The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular ...

The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular meeting on September 10, 2018.

The following members were present at roll call: Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ward and Mr. Appleton.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to approve the following consent agenda #1 items:

A) Approve the following substitutes:

• Ernie Meadows – Aide, Cook, Custodian

• Renee Gorby – Aide

• Emma Hensley – Teacher

• Nicole Hayes – Teacher

• Mary Chattin – Teacher

• Chasidy Stapleton – Custodian

B) Approve the following workshops:

• Danielle Hamlin, Facing History and Ourselves, Novel Study, Cleveland, OH – July 17-20, 2018

• Layne Wireman, WVAHPERD, Health & P.E., Charleston, WV – October 19, 2018

• Monica McClellan and Laura Fields, Marshall University Autism Training Center, Autism Strategies, Huntington, WV – September 6-7, 2018

• Chris Dennis, Marshall University Training Connections & Resources, Autism Across the Lifespan, Huntington, WV – September 6, 2018

• Beverly Price, Marshall University Early Childhood Training, Autism Awareness, Huntington, WV – September 6, 2018

• John McClung, WVAHPERD, Health & P.E., Charleston, WV – October 18-19, 2018

• Jon Buchanan and Adam Alt, OHSBCA Coaches Clinic, Columbus, OH – September 30 – October 1, 2018

• Keith Carper, Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development Conference – January 31 – February 2, 2019

C) Accept the resignation of Kira Dillon as FHS Assistant Track and Assistant Cross Country coach effective 9/10/2018

D) Adopt the following resolution:

The Superintendent of Schools Roni Hayes recommends that the board of education adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS the student(s) identified below have been determined to be residents of this school district, and eligible for transportation services; and

WHEREAS after a careful evaluation of all available options, it has been determined that it is impractical to provide transportation for these student(s) to their selected school(s); and

WHEREAS the following factors as identified in Revised Code §3327.02 have been considered:

1. The time and distance required to provide the transportation

2. The number of pupils to be transported

3. The cost of providing transportation in terms of equipment, maintenance, personnel, and administration

4. Whether similar or equivalent service is provided to other pupils eligible for transportation

5. Whether and to what extent the additional service unavoidably disrupts current transportation schedules

6. Whether other reimbursable types of transportation are available; and

WHEREAS the option of offering payment-in-lieu of transportation is provided in Ohio Revised Code: Therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the Fairland Board of Education hereby approves the declaration that it is impractical to transport the students identified herein and offers the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students named on the attachment, payment-in-lieu of transportation.


1. Joshua Bledsoe, Lawrence County Stem + M, 10th grade, Dorothy Bledsoe

E) Approve OAPSE/AFSCME release time for Barbara Ward on 9/14/18 to conduct official union business

F) Approve renewal of the Joint Agreement For Cooperative Establishment and Operation Of The Lawrence County Joint Educational Program among the Lawrence County Educational Service Center Governing Board and the seven Lawrence County School District Boards of Education

G) Approve the following purchase orders:

• #90321 to Cabinet Wholesalers in the amount of $3,132.00

• #90323 to Herff Jones in the amount of $7,820.12

• #90374 to Mason & Barry in the amount of $12,250.46

H) Approve the following student activity budgets for 2018-2019:

1. FHS Choir – Chris Shew

2. FHS Drama Club – Chris Shew

3. FHS BETA Club – Stephanie Beelen

4. FHS TRI-M Music Honor Society – Chris Shew

5. FMS Cheerleaders – Maureen Stitt

6. FHS Spain Trip – Amy Harmon

7. FMS 8th Grade Washington Trip – Patrick Frasher – pending receipt of final paperwork from last year’s trip

I) Approve the set-aside calculation for fiscal year 2019 capital and maintenance fund be based on provisions of Section 3315.18 of Am. Sub. H. B. 49 for City, Exempted Village and Local School Districts

J) Approve the minutes of the August 13, 2018 regular board meeting

K) Approve the bank reconciliation, SM2 report, FUNDSUMM, and FINSUM reports for August 2018 as presented by the Treasurer

L) Approve the CHEKPY report for August 2018 presented by the Treasurer

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to go into executive session to consider the employment of a public employee or official and to consider preparing for or reviewing negotiations with employees.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

Out 6:40 p.m. Back 8:40 p.m.

Upon roll call, Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ward and Mr. Appleton were present when the regular session reconvened.


Mr. Gorby moved second by Mr. Lewis to approve the following consent agenda #2 items:

A) Hire Troy Glenn Dillon as Fairland Middle School Beta Club Sponsor for the 2018-2019 school year

B) Hire Edna Denise Breen as Fairland Middle School 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher for the 2018-2019 school year

C) Hire Lori Singer as a classroom aide/registered behavior technician at Fairland West for the 2018-2019 school year

D) Hire Kara Speed as Fairland Middle School Science Fair Coordinator for the 2018-2019 school year

E) Hire Alisha Mannon as Special Olympics Coordinator for the 2018-2019 school year

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.


Mr. Gorby moved second by Mr. Sowards to hire David Scott Wilson as Fairland High School Girls Softball Head Coach for the 2018-2019 school year

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, abstain; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Ward to adjourn the meeting.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

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