Wright State University

Stakeholder SummitThe Wright Path to 2025 Day 2 March 21, 2018Strengths On the second day of the summit the participants were asked to reflect on strategic strengths of the university and as a table agree on two. Each table then reported out on the strengths they identified and those strengths were placed on the wall for visual representation. Some overlapped with and connect to each other as depicted in the picture below with the red string connecting the strengths. The strengths ultimately fell into six themes: National recognitionCommunity engagementCulture/peopleResource optimizationSupportive customer serviceAccessibility/flexibility. National Recognition (Academics, Research, Expertise, and Programs)Nationally recognized programs/faculty and researchWe can bring the best to our students and the regionHigh level of professional expertise: commitment to excellence across units to steward students and othersHigh level achievement – achievements of students and programs in regards to their rankings, pass rates, and external recognition National Excellence National recognition of setting the standardExamples: Model UNA, CoLA initiative to “change the world” and realignment of engineering curriculum to set new national standard Unique research opportunities: AFRL, Lake Campus, Calamityville, WSRI- colocation of resources Interdisciplinary Programs, Relationships and Research Collaboration in all aspectsLeverage alumniInnovation through experiential learningProviding students with opportunities in the community through practical application of their educational experiences Research/Innovation- global research for all students with local impact throughout the universityEx. 2 videos shownExperiential learning: for all required- provide students with opportunities to gain educational experiences outside the classroom Ex. 2 videos shownFacilitiesLibrary resources for student successResearch laboratoriesUnique facilities like Soin trading center in RSCOBKnowledgeable subject matter experts Ex. Foundation: success of rise shineCECS- national researchers and recognized teachers High quality academic programsNational accreditationsHigh caliber facultyStrong student outcomesAlumni achievements Academic support structuresFacilities that foster innovative learningStudent Success Grad and passage rates athletics 3.0Nursing school 100% passageSOPP 100% job placement SOPPOnly Psych Dept. at a public school in the state of OhioWell trained faculty that advocate for their students Resource optimizationThe most efficient use of human and capital resources to meet the needs and mission of the university. This includes managing time, funds, physical space, technical resources, policies, procedures, and collaboration and/or openness to the re-organization of units. Supportive Customer Service Customer ServiceAll profiles claim to provide excellent customer service- individually WSU excels but collectively we need work Definition: Every need our customers have, or may potentially have, has already been addressed.Can we standardize and unify the WSU expectation of customer service?SupportiveFocused on the needs of our students, internal constituents and our larger community.Ex. Pride in serving others, helping people fulfill their potential Customer ServiceMeeting the needs of our customers both internally (faculty/Staff) and externally (students) and community partners.Supporting the student experience Responsive to their needsCollaborationCenters- VMC, identity etc.Accessibility/FlexibilityAccessibilityFirst generation studentsDisability Admission standardsInternational StudentsDiversityFlexibilityWe can quickly respond to the needs of the world and the regionYouth has its advantages Size and accessibility of the institutionAccess to faculty/staff/admin/alumniAccommodating for diverse students Students with disabilitiesNon-traditional adult learnersLow-income and first generation“large opportunities with community feel”Personal investment and social capital Culture/PeopleEmpowering culture and spirit of collaboration and connecting Student, faculty and staff relationshipsPotential for individualized opportunities, mentoring, advising, education and training (Eg the two videos that were shown)PeopleExperienced faculty and staffWorking with students and encouraging them to develop and growAlumniPeople and relationships with community Offices/departments have people with high levels of expertise and those folks are great at collaborating with community Petey/Collaboration with HRC and local ideas about how to serve LGBTQA students= recruitment!! Wright State culture inspires and empowers achievement, development and successQuality and Dedicated Community (students, faculty, staff, community partners)TalentPeople and programsInnovationStaff, faculty, and studentsStriving to improve, meet needs of the university communityAbility to identify itDedicated Faculty/StaffEmployees committed to going above and beyond what is expected of them to and support WSUPeople- human capital with expertise and experience PDSO- immigration expert, nationally recognized trainingSOPP- faculty involved in find study of LGBTQ couples in militaryPassionIn all service areasFor our missionFor the students, for their successFor the community Our peopleKnowledgeableCreativeDrivenDiversePassionate PeopleDedicatedResilientExpertiseExperience Committed/DedicatedEmpowerKnowledgeableResilient Spirit of collaborationMentoringSupportiveExpertisePassionateDiverseAccessibleStewardship Community Engagement Working with constituents through the 4 CsConsultationCollaborationCommunicationCreativityEx. CTL/instructional design, Library Community involvement The faculty, staff and students building relationships among their respective communities (ie affinity groups) to meet the university’s mission Community collaborationsPartnerships, community service, training, donor realtions, alumni, etc.Pooling resources in impact communityInternational festival; Ad summitPartnershipsCommunityBSOM- exAlum connectionsStudent organizationsInternal/External connectionsWorkforce development Through a collaborative spirit of mentoring and experiential education to improve individuals and communities. COLA internship and professional mentoring program CollaborationInternal and externalResearchInterprofessionalPartnershipsExperiential learningConnection to communityServicePartnerships (WPAFB, medical schools etc)Alumni networkInternshipsConnections to other educational institutions Community outreach and connectionWSU and the Dayton region know, love and need each otherCommunity engagement Connecting the university to the community locally and globallyEx. BSOM, service learning, comm. Team’s newsroom- our ability to tell our story to the community Spirit of collaboration and connectivity Faculty, admin, alumniOther colleges- Soin, Cassidy Williams Community engagement and collaborationIntegration of academic activities in response to community needs Creative collaborationThat engagement extends our reach across multiple communities to achieve our goalsExternal relationships and community partnerships Internships, career and job placement, workforce developmentClinical placements and service trainingIndividual and corporate philanthropy Government relations Community, cultivating relationshipsExisting connectivity w local businesses- many come from WSU alumniEx. Hospitals, health care, WPAFB etc.Internal-departmental collaboration and communication streamlines and improves performance across campus ................

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