OACB Office

73 E. Wilson Bridge Rd.

Worthington, OH 43085

August 27, 2010

10:00 am

o Peggy Cockerell (Northwest)

o Katie Keating (At-Large)

X Dr. Jan Manes (Treasurer/Northeast)

X Susan Jones (President/At-Large)

X Betty Belczak (Central)

P Sue Kloc (East Central)

X Kim Hauck (Southwest)

o Tammy Fyffe (South Central)

X Ginger O’Connor (Past-Pres/Southeast)

X Carrie Beier (North Central)

X Leslie McClain, Ph.D. (V-President/At-Large)

X Julie Litt (Secretary/At-Large)

P Leslie Zimmers (West Central)

X Mike Overman (OSCB)

o Lana Beddoes (OASC Administrator)

o Kim Linkinhoker (OACB)

o Tina Evans (DODD)

o Peggy Martin (DODD)

X Katrina Bush (DODD)

P=by phone X= in person

I. Call to Order Susan Jones called the meeting to order.

Visitor: Rob Spence

II. Approval of July Meeting Minutes

Susan called for a motion to accept the July 23, 2010 minutes. Ginger O’Connor moved to accept and Leslie McClain seconded. Discussion was held and two changes were recommended.

Section IV. Liaison Reports b second paragraph to change Jodi Fisher, DODD to Jodi Fisher at DODD.

Section VIII Old Business a. to change Shelden Rush to Shelden and Rush

Ginger O’Connor moved to accept the minutes with these two changes and Leslie McClain seconded. Susan called for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote.

III. Finance Report

Jan Manes reviewed the Finance Report. Jan discussed that there is outstanding past dues from counties because they choose not to become members of OASC. She recommended that we would no longer invoice for 2010. Jan recommended that 2011 billing should be sent with the letter explaining what dues are purchasing and dues will not be changing. Jan also reviewed the grant monies from Dev. Disability Council and they are current. Due to a change in billing the Summer Conference there was a loss of $80.50. Members asked to determine if this was a loss. Jan will ask if the Summer Conference was a loss.

Susan called for a motion to accept the financial report and Leslie McClain moved to accept the Finance Report as written and Ginger O’Connor seconded. The motion carried by a voice vote.

IV. Current Business/Hot Topics

A. Part C rule writing process

Dee Dee Kabbes shared that she is working up to 6 days per month for OACBDD for EI. This enables her to keep the OACBDD updated on issues. EI is now on the agenda when Dan meets with Dr. Martin. This will mean that as rules are being written this will enable support to be provided if there are issues raised regarding rule writing or funding of EI. Dee Dee shared the ODH had a Leadership Team meeting on August 23rd for Rule Writing of Help Me Grow. Nancy Neely, superintendent of Licking County, and Dee will be a part of the Leadership Team for the next 10 months. Dee presented the purpose of the Rule Writing and Workgroups. Rules will be written first and then best practice standards will be developed. Best practice will not be in rule but the rule will have what is monitored. ODH does not want to rewrite federal rule. ODH are using the same process developing teams as Ohio Regulatory Childcare. The teams are developed with representation of their largest stakeholders. The Leadership Team meets monthly and the teams would meet two times per month. They are hoping for recommendations by the end of May 2011. Workgroups are not writing the rules but giving input. ODH and their legal department will be writing the rule. ODH will use June, July, August to write the rule. ODH would then have public hearing process and OSEP must approve the rule. It is a very fast process. Dee Dee reviewed that there will be four workgroups. Part C workgroup - Part C would focus on the Part C recommendation into rule. Home visiting work group – would look at the home visiting policies what needs to change from policies to rule. Home Visiting/Part C- two groups will take 8 of the 16 policies that are for both Home Visiting and Part C to review. ODH wants to ensure that rules are written with clear guidance, flexibility and reduces dependency on memos and guidance. Timeline is set by JCARR because of feedback during the rule write. There will need to be further discussion on how to best address children with behavior issues.

Mike Overman discussed that workgroups should focus on the Fed. Rules and not on policies and memos. Dee Dee shared that it will be important to include the recommendations for Part C review and Federal regulations and how they will be implemented in Ohio including funding that must be in place on Jan. 1, 2012. Members then discussed that there should be a service coordinator on home visiting rules workgroup.

Next steps: There will be an application process similar for childcare. The applications will be coming out soon. ODH, State Dept. of DODD and State Dept. FFC representatives will choose the members of the committees. The leadership team will not be making recommendations. Dee Dee has asked since CB have associations if they could have input regarding making selections. Alicia L. shared that they would still be looking at ethinicity, small, larger counties. It was shared that EI Committee did met Wednesday about how to recruit people. Kim L talked with Dan Ohler there was a strong recommendation that the OACBDD would make recommendations in writing. Project Directors, Service Coordinators should have strong collaboration and understand Part C. Additionally OASC would be sending something out to cc application to Susan so that OASC may assist in making recommendations in support of individuals who should be on the committees to ensure individuals on workgroups are representing County Boards not their own county but County Board. Susan shared that it will be important for Regional Reps to give recommendations to OASC regarding knowledge base and able to assert them. Susan passed a sheet asking for individuals that should be considered and/or contacted if they don’t apply.

ODH Advisory Council – has looked at their committees. They have taken the Part C recommendations and broken them out as priorities for the work of the committees. It was discussed that individuals who are representing county boards must be saying the same things while serving on these committees. Susan shared that a pool of individuals needs to be gathered so that our representation is putting on committees.

B. DD Council Transdisciplinary Training Grant

Round II begins Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1st. The 29th is awareness day. Key stakeholder invitations will be sent out. It is going very well. There is a 2nd year application status report for funding. The Advisory Group has met including Barbara W. (ODE) and Wendy G. (ODH) Katrina (DODD) DD council, parents Kim Traverse, Chris Fidler. Kim Hauck shared that Shelden and Rush are staying over the weekend and will be training the rest of staff in Hamilton County. Katrina shared that when she discussed with Sheldon and Rush that our state is looking at where local small counties are succeeding or struggling and/or no full “urban” county could be trained. DODD is looking at how they could take this opportunity to use ARRA dollars to support large communities. Hamilton has moved forward with how to train teams.

It was discussed that at Ohio Help Me Grow Advisory Council it was announced that a group has begun to meet to evaluate the IFSP to fit the transdisciplinary Model. Katrina Bush shared that Diane Fox has been part of that process. Diane has kept Katrina informed and feedback provided to Diane regarding if the recommendations meet Fed requirements. Diane is also working with ODH on the Family Assessment and what does that mean for Part C families.

V. New Business

A. Conference Planning

Our next Conference will be in December. OACB has a training website currently with no training on children or EI. This is for board members to have training on Supporting Families across the age span and Early Intervention. Members discussed the presentation by Wendy and Katrina and possibly using this on the website and having current articles such as “Looks Like and Doesn’t Look Like.” The training is currently mostly reading and pre-post test training. Dee Dee shared she would talk to Kim Linkinhoker about what is already available that would be useful. Susan shared that Peggy Martin could be a good resource from the family perspective and Leslie McClain regarding the children side.

VI. Liaison Reports

a. OSCB – Mike Overman

Annual superintendent summer conf. held. Dan. O updated members regarding the Association. The Bridges program should be renewed. Dec. 2nd at Association Annual Conf. there will be the annual art sale. Legislation –legislation response to supreme court ruling on guardianship by the association. There are addendums recommended for the new budget bill including new formulas for ADM subsidy and tax equity.

EI report – 600,000 training reduced to 450,000 based on disagreement about the recommended priorities. Survey results were given to the two directors. The move to ECCC is complex and delayed. Flexible support waivers high level of concern was expressed as to how waivers would be operated including day array services. The original 100 waivers one to each county and then the last 12 would be divided out. Overall very nice conference in Lake County.

b. DODD – Tina Evans/Katrina Bush

- Career Pathways workgroup – Ohio Professional Development Network (OPDN) is taking a look at all how all licensure for early childhood professionals will fit into this network. Cathy Kramer will be representing DODD. Also looking at licensing of professionals working in Early Intervention. The members recommended that Cathy could give the association regular updates.

- Regulatory workgroups are continuing to evaluate childcare, afterschool, Headstart, Early Headstart, etc.

- Special Quest State Leadership has ended the three year grant period. The Leadership team is continuing to meet and have been requesting how children with disabilities are served in community. They will be used as an advisory group for the state. Special Quest training flows through the SSTs. Katrina shared that CB could email her regarding concerns at a local level regarding children with special needs with IFSP/IEP. Remember children are a “child first” and then how does the community support the child.

- EI survey results will be published. Katrina has shared the results with Cheryl and Dee Dee. All 88 counties did respond. Katrina will ask Cheryl and Dee Dee what the next steps would be for sharing the survey information.

c. Family Advisory Council- Peggy Martin was not present and no update was rec’d.

d. OACB – Kim Linkinhoker was not present and Susan Jones shared that he requested to provide content for training on their website. 501C 3 status –still in process working with tax attorney and the cost of the filing fee is about 800 dollars. Kim did begin to discuss with Susan that there is a difference between a 501C3 or 501C6 and that Kim is looking at clarification regarding the difference.

VII. OASC Representative Reports

a. Joint Leadership Team (JLT) – Susan Jones

Has not been invited

b. Transition Committee – Kim Hauck has submitted application.

c. HMG Evaluation Sub-Committee – Carrie Beier. Reviewed COSF (Child Outcome Summary Form) brochure process. Part C family surveys are going out. Collects data on all children with disabilities. Very important issue. How should we share materials we receive on subgroups.

d. HMG Service Delivery Sub-Committee – Julie Litt did not meet

e. HMG Advisory Board- Julie Litt – Did meet and Dee Dee and Katrina had already discussed outcomes from the Advisory Council.

f. OCALI-Ginger O'Connor shared that the next Thursday Sept. 2nd

g. OASC/DODD/ODH committee- Ginger or Susan

Susan shared that felt that this group meets regarding representation on committees and supporting selected members representing county boards.

h. Part C Review Committee – Julie Litt & Kim Hauck

i. Other

VIII. OASC Committee Reports

a. EI Committee - Julie Litt, Chair Meets the 4th Wed. 10-2

Membership is currently open. EI Committee will be working on providing input to the Rule Write Input Teams.

b. Preschool /School-Age/Work Transition Committee – Leslie McClain

Didn’t meet but will meet the 3rd Monday of Sept. Still needing more members

Looking at ODE policies and what should be reflected in CB school-age policies. Preschool has licensure and has specific policies required but will be looking at this area, as well.

c. Communication Committee – Kim Hauck and Carrier Beier are co-chairs. Looking at website to make it accessible and user friendly. Will be meeting with Todd Dickman from OASB in September.

d. Conference Planning – Betty Belczak (Chair) Rob Spence (Co-Chair), Peggy Cockerell

The Conference Planning have support of Lana and Kim L. The program needs to be developed by October. Ideas:

Preview of RBI-Bev Smith

Relationships with families – Ronnie Bowyer

How to support staff working with families with Mental Health Updates on state 1 ½ hrs. ODE, ODH, DODD, Autism Workgroup


Group table discussion-gather questions for open discussion

Training on families on Crisis Intervention – Do the right thing. Speak with Willie Jones.

One day training/regional:

Impact of Trauma on the Brain-Kelly Pack & Family Support

Navigating the system

RBI Training – Bev Smith and Debbie Ashley arranging for 4 different trainings next year to be provided regionally.

e. New Futures Waiver – Tammy Fyffe

IX. Strategic Plan

X. Regional Reports

a. Southeast- Ginger O’Connor meeting on Sept. 17th

b. East Central- Sue Kloc hoping for meeting in Sept.

c. Southwest- Kim Hauck

d. South Central- Tammy Fyffe Sept. 10th at Hocking Cty. Board of DD

e. North Central- Carrie Beier Oct. 2nd Friday

f. West Central - Leslie Zimmers

g. Central- Betty Belczak

h. North East- Jan…did not meet…, next meeting on Sept. 17th.

i. Northwest- Peggy Cockerell

XI. Open Discussion

- school age billing for Medicaid

- counties that don’t have full teams what are options- looking at expertise in the team to provide coaching during the team meetings vs having them available to be the primary service provider.

- EI/180 & exiting from HMG & Timely Receipt of Services, and completion of outcomes- put on regional pose question

- What other behavior intervention programs other than CPI are being used for preschool and school age children.

XII. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

a. Nominating committee for slate of officers

Vice President and secretary

b. Nov./December Meeting schedule.

XIII. Adjourn

**Conference line for those who wish to call into the meeting: 1-866-722-3231[pic]


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