DRAFT Evaluation Policy Comparison NEOLA ODE …

What does the Law Require?NEOLA PolicyODE Model PolicyOSBA Model PolicyGeneral ProvisionThe Board of Education through the powers derived from the Ohio Revised Code, is responsible for the employment and discharge of all personnel. To assist in the facilitation of this responsibility, a standards-based teacher evaluation program which conforms to the framework for evaluation of teachers as approved by the State Board of Education shall be implemented as set forth herein.(included: page 1)Purpose of the program of providing staff assistance is specified:Improve the quality of instructionImprove student learningStrengthen professional competenceInform employment decisions (retention, promotion, and removal)(included: page 4)The Board of Education…adopts the following teacher evaluation policy in accordance with the standards –based statewide teacher evaluation framework adopted by the State Board of Education in November 2011. The Board acknowledges that this teacher evaluation policy aligns with the Standards for the Teaching Profession as set forth in State Law.(included: page 1)A determination of the efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching staff is a critical factor in the overall operation of the District. The Board evaluates teachers in accordance with state law and the standards-based statewide teacher evaluation framework adopted by the State Board of Education.(included: page 1)§3319.111 – When does policy have to be in place?By July 1, 2013, the board of education of each school district, in consultation with teachers employed by the board, must adopt a standards-based teacher evaluation policy that conforms with the ODE framework for evaluation of teachers developed under section 3319.112 of the Revised Code. The requirements of the Ohio revised Code prevail over any conflicting bargaining agreement entered into on or after September 21,2012.See Drafting note…first page (not included)The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to implement this policy in accordance with State Law. The requirements of this policy prevail over any conflicting provisions of collective bargaining agreements entered into on or after September 24, 2012.(included: first page, second paragraph)The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to implement this policy in accordance with State Law. The requirements of this policy prevail over any conflicting provisions of collective bargaining agreements entered into on or after September 24, 2012.(included: first page, second paragraph)§3319.111 – To whom does the law apply?… to any person who is employed under a teacher license issued under this chapter, or under a professional or permanent teacher’s certificate issued under former section 3319.222 of the Revised Code, and who spends at least fifty per cent of the time employed providing student instruction.?“Each Teacher”(Specific definition of “Each Teacher”: not included)Definition of “Teacher”This policy applies to District employees who meet one of the following categories:1-4(included)“The Board evaluates teachers in accordance with State law and standards-based statewide teacher evaluation framework adopted by the State Board of Education.”(Specific definition of “Each Teacher”: not included)§3319.111 – To whom does the law not apply?Substitute teachersTeachers spending <50% of the time employed providing student instruction. (included: last page last paragraph)This policy does not apply to the Superintendent, administrators, teacher supplemental contracts, or teachers employed as substitutes or any person employed under a teacher license/certificate that spends less than 50% providing student instruction.(included: first page last paragraph)This policy does not apply to the Superintendent, assistant superintendent(s), business manager, treasurer or “other administrator” as defined by ORC 3319.02 . This policy also does not apply to substitute teachers. (included: first page third paragraph)Notwithstanding Ohio Revised Code section 3319.09…This teacher evaluation policy does not apply to substitute teachers.§3319.111 (A) - ... in consultation with teachers employed by the board This policy must be developed in consultation with teachers employed by the Board….(included; Drafting Note: page 1)This policy has been developed in consultation with teachers employed by the Board. ( included at various points of the policy: Page 2, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7)This policy has been developed in consultation with teachers employed by the Board. (not included)§3319.112 – (B)(1)(a-d)Assigns a rating of:AccomplishedProficientDevelopingIneffective(Included: page 4: 3rd Paragraph)In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3319(B)(1), the following levels of performance for teachers will be utilized in assigning ratings for evaluations: Accomplished, Proficient, Developing, Ineffective.Note…50% split defined beginning page one.(included: second page first paragraph)Each evaluation will result in an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished”, “Proficient”, “Developing”, or “ Ineffective”. An effectiveness rating is based on the following two categories: 1) Teacher Performance; and 2) Students Growth Measures. Fifty percent of the evaluation will be attributed to teacher performance and fifty-percent will be attributed to multiple measures of student growth.(included: first page 5th paragraph)Teachers are assigned an effectiveness rating of Accomplished, Proficient, Developing or Ineffective. This rating will be determined based on 50% teacher performance and 50% student growth measures. Student growth will be determined through multiple measures.§3319.111 (G) Mandatory ReportingBoard must report annually the number of teachers for whom evaluation was conducted.The Board must report the aggregated data on the number of teachers at each designation.The Board must aggregate the data by the teacher preparation program from which and the years in which the teachers graduated. Note: The department shall establish guidelines for reporting the information required by this division. The guidelines shall not permit or require that the name of, or any other personally identifiable information about, any teacher be reported under this division.Included: page 4, fourth paragraph.The Superintendent shall annually cause to be filed a report to the department of education the number of teachers for whom an evaluation was conducted as well as the number of teachers assigned each rating as set forth above aggregated by teacher preparation programs from which and the years in which the teachers graduated.Included; page 3 last paragraph.Data from these multiple measures will be scored on five levels in accordance with ODE guidance and converted to a score in one of the three levels of student growth: 1) “Above”; 2) “Expected”; and 3) “Below”.Included; page 2 second paragraph....Data from Board-determined multiple measures will be converted to a score of: (1) Above, (2) Expected or (3) Below student growth levels.§3319.112 (E)By June 30, 2013, each state agency that employs teachers shall adopt a standards based teacher evaluation policy that conforms to the OTES framework.(Included: DRAFTING NOTE: This policy must be adopted “in consultation with teachers employed by the board” and shall become operative at the expiration of any collective bargaining agreement covering teachers employed by the Board that is in effect on September 29, 2011 and shall be included in any renewal or extension of such an agreement.(Included page 2: 5th paragraph)The Superintendent/designee shall select or develop, in consultation with teachers, evaluation tools to be used in calculating the Teacher Performance fifty-percent (50%),….(In part: page 1: last paragraph)The Superintendent/designee selects/develops evaluation tools to calculate teacher performance. The Board directs the Superintendent/designee to develop procedures for these evaluation tools.Student Growth CalculationsShall include student academic growth component linked to value-added when available and in accordance to §3319.112.When value –added measurers prescribed under §3302.021 are not available other assessments under division (B)(2) of §3319.112 will be used to determine student growth.Must provide for measures of student academic growth for grade levels and subjects where the value-added dimensions don’t apply (i.e. – Category B and Category C teachers).Included Page 1: (A) Student Growth Measures (50%)( ) Student academic growth will be measured through the inclusion of value-added scores where value-added scores are available from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE)( ) The District may administer assessment chosen from the Ohio Department of Education’s assessment list for teachers of subjects where value-added scores are not available and/or local measures of student growth using state-designed criteria and guidance.Included page 3: For the purposes of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), “student growth” means the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time. This component of the evaluation includes some combination of the following: 1) Teacher-level Value –Added Data; 2) ODE-Approved Assessments; and/or 3) Locally-determined Measures.EACH SPECIFICALLY DEFINED.Included page 2: 1st Paragraph: For the purposes this policy student growth means the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time. Student growth is evaluated by a combination of: (1) Value-added data: (2) ODE approved assessments and/or (3) Board determined measures. When available, value-added data shall be included in the multiple measures used to evaluate student growth.Students with 60 or more unexcused absences shall be excluded from growth measure calculation.Included; page 1, last paragraph.In calculating student academic growth for an evaluation, a student shall not be included if the student has sixty or more unexcused absences for the school year.Included; page 3 sixth paragraph.In calculation for student academic growth, a student who has sixty or more excused and/or unexcused absences for the school year will not be included.Included; page 2 second paragraph.Students with 60 or more unexcused absences for the school year will not be included in the calculation of student academic growth. Student Growth CalculationNOTE: HB Am. Sub H.B. 555 pages 41-42 Teacher EvaluationsUnder continuing law enacted by Am. Sub. S.B. 316 of the 129th General Assembly, all school districts and educational service centers, and all community schools and STEM schools that receive federal Race to the Top grant funds, must adopt a standards-based teacher evaluation system that conforms to the standards-based state framework developed by the State Board of Education. The evaluation system must provide for multiple evaluation factors, including student academic growth, which must account for 50% of each evaluation.The bill also requires that when applicable to the grade or subject area taught by a teacher, the value-added progress dimension or alternative academic progress measure, if adopted, must be used in the student academic growth portion of an evaluation in proportion to the part of a teacher’s schedule of courses or subjects for which the value-added progress dimension is applicable. On the other hand, if a teacher’s schedule is comprised of only courses or subjects for which the value-added progress dimension is applicable, (1) until June 30, 2014, the majority of the student academic growth factor of the evaluation must be based on the value-added progress dimension, and (2) on or after July 1, 2014, the entire student academic growth factor of the evaluation must be based on the value-added progress dimension.§3319.111 (C)(1) Timeline(included; page 2; 3rd paragraph)Each teacher shall be evaluated at least once each school year, except as otherwise provided by statute and this policy. The evaluation will be completed by May 1st and each teacher will be provided a written report of the results of his/her evaluation by May 10th.(included; page 4; first paragraph)District administrators shall conduct an evaluation of each teacher subject to this policy at least annually. Each evaluation shall include….All teacher evaluations shall be completed by the first day of May and each teacher subject to this policy shall be provided with a written copy of the evaluation results by the 10 day of May.(included; page 2; seventh paragraph)All teacher evaluations are completed by May 1. Teacher evaluated under this policy are provided with a written copy of their evaluation results by May 10.Evaluation Timeline:Requires written report reflecting the results of the teacher’s evaluation.Evaluation must be completed by 5/1 and written report to teacher by 5/10.Each teacher will be evaluated at least 1x per school year except as provided in §3319.111 (C)(2).§3319.111 (C)(2) – Board may allow for biennial evaluations for teachers rated as accomplished.Requires at least 2 formal evaluations of at least 30 minutes each and classroom walk-throughsThe board shall require 3 formal evaluations of each teacher under consideration for nonrenewal and working under limited or extended limited contract.Included pages 2 – 3 3319.111(E)(1)The Board shall require at least three formal observations of each teacher who is under consideration for nonrenewal and with whom the board has entered into a limited contract or an extended limited contract under section 3319.11 of the Revised Code.Included page 4Included pages 2 - 3§3319.111 (C)(2) (included; page 3: second and third paragraphs)Observations of Teachers Receiving a Rating of “Accomplished”The Board may elect, by adoption of a resolution, to require only one formal observation of a teacher who received a rating of “accomplished” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation conducted under this policy, provided that the teacher completes a project that has been approved by the Board to demonstrate that teacher’s continued growth and practice at the “accomplished” level.“Accomplished Rated Teacher – Option for Biennial EvaluationThe Board may elect, by adoption of a resolution, to evaluate each teacher who received a rating of accomplished on the teacher’s most recent evaluation, conducted in accordance with this policy, once every two school years. In that case, the biennial evaluation shall be completed by the first day of May of the applicable school year, and the teacher shall receive a written report of the results of the evaluation by the tenth day of May of that school year. (included; page 4)Select one of the following options:The Board elects to evaluate annually a teacher receiving an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation.OrThe Board elects to evaluate a teacher receiving an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation conducted pursuant to this policy once every two years. Any biennial evaluation conducted under this provision must be completed by the first day of May, and the teacher shall be provided with a written copy of the evaluation results by the tenth day of May.OrThe Board elects to evaluate a teacher receiving an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished” on the teachers most recent evaluation conducted pursuant to this policy, via one formal observation provided the teacher completes a project that has been approved by the Board to demonstrate the teacher’s continued growth and practice at the Accomplished level. The teacher must submit a proposed project to the Superintendent no later than __________, for the Superintendent to obtain the necessary Board approval.(included; page 2; last paragraph)(Permissive – add if want to evaluate Accomplished teachers biennially.)The Board evaluates teachers receiving effectiveness ratings of accomplished on those teacher’s most recent evaluations carried out under this policy every two years. Biennial evaluations conducted under this policy are completed by May 1 of the evaluation year. Teachers evaluated on a biennial basis are provided a written copy of their evaluation results by May 10 of the evaluation year.Credentialed Evaluators:Evaluators must be credentialed by ODE and can include the following:Under contract with board and hold superintendent, asst. superintendent, or principal license.Under contract with board and hold vocational director, administrative specialist, or supervisor license.A person designated to conduct evaluations under agreement entered into by the boardA person designated to conduct evaluations under agreement for peer review entered into by board and representatives of teachers employed by board.A person employed by an entity contracted by the board (i.e. ESC) and having proper license.Not Included(Included page 5: first paragraph)The Board will adopt a list of approved credentialed evaluators. Each teacher evaluation conducted under this policy shall be conducted by a person: 1) who is eligible to be an evaluator in accordance with ORC 3399.111(D); and 2) who holds a credential established by ODE for being an evaluator. Every evaluator must complete state-sponsored evaluation training and is required to pass an online credentialing assessment.Included page 1Evaluations carried out under this policy are conducted by persons holding evaluator credentials established by the Ohio Department of Education. Evaluators must complete state-sponsored evaluation training and pass the online credentialing assessment. The Board adopts a list of approved credentialed evaluators chosen from the Ohio Department of Education’s list.3319.112 (1) Professional Growth and Improvement Plans3319.112 (8) Provides for PD to accelerate and continue teacher growthIncluded: page 4The staff evaluation program shall aim at the early identification of specific areas in which the individual professional staff member needs help so that appropriate assistance may be provided or arranged for. An evaluator offering suggestions for improvement to a professional staff member shall not release that professional staff member from the responsibility to improve.Included: page 5 [Note – The State Board of Education adopted statewide evaluation framework requires boards of education to require professional growth and improvement plans for teachers depending on meeting student growth levels. The structure and components of each plan are a local decision that needs to be made by the Board, in consultation with teachers.Professional Growth and Improvement PlansSee page 5Included: page 2Teachers meeting above-expected levels of student growth must develop professional growth plans and choose their credentialed evaluators from the Board-approved evaluator list.Teachers meeting expected levels of student growth must develop professional growth plans and choose their credentialed evaluators from the Board-approved evaluator list.Teachers meeting below-expected levels of student growth must develop an improvement plan with their credentialed evaluators. The Superintendent/designee assigns credentialed evaluators to teachers meeting below-expected levels of student growth.§3319.58 – Retesting teachersCore subject area matches 3391.074 and means reading and English language arts, mathematics, science, foreign language, government, economics, fine arts, history, and geography.Starting in 2015-2016 (i.e. – 2 years of evaluations under new OTES framework), core area teachers rated as ineffective for 2 of 3 most recent evaluations must register for and take content knowledge examinations.Teachers that are required to take core content knowledge exam and who provide their employer proof of passage shall complete PD plan targeting areas identified as weak in evaluations. PD shall be at the teacher’s expense.If next evaluation after PD is ineffective or if teacher fails to complete PD this shall be grounds for termination.No decision to terminate or not to renew a teacher’s employment contract shall be made solely on the basis of the results of a teacher’s examination until teacher has not attained passing score on same exam in three consecutive administrations. (included; page 5)Effective with the 2015-16 school year, each teacher in a core subject area who has received a rating of “ineffective” on the evaluations conducted under the law and this policy for two of the three most recent school years must register for and take all written examinations of content knowledge selected by the department of education to determine expertise to teach that core subject area and the grade level which the teacher is assigned.If a teacher who takes the examination set forth above passes that examination and provides proof to the Board of same shall be required, at his/her expense, to complete professional development that is target to the deficiencies identified in the teacher’s evaluations conducted in accordance with law and this policy. The receipt by the teacher of a rating of “ineffective” on the teacher’s next evaluation after completion of professional development or the failure of the teacher to complete professional development shall be grounds for termination of the teacher under Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.16.If a teacher passes the examination set forth above and provides proof of passage to the Board, he/she will not be required to take such examinations again for three years, regardless of the teacher’s evaluation ratings or the performance index score ranking of the building in which the teacher teaches. No teacher shall be responsible for the cost of taking an examination as set forth above. (included page 6)Testing for Teachers in Core Subject AreasBeginning with the 2015-16 school year, teachers who teach in a “core subject area” are required to register for and take all written examinations of content knowledge selected by ODE if the teacher has received an effectiveness rating or “Ineffective” on evaluations for two of the three most recent school years. “Core subject area” means reading and English language arts, mathematics, science, foreign language, government, economics, fine arts, history and geography.(included page 3)Testing for Ineffective Teachers in Core SubjectsBeginning with the 2015-16 school year, teachers of core subject areas, as defined by State law, who have received a rating of Ineffective for two of the three most recent school years must register for and take all written examinations of content knowledge selected by the Ohio Department of Education.§3319.111 (E)The board shall have procedures (i.e. administrative guidelines) for using the evaluation results for retention and promotion decisions and for the removal of poorly performing teachers. Not IncludedIncluded page 6[Note §3319.111 (E) requires boards of education to include in its teacher evaluation policy procedures for using the evaluation in making retention and promotion decisions. This is a local decision that needs to be made by the Board, in consultation with District administrators and teachers. You will need to insert your procedures in the policy here (or in a Board Regulation or Procedure incorporated herein.)Included page 3The Board uses evaluation results for retention and promotion decisions. The Board adopts procedures for use by district administrators in making retention and promotion decisions based on evaluation results.§3319.111 – Policy stipulationsSeniority shall not be a basis for a decision to retain a teacher, except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations.The requirements of 3319.111 shall prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into after 9/24/2012.Included; page 4, last paragraph.Seniority shall not be the basis for a decision to retain a teacher, except when making a decision between teachers with comparable evaluations. Included; page 6, 4th paragraph.Seniority shall not be the basis for making retention decisions, except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations. Included; page 3, 4th paragraph.Seniority shall not be the basis for making retention decisions, except when choosing between teachers who have comparable evaluations. §3319.112 (A)(8) – Evaluation frameworkProvides for PD to support poorly performing teachersProvides for the allocation of financial resources to support professional developmentIncluded: page 2: 4th paragraph.Each written report of the results of an evaluation in which the administrator includes specific recommendations regarding improvements needed in the performance of the teacher shall also include the means by which the teacher may obtain assistance in making such improvements.Implied in Professional Growth and Improvement Plans: page 5Included: page 3, last paragraph.The Board allocates financial resources to support professional development in compliance with State law and the State Board of Education evaluation framework.State board shall provide technical assistance to districts in creating evaluation policies (i.e. – ODE’s model policy).State board will serve as clearinghouse of promising evaluation procedures and evaluation models. ................

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