The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular ...

The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular meeting on March 8, 2021.

The following members were present at roll call: Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ward and Mr. Appleton.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to approve the following consent agenda #1 items:

A) Approve the following substitutes:

1. Bethany Rowe – Teacher

2. Hannah Caldwell - Teacher

B) Accept the resignation of Michael Jackson, Fairland Middle School Assistant Football Coach

C) Accept the resignation of Shawna Leep, Fairland High School

Cheerleader Coach

D) The Superintendent recommends adoption of the following resolution to be submitted to the Ohio Department of Education by July 1:

The Fairland Local School District chooses to administer tests to all students in grade 3 in paper format (pencil-and-paper format) for the full 2021-2022 school year, with the only exceptions as follows:

for any student whose individualized education program or plan developed under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, specifies that taking the assessment in an online format is an appropriate accommodation for the student, that student may take the assessment in an online format.

E) Approve the 2021-2022 school calendar

F) Adopt a resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies

G) Approve the minutes of the February 8, 2021 regular board meeting

H) Approve the bank reconciliation, Spending Plan Comparison, Cash Summary, and Financial Summary by Fund reports for February 2021 as presented by the Treasurer

I) Approve the Disbursement Summary Report for February 2021 which includes a credit card expenditure report as presented by the Treasurer

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea.

Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Ward to go into executive session to consider the employment of a public employee or official

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

Out 6:45 p.m. Back 8:20 p.m.

Upon roll call, Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ward and Mr. Appleton were present when the regular session reconvened.


Mr. Ward moved second by Mr. Appleton to approve the following consent agenda #2 items:

A) Hire Barry Poole as Fairland Middle School Golf Coach – pending certification

B) Hire Shawna Leep and Hannah Hinkle Bester for 4th grade after-school tutoring starting February 22 through March 19, 2021


Mr. Ward moved second by Mr. Gorby to cancel production of the Fairland Middle School yearbooks for school years 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 and reimburse everyone who has paid for a yearbook for one of those years.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Lewis to adjourn the meeting.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

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