Many bring things to “entertain” their children. If you read “Gentle Sacrifice” you will see that even with some home schooled children, the gentle sacrifice of their minds to Luciferic garbage goes on. What good is “entertainment” if it doesn’t challenge a person to higher thinking? But, most of the time, TV, movies, novels, plays, and other like forms of entertainment are designed to grip the mind and emotions, and manipulate them any way the writer desires-- usually not for “higher thinking”, but for producing fascination, anxiety and fear, fleshly desires, and to introduce deceptions. Because of “entertainment”, almost all in America think like Cinderella awaiting Prince Charming – thinking fantasyland is really real. They can’t face reality! So, in coming to another culture, instead of using the time to enter into His realm and learn from Him, they busy themselves with uselessness to “kill time”.

His words speak for themselves. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME LEAVING BABYLON IF BABYLON IS COMING OUT WITH YOU! HE WILL JUDGE IT WHEREVER HE FINDS IT … “BABYLON IS FALLEN; BABYLON IS FALLEN” – Revelation 18 and Isaiah 21. That will include you and your idols of sight and heart, no matter if you’re on the top of Mt. Everest.

Enough said… Here’s His word: 1) 2004 2) 2005



PROPHETIC WORD from Yahuweh, spoken to Yedidah in Aqaba, Jordan: January 2, 2005 AM --To all those who have moved, or are moving, to Israel, or Aqaba, Jordan—from America, the U.K., and other Greco/Roman nations.

This will also apply to those moving anywhere outside the U.S.:

“My people are coming into Israel and Jordan, bringing with them the elements of Babylon. Instead of leaving Babylon, they are putting Babylon into

containers and shipping Babel to Israel and to Jordan. They are bringing Babylon in their hearts and minds. They are bringing Babel--in the same way

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that Lot’s wife did not want to leave Sodom. They are holding onto the things of Babel, packing up Babel and moving it to Israel and Jordan—even as Rachel

brought out her father’s household gods, and sat on them. Because they are bringing Babylon here, they are bringing with them the destruction of Babel and My wrath on Babylon. LET GO OF YOUR TIES TO BABEL!

Lot’s daughters brought Sodom with them into the cave with their father. The results were the Moabites and the Ammonites--foreign sun god worshippers of Baal, who destroyed My people Israel.

They are bringing sun god worship with them, without realizing it, trying to offer it to others, and perpetuating it in this place. Learn My ways! The ones coming from Diaspora are bringing the Babylonian religion into Israel and Jordan--to brining Babylon’s end-time religion to the Edomites, the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Egyptians, the Israelites and the House of Judah. They are perpetuating the abominations of Baal. They are bringing abominations into My worship calling them `fun’ and `American’.

They are stubbornly still calling on the Names of the Baals though they know better, instead of using My Name, which I gave to Moses. They are mixing the false sun god religion of Baal with My true worship, as the Israelites did with the golden calf in this wilderness, saying `tomorrow is a festival to Yahuweh’. Tell them `stop the American culture and enter into My culture--My Torah--My Shabbat, My Feasts, My ways, My thoughts, My lifestyle, My purposes’, and totally come out of the ways of Babel. I require purity in the inwards parts. I have brought all of you here to stand in the gap for the House of Joseph and for the House of Judah--to prepare the way for My remnant, whom I will preserve in this place--not to bring Babylon and its ways into this place. Be set apart as I am set apart. Holding onto Babel in the days ahead will exact a great price.

The time is short! Change, Change, Change! Drop the ways of Babel that are in your heart, unless you want to receive the judgment that is coming--that is due to Babel. This attachment to the ways of Babylon will be a yoke upon your neck, a stumbling block to your feet, and a deceptive hook in your jaw, to keep you tied to what is of Baal and Babylon--through your possessions, your mind-reasoning, your lifestyle and your beliefs. Repent! Drop all that is of Babylonian idolatry and thinking--FREE YOURSELF!

Learn My Word! Know Me! Learn total dependency on Me! Stop running to man and depending on man for your security and help! For what will you do in the days ahead if man is your arm on which you lean for your security? Man

can not do what I can do! Don’t continue to curse yourself by holding onto what is of man and the ways of Babel. Enter into what I am doing in this place. Let go of your own ideas. Find out what I am doing through My Word, and by My Spirit. Know My voice! Stop listening to the voices that are not of Me! Be led by My Spirit. Be taught by My Spirit. Do not depend on your own reasoning. And, please, love one another, without restrictions, as I have loved you!”


August 28, 2009 Page 13


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