Form ERC – 2 - Ohio EPA Home

Please complete and return to:

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Division of Air Pollution Control (DAPC)

Attn: ERC Banking Program

Lazarus Government Center

P.O. Box 1049

Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049

Before submitting this form to Ohio EPA, please review all applicable rules in OAC rule 3745-111-04 “ERC transfer and use for the purpose of offsets”. If you are transferring your ERC(s) to another owner you will complete Sections I, II, III, VII, Part B of Section VIII, and IX. If you are receiving ERC(s) as a result of the transfer you will complete Sections IV, V, VI, VIII and X. After all Sections are completed please submit one copy to Ohio EPA. If you need assistance with this form, please consult “ERC Form – 2 Instructions” or contact your District Office or Local Air Agency. A copy of this form can be found at

|Original Generator and Current Owner Information |

|(the current owner is the transferor) |

|I. Original Generator’s Information (The facility that generated the ERC(s)) |

|A. Facility ID#: |      |

|B. Legal Facility Name: |      |

|C. Owner/Operator of Facility: |      |

|D. Street Address: |      |

|E. City: |      |F. State: |      |G. Zip Code: |      |

|H. County: |      |

|I. ERC Certificate ID(s): |      |

|II. Transferor’s Information (if different from original generator information under Section I) |

|A. Legal Facility/Person’s |      |

|Name: | |

|B. Owner/Operator of Facility: |      |

|C. Mailing Address: |      |

|D. City: |      |E. State: |      |F. Zip Code: |      |

|G. ERC Certificate ID(s): |      |

|III. Transferor’s ERC Transaction Contact Information (if different from transferor information under Section II) |

|A. Contact Name: |      |

|B. Facility/Company Name: |      |C. Telephone:       |

|D. Mailing Address: |      |

|E. City: |      |F. State: |      |G. Zip Code: |      |

|H. Email: |      |

| |

|New Owner and Contact Information |

|(The new owner is the transferee) |

|IV. Transferee Information (the new owner) |

|A. Legal Facility/Person’s Name:       | | |

|B. Facility ID#:       | |

|C. Bank ID#:       | I need a Bank ID#: |

|D. Owner/Operator of Facility: |      |

|E. Street Address: |      |

|F. City: |      |G. State: |      |H. Zip Code: |      |

|I. County: |      |

|V. Contact Information |

|A. Contact Name: |      |B. Telephone:       |

|C. Mailing Address: |      |

|D. City: |      |E. State: |      |F. Zip Code: |      |

|G. Email: |      |

|VI. ERC Transaction Contact Information (If different from contact information above) See instructions. |

|A. Contact Name: |      |B. Telephone:       |

|C. Facility/Company Name: |      |

|D. Mailing Address:       |

|E. City: |      |F. State: |      |G. Zip Code: |      |

|H. Email: |      |

Please continue to page 3 to complete the ERC Transaction Information

| |

|ERC Transaction Information |

|VII. ERC(s) to be Transferred Enter the amount of ERC(s) being transferred (See instructions) |

|Certificate ID |Certificate ID |Certificate ID |

|      |      |      |

|Pollutant       |Pollutant       |Pollutant      . |

|EU ID | |Amount Transferred (TPY) |

|VIII. Intended Use, Acquisition Dates and Price Data (completing price data is optional) |

|A. Intended use of ERC(s): Offsets Trading |

|B. Acquisition Date of the ERC(s): (mm/dd/yyyy)       |

|C. Price Data: |

|Price of ERC(s) Acquired or to be Acquired: |$       per ton |Per Pollutant:       |

|Price of ERC(s) Acquired or to be Acquired: |$       per ton |Per Pollutant:       |

|Price of ERC(s) Acquired or to be Acquired: |$       per ton |Per Pollutant:       |

|Price of ERC(s) Acquired or to be Acquired: |$       per ton |Per Pollutant:       |

|IX. Current Owner Transfer Authorization |

| | |

|I,       |am legally authorized to transfer the above ERC(s) to the |

| | |

|new owner,       |. To the best of my knowledge the transfer of verified |

| | |

| | |

|ERC(s) meets the requirements of OAC rule 3745-111-04. | |

|Signature: | |Date:       |

|Title: |      |

|X. New Legal Authorization |

| | |

|I,       |, am the new owner of the ERC(s) listed on this form. The |

|information entered in this notification is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. After the transfer is made final, I will be legally authorized to |

|transfer verified ERC(s) to another owner in the future and will meet the requirements of OAC Chapter 3745-31 and OAC Chapter 3745-111 when participating in the ERC |

|banking program for the purpose of offsets. |

|Signature: | |Date:       |

|Title: |      |

| |

|Additional Persons with Legal Authority |

| |

|Name:       Title: .       |


For Ohio EPA Use Only

Date Received

Amt. Transferred

Original ERC Cert. #_____________


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