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12-18-99 Question and answers commentary on Quranic verses

Masjid Bilal Cleveland, Ohio

Imam Warith Deen Mohammed

Transcript 1st draft unedited Nasir Ahmad

Dictionary of terms Printed hard copy

Qur’an Tafser

Ramadan Session after Fajr #1 Saturday

Tape III Side A

Topic: Question and answers commentary on Quranic verses

As Salaam Alaikum Al Fatihah

Ash hadu an le elaaha illahu wahdahu la sharekalahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluu sallallahu alayhe wa sallam wa ala alehe wa sahbehe ajma-een amma ba’d.

We witness that G-d is One and Muhammad is His servant and messenger, we pray the prayers and peace be upon him, upon his family, his descendants, his companions all amen an upon us be peace amen.

We had a session yesterday after Magrib pray and we discussed some things and for the benefit of those who came in today or after the session I’m just going to give you an idea of what was discussed and then later if you have joined us and that mean that you joined us as students of Imam W. Deen Mohammad I don’t want you in here if you’re not my student, you’re not welcome in here if you’re not my student, I’m serious. It as only, the invitation was only to those who think of themselves as students of Imam W.Deen Mohammed Dawa, my preaching and my explanations, etc. If you are my students then I accept you here, if you’re not I don’t accept you here and if you stay here you stay here against my wishes. And I want you to know you’re not wanted here, its not for you, you won’t get it anyway. That’s not a joke either that’s serious, yes.

Bismillaher Rahmaner Raheem, yeah so let me quickly go over what we discussed last night. We the main thing I want to bring to the attention of the students, and I’m a student to, I”m proud to be a student of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, he’s led me to the knowledge because he’s obedient to G-d, yes.

So what we discussed yesterday was what is Islam, Al Islam properly from the Quran, what is the Quran? What is the prophet? Didn’t say who, what is the Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh) we’re referring to the Messenger of Allah. And what is a Muslim? So four questions: what is Al Islam, what is the Quran, what is the Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh), the Messenger of Allah and what is a Muslim?

I won’t go over today I just want to acquaint, want you to be aware of what we discussed yesterday. Many other things were, were I would say brought into that concern, the concern that these four questions have. So the discussion of meanings yesterday was very broad, we were trying to give you, the students, a picture of Islam, Al Islam, the Religion of Al Islam.

Now today we are going to also ask some questions but before I want to open up for questions, those who were here yesterday, you have questions or comments we going to take about 15 minutes and I’m going to respond to you if you want me to or you don’t have to speak to me. You can just speak to all of us if you like you know. So its not just for questions to me, its for expressions, you have something you want to say have something you want to say or something you want to it express. It can even be personal, as long if its not embarrassing for us, it can be personal. It doesn’t have to be addressing anything that I’ve talked about, we’re going to take 15 minutes just for anyone who has need to say something or to ask me a question one what was said yesterday in this situation we’re in.


But before we do that I want to give you an idea of what were going to talk about today we’re going to read as we did yesterday, we read verse from Quran and we gave comments on the verses, what is called commentary or Tafseer on the verses. Today we’re gonna do the same, we’re gonna start with some reading from Quran and we’re gonna discuss some meanings and then we’re going to ask some questions.

Questions what is a human being, what is man? What is the human being? You don’t have to write now because we’re going to discuss it later then you could write it. What is the world, the world, the whole world, what is the world? And what is G-d, what is G-d or what is Allah? You notice I didn’t say who all what. What is Allah? If we say who Allah? The answer is Allah is G-d, that’s simple easy, quick, very quick. But what is the bigger question, more difficult question, ok.

And mind you I never come from my knowledge I always come from what’s been revealed, you may not recognize it when I’m speaking, but I never come from my knowledge, always what, I come from what’s been revealed. If I come my knowledge I tell you that, I tell you, I make it personal, I say “this is what my experience, this is what I explain. But if I’m not explaining it and explaining to you that its personal and that’s what I experienced, I’m coming straight from Scripture, not always from the Quran, but most of time from the Quran but never against the Quran. What ever I come from is from Bible or anything, its something that is in accord with the Quran and if its not, I’m explaining it to you the difference. This comes from the bible or some other source and is not like what comes from the Quran. So Im very careful, that’s what I want you to know.

Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem. Prayer is as 12:15 or 12, what time is the Thuhr I mean noon prayer, Thuhr prayer? About 12.15, yeah I think that’s what Imam said, Imam Clyde Rahman. So 12:15, so what we’ll do is we have these comments and everything until 11 about 11, fifteen minutes, its going to be a little after 11 and then we will read Quran and I think we won’t go into the, really the session the questions until after Thuhr prayer, ok.

It should only take about 15, 10, 15 minutes to do our prayers upstairs, and so at 12:30 we’ll start the session with questions.


W D. Mohammed:



Imam Dawad Mahmud Masjid Taqwa Glenarden Maryland: As Salaam Alaikum I heard meeting this morning ________

W D. Mohammed

And where you’re from?


Masjid Taqwa, Glenarden Maryland: As Salaam Alaikum I heard meeting this

W D. Mohammed:

Masjid Taqwa in, how you spell that?



W D. Mohammed:

Glen arden? Glenarden, Glenarden Maryland, yeah I been there too I was a guest up there twice wasn’t I? Once, once yea okay, once, yes I been there beautiful masjid they have there too. And its Imam Dawud Mahmud not it all comes back my head is clouded with too many thoughts right now and Imam Dawud Mahdi and he has now something that he wants to bring to our ears.


Dawud Mahmud:

As Salaam Alaikum, I just wanted to , this is personal I just want to say I been in the community for 21 years and coming here today and hearing the talk that was going on this morning, talking with some of the brothers that been in the community a long time then talk to this young man right here ___ 23 yrs old.


Might be one of our future leaders I said our community has a real bright future, that’s my heart is feeling, real bright future.

W D. Mohammed:

Al Hamdu lillah rabbil alameen.

Dawud Mahmud:

And I think that I and always wondered would I see the victory in my lifetime and I think en sha Allah

W D. Mohammed:

En sha Allah, en sha Allah that’s my expectations to brother, yes siree. Definitely in your lifetime and gonna see big things happen in my lifetime unless I die very soon. I’m not expecting to, but we never know. Yes, anyone else, yes. Give your name please and tell us what city your from.

My name is Rasul Madyun and I’m from Memphis, Tennessee this is personal official letter

W D. Mohammed:

Memphis, Tennessee, Rasul Madyun.

Rasul Madyun:

Yes sir, As Salaam Alaikum

W D. Mohammed:

Alaikum Salaam

Rasul Madyun:

This is was written for fear of not being able to get it out like I want to get it out, en sha Allah. This is personal. As Salam Alaikum we rahmatullah wa barakatuhu, this is an official letter to you Imam W. Deen Mohammed informing you of the allegiance of myself as Imam and my efforts in Al Islam to yourself and your progressive work and vision concerning the Religion of al Islam in American. I a son of brother K. Madyn who is a pioneer business man here in Memphis, Tennessee, right here standing on my right. My father followed you out of the nation of Islam under the Hon. E. Muhammad into your teaching that lead our community to the pure light of Al Islam. I was bon in 1976 and the view I have of Al Islam from my earliest years have in them the teachings of W. Deen Mohammed. I thank you brother Imam for all of your hard work, you are to me a true visionary, we all love you very much in Memphis Tennessee at Masjid al Mu’menun formally Masjid Muhammad which was pioneered by Imam Nuri Salaam who passed recently may Allah bless his efforts and grant him the paradise, originally of Compton, California.

Skip over some things here, this is the one that I was blessed to grow up in a property was bought, a Sister Clara Muhammad school with Musalla established in 1979. The major events at the masjid were the Sunday hook up teaching yourself, jumah and taleem, never has this community swerved from its allegiance to your leadership and we still love you and appreciate your work very much even until today. With the sober leadership of local Imam Rashad Sharrief.

I remember as a young boy sitting hours listening to you teach on the Sunday hook up and my father made sure we would listen to and read the Quran while we were growing up. I didn’t know the effect it was having then but Allah has blessed me to know now. ...say thank you fearless leader for your courage, your consistent and you sincerity and your unwavering desire to see a better condition for us all. I pray allah bless you for ever and I feel as though you are a family member even though I have only had the opportunity to shake your hand twice. I have seriously been studying your Tafseer of Al Quran and I’m very much trying to advance my knowledge of Al Islam. I want you to know we will keep the work going brother Imam, we define our childhood and direction with your courageous stance in 1975 even until now. When you asked us in Harvey, Illinois that those ones of us who are concerned about the great task ahead, that we should make our commitment and make it for a lifetime, I understood.

I’m a graduate of ___ college with B.S. in biology my plan is en sha Allah to attend medical school in the next few years and I”m also planning to go with your delegation on the Hajj in 2001 en sha Allah.

W D. Mohammed:

Al Hamdu lillah

m. 148

Rasul Madyun:

Brother Imam I know you’re a busy man, however I had to take time to let you know these things that weight heavy on my mind. You have challenged us to be thinkers and to be uncanny, I had to let you know personally the effect you had on me and thousands others like me. Because of you’re making it a priority this young man will here be in Memphis, Tenn or where ever Allah sees fit praying for and working for our success as a community for as long as it takes us to realize the model community and for us to truly make it home.

W D. Mohammed:

Al Hamdu lillah, Al Hamdu lillah rabbil alameen, this is the blessing in Ramadan yeah, see I told you we get special blessing in Ramadan, this is a blessing to all of us in Ramadan. To see, you know in 19 well I can’t remember exact year, but I was referring to the children that would be born from our parents during my leadership I said in 1975. I said all the children born under my leadership I said they will be children that will have good life and better future and they would be a blessing to us. We’d have good generation of people coming and I draw attention to the children that were being born. They were being born in a new time and new thinking and receiving Islamic names, receiving Islamic names.

So I expected from them would come persons like our brother here and he’s the evidence that Allah has given us what we expected, given us what we expected. And he spoke not only his name he spoke in many, in the name of many of his peers, yes, that is wonderful. And that’s the hope for us, that’s our hope, he’s our hope. He and youngster like him they are our hope because we’ll be gone, we’re not live, we’ll be gone, we’d be gone from here but they’ll still be here and isn’t it wonderful that Allah is showing us that our future is going to be in the hands of sincere persons like him? So I ask Allah to reward his father an his mother and his family all of them, his father, especially his father for his leadership. Jazahullah khairan katheeran men khaire kulle, we hope that G-d grant him rewards from all that is good, good from all that is good, yes sir. Abundance of good. We have not desire unanswered en sha Allah that’s our prayer.

So is there another one who wants to, yes brother Imam.

Stand give your name and city.


Jihad Shaheed St. Louis Missouri

W D. Mohammed:

St. Louis Missouri

Jihad Shaheed;

Yesterday you were explaining about the legitimacy of the prophecy and the seal I didn’t get that how the seal.

Q. 2.136; We make no distinction between Prophets

“Say ye: "We believe in Allah and the revelation given to us and to Abraham Isma`il Isaac Jacob and the Tribes and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord we make no difference between one and another of them and we bow to Allah (in Islam)."

John 3:18; Only begotten son of G-d

“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

Psalm 2:7; (David) son of G-d

“I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.”

W D. Mohammed:

Yeah, the legitimacy of Prophets not prophesy, I was talking about the legitimacy of Prophets that when Allah said to us “ say we believe, the Prophets that is, messengers, Prophets and messengers of G-d, and we make no distinction among them”. That is to say that all Prophet have equal legitimacy with G-d, just like all children born of their parents have equal legitimacy as children of those parents, all Prophet have equal legitimacy with G-d.

It doesn’t mean that they are all equal in their value to the society or the value to the world or to G-d or their equal in their contribution or equal in their service to Allah, they are not, they’re different, they differ. And in every other regard but as legitimate servants of G-d they all are equal .

m. 203

Because G-d called them all, G-d missioned them all, He approved them all, they all are equal as legitimate Messengers of G-d. Because why is that said? And I said this yesterday I’m saying it again, because in some religions the legitimacy is not the same for all the Prophets of G-d. Some have stronger legitimacy and some have weaker legitimacy. I’ll give you one expression that will bring the message, the idea home to you right away.

And such and such one was G-d’s only begotten son, this is said of David in the old testament and is said also of Jesus in Christian theology. That this one is G’d’s only begotten son. So what’s the meaning this is the only begotten son? What is meant by son? What is meant by begotten? This is unacceptable language in Islam, but if we understand it, what its saying is that G-d inspired them and they were purely and wholly the product and the result of G-d’s inspiration to them or G’d’s inspiration to them where some others were not. They had other things behind, involved in their inspiration and they were partly inspired by G-d and partly inspired by something else. If they were then they were not legitimate Prophets or Messengers of G-d. So the Quran makes them all equal and they all have equal legitimacy, is that clear? If not raise your hand. Yes give you name, I know but give you name, can you raise your voice, you have no mike.


Hanif Khalil Kansas city. I felt these meetings were elites and exclusionary

W D. Mohammed:

Yes, Kansas city

Hanif Khalil:

Brother Imam I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude for extending this particular invitation to this retreat for you students and not just Imams. ___ brother Madyun some assistants here that have not been able to be a part of this during the month of Ramadan. And I’m very much appreciative of that I mentioned that to brother Rafai at the airport yesterday ___said this is what we should be doing all the time. So I’m very much appreciative to part a part of this. Also I felt at some point that these meetings were elitest and exclusionary __ and I feel much better ____ for the invitation for the students thank you As Salaam Alaikum.

W D. Mohammed:

Thank you for that observation and expression, yes the, you know, we want to see resources used and we don’t ignore any of our good resources so we can’t get that unless we involve, open the door to all that are interested in what we’re doing and want to contribute. We have to open the door to all of them, males and females, we didn’t specifically say females are invited but we said students and I knew some sisters would be here. Very happy you’re here. Yes we still have a few more minutes, let me see,


As Salaam Alaikum,

W D. Mohammed:

Yes sister.

My name is _____

W D. Mohammed:

From where?


Norfolk, Virginia

W D. Mohammed:

Norfolk, Virginia, thank you

m. 242

Aisha young Marriage to Prophet Muhammad


I like to ____ my question is by today’s standards the marriage of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Aisha would be frowned upon, she was young age. Help us to understand that relationship and also what was her major contribution to him as the Messenger of G-d.

W D. Mohammed:

Yes, now let me see, I’m straining to hear, but I think I heard everything. Her question is Aisya the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and upon, may G-d be pleased with her (radeyallahu anhaa), the question is what was her relationship to him, her particular relationship with him, is that right?



I want to know by today’s standards it would be frowned upon since she was a young age when he married her.

W D. Mohammed:

Yes, what was, you want to understand the marriage?


Yes sir.

W D. Mohammed:

Yes, ok


And also what was her contribution to him.

Q.4.24; Marry not for lust

“Also (prohibited are) women already married except those whom your right hands possess. Thus hath Allah ordained (prohibitions) against you: except for these all others are lawful provided ye seek (them in marriage)

with gifts from your property desiring chastity not lust.”

W D. Mohammed:

And also what was her contribution to him, her contribution to him. Yes now it is said that she, the earliest age that’s reported is 9 years old; however there’s been studies made by scholars and they said that she couldn’t have been younger than 18 years old, but lets say she was 9 yrs old. In many cultures of the East, Far East, Middle Ease, Jews, a young child can become the wife of an adult responsible person or even a minor before the marriage is actually consummated or carried out or I would say the relationship has started. As the man, wife relationship, long before that they can be married.

So it doesn’t mean that she got in his bed at that time because he accepted her as a wife, he accepted her as wife and perhaps only when she matured and was grown as a young woman and was able to then understand that relationship that she was performing as the wife of the Prophet.

So understand this too, don’t think of sex when you think of marriage in Islam, because marriage in Islam is not suppose to be based upon sex. The sexual desire is not suppose to determine marriage in Islam, it says marry women but not out of sexual desire. Marry them for their worth to you as women, wives, as wives and mothers of children that’s what you marry them for, you don’t marry them for sex. Sex is a great benefit you get along and not a fringe benefit, its stronger than a fringe benefit. Great benefit that you get from your marriage or from that relationship with the wife. But sex is not what you want.

Marry for social company not sex

If we marry, get women just for sex or females for sex, we’re no better than the animals, in fact we’re worst than many animals cause many animals don’t mate for sex, they mate for social life, yes. So we be worst than many animals if we mated, got women just for sex. So but the West, that’ the mind of the West, you know, if you want woman you want to go, have sex with her, that’s not me, I want a woman because I want company, I want a female’s company. That’s why I want a woman and sex is a benefit, sex counts. I wish its only brothers here I sure like to tell you something, it would be plain, I can make it real plain to you brothers, yeah.

So now lets get back to is, so his is a touchy, touch question I mean among scholars, a touchy question, they don’t like to discuss that question. She was so young, was she mature, now lets look at something else, it never bothered me really, that question, never bothered me because I know the Prophet (pbuh). First of all I met the Prophet before I met his Aisha, so I knew the Prophet(pbuh) and I trust the Prophet I know everything he did was honorable and right, yes.

So lets look at something else now, when the world was not as developed as it is now females matured much faster, than they do now and since I been living I’ve seen males and females stay children for much longer time period than we did. We grew up and became adult and responsible much faster than these youngsters are doing now on the whole. Most of these youngsters not hardly ready for marriage or responsibility, adult responsibility now until they’re over 25 years old, some don’t even qualify until they’re 30 something or 40 yrs, no this is reality, this is true nowadays. They still have a child’s mind a boy’s mind, they are not accepting responsibility as an adult so they’re mentally they are still boys, they are not grown men.

m. 315

And the same thing for females they are not as far behind as the males but most females in our time now, they are not ready for marriage. Not at the age of many of our females where ready when I was a boy. Sometime a girl 12 years old was ready for marriage when I was a boy, 12 yrs old, she was ready for marriage.

When sex urge becomes strong don’t you think you aught start thinking about marriage, what are you gonna think about if you’re not thinking about marriage? Fornication, yeah, so when the sex urge becomes strong you should start discussing marriage with your children with your girls, with your boys, say “you ought to be thinking about marriage, say I know what you want”, but you ought to be thinking about marriage.”

Young marriage parents should assist

Now how they gonna marry? This ain nothing new I’m reveal, I’m telling you about myself, I’ve said this long time ago many years ago you all. The parents and the grand parents should help these children, if they love each other enough say “hey lets marry”. You don’t have to consummate the marriage, but marry, this is my wife, this is my wife, I’m getting educated so I can be a good husband, and she will say I’m getting educated so I’ll be a good wife, a better wife so I can a better wife and a better mother and he will do the same, better father, better mother, getting educated. And my parents are taking care of me and my grandparents are taking care of me, they are counseling me, they’re advising me, they’re preparing me for to marriage responsibility of marriage. But they’re already married If they really love each other don’t you know that’s gonna make them really have tight close bonds and strong ties to each other. When you say “yeah you can marry that’s your wife, this is your husband”

Now, if they should have sex, they’re going to do it any way, you’re not going to stop these youngsters from having babies they’re doing it. But look at the shame on you and the family and on them and the difficulty for them when they’re doing it out of wedlock. Now this is nothing that I’m telling

you to do, I’m tell you what I would like to see, this is what I would like to see for my daughter. I got a daughter now, if ever she’s in love, she’s 13 she made 13 in September, if she proves, shows me she’s really in love with a young man and I think that her love is clean and that she want this man not for tonight or for a few minutes but she wants him for the rest of her life and he feels the same way about her I’m ready to marry them anytime tonight ,tomorrow anytime, I’m ready to officiate the marriage, yes.

And then I will advise them “look restrain yourself sexually you can be with each other but stay away from strong temptation, don’t indulge the flesh, get through school get all that out of the way first and then consummate the marriage.” That’s what I would be trying to help them do. And with the mikes off I’ll tell them if you’re forced to, get some protection, if you just have to, if you’re driven to that extent, get some protection, cause you’re not ready to have babies right now, you’re still a baby yourself.”


Now getting back to Aisha (radeyallahu anha) G-d be pleased with her. I think I already said without saying it directly, that I believe she at the age of nine was like 15 or 16 in my time, not in these children’s time today, she was like 15 or 16 in my time. When I was a boy the girls that were around when I was a boy and who knows, she was the daughter of special parents, especially her father. Who knows how much education she had at thirteen about society, about females and males and responsibility in the house, who knows. She could have had the maturity because of the environment she was in that would make her more adult than many of our women today who are 35 yrs old, how do we know, we don’t know.

So we cannot judge the past by our own picture of reality today, you cannot judge reality back then by this picture we have of reality today, that the first thing I want to bring to your mind. The next thing I want to bring to your mind, I already mentioned it, that its possible that actually she did not become his wife at nine years old it was 18 yrs old much later. The history and details can easily be confused.

Another thing about Aisha (radeyallhu anha) she was a very conscious believer, conscious of the Prophet as messenger (pbuh) of G-d and his responsibilities, very conscious of it and I think her father had lot to do with that. She was very conscious of that and she was studious at a very early age, she had proved that she was a very good scholar, student and she became a scholar, she became a scholar in Islam.

m. 413

So this speaks for an exceptional mind. She was just not an ordinary female with an ordinary mind, she was an exceptional female with an extraordinary mind. She’s quoted today by scholars, I quote her myself and other scholars quote her a lot because they’re more familiar with a lot of her things than I am, I have not studied her as a subject. I have not taken up Aisha as a subject to study her accept for the marriage, for the marriage issue, the issue of marriage to the Prophet (pbuh).

Now the Prophet (pbuh) didn’t ask for her, she was brought to the Prophet (pbuh) and it was his companion (radyallhu anhu) G-d be pleased with him, it was his companion who wanted his daughter to be the wife of the Prophet. So understand that, that’s evidence that, that was something normal back then, that it was normal, it was a normal thing that you could present a young female to a male to be married, for marriage and nothing was thought of it, they weren’t abusive like we were, we are you know. You see a, in fact I be with my children and I see people looking at me sometimes like they think I kidnaped the children or something, say “who is this old man doing with these young children?”

And I remember I was going to a restaurant with my wife, with my wife and they be looking at me like they angry with me, like I’ve done something wrong to them personally, my wife is young you know, say “ is this your daughter?” I say yes, I say yes this is my daughter I say and we do some terrible things together”. So they mess with me I mess with them. And my children you know they look at my children,”this your grand, these your grand children?” I say they certainly are my grandchildren I say each one is grand”.

So you know first thing you think of in this society, Western society is just so sex minded, the first thing they think of is sex, it must be sex here sex, its not the whole of life it’s just a necessity and it’s a blessing that G-d have given us along with the marriage you know. In fact the Prophet says it’s a blessing didn’t he? Yeah he says it’s a blessing, he says and they asked him says how is that dear messenger of G-d? He said well if you were to have it unlawfully wouldn’t it be a curse, wouldn’t it be a sin? And that’s all he said, but you all want a lecture behind that, not all of you I’m just talking to a few of you.

Well, lets we’re going to have to wrap it up in five minutes we went over time, yes the brother in the back is that brother Bari I can’t see too well either bro Bari, I got glasses on but I can’t, bro Bari and from Baltimore, I mean Washington D.C. pardon me?

Dawa behind leadership WDM


Ramadan Mubarak My concern about

dawa session this morning dawa for us is propagating Islam with WDM tafsir

W D. Mohammed:

Yeah you can come closer, I’m hearing you but come closer come about center, come about center of the room.

Dawa in support of Imam W. Deen Mohammed


Dawa for us is _______ propagating Islam with Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s tafsir is that right?

W D. Mohammed:

Yes but, yes but I wouldn’t like you to start using that language don’t say my Tafseer when you just want to say

that you’re doing Dawa as student or as supporter of my Dawa efforts. Just say that Dawa behind the leadership of Imam W Deen Mohammed or Dawa in the community we call Muslim American society, Muslim American society, you know, that’s good enough. Just identity the group Muslim American society. Dawa in Muslim American society or if you want to tie it into me to make it clear that the Dawa is, the Dawa of Imam W Deen Mohammed or supporting the Dawa of Imam W. Deen Mohammed you just say it like that. Say our Dawa in support of Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s Dawa.


My concern s that whenever we have meetings and conference I work for Imam W. D. Mohammed publication, I think that some Imams that come to these sessions and I think we should as a Dawa tool I think we should use more of your tapes and Muslim journal.

m. 515

I think when we come to these sessions I think it s kind of embarrassing for an Imam to come here and pick up one paper and one tapes that’s my personal opinion. And so I think when we come prepared to pick up a few tapes for other people in your area, if they can’t make it. So that was my observation. And another concern was that Imam Nuriddin when he was speaking he left out an important, probably by mistake important an important element of the brain storming session that’s coming up, those who don’t know business will be a part of the brain storming session is that right brother Mohammed? Brain storming will be one of the sessions, business will be one of the sessions of the brainstorming session.

Muslim Journal

W D. Mohammed:

Yes, the one that’s coming up in Carolina, yes that’s true, oh yeah that’s correct, yes sir, that’s very much correct, yes

Let me just say something to support or to give my support to what he has expressed as a concern. We have a newspaper, the Muslim Journal and it’s a very good newspaper and it has reading in there for any member of public. Though it is a Muslim newspaper it has reading in there that would help any member of the public. Islam is a popular religion in America, in the world, in America, and in the world today, Islam and the more American citizens Christians and others are aware of Islam and Islam in their locale, the better their life is going to be and the better our life is going to be. If they know noting about Islam I pity them because the future requires us to know each other and have respect for each other and if you don’t, we’re out of place, we’re really awkward in the society as members of the society. We’re messed up, we’re not educated, no member of public can truly say he’s educated in this time and know nothing about Islam. Just like no member of the public that has a sizeable minority in it can say their educated and don’t know anything about that sizeable minority, they are not educated.

You have an obligation brother Imams and inviters to the was of Islam ,dawa people, you have an obligation to not only acquaint people with Islam as a invitation for them to become converts to Islam, you have an obligation to prepare the world better for Muslims and children who have to live in world. And if you don’t acquaint more people to Islam how are you preparing the world for the children, your children that have to live in this world when you’re gone?

Imams must realize seriousness of mission

So you have, this obligation is more serious than you Imams take it to be, you just think it just going out there to preaching or letting somebody hear you say few words in Islam, a few Quranic words or a few Arabic words and you think you’ve done a great job. Let me tell you, you’ve done nothing, you’ve done absolutely nothing. Your neighborhood would be better off with out you, we would be better of without you, the world would be better off without you because you’re too small in your thinking, you too narrow minded and you’re too selfish, you have nothing as an interest. What you have is very cheap, if all you can get out there and charm somebody by [al hamdu lilallhe rabbil alameen] ...

Ramadan Session after Fajr #1 Saturday

Tape III Side B

... to people so that we can have a better life on this earth

that’s Islam, that’s Religion. If you’re not interested in that you’re just out of it and I think that’s why you only pick up one paper, you’re not interested in helping anybody, you just want to read it for yourself, and you’re probably hiding it from your members of you community because you don’t want them to see other people’s thinking, just want them to see you little small mind, you’re not welcome here. And when I said students of Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s Dawa I know persons like that, they don’t like me and I don’t like you, you’re here against my will. So thank you for bringing that to our mind brother.

Imam take Muslim Journal copies

No, you’re an Imam you should take Muslim journal for yourself, for your house and if your congregation is not receiving it you should take enough for every member in your congregation and then you should encourage the members of your congregation to take more than one so that they can give one to a friend or a relative, that’s what you should be doing, that’s the normal healthy thing.

Tapes Imam W.D. Mohammad take people to listen

And the tapes, you should take the tapes of Imam W Deen Mohammed and you should be trying to get many people to listen to the tapes. If you’re able to put it on the radio you should have it on the radio.


If you’re not able to put it on the radio you should at least be trying to get many people to have that tape. Say “ this is something I think you would appreciate listening to my friend or brother or my relative or whoever it is.” Then Allah will be wit you, Allah is not with and you’re trying to hide everything that everybody, that somebody else have. Don’t want to see nothing but you, just want them to see you. You’re afraid to let somebody else come in, okay thank your. Allahu Akbar. Yes I see a hand the brother far to my, right there, yes. That’s brother Karriem I think.

Rahman Karriem:

As Salaam Alaikkum

W D. Mohammed:

Wa Alaikum Salaam , brother Karriem is from Baltimore also [Dallas, Tx]

Rahman Karriem:

This question brother Imam has caused me, well it has been a burden on me and the reason I’m asking it so I can get clarity because the question has arised in different places you know with me meeting brothers in different communities. And so I’ve seen it as a hindrance on our part but of course you know I’m asking you for clarity and the question is, the problem is that within our limited resources that we have as a community should our emphasis be continually be placed on building Masjids instead of businesses to support the Masjid? And if so, the buildings that we have in our community that are not built from ground up, I’ve seen more of a I mean almost close to a worship of the building itself in terms of using it as an asset to better our situation.

So I guess you say I’m trying to frame the question is what is, if we if we have limited resources that we have, which one should we do? Of course I want to build Masjids but I know that without businesses to support the Masjids and schools you can work I’m seeing that as a hindrance and I’m saying that very sincerely as a burden. And another thing I want to add for example like we have this building fund in different locations, we have money just sitting there, not doing anything, is it wrong to take money to you know, in intelligent way to leverage it, to double it, to advance it, to make it grow al hamdu lillah.

W D. Mohammed:

Thank you, okay thank you. Yeah, you’re a business man, he’s a good businessman too, I know him he’s son of a pioneer among the ministers of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, brother Isaiah Karriem who was an industrious person not only a good preacher, but he was an industrious person, hard working man . And the spirit is in his son, plus his son has his own spirit too, so he’s a blessing to our community.

Masjid need financial strong to take care of it

Yeah, I agree with bro Karriem we shouldn’t put a lot money into Mosque structures, Mosque construction and then depend on poor people to take care of that investment, to maintain it, take care of it, not to mention paying it off but once its paid off it has to be maintained and that’s another cost. So we shouldn’t do these things unless we know that this is not going to burden those who are already burdened. We have to have people strong enough, business people, people earning enough income and interested in our Mosques, community, Masjid community we have to have enough of them supporting us financially for us to justify ourselves in building a construction that has to be taken care of with money after you pay for it. That’s my position.

m.64 Build schools then Masjid

CPC from Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s economic vision

The business vision that’s really I would say a child of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s vision, economic vision for our community we call CPC, Collective Purchasing that has been born out of the concern or of the concern for a struggling, poor community who now desperately need large sums of money to pay for teachers, schools, materials, education for our children, desperately need that. So really before we think about Mosque we should be thinking about schools. And if you have a school with all purpose room can’t we use it on Friday for prayer can’t we use it on Sunday if we want to for preaching, the children are not using it anyway on Sunday? So you have something to accommodate Mosque if you build a school.

m. 74

And I think most of our members even those without children they would appreciate us providing better situations for our children to be educated under us as Muslims, especially the young ones, the elementary school students. They would be much more happy with that than they will with us putting a lot of money into a construction that’s just going to be a Mosque, you use it just on Fridays and you’re gone the rest of the week as if nothing is happening. And I agree with the business man, if we have these facilities why don’t we utilize them with some business, why don’t we utilize them, they there anyway you’ve paid for them and you’re only using it on Friday. “Say I use my Mosque everyday” yeah you just sitting there a high priest sitting there a little dwarf that thinks he’s a high priest he’s sitting there every day and he’s into his dream world, nothing is happening, not for the society, not for the neighborhood, for anybody, yeah we need to. We need to utilize these facilities if we have spent money in them for more than just Pray on Friday.

And this is something that the Christians are doing more, they always have done it but they’re much more now, they’re doing so many things with their church facilities, so many things. They’re taking care of many so many other needs of the people, of the congregation, that’s what we have to do, yeah. We’re not ready to build any big Mosque, not yet, we’re not ready, if somebody give us some then I want them to also give us an annual budget to maintain it. I talked to some philanthropists I don’t want their gift of a bid Mosque or a big construction unless they’re also going to give us an annual budget to take care of it, because we’re not rich, we’re not ready for anything like. But en sha Allah down the road the business effort will increase the business people, the business people will grow, when they see business more people will joining business, we have youngsters already have joined us. We have others too have joined us in the business.

So you have more people joining business, business become bigger and stronger and if its successful which I’m sure we will be Allah is with us, then we will have more money coming because of business, engaging in business and pretty soon we will be able to finance, we will be financier, we will have enough finances to finance schools and teachers and everything and Mosques eventually, big Mosque. But that’s way down the road.

Prophet never had a big Masjid but did big Dawa

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) do you think he ever saw a big Mosque like that, he never saw one. But look at the big Dawa he did. Dawa to millions but never had a big facility. You go and see what was there or ask them, those who know the land and know what was there. They will tell you no, a little, something so small like a, like we throw up cinder blocks and build a little something, see the weather is good there too, so they didn’t worry about the place not accommodating the numbers, they just wanted a place, a little place, a little facility. So the little facility there was just as a symbol really, if crowds came there they had to pray outside on the ground, which is accepted, even in cold weather.

You know I prayed in snow as deep as you knee almost once, naturally I didn’t go to that deep part of it, where they had shoveled a little bit and I prayed out, it was winter, and I had on nice coat, I was ___ nobody around, I don’t pray to be seen. So I made sure nobody was around and they walking so slow in that bad weather I was praying in I knew they wouldn’t get up on me until I finished the prayer. Nobody was in sight and they had to come through all that snow they wouldn’t get to me. So I prayed, I actually prayed, I did rakats, I did sajdah everything I prayed like I’m suppose to pray, in the winter, in Chicago on ground, in the winter.

Now you all saw me “ he’s gone the Imam have lost his mind”. How come I lost my mind, I love my G-d and if we didn’t have these structures wouldn’t we have to pray out there on the ground? You think we would be excused from prayer just because we don’t have a house to pray in, you wouldn’t be excused. The first believers didn’t have houses to pray in, they prayed on the ground. So we got to get to reality, get to reality and know the reality for the time and the circumstances. The reality for our time and our circumstances is that we should not put no big money in the Mosque construction, we should be putting big money in jobs and creating business and jobs for our people and schools to educate our children, that’s where our money should be going.

Rahman Karriem:

Thank you brother Imam

W D. Mohammed:

You’re welcome. Well our time is out but I would like to hear from two more, yes Brother Bilal. This is brother Imam Bilal from Baltimore from Baltimore.

Imam Bilal

As Salaam Alaikum

W D. Mohammed:

Wa Alaikum As Salaam

Imam Bilal

Ramadan Mubarak

W D. Mohammed:

Ramadan Mubarak

Arabic best tool to understand Quran

Imam Bilal

My question is we had a deep discussion about you this morning the question came up about the understanding that you have, would you have that understanding if you didn’t have the command of Arabic? Would you have, would you be able to make all the connections logically, that’s the kind of discussion we were having.

W D. Mohammed:

I don’t think so, I don’t think so Arabic been my I would say best tool for studying and getting understanding from Quran. But let me tell you something, I could handle big jobs before I got that command of Arabic and its because I read Bible and Quran in English and reading Bible and Quran in English gave me a lot of insight, great insight, I got great insight. But specific meanings in the Quran and the richness of the Qurann cannot be had without Arabic, Quranic Arabic, yes. One more, one more I took more than I should, yes the brother with the sweater on over here raising the hand I can’t see you, now..

m. 142

Complaint matters in Masjid not during Jumah or Taleem

A. Seifullah:

As Salaam Alaikum brother.

W D. Mohammed:

Wa Alaikum As Salaam and give you name again so we could.

Alan Seifullah:

from Masjid Cleveland

W D. Mohammed:

Seifullah, brother Seifullah yes we know him very well a believer and a successful believer and a successful business person, successful professional person let me put it that way, yes.

Alan Seifullah:

I want to address local issue and the question is whether ever or not its every it acceptable regardless of a disagreement individuals may have against the members of a Masjid is it ever acceptable to disrupt services, particularly Jumah service?

W D. Mohammed:

Yes, it is acceptable to disrupt services, like prayer in Jumah its acceptable, but there’s a way to do. We say Allahu Akbar to get the attention that means if we interrupt the service with Allahu Akbar or subhanallah it an indication that something has gone wrong or that something is going wrong and needs to be corrected. If person cannot get a hearing he should not resort to violence of language or of, physical violence. He should not neither resort to violent language or physical violence but should wait until there’s another situation another opportunity, he should not disturb the people who came to pray.

The people who came to pray they should not be disturbed. So if you cannot peacefully bring your problem or the problem to the attention of the audience or the congregation then you should hold your peace until there’s a different situation where the people are not coming to pray but there’s an opportunity to discuss problems.

Jumah pray time or the time when we are lecturing to people, inviting them to Islam, that’s not the time to bring up issues that will disturb the peace and disrupt the meeting. So it can be done but only by person who don’t want to disturb the peace and if they can’t be heard without the peace being disturbed then they will be quiet until they can find another situation, that’s acceptable.

m. 172

Jumah Imam sometime late

But what I heard that occurred here is not acceptable, and it occurs in some other places too I’m aware that has occurred in some other places. Where a person comes in and says well there is no one here to lead the Jumah, the Imam is not here and we have to start the Jumah, so I’m going to start, nobody will start Jumah, I’ll start the Jumah. Now I’m just, I don’t know what exactly what was said but I’m saying, I’m expressing, I’m saying I’m putting myself in the position of the person who has this kind of complaint. That Jumah time is starting and Imam is not here, ok so this is is disrespect and its not followed in the Islamic world. Most of these people who have this behavior they claim they know the way its done in the Islamic world, they know the real way the real Muslims are doing it and we are not doing it correctly.

Well I been among those people you call the real Muslims and I set for hour and a half waiting on the Imam to come and lead the pray, hour, and half past the time waiting on this big sheik to come in and lead the Prayer, yeah I respected him he was a big shiek. And we waited on him and waited on him legs hurting and everything, we waited and that’s what they do, they wait. But when the come over here among us they’ll tell you “Imam has to be done on time, its time now, this is the violation brother, this is a bidah, not on time”. I’m not saying its correct to be not on time, its correct to be on time, but why would a people come and straighten us out who got bigger problems than we got?

So be aware of those who want to straighten you out and they got bigger problem than you got. And do the best you can Jumah, I always try to be the best you can be that’s what I try to do. Do the best you can and accept your faults and try to eliminate them, get rid of those faults. But don’t let outsiders come in and tell you how you’re suppose to “Go back home outsider and get your house in order”. Because I know I sat in many of your houses, your houses are in much badder (worst) shape than ours, that’s on the whole. You have some saints among them, some genuine bright stars among them, but on the whole their Islamic life is much worst than ours, I’m talking about the Muslims of the world, whole Muslim world.

Some foreigners want to break you allegiance to you leader

So we should be very careful of those people coming. They want to break your allegiance to your leader, so they can sell you their books and their dhikr beads, all their little trivail things that they got. Especially brain wash you, brain wash so you’ll think that nobody has it but them listen to nobody but them, they’re looking for slaves. They’re looking for slaves and people to support them not to share with them, that’s my experience with them, that’s most of the Muslims brother ans sisters experience with them that I know about, that I’m acquainted with so we know. And I see how they live, I go to over to their Muslim country, Muslims living everywhere aint nothing here but Muslims I go to Mosque and 4 or 5 people in the Mosque praying and they’re gonna tell us what we’re suppose to do.

Now there’s the exception there are a few countries where Islam is strong but that’s the exception, most places its not. Yes so we have to conclude now, we won’t accept any more comments. I know there are many more comments and questions perhaps too but we have to stop now its almost 12, its gonna be 12 pretty soon. I think we might be able to finish in time we need to be upstairs about 12:10 prayers start at 12:15 so en sha Allah we’ll start at 12:15.

Q. 24.1-10;

Alright if you can turn, those of you who have Qurans with you, if you can turn to Suran An Nur the light and the very beginning of that surah. Well verse one to ten. In those verses one through ten we have equal punishment, pardon me not equal punishment, equal test, well actually it’s a punishment too, experiencing a punishment at least the guilty parties experience a punishment. But the test is the same for both genders the male and female, its the same.

The man who accuses his wife of adultery and he has no witness, he has no proof he has to avow that he tells the truth three (four) times and the 4th (5th ) time he has to ask or invoke the wrath of G-d upon him if he be a liar. Yeah four times he has to avow that he tells the truth, yes. Let me see here I don’t have it here, this is in Arabic let me see, this is all in Arabic, yes four times he has to vow that he tells the truth

m. 279

Equality of male and female

Q. 24.6-7; those who launch a charge against their spouses

6. “And for those who launch a charge against their spouses and have (in support) no evidence but their own their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth.

7. And the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie.

And on the fifth time invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie. So now let’s continue to read it, it explains itself.


8. “But it would avert the punishment from the wife if she bears witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that (her husband) is telling a lie;

9. “And the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth.”

And the fifth time she by oath, under oath pardon me, that says that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if her accuser is telling the truth. So you see the both are given the same test, they both have the same test. So here we see an equality for the male and the female there’s an equality. And what is this equality? My conclusion is that it is saying that you cannot expect better moral behavior from a man than you expect from a woman or from a woman than you expect a man. We have equal moral life and nature, we have equality of morality, moral life, we have equal moral life.

This is no revelation or anything we said this before but I just happen to find, come upon this and I made a note to include it in our presentation during the Ramadan session for us to look at and think about.

Q.2.282; Witness two women required

“And get two witnesses out of your own men and if there are not two men then a man and two women such as ye choose for witnesses so that if one of them errs the other can remind her.

Now you know in other matters, most other matters, two female witnesses are required and only one male witness is required. So here it seems as though the male and the male is, the male has a superiority in some matters over the female. And that superiority is based upon something real and easily grasped and understood its not based upon any superiority of him as a creation or as a created person, being. Its based upon as one him being exposed to what she is not exposed to. So he, the male is exposed in the public to much more than the female is exposed to. An ordinary female cannot give testimony that will be acceptable in a court or a hearing that will equal the testimony of a male who’s much more informed of what happens in the public, in public scene or public quarters, public quarters. So that’s why he has a superiority before the courts sometimes or perhaps in most cases. I would say in most cases. But here is proof that he does not always have that superiority, here is a personal matter, it’s a matter of personal conduct. Fornication and adultery, its adultery here, here’s a matter, this is a matter of personal conduct and in terms of personal conduct he has not superiority over her. That’s what’s being established here.

m. 336

Q. 4.34; Men are the maintainers of women

“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other and because they support them from their means.”

Q. 2.228; Men have a degree over woman


.”And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them and Allah is Exalted in Power Wise.”

And Allah says, oh time I got to watch this time, yes its almost time. Allah says and men have a superiority over women doesn’t use the term superiority means they have a position over women.

They are have a position over women they translate it are responsible for women again, are maintainers of women, many ways its translated; maintainers of women or responsible for women.

Ephesians. 5:22-23; Wife submit to husband

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. [23] For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Now we know the church raise women, I don’t know what they’re doing now, but the church taught females and church parents, church going parents raised females to accept the authority of their husband in the house, they raised them to do that. But when it comes to Islam, those who converted from Christianity forget that. “How come, aren’t we equal?” You weren’t raised like that. You were raised to respect the husband, to respect the father and to serve him, I know the church taught you, taught you, you’re suppose to serve him and be obedient and raise your children to respect him and be obedient, that’s what you were taught in the church, which is good nothing wrong with that, that’s good.

It good if the male understands why he getting that kind of respect. He getting that kind of respect because he provides for the family, he goes out and he works hard and provides for the family, he deserved that kind of respect when he comes home, if he’s working hard and sacrificing so that he takes care of not only himself but really his wife and children before himself, before himself first, firstly. He deserves that kind of respect.

Man on welfare has no right of superiority

But if all of them are on the welfare accept him and he’s getting the benefit you’re suppose to be shoot him in his head when comes in there and try to take over and dominate the scene. And with a shot gun too so you don’t miss, you’re suppose to unload a shot gun right in his face, now you know that’s a joke. We don’t want violence but what I’m saying is that brother you should be done away with, you should be out of that house, yeah.

But when you deserve that respect you’re suppose to get it, you’re suppose to get it. And men have the superiority and Allah explains to us why they have it. Says “ because of the amassing of wealth”, you have gone out there and labored and worked hard and you’ve accumulated wealth. And the female has not done that, she’s depending on you.

Times have changed, that’s not always the case today, in fact that’s not the case more than it is the case today, so where’s our authority then? If we are not the maintainers of the wife and the children with our earnings where is our authority? Jigaloo aint got no authority in the house not with a Muslim, he has no authority. And its said because of physical physique, but isn’t that what made, conditioned the man above the woman in olden days, in medieval times and ancient times? Or maybe just a few hundred years ago, that’s what gave him his superiority, was his muscles, his physical power. He could go out and do things a woman couldn’t do and could make more money, make money.

m. 399

So generally speaking the man was equipped by nature to provide for the house and not the woman, he’s not the one that bears children, he doesn’t have to be tied up at home for nine months or two years taking of new life. So look at the time advantage he got too, he got all this time advantage over the female to go out and discover the world, find things, find resources, bring them back home. So that’s how come he had that superiority because of the difference in physiology and because of him being industrious and accumulating wealth puts him in a superior position.

But its not based upon his moral or his intellectual worth, not based upon his moral worth and not based upon his intellectual worth its based upon his social worth. And social includes economics or business, so if you don’t have that, you don’t have that superiority and you don’t have any right to claim it.

My mother told me something, its time to go, its about let me share this with you; my mother tole me something about my father and she was telling me this because she wanted me to stay with the idea of god that we got in the Nation of Islam, she wasn’t telling me this just to tell me this, I don’t think she would have told me just to tell it to me.

She told me she said “son do you know your father before our savior came was too ashamed to come home to his family during depression years.

m. 432

Clara Muhammad assisted Husband before meeting Fard

Say “he couldn’t find work” say “ he was too ashamed to come home” say “he just stay out in the street with his friends”. Say “when he drink he, they shared drinks and they stay drunk, try to stay drunk all the time”. She said “I had to go out at night I didn’t want him staying in the street at night” Say “I wanted him at home”. Say “I had to go out had at night and look for him” and she said “I’d bring him home on my shoulder”, say “he be I have to hold” say “he couldn’t even hold himself up.”

She’d bring him on her shoulder she was a strong little woman, never weighed hardly more than 105 lbs and was about 5 feet 2 or three little small woman. She say “I bring him home on my shoulder” she said “when I get him to the bed” she said “I would just drop him off my shoulder on to the bed” say “and that’s where he would stay until the morning”. She said “it was our savior” say “ he”, you all should hear this I don’t think all of you have heard it.

She said “my girlfriend told me that there was a man that was in the neighborhood selling silk cloth” said “and he was saying that, that cloth is what we use to wear before we were brought to America” said “our people wore that cloth in their country” and he’s saying that “we were not Christians or church goers” said “we were Muslims” . She said “her girlfriend told here that she heard something like that form a man” say and he’s gonna be in such and such person’s house Wednesday”. She said “ will you come and hear him with me?” My mother said she said “I told here yes, I’ll come and hear him with you.”

So her girlfriend took her to this house and Mr. Fard was there teaching and my mother said “ son when I heard him” she said “I say this may help my husband”. No notice, she said “this may help my husband” what does that tell you? I know what it told me, she didn’t think it would necessarily help her. She didn’t say this will help my husband and our family, she didn’t say this will help my husband and me. She said this will help my husband”. And most of you sisters who followed your husbands into the Nation of Islam you thought it would help our husband. And you didn’t mind going along with things that you didn’t understand or couldn’t digest because you saw big help coming to your husband. Well that’s what my mother saw.

I aint putting word in her mouth, I told you what she said, the other words are my words.

So she said “I thought, I said this may help my husband” she said “I told my husband and he said yes I want to go hear him”. She said “we went together and we heard hm, she said “son after the meeting your father told me he said Clara say when we go back home take all the pork out of the ice box and throw it away”.

She said “Wallace I had a girl friend who had more children than I had, say I couldn’t throw that pork away” say “I gave it to my girl friend”. She didn’t eat it she obeyed her husband, church woman, good church woman. She didn’t disobey him, he said get rid of it, throw it away, but she got it out of the ice box got it out of her house and she didn’t eat it but she gave it to her girl friend and didn’t let him know it, I don’t think she ever let him know it. She’s telling me this she wasn’t telling him that, I don’t think she ever told him that.

And I’m standing, I had already gone outside of the door, she’s standing in the door with the door still open talking to me I’m on the porch. My father told me go because I didn’t agree with his idea of god, he told me I had to go, I was put out. So she’s standing at the door making a last plea to me to get me to go back in there to tell my father I’m wrong I accept to what you’re saying and so I stay with the family. She was hurt that the family I was being separated from my father, she raised me, she spent her whole life just to get me to be like my father and to follow my father and be interested in what he was about.

So I can understand the hurt to her, so she said “son” she said your father never touched a drink again”, wasn’t that something but, and my father have many followers who have come from not only from liquor, alcohol but they have come form heroin very strong addiction to a very powerful drug called heroin. I’ve seen them with tracks all up their arms, tracks, needle tracks all up their arm. I’ve seen them they showed it to me I was in prison with a brother, tracks all up his arm and he said he quit cold turkey. Didn’t to hospital no facility, nothing just stopped on his own.

So we know the power of faith, strong faith in something can give you the will power to do things that supermen would only be thought to be able to do.

m. 527

So anyway she said “your father never touched a drink again”, she didn’t even mention pork she said a drink because that was her problem. The problem with him was that alcohol. She said “and he never touched a drop” that’s her words, “ a drop”. And she said to me she said “son where would we be and where would you be if it wasn’t for our savior” so I said “mama” I said “did he tell you he was G-d?” I’m giving you exact words that were exchanged at that door when I was standing at 4847 Woodlawn on the porch outside the door. I said “mama did she in Chicago, did, I said “did he ever tell you he was G-d”? She hesitated and she look like she was really for the first time straining to think, she said “well son” she said “no he said don’t even call him prophet”. Said “prophet was too ig a name for him.”

So I said “mama a man that wold tell you prophet is too big a name for him”, I said “how can you now want me to call him G-d?” And she had nothing to say and she was so hurt and it hurt me so to see her face bearing the pain, but I had to leave and I left. Now I, he’s changing the tape, you should have tell me to wait this is very important, in fact every speech I’m giving is very important, anyone changing the tape should tell me, “wait I have to change the tape hold up brother Imam so I can change the tape its very important that everything I goes on the tape, don’t want to miss anything it should follow without interruption, without loss of words, any word. Is it on now?” Yes, now.

Karriem Muhammad:

Yes sir.

M. 566

W D. Mohammed:

What was revealing to me is that my mother...

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape IV Side A

Topic: Comments on Quran Chapter 24.105; and comments

On Quranic verses

...wanted me to stay in the temple not be put out stay with my father but same time she was acknowledging something she wasn’t aware of herself, she had some how pushed it in the back of her mind, that this man never really told her he was god.

m. 13

Mr Fard made sure Elijah Muhammad thought he was god

Now well you say your father then presented a lie to us, no he did not. Mr Fard made sure that my father thought he was god, but he never actually said plainly I’m Allah or I’m G-d. My father was a student my mother was not, my father was a student of his language, my mother was not. She wasn’t studying his language, my father was a student of his language and connecting his language with the sources that it was coming from.

He said no help came to them until coming of son of man in the person of WD Fard that’s what he said. So my father want to know who is this son of man coming, he read the Bible the son of man is Jesus Christ, G-d, also G-d. So he right away he say this is our G-d, this is savior, this is G-d in the person. My father wasn’t a liar his teacher was a very shrewd man, very clever man. He want to present himself in a certain way to get followers but at the same time, privately, privately he was conscious of doing wrong and he didn’t want to just be on the spot for doing something wrong or to say speaking a lie. So he never would tell them he was g-d.

And when they would be treating him as tough he was a god or something or divine, he would remind them that he was not, he said “no not prophet too big a name for me. and yo notice in the, what does he like, you who studied the lessons, some of you I see your faces I know you studied those lessons like I did. Well I was fed those lessons like you nurse a baby on milk, I was nursed on those lessons from a baby.

Fard also emphasized he was a teacher

Those lessons, what is emphasized in those lessons for Fard, who he is? A teacher, a teacher, that’s what is emphasized, he’s a teacher. He tell you “prepare your teacher wants you to get ready your teacher to do this, qualify yourself. So that when your teacher question you, you will be able to answer these questions.

So he was a teacher, he presented himself more as a teacher, but again that’s no help for my father because Jesus Christ was a teacher too in Christianity, he’s a teacher too. Yeah that’s one of his strong titles, teacher, teacher in Christian theology, he’s a teacher.

m. 36

And that’s what he did, he taught them the Scripture and gave tafseer, commentary and explained it and never said

he came from any other place except Scripture. He verified everything he said by pointing back to what was revealed in Scripture before ,Jesus Christ I know, I study it, I studied it, yes. So he was a teacher they called him the righteous teacher, that’s one of his titles in Christian theology, the righteous teacher, the righteous teacher.

So still that was no help for my father, you see? My father believed as he believed and Fard made sure that he had a strong convert that couldn’t be shaken, his faith couldn’t be shaken, nobody could make him unfaithful to Fard, he knew he had that convert in the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. And he prepared his mind to do the work, to do the work great work yeah Allahu Akbar..

So you see the difference between the male and female? The Hon E. Muhammad bought the god and everything and my mother bought the help for her husband. She was something else, powerful lady and most great, as they say great black men have had great black ladies, great black great black women in their lives. She was on her death bed and she had cancer, shy was dying of cancer but she wasn’t in any pain or anything at this time, in face she was smiling just as beautifully just like, her face would look like the sun shine to me when she would smile. She had bright teeth, wide smile, open smile bright teeth and a little gold, had gold, that little gold on the tooth would be sparkling, her eyes sparkle.

Clara Muhammad last word to her son

And she said to me she said, talking to me now, my father is alive this was in, must have been in 72, 71 or 72, my mother died in 72 I think. Now you know my father live at least 3 or 4 years later. And this is what she told me, she knew I have been having problems I had already been put out, I think I was put out twice and I was back in. She said “son don’t worry about mama” say “ you go on and lead the people they will follow you” . That’s what my mother told me. My father was the leader, he, the one that put me out and she knew he put me out, but she told me she said “son you go on and lead the people they will follow you”. Yeah that’s a good G-d fearing woman. I didn’t do it right away I had better sense, but I waited my time and that’s just what happened and you all followed me.

So we’re going to go upstairs now and have prayer, its time, in fact its past time.

12-18-99 Sat. 1:00 p.m. Afternoon session

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape IV Side A

m. 74

We are now going to pass out the state department’s report from secretary of state Madeline Albright. So I don’t know you as well as the Imam who words with you know you so he’s going to call 24 persons because I use gave him his, he’s gonna cal about 24 persons, I think we have 24 left, 25 in total I believe. And he’s gonna pass out 20 to men, males and 5 females, gonna select 5 females, ok.

Imam Plemon El-Amin:

Alright the

Imam W. D. Mohammed:

Nineteen and five you have one sorry you have one already.

Imam Plemon El-Amin:

Yes sir, ok Imam, the regional Imam in the southern region is Imam Harisud Din

Imam W. D. Mohammed:

When you hear your name just keep coming.

Imam Plemon El-Amin:

Imam Fahim Shuaib is also a regional Imam as well as Shuraa member; Imam Samuel Ansari regional Imam Midwest; Imam Vernon Faried; Imam Yusuf Saleem; Sister Aisha Mustafaa; Imam Ali Muslim; Imam Omar Shaheed; Imam Nuriddin, Dr. Nuriddin; Imam Qadir who’s on the board of Education; Imam Qadir Sabur; Imam Ronald Shaheed; Imam Qasim Ahmed; Imam El-Amin San Francisco;

Imam Nuriddin, Miami; Imam Raul from New Orleans;

I don’t know all the sisters I don’t know the sisters names like I know the brothers names. I don’t know all the brothers names, I definitely don’t know the sisters names so we need to do five sisters so if any of the regional Imams is you have a sister that’s here, can call her name.


Rafai, you want to, ok, yes sir I did know both of their names. Any of the regional Imams I need two more sisters, okay.

Imam w. D. Mohammed:

We have one for Imam Furqaan in Georgia.

Imam Plemon El Amin:

Imam Furqaan; Imam William I will give you a copy of mine because they’re going to protest if I call your name and Pasha’s name, so I’ll take care of you and Imam Hatim. Ok regional Imams if I’m missing some folks give me. I missed Southwest region? Sure did, not I got southwest I called Imam, no I’m talking about Imam Emari is not here sir, so Imam Ali Muslim has that, so I’m saying give me names, regional Imams give me names. Yeah, A. K. Hasan so I’m saying the regional Imams give me name. Let me give Imam Makram El Amin who is heading up our youth group as well and they have a youth conference coming up next week end. They would like to send some to help, send some of the young adults to their conference and Imam Khalil Abdullah.

And Imam Yahya Abdullah he came in late so I guess he can come up, come up Imam Yahya Abdullah, you’re late but always on time. Rashad Sharief yeah on a lot of regions but definitely as one of the young members of... Madyun’s son Rasul Madyun stood that was powerful. So Yahya gets the last. Ok so, and so we’re gonna pass out the certificate of appreciation from Madeline Albright, we do have enough copies for everybody, so as we go we’ll put some copies on the table so everybody can get a copy of that, ok, thank you hamdu lilallah.

Imam w. D. Mohammed:

The report, the report that you have, you all who got that book, little booklet, little blue booklet I know how it is with some of us we be busy and, you should read that, you should read that whole report and it will be an education for you it will help your education as an Imam, you know, that will help your education in that area of what the government and Religious community, faith community have done together to help resolve conflicts in a peaceful way, spread the message of religious tolerance and peace. So I would suggest that you not just take it and put it up thinking that “well this is something Imam gave me, Imam took part in and no special interest to me”. I think it is a special interest to you if you’re an Imam, I think is of special interest to you. So my advice is that you read it, find time to read it.

m. 162 Women’s equality

Hadith __ Man educate two girls will get paradise

Muslim #6364; Man raises two girls will get paradise

“Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: He who brought up two girls properly till they grew up, he and I would come (together) (very closely) on the Day of Resurrection, and he interlaced his fingers (for explaining the point of nearness between him and that person).”

Now we will begin our Quran reading and explanation, we’ve already, we’ve already discussed the equality, the equality of women based upon what we have in Suratan Nur, the chapter of the light in the first ten verses of this chapter. My understanding is that this, these verses pardon me, are evidence of the equality of women, males and female in the Quran in terms of their moral nature and rational life, rational life. The prophet (pbuh) he gave men a way to work for paradise and at same time do something that every father would want to do and that is see his daughters life made better. He said “if any one of you would educate two of his daughters he’ll get the paradise.”

The evidence is not very clear there and what the Prophet (pbuh) said that women are equal mentally in terms of rational life with men, but in my opinion the evidence is clear, the evidence is clear that they’re equal. But you know, we can always go on that percentage thing, and say well he said two women but he didn’t mention any, he didn’t mention any boy, he didn’t say well educate one boy, he didn’t say that. So we can’t really have any ground for saying that the reason why he chose two because you need two females to one matters, legal matters in the Quran.

So you know you might could come to that conclusion, but remember there’s no male mentioned at all, just just female and why? Because the females were not being attended the need to develop as a human being was not being attended.

m. 203

Their need to have their minds educated, their need to have more responsibility in the public life, in the society was not being attended and education really prepares any human being for that, you know. You can’t, the more you’re prepared in terms of your acquirement of education the amount of education you get the better chance you have of having a role in the public quarters. Having a role there and making a contribution there and succeeding in the public quarters.

Q. 58.1; Allah hears the woman’s complaint

“Allah has indeed heard (and accepted) the statement of the woman who pleads with thee concerning her husband and carries her complaint (in prayer) to Allah: and Allah (always) hears the arguments between both sides among you: for Allah hears and sees (all things).”

So the Prophet (pbuh) was not just saying women have a right to be educated, he was saying women have a right to share in the life and future of the public, of the public, of their public. And we know Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he insisted that the women have a voice and Allah too, the whole chapter is named for the woman who complains Quran says Allah hears the woman who complains [Al Jaadela, Al Mujaadelah chapter 58] the woman who complains, to tell us we have to hear the females who have something to say too. If they have something to say we have to hear them.

Education prepares for public role in life

So its there a whole chapter is named for the female, An Nisaa, the female and, or the women and then a chapter is named for a woman who has an issue, want to bring to the public’s conscience. And its called Al Jaadela, [Al Mujaadela] the woman who complains. So I think when the prophet (pbuh) said if any one will educate two of his daughters he’ll get the paradise, anyone of you who educates two of his daughters will get to paradise. I think he was not just looking at education as something that’s desired by males and females but he was looking at education as the preparation for a role in public life.

And the Arabs, one thing for sure, it was acceptance but they didn’t really deny women the right to have wealth, their society even before Islam obviously accepted that women could own property and have wealth or business because the wife of the Prophet (pbuh) was a business woman who hired him before he became a Prophet, you see? So they didn’t have a real problem with that but the chance that a woman wuold have wealth was very slim.

They would have wealth perhaps because of there was no boys to inherit and the only child, only daughter so they would get the money, so that was rare. They didn’t have any chance competing in the society with the males, the males dominated to society, but in the social life of the Arabs before the coming of Islam, women could inherit from their parents, they inherited from their father, from their parents, just like boys could, but only if there was no boys.

So that tells me that Khadijah must have been an only child or she was the only survivor there was no boys, nobody to and she must have inherited from them and her business ability probably or interest had come from traditionally, from her family, family tradition perhaps. I don’t have any evidence of this but that’s my suspicion. That was just family tradition and her people left her wealth her father or some mother or something, most likely her father left her some money and she kept the business, the life of the family invested and was successful. And even more successful after she met Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh), yes.

m.243 24 hrs light sun, moon 24th chapter

Q.24.35; Allah is light of heavens and earth

So lets look at something else in this chapter here chapter An Nur the 24th, isn’t this something that this chapter is the 24th chapter of the Quran and there are 24 hours in the day? And the light is 24 hours, sunlight is part of the day and the moonlight is the rest of the day, right? The night and the stars light the night. So the heavenly light gives us light at night and the sun gives us light by day in the day. 24 hours of light and 24th chapter of the Quran, that’s the whole light, right? The light of the material and the light of spiritual both from G-d.

And it says and His light, so lets read it... lets read.

m. 257 Every citizen responsible for law in society

Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem.

Q. 24.1;


“A Surah which We have sent down and which We have ordained: in it have We sent down Clear Signs in order that ye may receive admonition.

Now the word admonition is [tadhkkaraun] so it could have been translated “in order that you may reflect, reflect”, [tadhkkaraun] think, think and reflect.

Q. 24.2;

“The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them with a hundred stripes: let not compassion move you in their case in a matter prescribed by Allah if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.”

Equality of males and female

Q. 24.3;

“Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty [You hear that? ] “Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty or an Unbeliever.

Now the word for unbeliever is [mushrik] and [mushrik] means an idolator who worships false gods with G-d not Christian, not Jew. Referring to those in Arabia at that time who worshiped idol and had no concept of the one G-d.

... “nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden.”

Again that seems to be equality to me , that’s equality isn’t it? But tell me what did you get out of that? Give me, let me see a hand, what did you get out of that, you got your Qurans open? I’m going to read it one more time to you, this third verse of suratun Nur, The Light .

“Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty or an unbeliever, ... “nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden.”

Did you get anything special out of that?

Yeah brother Shakir from Atlanta, Georgia


Yes, Salaam Alaikum brother Imam, I think Allah is saying here that if a man is guilty of fornication and adultery he cannot have a woman that’s pure. And if that woman is guilty she cannot have a man that pure.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

She shouldn’t have a man that’s what?


That’s pure.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Right, right that’s what not guilty of that sin, that’s exactly what its saying. Anyone else, yes. I have to look at what hands I recognize first, I’m just looking at the hand I recognize first, I see first.


Also its showing the equality of the nature of human beings in terms of their worth, its showing the equal dispensation of the law on males and females.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yeah, that’s right, the equality of the law regarding the male and female who are guilty of this particular crime, exactly, yes. Yes brother Imam in the back on the wall. Brother Imam from, I’m not seeing you too well there I think I know who that is, can you give me you name please?

Commentor: _________

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

From California?



Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

From Detroit, ok alright.

m. 317

Comment: __________

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

And keep your voice up so we all can hear you now


There seems to be a explanation between shirk and fornication.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Between adultery and fornication?


No, shirk.

Jeremiah 3.9; Adultery with stones and stock

“And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks.”

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Shirk, yes, shirk that’s false worship, yes. He says there is a relationship between false worship and fornication or adultery, very, very excellent observation. That is correct, now how do we know this? Because Scripture has treated these things both these issues as very serious issues and Scripture have not only talked about the adultery of the partners in sex but it talked about the adultery of leaders and their relationship with their, with their constituencies. And they’re charged to be responsible to G-d for what they do in their relationship with their constituencies and their relationship with their constituencies becomes adulterous it becomes fornication and adultery, excellent observation. Any more?

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Imam Muhammad I believe, is that Imam Muhammad from Baltimore.

Imam Muhammad:

As Salaam Alaikum

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Wa Alaikum As Salaam

Imam Muhammad:

Brother Imam the Quran says _____ what I see is two things. One I see that male and female have a equal role of responsibility and 2 I see and this adulterous relationship in ____ is a certain life ___. And we know Allah (swt) says in Quran that adultery opens the way to all other ____

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Sins, yes

Imam Muhammad:

So people who are practicing this be it male or female that ____ is for one another and they are not ___for anyone who considers them self a believer to get involved with that type of immoral life style.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes, thank you. The brother to my left yes brother Imam stand with the shirt on, light blue shirt on.

Faried Muhammad

As Salaam Alaikum brother Imam

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Wa Alaikum As Salaam, give you name so everybody can

Faried Muhammad:

Brother Faried Muhammad out of Columbia South Carolina.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

From where?

Faried Muhammad:

Columbia South Carolina.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Columbus, South Carolina, yes thank you

Faried Muhammad:

It means

m. 362

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

I know you very well but I just want to hear the name I can’t identify the cities always especially with thoughts going so much through my mind, lot of things on my mind, yes ok, so, yes want to hear you comment now.

Faried Muhammad:

Yes sir, what I’m saying that if the person adulterer is in a relationship with someone that is not an adulterer it tends to bring the community down instead of lifting it up by tearing someone in an adulterous situation with someone that is not. Which it does not only affect the adulterers which is already in the situation but it also brings the good in a bad, but it in a bad situation, in a bad light. Bring the community down.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes, yes, that’s true, all these are excellent comments you’re making and all you have to do is put “ary” on it and you got commentary, right? Got Tafseer and you’re doing excellent Tafseer especially Imam from Detroit, Imam Faried, very excellent observation. Yes bro Imam.

Yusuf Ali:

As Salaam Alaikum

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Wa Alaikum As Salaam

Yusuf Ali:

I’m Yusuf Ali from Cleveland, Ohio what I see in here is a responsibility of the community to uphold the purity in the community.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:


Yusuf Ali:

And it seems to me that the information is of public nature and so if being of a public nature then the community has the responsibility to uphold G-d’s Law.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes, excellent, again a very excellent observation.

This matter is treated very seriously like this because its treating fornication and adultery that’s made public, that the public has become aware of. And it’s a public matter and it didn’t say “oh Prophet”, talking to every member of the public. Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty, that says to all of us.

No police in Prophet’s time

Q 2.88; Heart wrapping for word

“They say "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's word we need no more)." Nay Allah's curse is on them for their blasphemy; little is it they believe.”

Jeremiah 31.33; Law would be written upon their hearts

“But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

There was no police department in the time of the Prophet, there was no government agency or institution or office regulating conformancy to law or obedience to law. And again in accordance with what was prophesied that the “Law would be written upon their hearts”. Says the Word of G-d but it meant the law, the law would be written upon their heart. The people would be the protectors of the law themselves, there was not police department, no police force and that lasted for a long, long time. And the only thing that, I would say interrupted it got that situation changed is that the nations of the, Muslim nations they began to interact with other nations who had department to regulate the life of the public. The laws and everything like the Romans, they were advanced in that.

So when they met other nations then the problem came, because citizens, citizens change, they’re gonna start having visitors from other nations and they are under a different law ___. So they finally the commentator would say they had to modernize, they had to be modernized, they had to modernize. They had to be more sophisticated and develop the system, legal system and a police force and all that. But this is a very, very serious question or issue with me that I think about most often.

m. 429

Bukhari 3.624; help wrong brother by holding hand back

Narrated by Anas, Allah's Apostle said,

..."Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one." People asked, "O Allah's Apostle! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?" The Prophet said, "By preventing him from oppressing others."

And I think an Islamic society should be encouraged to give the protection of the society as right to every public member, to every member of its public. Not that we do away with the system because this is a world of systems now, you have to have these systems. Not that we do away with these systems but we unburden the system by making more citizens conscious of their responsibility to protect the public interest. So I’m sharing that with you all because I said it’s a heavy concern on my heart for some time now. And I think we should inform our community and let our community know what Islamic law expects of every citizen, of every citizen.

Not that you will go out and take the law into your hands and punish people no, don’t do that but what does the Prophet (pbuh) say? He said when you see a wrong done by one of your brothers, said hold them back from that wrong, right? See a brother or sister any believer doing a wrong hold them back from that wrong. You hold them back with your tongue, not with your hands, you don’t have to put your hands on him, hold him back with your tongue, words, remind him. A lot of times just need a kind person or a person that means well by another person to just make him conscious again or make her conscious again.

So the first thing is to try to do it peacefully just bring this matter to the attention of the person who’s about to do the wrong or who’s doing the wrong. The question was put this way, not the statement was put this way to make the believers answer the question: the Prophet said “help your brother whether he’s in the right or the wrong” then the question was “how do we help someone who’s in the wrong?

And the Prophet (pbuh) said “by holding them back from the wrong, by holding them back from the wrong”.

Muslim Ip33#79; Wrong change with hand, tongue, heart

Narrated Abu Sa’id al- Khudri

I heard the Messenger of Allah as saying:

“He who amongst you sees something wrong should change it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his heart and that is the least of faith.”

There’s another saying that we like to offer along with this one, the Prophet (pbuh) said when you see a wrong resist it or protest it with action. Say if you can’t find a way to do that, isn’t this a rational Religion, see how rational it is? All the time its not safe to physically get involved with something, you’ll be dead. So you know, you have to look at the situation. As Salaam Alaikum brother Imam, you have to look at the situation and use your good senses.

Silent face of disapproval of a wrong is powerful

Say ok I know it a risk of sudden death if I jump into this thing here, physically get involved, but he said if you can’t to that then resist with words, with mouth, with words, say something against it, speak out against it. But sometimes you get killed just for speaking out against it, especially in these dangerous times. So what’s the last, the last thing, the least of all? He said, yes he resist it in your heart be against it in your heart and many times that has great power. I’ve looked at faces when something was being done wrong and those faces spoke louder than words, in fact they couldn’t have threw an axe at somebody and spoke louder. Because of the nature of the thing, the injury that was in the air and the many who were not registering the weight of the seriousness or the seriousness of it, the face of that person, that did and how that person strongly showed in their face, that this is wrong. Oh it did, it was so powerful and loud and powerful and noise was made no sound was made. But that person stood out and made all of us conscious when they saw that person, because right away somebody saw that person, I did and some others, attention was drawn to that person and we looked at him. And the face of that person let us know that, that was seriously wrong, what was being done.

m. 518

So though it’s the weakest of all Jihad, the weakest of all Jihad, sometimes it can be very powerful Jihad, just your silent protest, silent protest, you showing that you dislike, you reject what’s going on with your silence, not with your mouth, not with your hand, with you expressions, with the hurt that’s on your face or with the disappointment you show on your face or whatever, it could be very powerful, yes.

So we were saying what did we see, what did we hear here? Le me read it again because we’ve gong from it again. “Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty or an unbeliever nor let any but such a man or an unbeliever marry such a woman. To the believer such a thing is forbidden.”

Salahuddin Hasan:

As Salaam Alaikum

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:


Salahuddin Hasan:

I’m Salahuddin Hasan of Fayetteville North Carolina I need to ask a question.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:


Salahuddin Hasan:

It often worried me during that time when the law was being instituted and the adulterer was put to death, am I right or wrong about this, so how can one know which one _____ do you understand where I’m going brother Imam?

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes. Keep going

Salahuddin Hasan:

How do, I mean I’m saying not marry but those two who’re guilty those two equals getting marry, no one would know that they were guilty accept them. I’m asking because I mean if we knew they were guilty using that law _____ get punished, that’s the question I’m asking.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

So what are you saying? Are you saying that if the law was in effect?

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

These people would be dead already?

Salahuddin Hasan:


Bukhari 4.829; Jewish law stone adultery

Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar

“The Jews came to Allah's Apostle and told him that a man and a woman from amongst them had committed illegal sexual intercourse. Allah's Apostle said to them, "What do you find in the Torah (old Testament) about the legal punishment of Ar-Rajm (stoning)?" They replied, (But) we announce their crime and lash them." Abdullah bin Salam said, "You are telling a lie; Torah contains the order of Rajm." They brought and opened the Torah and one of them solaced his hand on the Verse of Rajm and read the verses preceding and following it. Abdullah bin Salam said to him, "Lift your hand." When he lifted his hand, the Verse of Rajm was written there. They said, "Muhammad has told the truth; the Torah has the Verse of Rajm. The Prophet then gave the order that both of them should be stoned to death. ('Abdullah bin 'Umar said, "I saw the man leaning over the woman to shelter her from the stones."-

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Congratulations, congratulations that’s what I was looking for, that’s what I was looking for. Now this is not the first mentioning of adultery, the law was in effect. I don’t have commentary, here’s some commentary here but there’s no, who has the Quran with foot notes here, lets read the commentary. Is there a footnote on here? Thank you, yes ok.

This her is the footnote her alright it says [zeenah] the the word for adultery or fornication, “includes sexual intercourse between a man and a woman not married, therefore applies both to adultery, it applies that one or both parties are married or person or persons are unmarried. The law of marriage an divorce is made easy in Islam so that there may be less temptation for intercourse outside in _____ incidents of marriage.

It makes the greater self respect for both man and woman...

12-18-99 Sat. 1:00 p.m. Afternoon session

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape IV Side B

... __________ unmarried people ____ the punishment laid down her applies only to unmarried persons. As for married persons the punishment according to the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) is stoning to death. So we got the punishment from ___ that’s it that’s the commentary.

His explanation this is explanation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, you could take it back now, thank you, thank you, the explanation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali is that these citizens were single citizens and since they were single citizens the law of death did not apply. But the law for them is lashing in public. We see the woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them with a hundred strips. So the punishment is to flog them.

And here they are not to marry each other, we can buy that this is an act between unmarried people but they committed fornication so they are not to marry any but other believers who done the same thing, I mean other that have don’t eh same thing. A believer who have done the same thing or a Mushrik Idolater and the idolaters didn’t have any morals that ________ their behavior, that’s why an idolater is an idolater. No such thing as holy matrimony for them.

But why then was this translated adultery or fornication _______ uneducated man, this man is very educated in the English language? So why does he include adultery when adultery in English language mean between a married person, a married person has to be involved if there’s adultery. So they’re having great difficulty themselves explaining this, you can tell the way he’s ____ tell he’s having difficulty. They’re having great difficulty explaining this, what is the real truth?

/ m.64

Stoning was never the law in Islam

Muslim # 4294; Enemy don’t mutilate nor plunder

Narrated by Burayd

“When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would say: Fight in the name of Allah and in the cause of Allah. Fight against those who do not believe in Allah. Wage a holy war: do not embezzle the spoils, do not break your pledge, do not mutilate (the dead) bodies and do not kill the children.”

Stoning was never the law in Islam stoning is against the spirit and the letter of Islam. In war was anybody allowed to mutilate the enemy? They were told to have sharp swords to kill swift to make the death swift, they didn’t throw stones at people ____ unless they didn’t have a weapon, then they had to fight with whatever they had. But if they had a weapon they wasn’t suppose to brutalize people, hit them on the side of the head with stones and stuff like that and bust his head until he’s dead with a stone.

So this if forbidden in Islam, you not suppose to slaughter,

when slaughter you’re suppose to slaughter with civilized control of what you’re doing, yeah .

m. 59 Hadith not supported like the Quran

So in my opinion what this verse is evidence that the adulterer and fornicator is not put to death, but flogged. There’s nowhere in the Quran where you read to stone anybody, its not in the Quran its only in the hadith. And they themselves say that most of the hadiths were ruled inaccurate and unacceptable, they say piles of hadith. They have many more hadith that did not use than those that were used. So if they had to throw away piles and piles of it, htat was incorrect, shouldn’t we suspect that what they kept that they said ______? Sure we should suspect it.

The hadith can’t be supported like the Quran, never meant to be supported like the Quran, we can’t trust those reporters like we trust the people who wrote down what the Prophet (pbuh) said and the Prophet (pbuh) was right there to see what they wrote and to verify that it was correct. So we can’t accept all those hadith.

John 8:4-5; Adulterer stone to death

“They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. [5] Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

There is no stoning of anyone guilty of adultery or fornication in Islam, that’s heathenism even the Jews got away from it, they use to do it, that was the practice in Judaism, didn’t come from Islam.

m. 65

The Bible says stone the adulterer, that’s the Bible. But those males who wanted to keep their women from going with another female, they put it in there, that the punishment for adultery is stoning, yea they put it in there, not in the Quran. Its against the spirit and letter of the Quran, that’s savagery. Now they put it in there so they can keep their women afraid they’re going to get stoned if they betray them and go with somebody. And they knew they were gonna want to go with somebody because they knew they were gonna treat them like cattle, like donkeys and horses and things. So they know they were gonna have many women wanting to leave them and go in the bed with another man. So tell them the punishment in Islam is stoning, see that’s what I believe. I believe, that’s what I believer, yeah, this is their own fear of losing their women, you know. Stone them, don’t marry brother but a believing Muslim, marry only a man who is a Muslim and if you betray his bed, ___ stone you in the public.

Q. 22.67; To each people we appointed rites

“To every People have we appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow let them not then dispute with thee on the matter but do thou invite (them) to thy Lord: for thou art assuredly on the Right Way.

And I just don’t talk this to you, years ago before I became you leader I told them I can’t buy that in a public meeting with the immigrant Muslims in Trinidad I told them I can’t buy that. Say its nothing in the, I say this is a Jewish law, I read the Bible, I had read the Bible before I talked to them, before I met with them. I said this is Jewish law this is not Islamic law and what does the Quran say, what does Allah (swt) reveal to Muhammad (pbuh) in Quran? He said let each people have a law, so judge them by what they receive as the law. So if you come to a Muslim court and you’re guilty of adultery, we don’t give you Islamic law, we give you your law, say what does you law say? Now this is in hadith too, say the issue have come that this person belong to that group say what does their law say, what does their law say?

So if the Prophet (pbuh) of any Muslim under the Prophet (pbuh) in those days authorized stoning of a female, it was because that female was under a different law, not the Islamic law. Now let them try to prove me wrong, what I’m saying is that they have more difficulty trying to give the other picture than I have trying to defend this picture, much more. So stoning is not Islamic and if I caught a Muslim stoning a woman I try to kill him, I don’t care what she was guilty of. If I saw him throwing stones at her to kill her I would try to kill him anywhere I saw him, in his country in my country, I’d be prepared to die. I’d try to kill him, Lord knows I’d do that and I wouldn’t miss him, I’m clever, yes.

m. 102

So here’s how I understand this, this verse is evidence in my opinion that you are not to kill a person for adultery. You are to give them a punishment in the public where the public witness it and that embarrassment should be as bad or worst than actually killing the person physically. If the person is worth saving. If G-d can excuse us eating pork when we don’t have any other meat to eat and we’re hungry facing starvation, do you think that merciful G-d would authorize a stoning of a female who committed adultery? And how many females are socially and publically uneducated? Even in the Muslim environment you have different levels of social and mental maturity.

So you just punish them with no discrimination, giving all of them death with no discrimination? When there are males and females that will perhaps do that under the urge and they are not bad people, that’s an urge and it takes very strong people to resist that urge. And they don’t know the gravity of the crime either, against society and you’re giving them death. No I can’t accept it.

We’re to make, we’re to do all we can to raise up the level of education in our public and to clean, refine and strengthen their moral and spiritual life. If we do that, them most of them will be ashamed of bad acts, of wrong acts, they’s be ashamed. In a society where that’s not done, there is no shyness in too many people, too many people just not shamed, ashamed of doing those things. But if we work like we should work with the religion we can awaken shame in the members of the public and that’s the best protection against these bad, against these wrong acts, bad acts, that’s the best protection, not the law.

m. 134

Then if they break the law, they should be flogged in the public. But I couldn’t even whip a woman in the public, my daughter and nobody else’s daughter for such acts, not in this society. I remember once I ordered the whipping of a girl when I was an Imam on Stoney Island, I ordered that she should be whipped before the believers, only one time this happened when I was the leader and she was whipped. And after it was done and other cases came up I said “boy”, it was hard for me to order that whipping but now I see it didn’t stop anything, her some more cases, no more whipping anybody, no.

We have to work on making the people conscious Muslims and make, bringing them to see Allah and see the way of life that is Islamic. And when they see it and love it they will love it they will value it, they will love it more and that’s the best check. What is has checked me from doing the wrong things that I probably would have done if I hadn’t been otherwise prepared to resist those things? It has been my environment that I came up in. My family, my mother, my father, my mother, my family and the community of good Muslims have help to keep me conscious. And I separated myself from the world, I didn’t take my behavior influences from the world, never did, never will, thank Allah (swt). So that protected me and the same can protect all of us and in the light of what is really Islam now, we can have much stronger protection for our public if we educate them in Islam as they should be educated. And raise the sensitivity, lift them up and strengthen those sensitivities, show them the benefits of obeying the law without telling them, this is the benefit. Don’t do Tafseer, no don’t do Tafseer, just stop looking at bad and look at more good and show then how beautiful life is with it respecting G-d. And where we are really coming from our hearts and being Muslims with ourselves and being Muslims with each other. Excellent behavior when we’re alone and excellent behavior when we are with each other.

m. 163

Imam teach with spirit of what Allah wants for man

See if we preach for this we’ll get it, you have to that’s why the Preacher is called a shepherd and a farmer, a gardener because he is cultivating life. He’s working on cultivating good crop of human beings, a good crop of human beings or good harvest of human and human deeds, he’s working on that. And to do that he has to be like the farmer, he has to love the land, he has to see beauty in the growth, he has to speak of the beauty, he has to be himself touched by the beauty and the good life, be touched by it.

You preachers, preach like you love something and stop thinking about darkness and wrong done somebody, you the black man, stop thinking about all that stuff and get your mind on life, invite the people to the good life that Allah wants for them and you, yourself be turned on by the picture of the beautiful life that Allah (swt) wants for human beings on this earth. And when you come form that to the people you’ll see life start to grow and beauty start to come up out of the soil of the human matter, yes you’ll see that. So that’s the best protection

Crime punish on t.v.

So I’m inclined to agree with you brother that this is evidence that adulterer, fornicator should not be stoned, should not be put to death. But should be whipped before the public and see it says “and let a portion of the public witness it”. You know its too hard to get the whole public, but now you have television, right? You don’t need to say let a portion of the public, let all the public witness it on television, prime time t.v.

The drug pusher that’s been educated, he’s been taught, the public, the television, by the media or something we been talking to the drug pushers, we been telling them the nature of their crime and how they’ve fallen into this evil and we’ve made them fully aware of the gravity of the crime that they commit if they participate in the drug traffic, give somebody drugs, sell somebody drugs. So when they’re found guilty, put them on public prime time television, cover them up so nobody can see them how they look, nobody see anything, head covered and everything with cloth, black cloth. And take a sharp axe and a lumber jack man, hit him one time and they see his head go form his body and say thank you for watching prime television.

Don’t give his name to the public or nothing let him have no publicity, let him have no notoriety, let him have no importance at all. But be sure that he’s guilty, the evidence is positive, witnesses saw this and they are people that we know to be honorable and don’t lie.

Let it be positive and when its positive execute with no attention to his name, where he came from, who he is, nothing I guarantee you crime will go down, down, down.

m. 228

Crime some starve for t.v. attention

Some people don’t mind dying, they just never been on television they starving to be seen, they don’t mind dying. They’ll do a wrong just to be on television, I’ve seen them walking, arrest, being arrested and if he knows the t.v. is on they be talking to their people back home “ hey __” be calling out their name, “they got me baby”. That’s why he committed the crime, just wanted to be seen by everybody. So actually the way they treat crime, the way they handle these matters actually feeds it and makes it get bigger and bigger. And they don’t mind because the know it’s a money maker, it also employs people and bring more money into the system, alright so very good.

Tape available to propagators

We had some excellent comments on that, so we’re recording this and we’re going to make this available to the propagators, to the workers in Islam.

This we want to finish to the tenth verse. I’ll continue reading now Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem

Q. 24.4;

“And those who launch a charge against chaste women and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegation) flog them with eighty stripes: and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors”

Now for those who are actually guilty a hundred strips but for this person who falsely charged them eighty stripes. “and reject their evidence ever after:” that mean they never could qualify to be witness in a legal matter, dispute or something .

...”for such men are wicked transgressors”

Q. 24.5;

“ Unless they repent thereafter and mend (their conduct): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.

Q. 24.6;

“And for those who launch a charge against their spouses and have (in support) no evidence but their own their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth;”

Q. 24.7;

“And the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie.”

Q. 24.8;

“But it would avert the punishment from the wife if she bears witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that (her husband) is telling a lie;

Q. 24.9;

And the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth.

And the last verse in this section says

Q. 24.10;

“If it were not for Allah's grace and mercy on you and that Allah is Oft-Returning Full of Wisdom (ye would be ruined indeed).”

Now actually that in brackets is reasoned to be, its conclusion, the after thought or the whole thought. The full of wisdom is the end of the words in this verse, but he adds you would be ruined indeed, why? Because its ____ but its more powerful in Arabic than it is in English.

[ wa lau laa fadlullahe ‘alaykum wa rahmatuhu and annallaha tauwaabun hakeem].

So it leaves for you leave it to your imagination and that’s more powerful, it leaves it to your imagination to say what would be the consequences if Allah had not shown mercy, grace, gives, shared His grace upon us, shared His grace upon us and showed us mercy and that He’s oft returning to mercy, He’s full of wisdom. If he had not done this, been that way for us, what would be the consequences for mankind in his life on this earth?

m. 275

Its left for us to think about is. So really I think its better that He not say that you will be ruined indeed, because that’s his, that’s what he says, he got it in brackets, that’s to let you know that, that’s not what G-d revealed, that’s what he’s saying.

m. 278

Because you understand what’s in brackets means that those, the comments are the feelings of the translator which is adding something to make it come to a conclusion or stop, be a complete thought in English, but it wasn’t meant to be that way. Its meant to stop just where it was for us to think ourselves, think on it, what would be the conclusion if G-d had not been the G-d He is for us. A merciful and loving and forgiving G-d, full of wisdom.

Child rearing love only is punishing love need wisdom

See in order to be really merciful you have to also be wise, if you don’t know how to raise a child goodness is not enough. Your kindness is not enough, all your loving or love is not enough. Because you need a certain knowledge, you need knowledge of what is good for that child and bad for that child to know how to love that child properly. Your ignorance will be not love but punishment for that child or injury to that child. And many of us injure our child by giving them everything they ask for and letting them do anything they want to do. So that love is a punishing love, it’s a love that injures our children. But if we act upon not only love and compassion and mercy but act also on wisdom, knowledge and wisdom then we will really love our children.

Q. 57.28; double portion of My mercy

“O ye that believe! fear Allah and believe in His apostle and He will bestow on you a double portion of His Mercy: He will provide for you a light by which ye shall walk (straight in your path) and He will forgive you (your past): For Allah is Oft-Forgiving.”

So an uneducated society cannot even have mercy and compassion can they? And that’s why G-d says in and

I’ll give you double portion of My mercy. The first portion is given to you in your beautiful human nature, but when I have made you wise then you can be even more merciful to your society. And you educate your public and your public will be enjoying a greater mercy because of enlightenment, education, civilization, yes sir.. I’m listening.


I was just thinking about those verses where its says if somebody launches a charge against those, I think its making a point of how severe it is to defame somebody’s character.

Q. 24.11; those who brought forward a lie

“Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to you: on the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned and to him who took on himself the lead among them will be a Penalty grievous.”

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yeah this is the section two, I don’t intend to read that but I wasn’t going to conclude this without mentioning that it was the Prophet’s (pbuh) wife who was suspected of being involved the same one, young wife, may G-d be please with her. That sister asked a question about earlier, her marriage at such a young age to the Prophet (pbuh). It was Aisha, it was Aisha and Aisha was innocent but she suffered a lot because of her being suspected. And what really caused her to suffer so much was that her husband, our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was affected by these rumors, he was affected by it. And only the Revelation freed his, freed his, him and relieved his heart, when G-d gave him Revelation. And her innocence was then established. And then the punishment for those who falsely charged or charged people without evidence came that they should be publically punished too with 80 stripes or flog them 80 times for false accusations. Damaging very damaging, unforgivable rumors or accusations.

m. 345

Ok now lets see, we’re going to change subject a bit now because we’ve done, we’ve done something here that most of us are too weak to do, we’ve opened a way for us to have a more civilized society.


Brother Imam can I ask one question about this passage before we ?

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes because we’re getting ready to go from this to something else. Anyone who have a comment we can take some time. What time is Asr prayer?

Imam Clyde Rahman:

We have the Imam here with us and he’s trying to teach us the only way that he can teach us we do not cut him off for our question until he open up for questions. Somebody just, two people already, let him finish please, give him a chance, you don’t see us scholars over here cutting him off do you?

So give him a chance, please, I beg you give him a chance so we can get everything he have to say, don’t cut him off and go to something else until he get ready, he is the teacher. Please do that I beg you, please thank you.

False charges against Aisha

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes, I have completed what I have to say on the 10 verses and I wasn’t gonna conclude it without saying that the issue that this section is addressing and the next section which comes really to the issue, is a situation that involved the Prophet’s (pbuh) wife Aisha and a young man. And the rumors were incorrect, both the young man and her were innocent and that was proven later. But look how G-d through an involvement that did a great injustice to an innocent girl, innocent young woman, the wife of the Prophet (pbuh) and a man, a young man. Through their hurt and their suffering He revealed something. So they were a means really of revealing something to the society that society should know. And that is that false accusations should carry serious consequences and that fornication and adultery, fornication and adultery are very serious offenses against the public as our brother, where is he now I don’t see him? Yeah he moved, must have moved from there he was over there, said a serious public offense, affects the whole public. Someone else shared that same observation with him.

Adultery of the mind, religious leaders

And also what our brother brought out, brother Salim, long time student of the Quran, Arabic language and the Quran, he brought out that adultery and shirk fornication, adultery and shirk are really, more importantly adultery and shirk are tied together. And there is a crime of flesh and crime of the mind that corrupts the society by breaking the law that governs the relationship and the behavior of the preacher, the teachers, the religious leaders, the church, the mosque, the synagogue with G-d.

They have a relationship that they have to respect they have a loyalty that have to keep and not to engage or indulge in discourse, intercourse, discourse in discourse unlawfully that corrupts the message that G-d wants to reach the people.

Q. 17.32; Come not near adultery

“Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil opening the road (to other evils).

And corrupting the message corrupts the life and the whole society is destroyed, that’s a real reference that the Scripture has when Allah says in Quran this evil of adultery it opens the way to all kinds of sins, its address more the adultery of the Word, you committed fornication and adultery with Word of G-d. That’s the bigger crime and if they had been loyal to the Word of G-d these Christian societies, Muslims, Jews, all of them, if they had been strictly obedient and loyal to the Word of G-d we wouldn’t have adultery like it is in society, they wouldn’t do it. But the morals of the people have dropped, everything has dropped their senses are not directed like it use to be, their senses are not in touch with the Law of G-d the Word of

G-d and the interest of G-d in man’s life. Out of touch with that so what can we expect? Expect what we’re getting people don’t care what they do or at least they don’t take it very seriously what they do, they decide what important for themselves. And what more important they decide these matters for themselves. And that’s why the society is in such a shape, this has been very good, now the last person who asked had a comment, did you finish, you have any more to add or were you finished? If you’re finished then we’re going to go to another person.


Q.24.3; I was about to ask in surah we ayat three

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Which ayat?


Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication, we’re talking about the people or its talking about people who are publically known and convicted and whereby its been a societal ____, we’re not talking about enquiring these people’s backgrounds before we perform wedding or are we just talking about he publically known offenders?

m. 475

Q. 49.12; Spy not

“O ye who believe! avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: and spy not on each other nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay ye would abhor it...but fear Allah: for Allah is Oft-Returning Most Merciful.”

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes, ok very important question, yes now that brings up another question, I’m gonna answer the first that came up in my mind before I answer yours, then I’ll come to yours. Now in the Islamic society those who are guilty of fornication or adultery in previous life of the mushrik idolaters, once they convert to Islam all that’s forgiven, they wouldn’t be seen as adulterers or fornicators ok. So that the first part of the question. The second part of the question is how do we know these people are guilty of fornication of Adultery? We know because it has brought to public conscience, it has been brought to the public’s awareness that’s how we know. We’re not to go spying on people or to dig up or to ask questions without evidence or knowledge that something exists. We’re not to look for adultery and fornication, adultery and fornication is suppose to be in our eyes when we start to address adultery and fornication, yeah.

The right of privacy is very strong in Islam that’s not only an American right or right of our government and our public, the right of privacy is very strong right in Islam, you’re not suppose to spy on brother, you’re not suppose to spy on you sister, you not suppose to be suspicious of them, you’re not suppose to act upon any suspicion, you’re only suppose to act upon evidence that has been brought to the public awareness. Yes brother Imam.


Should we apply that same principle with our young adults especially our children that live in our homes? There’s a tendency sometimes to pry into the affairs of our young, our young people we are trying to make them more conscious but sometimes I think we go overboard and we do more harm than good.

m. 538

Q. 40.7; G-d everything in knowledge and mercy


“Those who sustain the Throne (of Allah) and those around it sing Glory and Praise to their Lord; believe in Him; and implore forgiveness for those who believe: "Our Lord! Thy reach is over all things in Mercy and Knowledge. Forgive then those who turn in repentance and follow Thy Path: and preserve them from the Penalty of the Blazing Fire!”

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:

Yes, yes, yes, yes the same concern and the way to handle it for the public is even more important in the home, for us

its more important in the home because really if we save the home we save the public, yes. So the brother has brought up a very important concern here, very important that we inform our own household and raise our children with the right sensitivities and with the right rationale or reasoning. We have to give them the correct rationale in Islam and feed beautiful them the beautiful sensitivities that Islam wants for us from Quran and Muhammad’s (pbuh)life . We have to feed them those beautiful sensitivities and that logic of wisdom and also compassion, the two go together.

[wase’ta kulla shayen ‘ilma wa rahma] G-d incorporated everything upon wisdom or science and compassion, mercy, He has to keep the balance, yes, brother Imam, yes brother Karriem again .


I couldn’t help but add what would be 100 lashes then the 100 strips the meaning of the 100 strips that intended for adulteration of the Word of G-d.

Imam W. Deen Mohammed:.

Yes I understand, I understand it to be, mean just what it says that anyone guilty of adultery or fornication should receive 100 lashes, 100 lashes and anyone falsely accusing a person should receive 80 lashes, 80 lashes, that’s the law, that’s the law. But under another law we’re a minority in this land so we have to respect their law, so when a Muslim is in, under another law we have to respect that law. So we have to have the guilty one punished by the law of the land not by us. But Judges are very, very respectful of civilized religious laws, civilized religious laws or civilized religion. If and if you, if the Muslim community say well this person is guilty of this, you have to be leaders and not just conform to everything and sacrifice everything in your Religion. Work for if work for the freedom of your Religion, under another society or under another law. So tell the judge, well judge your honor this person is guilty of this our Scripture says that here is the punishment for that.

m. 587

We don’t know what that judge might say, that judge might say “well this is my court and I have the law and everything”, thank you your honor, be very respectful, we brought him to your court, we respect your court. But that judge may say “ if I release this child to you, this youngster to you will you take him home and whip his ass real good?”

Now he might take you back behind the curtains and he might go in privacy with you and tell you that and bring you back out and tell the court “I’m releasing this young man to the custody of his parents”. We have to work for it others work for it, they work for their way, Jews and others, you know. So we don’t know how much we’ll get unless we work for it, yes. Alright so lets go to something else now...

12-18-99 Sat. 1:00 p.m. Afternoon session

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape V Side A

Topic: The importance of Prayer, What in our Nature wants prayer

Prayer five times daily Masjid

Q.24.41; Every creature know mode of prayer

“Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah knows well all that they do.

Alright so lets go to something else now, it is about 2:20 what time you say Asr is, what time? 2, 2:40, well we only have a little more to go so lets see what we can to. Yes I think we have time we can cover this. Now this verse is also in the same chapter Suratun Nur and come very close to what we have been discussing already, excuse me. This is chapter 41 I mean pardon me verse 40 of this chapter 24 and we want to talk about pray just for the about 15 minutes, prayer.

We have to be more serious about prayer, we have to stop letting our busy life neglect pray especially in the Mosque, nothing is more important than pray. You have to stop entertainment have Muslims go upstairs and pray, if we’re in charge of any affair we have to stop the affair until we do that we’re not having a life that witness G-d is more important; you’re saying this program is more important than our obedience to Allah. Very difficult to have Mosque open all times for prayer but we should be trying to get there, the big wrong is not that you’re not doing right thing but not working to do the right thing. Should be working to hire a Muadhin to open it five times a day, you got the homeless and they want Masjid open for flop house if you do it, it’ll drive believers over.

... for the five prayers, I’m mentioning that now, I also have to mention a problem in this society, you got the homeless and they want the Masjid open all the time so they can sleep in there, they’re looking for a flop house as that old expression says, they’re looking for a flop house. And if you let them use it for a flop house pretty soon you will drive away all the decent people, the decent people will be driven away. They come in and smell body odor and stuff from people sleeping in there, put their nose down to the rug and smell feet, toe jams.

That’s a little bit too much to bear and that happens, that happens, that’s a little bit too much so you make it available to the praying ones but insist that _____, this is something to brother Imam I know you don’t mean any harm, you’re not doing this intentionally but let me brings these things back to your conscience. Its all about prayer now.

Q.7.31; Clothes clean at times of prayer

“O children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: but waste not by excess for Allah loveth not the wasters.”

Before you pray you’re suppose to be clean and clothes you wear suppose to be clean, Allah says to the Prophet (pbuh) and to us and your clothing, make them, have them clean, not just your body but your clothing. Have them clean, clean them the Prophet (pbuh) was already a clean man, that wasn’t for him, through him we’re taught, that’s for us more than it was for him, he was already a clean before he became a Prophet, a very clean man. We have to have clean garments on before we pray and bodies have to be clean. If we’ve done anything like have sex or something we’re suppose to take a full bath not wudu’, you can find water you’re suppose to take a full bath before coming to the Mosque or doing your Prayer, why? Because ____ to G-d? No because you may smell and we may smell you in the prayer and that will disturb our prayer reminded of what you just did last night or something.

m. 41

Masjid clean

Now I’m for real I’m not making jokes this is just real you know. So that’s the benefit, wash yourself think clean and have clean clothes on. And then G-d told him also and clean the place. So brother Imams you’re responsible to keep the carpet clean, the carpet can’t smell and you go down there and smell, bring the shampoo again. Shampoo the carpet its got to be clean. If we obey our Religion you don’t have these problems.

Q.7.31; Clothes clean at times of prayer

Here is something else very important And when you come to the Mosque the places of worship be in your most beautiful apparel. You Imams go to a job and work for the bosses, non Muslim in nice suits and stuff and come to the Mosque like you just been jogging or going out jogging, got to stop that, got to stop that. Don’t come to Mosque in clothes that you wouldn’t wear to the formal to the best ___ or to you professional job. If you feel that you’re dressed up with a shirt and tie ___ at least put a dress shirt on and put a jacket on and put nice pants on and have them clean and pressed. We don’t have to go back to 1930, 40 and 50 and start inspecting your shoes and see if you got a crease in your pants, we don’t want that kind of regimentation of our people do we? I’ll order if you all don’t straighten up and believe me I got a lot of people that will make, put it in effect.

Prayer is very, very important and we’re going to have to finish after prayer, we don’t have enough time to finish now.

Pray as established institution

Q.24.41; Every creature know mode of prayer

I want to discuss pray as established prayer, established prayer as an institution or yeah, prayer is a, of the four, even shahada is an institution if you understand it. Each principle of Islam of these five they are institutions all to themselves, they are separate institutions. Salat is an institution separate to itself and we want to discuss it as an institution in Islam that mean the proper formal prayer that we do. The five daily prayers we do, not the Eid Prayers, just the five prayers is enough because the Eid prayers are the same similar.

And then we want to discuss what constitution in the believer that makes him want to pray to his G-d and love prayer, what is this make up? What is this make up in us? That makes us want prayer and have a nature we have to have prayer. We don’t have the full life until we have prayer to G-d. What is this in us that is identified also with non human creatures. For G-d says and every creature knows his mode of prayer and not only his mode of prayer but also his dhikrs, his tasbeehah, okay. En sha Allah we will return to this as soon as we make Asr prayer

m. 77

Now lets we’re gonna have some words on Prayer, comments on Prayer, but before we go to our comments on Prayer we want to look at purity in Islam and temptation by the, coming form the greatest, greatest tempter and that’s to sin that is, greatest tempter that tempts us to sin is satan himself. First we’re going to go to Sura Al Baqara verse 267.

Q. 2.267; Give of good in charity aim not at the bad

“O ye who believe! give of the good things which ye have (honorably) earned and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you and do not even aim at getting anything which is bad in order that out of it ye may give away something when ye yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is free of all wants and worthy of all praise.

Prayer sala, Zakat alludes to purity

Spending for Allah’s or spending as worship as part of our worship of Allah(swt) everything we do that’s correct Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) he says it stands as an act of worship everything. So anything done to please Allah or to serve Him in our homes or in the society is an act of worship for which we get credit, blessing. And prayer, both prayer and charity requires of us that we be clean, pure, conscious. When Prayer in the meaning of pray Arabic, Quranic Arabic term salah it also an allusion to purity, for purity and for zakat it’s the same. The word zakat has in its meaning also purity, purity, purification, purity.

And again these special meanings are not accidental but they are addressing issues, problems or issues that were with the people of the Book and most likely still existing on the pages of their Bible or Scriptures Holy Books.

m. 125

Q.9.103; Charity purifies giver

“Of their goods take alms that so thou mightest purify and sanctify them; and pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source of security for them: and Allah is one who heareth and knoweth.

Bible __ earth shook those who withheld giving charity

Or Scripture, Holy Book. I remember reading in the Bible where people were experiencing some very frightening things happening and when it was finally understood it was because they held back charity. They had really more to give without hurting themselves then they accepted to give or acknowledge or made known. So back at their home the earthquake shaking of their homes, houses shaking like an earthquake disturbing it and house was just shaking into shambles and it was because they had falsified what they had for charity, they had more but they had held back.

Now when I read that I said “oh boy that’s something, that’s some real supernatural stuff happening there”, house shaking, floors trembling and everything and house shaking just because the people wasn’t honest when they were asked to give in charity and they said that’s all they had. They had more left back at home. So I’m getting ready to read something to you that I think addresses that. I said I think it addresses that, which means you don’t have to, its not something you have to, I don’t give out sacred pages, I only read them.

Now lets see where it, I know it by heart but I don’t know it by verse, lets see where it that, I got it marked here somewhere, yeah, verse 267.

Q. 2.267;

Oh you who believe, say Bismillaher Rahmaaneer Raheem first, Oh you who believe give of the good things, give of the good things that you have honorable earned and of the fruits of the earth that we have produced for you and do not even aim at getting anything which is bad in order that out of it you may give away something. Means in charity. When you yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is free of all want and worthy of all praise.


This is addressing the mistake that some people make of thinking that they can give G-d and pay for sin or make up for their sins. So this belief that I could do wrong and then give the church something or give the minster something or give the Imam something, the Mosque or whatever and that will erase the sins from my record, will eventually lead us to actually doing sin to make money and claiming that, “yeah I’m doing this sin to make money, but I’m doing it so I’ll have something to help the masjid. I’m doing wrong but I’m helping the Masjid.

I have known in my time long before I became leader that there were those who sold drugs and were giving money in charity in some of the cities, some of the big cities.

”Oh you who believe give of the good things which you have honorably earned... And of the fruits of the earth which we have produced for you. And of the fruits of the earth which we have produced for you. And do not even aim at giving anything which is bad in order that out of it you may give away something, which, pardon me when you yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is free of all wants and worthy of all praise.”

So with closed eyes mean that you would be shame to accept it yourself conscious being aware of where it came from or how it was gotten and you wouldn’t want it mentioned to the public, that’s what it means, you didn’t want that to come to public attention you want to keep it a secret. Closed eyes mean you want to keep it hid, you want to keep it a secret.

m.1 64 Zakat, Sadaqa charity, purity

So we’re not to give in charity or work to help our community and the work we’re doing is something criminal like drugs or whatever or even a liquor house, you own a liquor house and you’re putting money into charity that’s not accepted, not good not accepted. And that would be selling anything harmful to the public, forbidden by G-d. It would not be, the money from that would be haram and not accepted as charity because charity can only be zakat or sadaqa and all these terms have meaning of virtues, sadaqa and all of these words have strong message of high virtues, high, refined life of virtues. Sadaqa is like the , truthfulness been certified by truth and honesty, Sadaqa.

m. 178

We say Sadaqullahul ‘atheem when we read the Quran, right? G-d said this, truthfully spoke G-d the Mighty. And Zakat

Zakat connected to ethics

And Zakat is directly connected to what I would call ethics, meaning ethical, ethical conduct, ethics, associated with ethics. It means involvement of high moral sense and rational sense. Clean and intelligent altogether, this is what, this is the meanings that are locked up in the Zakat, so its purity. Zakat is pure and of purity and so is Sadaqa. And this is very general giving that’s mentions here [anfequ, anfequ] means just to spend, spend and it covers zakat, it covers sadaqa, covers giving even outside of zakat and sadaqa. I don’t know anything given with respect for Allah (swt) and to obey Him if its given we can call it, it’s a charity, if it’s beyond our obligation, if its beyond our obligation. Now you have an obligation to sustain our life, to buy ourselves food to take care of our children, our wife etc.

But in the real sense when we do it to please Allah (swt) even the taking care of your family is zakat, yes, getting food for the house and paying the rent and all that. All ____, that’s Zakat when you’re conscious of your obligation to do what Allah wants you to do, conform to what Allah has asked of you. So really your whole life is a life of charity that’s why your whole life should be a life of prayer, because your prayer goes beyond, that’s what we’re going to be discussing in a few minutes. Your prayer goes beyond this form of prayer we just did upstairs your life should be a life of prayer and if we life the Muslim life as Allah (swt) has designed it for us with His Word and his Messenger, His servant and Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) then our whole life will be a life of charity and a life of prayer, a life of worship as the Imams and teachers in Islam say. The whole life should be a life of worship.

m. 211

Q.3.97; Kabah signs in it

“In it are signs manifest; (for example) the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith Allah stands not in need of any of his creatures.

Now let’s come to tempter now, let’s come to tempter, the great tempter who put before us temptations to take us away from this life Allah wants from us. This life that will help our families and the society and bring the whole society to be one healthy, peaceful family working together for the good of the whole, that’s what Allah (swt) wants.

Kabah is called bait not dar

So when you look at, when you turn towards to Qiblah, called the Kabah and you remember that G-d calls it a house and the warm, the very warm, cordial intimate like term is used, not Dar, its not Dar.

Dar is house too, but its not called Dar, its called bait, bait is your private home with your wife and your family home, that’s your bait, so G-d is calling what we’re facing home. Very precious, close, intimate private home, private home, He have called it that to say to us, I have created you all to live together as one family and share the whole earth as though it was your private home, that’s what _____ . It says it’s a symbol of unity, the unity of mankind, the unity of all people so its called home.

So if we want to do a commentary on it or Tafseer on it we have to bring that message home, bring that message to the forefront. That G-d has created all people to want peace and security, it’s a place of peace, it’s a place of security, to want peace and security so that they don’t have to fear someone going to violate their privacy, someone is going to try to take their wife from them. Someone going to kidnap their child for some reason, someone going to take their possessions out of their house, steal something from them or pick it off of them. So it’s in man’s soul to want a condition on earth where he doesn’t have to live in fear. So that his neighbor, his brother or the next person down next door or the traveler is going to disturb his peace by violating his and his life. This is what man wants.

So if you can accept this brother Imams and all of you, if you can accept this then it well be very easy for you to follow the Quran. It will be very easy for you to support my leadership. What we’re working for then is to have a family condition, a good family condition, not just a family, this is an excellent family, a family under G-d, a family of believers, believing in the Lord, Creator of the heavens and the earth. The aim is to have a family condition for the whole of mankind on this earth.

m. 283

To have a family condition where we don’t fear each other like a good family, the members don’t fear that someone going to steal something from them or don’t fear that you’re going to do an injury to them or violate their rights in the house, everybody conscious of each other. I thank Allah I can leave any amount of money anywhere in my house, I don’t worry about any of my children taking a thing and my wife too. I thank Allah for that, yeah because that hasn’t always been the case, I mean not for me, when I was living in the house with my parents and someone in the house, in the family have been punished for stealing something, in my family when I was a child raised up in the house you see.

Children teach ownership W. D. Mohammed

But never have I had to punish any of my children for stealing anything I leave anything anywhere they don’t touch it, why? Because I trust them. I ain hiding things from them, I don’t treat them like I’m afraid they’re going to hurt me or take something from me, I tell them it all lis theirs. I say I’m one person in this house I say I can’t eat as much food as all of us can eat I say so who is the food for? I say I’m one person, I say if you _____ he would be satisfied with one room and a nice floor, a blanket no furniture I said so who is all this for? I make them conscious of their ownership, if they steal, they feel like their stealing from themselves.

The house belong to them, I said my money too, I say I got more money than I can use for myself, I say what do you think Allah blessed me to have this money, why Allah bless me to have this much money? I say because I got to feed more than myself, I got to look out for more than myself, that’s the way I talk to my family. I been doing it for years, none of my children have ever stolen from me or their mother or anybody, not from each other, they won’t do that. And I have not been saying a thief is evil, I’ve never even use the word thief, G-d is my witness I never have used the word thief to them.

So if I can to that in my household can’t we do that in the world too, if we can get people to fill the air with the same sensitivity and the same trust and respect that I filled my home with we can make this earth like that. Don’t think its utopian and can’t have this, we can have this but we have to work for it.

m. 303

Criminal most are good people

Believe me some of the best people who will be trustworthy and loyal are those who are now criminals, thinking you have to live that way, they were forced to think we have to live that way. I’m not saying all of them are innocent, no some of them are just incorrigible, they aint going to change no matter what you do, they aint going to change.

Crime correct with prime time punishment

Oh its something to do have that prime time execution I was telling you about earlier, that’s something to do alright, to make them conscious. It will take something like that to make them conscious. But the majority of them are good people they’re just victims of bad circumstances, bad circumstances beginning right in the house.

Crime starts at home parent mistreatment

Parents saying “get out of that refrigerator, get out of my refrigerator”, how come its your refrigerator? Its for the house, don’t be that possessive. “Get out of my refrigerator, what you doing using my good china? Put that back? And never too good for your child, if you’re afraid they’ll break it, don’t let them know you’re think its bad, you don’t trust them with it, but just tell them “you like that silverware?” Let them eat out of it one time, let them go on and use it and then say and when you finish I want to wash that myself, I don’t want it broken, I’m saving it for a special guest that’s coming over. And we have to have those for the guest or the company, say “I don’t even use that myself”.

Now is you sit down there and eat with a gold trim plate, no it aint for you, its for your guests, you know you’re suppose to treat guest ____, something special for your guest, you know. Let them share all your secrets that a child can share, let them share all your secrets that a child can share don’t be afraid to trust them with all your secrets, then they feel so free and comfortable and the home is theirs and aint no big deal anymore unless outsiders come in. Heard my daughter say “ you keep saying that I’m gonna make you get out of my house” that’s what my little daughter said to one of her friends. It was one of her little friends it wasn’t mine, I was above the argument, but I thought about it, I said well she’s right this is her house, so I didn’t get into it I let her handle and she got some respect too.

m. 322

I guess she said “you don’t belong here, it aint your house” and she was right, because I taught them it was their house, our house, not outside, not people outside, not their house, she was right.

Alright so there’s another reminder in the Quran of how we should not to have double standards and double standards for justice, double standards for righteousness. And I’m going to mention it along with this verse that says “don’t put into charity or give sin, this is very broad, that means you can’t ____ into the society, that aint the term that’s used, its [anfequ].

So if we can’t spend money, it means for the public, in the public, in the system, in the public system, if we can’t put money in the public system that’s comes from something unlawful. That means we cannot seel pork, we cannot sell whiskey and any Muslim that’s doing that they’re violating the law of the Religion, not to mention support the drug traffic or sell reefers or something like that. That’s really strong, really, really serious, serious, serious criminal matter in Islam, very, very serious criminal matter in Islam. And also a crime unlawful in our society, we’re not suppose to sell drugs, now they’re talking about legalizing reefers somewhere, but as far as I know in Chicago, we’re still be locked up for possessing reefer you know.

m. 360

Q. 3.75 We have not obligation to these people



Among the People of the Book are some who if entrusted with a hoard of gold will (readily) pay it back; others who if entrusted with a single silver coin will not repay it unless thou constantly stoodest demanding because they say "There is no call on us (to keep faith) with these ignorant (pagans)." But they tell a lie against Allah and (well) they know it.

So another reference says “Don’t say these people, we have no obligation to these people”, meaning that they’re not Muslim or you say they’re not Muslim or they may be not Muslim, that doesn’t matter. They are not Muslim so you have no obligation under the law with respect to them , that if they come in your store you not obligated to be honest with them, give them the same price you give the Muslims and not sell them bad or inferior stuff or unlawful things.

Q. 18.49; Revelation Book leaves out nothing big or small



“And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say "Ah! woe to us! what a book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did placed before them: and not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.

So the Quran is complete it doesn’t leave out anything as Allah says, they would say “they would be amazed what kind of Revelation is this? Leaves out nothing big or small. Now we know it leaves out many things small and maybe some things big but when it comes to what we need for religion and what Scripture has been addressing from the time of Abraham or before until now, Quran leaves out nothing big nor small.

So it says “don’t say we have no obligation to these people” meaning don’t say we have no obligation to them because they’re not Muslim so we have obligation to the Muslim, its not my obligation to him. Your obligation is to truth, mercy, honesty, justice, if yo do wrong by anybody it’s a wrong.

Islamic leaders don’t respect their public

When you look at the Islamic world and see the bad condition of Islamic world in terms of their awareness of the respect that they should have for their publics and for members of their public. You can understand that ruin, that deterioration in the Islamic society or community life when you look at what G-d asks of the believer and look at what they are doing to non Muslims and even to Muslims.

m. 368

Muslim men honorable leaders

Not all of them now you know they’re angels among the Muslims, they’re holy men and saints and angels, they’re impeccable Muslims, rational and everything, we have men, honorable men, honorable angels even among the Muslims of the world, we know that. I’m not talking about those few, I’m talking about the ones we ________ all the time and the ones you see most likely when you go to their country. They fit this description, now this wouldn’t be in the Quran if there weren’t some people among them already like that. So that was in them even in the time of the Prophet (pbuh) they had the Prophet (pbuh) as their leader and they were guilty of these things. Now what do you think with the Prophet (pbuh) gone and not sitting among them, what do you think would happen now? If they were that bad then, what do you think would happen now with them lost and strayed from the real purity of Islam? Oh everything you see, what’s happening.

Lottery go in the store, they may not sell it to you, but when his brother comes in from his race “salaam alaikum” the lottery is there, the liquor is there, the pork is there, the pig is there, maybe even some little reefer olders to hold the reefers, all this stuff there not conscious if he could get by with more, he would , might be selling drugs in there, some of them not all of them. They’re no better worst than the worst people in our own society, they’re not better. But they’re saying As Salaam Alaikum non Muslim. And you tell them you’re Muslim, “do you pray brother?” Do yo do what I don’t do brother, do you pray five times a day brother ? Do you do what I don’t do brother? Do you believe in Allah (swt) and Muhammad (pbuh) the Prophet (pbuh). You believe what I don’t believe brother?

They will acknowledge that, they be pretending like they believe all that, like they do prayers and they believe all that and they are nothing but liars. We should get ready to show them up with our obedience to Allah, not attacking them, I don’t want it to go outside these walls, only for you. Don’t go out there telling immigrant Muslims that Imam W. Deen Muhammad, unless you want to make trouble for me, if you want to do that help yourself. I’ll stand up for whatever I do, anywhere, any day, anytime I wake up 4:30 in the morning and answer it, what I did, answer for what I did, yes. But you, you scum bag, dog you, you’re gonna get the punishment for being that way. For trying to hurt Imam W. Deen Mohammed image in the eyes of other Muslims, you’re gonna get the punishment, in fact you’re under it already and its gonna get worst and worst for you. The more you have that mind the worst its gonna get for you. Nobody gonna be able to help you buddy.

So don’t think I’m afraid of them, I’m not afraid of them, I don’t live for them I live for Allah (swt), I’m not afraid of them at all. I don’t care if they all dislike me it wouldn’t matter a thing with me, a thing with me, a bit with me.

If I was among them you think I would hid what I’m saying to them? But its not good for you to take what I say to any of them, but when I meet with them I remind them of their bad behavior.

Imam W. D. Mohammed accepts correction and leadership

I never disliked a person because they were better than I was, I was happy I just thank G-d that there’s a person that good, a lot of people better than I am. I thank G-d that there are more people and they’re better than I am and that’s good, the more good the better. And I never have felt uncomfortable with a person better than me or worst than me reminding me that I should be right, no. Anyone that want to remind me that I should be right I accept it and I don’t care how wrong you are, I don’t see you at that time as a wrong person, I see you as a person trying to help me do right. But most of us can’t be like that. If we can’t be as good as the next person we then are uncomfortable with them being that good if we can’t bring everybody down to our low level we aint happy. I believe that’s part of the hell that’s fixed for people like that. You can’t be happy because people are better than you.

Oh when he gonna be happy? Never, because there’s always gonna be people better than you, so your ______ and the Lord know I’m trying to purge you right now for your own good so you will have happiness. So you will be free of that demon in you and have a good life.

m. 483 / 518

Q. 2.268; The evil one threatens with poverty

“The Evil One threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah promiseth you His forgiveness and bounties and Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things.

Q.4.76; Fight the scheme of satan is is weak

“Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil: so fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

So the tempter now, we come to the tempter Allah (swt) says: Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem ‘the evil one threatens with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly.” Now this was revealed, you know, long, long time ago better than a thousand years, 14 centuries now, that’s a long time isn’t it? But look how it apply, look how relevant this is today, so we look at the people who are supporting the unlawful and getting money and getting wealth off of the unlawful and how they close their eyes to wrong that they’re doing and how the society that they’re influencing resembles the society of satan

Fasting don’t ignore medicine

Help the brother there fascinating how much we can take, you know and some of us will even ignore our medicine, don’t do that, don’t ignore taking your medicine especially if the doctor say you should take that medicine. The doctor doesn’t excuse you from it during the fast hours then you take your medicine. In fact a question was sent to me and while I’m doing this since we’ve already been separated from this verse here, from this ayat, so before going back to it a question was asked:

“In Ramadan if someone has to take medicine during the daylight hours and they have to take it with water and they take the pill and take water with it, is that breaking the fast?” Yes it is, its breaking the fast, why? Because there’s exemption for you the sick are exempted, so you shouldn’t be fasting.

Now say you situation, the situation of another brother I know that’s present here who brought his situation here too today, we all know him very well I don’t want to say who it is unless he wants to say who he is. And you don’t have to take the medicine but once in every 24 hours so you can take it at night, but occasionally he forgets to take his medicine and it was day that he had forgotten to take his medicine. So he had to take his medicine, so he took it in the day and he asked me “have I broke my fast I did that?” So I told him it wasn’t you consciously not taking your medicine in the dark, in the night and waiting until the day, you forgot, that’s forgiven, that’s excused, you didn’t break your fast, I say you should continue to fast.

So in is case he can fast because he only has to take it in one time a day, he takes it in the night, night hours, but you who have to take your medicine three times or four times a day, you have to take it in the day and if you think you don’t have to take it then don’t you do it , don’t you do it without your doctor’s permission. Go to your doctor and ask your doctor, say I think I can go....

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape V Side B in his case he can fast because he only have to take it one time a day, he take it in the night, night hour, but you who have to take your medicine three times or four times a day, you have to take it in the day. And if you think you don’t have to take it then don’t you do it without your doctor’s permission.

Go to your doctor and ask your doctor, say “I think I can go these hours without taking this medicine, is that okay?” If your doctor feels comfortable with it then you do it, if your doctor does not feel comfortable with that, you cannot fast no matter how much you want to fast, G-d does not you injuring your life and injuring your health and putting your health in risk and your life in risk to fast. That’s why He said if your sick, your exempt from fasting.


Brother Imam the nurse wanted to know if anyone here has a glucose monitor.

W. Deen Mohammed:

I don’t, I don’t have one, does anyone here have a glucose monitor for diabetics, yes sister has one, she’s coming. Told you this community is ready man, yeah you told me that, David Hasan he been telling me that, say “Imam everything you want, everything that we need is in this community” that’s what David Hasan says. And its been coming forth too, we’ve been seeing that, so we thank Allah for you all and our brother en sha Allah going to be fine.

m. 26

satan presence in Western world mainly America

Q.2.268; Allah promises you satan threatens with poverty

“The Evil One threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah promiseth you His forgiveness and bounties and Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things.

Now let us go back, come back to the Quranic reading, the chapter two Al Baqara verse 268 now, we read 267, 268. Now 268 follows 267, what does that tell us? There is a direct connection between 268 and 267 and the connection I was already discussing it, that any society that permits people to do the forbidden in the name of goodness that actually we are helping the society but they know they are doing wrong or sin, they open the way for the devil, they open the way for the devil to influence the society and but his design on the society. And don’t let nobody tell you that this country did not welcome the devil, the United States of America welcomed the devil. And the devil had his presence in these United States more than he had anywhere on this earth since time began, do you hear what I’m saying?

Fard saw devil in West, America

So what Fard saw and what he identified was not incorrect, he saw the presence of the devil in the Western world order and he’s correct. Now that my eyes are open I know that he was correct, if the devil had a presence anywhere in the creation it was right here on this earth in these United States of America. Look how they separated us from humanity, separated us from humanity we weren’t even human beings anymore, we wasn’t full human beings, separated us from humanity, made lawful every, any and everything, not lawful but acceptable in this society.

Alcohol, drug takes people’s mind away

Jeremiah 49.12; drunkard to be punished

“ For thus saith the Lord; Behold, they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup have assuredly drunken; and art thou he that shall altogether go unpunished? thou shalt not go unpunished, but thou shalt surely drink of it.”

I Timothy 5.23; wine take for stomach

“ Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.”

You know drinking whiskey is lawful, was legalized, it was legalized, but it wasn’t always legal, they knew it was wrong to be, the Bible says the drunk beat him or banish him from the society. The Bible is not support liquor and alcoholism, that’s not supported by the Bible, they say “oh the Bible say take a little bit for your stomach sake, take a little bit for your stomach sake. Well that’s medicine, that’s saying take it as a prescription for an illness, that’s ok they do that, they put a little alcohol in some things for certain illnesses. It doesn’t say drink it like you do milk and lemonade, it’s a sin to take the mind from the people and that’s what alcohol will do and drugs will do. It takes the natural mind, the normal mind from the people, that’s a great, great violation of G-d’s Law, of G-d’s Laws.

But they allowed it, they allowed it to thrive, flourish and thrive in the society, finally drugs came, drugs everywhere, prostitution, child pornography, everything you can imagine. Now if the devil aint here where is the devil? Every sin that you can imagine is right here, now if the devil is not here tell me where is the devil, in my heart? You’re crazy. I aint never had that kind of stuff in my heart and the worst criminal out there he aint got all that, he aint got the capacity to have in himself all the wrong that’s our there.

m.67 satan kingdom U.S. and West

So if there is any kingdom of the devil, the kingdom of the devil is in the United States and in those other countries of the Western world that licence all these wrongs or at least turn their head and let it happen. So you all wake up, you all wake up, say well how can you be with the President and get that certificate from the State Department? Because I’m the man I am, that’s how come, they know I’m not a hypocrite they know I’m not being, saying what I say good about the United States because I’m a weakling. I’m not speaking from weakness when I say I love these United States I’m speaking from strength, not weakness, I’m not no uncle Tom, aint no uncle Tom here buddy. I not saying this because I’m emotionally in love with the United States or with their democracy, I’m not saying that for that reason, I’m saying it because I see a more important United States that good believers in G-d cherish, respect and love.

m. 81

But on the other hand I see to this accommodation that they give satan and wrongdoers, I know that’s not their intention, that’s their big mistake, not their intention. Their intention is to have a beautiful nation fair by its citizens and accepted by G-d that’s their intention, that’s what they want. So I’m with them, with all of them, President of the United States, both parties Democrats and Republicans, I’m with all of them for that. This is the real destiny, this is the real aim, this is the real life that the good people want.

Bukhari Vol 1.331; Whole earth Masjid

Narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah

...” The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.”

But to keep the bad people from overthrowing the government they think the only safe way is to let them have their, accommodate them too in our society, accommodate them to a certain extent. Smoke all the reefer and shot you up, do everything you want at your own home, don’t let my daughter see you doing it or I’m gonna lock your ass up or string you up or chop your head off with an axe on prime television. That would be mine, if I could execute what I want that would be what I would have. Now you do what you want in your private room by yourself, don’t let my daughter see it, don’t let my son know about it, don’t let your stuff spill out of your house, your private quarters into my house, if you do we’re gonna check it and get rid of it.

That’s the way it should be, it shouldn’t be any public self, there some city, Philadelphia, I lived in that city for three years and in Philadelphia they knew selling whiskey was wrong. So on Sunday you couldn’t buy whiskey in Philadelphia I don’t know about now, they might have changed the law since I was there. But on Sundays you couldn’t by the, you couldn’t go to the state store and buy any whiskey it was controlled.

Devil is the influence in the society

So that shows that they know it not right at least on Sunday they tell the devil close up shop, now I don’t mean the shop owner is the devil, the devil is the influence in the society that have brought this accommodation about for him and his wrongdoings, it’s the influence, its not any individual, but his presence is on this land, on our soil His kingdom is on our soil you won’t find his kingdom in Mecca its on the soil in the United States and other European countries that have the same law as the United States to accommodate the devil, satan.

In Islam it says fight, Allah says fight the schemes of satan, fight the schemes of satan mean fight his design, you don’t look for the individual say” I’m looking for satan is the white man, I’m looking for satan, it’s a German” . No I’m looking for evidence of satan’s presence, that’s his scheme. And when I find the unlawful Allah says surely “these sins, this sin, that sin and khamr, alcohol, anything that takes away your consciousness, your natural mind is from [iamalus shaytan] the works of the devil.

So what I’m saying to you, I told you I never come but from Scripture, what I’m saying to you is already been said by Allah. That these things are from the works of the devil, so if I find drugs and alcohol and the people encouraged to drink it, selling it on television encourage them to drink all this stuff everywhere you go, and they are suffering alcoholism in this society, etc. And crimes, unnecessary murders, killing people on the road, when I see the presence of this from what the Quran say what am I suppose to, how am I suppose to identify that? As the works of the devil. That the only way I can identify it, if I follow the Quran, that’s the works of the devil

Child pornography

Child pornography the works of the devil, all these evils the works of the devil and they are tolerated if not legalized in these United States, you think I’m happy with that, you think it should be part of our Dawa to work against that? You chickens, chickens with no sperm, you roosters with no sperms, you should be ashamed of yourselves, calling yourselves men and Muslim men and you don’t have the courage to stand up for what’s right. Your country will love you much more if you became like Warithud Din Mohammed. And the power, the establishment will appreciate you much more as a citizen if you became like Warithud Din Mohammed. You think they don’t know these things about me? They know all this and more.

m. 138

Certificate from state department in frame

You should put my certificate I got from the state department into a nice frame and put it in a nice place in your house and be proud to show it to your family and your guests. Some of you can’t do that I’m telling you what you should do.

No , we’re working for a model community under G-d we want it to be a model community like Allah want under G-d and we have to work with our fellow citizens and help make them more conscious of what Allah wants for society on this earth, not as enemies, they’re not our enemies, they’re our friends, they’re our brothers and sisters we love them. And they have been led astray by the satan, so we want to brin them to see that these evils have gone too far and we will never have the America that the good Christian want and the good people want until we make satan pack up and go, yeah pack up and go. Or at least have your demonic parties in your own house and don’t let us see it. “Oh Imam you never can change that” yeah they thought that Muhammad (pbuh) couldn’t could never realize what he was presenting to them too.

Say this man aint got no army, aint got no wealth, his own people have rejected him, the wealthy people won’t support him they kicked him out of Mecca, drove him out of his own city, oh he’ll never be able to do this. In less than twenty years he was saying Allahu Akbar on their lane, on their territory. We’re not blessed to have that most excellent of human being on this earth right now but if all of us would respond to the call in our many numbers we can have the same power.

m. 161 Threaten you with poverty

The evil one threatens you with poverty now how does he, how he does that? Threaten you with poverty? By giving you false expectations and your expectations make you think you’re suppose to have much more than is realistic for you. So he keeps you thinking you’re always poor, you’ll never got enough, the satan, especially your children, your sons.

You being nice to them, you’re trying to do the best you can for them, but they never have, want you to buy them a jaguar and just five years ago your whole life was jaggy and not jaguar, jaggy not jaguar. And just because you got a little better now you got a business, you’re paying some bills and got you a nice car, he want you to get him a jaguar. And the satan have made him think that because he puts the jaguar it on television and he doesn’t say this is not for everybody. Because he want everybody to get one, even if you have to steal or kill somebody to get the money. He say that aint on me say they wanted that, that jaguar, air Jordan shoes, all that, here he sells you unrealistic expectations and make you think you aint normal or you’re not treated justly unless you have what’s presented by him, not him directly, his influence has presented that.

Sign last day

So this presence of the devil is stronger than it every has never been on this planet earth, you hear me? So well brother Imam how can you say this is the day of Religion and a beautiful time and at the same time you say that? That’s the end of the world, that’s how it comes, at the end of the world you shall see both extremes, this is prophecy, this is Scripture. You’ll see both extremes, you’re gonna see the extremes of the righteous, righteous and the righteous reaching their peak, you’ll see the righteous reaching their peak and at the same time you’ll see the wicked reaching their peak. This is Scripture, if Scripture is correct then it can’t happen any way but the way it has happened. In the time of the coming or the rising sun of renewal for the world and righteousness the devil and his work is at their peak at the same time, yes.

So to understand me and not be confused, a lot of you all confused because you see in your, you seeing what you’re looking at everyday, “how can Imam, the Imam where is he coming from?” I’m seeing what I’m looking at everyday, you seeing what you’re looking at everyday and what I’m looking at is much bigger than what you’re looking at, much bigger than what you’re looking at, you got a small, small little screen that you’re watching, yeah, really. But because I’m all over the world you know and meeting the people from high places all over the world, I got a big screen I’m looking at.

So my screen tells me that this is really a serious problem for Chicago, for certain parts of the United States, but on the whole, the screen that I’m looking at, these drug addict it’s a small problem, the drug addict for you is a big problem, drug addict on this big screen is a small problem, it take about 2 yrs to get rid of that if the society really want to get rid of it, maybe less time than that.

m. 210

So the evil one threatens us with poverty, threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly, Allah promises you forgiveness, isn’t that a wonderful G-d?

Now Allah is saying this satan that entices you, seduce, seduces you I know him and I know he’s too powerful for you, I know he’s too much of a match for you. But I’m not lost for words to you I’m a a forgiving G-d and no matter what he have made you do or enticed you to do I can forgive you, isn’t that wonderful? So see how satan is powerful and mighty, but how Allah’s forgiveness, His mercy and forgiveness just brings satan down to a little small time, yes. For me if I accept that from Allah he’s a small time trouble maker, he’s still big for those who don’t accept that. But for me who accept that from G-d he’s a small time trouble maker. Oh yeah you got big sin going but your sin won’t reach me and if I fall a victim to it I got a G-d that I can turn to and He will pardon me and I can have another lease on life, I can start all over again, yeah. So aint no big time thing for me.

Fadlun means bounties, welcome

And it says Allah promises you His forgiveness and bounties the devil threaten you with poverty to drive you to go unconsciously after wealth, after income, after money, after wealth, that’s his method. To make you fear being with the poor or ashamed to be classified with the poor, you have to get rich because he has given you an idea that all citizens of the United States suppose to have all of these material comforts. So its available on television to everybody and to every home, so I’m suppose to have this too, I don’t have it so let me escape this bad situation I’m in. “Oh yes son, what’s that you got, what you brought in the house this time? Oh I brought a few hot leather coats. Let me look at one of the and see if it fit mama?” Yeah the devil have made you like that, have gotten into your life without you knowing, seeing him coming in. “Oh that’s a color television?” Now you know that guy aint got no job, “did you bring mama this for Christmas son?

Oh my boy is alright, take that piece of thing up there and throw it away son, throw it out there in the alley and put that new television up for me.”

So the devil threatens us with poverty and Allah promises us forgiveness and bounties, bounties. The word is forgiveness from Himself and [fadlan ] Fadlan means welcome really but it means by reason if you take the logic to its conclusion, it means that He’s going to give us bounties. It does mean that but it doesn’t say that it says that Fudla means whatever you want, G-d says welcome, welcome, you’re welcome. Fadla means “as you like” Fudlan means its up to you is you like this, have it, that’s G-d. And believe me if you serve and obey Him that’s what He’ll do.

Allah open your soul you confuse mind with soul

He’ll open up all the things your soul really wants because if you really know your soul, your soul doesn’t want crime and corruption and lies, your soul don’t want that that’s your mind. You confuse your mind with your soul, your soul doesn’t want that. So if you really accept Alla to obey Him and aint got to be an angel, you don’t have to be perfect, just strive not to be wrong in anything or at any time and Allah will reward you for our disposition, you’ll never be perfect, we’re not perfect we’re human, we can’t be perfect. But Allah will reward us for our disposition and that’s our perfection.

Perfect human desire no wrong in self

Our perfection is to come in our spirit, in our consciousness and in our souls and mind to come to the position that we don’t want wrong in ourselves or charged to us, that’s perfection for a human being. Once you come to that then Allah is going to give you plenty of help from good people from His angels even from the jinn. He’s gonna give you plenty of help, I guarantee it.

Allah give justice because He knows whole life

Q.95.8; Allah best Judge

“ And Allah cares for all” you hear that? “ And Allah cares for all and He knows all things”. He’s the only one that can give justice, Allah is the only One that can give all of us justice. You can’t give me justice if you don’t know my whole life, you have to know the secrets of my life, you have to know my whole life to give me justice. You could give me citizens rights but you can’t give me justice, only Allah can give me justice because He knows everything about me.

So your life is just like earning G-d’s help, your life is just like working on a job and your time clock is the whole time that you’ve lived so who can correctly read your time card but G-d to give you your pay, your just pay. Only G-d can read your time clock.

m. 308

He’s the only One that knows what you’ve done every minute and second of your life. So Allah cares for all and knows all, these are tied together, He want us to know that He cares for all. He it didn’t say that I care for all but the sinners, no. He says I care for the sinners, He’s saying the devil is gonna get you, he’s out to get you, he’s powerful, he threatens you with poverty but remember Me, I forgive sin and I am always inclined, wanting to forgive the sinner, this G-d.

Allah punish to awake conscience devil punish he’s sadist

When it says oft forgiving that’s what it means, mean s that G-d is not inclined to punish, G-d is inclined to show mercy and to forgive, that’s what G-d want, not to punish. He punishes because he has to punish, just like a good parent love his child so much the parent will died a thousand time for that child to if it thought that child would die and he could save him. But that same parent that love that child like that will hurt it and make it cry and leave sore on it, a sore on it from a strap or bruise or something, from a strap because he loves the child. So Allah punishes His creatures because He loves us, He only punish us because He has to punish us, He punish us to bring us back to consciousness, to save us for the future. But the devil punishes because he enjoys it, he’s a sadist, he’s a freak, he punishes us because he enjoys it.

Criminal misguided most will die for a friend

Allah cares for all so brother Imams understand that don’t see a person a person that’s not as morally upright as you and think yourself above them, you don’t know their whole life. You might be above them only in the amount of awareness that you have of them and yourself, but if you could see the whole of them and the whole of their, of yourself, you might feel comfortable in the company with that wrongdoer, and that’s a fact, that’s a fact.

Some of them are selling hot goods and selling reefers, dope, stealing, robbing people, sometime an old lady, stick them up an old lady, they lost consciousness, the devil have taken away their consciousness. But they’re ready to die for a friend and you won’t even just stand up to a outsider for me. So I would much rather have that criminal as my buddy I much rather ride to the North side with him in my car than to take you. At least he’s not a hypocrite.

m. 380

Hadith ___ See Christ and Muhammad together

So you know we think of the Gospel, Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) the servant of Allah he said, and you’ll see, this is one of his prophecies, you’ll see Christ Jesus and me together, that’s what he said. And the more I see the Quran and Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) I see Christ and Muhammad (pbuh) together, the two Prophets together, peace be upon them.

Islam invites sinners

So we think Islam is not a Religion that says to the sinner “come ye sinners” invite sinners to come to salvation, it does. Right now, right here pardon me in this verse 268, Allah is inviting sinners to salvation. He says the evil one threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly, Allah promises you, He’s talking to the same people, Allah promises you forgiveness, His forgiveness and Allah careth for all, the sinner and the righteous. Allah cares for all, He didn’t say “all but the man who sins”, said cares for all and Allah cares for all. And I see your care for all my G-d, I see it when You’re saying that the devil is a powerful force and he will deceive us and we will fall a victim but You will save us with your power to forgive and Your mercy. I see You caring for all, and Allah cares for all and He knows all things, He knows the satan, He knows the limits of the satan, he knows the power and the limits of the satan and He know the power and the limits of His human creature. He knows all things and that’s why He is the best to judge and to protect and to show, give forgiveness and show mercy after the poor creature have fallen a victim to the mighty schemes of the satan.


He grant wisdom to whom He pleases Allah

the tendency in most sinners is to punish yourself too much

That Allah know you can’t fight satan and be successful unless you become as wise or wiser than he is. So the next verse says “And He granted wisdom to whom He pleases and he to whom wisdom is granted receive indeed a benefit overflowing. But none will grasp the message but men of understanding. I thank Him for including me among those men, praise be to Allah .

m. 400

Q. 2.270;

“And whatever you spend in charity or devotion be sure Allah knows it all. But the wrongdoers have no helpers”

So what is it saying when it says Allah knows it all? Means Allah is gonna help you, Allah is your Helper that’s what Allah is saying. Whatever you spend in charity or devotion be sure that Allah knows it all, mean He’s gonna register your good deeds to your account and you’re gonna get great rewards for it. And He knows everything about you that the mother, your mother and your best friend can’t know. He knows things about you, you can’t know, your knowledge of yourself is not nothing like G-d’s knowledge of you. You will look at yourself and say “yeah well I’m going to the gallows, I’m going, I have to go to be executed or life in prison”

But Allah will look at it and say “you’re gonna get a light spanking and you’re going to heaven” . Because He knows you in more detail and in more areas than you know yourself. And you’re subjected and G-d is G-d, you’re subjected, you’re moved by your feeling, you’re moved by you hurt, you’re moved by a lot of things, G-d have none of those emotions in the way when He looking at something to see the right, see the picture correctly.

So you will maybe over estimate your account in your favor and you say “I’m going to heaven” and wake up barbequing, barbequed but the tendency of most sinners, the tendency of most sinners is to really punish yourself too much. And Allah is forgiving and merciful sadaqallahu atheem..

Well its 4:15 its close, really close, 4:15 isn’t it? Have about 45 minutes and the devil has already tempted me I passed by there and saw that stuff on that table. Now the sisters, the sisters you know and they just want you to see that they aint forgetting you, they getting ready for you and they gonna have all that good food there, but the satan laughing at them say “yeah I got them hurting.

I’m gonna make this fast hurt them so bad they’re gonna wish they hadn’t took it and some of them won’t be taking it next year. I’m really working on them. ” yeah that satan is tough now especially when you can’t see him coming.

So sisters next time cover the food if you have to put it out here cover it, the believer does not want to see any discomfort come to another believer or to a person if they can prevent it.

Alright so lets, well we can finish I guess, we’re gonna try on prayer, coming back to prayer, we’re going to first discuss prayer in its tradition or established order, the established order of prayer. Then we’re going to discuss prayer in its broadest meaning, in its broadest meaning we’ll discuss prayer.

So if its okay with you all we want to go up to about, we want to eat break fast that will be a 5:00, 5:15, what time is it brother Imam? About 5, that will be about 5:00, 5;00 O’clock so we will have break fast and then we will pray Magrib and then we will have dinner the probably will be like about 6 now or 6 maybe. And then we would like to go to about 8 O’clock, okay, we went a little too long last night. Let’s go to about 8 O’clock, the deadline will be 8 O’clock we go to 8 O’clock. And tomorrow I won’t be with you at Magrib I have to go back, I’ll go back at Magrib time, but I’ll stay here up to about 4 en sha Allah.

So we will have morning session, we’ll have session in the midday like we’re having now and after the prayer, Thuhr prayer I will stay and continue up to about 4 O’clock then I’ll leave to catch a plane and en sha Allah you all continue and have Magrib prayer together, break fast together and have Magrib prayer and then after your Magrib prayer you’re finished. Unless Imam Clyde Rahmaan want to have maybe something to bring to your attention or something I don’t know, make sure everybody paid or something like that, I don’t know what......

m. 507

Or the convener of the Shuraa seeing so many Imams out here might want to bring some good news to you, that will be good brother Imam to share the good news of our, we’ve been to Israel, we been to Jordan and we’ve been to south Africa. I myself went to Israel and Jordan I couldn’t get into Syria, and Syria pardon me let me go start again. Israel, Jordan, Syria and South Africa, I myself couldn’t get into Syria and it was my fault, they told me not to have Israeli stamp or visa in my passport, that if I do I can’t get into Syria, they told me that. And once I had it I couldn’t get in there before because of that, so I had to go and get me another passport, my passport was just about expired anyway so I got me another passport and I went into Syria.

Imam visited Israel, Jordan

This time I forgot and I went to Israel so I couldn’t get into Syria, and they tried too. Abu Nur Mosque and Grand Mufti tried to use their influence, they told me before that its not way to work it, so it was my fault, its just my fault, but thank Allah I took Imam Abdul Karriem Hasan with me to Israel and I told the convener Imam Plemon Tauheed El Amin I told him that I didn’t want him to go with me to Israel that I would meet him in Jordan. And he said well I hope to get there before you and have everything ready and he did, it was a great relief too. When I came in the hotel and saw him I was relieved, no burden at all, he already had the room, he already was there and had everything for me.

Atlanta best school

So he didn’t go to Israel, he had no problem crossing the border and going into Syria so he went to Syria. And he’s also the director of education for us in Atlanta, Georgia where we have the best school, the best high school the best school. So he needed to go there and the children needed to see him, our students in Damascus Syria. Allah is the Best Knower, when I told him to go there I wasn’t aware of what was gonna happen. You could have been out too, you could have gone with me and you’ve been out too, he’d had his passport stamped too in Israel and he wouldn’t gotten in there. And then our students wouldn’t have seen any of us, but see how Allah prepares and plans and protects without us knowing it? Yeah, I just thought it would save money and it wasn’t necessary for him to go in there and another thing I thought its not best to take two of my top men to Israel not knowing I might meet a crazy Israeli fanatic, a crazy man over there and might kill one of us or all of us. Have gone in the Mosque and just shot up people, crazy Israelis, yeah.

So you know I didn’t want to take two of the best, two of my best, no I said one of them was enough to risk over here with me.

I mean this is the honest to goodness truth, this is the way I think, that’s the way I think, yeah I think so brother thank you, yeah. So as it was it worked out fine, worked out fine and South America I was just too tired and too stretched out and had too much to do at home for me to go to South America I mean South Africa to the World Parliament of Religions which I’m a member there too, I’m a member and also a board member of the World Parliament of Religions

but I couldn’t go, I couldn’t go no way, I couldn’t see myself going I tried, I really wanted to. In fact when I left you I told you it might be a possibility because I was still trying to find a way to spend maybe two days there, but I couldn’t do it. But it worked out fine, he brought all the materials back to us and he has a report for us and he represented us there at the World Parliament of Religions, yes.

So that’s quite a lot of territory we covered, Israel, I’ll report to you all on this some time later, its something or you’ll get the report from the paper. Our Imam and also our reporter and photographer, he’s all of that and a good one Imam Abdul Karriem Hasan, where is he? He’s here somewhere, oh there he is, you who don’t know him he just stood up there, stood up there like a flasher, get back up man, that’s too quick alright thank you.

Read the report in the Muslim Journal beautiful photos good photos and excellent reporting that he does and really every time I go out of the country I want to take him with me he’s sensitive to it, his ears are sharp, his eyes are sharp and his pen is good, pen is very good and camera is very good. So can’t beat it, can’t beat that. Yes so

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape VI / Side A

Topic: Continue discussion on Prayer comments on the

Quran Chapter 2.267, 268

Yes so you’ll get the reports in the paper but I’ll tell you this right now any of you try to imagine the beautiful garden of paradise in your mind, let me tell you, you see what you see or are you still straining at it? Well whatever you see I can take you to something on this earth prettier than what you’re imagining, more paradise, more of a paradise than what you’re seeing in your mind. And I’ll take you to the sea of Galilee to a hotel there on the sea of Galilee and you go there with me to the window and just look out the window, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful scenery, beautiful never seen anything like it so beautiful and pleasant, if I had to design my paradise right now I have to go by what I saw there. I can’t imagine anything better than that right now, anything more beautiful than what I saw.

/ m.36 St. Basil Christian doctrine with paganism

Actually were hiding themselves from the gentiles the idolatrous worshipers, before they got in power they were under pagan Rome and there were other pagan lands all around Greece...Christianity, why because the Christian doctrine was made to appeal to the life and appetites of the pagans. They saw themselves in Christianity, they saw their own life and own interest in Christianity and one of their teachers said let us interpret and apply in principle what is pagan, what is pagan so they, this is one of their teacher name is Basil, St. Basil, this is what he told the Christian world at that time when he was there, when he was among them as a teacher and a great figure among them. He said talking to the educated of them he said , “let us translate and apply in principle what is pagan”.

So there is evidence to support what I’m telling you. I don’t speak just from guessing I don’t do that, I speak from knowledge, only from knowledge, I never was satisfied guessing at things I had to have some proof for it. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad and his teaching made me like that, had to dig and find truth, not satisfied until there’s evidence to support it.

/ m.46

Imam W. D. Mohammed you don’t know him

And don’t think, you’re the only ones that don’t know me, really when I say you, I mean people like you are the only ones that don’t know me. All the high ups in Religion on this earth know me, Saudi Arabian leaders know me, the Vatican leaders know me, Egypt leaders know me, all the high ups in this world know me, but you don’t know me. Why come? You can’t read, Allahu Akbar, and that’s the truth I just have to tell you straight, you cannot read. You don’t have the education, you don’t have the knowledge so you have to trust me. And those who don’t trust me they get nothing, they can’t make it, no. You can’t get it, how can you get it? You don’t who taught you?


Imam W. D. Mohammed G-d taught

You might say who taught you brother Mohammed? G-d taught me, G-d taught me and the proof of that is that I give it and can’t nobody challenge it and you could not come up with any explanation to even have these brothers give it one ounce of credit, if its against what I’ve told you. Come on try it right now, come on try it right now, come up with something explanation of what I said to you, say “no you explained it the wrong way this is the way it should be seen brother Imam”. Come on with it, you can’t do it you don’t have it, you can’t find it, it doesn’t exist.

We got some dead in here, their dead I’m their friend but they’re dead I can’t give life to the dead, no I can’t nobody can give life to the dead. Somebody said “oh yeah Jesus Christ gave life to the dead” by the permission of Allah that’s what the Scripture says. No one can give life to the dead except G-d. G-d gives life, G-d takes life only G-d gives and takes life. So if you’re dead, nothing I can do for you. But if you’re alive I can reach your mind and you’ll have understanding that will free you forever, yes.

This is the meaning behind all of this you know we do these things and nobody, no one will tell us the meaning, why is the meaning to be told now? Say how come you brother Imam? Because I’m like Muhammad (pbuh) I’ve been upright in my life ever since I been born, I’ve never wanted to do anything but righteousness G-d is my witness. I”m a human being certainly I’ve made errors I made mistake but my life is an excellent life, its an exceptional life as an obedient person, my life.


And I’m not educated by this world I haven’t gone to any religious school to be taught, there is no one you can find that can claim he’s my teacher, he can’t even tell you what I’m telling you, he hasn’t got the ability to tell you what I’m telling you, no I’m not bragging but I’m just telling you the facts, the truth. There’s none of my teachers that have the ability to tell you what I’m telling you. Jamil Deab he doesn’t have the ability to tell you what I’m telling you. Muhammad Abdullah my good friend that passed, he doesn’t have the ability to do what I’m doing, no.

You can’t find my teacher and you can’t match my work, you cannot do it, Allahu Akbar. If all of you were sincere preachers in Christianity all this place would be lit up, hey would this place would be lit up they can read better than you, they been trained to read better than you. They can read and they know Scripture much better than you, I would have to hold them back from making me more than I am if I would sit with them like I’m sitting with you and explain to them like I’m explaining to you. I could do it in the name of Christianity and become the biggest Christian on this earth, I know it I know what G-d have done for me. Say “why don’t you do that brother Imam?” Because I’m Warithud Din Mohammed, I’m a straight guy I only do what is right.

/ m.83

Imam W. D. Mohammed you’re afraid to acknowledge

Some of you are afraid to acknowledge my leadership and what I am because you’re afraid of your own conscience, you’re afraid that if you acknowledge it you own conscience will then make you follow me and you aint ready to do that you’re too weak to follow me. So you’re trying to run from what I’m saying, you’re trying to ____, say “oh if he convince me I’ll have to follow him, I’m not ready for that”. Aint nothing I can do for you and you weren’t suppose to be here in the first place.

m. 106

Sun symbol of rise, fall, resurrection of society

The sun has been used also as a symbol of the rising and falling and resurrection of not an individual but the whole society. And figures like Jesus was called the son of man, son of man and also called the son of righteousness. Son of man but also the son of righteousness, these are titles for not only Jesus but others are called that too in the past. Son of man, son of righteousness.

Sun connection with son

And we know the son has a definite connection with sun. In mythology the sun of the god in mythology, Egyptian mythology and other mythologies as well, is also the sun of the world, the light of the world, the sun of the world.

Sun symbol of G-d inspired man

Q 35.24; Allah is the light of the heavens and earth .



Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.

Q.33.45-6; Prophet a spreading lamp



45. O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness a Bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner

46. And as one who invites to Allah's (Grace) by His leave and as a Lamp spreading Light.

John 9.5; Jesus I’m light of world

“ As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. “

So we know that this symbol with the sun with the context of our material world and universe have been used also as a symbol of the person that G-d inspires and enlightens. And he becomes not only a single body, in a single body, he becomes also a plural body. And he becomes the light of many, the many for many and the light, the light of many. He becomes the light of the world and its said of Jesus “as long as he’s in the world he’s the light of the world”, that’s said of Jesus in the Gospel, New Testament.

Sun symbol of rise, fall nations

So the sun then in its rising and setting in the language of Scripture the sun is symbolic of the rising and setting or the rise and fall of nations. Not just individuals or not just an ideology or a word but the rise and fall of nations, the sun is symbolic of it. And they go to sleep and are not applying themselves, they are not busy taking care of any affairs

nobody have their hands on any controls, they’re all sleeping. And then they wake back up and go to their work, they go to their job. Some wake up and find they don’t have any more job they slept too long, somebody has to help them find a job, yeah.

m. 145 Prayer

Q. 59.19; Forget Allah you’ll forget your soul

“ And be ye not like those who forget Allah; and He made them forget their own souls! such are the rebellious transgressors!

Q.19.59; Never did society fall until neglected prayers

“But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts: soon then will they face Destruction

So this is the world this is the way of the world and I repeat when we are going through the physical steps of our prayer, our salat we are really acting out the fall and rise or renewal of nations. The great help there to us is to tell us that as long as you’re reciting and conscious of giving and hearing and giving the Word of G-d you’ll stand and when you stop you fall. But if you acknowledge G-d is One and that He has communicated to a mortal person a man, a human being, something that the world couldn’t give him, was not educated by the world. If you will acknowledge that you can sit on the thrown, Allahu Akbar and come back upon your feet. Sit on the throne first then the nation is brought up, raised up, right? Aint nobody on the throne you don’t have no nation rising up, praise be to Allah.

So let’s not leave prayer in its traditional meanings or sense and let’s go to prayer in the broadest sense and understand why G-d says certain things here.

Q. 24.41; Every creature knows its mode of prayer

“Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah knows well all that they do. “

Alright, ok now listen to this verse, 41st verse of the Chapter called An Nur the light. Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem. “See you not that it is Allah, that it is G-d, Whose praises all beings, all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate, all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate. Did you know beings were in the heavens? And the birds “oh that what it means, the birds? Are there birds really in heaven or are there birds up in the sky flying in the lower regions of the sky? ” All beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate and the birds of the air with wings outspread each one knows its own mode of prayer and praise.

m 187 /181 Tasbeehah dhikr

Now the word for praise is Tasbeehah that’s subhanallah, subhanallah, subhanallah, al hamdu lillah, al hamdu lillah, al hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, or His attributive names that’s the way we do Tasbeehah, right?

Says Kullun qad, qad means definitely, qad is a strong emphasizer. Kullun qad ‘alema salaatahu, we tasbeehahu. Every one of them certainly qad, ‘alema salatahu knows his pray wa tasbeehahu and his tasbeehah, his tasbeehah.

So what is this? Birds they do salat and do tasbeeha, I’ve never seen one doing it. So what is it talking about? You don’t want to know? I mean some of them don’t care, they don’t care. Got a Book that says is their Book Revealed Book from G-d, from G-d, have you registered what you’re saying? A Book from the One Who made the heavens and the earth, made the skies made everything exist and made it produce you a human being and animals and everything.

You’re saying that One gave somebody a Book and you aint interested in it? What’s wrong with your crazy head? You’re in the wrong company.

So I’ve never seen a bird doing salat and doing tasbeehah so what is this talking about? Must be talking about people? Talking about people, but it can’t be a language in that language be false, it can’t speak a truth through a false language, you hear what I’m saying? No its forbidden G-d can’t do that, G-d cannot speak the truth through a false language. So I also mean that birds have their salat and birds have their tasbeehah but we have to understand it, we have to understand it.

What is tasbeehah in its essence, in its meaning what is tasbeehah? Tasbeehah is recalling, remembering, reflecting on the attributes and the power of G-d, that’s what Tasbeehah is. So the Quran G-d’s Revelation called Quran is saying that every animal everything G-d created has its tasbeehah, has its salat and its tasbeehah.

m. 210 Salat is conscious approved by Allah

We know what our salat is our salat is what keeps us with conscious behavior that is approved by our Creator, conscious behavior that is approved by our Creator, given to us and approved by our Creator and evolved by our Creator. He have caused us to evolve, to rise up to become better and more human and more resourceful, more of a benefit to ourselves and the members of society. This is what our salat is, that, that give us life really, when we say hayya alas salat that’s the call to prayer, the brother gave a beautiful voice,

hayya alas salat, hayya alas salat.

Adhan is call to life

What is Hayy, hayy is life. Then what is the call to worship in Islam? It’s the call to life, hayya alas salat, is the call to life, so this is life, this is our life. When we become Muslims and we learn the Quran and our life begins to conform to what Islam wants for us as a life, we get a new life.

So what is it saying is that the life established for everything, not just humans is given to those things from G-d. And they have been given a behavior that keeps them in the life that

G-d ordered for them. And that behavior was given to them from G-d and they keep daily, like we’re daily in prayer, they keep daily performing in the life that G-d established for them. They rise up in the morning as G-d intend for them to rise up in the morning, they go out and seek their livelihood as G-d intended for them to seek their livelihood. They come back at night and they socialize and they finally go to sleep and they wake up with the crack of dawn, with the crack of dawn just like you wake up with the crack of dawn. And they are Muslims meaning that they submitting to the Will of G- peacefully as you’re suppose to do with your mind as a human being and they’re doing it as animals, birds and different creatures, in the sky and on earth. You see the connections?

Prayer is our life

So actually this prayer for us is a bigger prayer in the broadest sense our prayer is more than a ritual, our prayer is our life. And knowing the disciplines of our prayer and knowing the message that’s in our prayer can keep us in control of our own life and we can protect it for ourselves and for the future.

I f you believe what I believe and you find trustworthy youngsters in your family or among you and you pass this on to them before you die, we can have a conscious grip on our life. And no hypocrites among us can take it away from us, you think a hypocrite can have a chance with me? They know they don’t, they never will approach me, they never will approach me they know they don’t have a chance.


Q. 5.3; This day I have given Islam as your Religion

“This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

And that’s what’s meant in the Quran when the Revelation had come so much to the Prophet (pbuh) and to the believers it was guaranteed that they couldn’t change it, it was hopeless say they have despaired of all hope to change you...And G-d says this day Have I complete My favor upon you, perfected for you your Religion and completed My favor upon you and have preferred for you Islam as a Religion. And before it said that and those who were seeking to divert you and take you away from this, they have despaired, they have given up hope that they can change you. Boy they have despaired of any hope of changing me brother I guarantee you brother. No the satan himself knows it hopeless and I thank Allah only Allah can do this.

Now when you read this it has meaning, reading it like you’re reading bed times stories for children, see thou not that it is Allah whose praises all beings in skies or in the heavens and on the earth do celebrate and the birds of air with wings outspread, each one knows its own mode of prayer, the poet, the poet; knows its mode of prayer and praise and Allah knows well all that they do, al hamdu lillah, al hamdu lillah.

And they don’t produce any change in life their house stay the same, their neighborhood stay the same, their flock stays the same, no progress like the ones who slept in the cave with the shadow just passing by the whole. But when Allah bless somebody that’s your’s I’m your’s, who I belong to if I don’t belong to you all? An African American son of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, son of your leader that led you all, led me I’m your’s.


Leaders afraid to support Imam W. D. Mohammed

Now if you don’t celebrate and if you don’t rejoice that Allah has blessed you with a person like me, who will? If anybody should be rejoicing it should be you, but you’re the, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right, he says cowards, he’s right, cowards. And you’re weakness is your moral weakness, moral weakness, afraid to be put on the spot.

Criminal invited to help correct their life

I welcome criminals to follow me I just want them to respect me and accept that I’m here to help them. I invite criminals to follow me and I never will ask you, “are you stealing, are you selling drugs?, I will never do that” I invite you to follow me. Just don’t embarrass us and put the stuff in here and don’t bring it before my face. But I invite you to follow me, you aint got to be perfect, this is not for angels, angels already alright. And when you see an opportunity for you to cut loose your bad habits and give your service to Allah like you should, then tell me “brother Imam I’m ready I use to be this and I was that, but I been with you now I’m ready. I’ve cut that a loose.” But I ain t gonna put you out, you aint suppose to be out, you’re suppose to be here.

/ 328

W. D. Mohammed African Americans suppose to be with

Now you won’t under stand this some of you, if you’re an African American you’re not suppose to be with anybody but the Hon. Warithud Din Mohammed. Now I put it that way because that’s who I’m with I’m with the Hon. Warithud Din Mohammed and I”m with him not only as a believer in G-d I’m with him as a black man that find the answer to all my questions and the answer to my wants in Imam Warithud Din Mohammed’s leadership. Yes, praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah. As Marzuq say in Texas we gonna win this race, we’ll never give up, we’re battling until the last day, we’re gonna win this race. And we aint gonna give up on our brothers and sisters, never, never Allah didn’t bring us to life, for us to forget about the dead, that’s among us no. We’re gonna keep working to get them to see what we’re doing and pray that Allah will help us, turn their hearts strengthen them, give them the courage they need to take a stand with us and we’re gonna keep doing it until we’re dead. We’re gonna work hard to lead others behind us that’s gonna do the same thing we’re doing.

Forever Plan MAS

You’re talking about a 5 yr, 20 yr plan we have a forever plan and that’s G-d’s Word its forever, its not here for a certain time, G-d’s Word is here forever.

Bukhari 8.425; Live in the world as a traveler

Narrated by Mujahid

“ Abdullah bin 'Umar said, "Allah's Apostle took hold of my shoulder and said, 'Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler." The sub-narrator added: Ibn 'Umar used to say, "If you survive till the evening, do not expect to be alive in the morning, and if you survive till the morning, do not expect to be alive in the evening, and take from your health for your sickness, and (take) from your life for your death."

And the Prophet told us to live like that, say “work and live as though you’re gonna die tomorrow, as though today is the last day but at the same time work and live as though you’re gonna live forever. So we work for the present and the long distant future, for as long as G-d deems it necessary. We’re gonna be on this earth working for His Word and His kingdom that’s suppose to be on this earth.

/ m.365 Prayer is conformity to Will of G-d

So in the broadest sense then Prayer is conformity to the Will of G-d in the life form that He created for you, be in the life He created for you and perform as He designed for you to perform and that is your prayer. Muslims are to live constantly in prayer, we are to have a constant life of prayer, our life is a continuous prayer. We are to recall the Words of G-d all times of the day, not just when we stand to pray. There are situations we’re meeting all the time in the world and if we recall the words of G-d we’ll be able to fare better in this world, much better in this world. You’ve seen these things and they’re affecting you and you’re not recalling the Word of G-d the journey through this world is much, more difficult than it would be if you would reflect on what G-d has revealed.

Then you’ll pass by a lot of things that may trouble your heart and you heart won’t be disturbed, though you feel sorry for the situation, you won’t be hurt so that you are set back or damaged or crippled, no. You’ll go through it unharmed. That’s the tasbeehah, reflecting, recalling.


End of Millennium Three Religions feast occur

So its no accident that this is happening in this year 1999, the closing of this millennium and Hanukkah, Christmas and Eid Al Fitr all occurring in this month in this, at the end of this year, that’s is not accident. So go forward and don’t be afraid, go forward with what you know is right and don’t be afraid.

/ 402

Q.2.l58; Obey your impulse to good


“And if anyone obeys his own impulse to good be sure that Allah is He Who recognizes and knows.

Don’t be afraid to do anything your heart and your spirit tell you to do if its good and sensible. Your spirit or heart tell you to go to mama that you don’t believe will accept Islam, but something move you to say “go to mama, talk to her again”, go to her and talk to her again. If something tell you “write a book, put what you have in your heart and mind in a book” , find a way to do that. Don’t sit around here and dry up with al this understanding in your head, even if you disbelieve half of it, if you believe 1/10 of what I got you, man, what I gave you tonight man, and today, you are ahead of most people in the world in understanding, you are ahead of most people in the world in understanding. So don’t fear if you want to do something, Allah will be with you, His angels

will be with you.

So we got to do bigger and more things from now on, bigger and more things from now on, we got to be much more Productive as Muslims than we have been in the past, yes. And believe me G-dis with us, He with us all we have to do is have faith and go on and do it.

Difference of opinion don’t disturb peace

Be intelligent be respectful care about everybody, want everybody to have a good life, don’t try to disturb somebody’s peace, just because they don’t think the way you think. Walk around their mind and just show them by example that here is something that you may find attractive, don’t disturb their peace, thank you G-d be with you and grant us success, forgive us our errors and all our sins and make us the model community that will be an example to all the worlds what Allah want as a community for man on this earth Amin.

m. 446 Tasleem end of prayer right then left

Habit change by concentration on consciousness

... conscience and then mercy, peace come to heart mercy will come to the unconscious. Who are the unconscious? The uneducated but not just the uneducated in the society, the unconscious in your own life, you have habits that are not becoming of you when you know what G-d wants you to be. Bring help to the conscious and the help in the conscious will reach the unconscious in your own self, and you personally. So don’t try to take care of all of your habits by concentrating on it, “I got this habit” no concentrate on consciousness, increase your awareness of what G-d wants, increase your awareness of what’s written in this Book and how it spread over the earth because of Muhammad (pbuh) being the man he was and his followers coming to him of his like nature. Men being attracted to him because he had the nature they love.

Q.56.7-11; Companions of the Right, left

7. And ye shall be sorted out into three classes.

8. Then (there will be) the Companions of the Right Hand what will be the Companions of the Right Hand?

9. And the Companions of the left hand what will be the Companions of the Left Hand?

10. And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter).

11. These will be those Nearest to Allah:

John 21.6; Jesus said cast your net on the right

“ And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

So understand how that all happened be conscious of all that and read the Quran daily, say your prayers, you don’t have to worry about the little small things you’re doing bad they will start to go away, they go away automatically. Is that in Scripture? Yes, Jesus took the disciples out, pardon me went out to see the disciples, they were fishing and they weren’t catching enough fish, they were having a bad day.

So he said cast your net on the right and they cast their nets on the right and they brought up fish in abundance, they brought up just great quantities of fish because they cast their nets to the right. Means work on the conscious side and you’ll get the big results, don’t worry about the unconscious side. Did the religious world, does that have any reference to what the religious world? Everything has a reference to what has happened in Scripture and what has happened in the history of Religion. It has a direct reference to the Religious world.


Left Religions reach person by emotion not conscience

The beginning of Religion is the belief that one is special, one person is psychic, one person is more holy than the other and that person knows how to lead the rest. And that person doesn’t lead, and most of the Religions he doesn’t ___, advance Religion is different. But in these early religions they don’t lead by reaching you through the right or coming in through your consciousness, they reach you by coming into your emotions and coming into your superstitions and that’s how they reach you to get you to obey them and follow the way. So they’re coming from the left.

Now if the Quran has this reference to the right first and then the left it must be talking about more than just bringing the savage from his superstition, its talking about Religion, emotional religion that just works a man, a person up in their emotions. Get their emotional frenzy so that they can drive the bad spirits out of them and get them to give up their mind in the way of G-d so that they can say. “Oh yea I confess I’m ready, I confess the Lord, I’m ready, take me, take me. Put me in the water, put me in the tub do whatever you want

I’m ready. That’s fishing from the left side of the boat, that’s greeting to the left first and the right after the left, you see?

You’re securing that before secure the consciousness. Secure the consciousness, the consciousness will take care of the rest, is that plain, you understand? Yes, so see we’re different and what is in the Bible must be true, says put your net on the right, you get more, now. Is Islam getting more or less than the other Religions? Islam is becoming the biggest Religion, its been gaining all the time, just keep gaining on the others.

Its becoming the biggest Religion although most of those gotten over the last 11 centuries or 13 centuries they’re in the scrap heap, they’re on the scrap heap but they can be repaired, they can be recycled or something, but as far as converts Islam is getting the most converts. So that’s proof that if you fish on the right side you get more.

Well I’m sure you of the Nation of Islam you understand fishing, at least you understand something about it Allahu Akbar.

m. 531

Q.2.58; Enter door sajdah

“And remember We said: "Enter this town and eat of the plenty therein as ye wish; but enter the gate with humility in posture and in words and We shall forgive you your faults and increase (the portion of) those who do good."

So that’s the prayer, the prayer is to tell us as G-d stands you up from nothing from a lowly substance a despicable substance sperm. Stands you up forms you in your mother cause you to be delivered out from your mother and when you’re delivered out from your mother if you come out right, you come out head down. Head come out head down like sajdah and it says [wad khuluul baaba sujjadan] enter the door making sajda, making sajda. That’s a reference to how G-d brings us from the wombs of our mother. We enter the door of the world we go through her, she’s the door to the world and the baby comes out like that, with his head down, turns over in the mother, the head down, sajda. Have to make sajda to get into the world that G-d created for it, that G-d created for it.

So G-d said [wad khuluul baaba sujjadan] mean the door that I’m offering you now, I offer you a world of plenty, abundance and a good life but come in the same way I made you to come into the world that you know, come in sujjada making sajda. And what happens? When we get the Word of G-d and lose it, we got down to the bottom but if we will witness that G-d is One and come to the right belief in G-d the faith in G-d we are able to sit on the throne of authority and we’re able to greet left and right. And you don’t stop, you know we end that way but most prayers have more than one rakat . So after you finish, now two rakats pardon me, two rakat of prayer you stand for another one right?

m 573

You made your sadja and one rakat prayer pardon me, one rakat prayer you make two of those sajdahs, you stand for another. You make two more you got four, you can finish the prayer

Witr Prayer one rakat, two sajdahs sign of end of time

In fact the Witr Prayer is one rakat only one rakat with two sajdahs, right? You make one sajda, make another sajda and you complete it with one rakat, two sajdahs, that’s a sign of the end of time. One standing and two sajdahs and you sit on the throne and that’s enough. As salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullah, As salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullah, right?

So its saying only one of those sajdahs can stand the society up, I mean only one of those rakats, two sajdahs one rakat, if you will repent what you have done with the resources that G-d provided and turn to Him Who made it all and witness that He is the G-d and Muhammad (pbuh) a man it just doesn’t mean Muhammad (pbuh). A mortal human being in his excellence is G-d’s Messenger, if you will witness that, we know its Muhammad (pbuh) for us in the last day, but it was always man, it always has been man. Man in his excellence have always been the door way for all other people.

So if you witness that then you can sit on the throne and bring peace to the heart, your heart and the heart of mankind and greet the right, that means give your attention to them first. Bring peace and security to the conscious people first, you all looking for somebody can’t think, you Imams, “let’s see if I can find a black man that can’t think, I want to invite him to Islam. Let me find one that’s drunk, that’s so doped up he can’t see straight, I want to invite him to Islam”.

You look for the people on the left when you should be looking for educators, school teachers, doctors, professional people, you should be looking for the good neighbor next door to you who stayed there and have got no eviction notices for the last five years. You should look for conscious members of the society who can help hold up the left side. So that the left will come to them, you don’t have to invite the left, give your attention to the right, when left see you getting the right they’re going to salute you and they’re gonna come.....

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape VI Side B

Q. 80 1-2; And he frowned

1. The (Prophet) frowned and turned away.

2. Because there came to him the blind man (interrupting).

.......“Say hell I came for a job man, put that on the application man, I’m ready to sign it, yeah these people aint gonna going to be fussing with you if they see you got a life for them, you got an accommodation for their life, for a good life, they aint goon be questioning you. Now here we are as a, now we know we aint suppose to ignore the left because the blind man, G-d actually corrects, rebukes Muhammad (pbuh) for preferring the company of the high ups to the blind man or giving them attention rather than giving attention to the blind man who was asking for his attention. But Muhammad was on he was to meet some very important people in the establishment of the society.

So it irritated him that this blind man was holding him up so he didn’t give that man attention knowing Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) after he saw those important people so he could help the society, he was gonna come back and apologize to the blind man and give him attention. But G-d rebuked him and said “and you frowned and turned away when the blind man approached you”, so G-d rebuked him for that. And so that’s to tell us we’re to give our attention to the right because people you’re going to talk to they’re on the right, they’re the conscious people holding the society, working for, hole the society up.


Tasleem say to right conscious people

So G-d rebuked him because he turned away from the person on the left and who was asking for his help and went to the people on the right. If they, while we are concentrating on the right they ask us for help on the left, they ask for help on the left we are to give them their attention, we’re to give them help, we’re not to ignore them. But we are not to make them the focus for our work and our labor and our interests, no. You make these conscious people the focus. And what about these conscious people? More of the conscious people are lost than the unconscious.

m. 25

Now let me explain this, we’re ok, we’re alright, can you get ready for break fast? What time is break fast, two minutes right? Hew what are you doing? You’re suppose to say subhanallah, you’re suppose to say Allahu Akbar, you’re suppose to tell me that I’m in violation, bring me a date and a water quick, the sin is on you now it aint on me. Thank you, hurry up get the sisters, get the, get some dates or something to the sisters, everybody get something. Don’t have the sisters come to you take them dates to those sisters, take them some. Paradise lies at the feet of the mother, hey you eating here ____ for prayer. Bismillaher Rahmaaner Raheem, ther’s no problem for you take your time, just relax there’s no problem for you eating, I’m going to begin and maybe before I finish we want to conclude everything at least by 8 O’clock so that’s about 50 minutes maybe, good 50 minutes from now.

So en sha Allah I’ll finish in time like after about a half an hour and that will give time for a few comments or questions. So you can keep eating so yo don’t have to ask, you don’t have to talk, you don’t have to use your mouth, only when question period time come if you want to. So you can just keep eating and just keep your ears open and eat.

Q. 2.177; righteousness

“It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces toward East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Messengers; to spend of your substance out of love for Him for your kin for orphans for the needy for the wayfarer for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth the Allah-fearing.

Isaiah 58.6; fasting to remove burden

“ Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? “

Now when I concluded the other session I mentioned the similarity between the Bible language and the language of Quran on help, thank you, on help to the society. The Prophet in the Bible he wanted help to come to the

people of the society who needed help and they weren’t getting justice, they weren’t, they weren’t getting the help they needed. ___ the society that was conscious and the society that would take care of its poor and its sick and its widows etc.

And I used the wrong term, its not prayer, in the Bible its fast, the Prophet describing what his fast is or explaining what his fast was. And his fast was to help the same people that we’re obligate to help given in the statement of what righteousness is in the second chapter of the Quran. And it begins righteousness is not to turn your face east or west. Which means righteousness is not in rituals or formalities, but righteousness is in good deeds to the people, when you do justice, do what you’re suppose to do, answer the call of justice. And give charity and take care of the needy in the society etc.

Q. 98.2; In it are books upright

“Wherein are books (or decrees) right and straight.

So this is the, this is in the Quran and this is in the Bible almost in the same language which tells me there is a correction, there’s a connection. And the Quran says in the Quran Allah says of the Quran that it is that this contains the Books in their righteous state, the books. It means Revelation, revealed Books that came before. The Quran corrects those books and the Quran is the completion on Scripture, is the final Scripture; therefore, it is completion on Scripture.


So if you wrote down prayer, which I’m sure you did, if you took notes, just change prayer to fasting, I mean to fast, the Prophet in the Bible does not say my prayer, he says my fast, I made a mistake, that’s my mistake. My fast, not my prayer. So that wouldn’t go under prayer, you wouldn’t put that under prayer, just put it aside as a separate not it will go under fasting.

It is very important to know that Muslim prayer and there is only one prayer for us, this is not prayer, when we hold our hands like this, this is not prayer. Others call this prayer but we don’t call this prayer, this is Dua’, Dua’ means calling on G-d, appeal to G-d, this is appealing to

G-d, this is appealing to G-d, personal group doing this making an appeal to G-d, that’s what this is, Dua.


Quran is our prayer

That’s what this is Dua’ calling on G-d. Salat is prayer and Salat doesn’t permit any language from us to come into it, it’s the Quran. Our prayer is the Quran.

Matthew 6.10; Thy kingdom come

Is it, does it have a connection with Jesus Christ? That’s what we’re going we’re showing the connections, yes it does peace be upon Jesus Christ. In Christianity Jesus Christ leads a prayer with the Christians called the Lord’s prayer ‘thy kingdom come, thy will be done, thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; thy will be done, pardon me thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. But it begins “give us this day our daily bread, give us this day our daily bread”

Last supper

Q. 5.114; Send us from heaven a table set

“Said Jesus the son of Mary: "O Allah our Lord! send us from heaven a table set (with viands) that there may be for us for the first and the last of us a solemn festival and a sign from Thee; and provide for our sustenance for Thou art the best Sustainer (of our needs).

Matthew 26.26-8; Last supper

“ And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. [27] And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; [28] For this is my blood of the new testament...”

Now Jesus himself in his flesh is symbolic the bread pardon me, is symbolic of his flesh and his flesh is symbolic of the bread. And the meaning of flesh and bread is in the new testament. In the new testament it says, this is not a Bible class I’m giving you, I’m helping you to understand Quran.

In the new testament there is the last supper, the last supper and Jesus Christ according to the Christian language or religion, Scripture, Jesus Christ shows his disciples that bread is symbolic of his flesh and wine is symbolic of his blood, his blood but who is he? He is symbolic of something too.

Bread is doctrine, wine is spirit of new testament

Then when you go and read the new testament, in the new testament G-d says, in the Christian’s Bible the bread is the doctrine and the wine is the spirit of the new testament. The bread is the doctrine and the wine is the spirit of the new testament, so we can now with help of what Jesus already gave, according to the Christian report. We can now solve the whole question or the riddle or whatever we want to call it.

He said his bread, his flesh and his bread were to be connected and he said his blood and the wine that was served at the last supper were to be connected. And the Bible says the flesh is the doctrine and the wine is the spirit of the new testament. Then we can conclude then that when Jesus said take in remembrance of me, the bread he meant in remembrance of my teachings, the doctrine is his teachings. And when he said take this wine in remember of me, he was actually saying in the remembrance of the spirit of the Gospel that I gave you or we will say Injeel, Muslim would say Injeel the spirit of the Injeel. This is how we would say it, we would use the term familiar to us or that is acceptable with us.

m. 146 Jesus and Muhammad together

Q.20.14; Establish prayer for My remembrance

"Verily I am Allah: there is no god but I: so serve thou me (only) and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise.

Now, just testing, just testing, hey you stopped eating, why? No, no you can eat and listen, you can eat and listen just don’t chew so loud. We’re making connections Allah says in our Holy Book establish [Aqems salaata le dhkere ] establish prayer My remembrance . And Jesus said take this bread and this wine for my remembrance, in remembrance of me, you see Jesus and Muhammad coming together? He said, himself and Jesus was coming together, that’s what he said, that’s one of his predictions peace be upon him and peace be upon Christ Jesus.

m. 156

There is a statement in the Quran that the students of theology in Christianity, not all of them some of them, have said its proof that the Bible was forged because so many mistakes is made. Say what is this about a table descending from heaven? So they say well the Prophet (pbuh) just didn’t get all of his information correct. The table of the last supper did not extend, was not sent down from heaven, but they are the fools. They err because they’re trying to find fault, you don’t find the truth when you’re trying to find fault, you find truth when you don’t take a position, then you find truth. But if you’re already have taken a position you don’t find anything but what you’re looking for, fault. And the fault is in your eyes it aint in what you’re looking at, you couldn’t see straight for looking for fault, saw what you were looking for.

So in my understanding the table that G-d sent them down from heaven is referring to the table of the last supper and it wasn’t a real physical table, it wasn’t a real physical table, 12 disciples sitting at some long physical table like they got, a wooden table like this, this really looks like it doesn’t it? Brother Imam where are the rest of those ____? We’re glad that Judas is missing aren’t we? Praise be to Allah, yeah.

So a table being sent down from heaven doesn’t mean a table came out of the sky, it means He revealed it, that’s what it means. When it says He sent it down from heaven means He revealed the table to them. That’s what Nazala means in Arabic says Nazala means sent down from heaven means He revealed it to them. Nazala Quran, He sent down the Quran means He revealed the Quran you know a book didn’t fall out of the sky, He revealed the Quran, from, it means in value and in purity and in everything, its highly elevated high above our own ability to produce it, that’s what it means by being up high, coming down from high. He revealed it to him, that’s what it meant.

So He revealed the table. And no way that this Quran could take Lot’s wife to be important and not take what happened to Jesus Christ and his disciples to be important. We just have to make the connections, you can’t do it without the help of G-d, the connections have to be made. Is this mike, yeah, its still on, yes alright.

So we’re talking about prayer that’s what we’re talking about, keep in mind we’re talking about prayer. So Jesus said pray to G-d to give us this day our daily bread. Daily bread means, what is bread? Bread is the staff of life that’s what its know as in, with the people of the Book, known as the staff of life, bread.

Luke 9:13-17; Five loaves bread 2 fish

But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people. [14] For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company. [15] And they did so, and made them all sit down. [16] Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude. [17] And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

Give us this day our daily bread and say he fed people with two fish 5 loaves of bread, 5 loaves of bread, alright. And the bread now we know from the new testament that the bread is the doctrine the teachings of Jesus Christ, yo see the connection already don’t you? And its plain, its plain and clear and says thy kingdom come they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thy kingdom come, what is a kingdom? Means an order for the society down here as it is in heaven means orderly and peaceful and clean. The Heavens above are orderly peaceful and clean, there’s not corruption up there.

So when Muhammad (pbuh) established the ummah of Al Islam, kingdom came and G-d’s Will was done on earth as it is in heaven, I’m giving you the plain truth, plain truth. So for Muslims the answer is already here, they’re looking for the prayer to be answered, the prayer has already been answered. And its not accident that the Quran is called the Book that is to be read and it has the letter of bread in it, all we have to do is change the “R” for a “B” and in some language the “R” is a “B”. b + read.

And you got bread, its no accident, G-d is in control of everything. Its no accident that the Quran is a Book that is to be read and when G-d said to Muhammad (pbuh) read he said bread, he said eat bread Muhammad (pbuh), not you’re laughing but the joke, but its real.

m. 229

Five loaves five prayers daily

When Jesus said take this in remembrance of me and eat this bread, the explanation we have established it is fact it is proven by what I have given you, its proven I already proved, I proved it, that he was telling them to remember his teaching. And don’t you read his teaching? And didn’t Muhammad (pbuh) the first word came from G-d said read? So where it the bread, where is the pure doctrine? Here it is, this is the bread and we have to stand up and recite it in our prayers, how many times? Five loaves.

Loaf, lofty

And what is a loaf a play on? In Scriptural language I’m talking about Scriptural language, we’re making connections with Scriptural language. Loaf of bread, lofty, loaf, lofty, the lofty word five times a day recited or read, the Quran. The book that is to be read, yes to be bread.

So all of these connections are no accident I wouldn’t be able to make all of these connections if there was just an accident, its no accident, it was intended to be that way.

G-d’s angels protect G-d’s Word, G-d’s angels protect His Word.

So they have fixed it so whenever G-d inspires one he will recognize that what G-d has guided to him is right. Because the angels have done things to make you, to make the person who is guided by G-d see, now this is no accident, now you know bread in English means more than just bread too. in the slang language bread is money and that’s what we use to call it when we were young. “Hey man you got any bread?”

So this aint no new thing that words mean different things and are taken out of the context that they are naturally in and put in a different or foreign context, that aint nothing new, it happens all the time. And Religion does the same thing or in Religion the same is done. A word is taken out of its natural environment, word meaning environment and its put in a foreign, its strange word or meaning environment. And you have to know what it means in that new, strange or different and different environment but the Bible didn’t lave us with help.

In the new testament, read it for yourself, say “give us a chapter and verse brother Imam” no lazy disbeliever, find it yourself, its there.

I the Bible it says take this in remembrance of me and in the new testament it says plainly the meat is the doctrine and blood is spirit of new testament, got some preachers here they know, they should be saying amen, they’ve read it . I’m talking about here not outside, its some preachers here that have read that and they know it, they recognize it.

But they’re by me just like they were by Muhammad (pbuh)

Q. 2.146; Know this as know own sons

“The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.”

Allah says in Quran and you know them just as you know your own sons, but you won’t acknowledge him, I’m not the Prophet, don’t think I’m saying I’m the Prophet, no. But there are preachers in this community who know me, just like they know that Bible but they won’t tell you all the truth, they won’t tell you all what they’re wresting with. But they use the help I give them. Jesus Christ is sign of what happens to any righteous person that help people. He helped and what did they to them? They robbed him, they robbed him, they took all of his properties but never acknowledged him.

m. 294

Jesus word in read mean blood is print

Yes so when you look at some Bibles especially the old ones, good Bible a long time ago, what Jesus said was always in red, so that’s another proof that his blood is print, his blood is reading, yes so that’s very clear, very clear.

Now he says I leave this prayer with you, called the Lord’s prayer. Give us this day our daily bread, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, you know the whole this is thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And I have given you the connection and the translation of that. Connection or the translation of that I’ve given it to you and have given you the evidence to support my translation, evidence to support my translation. Now you’re going back to the church and going back to these preachers thinking you can get somebody to say is this right or wrong, they’re gonna grade what I did right?

m. 313

And you’re going back to the people who are liars, hypocrites, jealous, envious of my leadership and of what we’re doing as Muslims, you’re going back to people like that whose selling out the Word of G-d, who see the Word of G-d as Allah says in Quran for a small price, fleece their people. You’re going to people like that to find the truth? Then you must be one of them.

Prayer tells of fall, rise of society

Now so our prayer, the meaning of our prayer is a kind of silent language in its movements, in its movements, in its physical movements it’s a silent language telling the story of fall and rise of society, the fall and rise of society. It stands on Word of G-d, when we’re standing we’re giving the Quran, we’re reciting Quran the Word of G-d. What stands up is being conscious of revealed Word, the Word of G-d. If it loses its establishment and go down back on its hand and knees to the ground like a baby again, what stands it up is its studies, putting its mind to touching the floor the ground with your forehead and nose. Its symbolic of putting your mind to the task of trying to extract or study or extract from G-d material scheme, the material universe, the world beginning with the one you’re on the piece you’re on called earth, the earth we’re on. To extract from the material reality knowledge, information, something to guide us, something to give us perception of truth and reality. And when we set up after making sajda and we set up in the last rakat of any prayer, two prayers or whatever or one prayer, one rakat prayer like the Witr the last section of the Witr we set up after making two of those bows and we recite tashada, we witness to G-d, we witness Muhammad (pbuh) the Messenger and then we recite salatal Abraheemmeya, Abraham’s prayer, Abraham’s prayer.

Abraham’s pray for Muhammad and his followers

Now if we understand Abraham’s prayer we have another strong connection here. Abraham’s prayer is not just for Abraham it really a prayer for Muhammad and his followers. But its called Abraham’s prayer because it mentions Abraham as the father or the leader, in our Religion the leader of people of the book and us.

Say oh Allah, Allahumma make Muhammad successful as You did Abraham and followers of Abraham, Abraham and followers of Abraham.

So the followers of Abraham would be Jews and Christians wouldn’t it? Maybe some others too but we know it would be Jews and Christians the followers of Abraham would be Jew and Christians.

As You did for Abraham and the followers of Abraham and it says and bless Muhammad as You blessed Abraham and the followers of Abraham that’s how it ends, right? That’s how that prayer ends. So here, however G-d is to bless Muhammad (pbuh) and the Muslim ummah it does not differ in any way according to that prayer with the way that He blessed the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus. And how did He bless them? With Guidance but also with a life on this earth, with a community life, with a social order, a society they were made a society of Jews and they were made a society of Christians. And G-d gave them land and authority in their land. Even the Christians they had great lands and great authority in the time of Muhammad (pbuh). Rome was Christian.

And you see G-d gave Muhammad land, the peninsula that he was born on became Islamic and Islam began to spread to other quarters and got lands, but we’re still here right? In 1999 and we still say the same prayer don’t we? And we still have this ummah don’t we? And we still have the obligation, the duty to establish this ummah as a model community for all people on this earth don’t we? If we get that isn’t He blessing us as He blessed the Jews n the past and as He blessed the Christians? That’s what they have, they have community life and they have their own models. The jew wouldn’t accept that they don’t have a specific piece of geography for their 1947 I think it was they went and got Israel, they got Israel established a state for themselves in the Middle East. And the Christians have had these territories for 2000 yrs, they have had territories and they have gotten bigger and bigger they have expanded. Europe, here and North and South America and many other places they occupy the land, they’re the responsible people on the land.



So Muslims are to be blessed the same way that the people of the Book was blessed, the followers of Abraham, the Christians and the Jews and Muslims now we’re also followers of Abraham.


And we have been blessed through the labors of our Prophet (pbuh) and the good people who that supported him to have lands where Islam is practiced and the community of Muslims is a reality on this earth, people can go and see it.

There is strong connection Christianity and the people of the Book. And even stronger connections, I mean for Islam and people of the Book. and even stronger connections for Islam and Christianity or the Christian people, stronger connection, much stronger connection.

Holy Ghost works in a human being (Prophet)

Give us this day our daily bread, if Muhammad is the last Prophet (pbuh)., last Prophet, the seal of the Prophets and Jesus came but as the Bible says and as he says, as it is said of him in the New Testament, his light had to go out, his light had to go out. You know it says he had to die, Bible new testament says he had to drink of that bitter cup, he had to take the bitter cup, drink of the bitter cup, he had to die, had to go away. But its not only put in that way that he had to ascend the cross or be lifted up upon the cross and crucified and die, its not only put that way. It says that his light has to go away and darkness has to prevail, say nevertheless the Father will send you another comforter and he’s known as the Spirit of Truth and he will lead you into all truth. And they try to say that this is the Holy Ghost, it’s the Holy Ghost, yes it’s the Holy Ghost but where is the human being for that holy ghost? Holy Ghost comes into a human being to do work, so where is that human being for the Holy Ghost? They say its any Christian, all the Christians.

The Ghost Holy Ghost come into them and that’s the return of Jesus Christ well how come the Catholic church aint trying to get the Holy Ghost in everybody if that’s they way they think he’s to return? Its only those people of believe in that getting the Holy Ghost that’s trying to do that, you know, trying to get people to get the Holy Ghost so that they can get something, Jesus to come back in them or something or to come into them. The church, the Catholic church aint trying to get people to have the Holy Ghost or the speak in tongues or to get any Holy Ghost, they’re trying to get the people to get a Catholic education, yeah. Just plainly and simply put, that’s what they’re trying to do. So this thing is all messed up.

Jesus mystery he’s a spirit and word from G-d

Q. 4.171; Jesus a spirit and word from Allah

...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an Apostle of Allah and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His Apostles. Say not "Trinity": desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is One Allah: glory be to him: (for Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.

Ephesian 3.4; Mystery of Christ

“How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, [4] Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)

Muslim learned teachers in Islam, the scholars believe that when the Bible says that there will be another comforter, the Spirit of Truth its talking about another Prophet, another Prophet is coming. And the other Prophet is thought to be the return of Jesus Christ. Many think that the one to is going to be Jesus, it’s the return of Jesus Christ. But who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is a mystery and all we know of him is that the Scripture says that he wass born of a virgin without a father and it says that he is a spirit and word from G-d, that’s what Allah says in the Quran.

Blood loss cause weakness then loss of consciousness

He’s a spirit and a word from G-d that’s what he is, spirit and a word from G-d, a word would be doctrine wouldn’t it? Bread and spirit would be blood wouldn’t it? And blood would be the spirit of the word wouldn’t it? And the Bible says also that the life of the flesh is the blood, the Bible says, the life of the flesh is the blood and we know that’s true though, that’s true. Because when you lose you blood you lose your life, you can get a minor wound but if you keep bleeding you’ll die. And what life you lose first? Up here, the first thing to go is your consciousness when the blood is losing, you’re losing blood, you loose consciousness, you is feel weak and you loose consciousness before you die, you is feel weak and you loose consciousness.

/ m. 517;

Word G-d gives life like food enlivens body

The people who were given this language and knew this language they knew also, they had know what blood means to a human, a body and they saw blood in a life and a physical or a flesh body or a biological body as a good sign of the higher body and the higher spirit and the higher life, the Word of G-d that gives us life and we are fed the Word of G-d for our mind, spirit, soul etc., and it gives us strength, it makes us more energetic, it makes us vibrant, just like physical food affects the physical body, the Word affect the believer, the Word of G-d affects the believer in the same way. We take it into our minds and it makes us feel happy , just like eating good food you all got so happy you were just smiling and laughing and nobody was making any jokes, the food was making you smile, just feel so good, you felt so good eating that food after fasting. And you got new energy, you become more energetic, you’re enlivened by food, physical food and you’re enlivened spiritual food, the Word of G-d does the same, has the same affect.

So that’s why they make this comparison and they put one language in the body of another language or put one meaning in the body of another language. And you read it, you don’t be thinking about a body. I said as a minister long before I understood how to read the Bible or how to read Scripture, I said as a minister “these beliefs in Christianity” I said “they are savage”. I said “this ritual they got is a cannibalistic ritual. What does civilized righteous people, civilized intelligent holy people look like going, sitting down in a ritual, going through a ritual that connect their behavior and their interests with that of the cannibals, savages.

You say you’re eating the bread that’s his flesh? That’s cannibalistic and you’re drinking the wine you say that’s his blood? That’s cannibalistic, purely savage and cannibalistic. It must have a higher meaning than that, they did that to fool the gentiles, to fool the idolaters who were cannibalistic and who did eat flesh and drink blood. They did that to fool them “oh we’re just like you, we really worship your way of life, we don’t have our leader but we’re eating his flesh, this bread is his flesh and this wine is his blood.”

So the gentile they say “they’re like us”...

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape VII Side A

Topic: Comments on Righteousness Quran Chapter 2.177;

Same as tape VI until m. 424

m. 424

Q. 2.267; Spend in charity of lawful things you’ve earned

As Salaam Alaikum

... same chapter, same section we were reading from yesterday and how we put in charity or spend in the society money that has been gotten unlawfully, from something unlawful. That verse is verve 267 surah Baqara and also from the next verst 268, says the evil one threatens us with poverty and bids us to conduct ourselves to conduct unseeming.

Q. 2.271;

The verse I want to comment on now is the verse 271, I will read it since its all apart of the same, I’ll read the other verses without comment. So verse 269

Q. 2.269;

He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the message but men of understanding.

He referring to G-d as we know Allah (swt) the Almighty controller of the heavens and the earth.

Q. 2.270;

And whatever ye spend in charity or devotion be sure Allah knows it all. But the wrong-doers have no helpers.

We commented on these verses, we did comment briefly on these verses and the above on.

Q. 2.271;

“If ye disclose (acts of) charity even so it is well... [and I’m sure we all understand what is said here but I will make, I will also state it again to be sure that everyone understands it. Means is yo let your charity be known, disclose it, if you let it be known, you tell people I gave that in charity. Or of the thing you gave that in charity and you let it be known that you gave something in charity, disclose it.

/ m. 482

“ but if ye conceal”... Which means if you don’t make it known and its translated conceal them, but actually you look at the word in Arabic you who know how to read Arabic, if you conceal it; the “∴( ha” is for “it” not for them.

If you conceal it, its okay to use, I’m not saying, making criticism for criticism sake or to take anything from this translation, I’m making these distinctions and observations to be sure that we all are understanding it correctly the best we can.

“ but if ye conceal them” If you conceal it, it means the act of charity, if you conceal your act of charity, that’s what it means. “ and make it” you act of charity or your charity, “∴( ha” is for the charity, your chartiy. “And make it” mean your charity, “reach those (really) in need”. Those in need” [ Ρϕσ fuqara] he put really in need, that’s okay, those in need, that’s what it says and reach those in need.

“ that is best for you” that’s what it says. “:It will remove from you some of your (stains of) evil.” Now we know what it means, it means from you some of your defects, some of your sins. [ θλΚ∴ϖα sayyaateekum]. Remove you, didn’t say some, its says, well yes, you can translate [(} men ] [ (} θλρκ ankum men], take away some, yeah that’s correct translation. [(} men ] then means not all the sins are gone, [(} men ] means that something is taken away from your sins, it takes away form sin. Any act of good takes away from sin according to the teachings of our Prophet (pbuh), the Quran and the teachings of our Prophet (pbuh). But this was a very special act, very special good act.

:It will remove from you some of your (stains of) evil. And Allah (swt) is well acquainted with what you do.”

/ m. 528

We’re going to stop right there, no I don’t think we should be might as well finish this section, this section is very, very what is the word? Meticulous, very meticulous, very, very precise, very, very precise in identifying things that many of us overlook regarding charity. So let’s come to the next very now and read.

Q.2.276; Interest, Ribah

Allah (swt) will deprive usury of all blessings but will give increase for deeds of charity. Now it didn’t say interest did it? He could have put Allah (swt) will deprive interest, he could translate like that. Allah (swt) will deprive interest of all blessings but he didn’t say interest he said usury. Now look up interest in the dictionary and look up usury in the your dictionary and you’ll see that some of these people who been saying all interest that you earn in a bank is usury they are making a big mistake. Especially when they don’t know the name, the nature of banking in the United States and in the world, obviously they are not, they’re prejudiced against the nature of banking because it’s a Western institution, yes. Thank you very much I skipped from 71 to 70 no, to 75, that was the angel made me skip and we thank Allah (swt) for His angels, yes.

So it was very good that we read that, 76, “Allah (swt) will deprive usury of all blessings but will give increase for deeds of charity for He loves not creatures ungrateful and wicked”. This is talking about usury, men who enslave people by charging them exorbitant interest or price for borrowing money for borrowing something or for getting help with something, financial help with something.

They charge you so much they know you’ll never be able to pay up and they way you’ll be their slave forever. When you can’ t pay them they’ll have you working for them, “but you have to do that , you have to work this off until you pay this up.”

Selfishness, ingratitude

That was an ugly time in the period of history when this kind of thing was very, very popular and it was very wicked, it was this is what Allah (swt) says in Quran. It was a wicked very bad thing, ungrateful people, not grateful to G-d for what G-d had given them and that’s very selfish, that’s also ungrateful, because if you’ve been helped you should be thankful that you’ve been helped. And if you’re thankful that you’ve been helped then you’ll also be nice to somebody else. But where there’s no gratitude, there’s not thankfulness, we’re not grateful for nothing then there is no sensitivity in us for other people.

m. 614

Satan attribute most ungrateful

They go together, ingratitude, selfishness and cruelty to others and the devil is the most ungrateful of all that’s one of his attributes, he’s...

... very ungrateful, let’s go back now where we were to be

Ramadan Session #2 Saturday 12-18-99

Tape VII Side B

... Ungrateful one, very ungrateful, let’s go back now where we were to be.

Q. 2.272;

“It is not required of thee (O Apostles) to set them on the right path but Allah sets on the right path whom He pleaseth. Whatever of good ye give benefits your own souls and ye shall only do so seeking the "Face" of Allah. Whatever good ye give, shall be rendered back to you and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly.

Now let’s look at the Prophet, Allah (swt) telling the Prophet (pbuh) that you cannot guide people, “its not your responsibility to guide then but G-d He guides whoever He will or pleases.”

So don’t be frustrated brother Imam like you may think I am sometimes I’m never frustrated Allah (swt) knows that but I’m getting on these people that don’t seem to respond or budge they show no real interest in what we’re trying to share with them and they’re looking defiant like they’re very dissatisfied with what we’re saying and doing. And I get on them you may think I’m frustrated, I’m not, I’m not, I’m cool as a cucumber as the saying goes, I’m trying to help them. We can’t let ourselves assume more ability and responsibility than is natural or possible for us, we can’t make anybody believe. And we know that Allah (swt) says to the Prophet (pbuh) you cannot put faith in them, you cannot make anybody believe, only Allah (swt) can grant them the blessing of faith.

All you can do is just deliver the message, can’t make anybody believe in G-d or what you’re saying, teaching them of Islam.

Convert, faith, guide only Allah

And here it say you can’t even guide them, if you could guide them you would give them to faith wouldn’t you? So the two go together, faith and guidance, you can’t guide, can’t give faith, if you can’t give faith you can’t guide them. If you could guide them you could give them faith. And if you could give them faith you could guide them they go together, if you could give them faith you could guide them and if you could guide them you could give them faith because guidance would take them to the evidence that would give them, that would have them believe, yes.

/ m 50

Now lets conclude the reading of the Quran for this session we perhaps will read some more at the end of this session but for this session now, the beginning of the session lets read the section 22 that long verse in section 22, 177 first verst of section 22 on righteousness.

Before you start reading who can give me the word for righteousness in this section? There are different words, yeah Birra, Birrah Al Birra, Al its got the Al on it, the, Al Birrah, yes. Yeah 177, verse 177 the first verse in section 22 of suratul baqara the second chapter of the Quran, yes the world is Birra, Birra, righteousness.

Birr, beer righteousness

Now you know the word beer in English is a drink a forbidden drink unless its without alcohol, they have some beers without alcohol, I don’t like it I was hoping I would because I think I got a memory bank in my head that said somewhere in my genes I love that stuff, wine and stuff, yeah I thank Allah (swt) for this Religion, man I’d be a wine drinker, I know I would I know that, my life would be ruined. I’d be high all the time, I thank Allah (swt) for saving me from that, yeah.

devil called beer righteousness

So you see the word beer, beer and you know alcohol itself the devil produces, right? Allah (swt) says it the khamer these things are from the devil and look what he calls it righteousness, he knows what he’s doing, he knows what he did, did it long time ago, yeah. Called it righteousness, beer, say you think You can make them righteous G-d, I’ll make them righteous, I’ll keep them so high they can’t be anything else, they’ll be righteous in my world. You can’t stop them from working against You, watch I’ll stop them from working against me, I’ll have them so drunk they can’t do anything but just be helpless subjects.

m. 86

Alcohol spirits

The alcohol itself, they call the alcohol spirits, G-d You trying to give them You spirit watch how they accept my spirit.

Birr is well and eye

But what does birr mean in Arabic? It means a well and well has special meaning in Scripture, birr a well, you know the well Zam Zam is a well and when you read the Bible you read of Abraham and different ones come to the well, Abraham had the well. So the well has a very good meaning, very good meaning, in Arabic they also call, it is also called Ain and Ain means eye. And the water, when the well is dug the water will automatically because of the nature of water the water will automatically make a circle, it makes the hole a circle, makes it a circle.

Water is circle in solid

So it’s a circle, a clear circle, transparent substance called water within the solid mass called the ground or the earth right? And when you look at your eye, your eye has water all over, allover the eye is water, and right in the center its black and you think its really black like this mike, but its not, light penetrates it, its like a black hole, yeah.

Black to light, white

Darkness means absence of light and knowledge

Q.24.40; Darkness on darkness like waves, can't see hand

And the water in suratun Nur which we were reading from yesterday it is darkness, says the light as G-d’s light and it says darkness is as the depth of the sea. The levels of darkness in the water. Darkness is good and darkness is bad, darkness can be good and darkness can be bad. The darkness means the absence of light and the absence of knowledge, of information that makes light that clears up the matter, it’s the absence of it.

But it isn’t that exactly what we have to do before we learn? We have to say I don’t know you have to black in order to become white or light, right? Yeah because if you think you know you’ll never learn anything, yeah. But you have to say I don’t know, so what do we say to G-d no matter how much we know? We say

G-d we do not know You know and we know not.

Ego protect by saying we know nothing

G-d is the Knower doesn’t mean we don’t know anything certainly we know, many things we know but we protect ourselves and our ego by acknowledging that we in the beginning knew nothing, that’s what it means. We are creature that knew nothing G-d everything we got came from You. And we never accept that really we have any authority and knowledge, authority is all with G-d. And even that, that we know we may have to give it up one day, discover we didn’t know it quite right, our know was not quite right you see?

So we don’t know when the know may change either or the perception of what we think we know may change you see? So that’s a good thing to say “we know nothing”. I got that from them reading about them in Scripture and that’s what I say, I know nothing You know everything G-d I know nothing. And that’s exactly what our knowledge is when we put it in the light of what G-d has revealed, nothing.

m. 134

Birr is purity of soul

So this Birr, Al Birra is a beautiful word now if it refers to righteousness it also refers to spiritual purity and to, symbolize as a well because when water comes up from the ground its filtered through the sand and rocks deep below, that’s the best filter, the sand and rock under the soil, that’s a filter. And the water comes up from the reservoirs beneath the surface of the earth sometimes its very deep. And it comes up to the filter and it may be full of impurities, there will be impurities near the surface but as the water comes up and runs, keeps going it cleans it, push all the filth away and pretty soon if you have a good well the water is perfectly clean, perfectly clean been filtered, filtered water.

Spirituality means sensitivity, emotions.

Its symbolic of the spirit, our spirituality, spirituality means all of our sensitivities like fear, emotions, fear, sensitivities and even sensibilities. See sensitivity, I have to say this because all of us are not on the same level my education has been extended because I studied for so many years on my own. When I graduated from high school I didn’t have the vocabulary I have now I had a little small vocabulary so I’m not going to take it for granted you all are, you’re not college students, some of you are college students and college professors, we have a college professor among us here at least one or two.

/ m. 157

But I can’t just take for granted everybody know everything I’m saying so I have to explain it. Sensitivities and sensibilities; sensitivity, you understand that like if any of us see a person doing cruelty to even animals that we don’t particularly like we won’t like that, that affects us you know. Some of us don’t like cats but if we see somebody beating on a cat and just beating on a cat unmercilessly that touches us because we have human sensitivities or the sensitivity of living things, not only humans. Animals have that too, we have these sensitivities.

Sensibility is sensitivity trying to perceive

But sensibility means sensitivities that are trying to perceive something, sensitivities that want to perceive something, that want to feel and know something. So since the same senses that register hurt and pleasure, bad and good these same senses too also want to know, they want to know. So many times its from your sensitivities that you begin to feel a little uncomfortable with your sweetheart. Your sensitivities say “hey something is wrong here, say I’m hugging her with a real hug, this hug she’s giving me doesn’t feel right, feels like a fake hug.”

Muslim vol Ip156#479; Ablution area light shine

Narrated Abu Huraira

“Verily Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: My Cistern has its dimensions wider than the distance between Aylah and Aden, and its water is whiter than ice and sweeter than the honey diluted with milk, and its cups are more numerous than the numbers of the stars. Verily I shall prevent the (faithless) people therefrom just as a man prevents the camels of the people from his fountain. They said: Messenger of Allah, will you recognise us on that day? He said: Yes, you will have distinctive marks which nobody among the peoples (except you) will have; you would come to me with blazing forehead and bright hands and feet on account of the traces of ablution.

So we sensitivity or sensibility , sensibilities and that’s what its told that in the hereafter those that made their wudu’, was in the habit of making wudu’ they would have the light of that wudu’ on their hands, the light of that wudu’ on their hands, so what is the ‘ilm here, the know here? The knowledge is that these were innocent pure sensitivities that made us want to be clean. We sense ourselves unclean we don’t feel good, I’m not talking about wudu now, I’m talking any clean experience, we sense ourselves unclean and we don’t feel good. Our sensibilities tell us “wash, clean take a bath” and we take a bath. So the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is teaching us when he says and there will be the light of your wudu on your hands. He’s teaching us that there is a conscious act on your part because you want to be clean, you’re of the purified ones you love purity, you love cleanliness, you have sensibilities.

And because of your good sensibilities you kept your wudu and that’s your habit, that has been your practice and in the hereafter you’re resurrected into a new creation and into a new for you have light going from your hands, the light of your wudu’, beautiful, yes.

/m. 201

Q. 2.177;

“It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces toward East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Messengers; to spend of your substance out of love for Him for your kin for orphans for the needy for the wayfarer for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth the Allah-fearing.

“It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces toward East or West;

Now isn’t it something that we still have people turning their face towards the East and some towards the West. In the Western world your bed will be turned and its turned so that your, as you come out of the bed like the sun from the East facing West, facing West. See the sun rises in the East but its facing West, always facing West. It rises in the East facing West, sets in the West comes up the next morning facing West just keeps going West.

West is darkness

Bukhari 6. 159; Sun shall rise in the West last days

Narrated Abu Huraira

“Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until the sun rises from the West: and when the people see it, then whoever will be living on the surface of the earth will have faith, and that is (the time) when no good will it do to a soul to believe then, if it believed not before."

But it (sun) comes from the East, so where is it going too, what is West? Darkness, darkness sun trying to get back to where it came from, wants to get back into the dark.

/ m.226

And so is man in his intellect, his mind and his curiosities, he become conscious of himself and his birth or creation is like the East. When he become conscious of himself he start going in the way of the West, death, he’s going to death. But at certain point in his life, he doesn’t always know he’s going to death now, he think he’s going to manhood and going to bigger business, whatever or bigger career, whatever or a beautiful woman, whatever.

Islam is for lovers

Oh yes man I’m romantic I can’t help to think of women

sometime, you got no romance in you, you’re dead, yes Islam is for lovers, praise be to Allah (swt).

Yes, at a certain point in his progression, years working, progress for himself the man begin to have thoughts of his beginning and though the sun is still going west something, you can’t reverse the movement of life that G-d has designed. Now the sun got to keep going West, keep going towards the death but something happens, the sun is also perceiving isn’t it? So when it gets past the zenith point it seems as though its looking Eastward because the shadow had now been cast in the opposite direction and the man wants to see his spirit, he want to perceive his spirit.

He wants to know what is the reality behind these objects, so he start to cast shadows in the other direction whereas before he just wanted to see what are these objects in my path. And when he gets to a certain point he begins to be curious of how all this got started including me, so now I want to see what are the shadows behind me, what are the images behind me. So he begins to search his beginning right? He begin to search his beginning and that’s what the Prophet (pbuh) said the sun shall rise from the West.

Its never gonna rise from the West that’s an impossibility but figuratively speaking for by interpretation and translation, yes, the sun rises from the West.

How does it rise from the West? When the sun sets in the West and begin to cast the shadows towards the East, toward the birth place, beginning for the man, the human being, mind it is studying its beginning. And when we do that our, we’re sun too, we’re called sun /son, when we do that, then we have turned our sun towards the West. And we’re trying to rise, pardon me, we’re studying the East but we’re trying to rise our sun from the West.

/ m.277

Let me explain to you. When we study our beginning we study our beginning so that we will have more ability to deal with the darkness, death. We want to see this death that we’re going to, but how can we perceive it if we don’t know our beginning ? So we turn our attention to, our curiosity to the, to our beginning to discover how we began. Now if we go beyond the sun rising we’re gonna go down in the darkness of the East because the sun comes up from the East and its rising before we see it.

So we got to go into the beginning of our life that unveils, I mean that’s never veiled, undisclosed, we don’t know that, we don’t know our beginning, but we will strain our mind and use references and everything trying to perceive our beginning. And we will come up with some knowledge of our beginning right? Then we will apply it to the darkness of the West, death and we will then get some perception of what death must be. And when we get a perception of what death must be, the light is coming from the West or the sun is rising from the West.

So man will seek to know his beginning after he anticipate his ending and he doesn’t know what the conclusion is going to be, then he wants to go back to the beginning to understand his life so that maybe he will understand what death is for him, you understand what I’m saying? It should be clear.

Spiritual and faith turned on

So that interest, the sun seems to be reverse then, goes down seeking to know what was before my birth into this world, what was I before I was conceived in my mother, did I have any existence before that? What was I. So that kind of study it turns on the spiritual life and the faith and spiritual interest is turned on. And when the mind separates from the material interest and starts to concentrate on the spiritual life and spiritual interest you begin to conceive or have some idea, you have some idea of what may be at the end for you.

So when you start to do that the death that you’re facing is not so horrifying any more, you say the G-d that made me from nothing is able to make me again. So we begin not to fear the darkness so much, not to fear the death end so much, so that’s light rising from the West. That’s pertaining to my own life now

/ m. 313

But for this Religion, when the Religion becomes confused and the beauty of Islam is lost, the great Umma of brotherhood, sisterhood is dead health and happiness between the brothers and the sisters is gone. The soul will be saddened, the soul will be constricted, miserable of the good people.

And G-d will bless some of them or at least one of them to begin addressing this bad condition and he will study the Religion and he won’t find enough help. Studying the Quran studying the history, studying hadith he won’t find enough help. He will struggle and struggle until his spirit will take over for his mind and his spirit is going where his mind can’t go and G-d will assist him with angels. And he’ll begin to see the purity of Islam how it all got started, then he’ll take that purity and he will apply it to the present and where we’re going with our life. And he’ll say “hey there has to be a change, there has to be a change.” And he will also be a sun rising from the West, yes.

And the learned in the Religion, the most learned in the Religion the one I’m calling now, he’s a hafeez and master practically all the hadiths, now only a hafeez, reciter of Quran but he knows practically all the hadiths also. An old man and he told me he said “ Imam Warith Ud Din” he said you know the Prophet (pbuh) said that the sun would rise from the West.” He said “but Imam Warith Ud Din it will rise from the West but as soon as it gets up very visible it goes back down and sets again in the West” I said thank you. It doesn’t rise in the West and set in the East that never happens it rises from the West and as soon as its clear and visible it goes back down, it obeys its Lord.

Ontology study beginning. Eschatology study endings

Because there are some people, there are some intellectuals in Religion, in theology they want to know the beginning and they keep going from the West to the East, they keep going from the West to the East. Ontology the beginning of things, Eschatology the conclusion of things, East and West and they keep going, and these are their terms not mine, this is their interest and their invent the term, they have created a whole field of knowledge on this.

So they go towards the East all the time they want to know their beginning all the time, they’re just obsessed with knowing their beginning and they end up saying they’re beginning is G-d, in the beginning they were G-d. As they came from G-d out of the body of G-d and they’re return to the body of G-d, that’s their end.

Man attributes from G-d

Q. 32.7-9; G-d breathe of His spirit




7. He Who has made everything which He has created most Good. He began the creation of man with (nothing more than) clay

8. And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised:

9. But He fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him something of His spirit. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!

Forty Hadith p.124#41 Believe follow my message


Abu Muhammad Abdullah reported the Messenger of Allah said: “None of you believes until his inclination is in accordance with what I have brought.”

Mark 5:34; Faith made you whole

And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.

So that’s how they determine their end, that they will return to the body of G-d, which is their reasoning is far out of line with our reasoning but their language is like our language. We know that we came not out of G-d but because of G-d. And in a sense we came out of Him too, but something of Him not all of Him. Like our virtues, our pure, purity is from G-d, our purity is from G-d, our mercy is from G-d, our love is from G-d..

/ m.381

Love want purity

All of these attributes that are good for us and are human nature and want purity. Love wants to be pure love, we prevent it, love wants to be pure love I don’t care how bad the person is, love in that person wants to be pure love. And maybe the reason why his love is so empty and so corrupt is because he have been hurt so much loving that his love has become wounded love, bruised love, defected love, rotten love, hear that brother and sister? Rotten love. Now maybe you have never had some rotten love but I have, rotten love. But the nature of love in us is to have, to be pure, pure love.

/m. 397 Spirit from G-d

So really we do come from G-d, we come from G-d, our virtues, our virtues, our attributes of beauty and purity come from G-d. And also our spirit comes from G-d, not all our spirit, Allah (swt) says He have given everyone something of His spirit.

Allah (swt) said that I’m not coming from anything but the Scripture. So our, some spirit in us, there are different spirits in us, but some spirit in us is from Allah (swt) too. But so it is true for everything that’s what Allah (swt) says He have given everything something of His spirit.


Allah gave everything something of His spirit

Now if he says everything that means He gave the sun, the earth everything something of His spirit, we have to accept this is what He said, we can’t change it. If Allah (swt) says He gave everything something of His spirit we have to accept that. Now we know the spirit that He gave rocks, huge rocks or a tree, oak tree or something is not the same spirit He gave the human being, a different spirit. But everything has something of His spirit.

Spirit is influence in you directing you

So what is spirit? Spirit is an influence in you directing you that wants to direct you and its nature is to direct you, that’s what spirit is. An influence in you that its nature is to direct you. So if you get the influence of the sin in you the nature of that influence is to direct you to more sin. If you get the influence of the devil in you the nature of that spirit is to direct you to be a bigger and bigger devil, yeah.

So the spirit is an influence in us that wants that its own nature direct is to direct us, its nature direct is to direct us. So G-d’s spirit, something of G-d’s spirit is in all of us. And the nature of that spirit is to direct us. But is has challenging spirits from many other things challenging that spirit, “we want him too, we want to direct him too”. Isn’t that life? That’s life and when we allow too many spirits to be in ourselves we have just given up on our own management of our life.

Sensitivity, heart is to engage spirit

Also sensitivities, the heart is to engage spirit and if that happens and you be a sincere person you put all spirits under the Spirit of G-d, you make all spirits recognize, respect the Spirit of G-d in you, they your life becomes one, your life becomes whole. And Jesus said “go you have been made whole, you have been made whole, how come? You’ve given up attachment to these other spirits and you have let the Spirit of G-d decide what your life should be. So because of that there’s harmony, there’s one great symphony of spirits in your life and they’re playing to the tune of G-d, isn’t that wonderful? Oh that’s heaven for the soul, yes.

The sun will one day rise from the West. Righteousness to turn your faces towards the East or West that’s not righteousness, but it is righteousness to believe in Allah, to believe in G-d that is, G-d the real G-d and the last day, and the angels. See the order they’re coming in?

So man fears death doesn’t he? Dislike dying I know I do and that’s in us before we even start to be curious about the beginning of things and wanting to know the conclusion of things or have faith in G-d or anything, every creature is born with this natural fear, fearing the last day.


Angel assist man

The studying of the sun the conclusion of things. So they also have to believe in the angels because that interest in us and that ability to perceive to the satisfaction of our souls it is what brought us to search our beginnings to know our ending better and to acknowledge that G-d must be over all of this.

Abraham 2nd father 1st teacher

Wasn’t it Prophet Abraham peace be upon him, Ibrahim who watched the sun rise and watch it set and came to a conclusion that there’s but one G-d, Allah (swt). And he’s our father our second father, our teacher, second father and first teacher from G-d universal teacher. And the last day, so we come to believe in G-d and believe in the Last day.

Then we want to know how has this all come to me, how have I, I was straining, I didn’t know how to find it but something sparked in me in the dark and I saw light. What was that magic, intuition or whatever we call it. Now we accept that there were unknown agents, unperceivable agents assisting me, bringing me, helping me get to the light that G-d wanted me to get to, G-d’s angels.

Angels then Scripture

And the Book, help on the high plane of prophecy and Prophets, the great angel Jebril comes and the high angels to bring assistance, so they come before clear communication comes. So we believe in those angels we know we didn’t decide the time of Revelation, we couldn’t decide the time of Revelation, we didn’t even know how the Revelation would come.

Muhammad (pbhu) hadn’t even known any experience like that, he was confused and frightened and went to his wife and told her his experience and G-d caused him to know he had angels assisting him. So we come to know the angels and then after he come to know the angels then he has Revelation and the Books and he believes in the whole progression.

/m. 521

Righteousness believe in it, it’s a power

Now let me tell you something, you also should believe in righteousness although its not given here. You should believe in righteousness, you should want to be righteous and you should have faith in righteousness, is a power all by itself. And righteousness, your faith in righteousness brings you to knowledge of G-d and faith in G-d and in the Last day and in angels and in the Books.

Q. 56.79; Qur'an none touch but purified ones



Which none shall touch but those who are clean:

None can touch it but the purified ones, if you don’t have this purity you’ll never get Revelation plus it means have a feel for what G-d is saying. You have a feel for what G-d wants you to do before you even have it in your brain, in your knowledge. You have a feel for it, but you will never have the feel for the direction G-d wants you to take in this Quran until you love purity, love righteousness, want purity and want righteousness.

/m. 551

None will touch it but the purified ones.

Perception like shadow

Now this touching is the beginning of Revelation, touching is the beginning of Revelation. A blind man can touch and know an object what an object is, at least he has a perception. ____ saw that object before, a blind man can feel it and get a perception of how it looks. I’ve never felt that before, hand me anything any shape, that I’ve never had I can feel it and I have a perception in my mind of how it looks its like a shadow of that thing, right, yes. I can perceive how it looks and I saw a movie once and this guy finally got involved, his feelings got involved and the woman was already loving him, she could see, she had eyes.

So when he really got involved and he felt that she was accepting him he wanted to see her for the first time, he took his hand and he felt all over her face he put his fingers into the crevices so he could get her features and he got her features.


Q. 3.47; Mary no man had touched


She said: "O my Lord! how shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "Even so: Allah createth what He willeth; when He hath decreed a plan He but saith to it `Be' and it is!

Q. 19.23-25; Mary food provided for her baby

23. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree: she cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!"

24. But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-free): "Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee;

25. "So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. And if thou dost see any man say `I have vowed a fast to (Allah) Most Gracious and this day will I enter into no talk with any human being.' "

And of the blessed Mary peace be upon her it is said and no man touched her but she conceived a child, isn’t that wonderful brothers? And Allah (swt) sent her help that tell her, she wanted some food for her new baby. Allah (swt) said take a stick and strike the earth and make grooves from the tree and when she did it water came into the grooves and fresh ripe dates fell for her baby so she have food to feed her baby.


Ain, eye Water forms perfect circle

See how consistent it is? We started off talking about well didn’t we? Pure sensitivities that want a definite focus in the gross matter, perfect circle like the eye, the Arabs call it Ain, eye.

And to believe in the Messengers, the Revelation is what brings us to believe in the Messengers, the Books or the Revelations. When they give us what G-d have revealed to them then we believe in them, those who accept faith, accept faith.

And spend of your substance all of this is righteousness, beautiful. And spend of your substance, that means whatever you have, its not always something you call money or dollar or something but you have something of value. It not always tangible that is material like you can touch with your hand. But its some ability you have, some good that you have that you can help others with, we always have something to give in charity.

And spend of your substance out of love for Him we have to stop here, we are not....

Transcript 1st draft unedited Nasir Ahmad

Index 12-18-99

Q. 2.136; We make no distinction between Prophets 4;

Q.4.24; Marry not for lust 6;

Q. 24.6; those who charge against their spouses 14;

Q.24,8-9; p. 14

Q.2.282; Witness two women required 14;

Q. 2.228; Men have a degree over woman 14;

Q. 4.34; Men are the maintainers of women 14;

Q. 58.1; Allah hears the woman’s complaint 20;

Q.24.35; Allah is light of heavens and earth 20;

Q. 24.1-3; p.21

Q 2.88; Heart wrapping for word 23;

Q. 22.67; To each people we appointed rites 27;

Q. 24.4-10; p.29;

Q. 57.28; double portion of My mercy 30;

Q. 24.11; those who brought forward a lie 30;

Q. 17.32; Come not near adultery 31;

Q. 49.12; Spy not 32;

Q. 40.7; G-d everything in knowledge and mercy 32;

Q.24.41; Every creature know mode of prayer 33;

Q.7.31; Clothes clean at times of prayer 34;

Q. 2.267; Give of good in charity aim not at the bad 34-5;

Q.9.103; Charity purifies giver 35;

Q.3.97; Kabah signs in it 36;

Q. 3.75; We have not obligation to these people 38;

Q. 18.49; Revelation leaves out nothing big or small 38;

Q.4.76; Fight the scheme of satan 40;

Q.2.268; Allah promises you satan threatens with poverty 40-1;

Q.95.8; Allah best Judge 45;

Q. 2.269; p. 46;

Q. 2.270; p.46;

Q.19.59; Never did society fall until neglected prayers 50;

Q. 59.19; Forget Allah you’ll forget your soul 50;

Q 35.24; Allah is the light of the heavens and earth 49;

Q. 24.41; Every creature knows its mode of prayer 50;

Q. 5.3; This day I have given Islam as your Religion 51;

Q.2.l58; Obey your impulse to good 53;

Q.56.8-11; Companions of the Right, left 53-4;

Q.2.58; Enter door sajdah 55;

Q. 2.267; Spend, charity of lawful things you’ve earned 55;

Q. 2.177; righteousness 56;

Q. 98.2; In it are books upright 57;

Q. 5.114; Send us from heaven a table set 57;

Q.20.14; Establish prayer for My remembrance 58;

Q.24.40; Darkness on darkness like waves 58;

Q. 2.146; Know this as know own sons 60;

Q. 32.9; G-d breathe of His spirit 61;

Q. 4.171; Jesus a spirit and word from Allah 62;

Q.2.267; p63;

Q.2.271; p63;

Q.2.272; p64;

Q. 56.79; Qur'an none touch but purified ones 63;

Q. 3.47; Mary no man had touched 63;

Q. 19.23-25; Mary food provided for her baby 64;

Q. 24.40; Darkness on darkness like waves 65;

Q. 56.79; Qur'an none touch but purified ones 71;

Q. 3.47; Mary no man had touched 71;

Q. 19.23-25; Mary food provided for her baby 71;

Hadith __ man educate two girls will get paradise 19;

Muslim #6364; Man raises two girls will get paradise 19;

Bukhari 3.624; Help wrong brother hold hand back 24;

Muslim Ip33#79; Wrong change with hand, tongue, heart 24;

Bukhari 4.829; Jewish law stone adultery 25;

Muslim # 4294; Enemy don’t mutilate nor plunder 26;

Bukhari Vol 1.331; Whole earth Masjid 42;

Hadith Christ and Muhammad together 46;

Bukhari 8.425; Live in the world as a traveler 53;

Muslim vol Ip156#479; Ablution area light shine 66;

Bukhari 6. 159; Sun shall rise in the West last days 67;

John 3:18; Only begotten son of G-d 4;

Psalm 2:7; (David) son of G-d 4;

Ephesians. 5:22-23; wife submit to husband 15;

Jeremiah 3.9; Adultery with stones and stock 22;

Jeremiah 31.33; Law written upon their hearts 23;

John 8:4-5; Adulterer stone to death 26;

Bible __ earth shook those who withheld giving charity 35;

Jeremiah 49.12; drunkard to be punished 41;

I Timothy 5.23; wine take for stomach 42;

John 9.5; Jesus I’m light of world 49;

Q.33.45-6; Prophet a spreading lamp 50;

John 121.6; Jesus said cast you net on the right 54;

Isaiah 58.6; Fasting to remove burden 56;

Matthew 6.10; Thy kingdom come 57;

Luke 9:13-17; Five loaves bread 2 fish 59;

Forty Hadith p.124#41 Believe follow my message 61

Mark 5:34; Faith made you whole 61;

Ephesian 3.4; Mystery of Christ 62;


Ablution area light shine 66;


a- pray for Muhammad and his followers 60;

a- Abraham 2nd father 1st teacher 70;

Adhan is call to life 51;


a- Come not near adultery 31;

a- Jewish law stone adultery 25;

a- of the mind, leader 31;

a- Stoning was Jew law, never the law in Islam 26;

a- with stones and stock 22;

African Americans W. D. Mohammed African Americans suppose to be with 52;

Ain, eye Water forms perfect circle 58, 64, 71;


a- those who brought forward a lie 30-1;

a- young Marriage to Prophet Muhammad 5;


a- Bible wine take for stomach 41;

a- Drunkard to be punished 41;

a- spirits 58

a- takes people’s mind away 41;


a- best Judge 45;

a- G-d breathe of His spirit 61;

a- Convert, faith, guide only Allah 57;

a- G-d everything in knowledge and mercy 32;

a- Forget Allah you’ll forget your soul 50;

a- hears the woman’s complaint 20;

a- justice because He knows whole life 44;

a- light of the heavens and earth 20, 49;

a- open your soul44;

a- punish to awake conscience devil punish he’s sadist 45;

a- promises you satan threatens with poverty 41;

a- Spirit from G-d 61;

America satan presence Western world mainly America 41;


a- assist man 70;

a- then Scripture 70;

Animal Every creature know mode of prayer 33, 50;

Arabic best tool to understand Quran 12;

Argue Difference of opinion don’t disturb peace 53;

Atlanta best school 47;


Bad Give of good in charity aim not at the bad 34-5;

Bait Kabah is called bait not dar 36

St. Basil Christian doctrine with paganism 48;


b- bir, righteousness 57;

b- Devil called beer righteiousness 57;

Believer Live in the world as a traveler 52;


b- bir, righteousness 65;

b- Devil called beer righteousness 65;

b- is purity of soul 65-6;

b- is well and eye 65;

Birth Enter door sajdah 54;


b- to become light, white 58;

b- suppose to be with W. D. Mohammed 52;

Blessing Fadlun means bounties, welcome 44;

Blood loss cause weakness then loss of consciousness 61;

Book Revelation Book leaves out nothing big or small 38;


b- Five loaves bread (5 prayers), 2 fish 58-9;

b- is doctrine, wine is spirit of new testament 58;

b- Loaf, lofty 59;

G-d breathe of His spirit 61;

Business Masjid need financial strong to take care of it 10;


Certificate from state department in frame 43;


c- earth shook those who withheld giving charity 35;

c- Give of good in charity aim not at the bad 34-5;

c- Prayer sala, Zakat alludes to purity 34;

c- purifies giver 35;

c- Spend in charity of lawful things you’ve earned 55;

c- Zakat connected to ethics 36;


c- Crime starts at home parent mistreatment 37;

c- Child pornography 43;

c- rearing love only is punishing love need wisdom 30;

c- teach ownership 37;


c- Religions reach by emotion not conscience 54;

c- St. Basil Christian doctrine with paganism 48;


c- Ain, eye Water forms perfect circle 64;

c- Water is circle in solid 58, 64;

Clara Muhammad

c- assisted Husband before meeting Fard 16;

c- last word to her son 18;

Clothes clean at times of prayer 33-4;

Complaint matters Masjid not during Jumah or Taleem 12;

Conscious Blood loss weakness, then consciousness 61;

Convert, faith, guide only Allah 57;

CPC from Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s economic vision 10;


c- correct with prime time punishment on t.v. 28, 37;

c- Criminal invited to help correct their life 52;

c- Criminal misguided most will die for a friend 45;

c- Criminal most are good people 37;

d- no Whole earth Masjid 42;

c- Police No police in Prophet’s time 23;

c- some starve for t.v. attention 29;

c- starts at home parent mistreatment 38;


Dar Bait Kabah is called bait not dar 36


d- means absence of light and knowledge 65;

d- Darkness on darkness like waves 65;

d- West is darkness 59;

David) son of G-d 4;


d- in support of Imam W. Deen Mohammed 8;

d- Imam teach with spirit of what Allah wants for man 28;

d- tapes available to propagators 29;

Daughter man educate two girls will get paradise 19;


d- beer called righteousness 65;

d- is the influence in the society 42;

d- Allah punish awake conscience devil punish he’s sadist 45

d- threaten with poverty 43;

Dhikr Tasbeehah dhikr 50;

Double portion of My mercy 30;


d- Alcohol spirits 58;

d- Alcohol takes people’s mind away 41;

d- Bible wine take for stomach 41;

d- drunkard to be punished 41;

Drugs Alcohol takes people’s mind away 41;


Earth Whole earth Masjid 42;


e- Atlanta best school 47;

e- prepares for public role in life 20;

Ego protect by saying we know nothing 66;

Elijah Muhammad

e- Clara Muhammad assisted Husband before meeting Fard 16;

e- Fard ensured Elijah Muhammad thought he was god 17;

e- lessons Fard also emphasized he was a teacher 17;

Eschatology study endings 69;

Ethics Zakat connected to ethics 36;


e- Man on welfare has no right of superiority 15;

e- of male and female 14, 19, 21;

Eye Ain, Water forms perfect circle 58, 64, 71;


Face Silent face of disapproval of a wrong is powerful 24;

Fadlun means bounties, welcome 44;


f- Faith made you whole 69;

f- not until desires follow my message 69;

f- Spiritual and faith turned on 68;


f- Child rearing love only is punishing love need wisdom 30;

f- Children teach ownership 37;

f- Crime starts at home parent mistreatment 37;

f- wife submit to husband Bible 15;


f- ensured Elijah Muhammad thought he was god 17;

f- lessons also emphasized he was a teacher 17;

f- saw devil in West, America 41;


f- don’t ignore medicine 40;

f- Fasting to remove burden 56;

Female Equality of male and female 14;

Fight the scheme of satan 40;


f- Five loaves bread 2 fish, five prayers 58-9;

f- Jesus said cast you net on the right 54;

Food Word G-d gives life like food enlivens body 62;

Foreigners some want to break allegiance to you leader 13;

Forget Allah you’ll forget your soul 50;


f- Adultery of the mind, leader 31;

f- Come not near adultery 31;

Fudlun means bounties and welcome 44;



g- (David) son of G-d 4;

g- Jesus only begotten son of G-d 4;


g- Holy Ghost works in a human being (Prophet) 61;

g- Jesus a spirit and word from Allah 61;


Habits change concentrate on conscious 54;

Hadith not supported like the Quran 26;

Hafez Quran Law written upon their hearts 23;


h- Law written upon their hearts 23;

h- Sensitivity, heart is to engage spirit 62;

h- wrapping for word 23;

Home, house Bait Kabah is called bait not dar 36;

Perfect human desire no wrong in self 44;

Husband wife submit to husband 15;



i- Imam take Muslim Journal copies 9;

i- Jumah Imam sometime late be patient 13;

i- must realize seriousness of mission 9;

i- Tapes Imam W.D. Mohammad take people to listen 9;

i- teach with spirit of what Allah wants for man 28;

Ingratitude, selfishess 64April 21, 2000;

Islam invites sinners 46;


i- man symbol of G-d inspired man 49;

i- Obey your impulse to good 53;

Interest, Ribah 56, 64;


i- Islam is for lovers 67;

i- leaders don’t respect their public 39;

i- Stoning was never the law in Islam 26;

i- This day I have given Islam as your Religion 51;

i- War Enemy don’t mutilate nor plunder 26;

Israel Imam visited Israel, Jordan 47;



j- Christ and Muhammad together 46, 58;

j- fishermen told cast you net on the right 53;

j- I’m light of world 49;

j- spirit and word from Allah 61;

j- kingdom come 57;

j- Last supper Send us from heaven a table set 57;

j- mystery he’s a spirit and word from G-d 62;

j- Only begotten son of G-d 4;

j- word in read mean blood is print 60;

Jordan Imam visited Israel, Jordan 47;

Judge Allah best, justice because He knows whole life 44;


j- Complaint Masjid not during Jumah or Taleem 12;

j- Imam teach with spirit of what Allah wants for man 28;

j- Jumah Imam sometime late be patient13;


j- Allah give justice because He knows whole life 45;

j- We have not obligation to these people 38;



k- is called bait not dar 36;

k- Kabah signs in it 36;

Kingdom Thy kingdom come 57;


k- Education prepares for public role in life 20;

k- G-d everything in knowledge and mercy 32;


Last Sign last day 44;


l- Allah give justice because He knows whole life 44;

l- written upon their hearts 23;


l- Adultery of the mind, leader 31;

l- Islamic leaders don’t respect their public 38;

l- Muslim men honorable leaders 39;

Left Religions reach by emotion not conscience 54;

Life Live in the world as a traveler 52;


l- Allah is the light of the heavens and earth 20, 49;

l- Ablution area light shine 59;

l- Jesus I’m light of world 49;

l- Prophet a spreading lamp 50;

l- symbol of G-d inspired man 49;

Loaf, lofty 59;


l- Islam is for lovers 60;

l- want purity 69;



m - attributes from G-d 69;

m - G-d breathe of His spirit 69;

m - educate two girls will get paradise 19;

m - Equality of male and female 14;

m - have a degree over woman 14;

m - maintainers of women 14;

m - on welfare has no right of superiority 15;

m - Perfect human desire no wrong in self 44;

m - Spirit from G-d 61;

m - wife submit to husband 15;


m - Mary food provided for her baby 64;

m - no man had touched 71;


m - Allah hears the woman’s complaint 20;

m - for social company not sex 6;

m - not for lust 6;

m - of youth 5;

m - Young marriage parents should assist 7;

Marriage those who charge against their spouses 14;


m - clean 34;

m - Clothes clean at times of prayer 33;

m - Complaint Masjid not during Jumah or Taleem 12;

m - Whole earth Masjid 42;

m - need financial strong to take care of it 10;

m - schools Build then Masjid 10;

m - Prophet never had big one 11;


m -Double portion of My mercy 30;

m - G-d everything in knowledge and mercy 32;

Millennium Three Religions feast occur 53;

Mind you confuse mind with soul 44;


m - Clothes clean at times of prayer 33-4;

m - Help wrong brother hold hand back 24;

m - Islam is for lovers 60;

m - Islamic leaders don’t respect their public 38;

m - leaders some are men honorable leaders 39;

m - Live in the world as a traveler 52;

m - war enemy don’t mutilate nor plunder 26;

m - Wrong change with hand, tongue, heart 24;

Mystery Jesus he’s a spirit and word from G-d 61;


Nation of Islam Fard also emphasized he was a teacher 17;


Ontology study beginning. Eschatology study endings 69;

Opinion differ don’t disturb truth 53;


Perception like shadow 71;

Perfect human desire no wrong in self 45;

Police No police in Prophet’s time 23;

Pornography child 42;


p- Abraham’s pray for Muhammad and his followers 60;

p- conformity to Will of G-d 53;

p- Clothes clean at times of prayer 33-4;

p- Establish prayer for My remembrance 57;

p- Every creature know mode of prayer 33, 50;

p- is our life 51;

p- five prayers five loaves bread 58-9;

p- Never did society fall until neglected prayers 50;

p- Prayer sala, Zakat alludes to purity 34;

p- Quran is our prayer 57;

p- represent fall, rise of society 60;

p- sajdah birht Enter door face sajdah 54;

p- Salat is conscious approved by Allah 51;

p- Tasleem end of prayer right then left 53-4

p-Witr Prayer one rakat, two sajdahs sign of end of time 55;

p- tells of fall, rise of society 60;


p- Adultery Jewish law stone 25;

p- Aisha young Marriage to Prophet Muhammad 5;

p- Aisha those who brought forward a lie 30-1;

p- Christ and Muhammad together 46, 58;

p- lamp a spreading light 50;

p- never had a big Masjid but did big Dawa 11;

p- Police No police in Prophet’s time 23;

Prophets we make no distinction between Prophets 4;

Punish Allah to awake conscience devil punish he’s sadist 45;



q- Angels then Scripture 63;

q- Arabic best tool to understand Quran 12;

q- In it are books upright 56;

q- Hadith not supported like the Quran 26;

q- Hafez Law written upon their hearts 23;

q- is our prayer 57;

q- Revelation Book leaves out nothing big or small 38;

q- touch none touch but purified ones 71;

q- Word G-d gives life like food enlivens body 62;



r- Adultery of the mind, leader 31;

r- reach person by left emotion or right conscience 53-4;

r- To each people we appointed rites 27;

Revelation after Angels come then Scripture 63;

Ribah, Interest 56, 64;

Right Religions reach through conscience 53-4, 56;


r- 56;

r- Righteousness believe in it, it’s a power


r- G-d breathe of His spirit 61;

r- Spirit from G-d 61;


Sadaqa Zakat connected to ethics 3;

Sajda birth of baby Enter door face down 54;

Salat Prayer sala, Zakat alludes to purity 34;


s- Allah promises you satan threatens with poverty 41, 43;

s- Allah punish awake conscience devil punish he’s sadist 45

s- Devil is the influence in the society 42;

s- Fight the scheme of satan 40;

s- kingdom US and the West 42;

s- most ungrateful 57;

s- satan presence in Western world mainly America 41;

School Build schools then Masjid 10;

Scripture come Angels then Scripture 63;

Selfishness, ingratitude 64;

Sensibility is sensitivity trying to perceive 66;


s- 59, 66;

s- heart is to engage spirit 70;

Sex Marry for social company not sex 6;

Shadow Perception like shadow 71;

Silent face of disapproval of a wrong is powerful 24;

Society sun symbol of rise, fall, resurrection of society 49, 50;


s- Know this as know own sons 59;

s- Sun connection with son 49;


s- Allah open your soul 45, man confuses with mind ;

s- Birr is purity of soul 65-6;

s- Perfect human desire no wrong in self 44;

s- you confuse mind with soul 44;


s- Allah gave everything 70;

s- from G-d 69;

s- G-d breathe of His spirit 69;

s- heart is to engage spirit 62;

s- is influence in you directing you 70;

s- Jesus a spirit and word from Allah 61;


s- means sensitivity, emotions.58;

s- Faith Spiritual turned on by study begin of life 60;

Spy not 32;

Stoning was never the law in Islam 25-6;

Supper Last Send us from heaven a table set 57;


s- connection with son 49;

s- Sun shall rise in the West last days 59, 60;

s- symbol of G-d inspired man 49;

s- symbol of rise, fall, resurrection of society 49;


Tadhkkarun, think reflect 21;

Taleem Imam teach spirit of what Allah wants for man 28;

Tasbeehah dhikr 50;


t- available to propagators 29;

t- Imam W.D. Mohammad take people to listen 9;

Tasleem end of prayer right then left 53-4, 56;

Think reflect Tadhkkarun]21;


t- Mary no man had touched 71;

t- Qur'an none touch but purified ones 71;




War Enemy don’t mutilate nor plunder 26;


w- Ain, eye Water forms perfect circle 58, 64, 71;

w- makes circle in solid earth 58, 64;

W. D. Mohammed

w- accepts correction and leadership 40;

w- African Americans suppose to be with him 52;

w- Children teach ownership 37;

w- Clara Muhammad last word to her son 18;

w- Criminal invited to help correct their life 52;

w- Dawa in support of Imam W. Deen Mohammed 8;

w- Foreigners some want to break allegiance to the leader 13;

w- G-d taught 49;

w- leaders afraid to support 52

w- this place would be lit up

w- you’re afraid to acknowledge his leadership 49;

w- you don’t know him, you can’t read 48;

w- visited Israel, Jordan 47;


w- Birr is well and eye 65;

w- Birr is purity of soul 65;


w- is darkness 67;

w- Sun shall rise in the West last days 67;

Whole faith made you whole 61;


w- Alcohol spirits 58

w- is spirit of new testament, Bread is doctrine, 57;

Witness two women required one man 14;

Witr Prayer one rakat, two sajdahs sign of end of time 55;


w- G-d gives life like food enlivens body 62;

w- Jesus a spirit and word from Allah 61;


w- Allah hears the woman’s complaint 20;

w- Equality of male and female 14, 19, 21;

w- Men have a degree over woman 14;

w- Men are the maintainers of women 14;

w- Man on welfare has no right of superiority 15;

w- wife submit to husband 15;

w- Witness two women required one man14;

World live in as though you’re a stranger 53;


w- Muslim wrong change with hand, tongue, heart 24;

w- Face Silent face of disapproval of a wrong is powerful 24;

Wudu’ Ablution area light shine 66;





z- connected to ethics 36;

z- Prayer sala, Zakat alludes to purity 34;

Index 12-18-99


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