Shawnee Hills

Village of Shawnee Hills Council Meeting MinutesJanuary 9, 2017Mayor Monahan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.Council in Attendance: Mahesh Dalvi, James Gauldin, Douglas Gil, Dan Mathews, Mike McVan and Josh VidorAlso Present: Fiscal Officer Shirley Roskoski, Administrator Steve DeBolt and Solicitor Brian ZetsMinutesIt was moved by Dalvi, seconded by McVan to approve the minutes of December 12, 2016 with the following amendments: on page 6 in the middle of the page where Mayor Monahan says we have asked the Chamber multiple times to address how they wanted to regulate agreements between businesses. (add this section). On page 8 there is a comma in the middle of the Mayor’s name and on page 13 change the word tenants to tenets. Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea, 6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the motion passed by a 6-0 vote. AgendaIt was moved by Dalvi, seconded by Vidor to approve the agenda. Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea, 6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the motion passed by a 6-0 vote. Election of President Pro-Tempore of CouncilIt was moved by Dalvi, seconded by Vidor to elect Dan Mathews as the President Pro-Tempore of Council. Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea, 6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the motion passed by a 6-0 vote. SolicitorBrian said he finished up working on the trash collection contract. I worked a little bit with Steve and got the trash contract all signed and taken care of. Everything there is good and that’s in place.I also continued looking into the medical marijuana issues. Every month we talk about all the things that are still far off but every month that we talk like that things are getting a little closer. The cultivation rules and the proposed rules have gone out and public comment came back and they changed the proposed rules somewhat. Right now in Ohio even looking at the ideal that there will be twelve what they call level one cultivator sites and twelve level two cultivator sites. Level one cultivator will be twenty five thousand square feet and level two cultivator sites will be six thousand square feet. Those cultivator rules while they haven’t been formally finalized and adopted, that’s probably the form you are going to see with respect to those. The dispensary rules, the draft rules have been pushed out. They are proposing forty dispensary sites throughout Ohio and there is no rule designating where those are going to be in Ohio. The rule is very ambiguous on that. I think we talked before about the possibility that Townships, Cities and Villages can prohibit cultivators, dispensaries, processing centers or you can limit the number of them. I would suggest that we start to take a look at what you really want to do with that because I just worry that we keep clipping along every month saying things are going to happen. These cultivator rules will probably be adopted in the summertime and these other rules are going to roll their way through. All the rules are supposed to be done by September 2017. If you want to prohibit or limit you have to adopt an ordinance. My idea is you start that process, get legislation out there, start the readings, whatever the final form is that is voted on that is something that you can talk about. You have to go through three readings and have that open discussion. Council member Dalvi asked Brian if he had examples that we could look at. Brian said no. Mayor Monahan asked if he could start a draft ordinance. Brian said he thinks the approach is that you can pass an ordinance to prohibit it but you might want to take a look at our current code and make sure that it is also prohibited in your existing codes where applicable. Brian said he will be at the Planning and Zoning meeting on the 24th due to a rezoning application. With respect to food trucks, there was discussion at the last meeting on what other municipalities may or may not do. After the meeting I talked with the other associate in my office who has been helping me with this and we went and took a look at Powell, Gahanna, New Albany, Worthington, Upper Arlington and Dublin and we put together a chart of which was passed out to Council. A couple of things to look at, the City of Gahanna is the only municipality of those I have listed who truly has mobile food vending regulations in there. An interesting thing that was on the chart when I looked at their legislation today, it wasn’t anything that I created because it was actually created in 1982. This is something that Gahanna has had on the books for a long time. Powell only has a mobile ice cream vendor. That legislation dates back to 2005. Same thing with New Albany, they really just have a solicitor and peddlers regulation. They don’t have anything specific with respect to food trucks. That is also from 2005. Worthington has a vehicle food establishment; it’s a very simple statute and dates back to 1976. With respect to the City of Dublin, I know there was great debate, I double checked this again this afternoon before the meeting, and Dublin has no regulations at all that deal with mobile food vending. Village AdministratorThe winter edition of the Village newsletter went out at the end of the calendar year and informed residents about the new trash contract with Rumpke and service starting on February 2.??We also enclosed a copy of the mailer that Rumpke will also be sending to all?residents this month.??I have been informed that some residents have already called Rumpke to register for the service and all residents utilizing residential trash service in the Village should contact Rumpke by February 1st to confirm their current service with Rumpke or register with Rumpke if they are currently using another service.??Rumpke will be providing both a rollout trash and recycling cart to each residence between January 23 and February 1st.??The first day of service will again be Thursday, February 2 which is the same pick-up day for current Rumpke residents in the Village and all pick-ups for trash, recycling, yard waste and recycling will continue to be on Thursdays unless altered due to a holiday.??Both the newsletter and Rumpke mailer provide all information residents need to sign up and take advantage of the lower trash rates that are guaranteed in our 3 year contract with Rumpke.The upgrade of the Village website is nearing completion and will be going live later this month.??The Police Department portion of the site has been completed and we are working on updating and proofing the rest of the site.??I will email the Mayor and Council the final version before we go live for a final review.??The website will be able to be updated as needed.Our Engineer, Chris Tebbe and I are setting up a meeting with Del Co Water regarding our water line project that has been put on hold?to see if we can utilize their competitive pricing options to complete the project?since they buy in bulk. ?Chris also anticipates having?the storm water master plan completed by this spring.We have completed the letter to send out to potential business entities we are hoping to attract to the Village and are finalizing the mailing list with the assistance of Larry Rosen through a Title company.??We hope to get everything to the County Economic Development office by next week for mailing.??I spoke to Jim Danes, who has helped us with grants in the past and currently works for Parks and Recreation for the City of Columbus.??He is continuing to lobby Columbus officials about?potential funding for?our bike path project that would connect Dublin Rd. across the bridge.??Columbus needs to be involved since they?own the bridge. ??A recent article in the Dispatch highlighted the number of bike/pedestrian accidents around Columbus.??Therefore, we are hoping to use a proactive approach in gathering support for this project and are trying to set up a meeting within the next month with representatives from Columbus, Dublin, Delaware county and the Zoo to gather financial support.Mark and Richard have responded to a number of snow/ice events over the last month and there have been no problems in getting salt from the City of Dublin.??After inspecting a few roads, Mark is making arrangements to add some gravel to Canoe, Oneida and Seminole to improve their condition?for the winter.I?am working with a banner company to get?additional sets of seasonal?banners we can place on light poles on Dublin Rd.??Council member Gil asked Steve if he has taken a look at W. Riverview?Drive. It probably needs some gravel also. VisitorsJudy Stephenson said over the past few months I have noticed that it seems as if this body spends an awful lot of time discussing the Village Gazette so I thought I would explain who and what we are. We are a diverse group of residents, six ladies, most of us are in our sixties and seventies and we all have input into what items go into the Village Gazette. We restated our mission statement in the January edition and in part it reads: This is a monthly newspaper published to inform and entertain the residents of Shawnee Hills about items of interest that affect us all and it goes on from there. We have no hidden agenda. I don’t know why everyone seems to want to believe that but we don’t. We believe we have been fair and have received very few negative comments about what has been printed except for what has come from this body. I would hope that in the future Council would chose not to waste it’s time dealing with the Village Gazette because we are not part of the government. We are an independent group of people, residents, not affiliated in any way and we are trying to inform the residents of the activities of the government, sharing a little of the history of our community and the surrounding area and sharing the many positive activities and deeds of our residents. That part I enjoy the most. I know some of what you on the council have read doesn’t make you happy but I also read a lot of things that don’t make me happy. As a matter of fact some of the things that council does doesn’t make me happy but that doesn’t mean I go off and start calling people names and dealing with things in that manner. That is totally unproductive. We have tried to keep our personal opinions out of print and have kept things respectful, I believe. The things that we have put in there in the legislative area are facts that are stated here in this council or at committee meetings and what is printed in the minutes which basically are what you have said in council anyway. However, at the last meeting, one of you called the person who wrote an article ignorant. That was effectively calling six residents, which are your constituents, calling them ignorant and that is the height of being unproductive and you need to understand again, that nothing goes into the Village Gazette unless we approve of it, all of us approve of it, the six of us and that name calling is so totally out of line. So first, and I am not expecting this to actually happen, I am asking for an apology for the name calling and then I am telling you that if you want to add input to the legislative corner or any other piece of the Village Gazette all you have to do is contact us. We will be more than happy to review it but you just have to remember we have to maintain editorial control because we only have so much space in the paper. It would be wonderful if we could print every single thing. If we could print the minutes as they were presented tonight, we don’t have the space to be able to do that. I believe that if we all work together I think everyone is going to benefit from it. Mayor Monahan said I don’t think it’s just been the council that mentioned the displeasure with things said but I would ask you this and it is what I said before, as long as you stick to the facts, I think it’s the absence of facts that has caused the consternation. I think it really gets down to the legislative thing and not putting in the complete story.Judy said I understand what you are saying but as I said we have limited space and I do feel that we make every effort to condense things into a readable form with the space that we are able to allot for that legislative corner. I don’t think that we have been the least bit unfair. What I am talking about is the council even entertaining people coming to this body to complain. It doesn’t belong here.Mayor Monahan said anybody has the right to submit something to say what they want to talk about.Judy said I understand that, just as I did, I get that but I would not be here if we didn’t sit here and listen to people complain over and over again. They don’t complain to us. We have to come to council to hear what’s going on.Mayor Monahan said so nobody ever sent something back to you saying they disagree with what you said.Judy said on the legislative corner I don’t think so. I think there was a correction on the zoo article. A couple of people indicated there was a problem. We got bad information from someone at the zoo but we printed the correction. Council member Mathews said can you print a correction to the finance article.Judy said I don’t see a problem with the finance article.Council member Mathews said you only wrote about half of the facts. Judy said I wrote about the general fund. I told you we have to condense things.Council member Mathews said but that doesn’t mean you only tell half of the facts.Judy said most people, if they were to pick up the Village Gazette and take a look at the financial reports that are presented here at council, they would look at that and their eyes would glaze over. Council member Dalvi said you can and the Gazette can present and write whatever they want. If there is an issue brought up by any resident around the Gazette, it is up to the council to decide to discuss it or not. That is something we will do. It’s up to us to figure that out. Judy said but you are wasting so much time discussing something you don’t control. Councilmember Dalvi said that is not your judgement. Whether we waste our time on discussing this or something else is for our clarification. You may consider it as a waste of time; we think it is about explaining a few things. We cannot stop a resident from coming and talking. Judy said no you can’t.Council member Dalvi said okay so what’s the issue?Judy said you are wasting time by continuingCouncil member Dalvi said I am wasting time right now talking to you.Judy said yes you are.Mayor Monahan said wouldn’t it just be easier to put in a URL to access the minutes. The financial thing I agree, it’s not easy and it’s not the most exciting thing in the world. I think the problem is if you leave out some of the facts it looks like you’re creating a problem.Judy said but we are not doing that, that’s not the purpose and by the way I do believe we have and someone can correct me, I think in every edition or at least in some of the editions we have put the village’s website address in there. Council member Dalvi said here is what I would ask then. Let’s use the taxpayer’s money in a smart way. Let us print out the meeting minutes that we do and stuff it into every resident’s mailbox so that we can have a clarity as to what we are saying. Mayor Monahan said that is why we have a website. Council member Dalvi said do you want us to do that. No. Judy said people won’t read them.Council member Dalvi said exactly, I understand that. At the same time people do not understand completely when you condense something because condensation doesn’t explain all the facts. This is what we have been saying. There is a lot of information I like about the Gazette, the history and everything else but do not tell the council that we are wasting time. That’s all I am asking because we have to discuss things which are relevant to us. There is relevance because there is legislative discussion in that Gazette which we will discuss. Judy said are you going to stop calling people names. Council member Vidor said I would like to address that. We have the minutes here Judy and since I was the one that you are saying was calling names. There are two references to ignorance and I am going to read those sentences. Our duty is not to save as much as possible. But after that the difference between having your own home finances and a village are very different and that is where I think there may be a misunderstanding or ignorance on the part of that article. Didn’t call names. Judy said you did.Council member Vidor said how would you say that by saying there is a misunderstanding or ignorance, how is that calling names.Judy said because you said since there is no misunderstanding it’s obviously ignorance.Council member Dalvi said this is the thing of interpretation of what happens when you write something.Council member Vidor said will you let me finish because there is a second reference. The second sentence that mentions ignorance: I hope that clarified any misunderstanding or ignorance on the part of whoever was inspired to write that article. No name calling, There is no name calling here Judy. Judy said you may say that, that’s fine. I took that very personally. Don’t say that anything that I do is ignorant. Council member Vidor said I call it how it is, it’s the facts. Judy said it was not done out of ignorance.Council member Mathews said then my question is if it’s not ignorance than you chose not to include the carry over amounts in our budget.Judy said no, you wanted us to publish that eight and a half by fourteen piece of paper that has all those tiny little numbers spread out on it. Council member Mathews said no.Council member Dalvi said you know what is funny is we have been here discussing about wasting time and that is exactly what we are doing, wasting time. So let’s not waste any more time, let’s shut it off and move on.Judy said I have said my piece. Trent Iacono, representing S.S. Iacono’s Corporate right here in Shawnee Hills. We have been here for a long while. As far as food trucks go I am not anti-competition. In years past the Village Pizza came into town and I found out that they had wings so I was like we better do something so we decided to add wings to our menu and it is our number one selling appetizer. So I think competition makes you better. I am not against competition but competition is not fair because of different advantages that they have. These food trucks have the advantages of number one- being property tax, they are not paying any. I am paying about twelve thousand annually. Shawnee Hills income tax, I pay that as well and I don’t know if the food trucks will have to pay an income tax on their earnings. Payroll tax I don’t know how that works as well with food trucks. I am paying currently to Shawnee Hills thirteen four a year in payroll tax. I currently have sixteen employees in the 43065 zip code, maybe twenty one in the 43017 zip code area. Additionally I don’t see a food truck providing any jobs. The restaurant provides a lot of first time jobs. It’s not your typical everyone wants to work there; it’s a first time job. It’s a guy or a girl that walks to work, starts there, it’s the Ally Fellure, the Carly Miles, Cole Wilson, they all live here or have. Ryan Groves works for me currently and then obviously my right hand man, Tom Hines who walked here from where he lived, started doing dishes. He is my go to guy. I don’t see these food trucks providing any jobs in the area. Not paying taxes, not paying payroll tax so these are a lot of advantages that they have therefore being able to sell their goods at a much lower cost and it is kind of like a europium, you have this food truck, it’s great and it’s a good price. I have a fixed cost that they do not currently have nor will they have. I also know that my business is regulated by ABR with signage and this and that on what this building is going to look like and how many signs we can have. Are food trucks going to be regulated on how they look, their presentation, what they can say, that’s another unknown. I don’t think they will. I think you get in your truck and it’s in. That’s another thing a food truck doesn’t have to compete with as I do. That is another advantage that they have. Traffic and stuff like that with congestion that is your guy’s area but it is of concern and safety of where these are in the right of way. I grew up here when I was a kid and we always called Shawnee Hills a speed trap. It’s not a speed trap, I thought that when I was a kid. It’s the fact that it’s a busy road and the reason the speed limit is thirty five is because it’s hilly and you can’t see a lot. There’s a ton of blind spots and it is busy so it is thirty five for a reason. This will change traffic patterns and this will cause trucks to be in areas that we are not used to and it just takes one bad accident for this to be a really bad idea. Trent said where I see food trucks currently when I go out and about is at Home Depot, there’s a little sausage truck outside in their parking lot. I see them at the fair and at special events. I see food trucks at my sons Lacrosse tournaments. We are in the middle of a field out in nowheresville and there are food trucks there but where I don’t see them is next to brick and mortar restaurants. If you guys can show me where you are seeing a food truck next to J. Liu or a food truck here and there next to a restaurant, I don’t see that.Council member Dalvi said I agree with you to a point but I just have two questions. One as a businessman I want to ask you: Let’s say you want to expand your business and knowing that this whole mobile food is a trend and you have an opportunity to take Iacono’s and sell it in one of the areas where you probably won’t have this brick and mortar building. I would assume that you would do that correct in the sense that like any other business person, it’s an expansion of business, it’s an out to market, as we call it in business, different than what you traditionally do. It’s like the internet happened, it’s a normal progression of how business models evolved whether we like it or not. Amazon sells everything; we can’t stop Amazon from shipping stuff to us for every business person, that’s one perspective. The other thing is, what is your position, you mention that it is okay to have food trucks but not next to a business. I am just trying to understand the positioning because it is important to understand where you are coming from and what you are arguing or what your position is.Trent said I don’t think food trucks belong in the village. I think it should be a special event and like a said I see them at a Lacrosse tournament which is a wide open field. I see them at Home Depot right inside their parking lot. I don’t see them next to restaurants and towns.Council member McVan said they have them in Powell every Friday and Saturday right across from Old Bag of Nails. It’s not the same one every week.Trent asked if there were limitations on how many they can have. Council member McVan said I don’t know. Trent said there are a lot of unknowns here. I don’t know how many food trucks are going to be allowed. I don’t when there is going to be a pizza truck next, what’s to stop that. What’s to stop Hella’s from putting a pizza truck out there at night. Mayor Monahan said one of the reasons I asked Brian to do this is so that we could see what other people did. I believe and I have stated this many times and I will read it out in my report: I don’t believe it is ours to regulate business as much as it is to set the fees and also the safety aspect. The reason I went back to the Chamber and I realize the Chamber is not in the business of forming laws is to come back with an agreement. I had hoped to have seen something to the effect that perhaps we wouldn’t have no more than two at any given time and it wouldn’t be in direct competition with another restaurant. I do think it’s an excellent way to try something else. Trent said can we regulate who, can we discriminate and say we are not allowed to have a taco truck or we are not allowed a pizza truck.Councilmember Vidor said it’s illegal.Trent said exactly.Mayor Monahan said regulating the commerce; I don’t think that is our job. This is good input for us.Trent said for him, as a business owner, it’s an unknown of what is coming next. This is an open can of worms. I don’t know what is around the corner and there are a lot of business owners here. Does Strader’s want to see a Christmas tree lot, or someone brings in a little cart and sells cantaloupe. Steve Smith, Keller Williams Realtor, has an office here in the village. To comment on your comment about test models and growing your business. The best example I can think of, I spent thirty years in the food distribution business before I got into real estate. Schmidt’s Sausage House is the best example I can think of. They had a little catering business and they always kind of went out and now they have big venues like the Octoberfest down at the fairgrounds but they also do like the Parade of Homes, but they tried to grow their business outside their village of German Village and failed miserably on two different occasions. They went out of business at both places. My thought process on having a rib truck, love to see a seafood restaurant, brick and mortar, in the village. I think it’s going to scare off opportunities for brick and mortar if there is a rib truck. If I am in the commercial market and I am Cameron Mitchell or some chain venue that is going to come into town and they have three days to pick a location and they come into the village on a Wednesday night and there two or three food trucks it could hamper a major opportunity for the village to have something of a better venue than on one or two nights a week. Steve said I am here to comment on the Chamber’s official position on food trucks. We are all here tonight because we work in the village or live in the village and we love the Village of Shawnee Hills. I have a real estate office here because I care about the village and I hope at the end of the night, because we are not all going to agree, rarely do, but it’s an important topic and I think it shapes the future of the village down the road for bigger opportunities and basically what brings in all that tax money and RITA money, is a brick and mortar building. I couldn’t imagine what Wendy’s International would do if somebody parked a taco truck in that parking lot on a noon hour down by Wendy’s. I think there would be all kinds of problems. The Chamber is here to support all the businesses in the village and we do want to see them succeed. We want to bring more value to the businesses and we want to focus on the new restaurants and the new businesses here in town. We don’t have the authority to enforce any guidelines. Brick and mortar is the cornerstone of this village and really any industry. You don’t have to look too far to see in the paper the last few days that Macy’s, Sears, Limited Brands, are all closing major stores. That is the result of competition that Amazon and online shopping has put together. This is an example of what could happen if something got out of hand in the village here with regards to food truck in my opinion. A consumer only has so many food dollars that they are going to go out and spend a week at the grocery store and to dine out so basically if they are going down Dublin Road and they get lured away for any food truck that’s forty or fifty dollars that one of our restauranteurs do not get and it goes right down the street with the food truck. Those are things that Council and the Chamber have considered when we lay out our thoughts. You see food trucks every day in Dublin but they are usually in front of an office building of eight hundred people, like Ohio Health, Cardinal, big office buildings where people only have thirty minutes to eat lunch. We just don’t have that. I think looking at the legislation we are talking about enacting, it kind of mirrors the City of Columbus and we should have our own position on that. The Chamber feels like there is no reason to have food trucks in the village on a day to day basis. I think there are always going to be exceptions. Would I like to see a rib guy working out of the ice cream shop and eventually serving ribs and have a sit down rib place, absolutely, I love eating. I don’t drink so I can’t support the wine bar down at the end of my porch. I try to push as many people there as I possibly can. Would I love to see them serving food, absolutely, grilling out on their patio. I think it needs to be an extension of that business, like you were talking about, and grow it from there.Council member Dalvi said I am curious about your comment. I am curious about the fact that you are saying that a presence of a food truck would actually impede a new business from considering Shawnee Hills. Can you expand on that?Steve said I think most restauranteurs of a sit down nature, a Mexican restaurant or a steak place, are going to look at why are they letting a food truck so close to my brick and mortar building. If somebody in the strip mall across the street from Jimmy V’s put in a food truck flipping hamburgers or something along those lines I think it could adversely affect that restaurant.Council member Dalvi said so is the argument is that it is too close to a brick and mortar restaurant or is the argument that we don’t want it at all because the village profile doesn’t fit that.Steve said I think it’s because the village profile doesn’t fit it. You are so close to seeing every restaurant in the village with your eyesight. I just don’t see a good safe spot. Basically every one that owns property along the street can have a food truck every single day.Council member McVan said with that logic though anywhere in America where you drive you see a McDonalds next to a Burger King, next to a Wendy’s. It’s competition. Trent said they have all the same costs. Council member McVan said I understand but they are in business the same amount of hours When you are only in business for four hours every month, it’s not apples to apples. It’s a completely different ball game. There are all good reasons behind this but if I am Cameron Mitchell I am not going to be concerned with a food truck sitting there for four hours.Steve said I think if you start a business in the village you shouldn’t need a food truck to maintain your business. It’s not a very good business plan. Council member McVan said that money is not going to that business, She is not making money off of it besides customers coming in to get some ice cream after they eat Ribman. She is simply allowing him on her property for a couple of hours every month.Steve said his personal opinion is that he does not think that benefits the village at all. Council member McVan said that business draws people in from other areas and they see other businesses that are here. I don’t think it is a horrible thing. Obviously not everyone is going to see eye to eye on this, I get that but there are different takes on the whole thing.Council member Dalvi asked if the village were to designate a certain day of the week as a food truck day and designate a certain area that was away from the business area of Shawnee Hills what would your view be.Steve said they do that over on Industrial Parkway because there is a lot of industrial areas where there is nowhere to eat and that is a perfect place for that. I am just fearful if one comes, then there are two, then there’s three to five, then it gets out of hand and you see people closing up shop. CommunicationsMayor Monahan gave the following report:I have reached out to Jimmy of Jimmy Vs to see what the progress is and when on the restaurant. He responded to me on Christmas Day letting me know he is working on getting the beer and wine license. He says and I quote” I plan to open when the weather breaks”!Tonight, we have the 2nd reading of Ordinance 30-2016 Mobile Food trucks. Over the past 8 plus months we have asked the Chamber (May 9th, Jun 27, Jul 11 and Nov 14) to discuss with the businesses what would be reasonable between themselves concerning Food trucks. It is the desire to establish a fair approach.I do know back in the summer the Ribman was considering opening a store in the location where the Hair Loft had leftAs we have stated many times it is not the job of the Village to regulate commerce except when it comes to the prohibiting of businesses such as Adult bookstores, strip joints, etc.Our job is to regulate the licensing and the safety aspects.We, Steve, Bob Lamb of Delaware County, Dan, myself and a few of the good local business and property owners have been hard at work on economic development to attract new businesses with a heavy emphasis on Medical Professionals.There have been some interesting communications and heavily positive from residents. I love and patronize our local businesses and fully encourage others to do so. Here is a quote from a resident that followed last Thursday’s Council mtg.Quote from resident:I am not someone that ever writes posts on social media unless I feel something important needs to be said. Well something important needs to be said, said about our local businesses in this village. We have great businesses that have been here for years, years before I moved here and even knew Shawnee hills existed. My grandmother and great aunt were locals in the summer at the yacht club, my grandmother is 92yrs. We moved here two years ago, and decided to invest in this community by building a home here and buying as much as possible from the local farm market and take all our friends and family as much as they could stand to the couple of restaurants we have open. That being said how as a village are we going to keep our village growing if local businesses are not supporting new local businesses. A chamber meeting was held tonight at Cedarbrook nursery to find a way to block food trucks from coming into businesses in the village that do not serve food. I think the chamber needs to understand that as a resident that follows food trucks into communities I would have never gone in before does nothing but HELP ALL the local businesses. A pizza shop is not going out of business by a pita truck or BBQ. I do know that if the longtime local businesses do not work with the new local businesses they will no longer have locals bringing friends family and positive business to our village. We supported a long-time business owner who ran into issues with property upkeep so I think we can help support new businesses by thinking about ways to bring people in. Research has shown that people follow the food trucks. People will come from Powell or Delaware could come to the village for a food truck, then they could leave and buy a cigar at the cigar shop and grab a beer at the bar at Iacono’s is not a negative. Myself and several other residents will be at the council meeting to voice our opinions on the Chambers attempt to block a positive change to this village. We are here to shop local eat local and support all local businesses new or established.My Statement:As I stated earlier I love and use our local businesses and since we as a Village do not regulate commerce I hope the Chamber and local businesses that don’t belong to the Chamber can come to reasonable and respectful inclusive not exclusive positions on this.Steve Smith asked if he could respond to that. He said that was an Executive Meeting. People that had food trucks or considering moving food trucks in were invited to the meeting because it affects them directly. That was a meeting to kind of decide our position. Not an open meeting.Steve said absolutely I think a food truck would be a welcome addition if somebody was working on a build out or a new location to get started three to six months earlier. Mayor Monahan said he was at the Village Wine Shop the other night. It is a wonderful place.Mayor’s ReportMayor Monahan gave the following report:DECEMBER 2016 MAYOR’S COURT REPORTReceipts $2,502.00 Total receipts Disbursements $ 519.00 Treasurer, State of Ohio $18.00 HB 562 IDAT Fund $1,825.00 General Fund $140.00 Computer FundErik Spaulding ,Mayor’s Court Clerk State of the Village:The state of the Village is very good! I am extremely proud of what good people working together with your support have and can accomplish.Due to Sound, financial practices we ended 2016 with $196,000.00 in unencumbered funds in our General Fund. We are not a bank and we owe you good services for your hard-earned tax money. In 2016 we spent $165,000.00 on the street pavement project.We hired a 4th full time Police Officer. This is in addition to our 4 to 6-part time and 12 to 15 Auxiliary officers.Paid down early $154,000.00 on our sewer system loan (from year 2000). This allowed us to refinance the loan that will save the Village over $270,000.00 in interest over the life of the loan and will result in a $4 + dollar reduction in your monthly sewer bill.We negotiated the trash and recycling service for the Village resulting in approximately a $9. Reduction in residents monthly billing. This was accomplished while extending at no additional cost a recycling program to all residents.Built a pavilion in our Memorial park for your use = $22,000.00In resolving a business code violation that resulted in the flooding of Glick Rd during heavy storms we spent $15,000.00 on re-directing the drainage once the business had rectified their part.Safety is always our number 1 priority!We have equipped our Police with body cameras and upgraded our cruiser dash cams. This protects both you and our Police. This upgrade cost $37,000.00We had backup generators installed on both the Municipal building. and the Police building. We are now working on the plan to use the Municipal building as a heating and cooling center in the event of extended power loss to our residents.We took delivery of a new replacement Police cruiser while reducing our monthly lease and providing the vehicle warranty.I do want to thank all the people, Council, Administration, Boards, and Committees who with the strong support of our good residents and businesses helped make 2016 a great success!There will be a Planning and Zoning meeting on Tuesday Jan 24th at 6:30 PM. P&Z will hear two requests for zoning changes for the property at the NE corner of Glick Rd and Shawnee Trail (across from the Bogey). The second will be for the Priestino property just North of Strader’s on the W side of Dublin Rd.The Architectural Board of Review will have a hearing on a Certificate of appropriateness for the Iacono’s renovation.The meeting date is January 19, 2017 at 7pm.I do want to thank Steve DeBolt and the Economic Development effort he has headed over the past 9 months. Working with Bob Lamb the Economic Director for Delaware County and a good team we are working to encourage new businesses coming to our Village.Pro Tem ReportPro Tem Mathews said he has some housekeeping to do with this being the beginning of the year. I am going to paraphrase a lot of it because I didn’t go to law school and I don’t know what a lot of the words mean in here so: Under Conduct of Discussion – in an effort to kind of expedite meetings. Obviously Pat is the Presiding Officer, When an ordinance, resolution or motion is before council an adequate opportunity shall be provided for all members of council to be heard. No member or person shall be permitted to speak longer than five minutes at any one time. No member or person shall be permitted to speak more than two times for or against the proposition under consideration. While members may yield to other members the limitation set forth in subsection ( 2) A and B hereof shall prevail. No member or person shall be permitted the second time until all members have been heard at least once or a member who has not been heard whishes is the floor. Pro Tem Mathews said basically this comes down to Pat calling on you. The other item as we have provided slips to fill out for any visitors with questions and then if there is any sort of discussion to have we also have a section for miscellaneous business at the end of the meeting. This is just an effort to keep the meeting moving along. Legislative ActionsSecond Reading- Ordinance 30-2016- An Ordinance creating, establishing and adopting Chapter 769 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Shawnee Hills, (Mobile Food Vending).Second Reading- Resolution 22-2016- A Resolution to increase the rate of pay for Jeremy Amick, Police Officer for the Village of Shawnee HillsSecond Reading- Resolution 23-2016- A Resolution to increase the rate of pay for Corey Black, Police Officer for the Village of Shawnee HillsSecond Reading- Resolution 26-2016- A Resolution to increase the rate of pay for Rexford Waldenmyer, Police Officer for the Village of Shawnee Hills. Chief Baron said that Rex had to resign his part time position with us because of his retirement. He can’t pay into OPERS so we are exploring other options. It was moved by Mathews, seconded by Vidor to table Resolution 26-2016. Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea,6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the motion passed by a 6-0 vote.First Reading- Resolution 01-2017- A Resolution to hire Isaac Wiles as a contractual employee for the Village of Shawnee Hills. BillsIt was moved by McVan, seconded by Mathews to approve the bills in the amount of $70,303.35. Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea, 6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the motion passed by a 6-0 vote. Treasurer’s ReportIt was moved by McVan, seconded by Gauldin to approve the following treasurer’s report:General243,774.78Fire 94,032.50Street107,110.34Weed 7,262.42State Highway 13,964.09TIF 9,337.00Parks and Recreation 2,888.87TIF 2 12,578.54PD Body Armor 94.43Veteran’s Mem. 98.97Cont. Prof. Training 4,610.00Sewer Oper. 57,773.47Drug Law Enf. 24.56 Sewer Repl.181,000.00Indigent Drivers 385.84Storm Sewer 4,642.45Enfct. and Education 1,125.85Debt Service 120,726.80Court Computer 5,043.37For a total of $866,474.28Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea, 6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the motion passed by a 6-0 vote.AdjournmentThere being no further business, it was moved by Dalvi, seconded by McVan to adjourn until January 23, 2017. Following vote on the motion is recorded: yea, 6; Dalvi, Gauldin, Gil, Mathews, McVan and Vidor. Nay, none. Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m._____________________________________ ___________________________________Fiscal OfficerMayor ................

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